Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Jul 19, 2022


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Chastity and Service

Labor Day Weekend (Part 2)

As the man left, I took a deep breath and went and grabbed some cleaning supplies for the spot on the floor before returning to the kitchen to make another sandwich. I set it out with some potato chips and a soda and returned to my meal after. I was finishing it when Rob walked back into the living room naked, fresh, and clean.

"Feel better, Papa?" I asked.

"Yes!" Rob said as he put his arm around me and kissed my forehead. "Much better."

"Well, your sandwich is right here," I said as I pulled the plate next to mine.

Rob sat down next to me, opened the soda, and took a sip.

"Are you off work today?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "I wanted to make sure I was available to service you."

Rob laughed as he ate some chips. He put his arm around my shoulders and squeezed.

"I appreciate you being a good sub, and I can deal with the chastity thing, but you know I am attracted to you. It is not all about service for me. I care for you as a person and am happy to get to spend time and hang out with you, Bo, and Todd."

"I know, Sir," I replied. "But, you know. My head always goes to my role first."

Rob smiled and moved to grab his sandwich to eat it.

"When will Bo be home?"

"In a couple of hours," I replied. "He texted me to say he tried to leave after lunch but had some work fall in his lap."

"Well, that is ok," Rob replied. "You interested in cuddling with me after we are done?"

"Sure!" I replied.

Rob winked at me before returning to his meal. When we were done, he rubbed his belly and let out a burp, making us laugh. He then walked over to the couch, collapsed, and turned on the TV. When I finished cleaning up the kitchen, I walked around, and he scooted over and made room for me. Feeling his warm embrace as his legs and arms enveloped me made me feel safe and loved, and we quickly dozed off.

It was about 3 pm when the front door opened, and I popped awake again to the sound of Bo.

"I'm home!"

Rob yawned and reached his arm into the air and waved at my fiancé as he walked over to check on us.

"Is Matt taking care of you, Papa?" Bo asked as he leaned over and kissed the man.

"He is, bubba," Rob replied as he squeezed and spooned me. "Got him bred and he fed me. We have just been napping."

Bo loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt as he smiled.

"Well, let me get changed and I can join you both. You interested in swimming a little?"

"That sounds like a good idea," Rob said as he reached out and rubbed Bo's leg.

Bo turned to leave and Rob pushed his head into the back of mine.

"Thank you for taking such good care of your Papa, boy."

"Of course, Sir!" I replied as I rubbed his arm.

Rob nibbled on my ear and ground on my plugged ass. When Bo returned, he laughed at us.

"Do you need to breed him again, Papa?"

"Nah," Rob said as he pushed me off him and we got up. "Just enjoy cuddling him."

Bo moved over and hugged me and I felt his cock rub against my ass.

"I do too."

I smiled and turned to kiss him and then moved my hand down to feel his shaft and balls. He smiled at me as we made out and I heard him grunt as I rubbed.

"Not just yet, babe," Bo replied. "Let's swim first. I'll get that ass soon."

"Well, do you two mind if I go to the bathroom and remove this plug?" I asked. "It has been getting a little uncomfortable."

Rob laughed.

"That is fine. But clean yourself out before you come downstairs. That way, you are ready for Master Bo when he wants you."

Bo laughed and playfully hit Rob's shoulder, and they went downstairs to head out to the pool while I went to clean up.

It was close to 6 pm before Todd got home. Rob, Bo, and I had been out in the pool for a few hours and had downed a few beers in the interim. I could tell Bo was horny because he put me in his lap while we waded in the water, and I felt his stiff shaft rub in my crack, but he never made his move. When our Master appeared and walked over while unbuttoning his shirt, I felt Bo squeeze me before moving to greet him.

"Welcome home, Sir!" Bo replied.

"Hello, Bo," Todd said as he moved to the stairs.

Rob made his way out of the water, and they gave each other a long kiss before Todd looked at me.

"Have you been making yourself useful, boy?

"Drained Papa and let Master Bo rub his dick on me for over an hour," I replied.

Todd laughed and Bo blushed.

"And you haven't fucked him yet?" Todd asked.

"There is plenty of time," Bo replied as he moved behind me again. "Besides, I was having fun."

