Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Sep 5, 2022


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Chastity and Service

The Christmas Party (Part 2)

As we walked into the dungeon area, we saw Mateo had already arrived and was naked with only his holiday socks on, wiping down the equipment in the room. He complimented me on my cage, and then we talked for a little while before going our separate ways to start cleaning. I concentrated on the bathrooms in the house, and Mateo vacuumed and dusted while Tim went to the top floor to clean and talk to John. It took several hours of hard work to get things spotless. John expected every surface to be clean enough to eat off of, and by 1 pm, when we took a break, all three of us were panting.

"I brought some containers of nutritional shakes for us to drink for lunch," Mateo said. "I figured we would all be on the normal bottom diet today."

I laughed.

"Thanks, bro. I knew I could count on you."

We briefly walked out on the back porch to cool down and drink our lunch before completing the cleaning. John wandered down in his boxers to check on our progress at about 2 pm, and we met the caterers upstairs after to collect the food and arrange it. We were so efficient that by 3 pm, we had nothing more to do.

"Shall we take a break for a while?" I asked. "My master said he would be coming in about thirty minutes, so we have a little downtime."

"Sold!" Mateo replied. "I could use some time to rest and build my energy back up."

"Do either of you know who is coming?" I asked.

"Sir gave me a list," Tim said as he walked over to a counter and picked up some paper. "Let's see."

Tim scanned the document before continuing.

"It looks like nine dominants for sure, plus Sir. I have Sirs Jack, Greg, Hugo, Dusty, Bear, Gabriel, Todd, Robb, and Bo."

"We will be busy," I replied.

"Are you sure you two are ok with taking more of the ass play?" Mateo asked. "Sir Gabriel just doesn't want me sloppy loose."

"It is not a problem!" I replied. "You gotta follow the advice and consent of your master. Tim and I can handle things. Besides, you give great head from what I remember."

Mateo blushed.

"Well, just don't think it will stop me from trying to get the most loads."

Tim laughed.

"Oh, you two seniors better watch out for the young guy. I'm going to take double what you all do."

I howled.

"We will see, bro. We will see."

Thirty minutes later, John was on the loudspeaker telling us that Todd, Rob, and Bo had arrived. Mateo, Tim, and I took our spots kneeling in our squares on the floor, but no one came downstairs until closer to four. When the door did open, I saw Bo in a very fashionable black leather jock with a detachable codpiece and his harness with his 'Dom' embroidered armband.

"I love the jock, Sir!" I replied with a smile.

Bo grinned.

"This was my Christmas present from Papa, boy," Bo said as he rubbed the material. "I love it."

"You look really hot in it, Sir!" Tim said with wide eyes.

Bo chuckled.

"Come with me, boy," Bo said to Tim. "I know you have been aching to have my cock again. You can have the privilege of pleasuring me first while we wait for the other doms."

Tim immediately jumped up, and Bo winked at me as he took the young man over to the side of the room. Bo pulled out a folding chair, and before sitting in it, he removed the codpiece from his jock. I saw his balls and cock spring forth, already hardening, and he had Tim get on the floor in front of him and begin by sucking on him. Just as he was going down on my fiancé, I heard the door open again and saw Jack enter.

Jack was someone I had known for a long time. He was an older daddy bear about six-foot-tall with hazel eyes and a full, gray-white beard with some remaining darker browns scattered about. His muscled chest was broad and covered in white and gray fur, and he had a nice beer belly that bounced when he walked. His arms were thick and covered in tattoos from his elbows to his shoulders, and he just looked like a dominant. Jack had collared the two yellow collars that trained before me, Ryan, and Johnny, who had become my good friends after training under John.

"Well, John told me, but it is still a sight to see you two on the floor as subs again!" Jack said as he brought a cigar to his mouth and lit it.

"Good to see you again, Sir!" I replied.

"For sure!" Mateo added.

Jack blew some smoke into the air and eyed both of us before speaking.

"Mateo, I seem to remember you giving some of the best blow jobs of all of John's subs. Even better than my two boys."

"I'd be happy to confirm that!" Mateo said with a smile.

Jack laughed.

"Come with me over to the cross. I'd like to do some flogging before I dump my load."

"Yes, Sir!" Mateo said as he stood up and crossed the room.

"Those two are already at work, eh?" came a voice from beside me.

I turned and saw a fit Hispanic man with deep brown eyes, cropped goatee, and short hair smiling down at me.

"Hey, Sir Gabriel," I replied. "It is great to see you again. Yeah, your boy just got taken to the cross, and my fiancé is getting sucked by Sir John's current sub, Tim."

"I was just talking to your master, Todd," Gabriel replied. "He told me about Bo. Hard to see him being a dom now, but good for him."

"You are looking really good, Sir!" I replied. "You must be working out a lot."

Gabriel smiled and flexed his arms.

