Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Sep 11, 2022


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Chastity and Service

A New Year

The smell of the salt air evaded my sinuses as I opened the back door to our vacation home in Marathon Key, Florida, on Monday, New Year's Day, 2018. Todd had flown Bo, Rob, and me down right after Christmas, and we had enjoyed a relaxing week swimming and lounging on the private beach behind the property. The four of us had driven into Key West the night before and rang in the new year watching the local drag queen drop in a giant red shoe. We didn't get back to the house till after 3 am, and Bo and Rob were still sleeping at 9 am when I had woken up to start cleaning the place up some and preparing some coffee for Todd, who was always the early riser. I found my master sitting in his boxers on the back porch with his legs propped on the railing, smoking a cigar.

"Good morning, Sir," I said as I extended one of the mugs of coffee.

"Morning, boy," Todd said with a smile as he accepted it and took a sip. "I heard you up and moving around early."

"I just wanted to get a head start on my duties, Sir," I replied.

"You're a good boy," Todd said with a wink. "Sit down beside me here and join me."

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied.

Todd pulled a newspaper from the chair next to him, and I sat down and adjusted my cage before leaning back to drink my cup of joe.

"Lots of changes this past year," Todd remarked as he stared at the water.

"Yes," I responded. "But I think 2017 was good to us."

"No doubt!" Todd said with a smile. "Rob was the highlight of it all."

"I'm glad you met Papa," I said. "I'm looking forward to having him in the house all the time."

"He's moving in the first weekend of February," Todd said. "His apartment lease is up then anyway."

"Great!" I replied. "That will be my birthday weekend, too!"

"I know," Todd responded. "It will be a busy few days for sure. But I want you to be clear about what this move will mean for you. It will mean taking on a lot more responsibilities. An extra man in the house means more cleaning and chores, and with Bo no longer a complete sub, I will expect you to pick up the slack."

"I know, Sir," I replied. "But I am ready for the challenge. I just wanted to thank you for being understanding concerning Bo. I know it was a big ask for you to change how you treat him, and it was not what you expected when you collared him."

"Life is change," Todd said. "I'm not going to lie. It was not an easy thing to accept at first. However, Rob and I had a lengthy conversation about it. He has altered how I see things. We are a family now. I can't expect you two to stay the same for the rest of your life. I love you both as my boys, but as partners, too."

"Well, just know that I am very happy serving under you and being your boy," I said. "I don't see that ever changing. And, of course, now that Rob is part of the family, I get to be his boy, too!"

Todd chuckled.

"Well, boy, how do you feel about moving to the floor and massaging Sir's paws?"

"I'd be happy to!" I replied as I moved in front of him and put his right foot in my lap to rub it.

Todd groaned and flexed his foot and then let his head fall back.

"Good boy."

Todd looked back down at me and smiled, and I returned the grin. I could feel the knots in his foot and calves resulting from standing around a lot the previous evening.

"So, how is young Tim doing in John's program? I was impressed with his stamina and attitude at the party last week."

"He is doing well," I replied. "He still has a lot to learn, but we are sharing what advice we can."

"I saw he got some time with Bear," Todd added.

I laughed.

"And Bear was interested in having more time with him!"

"So, your plan worked, then," Todd said with a wink as he drank from his cup.

"I think so," I said. "I talked to Rick the next day, got Bear's contact info, and gave it to Tim. They were going to be going out on a dinner date last night. I am anxious to see how it went."

"I still remember the first time we had some one-on-one time," Todd said. "Bo caught my eye first, I admit, but you won me over pretty quickly."

"Well, I have to admit I thought you were sexy as hell the first time I saw you at a party!" I replied.

Todd laughed.

"Well, I hope things work out for him. It is still going to be a shame to see John go."

"Agreed," I replied. "I want to do something for him, but time is running short."

"Did you have any thoughts at all?" Todd asked.

"I'd like to get as many subs back here as possible and have a little party for him, but it will take a lot of planning, and I don't know where to hold it."

"Well, we could have it at our house," Todd said. "It would mean a lot of work for you and Bo to clean and prep the house, and you would have to research nearby hotels for the guests, but it could be done. It depends on whether you are ready to put in the effort."

"I never shy away from work, Sir," I replied with a smile.

"Then, let's do it," Todd said. "We could do it in April. That is three months away. It is a tight schedule, but it can be done. Though, it would be the same month as your wedding."

"We could just do it the same weekend as the wedding," I said. "A lot of people will be coming for it anyway. We could have a private function at the house just for the subs and doms associated with the program the Friday before."