Todd rolled his eyes as he stripped his clothes off. When he was naked, he groped his balls and then joined Rob in the pool, and they made out for several minutes before Rob turned to sit in Todd's lap.

"Busy day at work, Sir?" I asked.

"Somewhat," Todd replied. "But I am free for the weekend."

"Whoa!" Rob replied as he lifted his body and felt behind him. "Someone got hard quick."

"Oh hush, you," Todd replied as he ground into Rob. "Like you mind. I missed that ass."

Rob chuckled and they spent the next fifteen minutes running their hands over each other's bodies. Bo and I smiled and watched. Ever since they first met, the two of them had been all over each other. We knew it was a good match and were happy to see our Master finally find someone.

"Looks like our family might be growing," Bo whispered in my ear as he rubbed his groin over my ass.

"And I am not unhappy about that," I whispered back as I moved to kiss him.

Bo fingered my ass and I felt his cock near the entrance of my ass and push in.

"I think I am ready now, boy."

"I'm always ready for you, Sir," I replied as I looked at him.

Bo smiled, pushed my head forward, and kissed my neck as he entered me. I groaned as he slid in and spread my legs wide to give him better access. He pulled me back on his dick as it pushed deeper, and I lifted my head and closed my eyes as he began to thrust. The water around us sloshed as I felt him move inside me.

Fucking in water is an interesting experience. It can be challenging to coordinate, and had I not already been bred three times, cleaned out my ass, and put some lube in me before getting in the pool, it might have been a different experience. However, Bo was not as girthy as Todd and Rob, and it was easier to take him.

Bo kept me in that position for a few minutes before pushing me over near the edge, where I put my feet on the bottom and leaned over. He grabbed my waist, slid in again, and fucked me some more, and I felt his hands move to my lower back, making me arch it. His dick moved in deeper at that point, and I groaned.

"There you go, boy," Bo growled. "That feels so good."

"Fuck me, Sir," I grunted in response as he continued to fuck.

I have no idea how long we were having sex, but when Bo finally growled loudly and dumped his cum in me, I opened my eyes. When I glanced to my left, I saw Rob bent over and Todd fucking him. Bo was running his hand down my back and letting his last bit of cum drain away as I heard Rob start to grunt. Todd had his hands on Rob's shoulders and pulled him back on his dick as he thrusted.

"That's it, big bear," Rob said. "Fuck my ass good!"

Todd had his lower lip curled and was biting it as he pounded hard. The water made waves on the surface, and I felt Bo pull out and move around to grab me as we watched. Todd began to grunt with each thrust, and his thumbs rubbed on Robb's shoulders as he held them.

"I... missed... this... fucking... ass!" Todd groaned.

"Yes, big bear," Rob replied. "Give me that load!"

Todd screamed as he threw his head back and pushed forward. Robb moved his arms in front of him to brace himself on the side of the pool as the man unloaded inside him.

"Fuck yeah!" Rob shouted.

Todd shook his head and let out a series of grunts, growls, and groans before falling forward and gasping for air. When his cock finally slid out, Rob turned around and embraced him, and they made out passionately. Bo leaned over and kissed my cheek, and when I turned, he made out with me too. When we took a breath, we turned to see Rob and Todd staring at us and smiling.

"I'm still getting used to seeing you top, Bo, but that was pretty hot," Rob replied.

Bo blushed and squeezed me.

"Thanks, Papa. It is hot watching you and Sir, too."

"Big bear always makes me squeal with delight," Rob said as he turned to kiss Todd again.

"Well," Todd said as he took a breath. "Are we all up for dinner now?"

"Yes!" came the collective reply.

"I'll order some pizza then," Todd said.

"And I think we could all use some cuddle time after," Rob added.

"Deal," Bo replied.

The following morning, I opened my eyes and noticed a few streams of light peeking through the blinds. I was on my back, and Bo had his arm across my chest and was nuzzled in the pit of my arm, snoring. I moved my hand down to his shoulder and gently caressed it. I always found it adorable to watch him sleep. The movement of his chest up and down and the occasional twitch of his feet had a soothing nature. He moved to the side and put his leg over mine, and I felt his morning wood and grinned. I wanted to cradle him and wake him up properly with a nice blowjob, but we had agreed that I would service Rob first thing today.

