Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Oct 5, 2022


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Chastity and Service

Moving In Weekend (Part 2)

It was late afternoon when I pulled into the driveway of a small ranch-type house in the suburbs. There were already three cars parked there and one in the street. As Bo and I got out, a thin man with a short beard came out of the carport and waved at me.

"Hey, Matt! Do you remember me?"

"Of course I do," I replied. "How are you, Chris?"

Chris had been one of the camera operators when I filmed my scene at Tidal Wave the year before. He was a cute otter-type and was very friendly.

"I am doing well," Chris said. "And you must be Bo!"

"That I am!" Bo replied as he held out his hand and shook Chris's.

"Well, everyone else has arrived," Chris said. "We just finished a late lunch break after filming Rob's scene."

"How did that go?" I asked.

"Hot as hell," Chris replied. "Rob sure knows how to fuck, and he had great chemistry with the cub we paired him with. Jacob was pleased."

"Great!" I replied.

"Come on in, and you can meet your co-stars," Chris said.

Chris walked into the house, and Bo and I followed him. A small hallway opened into a square-shaped kitchen just inside the door. There was a wooden table in the middle, and the room had been decorated with streamers that said "Happy Birthday" on them. There was even a cake and party hats on the table. Three men were chatting on one side of the room, and another was across from them. On the opposite side of the kitchen, where it led into another room, Jason and Kevin were setting up light stands and a camera.

"Our star is here!" Chris announced as we entered.

The men all smiled and cheered.

"Guys, introduce yourselves!" Chris said.

The man closest to me on my left smiled. He was a tall cubby with dark hair and a trimmed beard. He had a slight gut, but I could see he had a huge package under his jeans.

"I'm Michael!"

"Great to meet you!" I replied.

Next to Michael was a big bear of a man who looked to be in his thirties. He was bald with a medium-length beard, and I could see fur poking out of the top of his shirt.

"And I am Toby."

"Hey, Toby," I replied.

The third man on my left was another big bear with dark skin, a medium-length beard, and a receding hairline.

"I'm Ivan."

"Howdy!" I replied.

Finally, the man on my right smiled at us both. He was a husky man that was wearing a tank top. I could see large tattoos on both of his upper arms, and he had a shaved head and goatee.

"My name is Cayce."

"Hey!" I replied. "Well, I am Matt, of course, and this is my fiancé Bo. He will be one of the tops."

"Great to have you here," Ivan said. "Toby is my husband."

"Nice!" Bo replied with a smile.

"Well, now that we have that out of the way," Chris began, "Bo, I need you to fill out some paperwork. Follow me."

"Ok!" Bo said as he walked across the kitchen and into the next room.

"There you are!" came the voice of Rob as they walked in.

"Hey, Papa!" Bo replied as he continued to the left and out of my sight.

Rob looked across at me and nodded. He was only in his boxers and was sipping on a beer.

"You ready, boy?" Rob called out.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

"Good," Rob said as he turned and disappeared again.

Jacob finished adjusting his light stand and then looked over at me.

"It is great to see you again, Matt! Your last film was a big money maker for us!"

"Glad I could help!" I replied.

"These men are all looking forward to spit-roasting you today!" Jacob said with a laugh.

The men joined him, and I chuckled.

"Seriously, I am looking forward to this," Michael said. "You looked so hot in your cage in the film. I can't wait to see it in person."

"It appears you are pretty hung, too!" I replied.

Michael grinned and grabbed my hand and brought it over to his crotch. My eyes widened when I felt what was under there, and he winked at me.

"You are gonna love it."

"Ok, men," Kevin said as he walked over. "Now that everyone is here, let's talk through the scene. We are going to start here first. Matt, you will be led in with a blindfold on your face by Cayce as if you are coming in for a surprise birthday party. You will sit here in this chair next to the table, and then the blindfold will be taken off. Everyone should cheer and then dig in for some pieces of cake. You all can ad-lib from there, but I expect to see some heavy touching and petting. We will pair off and have some make-out sessions with couples from that point. Matt, I want you to begin with Cayce."

"Sounds good," I replied.

Kevin continued to lay out all the pieces and parts of the scene, and once Bo joined us, we discussed where we would be taking breaks, resetting up cameras, and lighting. Rob and Todd walked in about halfway through the discussion. They were both drinking beers and nodded to us but did not interrupt. The entire filming was to be in two scenes. The first would be in the kitchen, and the second would be downstairs in the basement. It would take most of the afternoon to finish it all, so we took our places, and Chris and Kevin grabbed some portable cameras.

Once the filming began, I admit I felt pretty cheesy acting as though I was actually coming into a surprise party. Porns can be that way, especially themed ones. But I took it in stride as Cayce led me in and helped me to sit down. Once my blindfold was removed, all the men cheered, and I blew out the candles before slicing the cake and handing out the portions. Cayce stood next to me and ate a bite as he looked down and winked at me. He put the plate down and leaned over, and we made out. I could feel my nub swelling in my cage as he stuck his tongue into my mouth, and I heard the other men around me kissing and rubbing each other.

