Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Sep 30, 2022


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Chastity and Service

Road Trip (Part 2)

Rick and Chris had cut a hole in the middle portion of the deck and installed the hot tub in the space, bracing it from underneath. The result was that it was flush with the floor. When I walked outside after cleaning the cum out of my ass, I saw Bear, Rick, and Bo in the water and Mateo and Tim sitting on the side with their legs in. Chris was in a chair next to them, sipping on a margarita.

"There you are," Bear said as he looked over at me. "Thought we lost you!"

I smiled and sat down next to Tim, who scooted over to make a place for me. The water was hot, and I slowly let my legs in to get accustomed to the temperature. I put my hand on Tim's back and rubbed it once I was comfortable.

"Not too sore yet, I hope," I asked with a grin.

"Bear only came once this time," Tim whispered to me as he leaned over.

"Ahh," I replied.

"I am sure there is more to come," Tim said.

Bear leaned in and grinned as he whispered.

"Oh, there is, boy."

I laughed and splashed the big man, and he leaned back and grabbed the cigar that Rick had given him, and he took a puff off it.

"Now, this is the life," Bear said. "Subs to keep your balls drained and fix your meals, a beautiful view, a hot tub, and good company."

"Here, here!" Rick replied as he smoked his cigar. "Nothing better."

"Do you two get out here much?" I asked Chris.

"Not as often as we would like," he replied. "But it is a nice getaway."

"Come slide in and sit in my lap, boy," Bear said to Tim.

I grinned at the boy as he complied, and I watched the water rise and flow over the top of the tub. It ran across the deck, and I heard it splash down below.

"Not to worry," Rick said as he saw me looking. "We have had parties here before. There is nothing down there but dirt, and the hose to refill the hot tub is right behind me."

"Ok," I replied.

Bo reached over and rubbed my feet as he drank a beer that Rick had given him. I put my arm around him and rubbed his neck, and he leaned on my legs.

"So, when does Rob move in?" Chris asked.

"Next week," I replied. "I am hoping it is a smooth move. He has a lot of things, but much of it is going in storage for the time being."

"I'm assuming he will be sleeping in Todd's room," Rick asked.

"Yeah," Bo replied. "I'm looking forward to having Papa around full-time."

"I know I will be busier satisfying all three of them!" I added.

Bear laughed, and Bo squeezed my foot and snorted at me.

"What?" I responded. "Before long, there will be three doms in the house!"

"Hardly!" Bo replied. "But I agree. You will be busy, boy."

Rick laughed and pushed his foot into Bo's lap.

"You are changing!"

"A little," Bo replied. "I'm enjoying being a switch. Training under Sir John again as a dominant has been a blast, too. Experiencing the parties from the other side is a completely different experience."

"Are you sorry you began as a sub in his program?" Mateo asked.

"Not at all!" Bo replied. "I mean, I would not have met Matt if I hadn't. But I needed to explore that side of me to learn that there is more to me than just that."

"Well, I know I am all sub," Tim said as he slowly bounced in Bear's lap.

I looked over and saw Bear's head was back, and his arms were stretched out beside him. His eyes were closed, and he was groaning.

"Are you getting fucked again?" I asked.

Tim winked as he sat down and felt Bear's cock deep in his ass.

"He's an animal."

"Oh, you have no idea," Rick said with a wink. "You should have seen him in college. When I was a sophomore, there was the pledge we had. His name was Chip. Well, Chip had this ass that was just in your face all the time. So, one time..."

"Stop!" Bear shouted as Tim bounced in his lap. "I told you about sharing stories about our youth!"

The water sloshed as the boy rode the man.

"Fuck!" Tim groaned as he grabbed his cage.

"Now, this is a show," Bo said as he reached down and fondled himself.

I laughed, leaned over, and kissed Bo's forehead while we watched Bear work a second load into Tim. It took ten minutes, but we knew the deed was done when he growled loud enough to be heard in the next county.

"Door knockers less heavy?" Rick asked.

"Oh yeah," Bear groaned as Tim lifted out of his lap and sat on the side next to him.

The big man grinned at us as he reached down and adjusted his cock and then picked up his cigar to smoke again.

"OK," I said. "I understand you don't want to talk about the old days. But what is the deal with the door knocker thing?"

Rick laughed, and Bear stared at him.

"Can I tell him?" Rick asked.

"Go ahead," Bear sighed as he waved his cigar in the air.

Rick took a puff off of his cigar and then began.

"Bear was two years ahead of me. When I pledged the fraternity, I stayed in the room next to his. We had the same morning schedule, so Bear was often in the shower at the same time as me. He always wandered around naked. I mean, who wouldn't with that huge cock and balls? I would show off too! Anyway, he was shuffling out of the shower one morning trying to dry his thighs, and I saw his balls swinging from side to side. After the hot shower, they just were really hanging low. I called out down the hall. Damn, those are some door knockers! Several of my fraternity brothers were behind me and burst out laughing as Bear turned around and grinned at me. He walked back to me and stared down and then paused."

"And then I said, how about you get on your knees, and I'll show you how they feel knocking on your chin!" Bear said.

"Ha!" I shouted.

Rick laughed.

"Well?" I asked.

"Well, what?" Rick replied.

"Did you?" I asked.

"Suck a load out of him?" Rick asked.

"Well, yeah!" I replied.

"No," Rick said with a chuckle.

"Not that time, anyway," Bear added with a wink.

"Oh?" I asked.

"But, we aren't talking about the old days," Rick said to Bear.

