Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Aug 27, 2022


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Chastity and Service

Ben's Graduation

Saturday, December 16, 2017, was Ben's graduation day. Kai had said his goodbyes and made his move west the week before, and I had stepped in to take his place. As a fully-collared and trained sub, I did not have as many things to do compared to Ben and Tim. John's subs had cleaning duties around the house, and I did start helping with that, but I did not participate in their individual days where he instructed them on the proper way to behave and exposed them to various forms of BDSM techniques. Psychology was a significant component of the program. We were encouraged to talk about our feelings and explore the nature of our roles in a dom-sub environment, too. Although the training program was an entire year, I remember it flew by for me, and Ben noted the same as his graduation day approached.

When I arrived at John's home that afternoon, I walked around to the side door and entered and noticed that Kai's name had been removed from the red bin, and my name was in its place. It was a little jarring to see it there. Not only because I had graduated and moved on two years ago, but because my color had always been yellow. Still, I smiled and pulled out the container to put my clothes, shoes, and phone in. I kept the bag I had brought with me with some unique items inside before walking into the dungeon area. As I closed the door, Tim stuck his head out of the doorframe at the opposite side of the room and smiled.

"Hey, Matt!"

"Hey, Tim," I replied. "How long have you been here?"

"Only a few minutes," he said. "What is in the bag?"

I smiled and pulled out the garments contained within. One thing that made the graduation day special was the things the subs were allowed to wear. Usually, we were naked at all times, but we were provided with a leather jock and matching arm and ankle bands for the ceremony. They were trimmed in our specific colors. Mine was yellow, and Bo's had been green. They were kept in the dungeon and only worn during graduation day, but we could take them home after leaving the program. I had not worn mine since my graduation, and it brought a lot of nostalgia back having them in my hands.

"Oh, great!" Tim replied. "We will both be representing yellow today!"

It was then that I realized that Tim was a yellow, too, and we would have matching garments on. I laughed and walked over to the side of the room and placed the bag down before rubbing Tim's back.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. "I know it is a big deal when a brother leaves, and this has to be equally hard on you now that Kai is gone too."

"I am ok," Tim said with a smile. "It is just now hitting me. I will be the senior sub now, and I only have three months till I graduate."

I laughed.

"Have you found a dom you like yet?"

"Not any that have expressed interest," Tim replied. "Though, I have had my eye on a few guys lately. I have to admit. This program was intimidating at first. I always knew I was a sub, but training under Sir put this into focus for me."

"Has it been good for you, though?" I asked.

"Oh yes," Tim said. "I mean, having this cage around my nub has taken some getting used to, and I am so fucking horny these days! But, I have learned so much. To be honest, chastity is addictive too. Now, I am getting used to this as part of my body."

I chuckled.

"I am the same way. It is a good mindset to be in if you are into total submission and chastity. I am sure you will be collared in no time. You've got a good attitude, and I know you know how to pleasure a man."

Tim laughed and spanked his ass.

"Gifted with a talented hole, I guess. I know Sir Bo seems to like it."

I laughed back at him.

"He might have mentioned that a few times."

We turned and went into the side room to gather the things we would need for the ceremony. The first to tackle were the banners. One with black and silver trim said 'Graduation Day' on it. It was hung on the wall opposite the entry door. The other four were vertical banners trimmed in silver but were colored red, yellow, green, and black. These were hung next to the entry door beside the current sub's portraits. As I unrolled the banners, I looked through all the listed names. The yellow banner had seven names and mine was the sixth listed. The red banner had eight names, with Kai listed last. The green banner had six names, with Mateo's listed last. Finally, the black banner had the names of all of the men that had attended ceremonies in the past to collar a sub.

"It is still weird seeing my name on this banner," I said as I moved to hang the yellow one up.

"Yeah, I can imagine," Tim replied as he helped me. "I can't wait to add mine down below yours."

I smiled and rubbed his head as I stood back to look at everything.

"Ok, well, you will be the senior sub after today. Do you remember what to do now?"

"Yup!" Tim replied. "Kai went through everything with me to remind me before he left. If you can put out the towels, lube, and chairs, I will wipe down all the equipment and sanitize it."