"As much as I can. The boy and I try to get in some gym time at least twice a week. He still needs to lose some weight, but I let him control his fitness."

"May I do anything for you?" I asked.

"Nothing sexually, for now, boy," Gabriel replied. "However, if you can find some cigars like Jack has, I would like that."

"I can do that, Sir!" I replied. "Would you like a drink, too?"

"Scotch on the rocks," Gabriel replied.

"Coming right up, Sir!" I said as I stood and walked over to the staircase to go upstairs.

When I got to the main floor, I saw there were a lot of men around. John was talking to Todd and Rob in the kitchen, and Greg and Dusty were stripping their clothes off in the dining room. They nodded to me as I walked around to get the drink for Gabriel. I had just reached in to grab a few cigars from John's humidor when the front door opened, and Bear walked in.

"Well, hello, Sir!" I said with a smile.

"There is that cute chastity cubby I had fun with!" Bear said as he walked over and groped my ass.

"How are you liking Atlanta, Sir?" I asked.

"Only been here about a month, but it has been nice," Bear said. "Got some full balls to be taken care of this evening, though!"

I laughed.

"Well, there are three subs to help you with that, but can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure!" Bear said as he took his jacket off and tossed it across the sofa.

I took him over to the side of the room and lowered my voice.

"I was talking to Rick the other day, Sir," I said. "There is a sub here looking for a dominant, and I know you are interested in finding a good boy. I think he might be someone you would like. Or at the very least, one you might like to have fun with on occasion."

"If he is half as talented as you, I'm interested!" Bear said as he rubbed my back.

"You will find him downstairs," I said. "Tim is a short, husky guy with dark fur from head to toe. He is a huge pig and loves to be fucked."

"Sounds perfect!" Bear replied. "I'll check him out shortly."

I smiled.

"See you soon, Sir."

Bear turned and went to undress and introduce himself as I brought Gabriel his drink and cigar. When I got to the basement dungeon, I saw that Bo was still in his chair, forcefully face-fucking Tim and groaning while Jack was flogging Mateo, with the assistance of Gabriel.

"Thanks, boy," Gabriel said as he took the glass and cigar from me. "You can go wait in your square till you are called upon again."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Bo had his head back, eyes closed, and moaned as Tim went down on him. I could see his toes curling, indicating he was getting close to orgasm but was desperately trying to hold things off. I smiled as I returned to the side of the wall and knelt to watch. Seeing Bo get serviced was still something that seemed weird to me, but it was hot. Tim was entirely in the zone, and I saw his ass wiggle as he worked on the cock deep in his throat. His nub was leaking, and I could see a puddle of precum forming between his legs on the floor. While this was going on, the sound of a flogger impacting Mateo's back echoed across the room. The sub was groaning as he was hit but was enduring. His back was starting to glow red, and I could see his ass cheeks clench as Jack expertly worked him over.

"Well, isn't this nice," came a southern voice from the door to the staircase.

I turned to see Dusty walking in, groping his nuts and smiling.

"We got us here a sub that is free and ready to be used!"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied with a grin.

"I think you best get yourself in that fuck bench, boy," Dusty replied. "I wanna see that ass sticking out and ready to be fucked."

"Right away, Sir!" I said as I stood and walked over to the wooden piece of furniture.

As I climbed onto the padded bench and rested my chest on the middle platform, I felt Dusty's rough hands rub over my ass and push between my crack.

"Damn, you haven't even been lubed yet! I get to add the first load!"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I rested my head and closed my eyes.

I listened to Bo cry out as his orgasm hit him, followed by more smacks of the flogger on Mateo as I felt a lubed finger push into my hole. As I let out a long groan, Dusty chuckled and twisted his digit before adding a second finger and moving deeper. He made sure I was good and loosened up before he removed them, and I felt the slap of his hard dick against my ass.

"Here it comes, boy," the man said before pushing inside me slowly.

I felt his shaft as it spread my ass open and my legs instinctively spread a little, and my back arched in response. When his hands gripped my waist, and I felt his large, low hanging balls rest against my ass, I knew what was coming next. Dusty was a jackrabbit when he fucked. He pounded fast and hard and then took a break for a minute before repeating. When his cock rapidly moved in and out of me, I grabbed onto the bench and held on for the ride. The wooden bench creaked and squeaked as it moved back and forth, and my head was bouncing, too.

"Fuck, I love this ass," Dusty said as he slapped my butt and continued.

My poor nub made circles as it swung from the pounding I received. When Dusty's low hangers hit it, a twinge of pain shot through my groin, and I gritted my teeth and tried to focus on relaxing and letting him have his way. Dusty went through three cycles of fast and slow fucking before I felt him squeeze my waist hard.

"Oh, fuck!" the southerner groaned loudly as his dick finally exploded deep inside me.

I opened my eyes and stared at the wall as I felt him push deep and pull his body on his tiptoes. He held himself inside me, slowly letting every pulse get delivered before withdrawing. When his softening member popped out, I could feel the cum leaking down my balls as he rubbed his thumb over my ass and pushed some back in.