Jacob called for a break, and we reset the cameras and lighting. Cayce and I both removed our shirts, and he dropped his pants. His cock was already hard, and he smiled.

"I took a pill earlier."

"It looks nice!" I replied as I saw he had a nice shaft and balls.

"Cayce, why don't you sit on the counter, and Matt can suck on you that way," Jacob said.

I looked over and saw Bo had pulled his shirt off and dropped his pants. He was leaning against the table, and Michael was crouched in front of him. Bo's cock was starting to swell, and Michael smiled.

"You have a nice cock there, buddy."

"Thanks!" Bo replied.

In the doorway to the hall, Toby had taken a seat in the chair and removed his shirt. He was a very hairy bear, and his belly protruded out over his pants, which he had unbuttoned. He was groping himself as I watched.

"Ok, guys," Jacob said. "Here we go!"

I leaned over Cayce and went down on him as soon as filming resumed. He played with his nipples as he watched me and groaned. Behind me, I could hear Michael sucking on Bo's cock, and Toby stroked his smaller cock that sat over a large set of balls.

With a firm grip on Cayce's low hangers, I brought his shaft deep until the head of his cock hit the back of my throat.

"Damn, boy!" Cayce groaned as his legs spread wider.

Chris moved over to get a closeup as the head popped in and out of my lips. After several minutes, I moved down and pulled one of his testicles and then the other in to suck on them, and he encouraged me the whole time. When I pulled his cock back down my throat again, his head fell backward, and he let out a loud moan. A spurt of precum shot out at the same time, and I swallowed it greedily.

Cayce placed a hand on my head and guided me as I sucked.

"That's a boy. Suck that cock."

I grunted in response as he pushed me deeper.

Bo was growling behind me. Michael was well-skilled in giving head. My fiancé had both hands behind the man's head and was skull fucking him as his shaft went deep. Beside him, Toby had pushed his pants down to his ankles, and Ivan was on his hands and knees on the floor. Ivan's head was in the bear's lap, slurping on Toby's balls before pushing into the big man's fat pad to suck on his bone.

I lost track of how long we sat in this particular arrangement. One of my favorite things is giving a man a blow job, so I was a little disappointed when Jacob called a break for a reposition.

"Man, you are good at that!" Cayce whispered to me as I moved back and let him stand.

"Thanks," I replied. "You have a nice cock."

"I'm going to enjoy fucking you!" Cayce said as he rubbed my shoulders.

The next scene took a little time to get set up. We had to turn the table sideways since it was longer than wide. That left only a little room on either side of the kitchen, so we had to plan ahead. Everyone removed their clothes, and they got to see my cage for the first time. Chris had not seen my new smaller one, and he complimented me on the look and noted it made my balls look even more prominent.

I was placed face down on the table. My head was near one end, and my feet hung off the other. Michael leaned over the table and put his face near my ass, and Ivan squeezed into the space in front of me so his cock was at eye level. He was a pretty hairy guy like Toby, and his belly hung over his groin area, but his cock stuck out, looking nice and juicy. Beside me, Bo and Toby were standing facing one another, and Cayce had moved behind Michael.

When the filming began again, I shoved my face into Ivan's crotch and got a whiff of his musk. It was potent and made my nub swell. As I licked and played with his cock, I felt Michael spread my ass and start to lick it. His tongue darted around my ass and teased me at first, but I groaned when he pushed in my hole. Ivan reached down and held the back of my head and pushed deep into my mouth as my ass was eaten out. Michael had one hand between my legs and rubbed my caged balls, causing me to leak over the table.

Beside me, Bo was sucking on one of Toby's nipples and rubbing the big bear's body. Toby was stroking his small cock, and I could hear the sound of his fluids as they lubricated his shaft. Cayce was rubbing Michael's ass. He licked his thumb and moved it around the man's hole, making Michael go down on my ass.

Ivan may not have been hung, in fact, he was below average. But, his cock was nice and girthy and leaking fluids, which tasted great. I couldn't get enough of his scent, either, and when he pushed me deep on him, I made sure to rub my beard around in his pubic hair. At the same time, Michael spat on my hole and got it wet. His tongue pushed in and out of me, and he used his fingers to begin to open me up.

Bo had dropped to his knees and was sucking Toby's gherkin into his mouth and playing with the bear's giant balls. The massive man's body was shaking as he groaned and grunted. I can attest that no one knows how to suck cock like Bo.

Chris asked everyone to switch up some, so Bo got to his feet and moved in front of me, and Ivan took his place in front of Toby. Michael moved back at the same time and got off the table. Cayce grabbed a jar of the icing used for the cake and used his fingers to slather it on my hole. He then dived in to lick it off. I grunted loudly as Bo grabbed my head and forced me onto his hard cock.

"Take that dick, boy!" Bo growled as I rubbed his full nuts.

He was in full dom mode, and I loved it.