"That will be up to you and Bo," Todd said as he pulled one foot from my lap and replaced it with the other. "That is your weekend. But, if he agrees, I will be supportive."

"I will talk to him, Sir," I replied.

Todd inhaled his cigar and blew a large cloud of smoke over my head. He flexed his foot and pushed it forward until his toes touched my cage.

"Have you decided about that cage for your wedding night?" Todd asked.

"Sir?" I asked.

Todd laughed.

"I know Bo asked you to remove it so he could see and play with you uncaged for one evening. He brought up the topic with me a while back."

I smiled.

"Yeah, he has mentioned it several times. I still haven't made up my mind."

Todd pulled his foot back and leaned over and looked at me.

"Boy, listen to me. You have been obedient and completely submissive to me since I collared you. I have never had to worry about your commitment to me. While I prefer you caged, I would not begrudge you to take it off with your new husband for one night. But that is a decision you have to make for yourself. It is your body."

"I appreciate you telling me that, Sir," I replied.

"Just let me know what you decide to do beforehand," Todd added as he leaned back.

"I will, Sir," I said.

"If you choose to unlock, you can consider an uncaged orgasm a wedding gift from me," Todd said.

"Thanks, Sir," I replied with a smile.

"But, for now, boy, your Sir needs a blowjob," Todd said as he reached down and pulled his pants off.

I grinned as I saw his cock hardening, and I helped pull his boxers off before kneeling between his spread legs.

"I'm always happy to serve you, Sir," I replied.

Feeling Todd's cock slide down my throat always gave me a rush of endorphins. I love pleasuring the man. The smell of his musk, the taste of his precum, and the sounds he made when he was being sucked off were erotic as hell. As the waters of the Gulf of Mexico crashed behind me and the sounds of seagulls cried above, I massaged my master's large balls and worked his shaft over slowly and methodically. I had so completely put my mind into it that I had not noticed that Bo had woken up and come outside. He sat naked next to Todd, stroking his cock when I finally opened my eyes. I had Todd's cock so far in my mouth his balls were on my chin, and Bo chuckled.

"Someone was hungry this morning!"

I gagged as I pulled back and smiled. A thread of spit suspended itself from Todd's cock and was attached to my lips before I licked it away.

"Early bird gets the worm!" I said as I went back down on Todd.

Todd smiled and lifted his arm, and Bo leaned over and rubbed his face in it.

"That's a good boy," Todd responded. "Mark yourself."

Bo groaned and continued to jack off until Todd reached over and pulled his hands away.

"Focus on me right now, boy."

"Yes, Sir!" Bo said as he twisted and licked Todd's armpit before embedding his face in it.

Bo gently twisted Todd's nipple, and I felt the man's cock pulse in my throat.

"Good boy!" Todd growled.

The precum was flowing heavier now, and I could taste it as it collected in my cheeks. As I rubbed under his balls, I felt Todd's testicles lift, and I knew he would not last long. When Bo pinched and twisted Todd's nipple once again, the man's legs went stiff, and I felt him gasp. The eruption came next, and warm cum flooded my throat as I happily lapped it down.

"Fuck!" Todd screamed as he closed his eyes.

Bo continued to rub his face in Todd's armpit, and he rubbed the man's furry belly as he orgasmed. When the last shot was delivered, I swallowed it and then licked his cock clean before looking up to see him put his cigar back in his mouth and take a deep drag to blow smoke over both of us.

"Fuck I needed that."

"Happy to help, Sir!" I replied.

Bo grinned and stroked his cock again, and Todd pulled his hand away once more.

"You think you can abstain from touching that today for me, boy?" Todd asked.

"Of course, Sir," Bo replied as he licked the precum from his hands.

"Thank you," Todd said. "If you need to burn some energy off, I am sure Papa would love a morning blowjob or ass to fuck."

"I can handle that!" Bo said as he stood and adjusted his balls. "I'll be back."

Todd looked back at me and winked, and I went back to massaging his feet.

"So," Todd said with a sigh. "Now that I am relaxed, what do you want to do today? We still need to fly back later this afternoon, but my plane is ready, and we are not in any hurry."

"I'd just like to relax and take care of you and Papa," I replied with a smile. "It's a perfect day today."

Todd wiggled his toes in my hands and grinned back.

"Yeah, I am not ready to head back home to the chilly weather. I'm very much a fan of the climate down here."

"Were you born here, Sir?" I asked.

