Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Sep 18, 2022


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Chastity and Service


Tim and I knelt on the floor in John's dungeon one cold Saturday afternoon in January. I could feel my balls as they contracted up against my cage's base ring, and I was happy when I felt the warm air turn on and come through the register above me. John had requested that both of us come to the house, but Mateo was not joining us. This felt odd to me, but I did not question the request.

"How long do you think we will be waiting?" Tim asked me after we had been there for at least fifteen minutes.

"Who knows," I whispered back. "I think Sir likes making subs wait."

Tim smiled at me, and then we heard footsteps on the staircase. There was more than one set, and I glanced over as the door opened and John walked through, followed by Bo and Jack. I was even more puzzled now as they walked in front of us and stood silently for several minutes.

"You can rise, boys," John said.

As I got to my feet, Bo had a blank expression on his face. He was in dominant mode, and his black band was on his upper arm. Jack had a lip full of chewing tobacco, and he paused to spit into an old plastic bottle in his hand before looking at us.

"I am sure you both are wondering why you have been called here," John said. "There are two reasons. First, I wanted you two to be the first to know I have agreed to sell my house to Master Jack. He will be moving his two boys, Ryan and Johnny, in with him and plans to keep this space as a dungeon for local dominants and throwing parties."

"I am happy to hear that, Sir," I replied. "Sir Jack is the perfect man to carry on the tradition."

Jack smiled and nodded at me as John continued.

"I also wanted him here as I continue to work with Master Bo. He has made great strides, but I think having another dom's viewpoint and presence will be a valuable experience. I have asked Tim to attend this session so that Bo can work with two subs at once, too. Are you both ok with this?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"Absolutely!" Tim replied with a grin.

"Very well," John said. "Master Jack, why don't you take Boy Tim to the table and instruct Master Bo on the use of the electro-play equipment. Boy Matt and I will observe from the side here how Master Bo handles himself."

"You got it," Jack said as Tim rose and followed them across the room.

Bo took a deep breath and winked at me as he followed them. As Tim was strapped down on his back to the padded piece of furniture, John knelt in front of me and lowered his voice.

"Just so you know, boy, I want to see how Bo behaves knowing he is being observed. Make careful mental notes. Later, I want you to critique how he behaves and offer him advice. Be brutally honest. I know that is difficult as you are a couple, but he needs to know where he did well and where he needs to grow. You may not be a dominant, but you know how I expect one to behave."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"Come with me," John said as he moved closer to the table.

As Bo put the blindfold on the bound Tim, Jack moved the equipment they would use over on a rolling cart. The generator hummed with a flip of the switch, and Jack passed a wand over to Bo.

"Now, I know you have experienced this before as a sub, but performing electro play on a sub is a delicate process," Jack began. "You need to balance the discomfort and pain you inflict and not cause damage or harm."

Bo looked nervous as he took the wand in his hand and looked over at me for a moment.

"Don't look at them!" Jack shouted. "If you have to look at anyone, look at me."

Bo stared at Jack as the man spit in his container and sealed it again.

"Take a deep breath, son," Jack said. "I know you are still learning what it means to be a dominant, but part of that is having confidence. I will be here to guide you. I won't let this boy be hurt."

"Yes, Sir," Bo said. "I mean, yes, Jack."

Jack chuckled.

"It is hard to get out of that routine, isn't it?"

Bo chuckled and turned red.

"Ok, now, hold the wand firmly in your hand," Jack said. "You don't want to touch the skin. You always want a small gap. A word of warning, though. If the boy you are working with has nipple piercings or other jewelry, understand it can heat up quickly with this."

"Understood," Bo replied.

"Are your nipples sensitive, boy?" Jack asked Tim.

"Yes, Sir!" Tim replied. "They are directly connected to my nub, Sir."

"Then this will be fun," Jack replied with a grin. "Bo, I want you to take the wand and move it around the boy's nipple area. This will stimulate him and should cause an immediate reaction."

As the wand buzzed in Bo's hand, he brought it close to Tim's right nipple area. He moved it around carefully and the electricity arched into the boy. Tim groaned immediately, and he arched his groin upward as his nub swelled in its metal prison.

"Perfect!" Jack replied with a smile. "Do it again on the other side."