Toby dropped to the floor when he saw Michael's seven-and-a-half-inch cock standing at attention. He greedily went down on the man as Ivan stroked his cock behind him and watched the action unfold.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on Bo's cock as it went into my mouth. He was leaking a lot, and I loved the salty taste of his fluids. His balls were moving around as I rubbed them, and I heard him moaning as he guided me up and down on him with his left hand. He rubbed his nipples with his right, making his cock pulse simultaneously.

More icing was applied to my hole, and Cayce was having a field day lapping it up and spreading my ass wide. My legs shuddered, and I pulled off Bo and moaned. Ivan took this as an opportunity and moved over to point his dick in my direction, and I sucked on him again.

Michael and Toby had swapped positions at some point, and I heard the big bear growling loudly as Michael expertly gave him head. Cayce had pulled my cheeks wide apart and spat on my ass several times to lube it before pushing one, followed by two fingers into me. At the same time, I was sucking on Ivan and Bo's cocks interchangeably. The scene was heating up, and Jacob let it continue for several more minutes before another position change was made.

"Time to shoot your first round of loads, men!" Jacob announced.

I was put on my back and turned around so my head faced where Cayce and Michael were now standing. Toby had managed to climb onto and sit on the countertop at my feet, a feat I was amazed by, given his bulk. He placed his feet on the table, and Ivan knelt between them. Bo was standing to my right and smiling as he fondled himself.

"Now, Matt, I want you to bend your right leg to show off that locked cock," Jacob said. "Bo, I want you to play with his balls and jack your cock. All three of you will be shooting your loads either on Matt's chest or down his throat. Just be sure that the first shot is on camera before you bury it down his maw if that is your choice."

"Got it!" the three replied.

"Ivan, as you requested, you can fuck Toby," Jacob continued. "But again, let me see at least some of that load before you bury it in his ass."

"Not a problem," Ivan replied.

When the cameras began rolling again, Bo immediately took charge. He rubbed my chest as Michael and Cayce stroked their cocks over my head. As his hand reached my caged cock he grinned.

"I bet the locked birthday boy has some full nuts!"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

"Well, only us men are coming today, boy," Bo responded. "You ready for some of your first loads?"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied. "Glaze me, daddy!"

All of the men stroked their cocks over me. It was so hot watching from below, wondering who would come first. When Cayce's face contorted, I had my answer. I moved my head over and leaned back, opening my mouth as he pointed his cock at me. The first shot of cum sailed over my mouth and landed on my chest, but I got three more heavy shots down my throat when he pushed into my mouth.

Bo groaned next, and he moved over and shot his load second. The cum arced through the air and landed on my cage as his body shook and convulsed. Michael was last, but I could tell he wasn't far behind.

"Move that mouth over here, boy. I need a warm hole."

I moved over as his thick meat pulsed, and cum covered my beard before he shoved his dick deep in me. I could feel my throat expanding as he went, and I controlled my gag reflex to get it all expertly on film. When he pulled out, he slapped my face playfully.

"Good boy!"

"Fuck!" came Toby's voice from my feet.

I looked up to see that Ivan was between the big man's legs and was fucking him. The countertop was creaking under pressure, and I even saw the wall move a few times as Toby pounded his husband hard. Bo reached over and rubbed his load into my balls before leaning over to make out with me. He licked the remnants of Michael's load away and then shared it with me after. At the same time, Cayce and Michael made out.

When Ivan finally came, the man screamed. Toby threw his head back in ecstasy as his husband pulled out to show the first shot and then pushed in to breed him deeply.

"Fuck yeah!" Toby cried out as Ivan continued to pound.

Chris moved over for some closeups and made sure to get a shot of the load that had come out of Toby from the fucking before the cameras were turned off, and we were given a break so the men could recharge for round two. Rob walked over with a damp towel to wipe me down, and he leaned in to kiss me.

"That was hot."

"And there is more to come, Papa!" I replied.

"There certainly is!" Rob replied with a grin.

We mingled for thirty minutes as the cameras and lighting equipment were moved into the basement area. Black plastic hung on the walls for contrast, and the floor was bare concrete. In the middle of the room, there was a sling hanging from heavy metal chains.

"That is where you will be," Chris said as I walked down into the room. "We know how well you do in slings from last time."

I laughed.

"Rob told us you are fine getting bred, but are you ok with alcohol?" Kevin asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"If we were to dump a beer in your ass, would you be ok with that?" Kevin responded.

"Umm, I guess?" I replied.

"It will get you drunk quick," Chris said with a smile. "The alcohol goes straight into your bloodstream from your colon."

"Yeah, but we are only doing one beer," Kevin replied. "I think his body can handle it."

"I'm ok with that," I replied. "How many loads am I getting?"

"That is up to the men," Kevin said. "I told them I would like one load from each of them at a minimum, but if they can do more, that is icing on the cake, as it were."

I smiled.

"I told them to take the time they needed, and when they were all recharged and ready to cum again, we can start," Chris added.

Next: Chapter 29

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