"You got it!" I said with a grin.

After setting up the room correctly, we returned to the side room to dress in our jocks and bands. Both of our jocks had our names on the back of the waistband, and on the front, they said 'Chastity Boy'. The pouch had five snaps along the top, two down the side, and one at the bottom that held a detachable cod piece. Beneath this was a flat piece of leather with an opening that allowed us to put our caged nubs through, and the base ring could be secured in place by two small straps on either side of the hole. Once I had my cage secured, I snapped the front on to cover my nub and turned to help Tim do the same. We then put on our arm and ankle bands and returned to the dungeon area to kneel on the floor in our assigned colored boxes.

We had only been kneeling for about ten minutes before we heard the door in the entranceway open and heard someone undressing. When the door to the dungeon opened next to us, we saw Ben walk in with a big smile on his face.

"You look happy," I replied.

Ben looked down and laughed.

"Hey, Matt. Yeah, I am so excited to be collared today and get my blowjob from Tim!"

I chuckled as I looked at Tim, who blushed. Chastity was a requirement of John's program, but he eased you into it. Over time, you spent more time caged and built yourself up to a six-month session that made up the second half of your training period. During the graduation ceremony, the new senior sub had the pleasure of giving the graduating sub one final uncaged blowjob before the cage was installed permanently and you began your life as a chastity sub. I still remembered being blindfolded, bound, and feeling my shaft deep in my sub brother Max's throat as I climaxed. Since that time two years ago, I had only cum while caged.

"I'll be right back!" Ben said as he walked over to the other side of the room and went to put his jock and bands on.

When he returned, he sat next to us, and we talked while we waited for John to arrive. Ben told us that his new master Paul would be at the ceremony, and he was anxious for us to meet him. He was nervous about his next steps as a trained sub, but I assured him that he was ready and shared some of my experiences over the past couple of years.

At five minutes to 2 pm, we were interrupted by the sound of a bell coming from a speaker near the room's ceiling. Ben took a deep breath, and then we all got into position on our knees with our heads bowed and our hands behind our backs. After several minutes passed, we could hear the sounds of men coming down the staircase, and when the door to the room opened, two sets of bare feet walked over and stood in front of us.

"Rise, boys," John said.

When we stood, I saw John dressed in leather chaps, a black leather jock, and a similar vest with the word 'Master' written vertically on one side and the leather pride flag on the other. Next to him, in a blue jockstrap, was an older, attractive dark-skinned daddy bear. The fur on his broad, muscled chest had turned white, as had the hair in his goatee, but his deep brown eyes looked youthful, and he had a slight smile on his face.

"Boys, this is Master Paul. He will be collaring my new graduate. Please welcome him."

"Welcome, Master Paul," we replied in unison.

Paul nodded his head and then John continued.

"Boy Ben," he said. "You have completed a year in my service. You have grown to become a well-trained and experienced sub in that time. Are you ready to proceed to the next step in your journey?"

"Yes, Sir, I am," Ben replied.

"Step forward, then," John said.

Ben walked forward, and John crossed the room to a table to pick up a blindfold. He returned and placed it over Ben's eyes and tied it in the back. He then led the sub over to the Saint Andrew's cross and bound his legs and arms to the wooden structure. Paul walked to the side and sat in a chair when he was secure.

"Boy Ben, as part of your service agreement, you have agreed to be in chastity," John announced. "You have done so of your own free will to show your status as a sub. You have embraced your new role as the instrument of pleasure for dominant men, and your cage symbolizes this commitment. You have now completed your six-month lock up session and earned a release."

John reached down and removed the detachable portion of Ben's jock and then handed the piece to Paul. He then walked over and got the unique key to the screw that secured the cage to the base ring of the chastity device and removed it. As the cage slid off Ben's nub, the boy sighed, and we watched as his nub hung freely.

"Your sub brothers have been your support base through your journey, and they will now be called upon," John said. "Boys Tim and Matt, please come forward."

I stood up first, followed by Tim, and we walked over to face the bound and blindfolded Ben and John, who stood to the side. We then assumed a position with our legs slightly spread, our hands behind our backs, and our heads facing forward.

