Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Aug 21, 2022


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Chastity and Service

City Lights (Part 2)

As I climbed into the leather sling, I saw Bart and Wes stripping their clothes off, and Bart then walked over to the Saint Andrew's Cross to bind Drew's arms and legs. Wes followed Bryce, who was dropping his shorts as he walked. The man was handsome. He had broad shoulders and thick legs, and the fur faded to white on his upper chest and then back to a gray near his navel. His balls were large and round, and his soft, girthy cock sat on top, nestled in a bush of gray and brown. I tried to pull my legs up into the stirrups before they got to me, but I was not as agile as I used to be.

"Need some help there, boy?" Bryce asked as a large smile spread across his face.

I nodded as he grabbed my left leg and brought it up to secure it, and Wes pulled my right leg up at the same time. Once I was in place, I adjusted my body and scooted back a little, and Wes moved to put my arms in the cuffs attached to the metal chains over my head. Bryce reached over and rubbed my belly and played with my fur and my nub instantly reacted by pulsing and spitting out precum.

"I see you are a dribbler like Drew!" Bryce remarked with a chuckle.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "Never-ending dribbler, it seems."

"Nothing wrong with that!" Bryce said as he coated his hands with my fluids and brought them down to stroke his cock. "Just gives me a little natural lube to work with."

Wes leaned over my face, and I pulled my head back as his lips met mine. I felt his warm breath over my chin and neck before he pushed his tongue through my lips and made out with me. I groaned as he grabbed my face and turned slightly to get deeper. I could smell his scent from working all day, and I groaned and closed my eyes. I then felt Bryce's fingers run down my crack and near my hole. He had spat on his index and middle finger, and I felt their slickness mixed with my precum as they teased my hole. I squeezed tight before relaxing to let them in.

"There you go, boy," Bryce said as he entered me. "Time to open up."

I groaned as Wes continued to make out with me and moved his hand over my chest. I felt him reach for my left nipple, and as he squeezed it, I grunted. Bryce felt my ass clench down on his fingers, and I took a breath and relaxed again to let him go deeper.

"I think you need a little more lube," I heard Bryce say as his fingers pulled away momentarily.

When they returned, I felt the liquid and the pressure as he pushed two then three fingers deep inside me. My nub shot out a rope of precum on my chest, and Wes groaned as he aggressively held my head and forced his tongue deeper into my mouth.

"Fuck yeah, cubby," Wes growled as he pinched my nipple hard.

I cried out, but his lips muffled my sounds. At the same time, I felt the fingers pull from my ass and a cock slide in its place. The movement was quick, and as Bryce's now hard cock slid inside me, my breath was taken away. I opened my eyes to see Wes looking right at me, and he backed away to play with my hair.

"Oh fuck!" I groaned as Bryce pushed even deeper.

His cock had a slight downward bend, so it did not hit my prostate but moved along the opposite side of my colon. But the girth was enough to fill me. He seemed to go on forever before he finally bottomed out, and I gasped as he grabbed my waist.

"You feel him in you?" Wes asked me as he rubbed my face.

"Fuck yes, Sir!" I replied.

"Good," Wes replied. "Now turn to the side and take my cock in your mouth. It's time to show us how well trained you are!"

I smiled as Wes pulled back and pointed his cock at my head. I turned to the side and opened to let him push inside as I felt Bryce pull out and then slowly fuck me. It took some coordination as the sling moved ever so slightly, but I managed to get Wes's cock in my mouth and play with his head. I tasted his precum as it flowed from the tip and looked up to see him hovering over me, grinning. He held on to one of the chains that secured my wrists and played with his nipple with the other. Sweat had formed on his chest, and his fur glistened in the pot lights above us.

"That's a good boy," Wes growled softly as I worked him over.

I saw a change in his expression. It was more serious. His voice and inflection altered and got deeper. He seemed more dominant as he loomed over me, and it turned me on instantly. At the same time, Bryce moved deep into my ass slowly and methodically. I swear he was nearing my second ring as he pulled on my waist securely.

"Fuck, this is a nice ass," Bryce groaned.

I pulled from Wes's cock to look back down and saw the stern face that had appeared on the older man. He looked directly at me, and I felt his eyes would pierce me. He gritted his teeth and then groaned as I heard him pull me into him firmly, letting my ass smack against his body. My head bounced as a result, and I responded with a grunt.

"That's it, Bryce," Wes replied as he looked back. "Pound him!"

A crooked grin spread over Bryce's face as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Instantly I felt him push hard into me and then pull back. His thrusts were hard and fast, and I bounced back and forth in the sling. His cock went deep, and I felt pangs of pain, but nothing I could not handle. The endorphins that were flooding my body from being around these two men were enough to distract me.