"Thanks for that, boy!" Dusty said as he spanked my ass again.

"Thanks, Sir," I gasped. "Don't forget the hashmark!"

"Oh right!" Dusty replied before grabbing the marker out of my sock and adding the first mark to my left ass cheek. "Load one recorded!"

I relaxed for a moment, intending to get up, when I felt hands on my ass, keeping me in place.

"Don't you move, boy," came the voice of Hugo.

The first thought through my brain was I was about to be skewered by his thick cock, and I didn't have long to wait. His big fingers pushed inside and rubbed the cum around before the head of his dick replaced them and moved in.

"Oh, fuck," I groaned as I squeezed the bench tightly and tried not to tense up.

Hugo kept going, and the pain in my ass told me that I was being stretched to the limit. The cum inside me was being forced out, and I felt it drip down my cage and onto the floor as the man pushed deeper. When he finally stopped, I felt like I had a traffic cone inside me, and then the fucking began. I thought I was being bounced around with Dusty, but Hugo's thrusts had the bench groaning to the limit.

"That's a good chastity boy," Hugo growled from behind me as his dark meat pistoned in and out.

Tears were forming in my eyes from the intensity of the fuck, and I gritted my teeth as I tried to focus. When I felt hands on my face, I was surprised and saw Rob smiling at me.

"You need a distraction, boy? That is a fucking thick cock pounding you!"

"Yes, Papa," I replied with a groan.

Rob rubbed his hard, leaking cock over my lips and tried to hold it still as my head moved around. I stuck out my tongue and licked the best I could, but he leaned down and grabbed my face when he saw I could not coordinate things right. When his lips met mine, I closed my eyes and focused on making out with him. I felt him push his tongue into my mouth and explore it and felt his beard as it rubbed against mine.

"Oh, Papa," I cried as my ass burned from the fucking I was getting.

"Focus on me, boy," Rob said as he moved to kiss me again.

After another minute of making out, his hands roamed over my head, and he moved forward to let me rest on his shoulders as he comforted me.

"Papa has got you. I'm so proud of you."

I was nearing my limit. I knew all I had to do was say stop, and Hugo would, but it was my nature to push my limits. As Rob stroked my head and neck, I did my best to focus on him. It wasn't until I felt the first hard smack on my ass from Hugo's hand that I broke my concentration and felt the pain again.

"That's a boy!" Hugo growled as he fucked deeper. "You should see the froth coming out of your hole. I'm churning cum into butter back here!"

"Ouch!" I cried into Rob's arm.

"You need a break, boy?" Rob asked.

"I can't take much more, Sir," I replied.

"I think he is about tapped out, Hugo," Rob said. "Are you close?"

"Oh yeah," Hugo replied. "Give me a moment. He has been a trooper for sure."

Rob held me tight as Hugo pounded me with long hard strokes. On the third one, I cried out just as he orgasmed.

"Fuck yeah!" Hugo screamed. "Right there!"

"Oh fuck," I cried out again.

"He is done, boy," Rob said. "You made it and took it like a champ. Yet again, you continue to amaze me."

I opened my eyes and looked at him, and he rubbed the tears from them and kissed me.

"You are taking a break for a while," Rob said. "Papa's orders."

"Thanks," I said as I closed my eyes again.

When Hugo pulled his cock from me, I gasped. I felt as though I was wide open, and you could have tossed a basketball down my hole. Hugo added a second hash mark to my ass while Rob stood and left for a moment. I then felt a cool, damp cloth rubbing over my sore crack and hole. Rob was gently cleaning me. I sighed and opened my eyes and saw Bo looking down at me.

"You sure you are ok?" Bo asked. "Tim and I were mesmerized watching you get pounded. That was fucking intense even for Hugo!"

"I'm good, babe," I replied. "Did you shoot a good load?"

Bo laughed and tussled my hair.

"You should have seen how much I came. Saving up made me look like a porn star. Tim got a belly full. He's getting introduced to Bear now."

"Oh really?" I said as I lifted my head.

Bo pointed over to the sling, and I saw Tim's legs in the air and Bear between them pounding him. The chains were rattling, and I could hear the grunts from the young boy as the massive cock worked him over.

"Yes, Sir! Tim screamed. More Sir! I need your cock!"

I laughed.

"I knew he would like him."

"So, what is up with Matt?" came the voice of Greg behind me.

"He needs a break for a while," Rob said. "My orders."

"Sounds good," Greg said as Bo helped me off the bench. "Think you can get me a refill on my drink, though?"

"Oh, that I would be happy to do," I replied with a smile as I adjusted my cage and licked the precum off.

"Good boy," Greg said with a smile. "Bourbon and cola."

"Coming right up," I said with a nod as I left the room.

Next: Chapter 22

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