Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Jul 17, 2022


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Chastity and Service

Labor Day Weekend (Part 1)

When I had first met our master, Todd, he had been dating someone. They had broken up soon after Bo was collared, and since that time, our family unit consisted of just the three of us. However, during our vacation to Florida for the Tidal Wave event, I had agreed to shoot a scene for a porn film made by some of Todd's friends. It was a wild evening and a dozen men pounded my ass, but the one that stood out the most was a handsome bear with short brown hair and a medium beard. He had a soft coat of fur on his chest and some tattoos on his upper arms. His name was Rob and we ended up hanging out with him in the days following the shoot and I could tell Todd was smitten at first sight.

Rob lived in Tennessee, only a couple of hours north of our home in Atlanta, and he had visited a few times throughout the summer. Bo and I had come to call him Papa and he was a dominant like Todd, but he assumed the role of a momma bear when he was around. He was a big cuddler and he and our master were often caught spooning or nuzzling each other. I was happy to see the connection as I found Rob extremely attractive, as did Bo.

As the Labor Day weekend approached, I could tell that Todd was getting excited. Rob was driving down Friday afternoon and would be staying till Tuesday morning. We had some things scheduled to do, but the main event would be a pool party at John's house. When Bo and I were in training, we serviced many men that attended the events and it was at one of those parties that I had met Todd for the first time. But they were exclusive events for dominants, so I usually found other things to do while Todd still attended them on occasion.

"Are you and Papa going to the pool party Monday?" I asked Todd one evening at dinner. "I am just trying to figure out our schedules for the weekend."

"Yes, boy," Todd replied as he ate. "And Bo will be coming too."

"Oh really?" I asked as I looked across the table.

Bo looked sheepishly at me and smiled.

"I just found out today. I haven't had a chance to tell you."

"I see!" I replied with a laugh.

Todd grinned.

"Bo will be going as a dominant in training. I agreed to let him have the entire weekend to explore this role. Of course, he will be unlocked and allowed to use the subs with permission from me."

"Before long, I will be the only sub in this house!" I replied.

Bo chuckled.

"Hardly, babe. But Sir John says it is time for me to take the next step and get some experience with his subs."

"You know some of the men will be the same ones we once serviced," I replied. "You don't think that will be awkward?"

"Nah," Bo said. "Besides, it doesn't mean I can't suck a dick or get fucked while I am there."

"With permission," Todd said with a grin.

"With permission, Sir," Bo replied.

"Well, I guess I better call up Chris and see if I can go to his house," I said.

"Or you can come," Todd said. "John said you could attend if you wish, but you would have to serve as a sub along with his trainees. I didn't know if you wanted to do that."

I took a moment to think about the offer. I had graduated a year and a half ago, and while I enjoyed being Todd's sub, I did miss the opportunity to have several men to pleasure. John's parties were always well attended and a fun time for all. I usually left with my ass sore and my belly full of cum, but always in a good mood.

"I would be happy to!" I replied. "You know I love to service hot men and Sir John always has them over. Plus, you, Papa and Bo will be there to keep me busy too!"

Todd laughed.

"Well, then it is settled. I will tell John you will be coming."

"Yeah!" Bo replied.

"In the meantime, let's discuss the rest of the weekend," Todd said. "Rob will be here just after lunch on Friday. I hope to get off work early and come home, but I would like you two to entertain him."

"That is not a problem, Sir," I replied. "I went ahead and took off Friday as a holiday, so I could clean the house up and prepare for his visit. I will make sure he is well taken care of."

"Good," Todd said.

"I will try to get home as soon as I can to help," Bo replied. "Will Papa be staying in your room again?"

"Yes," Todd said. "You two can work out who services him in the morning, but I want him well-drained and satisfied as soon as he is up. I will place a sock on the door and close it if we need alone time like I did when he was last here."

"Understood, Sir," I replied. "I am excited to see him again."

"Me too," Todd said with a smile.

Friday morning, I had woken up before the sun came up to clean the house and prepare for Rob's arrival. There was laundry that needed to be washed, and I dusted and cleaned the dishes before breakfast. Bo hadn't even stirred when I got out of bed, and when he wandered into the kitchen with a massive hard-on looking like he was still half asleep, I smiled.

"Need some help with that bone, babe?"