Bo moved to the left side, and as the electricity arched again, Tim's nub bounced.

"Fuck!" Tim called out.

I felt my nub swell as I saw Tim being played and lightly tortured by Bo. It did not take long for him to determine where Tim's most sensitive bits were, and he had him leaking precum pretty quickly.

"Ok," Jack said as he turned the machine off. "Now, let's have some fun."

Jack grabbed a large plug and lubricated it with a small bottle of fluid.

"Lift your ass, boy!" Jack shouted at Tim.

As the boy complied, Jack handed the plug to Bo.

"Shove that in his hole until it locks into place."

"Ok," Bo said as he moved around and placed it at the entrance to Tim's ass.

It took about a minute for Tim to accept it, but once the plug was in place, Jack had him lie flat again, and he turned the machine on again.

"I'm sure John has done this on you before," Jack said.

"Oh yes," Bo replied. "I remember that plug."

"So do I!" Tim groaned.

Jack grinned as he turned a knob and sent pulses of electricity into the boy's ass, causing it to contract. Each time he squeezed his ass, the plug moved over his prostate and sent a wave of energy through his body.

"Come over here," Jack said to Bo. "You can control this. I want to see that boy's nub flowing with precum!"

Bo smiled, walked over, and played with the dials and knobs. It did not take him long to figure out the mechanism, and before long, Tim was a puppet on a string. He had the boy groaning and his nub weeping clear fluids all over the table pretty quickly.

"Now, the trick is to time things right," Jack said. "You don't want him orgasming. Just get him near the edge. Then you want to back off. Boy, talk to us. Let us know when you are close to cumming!"

"Yes, Sir!" Tim groaned.

As Bo continued to play with the device, Tim's body pulled against the restraints, and he squirmed. When he was close, he would call out, Bo would turn the dial down, and Jack would run metal instruments over his chest to stimulate different areas. After a brief cooldown, the procedure would continue. It was apparent Jack was quite an expert when it came to this type of play. Bo was getting into it, but I could tell he was still timid at times.

When Tim had been brought to the edge five times, Jack told Bo to turn the device down to a low level, and then he turned on the wand again. As Bo brought it back to Tim's nipples, the boy screamed.

"Oh fuck, Sir!"

"That feel good, boy?" Bo asked.

"My nub is killing me!" Tim replied.

"And is that a problem?" Jack asked.

"No, Sir!" Tim replied. "I am here for pleasure, Sirs!"

"Good, boy!" Jack replied as he spit in his container.

As Bo continued to stimulate Tim, Jack moved down to the boy's feet and grabbed a stick that had feathers on the end. He brought it to the boy's soles and moved it around. Tim screamed and squirmed in reaction.


"Someone is ticklish!" Jack replied.

Jack moved it around Tim's feet again as Bo stimulated the boy's nipples, and the plug pulsed in his ass, moving over his warm prostate. Tim was experiencing agony and pleasure and was near overload. As Jack brought the feather under the boy's right foot, Tim's nub pulsed, and cum flowed out.

"Fuck!" Tim called out.

"You cum, boy?" Jack asked.

"It was ruined, Sir!" Tim replied as tears fell from his eyes. "Fuck, this is killing me!"

Bo looked at Jack and smiled as the cum continued to pulse out slowly.

"Who's pleasure is important?" Jack asked.

"Yours and Master Bo's, Sir!" Tim replied with a whimper.

Jack moved the feathers over Tim's balls, and the boy shook and groaned as the fluids dripped off his balls.

"Ok, Bo," Jack said. "I'm going to take this boy over to the cross to flog him some. Strap down, boy Matt in his place, and I want you to practice what I have taught you. But do not make him cum!"

Bo looked over at me nervously, and I swallowed some spit as I approached the table. John helped bind me as Jack took Tim away, and when I was blindfolded, I heard the electricity come on again. However, I didn't feel anything after.

"Umm, John," Bo asked.

"Take a deep breath," John said. "You know what you are doing. This is your boy for the moment. Focus on what you have to do."

I could tell Bo must be nervous, but when I felt the electricity pass over my nipples, I groaned, and my nub reacted simultaneously.

"Good!" John replied as I heard him move back. "You are in charge, Master Bo. Show me what you can do."