As I pulled my CPAP mask off and put it to the side, Bo stirred and cracked an eye at me.

"Too early," he groaned as he gripped me tightly and rubbed his head on my body.

"Papa needs to be taken care of, babe," I said softly as I rubbed his head.

"So does Master Bo," he replied as he humped my leg.

I chuckled and pulled his head up and looked at him. His eyes widened and I caressed his face before kissing him. As his tongue met mine, he squeezed me with both arms. I felt the warmth of his naked body, and we embraced for several minutes. His cock began to dribble and his precum coated my leg as we made out. When I pulled away, he rubbed my beard and smiled.

"Go ahead. Tell Papa good morning for me."

"I will," I replied as I lifted my body onto my hand and knees and ran my tongue across his chest.

I quickly moved down and pulled his cock into my mouth to clean it and taste his fluids, and I heard Bo growl. I looked up and grinned before rolling out of bed and lifting the sheets to cover him again. Once he was tucked in, I leaned over and kissed him.

"Love you, babe."

"Love you, too," Bo replied as he turned and closed his eyes.

As I walked out of the room, I saw the glow from the nightlight on the electrical outlet near the floor illuminating my path. It was one of the first things that I had put in Todd's house as I often got up in the middle of the night to piss and I was tired of walking into walls. At the end of the hall, Todd's bedroom was a void. He had invested in blackout curtains and metal blinds as he liked his sleeping area dark and cool. I moved into the threshold to let my eyes adjust and made out the figure of Robb lying to my left on the bed in front of me. He was on top of the covers and Todd was just a mound under them on the right side.

I crept around to Rob's side and watched as he slept. His face was towards me, and I knelt on the floor next to him. It had been agreed I would not wake either of them, but I would be ready and available to pleasure them as needed when they did arise. I waited for about thirty minutes before the bear of a man stirred. I saw his legs move and heard the pops of the joints in his toes as he curled them first. His eye cracked next, and he smiled and whispered as it focused on me.

"Morning, boy."

"Good morning, Papa," I whispered back. "I am ready to serve you today."

Rob reached out and rubbed my face and yawned in response.

"You know, having a sub ready and willing to be used in the morning is something I could get used to."

"How can I help, Sir?" I asked.

Rob turned and spread his legs, and I watched as he grabbed his cock and stroked it. It was half-hard, to begin with, but filled with blood quickly.

"On the bed on your hands and knees, boy," Rob replied. "Papa needs your mouth."

I smiled, moved around to the end of the bed, and crawled on till his dick was at eye level. I grasped it, and he put his hands behind his back and watched as I licked the head slowly and moistened it. As I brought it inside me, I heard him groan lightly and his legs twitched and moved. I used my left hand to cradle his balls and rub them with my thumb. They felt warm, heavy, and full of his seed.

I took a deep breath and pulled his shaft in next, and as it reached the back of my throat, Rob moved his arm and placed his hand on the back of my head to push me deeper. I gagged slightly but recovered as he gently face fucked me and I tasted his juices as they dribbled out. Todd was motionless as I began, but as the blowjob continued, the groans from Rob made him wake. He pulled the covers down to take a peek at what was happening and smiled.

"Is the boy giving you a proper wake-up call?" Todd asked as he stretched.

"Oh yeah, big bear," Rob groaned. "He gives such great head."

"I know that is right," Todd replied as he pulled the covers back and turned to sit on the bed.

Todd stretched again and growled like a bear coming out of hibernation. He stood and turned to watch as he scratched his chest as I looked over at him. His cock twitched and he moved down to grope it. I closed my eyes, focused on the dick in my mouth, and felt as Rob pushed me deeper on each downstroke. His head was making my neck bulge, and I was concentrating on my breathing when I heard the top of a bottle open and then felt lube spread on my hole.

I opened my eyes to look up, and Rob was staring at me and licking his lips. As Todd's finger went into my ass, I groaned and squeezed down on it, and Rob chuckled.

"That's a good piggy. You ready to be spit-roasted?"

I pulled off his cock to give a quick response before continuing.

"Always, Sir!"

Next: Chapter 6

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