Bo cocked an eye at me and then looked back down and stroked his shaft. His nub – well, no, that was not right, he was, after all, a dominant for the weekend – his cock began to glisten with precum.

"It missed getting that ass as a wake-up call."

I walked over, groped, and kissed him.

"Sorry. I had some cleaning to do."

"Oh, I know," Bo began to say before I dropped to my knees and sucked his stiff shaft into my mouth.

Bo's eyes popped open and he groaned.

"Fuck, babe. You feel so good on me."

I could taste the precum dribbling out as his head slid over my tongue and down my throat. I felt his balls and they seemed heavy. Todd had unlocked him the night before, but I had not had a chance to drain him, so he was carrying a week's worth of cum since his last orgasm.

I felt Bo's hands as they reached behind my head and pulled me on him. As his cock went down my throat, I focused my attention and closed my eyes. He face-fucked me for several minutes until I felt spit leaking out of the corners of my mouth and down over my beard. When I pulled back and looked up at him, he met my gaze and grinned. I used the back of my hand to rub under his heavy balls and licked across his shaft before pulling it in again and going to town. Bo grunted and his feet curled as I felt his balls lift. I was rewarded with a massive load in the back of my mouth which I greedily sucked down without spilling a drop. He was still growling, panting, and trying to catch his breath when I pulled off him and stood to kiss him again.

"Better?" I asked as I rubbed his face.

"Oh, fuck yes," Bo replied with a smile before we made out.

"Did you get a morning blowjob, Master Bo?" Todd replied as he walked into the room.

Bo looked over and laughed.

"Yes, Sir."

"Well, I might need our sub's ass later, but I am hungry right now."

"The food is almost ready, Sir," I replied as I moved into the kitchen and finished. "You two doms can sit down and I'll have it plated for you."

"Oh, stop it!" Bo said as he grabbed some orange juice. "I'm just exploring this role."

Todd laughed and kissed his head before moving to sit down.

"Do you mind washing my sheets this morning after I leave?" Todd asked.

"Sure, Sir," I said as I plated their breakfast of pancakes and sausage. "I've already got a load in the machine. I should have the chores done with plenty of time to spare before Papa arrives."

"Good boy," Todd said as he dug into his food.

Once the two of them were settled, I got my food and sat down and we had a discussion about the rules and schedule for the weekend. Todd reiterated that Bo would be treated as a dominant, but if Todd and Rob wanted to use him, he would have to submit to them. At all other times, I was their sub to be used and I would tend to their needs. Todd had gotten tickets for us to go to the botanical gardens on Saturday, and we would eat downtown. Sunday, we would be hanging out in our pool and then Monday would be the party at John's house.

"Have you reached out to John so you know when to arrive for the party?" Todd asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "I texted him last night. I will be getting there in the morning and coordinating with his subs, Kai, Ben, and Tim."

"It will be like old times," Bo said with a smile."

"I guess," I said. "It will be awkward. When I was training with you, Jay, Max, and later Mateo, we acted as a team. I am just hoping I don't mess anything up."

"You'll be fine," Todd said. "If anything, they may be leaning on your experience."

"We will see," I said.

"Well, I need to get ready for work," Todd replied as he stood and stretched. "Matt, get your ass in my bed so I can breed it, and then get back to work preparing for Rob's arrival."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I stood and went into the bedroom.

"I'll clean up and get ready for work myself," Bo said.

"Thanks, Bo!" Todd replied as he walked into the hall, following my fuzzy ass.

I stayed busy the rest of the morning. Todd plugged my ass after breeding me twice, and the constant pressure on my prostate had my nub leaking while I worked. Still, I managed to clean all the sheets, replace them, make the beds, vacuum, clean the bathrooms, and do some light dusting before taking a break for lunch. I had just taken my second bite of a ham and cheese sandwich when I heard the doorbell and then the sound of the front door opening.

"Hello?" came the voice of Rob.

I put my food down and rushed around to find him closing the door. He had on a light blue tank top with the image of a bear on it, khaki shorts, and black flip-flops. On his head, he had a Nasty Pig ball cap on backward and dark shades, which he removed as he smiled and looked at me.

"Welcome, Papa," I said as I knelt on the floor in front of him.

"It's good to see you again, boy," Rob replied. "Stand up and give me a hug and kiss."