"What is the service creed, boys?" John asked.

All three of us spoke up as one in answer.

"I am a sub in training under the supervision of Sir John. My goal is to serve men in the best way I can and derive pleasure from that service. My chastity cage and collar are a symbol of that service and I desire one day to be in permanent chastity and receive my formal graduation collar as proof of my commitment."

"Do you, Boy Ben, now wish to take the next step in your journey and enter into permanent chastity and receive your formal collar?" John asked.

"Yes, Sir," Ben said.

"Do you understand the commitment this will entail, and do you do this of your own free will?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Boy Tim," John said. "As the new senior sub, I will task you with providing Boy Ben with the last manual release he will receive before his permanent cage is installed. Are you willing to do this?

"Yes, Sir," Tim replied.

"Boy Ben," John said. "I will ask one final time. Do you agree to submit to one last manual release from your sub brother before your permanent cage is installed, knowing this might be your last orgasm in this manner?"

"I do, Sir," Ben replied.

"Boy Tim, please step forward and drain him," John said.

Tim looked at me briefly and took a breath before moving forward and kneeling in front of Ben. I smiled as I watched the young man reach up and gently rub the underside of Ben's balls as he stuck out his tongue and licked the shaft. Ben's entire body shuttered at the stimulation and his nub engorged with blood almost immediately. Evidently, the boy was not overly endowed, but he was at full mast within a minute. As Tim took the nub into his mouth, Ben gasped, and his hands collapsed into fists while his toes curled. He pulled himself onto his feet briefly as Tim began to move up and down, and he loudly groaned several times during the process.

Tim was careful not to use his hands other than to rub Ben's balls gently. This was a draining and nothing more. Still, I could tell that Ben was enjoying the procedure. It took several minutes of sucking, but I could see that Ben's face began to contort. He stuck out his tongue, bit it, and grunted before speaking.

"Oh god!"

Tim collected the enormous load that came out and stayed still as Ben's nub pulsed for what might have been his last uncaged orgasm. When it was clear Ben was done, Tim stood and faced me and smiled. I knew what was coming next.

"Boy Matt, step forward," John said.

I walked over to face Tim and crouched a little to be face-to-face with him. He then leaned over and brought his lips to mine, and we shared Ben's cum load. It was erotic, and I felt my nub swell as the large load deposited in Tim's mouth coated my tongue and went down my throat. When we had swallowed it all, Tim winked at me, and then we returned across the room to our squares where we stood at attention.

"Boy Ben," John continued. "Master Paul has expressed his interest in collaring you and taking you into his household as his sub. He expects you to remain in chastity for as long as you wear his collar, and you may never see yourself out of your cage again. Do you accept his offer?"

"I do, Sir," Ben replied. "It would be an honor."

"Master Paul," John said. "Cage your boy, then."

Paul took the cage from John's hands, bent down, and slid it over Ben's softening nub. He then installed the screw and checked to ensure the cage was secure before snapping the front part of the jock back on. He then stood and removed Ben's blindfold and stepped back. Ben blinked his eyes a few times and then smiled at the men in front of him.

"You will now receive your formal collar," John said.

John walked over to the side of the room and brought a jar and key to Paul. Paul used the key to unlock Ben's green and black chainmail collar, and he removed the silver tag that had hung there since he had begun training under John. Paul then turned and took the jar and opened it.

"Inside this jar is your formal tag showing your status as a collared chastity sub," John said. "It sits within five collected cum loads of Master Paul which have marked it."

John held the jar, and Paul reached in and pulled a gold tag from the milky white fluids. On the tag, it read 'Boy Ben / CHASTITY SUB / Collared by Sir Paul'. Paul put the tag on Ben's collar and reinstalled his lock.

John grabbed a shot glass from the table and poured the vodka that was in it inside the cum-filled jar, and swirled it till it was mixed. He then handed it to Paul, who brought it over to the bound Ben and tipped it into the sub's mouth until he had swallowed it completely. Paul then gave Ben a long kiss and then stepped away.