"Dad was in the military, so we moved around a lot, but I spent most of my childhood here," Todd said.

"How long have you known Bill?" I asked.

Bill was an old friend of Todd's. Bo and I first met him when we came to the keys for the first time. The man was older and shorter than me with a bald head, deep blue eyes, and a long, bright white beard and reminded me of an old sailor. He had a nice belly and a decent cock and balls, which I had serviced on more than one occasion.

Todd laughed when I asked my question.

"Oh, Bill. He caught me sneaking into a bar when I was in high school. Instead of reporting me, he bought another beer, and we got to know one another. He was a mentor to me and got me out of several other sticky situations when I was a kid. He is more like my fun Uncle, I guess. We never played around. I think he figured me for a top from day one, but he schooled me on the community, how to be safe, and what to watch out for."

"He seems like a nice guy," I replied. "I always like hanging out with him. I am sorry we didn't get a chance to see him last night."

"I did reach out to him, but he is out of town visiting family at the moment," Todd said as he sucked on his cigar again. "I am sure we can catch him next time."

The sound of a window opening behind us caught our attention, and Todd looked behind him to see Rob smiling. The room was a small play area at the back and contained a sling, fuck bench, and various sex toys. I heard the chains on the sling rattling behind Rob, and I figured Bo was climbing in."

"Is our boy giving you a good wake-up call?" Todd asked.

"He's about to get an ass full," Rob replied.

Todd turned and winked at me, and I grinned back as we listened to the groan of Bo as Rob mounted him and then the sounds of fucking that followed. Rob was horny because the pounding was rough and fast, and I could hear Bo panting and grunting through the window.

"This is better than porn," Todd said as he moved his hand down, and I saw his cock stir again.

"Would you like another blowjob, Sir?" I asked.

"You read my mind, boy," Todd replied.

I grinned and got to my knees and grasped his hardening shaft. As I went down on him again, Todd leaned back, smoked, and listened to the sounds of sex. Bo was beginning to cry out as the rutting continued.

"Oh, Papa! Fuck me harder, Papa!"

"You are gonna get bred well, boy!" Rob replied.

Todd's cock pulsed with precum simultaneously, and I felt my nub swell. I ran my tongue around his head and savored the salty sweetness of his fluids before I pulled him into my throat and ran my hand under his balls to stimulate them. Todd spread his legs and flexed his toes, and I could hear them crack.

"Fuck!" Todd groaned as he put his hands down on the arms of the chair and threw his head back with his eyes closed.

I knew all the spots that could make him moan. I had learned long ago that when he was in the mood, I could even move my fingers down and explore his ass, which was usually off-limits. As my hand moved below him, he lifted his butt and pushed forward, giving me access. His hole squeezed tight when I ran across it, but after spitting on my finger and rubbing it some, it accepted me in, and I pushed slowly till I found his prostate.

I rubbed gently on the bulbous gland and continued to suck him. Todd's legs quivered in response. His breaths quickened, and I saw a flush of red form over his chest along with beads of sweat. His mouth opened, and I could hear him mumbling, but I didn't know what he was saying. The pounding in the next room was getting louder, and when Rob growled, I knew Bo got his load. Todd screamed out at the same time.

"Oh fuck!"

I felt his prostate pulse, and the shot of cum that went down my throat nearly gagged me. I backed off to collect things in my mouth before swallowing and gently removed my finger as his orgasm waned. When he was done, I pulled off and licked my lips, and he looked down at me with his eyes wide and his tongue hanging out.

"Fuck, that was good, boy!"

"Been a while since I was able to finger you at the same time," I replied with a smile.

"Ugh!" Todd replied as he let his head fall back, and he caught his breath.

Todd was still trying to recover when Rob stepped out on the porch with his softening dick still covered in cum.

"I thought I heard you cry out," Rob said with a chuckle.

"Fuck, this boy has a mouth on him," Todd replied.

"How about you clean me off since he is still out of order," Rob said.

"Yes, Papa!" I replied as I got up, walked over, and knelt in front of him to take his cock into my mouth and suck away the remnants of his load.

Bo walked out with a towel around his shoulders, panting as I was finishing.

"Well damn. I was hoping to get the rest of that!"

"Too late!" I replied with a grin as I looked back at him.

Bo groped his balls and groaned, and I shook my head and wagged my finger at him.

"Sir said no touching today."

"I know," Bo said as he moved his hand away. "But just be prepared. You will get a hard pounding first thing in the morning. My balls will be full."

"I'll be ready, Sir," I replied.

Next: Chapter 24

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