Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Sep 2, 2022


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Chastity and Service

The Christmas Party (Part 1)

Rob came into town to stay with us over Christmas on the Friday before the holiday party, and Bo and I spent most of the afternoon making cookies and preparing a nice dinner while he had some quality time with Todd. When they finally emerged from the bedroom in their boxers, they were sweating, but their glowing bodies told me they had thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

"Work up a good appetite, Papa and Sir?" I asked with a smile.

"I'm famished," Rob replied.

"Me too," Todd added as he came in to inspect what we were making.

Bo had a large pot of fettuccini with chicken on the stove, and I had put some green beans in the pressure cooker and toasted some garlic bread to go with it.

"It is nearly ready if you want to take a seat," I said.

"Thanks, boy," Todd said as he gently groped my ass and grabbed a beer for him and Rob.

"You go sit down too, Bo," I said. "You are in dom mode for the next few days, after all."

Bo rolled his eyes at me and kissed me.

"Love you."

"Love you too, babe," I replied as he turned and followed the men to the table.

After they were seated, I served them each and ensured they had what they needed before joining them. The men devoured their food, and when the plates were taken away and replaced with some of the sweets Bo and I had made, we talked.

"Are you looking forward to the party tomorrow, Bo?" Rob asked.

"Oh yes," Bo said with a big smile. "I have abstained from cumming for three days now. Wanted to save up for the subs."

Todd laughed and looked at me.

"Are you all planning on doing that competition again?"

"Oh yes," I replied. "Whoever takes the most loads gets the prize. I think Mateo is itching for a repeat win."

Bo chuckled.

"He is a big 'ol bottom."

"Yeah, but I think it will mostly be oral hash marks for him," I said. "His master wants to limit Mateo's ass play. They are not as open as we are. That might leave an opening for piggy Tim to step up."

"Don't sell yourself short," Rob replied. "I seem to remember a certain chastity boy who took many men on camera not too long ago."

I blushed.

"Yes, I can hold my own when the need arises."

Todd smiled and then put his fork down to clear his throat.

"So, boys, we have news."

"Oh?" Bo and I responded.

Todd looked at Rob and reached out to grasp his hand before looking back at us.

"I asked Rob to move in with us today, and he agreed."

"That is awesome!" I replied.

"Yeah!" Bo added.

Rob grinned.

"I wondered how long it would be before you asked me."

"Well, I know we have only known each other since May, but I fell for you pretty quickly. It was well past time to ask, and I know the boys are supportive."

"Absolutely!" I replied. "Now we just need to get you two hitched!"

"Matt!" Bo shouted.

Todd and Rob laughed.

"Well, let's get your marriage out of the way before we make any more plans," Rob said. "But, I would definitely be up for spending my life with you, Todd."

Todd grinned and leaned over to kiss Rob, and Bo and I winked at each other.

"But, for the moment, let's return to the topic of the party," Todd said. "What time are you leaving here in the morning, boy?"

"I'll probably leave here at 9:30 am, Sir," I replied. "As you might remember, the subs are expected to deep clean the house and prepare everything for the arrival of the doms."

"Very well," Todd said. "We will show up around 3:30 pm, then. I want to hang out with John a little before the party officially starts."

"Is it weird being back in the program again with fellow subs?" Rob asked.

"Well, it is odd," I replied. "But Sir John has made it clear he wants to use Mateo's and my experience to benefit Tim. The boy still has a lot to learn, and he needs to find himself a dom to be collared by."

"He doesn't have any prospects?" Bo asked.

"I think he would love for you to collar him," I replied with a laugh.

The blood drained from Bo's face as he stared at me in shock, and Todd and Rob laughed.


"Don't faint, Bo," I said with a smile. "I told him, although you are exploring being a dominant, you aren't ready to go that far yet. You are still Sir's boy."

"Thanks," Bo replied.

"I will encourage him to get to know all the doms at the party, and I am thinking one, in particular, might be a good one for him," I said.

"Oh, do you?" Todd asked. "Who is this?"

"Bear," I replied with a smile.

"Rick's friend?" Bo asked.

"Yes," I replied. "He recently moved here and is in the market for a sub. He's been hanging out with Sir John and was already invited to the party. I called Rick last night to discuss it with him, and we both think that Tim would be a good fit for him if they hit it off. So, if you three can help me encourage him to get quality time with Bear, I would appreciate it."

"From what you told me, Bear might maul him," Bo replied.

"True," I said with a chuckle. "That man is a real beast in bed, and he is hung like a fucking mule."

"I'll see what I can do," Rob said.

"Thanks," I replied with a grin.

"By the way, I have both your Christmas presents with me, but I think it would be appropriate for Matt to open your present tonight as I think it might be useful for you tomorrow," Rob added.

"Oh?" I replied with interest.

"It's a joint present from both Papa and me," Todd said with a smile. "And John helped us out, too."

"Now you got me interested," Bo said.

"It's in the bedroom on the dresser," Rob said. "A small green package with a yellow bow. Go ahead and grab it. You can open it now if you want."

"Ok!" I replied excitedly as I excused myself from the table and went back to retrieve it.

The package I found was small, but it felt heavy. I moved it back and forth as I walked back into the dining room, and it didn't make any noise, but I could hear something sliding around.

"Well, you have any ideas what it is?" Bo asked me as he saw me shaking the package.

"I haven't got a clue," I replied.

Todd laughed.

"I hope you like it," Rob said.

Once I sat down, I tore into the package and within I saw a red velvet bag. Upon opening this, a brand new metal chastity cage slid out. It was the same model as I currently wore, the Jailbird by Mature Metal, but the cage portion was much shorter.

"Oh wow!" I replied.