I felt Bo's hands move over my chest, and when they came off, arcs of electricity followed. Bo knew precisely where my pleasure and pain centers were, and while he was hesitant at first, he soon became bolder and had me on the edge of screaming out at several points. When the plug was put in my ass, he took it up a notch and brought me to the verge of cumming six times in a row. My body was starting to sweat even in the cool room, and I could feel warmth throughout my ass and groin area.

I screamed out like a little girl when the feathers hit my feet. Bo was quite aware of how ticklish I was, and I squirmed and fought against the restraints as the plug slowly pulsed deep in me.

"Fucking hell!" I cried out as I tried to get away from him.

"This is so much fun!" Bo replied.

"Sadist!" I screamed out.

Bo laughed, grabbed my foot, and held it as he tickled me again.

There comes the point where your body is so stimulated that it begins to act weirdly. For me, it starts with a mild headache, and then I feel a shooting sensation that is not pleasant down my limbs. When that happened, I knew I needed a break.

"Banana!" I screamed out.

Bo was well aware of our safe word, and he immediately stopped what he was doing, but he let out an audible sigh.

"Well, shit."

"Just let him have a small break," John said with a laugh. "You are doing fine."

As I tried to catch my breath, I heard the smack of the flogger against Tim's body from across the room. A whimper followed, and then several more impacts.

"Good boy!" Jack called out.

"How are you doing, baby?" Bo asked as he rubbed my leg.

"I'm your boy right now, Sir," I responded. "Stay in character."

"Right," Bo replied. "You are right."

"I am ok, Sir," I replied. "Give me another minute, and I can continue."

Bo stepped back from the table until I was ready, and then the torture continued. He brought me to the edge twice more and tickled me until I laughed and screamed. My poor nub was covered in clear, sticky fluids that flowed over my cage and onto the table. When the plug stopped pulsing and was pulled from my ass, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Bo was silent for a while, and I listened to Tim's beating until I felt the restraints being pulled off my ankles. I thought I was done until I felt the table creak and groan under the pressure of another body, and my legs pushed up until my ass was spread. Bo's cock slapped against it twice and then went into me, and I felt him behind me fucking me.

"Oh hell!" I cried out.

"Fuck yeah, boy!" Bo replied.

Even though the table was made of thick, sturdy wood, I felt it move as my fiancé threw his weight into pounding me. I was so overstimulated from the electro play that my prostate was numb, and I was not getting anything out of it, but I could tell he was. Bo was grunting and growling like I had never heard him before. After several minutes, I felt him spread my legs and push deep, and then his cock pulsed.

"You are bred, boy!" he called out.

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied.

Bo stayed there for several minutes catching his breath and letting his cock drain. He pulled out and let my legs fall to the table when he was done. After that, I stayed there for quite a while. I heard Jack congratulate him and then pass him the flogger so he could work on Tim. When I finally did feel hands on me again, they were rough and calloused. As my blindfold was removed, I saw Jack's eyes staring back at me.

"Off the table, boy. We are done with you. Return to your square."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I stood and caught my balance.

I saw Tim on his knees in front of Bo, giving him a blow job. The boy's back was red and had marks across it from the flogging he had received. As I moved over to my square, Bo got Tim up and moved him to the fuck bench. Jack stepped in to fuck a load into the boy first, and when he was done, Bo mounted him and used the cum as lube for a second one. I couldn't help but be turned on, and my poor sore nub was leaking all over the floor below me. When Bo was done, he stepped back, covered in sweat. John handed him a towel and then pulled off his shorts and revealed his hard cock.

"I think he needs a third load," John said as he spread Tim's ass and pushed inside.

I felt a little jealous of Tim getting all the attention, even though I had been fucked myself. John was a master of fucking and could make it go on for quite a while. Poor Tim was on the verge of tears fifteen minutes later when the man finally busted his nut and filled the boy again. Bo and Jack both cried out in encouragement, and I smiled when Bo looked back at me and winked.

Tim was allowed some time to recover before being removed from the bench and told to kneel next to me on the floor. The three men left the room for a while, but only John and Bo returned when the door opened again.

"Well, Master Bo, how do you think you performed?"

"Well, I think I did ok," Bo replied.

