Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Jul 28, 2022


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Chastity and Service

Bear (Part 2)

Bear knew precisely what he was doing. There was no doubt in that. He took his time as he opened me up and ate me out and my legs were quivering in response. By the time my nub formed a puddle of clear liquid on his chest, he had pushed me off and grabbed his cock.

"Climb on, boy. Bear is ready to breed."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied with a smile as I swung my leg over his groin and then lowered myself down, facing him.

I had to take my time. I like to think of myself as no beginner when it comes to taking cock, but he was massive. As it passed over my prostate, I felt my nub pulse again, and his girth increased simultaneously. I felt my ass nearly split in two as I continued down on him, and when I finally bottomed out at the root, I let out a loud gasp. Bear chuckled and reached down and played with my cage.

"Take a moment and relax. I'm in no hurry. You need to get used to it before I fuck you silly."

"Yes, Sir!" I groaned in response.

"This tiny thing of yours is pretty leaky," Bear said. "How long have you been in chastity now?"

"I'll be coming up on two years permanently locked in March," I replied.

"Damn!" Bear responded.

"But, I have been in chastity for a year longer than that," I added. "I just had it removed a few times in that first year before I went permanent."

"Well, I like it," Bear said as he moved his hips and drove his cock deep into me. "It means you know who's pleasure comes first."

I grunted and leaned back, bracing myself on his thick legs.

"Yes, Sir. A real man's pleasure always comes first."

"You ready, boy?" Bear asked with a smile.

"Use me, Sir," I replied.

Bear thrusted his hips back and forth repeatedly several times. The force of his thick dick inside me took my breath away and I nearly collapsed in front of him. He grabbed my legs and then repeated the motion and I groaned again.

"Damn, that ass feels good," Bear said. "But I think you would be better on your back."

"Ok," I said as I pulled off him.

When his cock fell out of my ass, I felt a slight pain in my hole, and I whimpered. I had to squeeze my muscles to get myself back into shape as I fell onto the bed beside him. Bear moved quickly to get to his knees and moved between my legs. The mattress sagged as it bore his weight, and his large hands grabbed my ankles. As he pulled them up and then pushed them back towards me, he placed his cock near my hole and lined up. He spat down on the head of his dick twice and then looked directly at me as he pushed inside again.

The intensity in his face was overwhelming as he entered me. He pulled his bottom lip in and stared right at my eyes as, inch-by-inch, he slid deep. A slight grin crossed his face as he bottomed out, and I felt one hand move down to rub my chest and frame.

"Damn, you are a hot cubby," Bear said. "You ready for me?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Bear smiled and grabbed both of my ankles with his paws, gripping them firmly as he began to fuck me. As his shaft pushed in and out, I tossed my head back and groaned. The feeling was intense, and I swear I saw fireworks in my eyeballs. As I looked back, Bear continued to stare at me and grunted. Sweat glistened on his body and fur, and his muscles twitched as he pounded. His belly was bouncing below me as he moved, and I felt his large balls as they swung and hit my ass.

The bed creaked under the strain of the fuck, and the headboard hit the wall making audible thumps. I was sure that Chris and Rick would hear it in the next room, but I did not care. This massive man was hot as hell and giving me the rut of my life. I was on cloud nine.

Bear fucked for a good ten minutes straight before he took a break to catch his breath. His chest was heaving as he slowly pulled in and out of me and spread my legs wider. He looked down to watch as he penetrated me, and he used one hand to rub my hole above the shaft that was moving back and forth. His head hit my prostate at this angle with every slow thrust, and I could feel the warmth building in my balls.

"Oh fuck," I groaned as I felt my orgasm approaching.

"Getting close, locked boy?" Bear asked.

"Fuck yes, Sir!" I replied.

"Feeling that big man dick deep inside you? It is penetrating you and hitting all those good spots."

"Oh yes, Sir!" I groaned.

"A good locked boy has no use of his nub," Bear said as he rubbed my cage. "His ass can give him all the pleasure he needs."

"Fuck!" I growled as the sensation overwhelmed me. "Yes, Sir, it certainly does!"

"Cum for me, boy," Bear said. "Make that nub cream for Sir."

As the orgasm hit me, I nearly blacked out. I cried out and growled as ropes of cum spewed from my cage and covered my chest. Bear was encouraging me as he continued to slowly fuck me. The pressure on my prostate was pure heaven, and I lost myself for a moment. When the feelings subsided, I felt Bear rub my chest and spread my legs as he leaned forward.

"Now it is Sir's turn," Bear said as he looked right at me and fucked me intensely.

The bed bounced as he put his total weight and force into skewering my ass, and the air in my lungs was knocked out of me at the same time. Bear was sweating profusely as he pounded me mercilessly. It took another ten minutes, but I eventually felt his shaft swell even more as he began to cum.

"Fuck!" Bear screamed at the top of his lungs as he flooded my ass.

He pulled my legs apart and pushed deep to make sure I was well-bred, and I was sure he penetrated my second ring at the same time. I felt a tinge of pain as he came, but I rode through it as I saw the intensity and pleasure he was receiving. He laughed when he finally took a deep breath and brought his hands down on my sticky belly.

"Fucking hell. That is a good ass!"

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied with a smile. "I am glad you enjoyed it."

"Oh, we aren't done yet, boy," Bear said with a wink.

I barely had time to react before he pulled out of me in one motion and then flipped me over on my belly. I felt the weight of his body on top of me right after as his cock slid back into my cummy ass. It was still fully hard.

"Fuck, Sir!" I groaned as I pushed my face into the sheets.

"Now for round two!" Bear said as he straddled my ass and fucked again. "Remember, a dom's pleasure comes first. But you let me know if it is too much."

