Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Jul 13, 2022


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Chastity and Service

Pup Time

The sun was blazing in the sky, and the humidity was high enough that my body was covered in sweat. I had stripped down to only my shorts and tennis shoes, but I was still overheated. I took a moment to grab a water bottle that I had brought with me and took a few sips before squeezing some over my face for relief.

I was in the middle of cutting the lawn for our neighbor Scott. It was something that I had begun to do earlier in the year and had become a regular Saturday afternoon task. Scott was a little older than Todd but just as dominant, if not more so. However, he was big into pup play, and in addition to maintaining his yard, I had a few protocols to follow. One was my tail. I had to wear it whenever I was on his property. At first, it was something I had to get used to. It had two parts. The first was a red toy called a "Pig Hole". It was made by Oxballs and was a hollow plug. The second part was the tail. It was long and black and had a base that slid into the hole securely. When I moved, the wagging applied pressure to my prostate, and it kept me leaking constantly in my cage. I had modified a pair of shorts by cutting a slit in the back so the toy could hang out. Scott's kitchen was on the backside of the house, and he loved to sit and watch me as I moved back and forth over the lawn with my tail wagging behind me.

After another thirty minutes, I had finished what I needed to get done, and after putting the mower away, I used the water hose in the back to rinse down my head and face to cool off.

"You all done, Diesel?" Scott called out from the back door.

Diesel was the pup name that Scott had given me. It belonged to one of his first dogs that he had fond memories of, and I humored him since it made him happy.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I shook my ass and barked at him.

"Good boy," Scott replied. "Strip and wash yourself off and meet me in my room when you are done."

"Yes, Sir," I replied with a smile.

I slipped my shoes and socks off and removed my pants and jock that I had on. All my clothes were soaked with sweat, and I laid them on a table on the back porch to dry in the sun as I returned to the hose. There was a bar of soap in a container near it, and I removed it and used it and the cool water from the faucet to rinse and clean my body off. The coolness of the water felt absolutely like heaven after the heat of the day. August in Atlanta was always brutal.

I shook my body and then walked into the house through the back door when I was done. Scott had left a towel for me, my pup hood, and my collar to wear. The hood was made of neoprene and was black with yellow trim to match my collar. He had bought it for me a few weeks ago, and it took a little getting used to, but it was amazing how it put me in a different mindset. A matching black and yellow neoprene puppy collar went around my neck and had a ring on the front that a leash could be attached to. The final thing I put on was a pair of knee pads, and I got down on the floor.

I was not allowed to walk like a human in Scott's house. I was always on all fours. It only took a few times getting rugburns on my joints for him to get me some comfortable padded kneepads to crawl with. As I made my way through the house, I could feel my tail swinging from side to side. The pressure on my prostate caused a glob of precum to form at the tip of my cage, and I collected it to swallow before entering the master bedroom.

Scott was sitting in a chair to the right of the room. He had stripped naked and was stroking his cock when I crawled in.

"There you are, Diesel," Scott said. "You clean all that dirt off you?"

I woofed back at him and wagged my tail before moving near him.

"That's a good boy," Scott replied. "I got a nice bone for you!"

A nice bone it was. Scott's cock had some girth to it, and as I moved my muzzle near it, I could smell his musk. It was apparent he had not showered in a while. I positioned his cock, so it slid under the nose portion of my mask and felt the tip as it entered my mouth. I could taste his precum as it spurted over my tongue, and I brought my face down so it went deep.

"Fuck, that feels good, pup!" Scott groaned as he stretched his legs out.

My face was planted on his chest and the muzzle part of the mask was squished as I felt his cock enter my throat. I relaxed and moved back and forth, feeling the shaft as it slid over my tongue. At the same time, I used the back of my hand to rub under his nice-sized balls. I could feel them shift as I stimulated them and the pleasurable noises coming from above me let me know I was doing a decent job.

