Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Nov 6, 2022


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Chastity and Service

Hitched (Part 2)

"You two ready to toss the bouquet?" Chris asked me as he walked up to our table.

"Yes!" I replied as I stood up.

We had bound some of the leftover flowers from the boutonnieres into a small bunch and tied a silk ribbon around it. Chris handed it to me, and Bo and I walked to the center of the room and called all the single men and women to gather. There were not a lot of unhitched folks, but I made sure that Todd and Rob were there and my brother and his boyfriend. Bo spun me around and counted to three, and then I tossed the bouquet over my head. My brother was left holding it when I turned around, and I smiled at his boyfriend.

"Well, Luis. You don't have any excuse not to pop the question on him now!"

My brother rolled his eyes, and Luis kissed him as Bo and I made our way over to cut the cake.

Each layer was a different flavor. Scott had given the bottom layer a strawberry flavor with fresh fruits in the middle. The next layer was vanilla with raspberries, which Bo inhaled. The third layer was chocolate with cherries, and the final top tier was a checkboard pattern of the flavors below. We saved that tier, as per tradition, to freeze and eat on our year anniversary.

By the time the cake had been consumed, and I was drug out for some more dancing, much to my protest, it was getting late. I think Bo could see that I was looking for an excuse to duck out, and he walked to the center of the room and got everyone's attention.

"Can I have a moment, please?"

The crowd got quiet, and Bo looked at me and held out his hand.

"Mr. Houston, can you join me, please?"

I smiled and walked out to grab his hand.

"I want to thank all of you for coming," Bo said. "Each of you has played a special part in our lives, and today would not have been the same without your presence. I want to especially thank Matt's parents for being so kind and treating me like their son since the first time I met them. It means a lot for someone who doesn't have a biological family anymore. John, Matt and I consider you a mentor and a father figure, and we wish the best for you in your new home. And, of course, to Todd and Rob. Thank you for always being there for both of us. But it is time for the two of us to depart. Please stick around and enjoy yourselves. I am told there is still plenty of booze to drink. Just don't go too overboard."

"Congrats boys!" Todd and Rob screamed out before the rest of the crowd followed suit.

Bo squeezed my hand and kissed me before leading the way out and across the street to our hotel. The night was gorgeous and filled with stars, and my head was on a swivel as I admired the view of the surrounding area.

"Well, I had a good time, but I am ready to relax in that jacuzzi," Bo said.

"Amen to that," I replied.

When we got to our room, Bo unlocked the door, and I saw a bottle of Champagne sitting in a container of ice with a big bowl of strawberries next to it. A note was on top, and I walked over and picked it up.

"What does it say?" Bo asked.

"Matt and Bo," I replied. "With my compliments. Matt, thank you for being there for me and treating me like family. You will always be a brother to me. Sir Bo, you are a great dom and a wonderful human being. I hope I can service you again one day. Much love to you both and all the best in the future. Signed Tim."

"That is so sweet," Bo said as he grabbed a strawberry and ate it. "They are delicious, too!"

"Well, jacuzzi first," I replied as I unbuttoned my shirt.

"Get it filled up and ready," Bo said as he kicked his shoes off and sat down. "I will be there in a moment. I just need to catch my breath."

"Ok, babe," I replied as I kissed him and then walked into the bedroom.

After undressing and hanging my clothes up, I started the water in the tub. The thing was huge. It had plenty of room for us, and I let it fill about three-fourths of the way up before turning on the jets and making sure everything was working. I was about to call Bo when I turned and saw him standing behind me naked and twirling the key to my cage in his hand.

"It's time," Bo said.

I chuckled and sat on the side of the tub as he bent in front of me and removed the security screw to my chastity device. As he pulled the cage and then the ring off, he rubbed my balls, and I looked down and saw my genitals free for the first time since before I entered into the contract with John three years ago. The head of my nub was the only thing showing, but as Bo massaged the shaft, it started to poke out.

"Ugh, that feels good," I replied as I closed my eyes and wiggled my toes.

Bo patted my balls gently and then kissed me before putting the cage on the counter. He then grabbed a bottle, removed a pill from it, and handed it to me with a water bottle.

"Take that," he said.

I looked at the blue pill in my hand, and I laughed.

"Is this what I think it is?"

Bo smiled.

"You are going to perform really well tonight."

I downed the Viagra and washed it down with water before getting into the tub. Bo sat in front of me and let me wrap my legs around him. My nub found its way to the crack of his ass, and it was not long till it started to fill with blood and engorge. Bo seemed to enjoy the feeling, and he wiggled his ass up into my crotch as we hugged and enjoyed the warm water. I put my head on his shoulder and gently kissed his neck as I rubbed his furry belly. We sat there for almost fifteen minutes before I finally spoke.

"I love you, Mr. Houston."

"I love you, too, Mr. Houston!" Bo replied. "And I have to say. I really love calling you that."

I chuckled as Bo turned around and put his legs over mine and around my back. We then bear-hugged and made out for several minutes. I could feel his erection on mine, and when I looked down, I noticed my nub had significantly grown in size.