The two burst out laughing, and Bo and I looked at one another. I wanted to know more, but they never said anything more about their time in college. The afternoon was a lot of fun, though. After soaking for a while, we all got out and relaxed and got some sun and enjoyed the warm weather. Mateo, Tim, and I got everyone drinks and serviced the men as needed. As the sun quickly faded, a cool wind blew down the mountain, and we all moved indoors. Bear, Rick, Chris, and Bo sat on the sofas and drank and talked while Tim sat on the floor and took turns massaging their feet. Mateo joined me in the kitchen, and we got started on a large pot of chili.

"So, are we all set for Sir John's going away party?" Mateo asked as I stirred the pot.

"Yeah," I replied. "Bo and I talked to Sir and told him we wanted to do something special for him. Given a lot of the subs were going to be in town for our wedding, we just figured having a special brunch for him the Friday before would work the best. We will still have to do the rehearsal stuff in the afternoon, but it will work out."

"Who all did you invite?" Mateo asked.

"Everyone that has ever graduated," I replied. "I reached out to who I knew, and they put the word out. I have already heard back from ten of them, not including you, me, Tim, and Bo."

"Oh, wow!" Mateo replied.

"Sir was just as much of an influence in their lives as he was ours," I said. "I think they were happy to come back and thank him in person."

"How many subs did he train?" Mateo asked.

I laughed.

"I only know this because I spent some time talking to Sir about it. Tim is the twenty-third sub he has trained by himself. He told me he trained other subs with his mentor Sir Tony, but that was a while ago. I stuck with those he considered part of his current program."

"I'm excited to meet all of them," Mateo said.

"Everyone I have met is nice," I said. "Fortunately, most of them live within driving distance. Though Drew is coming down from New York and Nick is going to try to come from Seattle, but he is on the fence."

"Nick was the one you told me about meeting on your work trip a while back, right?" Mateo asked. "The one you talk to all the time now?"

"Yeah," I responded. "He became a close friend. I hope he can come. If so, I think you will like him. Sir Todd and Papa told me they will rent a big tent to put in our backyard so we will have plenty of room for everyone."

"And it is ok for our masters to attend, right?" Mateo asked. "I already told Sir Gabriel."

"Absolutely!" I replied. "Not everyone will have theirs with them, but they are invited."

"Good," Mateo replied.

"Smells good in here, boys!" Tim said from behind us.

We turned and smiled at him as he came behind us and rubbed our backs.

"Can I help?" he asked.

"Grab some bowls and get the silverware out on the table," I replied. "It is almost ready."

The following day, a beam of light came through a crack in the blinds and landed squarely on my face. I pulled my mask off, rubbed my eyes, and looked down to see Bo cuddling my chest and snoring lightly. He had kicked the sheets off, and I could see his morning erection standing out from his body. I smiled and gently rubbed his back, feeling the fur that started on his shoulders and ran down his sides. He didn't wake, but his body jerked, and he groaned. I moved my hand up to his head and played with his hair until he opened his eyes and turned to look at me.

"Morning, baby."

"How did you sleep?" I asked.

Bo yawned and stretched and turned and squeezed me, pushing his cock into my thigh.

"Like a log," he replied. "I drank too much."

I chuckled and squeezed him back. He moved his hand down, felt my cage, and played with my balls.

"We should have brought the strap on," Bo said.

"In the mood to be fucked?" I asked.

"Yeah," Bo said with a grin.

"I am sure Bear would be happy to stretch you," I replied with a smile.

"Oh, fuck no," Bo said with wide eyes. "I'll let Tim handle that! I can settle for your ass."

Our morning lovemaking lasted for about thirty minutes. Bo was in top form and was able to fuck me for almost fifteen minutes before cumming, which surprised me. When he was done, we rolled out of bed and cleaned up. Rick planned to take most of the house on a hike through the mountains, though Bear wanted to keep Tim with him at the cabin for some alone time. So, after a quick breakfast, Mateo and I got dressed and joined everyone else downstairs.

The mountain next to the cabin had some steep areas, and thirty minutes in, I was already out of breath. Chris laughed at me and told me I needed to work out more, and he wasn't wrong. When we reached the top an hour later, we saw some markers set down to commemorate a Civil War battle in the area. It was hard to believe that any type of fighting would have been successful on the heavily wooded slopes, but maybe things were different back then. We found a small clearing to eat a lunch that Rick had packed for us, and after relaxing for a while, we made our way back.

By the time we reached the cabin again, everyone was complaining about sore feet, and we looked forward to soaking in the hot tub. As we entered, we saw Bear sleeping naked on the sofa. His fur was matted with sweat and cum, and Tim was curled on the floor next to him. Bo smiled and walked over and tickled his foot as Mateo and I stripped down, and the big man jumped up immediately and screamed.

Rick burst out laughing, and Tim, startled by the commotion, was up and looking around.

"You found his weakness, Bo," Rick said. "Bear is extremely ticklish."

"I see that!" Bo exclaimed.

"No fair!" Bear said as he yawned and rubbed his wet chest. "We literally just laid down for a nap!"

"So, how many did you give the boy?" Bo asked as he sat across from the man.

"Three," Tim replied. "I think I finally wore him out."

"For now, boy," Bear replied with a grin.

Rick shook his head and walked back to his room with Chris to undress, and I joined Bo on the couch until everyone was ready to soak in the water. Bear and Tim went back to sleeping, and the rest of us relaxed and drank till the evening came again. Chris prepared a dinner of pork chops and green beans, which we all devoured, and then we played cards till bedtime.

When the morning came, it was time to head home. Time always seems to go by faster when you are having fun. Tim rode with Mateo and me on the way back to Atlanta, so we could all have some sub time together. We all agreed it was a good bonding experience. No matter what the future would hold, we pledged that we needed to set aside time for some of the local subs to get together in the future. It eventually led to an annual trip to the cabin, but that is a story for another time.

Next: Chapter 27

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