I felt Scott's hand grasp my head and pull me deeper. I put my hands on the floor to steady myself and let him take control as he skull-fucked me. This went on for five minutes before he pushed my head back, and his cock slid from my mouth. Strings of spit fell from the head and glistened in the sun's light through the window beside him.

"Show me that tail, boy," Scott replied.

I grinned, spun around, and moved forward before crouching down on my arms. My ass stuck in the air and I wagged my tail, feeling it shift from side to side. I felt Scott pull the tail portion, disengaging it from the hollow plug and leaving my ass open. He then pushed his fingers inside me and I groaned.

"That feel good, pup?" Scott asked.

I barked twice in response and then moaned when I felt him rub my prostate.

I heard Scott stand and get on the floor and then felt his cock as it slapped over the crack of my ass. His large hands grabbed the sides of my rump and one moved over to rub my lower back, which I arched in response. The head of his cock was positioned near the entrance to the plug and with the addition of some spit, he slid inside me.

As the shaft entered deep, I gasped. Scott gripped my waist firmly and pulled me back until his balls touched mine and then he paused. I heard him growl and felt as he spanked my ass twice before beginning to pound me.

I learned that Scott got into the scene if I lightly barked and growled while he fucked. So, I did my best to give him notice that I was enjoying this as much as he was.

"That's my good boy, Diesel," Scott said. "My bone feels so good inside you, doesn't it?"

"Woof!" I barked in response as he pounded.

I could never tell how long Scott would go when he fucked. Sometimes it was a quick pump and dump and other times, he could go for longer. His stamina was built up for the afternoon because I felt him pound me for a good five minutes straight before taking a break.

When he pulled out, I moaned. I felt empty without his thick shaft inside me and the cool air from the room moved over my hole, kept open by the plug. I felt him finger me and then pressure as the plug was removed. I reacted in surprise as it was the first time he had ever removed the plug from me. It was a task I was used to doing myself.

"I've got a special surprise for you, Diesel," Scott replied. "Just hold that pose for a moment."

I could hear Scott manipulating something. It had a squishing sound, and he grunted a few times, having difficulty doing something. I would have turned my head to see, but the mask I had on limited my vision anyway, so I sat quietly, wagging my ass in anticipation of what was coming next.

"Ok, I think this thing is on right," Scott said. "Take a deep breath, pup!"

I felt something touch my ass and it felt like a toy, but it was warm. Scott applied some lube to it and then pushed it into my hole. It was only then that it dawned on me that he had put on a cock sheath. As he went deeper, I noted that it was getting wider at the base. Scott had an impressive cock to begin with and this toy only enhanced it further.

When I felt like I was about to reach the base of his dick, I felt the toy flair out. It got very wide and I was confused. Scott kept pushing, however, and I grunted.

"Come on, pup!" Scott said. "You can take my knot!"

It was then that I realized that this sheath was based on a dog phallus. Long and slender, it had a bulbous knot at the base and that was what was trying to push inside me. I groaned and tried to relax my ass as Scott continued to apply pressure and as the knot slid inside me, I gasped.


Scott slapped my ass.

"Dogs don't talk, Diesel!"

I whimpered as my ass locked around the knot and I felt him deep inside, tied to me. Scott ran his hands over my lower back again and I felt as he moved side-to-side. His dick was spreading my ass to its limits. When he pulled out, the knot popped out forcefully and I felt the pain in my groin. He pushed back down inside until it popped in again and the sensation nearly took my breath away.

As he fucked, Scott mostly used the shaft to penetrate me, but when the knot did go in, I groaned loudly and clenched my fists. I felt his balls as they hit mine. The toy had an opening in it that they slid into to lock the sheath into place and it left his orbs dangling and able to hit mine more freely with each thrust. I have no idea how long I was fucked like that on the floor. My ass eventually got used to the knot's girth, but it was still painful every time it slid in.

"I'm getting close, Diesel!" Scott said, giving me the first indication that this assault might be over soon.