I grinned and complied and he squeezed me tight before shoving his tongue in my mouth. As we made out, I could feel the wetness of his shirt. He usually sweated a lot and I could tell he hadn't worn deodorant as his scent was present. My nub, already leaking, began to spurt, and I felt a thread of clear liquid as it descended from the bars of my cage. Rob reached around with his big hands, grabbed my ass, and felt the plug, which he pushed deeper in me with his fingers. I grunted in response and he broke our embrace and looked at me.

"Did Todd leave his load plugged in you this morning?"

"Yes, Papa," I replied as he squeezed me. "He left two loads in me."

Rob growled with pleasure.

"Well, Papa hasn't cum since yesterday, and he is horny," Rob replied as he pulled back and put a hand on my face. "How about you bend over the couch for me."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I turned and walked into the living room.

Rob kicked off his flip-flops and yanked off his shirt as we walked. When I neared the couch and bent over the side, he dropped his shorts, and I looked back to see that his dick was already at full mast. He was stroking it as he grasped the plug and pulled. My ass felt gaping as the bulbous end popped out, and I groaned in response. But I wasn't empty for long. Rob dropped the plug on the floor and slapped his cock on my ass twice, and then shoved his thick shaft into me in one movement.

"Fuck!" I growled as I grabbed the pillows below me.

"That's a boy," Rob replied. "Papa has missed that hole."

"Please fuck me, Sir," I replied. "I need it bad."

I heard Rob growl and moan as he grabbed my waist and shoved into me twice. His groin smacked against my ass cheeks, and I felt his balls bounce on me. He held himself inside me and ran his hand up and down my back, making me arch it. He grasped my hair as my head came up and then pounded me quickly for a minute.

"That's my boy," Rob said in a low, deep voice. "Feel that thick cock inside you."

I grunted as my head was held back and my ass was pummeled. When he released my hair, my head fell forward as he grasped my waist firmly and fucked some more. My legs slid apart and he bent his knees slightly to get his dick deeper in me. I could feel his girth, and the head of his dick hit my prostate with every thrust. After near-constant stimulation from the plug all morning, it did not take me long to experience a familiar warmth in my groin.

"Oh, Papa," I groaned as I closed my eyes. "I am going to cum."

"That's a boy," Rob said as he fucked harder. "Make that small, caged nub spurt for me."

I reached down below my body and put my hand in front of my cage just as I went over the edge. Two globs of cum covered my palm as I cried out in pleasure. I squeezed my ass down simultaneously, and I heard Rob growl.

"That's a fucking boy. Grip that dick. Papa is going to coat those insides again!"

As my nub finished dribbling, I felt him shove deep, and his shaft pulsed. He gripped my waist hard and held me in place as he moaned loudly, followed by a shout. Rob could have some intense orgasms, so I tried to stay still as the energy pulsed through him. When he finally regained his composure, he pulled out, and I heard the unmistakable 'plop' of cum as it hit the carpet.

"Woops!" Rob said as he quickly picked up the plug from the floor and forced it into my ass.

I moved forward as I felt the toy lock the fluids inside me and grunted. When it was in place, I took a moment to catch my breath and turned to see the big bear of a man panting hard and beads of sweat on his chest and fur. I stuck out my tongue and ran it over his chest and near his pit, where he held his hand up. His scent was strong there, and I pushed my nose under his arm and breathed it in deep, marking my beard with it. When I was done, I licked back down and then knelt to take his softening cock into my mouth to clean it. Rob's body shuttered as his sensitive cock went over my tongue, and he put his hand on my head and moaned.

"Careful there, boy. Papa put a lot into that."

I chuckled as I gently licked him clean and then pulled off to see the blob of cum on the floor. I reached down and grabbed it and licked my fingers clean before looking up at him.

"You are a hell of a cute little pig, boy," Rob said.

I smiled and stood, and he ran his hand gently over my face.

"I would like to take a shower," Rob replied. "You think you can make me some lunch while I do?"

"Of course!" I replied. "I was just sitting down to eat myself. Go get cleaned up, and I'll have a sandwich waiting for you, Sir!"

"Good boy," Rob said as he kissed me and then picked up his shorts and went into the hall to Todd's room.

Next: Chapter 5

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