"We both know how much your cage is a part of your identity, and I noticed that you have been starting to get more room in your cage when I have helped you remove it for cleaning," Rob said. "This should make things all snug again."

"Can I try it on now?" I asked.

Rob laughed.

"I can help you put it on if you want."

"Thanks, Papa," I replied as I stood. "I'm excited to see how it looks!"

Rob rose and followed me into the bathroom. He put the blindfold over my eyes after I sat down on the toilet, and I felt him remove my device and then the new one go on. The base ring was the same size, which felt no different, but the cage portion was definitely much shorter. I could feel my head pressed against the bars when Rob locked it in place. When he was done and removed my blindfold, I looked down and saw that only the head of my nub was visible in the cage, and even then, it was pushed back into me more than before. I stood and looked at myself in the mirror and was pleased. My balls looked more prominent in the new cage too.

"Well, what do you think?" Rob asked.

"I love it," I replied as I turned and hugged him.

Rob laughed.

"I'm still new to this whole chastity thing, but I am happy you like it. Let's go show Todd and Bo."

"Ok!" I replied as I opened the door and hurried back into the dining room.

Bo's eyes widened when he saw me pointing at my crotch.

"Oh wow! You look so small now!"

I laughed.

"But it looks great on you, boy," Todd said.

"Thanks, Sir!" I replied as Rob walked behind me and rubbed my shoulders. "This is perfect for the party tomorrow. I can't wait for my sub brothers to see and the rest of the doms, too."

"Shall we take the boy back and throw his legs in the air and see how it bounces when he is fucked?" Rob asked.

"Absolutely!" Todd said as he rose. "Bo, you can join us, too!"

Bo grinned.

"Thanks, Sir, but no cumming for me. I'm still saving up for the party."

"You can always suck me off," Rob replied.

"Deal!" Bo said with a grin.

In the morning, I awoke to Bo nuzzling on my neck and his arms and legs tightly squeezing my body. I turned and took my CPAP mask off and smiled when I saw him staring back at me.

"Morning, baby," I replied.

Bo leaned in and kissed and squeezed me even tighter.

"Morning, sexy," Bo replied. "You ready to satisfy all the men today?"

I chuckled.

"I'm planning on spending some extra time in the shower to make sure I am good and cleaned out."

"I'll make you a liquid protein shake this morning to help give you some energy, too," Bo replied.

I turned around and reached down and felt his morning wood and the precum leaking out and smiled.

"Are you sure I can't have any of this protein?" I asked.

"No!" Bo said playfully as he pulled my hand away. "You wait till this afternoon. I want to be able to perform like a power top! Papa even has a pill for me to take to be sure I will be ready."

I laughed.

"I am sure you will be fine."

Bo rubbed my chest and kissed me again.

"Get your ass in the shower, boy."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

It took me about forty minutes to get thoroughly cleaned out. I am slightly paranoid when I expect to be in any situation where lots of anal sex might happen. Things happen. Bottoms know this. But I still took it as a badge of pride to be as clean as possible. When I was finished drying off, Bo opened the door, handed me my shake, and returned to the kitchen to make breakfast for Todd and Rob.

I had rummaged through my dresser and found the socks I had purchased for the Christmas party when I was the senior sub. Ours had our names embroidered at the top. I knew I did not have time to have another custom-made one for Tim, but I found some similar ones at the store on Thursday, and I laid them out to take with me as I dressed.

As I walked into the living room, I saw Todd leaning against the kitchen counter drinking coffee, and Rob was behind him rubbing his back.

"Getting ready to leave?" Rob asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "Just about to put my shoes on and head out."

"Come here and give Papa a kiss," Rob said as he turned and held out his hands.

I walked over, he embraced me, and we made out for a moment before I felt Todd playfully spank my ass.

"Don't be late!" Todd said.

"I won't," I replied with a grin.

"See you later, baby!" I said to Bo as he waved at me.

I slid my shoes on at the door and then drove to John's house with a few minutes to spare. I parked in the street and made my way to the side door. I saw Tim bent over with his big, furry butt in the air when I entered, and I sang.

"I see the bad moon a-rising."

Tim swung around and laughed.

"Hey, Matt!"

"That ass of yours ready for today?" I asked as I opened the red bin and took my shirt off to put in it.

"Yes," Tim replied. "And hungry for some loads, especially Sir Bo's!"

I chuckled as I kicked my shoes off and dropped my pants.

"I am sure he will enjoy some servicing from you, but I have someone I want you to spend some time with, though."

"Oh?" Tim asked.

I stood and paused before continuing.

"There is a dom that will be here that I have serviced before. He is really hot and on the lookout for a sub of his own. I think you should get to know him. Even if he isn't your type, you might make a good friend."

"Ok," Tim said with a big grin.

"I'll warn you, though," I said as I bent over to remove my underwear. "He's a huge grizzly bear of a man, has a big dick, and can fuck for hours."

"Now you are just buttering me up!" Tim said with a laugh.

Tim looked down at my crotch and cocked his head as my underwear hit the floor.

"New cage?"

"Yes!" I replied as I reached down and grabbed and twisted it from side to side. "I love it. It fits much more snugly on me. Don't you think?"

"I like it!" Tim said. "I wouldn't mind being able to get down to a cage that small one day."

I laughed as I put my clothes away and then handed him the socks I had with me.

"Put those on."

"They look just like yours!" Tim said. "I love them!"

"Well, they are almost the same," I said. "All I could do on short notice."

Tim put them on and pulled them up to his calves.

"I think they are perfect."

"Here," I said as I handed him a marker. "Slide that in one of them. Don't forget to have the doms give you your hash marks tonight."

"I won't!" Tim said.

Next: Chapter 21

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