Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Sep 8, 2022


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Chastity and Service

The Christmas Party (Part 3)

As I climbed the steps, the pain in my ass returned. I could feel the cum starting to slide out, too, and when I reached the main floor, I ducked into the bathroom to clean up before going to the kitchen. John and Todd were sharing a drink as I entered, and my former trainer smiled at me.

"Well, I don't see any marks on your chest," John said. "Let's see that ass."

I turned around, and he saw the two black hash marks on my ass cheek and my crack's redness.

"Looks like you had a hell of a ride for those two loads," John replied.

"Hugo nearly split me in two, Sir," I responded. "I am on a mandated break from my Papa to let my ass recover."

Todd laughed.

"Rob's right. It is a good idea to pace yourself, boy. The party is just getting going."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I mixed Greg's drink. "Will you two be coming downstairs?"

"At some point," John said. "I will be giving each of you a load down your throat, but your master and I are catching up on things for now. But, I will say I love how the new chastity device looks on you. The smaller cage makes your balls stand out more."

"I thought the same thing, Sir!" I said with a smile. "Thanks for helping Sir and Papa with the order."

"Not a problem at all," John said. "I know the store owners well after buying cages from them over the years. You were due for a smaller cage anyway."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I turned to leave.

When I arrived back down in the basement, I could tell the temperature had increased. The smell of sweat, cum, musk, and cigar smoke was mingling in the air, too. Mateo was on his knees sucking a load out of Jack, and Tim was still riding Bear's cock in the sling as I walked over to Greg to hand him his drink. I tended to the men for the next half hour as the first round of loads continued. After Bear had dumped his second load into Tim, he took a breather, and the rest of the doms headed upstairs to grab some food. I walked over to check on the sub in training and see how his fuck had gone.

"Well, what did you think?" I asked as I handed Tim a damp towel.

The young man's ass was dripping with cum, and his chest's fur was matted with sweat.

"He is a fucking machine!" Tim replied with a sigh. "I love it! You were so right. He is fucking hot as hell!"

I laughed.

"And from my experience, I promise he has more to give."

"Good!" Tim replied with a smile. "Can you help me out of here?"

"Sure!" I said as I grabbed his arm and lifted him out of the sling.

Tim had two hash marks on his chest and two on his ass. Mateo walked over with two on his chest and one on his ass, and I smiled.

"Well, yet again, I am behind," I said as I pointed to the two on my ass.

"Well, after the fuck you got, you should have gotten a bonus hash mark," Mateo said. "I know Hugo, and he didn't pull punches with you. That was brutal!"

"Meh, nothing I couldn't handle," I said with a wink.

"Uh-huh," Mateo replied with a chuckle.

"Come on," I said. "We need to quickly clean up down here and be ready for round two. Tim, as senior sub, can you take the lead and go upstairs and tend to any of their needs up there?"

"You got it!" he said.

For the next fifteen minutes, Mateo and I used some disinfectant to clean all the dungeon equipment, wipe down the floors, put out fresh towels, and empty the trash. My ass was starting to feel better at the same time, and I was happy that there weren't any lasting issues. When I heard heavy steps on the staircase, I stopped what I was doing and headed for my square when I saw Bear appear at the door. He was munching on a cookie, and his cock was swinging back and forth in front of him, bouncing on his low hangers.

"Hey, Sir," I said. "We just finished cleaning up down here."

"Smells a little less like sex," Bear said with a smile. "Everyone is still upstairs snacking. You should try these white cookies. They are pretty damn good!"

"I'm ok, Sir," I replied as I knelt in my spot. "The subs are on a liquid diet for the time being."

"Smart idea, boy," Bear replied as he finished off the sweet.

Mateo exited the bathroom and nodded to Bear before joining me on the floor, and we watched the big man as he scanned the room and then paused to stare at the pictures on the wall. John had brought down my and Mateo's photo from his office and placed them next to Tim's photo.

"John tells me you are just doing this temporarily till young Tim graduates," Bear said. "Is that correct?"

"Yes, Sir," Mateo replied.

"With Sir John leaving soon, he is not taking on any new subs, and we both didn't want Tim to be on his own."

"That was nice of you," Bear said as he scratched his balls.

Bear looked around, grabbed a folding chair, and dragged it over to us next. He sat down close enough that his big, hairy feet almost touched our legs. He was inches from our bodies when he leaned over, and I could smell his musk and felt my cage twitch in response.

"So, tell me more about this boy, Tim," Bear said in a soft voice to me. "I like him."

I grinned.

"I have only known him for a brief time, but he seems nice. I know he is originally from Georgia and considers himself a born sub."

"He is a voracious bottom, Sir," Mateo added with a smile.