"I'm going to have a hard time squeezing that thing back into its home tomorrow," I replied.

Bo smiled and put his hand around our shafts and stroked them.

"Forget about tomorrow. Let's focus on tonight. I want this thing good and hard so that you can fuck your alpha good."

I smiled as he leaned in and kissed me again. I closed my eyes, and as our tongues darted around in our mouths, I reached around and rubbed his back and grunted as I felt him continue to stroke me.

"Fuck, you are so hot," I said as I broke our embrace, moved my head to his ear, and nibbled on it.

Bo growled.

"So are you. I can already tell you are twice my size down there."

I laughed, leaned back, and looked down. He wasn't exactly far off. The pill was doing what it needed to do, and I could have given my brother Steve a run for his money in terms of cock size.

"What you say we take this to the bed?" Bo asked.

"Ok," I replied as he stood up and grabbed a towel.

When I pulled myself out of the water, my erection was standing out from my body and bouncing with every step and Bo's mouth watered.


He dropped to his knees and took my nub into his mouth, and I moaned as I felt him deep throat me. I reached down and held my hands on the back of his head and let my head fall back as I closed my eyes. Bo was bobbing up and down on me like a dog in heat.

"Holy shit, that feels good!" I replied.

Bo pulled off and looked up at me as I stared back at him.

"This boy wants your cock bad, Sir," Bo said.

I chuckled.

"Grab me a towel, boy. Then get yourself on the bed on all fours."

"Yes, Sir!" Bo replied as he tossed me his towel and quickly left the room.

I dried off and took a deep breath before walking into the bedroom. Bo's ass was hanging off the bed, wiggling back and forth.

"I'm ready, Sir!"

"Bo," I said with a laugh. "I'm sorry. I can't keep this up."

Bo turned at me and smiled.

"Ok, how about this?"

Bo got back on all fours, stuck his ass at me, and barked an order.

"Boy! Your Sir needs fucked now. Pleasure me!"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied with a laugh as I walked over and grabbed his butt.

I ran my hand down Bo's crack and then moved my face to plant it between his cheeks. My tongue found its mark, and he groaned when I pushed inside him. I darted it back and forth and spat on his ass a few times before moving my finger into him. He accepted me immediately, and he was open and willing in no time.

"Here it comes, Sir!" I replied as I spat on my hand and stroked my hard nub.

I was curious about what it would feel like to fuck someone after so long. I had forgotten what the experience was like, but as the head of my nub pushed inside him, followed by my shaft, I felt a sensation wash over me. His warmth was what hit me first and then the pressure.

"Oh, fuck!" Bo groaned. "Damn, you feel good."

I kept moving forward till I was completely inside him, and I reached around and grabbed his waist and paused a moment before I slowly started to fuck him. Bo reached under his belly, grabbed his cock, and stroked it as I thrusted back and forth. He moaned loudly and pushed his face into the bed to help muffle some louder outbursts. I had been initially concerned if I could perform, but I was hard as a rock with the drug in my system and had no issues.

"Damn, you do have a wonderful ass," I said. "Now I know what everyone was talking about."

Bo chuckled between his groans.

"Hey, boy. Pull out for a moment."

"Ok," I said as I stepped back, and Bo caught his breath.

He sat up and then turned on his back, put his legs in the air, and wiggled his finger at me. I smiled and moved forward again, and he placed them on my shoulders as I squatted some and lined up to enter him again. As I pushed back inside, he reached up, and we clasped each other's hands. He stared at me and groaned.

"Fuck, I love you inside me," Bo said. "Go slow and take your time."

"Oh, I am not going anywhere!" I replied as I fucked him.

Time seemed to stop as we were entwined. As I slowly penetrated him, he pulled his bottom lip in and moaned, and never broke eye contact with me. I smiled as I enjoyed the sensations in my body. My shaft undulated as precum poured from my nub and coated his insides. As I moved over his prostate, his cock bounced and dribbled. I wanted the sensations to last forever, but after being caged for so long, my stamina was not what it had once been.

"I'm not going to last long at this, babe," I replied.

"Keep going," Bo replied. "It's ok if you cum. That is what I want."

"Oh yeah?" I asked as I felt the warmth building in my groin.

"Breed your Sir," Bo growled. "Give it to me, Mr. Houston!"

"Fuck!" I groaned as I closed my eyes and lifted my head.

"Eyes here, boy!" Bo growled again as I looked back down at him. "I want to see what that orgasm does to you!"

"Fuck!" I screamed again as I went over the edge.

My pupils dilated, and I felt a rush in my head as my nub exploded inside him. Bo squeezed my hands and gritted his teeth as he felt me pulsing. His cock bounced twice, and then a massive shot of cum spewed from the tip and arced into the air before it landed on his chest. He grunted at me as another shot blasted our hands, and a third dribbled out over his abdomen.

"Holy hell!" I replied in shock.