"First off, you need to know you did or didn't," John said as he sipped on a glass of water. "Don't tell me you think, or you might anything."

"Understood," Bo said.

John smiled and rubbed Bo's shoulders.

"You did very well. But you have room for improvement. That is ok, though. If you knew everything, you wouldn't need instruction from me."

John turned and looked over at Tim and me.

"Boy Tim, stand."

Tim stood and assumed a stance of attention.

"Critique Master Bo, boy. Hold nothing back."

"Master Bo has a great cock, and I love servicing him," Tim said. "I have no complaints or comments at this time, Sir."

"Very well," John said. "Boy Matt, stand and give Bo your critique."

I stood and stared at Bo before taking a breath.

"Master Bo is a talented dominant. He has always been quick to pick things up, but he needs to learn confidence and put his mind in the right place. I have watched him grow a lot over the past few months, but there are still times he forgets what he is doing and breaks character."

Bo looked down and John put his arm on his shoulder.

"It is a fair assessment, Bo," John said. "I told Matt to be honest with you. It is always hard to hear constructive criticism, but it can be even more difficult from a loved one. I want you to know that I am proud of you and that you should take his observations to heart as paths to grow and develop. You are a strong man and have made great strides with me. I hope you are not upset with him."

"No," Bo said as he looked up. "He is right. I want to thank you for a great training day. I learned a lot."

"And got well-drained, I hope," John said with a smile.

Bo looked over at Tim and me and grinned.

"Both of those boys have great asses."

"Thank you, Sir!" Tim replied.

"Ok, boys, you can go," John said. "Master Bo and I have some things to discuss before he leaves."

Tim and I stood and left the room, and as the door closed behind him, Tim looked up at me and groaned.

"My ass is on fire!"

I chuckled as I grabbed my clothes and dressed.

"You did great, though!" I replied. "Your back is still red. That has to hurt."

"I'll be ok," Tim said. "I actually like a little pain. Sir Jack is really good at what he does. I have to admit I love servicing Sir Bo too."

"I noticed!" I replied with a smile.

"Can I be honest with you?" Tim asked as he put his underwear on.

"Sure, bro," I replied.

"If I hadn't met Bear, I would have tried to see if Bo would have been interested in collaring me," Tim said. "I don't know if that was something he or you would have been open to, but he is so hot. I hope that is not too awkward to say to you."

I laughed.

"I figured as much. I don't think Bo is at a point where he is ready for that, though."

"Still, he is so fun," Tim said. "You are a lucky man."

"Thanks," I replied. "I do feel privileged to have him as my partner. How are you and Bear doing, by the way?"

"Good!" Tim replied. "He wants to take things slow to make sure I am a good fit for him, but I have already been to his house several times. He is a sweet and kind man. He is a dominant, no doubt there, but he also has a soft side. Still, I love feeling him fuck me, and he is a great cuddler."

"Well, I am glad," I replied. "You seem like a good fit for each other."

"Fingers crossed!" Tim replied.

Later in the evening, Bo returned to the house, and I warmed up some dinner for him that I had prepared. He looked tired but in a good mood. As I sat down with him and watched him eat, I finally got the nerve to speak up.

"So, are we good?" I asked.

"What do you mean, baby?" Bo asked.

"I didn't make things awkward with my comments?" I asked.

"Why?" Bo asked. "That is exactly what I needed to hear. We have always been honest with one another."

"I know," I replied. "But it was still tough for me to tell you that."

Bo smiled and reached out and grabbed my hand.

"I am glad you did. It will help me grow. John and I had a long conversation after you left. I'm going to take the next week off from training with him, so I can think about some things and get my head straight."

"But nothing is wrong?"

"Not at all!" Bo replied. "I think part of it is I am truly a switch right now. I enjoy subbing for Todd and Rob, but I enjoy being a dom, too. Staying in one role in the moment can be tough for me, but I am getting there."

"And even if you don't, you know that is still ok with me," I replied. "I love you regardless. I just want you to be happy."

Bo smiled and sat back and drank some soda before speaking again.

"By the way, watching you squirm and not orgasm was hot as hell, especially when I just took your ass and came in it after I was done."

"There's the dom I know and love," I replied.

Bo laughed and dug into his meal after.

Next: Chapter 25

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