Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Jul 25, 2022


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Chastity and Service

Bear (Part 1)

The following day, I awoke to find that Bo was gone, and when I looked at the clock, I was surprised to see it was close to 10 am. It was very unusual that I was allowed to sleep that late, and when I opened the door and entered the hall, I could smell breakfast cooking and heard the TV on in the living room. As I went to inspect while wiping the sleep from my eyes and adjusting my cage, I saw Rob and Todd on the couch cuddling. They were both naked, but their cocks were soft.

"Good morning, Sirs," I called out.

"Morning, boy," Todd said as he looked over and smiled at me.

"I am sorry I am so late in getting up," I replied. "I guess I forgot to set the alarm."

"I told Bo to turn it off," Rob said as he lay on Todd's chest. "You deserved a little treat for all your excellent work this weekend."

"I appreciate that," I replied. "Did Bo take care of you both this morning?"

Rob laughed and played with Todd's cock.

"Oh, he drained this one twice and then let me empty my balls in his ass after. We are both well satisfied."

"Good," I said with a grin.

As I walked around to the kitchen, I saw Bo cooking at the stove with just his apron on. I crept behind him, groped his ass, and felt the cum still present in his hole as I kissed his neck.

"Morning baby."

"Hey!" Bo replied. "Did you sleep ok?"

"Yeah, I did," I said. "Probably the best rest I have had in a while."

Bo turned to me and smiled and kissed me.

"You're a good boy."

I rolled my eyes and laughed when I responded.

"Thanks, Sir."

Bo playfully smacked my ass and had me help him plate the food to serve our master and Rob. He had created quite a spread. Stacks of pancakes, a bowl of grits, a plate of bacon and sausage, and a platter of eggs and toast were arranged on the table, and once the doms sat down, we took our seats to join them.

"Do you have plans today, Sirs?" I asked as I began to eat.

"Just a pool day for us three, boy," Todd replied. "But, you have plans."

"Oh?" I responded.

"Rick called this morning and requested your services in entertaining his guest," Todd said.

"Bear?" I asked.

"Yes," Todd said with a grin. "As soon as you are done with your breakfast, please get cleaned up and head over there. They are expecting you. I expect a glowing report when you return."

"Ok, Sir," I replied with a smile.

"With lots of details," Bo added. "He looked pretty hot from across the bar."

I laughed.

"I'll be sure to take lots of mental notes."

"Just be sure you don't get too worn out," Rob added. "I still want to pound ya later today too."

"Yes, Papa," I replied.

After breakfast, I took a quick shower and made sure I was cleaned out. I trimmed my beard and groin before dressing, and Bo kissed me on the cheek as I walked out the door. Chris and Rick's apartment was close to the house, and I made it there before noon. After knocking on the door, I was greeted by the face of Chris, who was still in his boxers.

"Hey, sexy!"

"Your call boy is here," I replied.

Chris laughed loudly and beckoned me in, and I saw Rick naked on the sofa playing his video games and drinking a beer.

"Starting early today, are we?" I asked.

Rick looked over at me and grinned.

"This is just my first beer. We aren't going anywhere today."

"I'm just teasing," I replied as I kicked off my shoes and undressed.

While I folded my clothes and put them beside the door, Chris walked into the kitchen to grab a soda. When I was stripped, I walked over behind Rick and rubbed his shoulders as he played his game.

"So, where is your fraternity brother?"

"Still asleep," Rick replied. "We were out late last night."

"I see," I said.

Chris walked behind me, spanked my ass, and joined Rick on the sofa.

"Go ahead and go in there," Chris said. "We told him he would be getting a nice wake-up call from a chastity boy."

I laughed.

"Is there anything I should know?"

Rick paused his game and looked up at me.

"Bear is like a member of my family, so we don't play around. He always has had a high sex drive, and I know he has been horny as hell. His balls must be about ready to burst."

"And don't forget the best part," Chris added. "He is fucking hung! It's rare to find a big boy like him that is like that."

Rick looked over at Chris and smiled and then back up at me.

"He likes a lot of body contact and has a ton of stamina. You might be in for a long ride. Prepare yourself."

"Oh, please," I replied. "You know me. I have drained you both over several hours before."

"I know," Rick said. "He loves to have his feet rubbed too."

"And his nipples played with," Chris said.

"You two are really trying to get him laid good!" I replied.

"Just have fun, cubby," Rick said. "He is definitely your type, and he loves a subby boy."

"Thanks," I replied as I leaned over and kissed Rick's head.

Chris waved at me as I turned and walked down the hall. The guest room was on the left, and I paused and put my ear to the door when I reached it. I heard the sound of snoring, and when I quietly opened the door, I saw Bear's body sprawled on the bed. He was on his back and his two hairy legs were spread far apart. The sheets were wadded up and only covered one leg with the other exposing his large, furry foot. I could see the Greek letters Tau Iota Chi tattooed in blue ink just above his ankle. Rick had the same mark of the fraternity on his leg. As I looked up, I admired his build. His chest had to be over fifty inches around and was heaving up and down as he slept. He had a large tattoo of a bear paw on his left peck that was Celtic in design in blue and green. The number 56 was in the center, and the words 'Daddy Bear' were written in dark red below it. One of his massive arms was at his side while the other was over his head, exposing a bush of pit hair.