"You fucked that load right out of me, boy!" Bo replied as he let out a gasp and groaned.

My chest was heaving as I came down from my high. As I pulled back, I could feel the cum siding around my shaft, and it dripped onto the floor when my nub fell out. I lost my balance from the sensations, and I collapsed onto the bed next to Bo as I started laughing.

"What is going on?" Bo asked as he rubbed my chest.

"It all is too much!" I replied. "I can only laugh. Fuck, that was intense!"

"Well, we ain't done yet!" Bo replied. "You still owe me two more loads, at least!"

"Bo!" I yelled back.

"Hey!" Bo replied. "I've got one night to feel that huge thing, and I will make the most of it!"

I closed my eyes and threw my hands over my head, and Bo moved over to straddle me. I could feel the cum dripping off his chest and landing on mine as he moved his face over and kissed me. We made out as the fluids dried in our fur, and before long, he had me hard again and was riding me.

I was amazed at his energy. Bo bounced up and down on me for almost fifteen minutes before my balls exploded again. That orgasm nearly made me pass out. He squeezed his ass tight as I came and milked every drop before he pulled off me and moved around to wrap his arms and legs around me and spoon.

"I'm glad I decided to do this now!" I replied as I caught my breath and felt his warmth on my back.

"I'm glad you did, too!" Bo said as he wiggled his full ass. "You sure you don't want to be a dom top from now on?"

"Bo!" I replied.

"Just kidding!" Bo said as he squeezed me. "But you are damn good at it."

We passed out and slept for about an hour before I felt something weird. I opened my eyes and saw Bo's cock dangling over my head, fully erect. It was bouncing on my nose, and he had my nub down his throat.

"Fuck!" I groaned as I felt him deep throat me.

"Good, you are awake!" Bo replied as he shook his cock. "Open up!"

I laughed and complied as he pushed down my throat, and we sixty-nined each other. I could taste his fluids as they leaked out and coated the back of my mouth, and I savored the taste. I reached around and grabbed his ass, pulled him down till he was deep in me, and then let him fuck my face as he worked my nub below me. I grunted as he moved his finger down and pushed it into my ass. He found my prostate quickly and began to rub it as he continued to suck me.

It had been so long since someone had done that, and it felt so good. My toes instinctively curled, and I was loudly moaning as I gagged on his thick cock. Bo pulled off me and started to rub my gland in circles.

"That's a boy! Feed me another load!"

"Fuck!" I groaned as his cock muffled me.

My balls lifted, and Bo swallowed my cock just as it exploded for the third time. My whole body convulsed at the same time. Bo bounced up and down in my throat and was soon sending his load down my gullet. I gagged as I felt the volume, and when he pulled out, it covered my face and beard before I pulled him back in to swallow the rest.

When we were both spent, he pulled off and laid beside me, and I put my hand down and felt his balls and sticky shaft.

"Fucking hell," I groaned.

"You can say that again!" Bo replied. "You came a ton!"

I caught my breath and looked down. My fur was matted with multiple loads, and I was covered in sweat. I laughed and threw my head back.

"I haven't had sex like this since I was a teenager."

Bo rubbed my leg and laughed back.

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

I pulled myself to a sitting position, and Bo did the same. He smiled at me as he ran his hand through my beard and collected some of his cum that had coated it.

"You are a mess," he replied.

"Shall we take a shower?" I asked.

"As long as you promise to try four a fourth load while we are in there," Bo replied.

"This is going to be a long night, isn't it?" I asked.

When the morning came, I awoke to find Bo lying on me. His face was resting on my chest that was crusted from a load that he shot over my belly at one point in the night when he found me hard and mounted up to ride me again. I had barely slept more than a few hours the entire evening, and I reached down to make sure I was no longer erect.

"He is soft," Bo said softly as he turned and looked at me.

I chuckled and smiled.

"Took long enough," I replied. "I may not be able to cum again for a week. I have been drained dry."

Bo leaned up, kissed me, and then rolled to the side and stretched.

"I may have to take a nap when we get to Key West," he said.

"You and me both," I responded. "But it is time to lock me up again."

Bo turned and pouted.

"Can't we go one more time?"

"Afraid not, babe," I said as I rubbed his hair. "Do I need to do it?"

"No," Bo said as he sat up. "Wait there."

Bo got out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. When he returned, he had my chastity device in his hands, and he sat on the bed beside me and rubbed my balls.

"Now, are you sure?" he asked. "They seem like they could be full again."

"Bo!" I replied.

"Ok! Ok!" Bo said as he reached down and put the base ring around my nub and then slid and secured the cage into place.

"It is all secure again," he replied as he turned and put the key back on the table and then laid next to me.

I smiled and kissed him as I rubbed his chest.

"Thanks, babe."

Bo smiled and then got up and moved behind me, lifted my legs, and placed them on his shoulders.

"Oh my!" I replied.

"Well, if I can't get fucked by you, you are getting my load, boy," Bo growled.

"Yes, Sir, daddy!" I replied.

Next: Chapter 37

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