The man gripped my waist hard as he pounded me and I felt the knot slide in twice before he held it deep in me. The pulsing of his shaft let me know his seed was being delivered through the small opening at the toy's tip. I felt Scott panting as his body convulsed. When he pulled back, the knot disengaged and the toy slid out. I fell forward as cum dribbled out of my gaping hole and over my caged balls.

"Good puppy!" Scott exclaimed as he slapped my ass twice.

I felt him push the hollow plug into my ass and then insert the tail, locking his load inside me. I turned and got my first look at the sheath over his cock. It was a bright red color and cum was still dribbling out of the tip. I turned around and moved my muzzle over it to clean it and let the shaft move to the back of my throat till the knot was near my lips. I moved my tongue over it, feeling the warmth of his cock underneath and Scott groaned in response.

"Fuck that feels good. You like my big bone?"

I pulled off and looked up at him through the mask and grunted before barking twice. Scott smiled and rubbed my head before getting off the floor and collapsing in his chair. He pulled his balls from the toy before sliding it off his softening member and dropping it to the floor.

"I wasn't sure how that was going to work, but damn, that was hot. I loved seeing that knot go inside you!"

I let my head fall and I twisted it from side to side before looking up at him and pushing my tongue out to give him a happy response. Scott smiled down at me and then let his head fall back. I looked down at his feet and moved over to lick and massage them with my hands. He wiggled them in response and I wagged my tail.

After several minutes of working his paws over, Scott reached down and scratched my ear. He stood and I crawled to follow him as he walked back into the living room and the kitchen. He grabbed a cookie from a porcelain jar and held it down for me and I moved my mask up so he could place it in my mouth.

Scott was quite the baker. He was well known for his cakes and pies, but his cookies were to die for. This one tasted like it was oatmeal and cranberry and I gave him a bark of approval when I finished it.

"You deserved that treat, pup," Scott replied as he grabbed his balls. "I left a massive load inside you. You better warn Todd or Bo if one of them tries to fuck you this afternoon."

I smiled and watched as Scott poured himself a drink. He then sat on the sofa to watch TV, and I went and sat in a doggie bed he had sitting next to the wall. I was not allowed to leave until he permitted me, so I sat quietly until he finally spoke.

"Speaking of Bo, I offered to make y'alls wedding cake," Scott said. "Do you have any particular flavors you like? You can talk to me normally, boy."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied. "I would be so honored for you to do that. I am open to anything. Bo is allergic to coconut, though."

"Well, that should not be a problem," Scott said with a smile. "I'll come up with something special and separate grooms cakes for you both, too. In the meantime, you can go for now. Tell Todd that you get high marks for your service today."

"I will, Sir!" I replied as I got on my hands and knees and shook my ass and tail.

Scott laughed as I crawled back to the back door and removed my mask, collar, and pads before heading outside. My clothes were still damp but not as wet as they had been. I slid my jock and pants on, letting the tail poke through the hole in the back and slipped on my shoes before walking back to my home. The neighbors had gotten used to seeing me with the toy in my backside and Hank, the large burly man that lived next to Scott, smiled, and waved at me as I walked. I had always gotten a vibe from him that he might want to play sometime, but I had never pursued it.

When I walked in the front door, I saw Bo sitting on the sofa in his boxers with his legs propped on the table. He turned and smiled at me.

"Did you have a fun time, Diesel?"

I rolled my eyes as I took my shoes off and slipped my pants and jock to the floor.

"Yes, babe. And Scott told me that he left me pretty loaded up."

"Ooo!" Bo replied as he stood up and groped himself. "So, your ass is prelubed then?"

"Yes," I replied with a laugh.

"Then get that sexy ass to the bedroom," Bo said. "I'm ready to fuck!"

I smiled as I headed into the hall. I was still sore from the knotted toy but always ready to make love to Bo.

Next: Chapter 4

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