"That's for sure," I replied. "He can take Hugo and still want more. That is saying something."

Bear laughed and stroked his soft cock.

"He took my monster with no problems, which is a plus in his column. But he is also cute and respectful. I want to get to know him more, but I don't want to steal him away from the other men tonight. Thought about talking to him but didn't know the protocol with John."

"If you want, Sir, I could give him your contact info and arrange a more private meeting between you two. You could do dinner one evening and see where things go."

"You're a bright boy," Bear said with a smile. "I can see why Rick speaks so highly of you."

I blushed.

"He's one of my best friends. I wouldn't be here had it not been for him. Rick is the one that introduced me to Sir John."

"I see!" Bear exclaimed as he leaned back. "Well, get my info from Rick and pass it along to the young sub. I definitely would be up for getting to know him better. And don't be afraid to message me as well. As long as your masters are ok with it, I would like some private time with you again."

"You got it, Sir!" I replied.

"So, what do we have going on here?" came a voice from the door to the staircase.

I turned and saw Dusty downing a beer and staring at us. Bear grinned and stood up and pushed the chair away.

"Just chatting with the experienced subs while you all were up eating."

"They should be down shortly," Dusty said as he burped and threw the empty bottle in a trashcan. "Hugo bent that young sub over the couch and is railing him right now, and the others are taking bets on how long the boy will last."

"I expect quite a while, Sir," I replied with a chuckle.

"I get that impression too, boy," Dusty replied. "You still drink piss?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Dusty walked over and pointed his cock at my face.

"Then open up. I need to drain the lizard."

Once Hugo finished dumping his load in Tim, which took 20 minutes, the men filtered back down into the basement. Mateo was on oral duty and took several loads in his mouth while Bo flogged me under the supervision of Greg and John. Tim spent his time on the fuck bench or sling, and Bear managed to load his ass up once again before the big man took a break to have a cigar with Todd, Rob, and Gabriel. As the party wound down, the stats were pretty clear. Tim had two hash marks on his chest from sucking down loads from Dusty and Bo and six on his ass from John, Hugo, and Bear. Mateo had six on his chest from John, Jack, Greg, Todd, and Rob and one on his chest from the sole breeding he got from Gabriel. I was the lightweight with two in my ass, one each from Dusty and Hugo and a shot down my throat from Hugo later in the night. However, the lack of marks on my skin did not go unnoticed by Bear as he downed a beer and puffed on a cigar.

"So, how is that ass feeling now?" Bear asked as he walked by me after I finished getting Dusty a drink.

"I'm all good," I replied. "Seems like Tim and Mateo got the most action tonight, though. I have been staying busy tending to everyone's food and drink orders."

"I have seen that," Bear said with a crooked grin. "You know these balls of mine could unload a fourth time."

"Where do you want me, Sir?" I asked.

Bear took a deep pull on his cigar and blew it into the air over my head before replying in a deep, gravelly voice.

"Get in the sling, boy."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I walked across the room.

Most of the men were sitting down smoking, Tim was in front of Bo massaging his feet, and Mateo was doing the same to Gabriel. However, as I climbed into the sling, they all moved their chairs around to get a good view. Bear helped me put my legs in the stirrups as he stood behind my ass, and he reached out and rubbed my chest as he took another deep draw and blew smoke over me again. He placed the cigar on a glass tray next to him and stroked his engorged cock as he smiled.


"What, Sir?" I asked, confused.

"That's your safe word, boy," Bear said as he grabbed some lube and fingered me. "You say that word, and I will pull out and just jack over your chest if I need to. I respect boys."

"I'll be ok, Sir," I replied with a smile.

Bear looked down and stroked his shaft a few times with the lube and then placed the head of his dick at the entrance to my hole. As he pushed forward, it paused before popping in, which took my breath away. I groaned in response, and the big man grabbed my thighs and pulled them apart as he pushed deeper inside me. He was not as thick as Hugo, but his length and girth were still impressive, and I remembered how deep he had gotten into me the last time we played around. I was still leaking cum hours after that encounter.

When Bear's large balls met mine, he paused and reached out and rubbed my chest again. He smiled at me as he gyrated back and forth and let me feel him deep in me. My nub swelled in its prison, and a spurt of precum shot out and arced in the air due to the stimulation.

"I do love a leaky boy," Bear said as he collected the fluids and rubbed them into my fur.

The man took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He grabbed my waist, leaned back, and forced deeper into me. I curled my feet in response and moaned loudly.

"Fuck him good, Bear," Dusty shouted from across the room.

Bear chuckled and then looked down at me before he began to pound. The chains began to rattle, and my body shook from the impacts. My head bounced around, and I grabbed onto the chains above me for dear life as the man fucked hard.