"Yes, Sir!" I cried out, half-muffled by the sheets.

I lost all track of time at that point. My ass was numb from the fucking, and I was so overwhelmed with my sensations that I did not know how to react. There was pain. Of that, there was no doubt. But it was nothing I could not handle, and I would have told him if I needed to tap out. However, Bear was in the zone, and it took him another fifteen minutes of furiously pounding to reach orgasm again. When he did, he collapsed, and I felt the full weight of his large body on top of me.

He was hot, sweaty, and breathing heavily as he brought his arms around and under my body and squeezed me. I could barely breathe and knew I could not last this way for long, but it was so intense, and I could feel it as his cock pulsed and delivered another load deep. When he finally caught his breath and rolled off me, I gasped and raised my head to look at him. He had his eyes closed and looked spent.

"That was amazing!" I replied as I lifted my body by one arm.

Bear opened one eye and looked at me. He smiled and spanked my ass hard before grabbing and shaking it.

"An exceptionally fine ass you have, cubby. An exceptionally fine ass. I've missed having a sub boy to fuck. Need to get me one of my own once I move down here."

I smiled and then looked down and saw his softening cock. As his head retreated into his foreskin, I could see the shaft covered with froth from the cum he churned inside me, and I moved my head down to pull it into my mouth to clean it. Bear's body jerked in response and he laughed.

"Careful, boy. Bear is sensitive after he fucks."

I pulled off him licking my lips and smiled. His eyes were just dreamy, and the smile on his face was so cute. He was glowing.

"You are a machine! I have never seen someone fuck that intensely before!" I exclaimed.

Bear laughed.

"It helped that I was horny as hell. But aftercare is important with a sub. Come up here and cuddle with Bear."

I smiled and moved up near him and he put his large arms around me and squeezed me close. I gently rubbed his wet chest and felt as it heaved. He brought a hand over and played with my hair when I looked back.

"What does the number in your tattoo mean?" I asked as I traced the outline.

"That was my jersey number in college," Bear replied. "I was a lineman on the football team."

"Impressive!" I replied.

Bear chuckled.

"I never had the skills to go pro, but it was a fun time."

"You have any hot times in the locker room?" I asked.

Bear laughed so hard I could hear it resonate through his torso.

"I have some tales. Maybe if we get to hang out some more in the future, I will tell you some of them. Rick tells me you were collared, though."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"Fucking shame," he said. "I would love to have you around all the time. That ass is perfection, and you have a great attitude. You tell your master you did a hell of a job today, and I am a little jealous of him."

"I will, Sir," I said. "Thank you. That was amazing. I mean it. You are such a hot man, and not to be disrespectful, but it is rare to see a hung big guy."

Bear laughed again and then rolled me off him. I watched as he took a deep breath and then pulled his bulky frame off the bed and to his feet. He steadied himself as the blood returned to his limbs and head, and then he stretched and scratched his crotch.

"You aren't the first to say that, cubby. Anyway, I'm ready for a shower. Care to join me?"

"Sure!" I replied with a smile.

An hour later, I walked out of the bathroom and noticed Chris looking at me in the hall. I smiled, squeezed my ass, and adjusted my cage before entering the living room, where Rick was still playing his game.

"That must have been some shower," Chris said. "I heard you yelping in here!"

I laughed as I rubbed my sore ass.

"What can I say? Bear got turned on after rubbing me in the shower and bent me over and loaded me up again. I've never seen someone with that much stamina."

Rick laughed and turned to look at me.

"Take that and double it and you will know what he was like in college. He fucked anything that moved and more often than not, they were walking funny after."

"I believe it!" I replied before gasping as I felt a large hand on my ass and a thick finger push inside my hole.

"Yup! Still lubed!"

I turned to see a naked Bear smiling at me. He put his arms around me and squeezed and then tilted backward, lifting me off my feet.

"Hey!" I replied with a laugh.

"Rawr!" Bear growled. "Bear caught a sub and is never letting go!"

Rick and Chris laughed, and when Bear put me to the ground, I turned and patted his belly.

"Thanks for a fun time."

"No!" Bear replied. "Thank you, cubby! It has been a while since these balls have been drained properly."

"You mean those door knockers," Rick said with a laugh.

They both howled, obviously referring to some joke that neither Chris nor I were privy to. Bear cupped his balls and then groped them before scratching his chest and stretching. He then moved around the couch and sat next to Rick and grabbed his beer to take a drink.

"Hey!" Rick responded. "Get your own, bro!"

"Oh, be cool!" Bear said as he swallowed a gulp before Rick took the can back.

"I'll get you one of your own, big guy," Chris said as he crossed into the kitchen.

"I best get back and see how Master and Papa are doing," I replied.

"Wait! You have two Sirs?" Bear asked.

I laughed.

"Sir Todd collared me, but Papa, his real name is Rob, started dating him recently."

"Fuck, you are a lucky boy," Bear replied.

"Yes, Sir!" I said with a smile.

"Please tell them both thanks for me," Rick said as he played his game. "This one was so fucking horny."

"Hey!" Bear replied as he playfully hit Rick's shoulder.

"I've already informed Bear about Todd's parties," Rick said. "Once he moves here, I told him he needs to attend to get sated and maybe find his own locked boy."

"It's a thought!" I said with a smile as I got dressed, and as I put my shoes on, Bear looked over at me.

"Come give Bear a smooch before you leave, cubby."

I walked over and put my arms around his neck and kissed the side of his face, and he squeezed my hand back in response.

"Thanks again. Have a good afternoon."

"You all have fun," I replied.

Chris waved to me as I closed the door. As I walked to the car, I could still feel cum in my ass and a wet spot in my pants as I sat down.

"Well, at least Papa won't need lube today," I thought to myself.

Next: Chapter 9

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