Rick was right. He was my type. He didn't look that much older than me, but the grizzly had a lineman's build and looked very similar to a bear porn star I had a crush on for some time. The beast was covered in dense fur from head to toe, and the gray creeping in on his chest gave him a distinguished 'daddy' look. What impressed me most was what was sitting between his legs. He had a set of massive low-hanging balls in his sack. On top was a semi-hard, uncut cock in the initial stages of morning wood. It looked huge, and my mouth watered as I watched a bead of precum at the tip glistening in the light coming from the window blinds.

I closed the door behind me and paused to watch the sleeping hunk of a man for a moment to determine my first move. I didn't want to startle him, but it was apparent that his cock needed attention soon, so I decided to start right there. As I crept over, I put one knee on the bed between his spread legs and looked up to see if he stirred. Bear kept snoring and made no indication that he even knew I was there.

As I moved closer to his crotch, I could detect his scent. It had an earthy note, but I could smell a hint of booze and piss. They must have had quite a night last night drinking and socializing. I managed to maneuver so that my face was near his shaft, and I stuck out my tongue and ran it over the head, tasting the precum. It was salty and sweet and I smiled as I pulled it into my mouth and went down on it.

Bear groaned as I rolled my tongue around his shaft and used my hand to rub the underside of his huge sack and balls gently. His leg moved and I heard his foot crack as the joints popped. The hand over his head flexed and pulled into a ball and he let out a loud sigh. His cock reacted simultaneously by filling with blood. As the shaft lengthened and the foreskin pulled back to reveal a swelling head, it became clear that this would be a challenge. He was well over eight inches long and at least six inches in circumference at full staff. I took a breath and opened my mouth wide as I pulled him near the back of my throat.

"Fuck!" Bear groaned with a deep voice as he looked down at me.

The man's eyes were a gorgeous pale gray, and I could tell he was enjoying his wake-up call from the expression they gave me. He pursed his lips and then moaned again before speaking again.

"You must be the subby locked boy they told me about."

"Mmm-hmm!" I replied as I continued to suck his dick.

Bear moved his leg to rub against my side and then lifted his left arm to place his hand over my head. As he closed his eyes, he pushed me down, and I felt the full thickness of his cock as it filled my throat. My neck bulged from the massive member, and I could not hold back the cough as my airway was blocked. He released his grip and allowed me to pull back and recover before pushing me back down again.

I concentrated all my efforts to avoid gagging as he face-fucked me. His foot ran over my leg and I heard the resonating grunts and groans through his enormous chest. His hands were powerful, and I knew he could have done anything to me if he wanted, but he let me have some control as I worked him over. I could taste the precum as it flowed from the tip and down to my stomach, and his skin began to redden as he became turned on.

When I pulled off to take a break, Bear put his hands behind his head and looked at me with a smile without speaking. He flexed his arms, and I could see that he was no stranger to weight training, even though he had padding on him.

"You are good at that," he replied.

I grinned and began to massage one of his outstretched legs. Bear grunted when I hit a few knots in his thigh, and as I worked my way down, I saw his cock pulse in response. When I reached his foot, I used both hands to rub it hard, and his toes flexed as he growled deeply. The tufts of hair on each toe were so cute, and I brought his big toe into my mouth and sucked on it.

"Fuck! Someone told you my weakness!" Bear replied as his body shook.

I smiled and pulled back as I continued to rub his big feet.

"Rick might have mentioned you like this."

Bear growled loudly and rubbed his chest before putting his arms back behind his head and exposing his pits.

"You like the scent of a man?" Bear asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

"Come up here and get a whiff, then. I'm sure it will get you leaking."

I smiled, got on my knees, and crawled over his massive frame. As I neared his left arm pit, I could tell his musk was stronger there, and I buried my face in it as I laid on top of him.

"That's a good boy," Bear replied as he used his other hand to push me into him. "Breathe Bear in deeply."

The scent was intoxicating. I immediately felt my nub straining in my cage and groaned in response. I moved to rub Bear's chest and feel his dense fur between his pecs. His chest was warm and I could feel a sheen of sweat already starting to form. As I moved to play with one of his nipples, Bear's body twitched and he growled.

"Fuck yeah, boy!"

I grinned and continued to rub my face into his armpit. His pheromones were slowly embedded into my beard and skin and I was marked as his boy for the moment. When I pulled up to look at him, he had curled his bottom lip in and was biting it, and his eyes widened as he grinned. He then looked down, and I followed his gaze to see that his cock was even larger than before. His thick head had emerged from his foreskin, and copious amounts of precum dripped down his shaft.

"You are so fucking hot, Sir!" I replied. "That cock is truly a work of art."

"Sit on my face, boy," Bear said. "Let me at that ass of yours."

I grinned as I got up and turned and placed my legs on either side of his chest. As I squatted down, Bear grabbed my ass and spread it wide. I felt his tongue run up my crack and then push into my hole, and I grunted in response. My nub pulsed precum and a thin dribble began to drip down over his chest and mixed with his sweat. I saw his cock twitching as he swirled his tongue around my hole and pushed in and out.

"Fuck that feels good, Sir," I groaned.

Bear pushed me up some and used his fingers to spread me wide.

"Yeah, boy?" he said as he spat into my hole and inserted his middle finger. "You know it will feel better when my cock is deep in it."

"Fuck yes, Sir!" I groaned in response as he pulled me back and pushed his tongue inside me again.

Next: Chapter 8

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