"Fuck yeah!" Dusty cheered.

"That's a way to fuck!" Jack added.

"Give it to me, Sir!" I called out in encouragement.

Bear grinned till his teeth were showing and then gave it his all. He was pounding so hard that his feet were slipping, and he had to adjust his stance for a better grip on the floor. Sweat formed on his chest and dripped down off his fur. He threw his head up into the air and growled so loudly that I thought he had orgasmed, but that was still some time off.

"Pound me, Sir! Use me for your pleasure!" I screamed.

"God, this ass is nice!" Bear cried out. "You are a fucking lucky man Bo!"

Bo later told me that he blushed so hard that Rob teased him the rest of the night.

The fuck continued for what seemed like forever. The man had energy like you would not believe. He pounded me hard and fast and then slowed only for a moment before continuing again. We were both a sweaty mess when his breaths became shallow, and I heard him stutter.

"Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!"

"Are you close, Sir?" I asked.

"Fuck yes!" Bear growled as he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"Fill me with that grizzly bear cum, Sir!" I screamed.

"Fuck!" Bear shouted at the top of his lungs.

His body shook so hard that I thought he was having a stroke. His cock exploded deep inside me and pulsed so hard I could feel every drop of fluids it expelled. Bear collapsed over my body as his chest heaved. I reached up and ran my hands through his wet hair, and he giggled in response.

"Fuck I filled that ass up!"

"I would hope so!" I replied with a chuckle.

Bear took and deep breath and looked up at me. His eyes were glazed over, and he licked his lips before leaning over to kiss my belly. He then slowly pulled himself back and withdrew from my ass. As his cock popped out, cum dripped out in such a volume that it made audible plops on the floor.

"Fucking hell!" Hugo said in reaction. "How was all that still in your balls after a night of fucking?"

Bear laughed as he held on to the chain of the sling.

"Good genes."

Everyone laughed, and Rob stood and walked over to check on me.

"You good, boy?" he said as he rubbed my head.

"Oh, I am fine, Papa!" I replied. "Bear is awesome!"

Bear looked over at me, winked, and then grabbed his cigar and took a few puffs.

"Boy Tim! Bear needs more beer!"

"Coming right up, Sir!" Tim replied as he immediately stood.

Rob helped me out of the sling and wiped my ass down, and then Bear joined the men for another round of drinks before John thanked everyone for a wonderful time and wished them all happy holidays. As the men filtered upstairs to dress and leave, Mateo and Tim joined me in cleaning up the room. John congratulated Tim on getting the most hash marks, and Mateo and I agreed to let him off one day from cleaning next week. He was given a one hundred dollar bill as a reward. When the last of the men left, Tim sighed.

"Well, that was an event."

I laughed.

"Pretty typical for the Christmas party, if I remember right."

"Yeah, and I had a wonderful time, even if I didn't win the competition," Mateo replied with a wink to Tim.

Tim blushed.

"Well, I am glad you two were both here. I could have handled this on my own, but it certainly went better with the help."

"Come here, bro," I said as I walked over and embraced Tim and then gestured to Mateo. "Mateo, you too."

Mateo walked over and threw his arms around us both, and we gave each other a big hug.

"We will always be here for ya, bubba," I said.

"Absolutely," Mateo added.

Tim smiled.

"Ok, well, as senior sub, I say we hurry up and finish cleaning and head home to relax. I think we all deserve that."

"Agreed," Mateo and I replied.

It was late when I finally pulled into my driveway. My ass was sore, but I was still in decent shape as I opened the door and saw the lights were off. I stripped down and put my clothes in a wicker basket near the door before going into the kitchen to grab some water. I had leaned against the cabinets and was resting for a moment when I heard Bo walk in dressed in only his boxers.

"You ok, baby?" Bo asked as he walked over to me and rubbed my chest.

"Oh, I am fine," I replied. "Did you have fun?"

"Absolutely," Bo replied. "Being a dominant is a ton of fun, and John's parties are the best."

"Sir does know how to organize a good time," I said. "Did you get your balls drained, Sir?"

Bo laughed.

"One in Tim and one in Mateo," Bo said. "Mateo begged me too because he wanted to see what it was like for me to top."

I chuckled.

"And did you feed him a big load too?"

"Oh yes," Bo said. "But I was going to save one for that cute butt of yours. I just didn't know if you were too sore."

"I'm good, baby," I replied. "And I am still pre-lubed with Bear's cum. Do you want to go make love now?"

"Yes," Bo said with a smile. "We can spoon till I glaze your subby ass over again."

"Sweet talker," I responded as I kissed him.

Next: Chapter 23

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