"Boy Ben," John said. "With the acceptance of your collar, you have completed your service to me and are no longer my sub. You are now under the service of Master Paul. He will now consummate the relationship."

John stepped back and sat in the chair that Paul had vacated while Paul reached up and undid the straps on Ben's arms before bending down to release his ankles. He hugged Ben before pointing the sub in the direction of the fuck bench. We watched as Ben mounted it and presented his ass to his master. Paul rubbed it and pushed his face into the boy's ass to lick it several times before he moved to grab some lube and shove his fingers inside.

Ben groaned as Paul pushed one and then two fingers into his hole. As he slid them back and forth, we could see the prominent bulge developing in the dom's jock. When Paul pulled his hand from Ben's ass, he slid the jock to the side, and we saw his impressive dark cock spring forward and a rope of precum fly through the air and land on Ben's ass. Paul grabbed Ben's waist and leaned in.

"I accept you, boy," Paul said as he pushed his cock forward, and it disappeared inside Ben.

The boy screamed out as the man entered him.

"Accept me, boy," Paul said. "If you tense up, you know this will hurt."

"Yes, Sir!" Ben replied as he gasped and controlled his breathing.

Paul had a firm grip on the boy's waist as he entered him. When he got to the base, and his balls rested on Ben's ass, he slapped the boy's ass twice and then began to thrust.

"Oh fuck, Sir!" Ben cried out as Paul fucked.

"Your my collared boy now," Paul growled.

"Yes, Sir," Ben replied in a whimper. "Use my ass for your pleasure, Sir. I am honored to be your boy."

Paul ramped up his thrusts, and we saw the bench beginning to sway and groan under the pressure. Ben had his hands in a fist, and his eyes shut tight. His teeth were gritted, and his body was tense.

"Relax, boy!" Paul said as he spanked Ben's ass again. "You've taken me plenty of times before!"

"Yes, Sir!" Ben replied as he took a deep breath and let it out. "Fuck, you are so huge. I love your cock!"

"Works a lot better than that pathetic nub of yours, doesn't it, boy?" Paul called out.

"Yes, Sir!" Ben replied. "I could never perform like you!"

Paul spanked Ben's ass again and continued to fuck. The entire scene was hot as hell, and I looked over and saw that Tim was rubbing his crotch. I know the head of my nub was desperately trying to force its way through the bars of my chastity cage, and I figured his was doing the same.

"Oh fuck!" Ben cried out as Paul moved to long deep strokes.

"You ready to be bred, boy?" Paul asked.

"Yes, Master!" Ben cried out. "Please mark your boy!"

Paul grunted louder with each thrust, and when he finally unloaded inside Ben, his growl echoed through the room. He pushed deep into the boy, and Ben's body tensed up. Paul held himself inside Ben for a minute before withdrawing, and when he did, a glob of cum came out and fell to the floor. Ben collapsed on the bench and composed himself before moving slowly to stand. Paul wrapped his arms around the boy and hugged and kissed him when he did.

John stood and walked over to Ben, and when Paul moved away, he spoke again.

"Your final task is to add your name to the banner of honor."

Ben smiled and waddled over to the side of the room. I could tell his ass must have been in pain, but he took it like a trooper. He grabbed the pen and added his name under Mateo's. John then handed a silver pen to Paul, who added his name to the black banner.

"Master Paul and Boy Ben, please follow me upstairs for a reception prepared in your honor," John said when they were done.

Ben took a deep breath and rubbed his ass before turning and walking over to Tim.

"Thank you, bro. And good luck in your last few months."

Ben looked over at me and smiled.

"I know you are in good hands."

I winked at him and then he turned and followed Paul upstairs.

"Boys, please clean up this room and then you may leave," John said to us as he left the room.

Tim removed his codpiece and grabbed his cage when the door closed behind him.

"Fuck I am about to pop in this thing!"

I laughed.

"It was a pretty hot ceremony," I replied. "But you did an excellent job, senior sub."

"Thanks," Tim said with a chuckle. "I am going to have to get used to that title."

"Shall I get the banners, and you clean the equipment?" I asked.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Tim replied.

"You got it, boss!" I said with a smile.

Next: Chapter 19

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