Wes reached down and twisted both of my nipples as I moved back and forth, and my face contorted as I felt the pain in my chest. However, my nub betrayed my real reaction as it swelled until it nearly burst out of the cage bars and clear fluids poured from it.

"Now we have him really leaking," Wes replied with a grin.

"Time to bring it on home, then," Bryce replied as he gripped the chains over my legs and then adjusted his stance.

The fucking that came next was intense. My whole body was rocked as he pounded me furiously. The sling swung back and forth, and I heard the chains rattle above me. My body flushed, and I felt sweat build over my chest. My balls ached as the cum inside them churned, and I cried out as Bryce pushed deeper than he had ever gone before.

"You got this, boy!" Bryce responded as he continued to fuck.

"Yes, Sir!" I cried out. "I am here for your pleasure, Sir!"

"Good boy!" Bryce yelled as he pulled in deep. "Time to breed!"

As his cock pulled out, I felt the first pulse. He let it coat my hole before pushing in to deliver the rest. As he held himself inside me, I felt the rhythmic movements of his shaft, and I gasped. I was close to cumming, I could feel it, but I was not getting enough stimulation for orgasm. I took a few quick breaths, then I felt my nub pulsing. I cursed as the ruined orgasm hit me. Cum spurted from my swollen head, and it ran between the bars and shot out on my chest. I cried out in extreme frustration.

"Oh fuck, no!"

"Ruined yourself, didn't you?" Bryce asked with a laugh.

"Oh fuck," I replied as I nodded. "Fucking hell!"

"Ride through it, subby boy," Bryce replied. "This is about us dominant men here right now."

"Yes, Sir!" I cried again.

I felt Wes's hands on my face, and I opened my eyes to see him leaning over me again.

"Come here and make out with me again, boy. You are getting my cock next."

I nodded as he moved his tongue into my mouth and rubbed his beard over mine. Bryce pulled out of me simultaneously, and I grunted and felt the cum leaking out of me.

"Fuck, that is a nice ass for damn sure!" Bryce replied as he playfully spanked me.

After a few minutes, Wes pulled away and grinned.

"Ready for your next fuck?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied with a gasp.

Wes chuckled and reached down to rub the cum from my nub around in my fur.

"You sure did make a mess down here, boy."

I looked down and smiled as I saw him move behind me. He played with the cum around my hole and collected some of it to rub on his hard cock. He then spat on his hand and stroked the shaft twice before lining up and pushing inside me. I grunted in response, and he grabbed my thighs to pull me into him.

"Damn, Bryce!" Wes said. "You flooded this boy!"

Bryce laughed from behind him, and I watched as the older man moved to my left. It was then that I saw Bart flinging the flogger over the bound body of Drew. I had been so completely lost in my fuck that I had forgotten they were even there. Drew's skin was red, and I could see the stroke marks as they covered his shoulders, back, and ass. Bart had paid more attention to the latter, and Drew's cheeks were darker in color there. Drew was whimpering softly but seemed to be taking it well. I saw lines of precum dripping from his cage and collecting on the floor below him.

"Eyes to me, boy," Wes growled to get my attention.

I turned to see him staring at me emotionless. His eyes were laser-focused on me, and I saw him pull his lower lip in to bite it as he slowly churned the cum deep in my ass.

"Focus on me here," Wes said. "Nothing else going on matters. Concentrate on my cock. Squeeze down on me and grip me."

I nodded at the man and complied. I could feel his stiff shaft as it moved inside me. He let his hands drop, and they roamed over my chest and played with the cum and sweat that covered my fur. I concentrated on his chest as it heaved in and out and noticed the gray hairs dripping with sweat moving and matting. His arms flexed as they moved back to grab the chains, and I looked back at his face.

"All your focus should be on me," he said calmly and in a different voice. "Feel me inside you. Pushing in and spreading you wide. The cum inside is coating your insides and allowing me to move deeper. Breathe in for me and let the air expand your lungs before letting it out."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I drew in the room's warm air.

I could smell the musk of the men and the scent of cum. I let out the air. I felt my ass relax and Wes pounded me harder.

"That's it," Wes replied in his calm, monotone voice. "Continue to breathe for me. Feel the energy I am giving you move through your body. Let the warmth build in your groin. Concentrate all your thoughts on the pleasure you are giving me."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

It was as if he was inside my brain as he continued to talk. I lost all awareness of what was around me. I focused on the inflection of his voice, the tone, and the resonance. He pushed deeper still, and I felt his balls slap against the back of my ass. He reached down and rubbed around my cage and then let his fingers move behind it. I felt him push against my taint and run around it as he fucked.

"Close your eyes, boy," Wes said. "Continue to breathe and concentrate only on my voice. You only hear my words. Focus only on me."

My eyes were heavy and closed before he finished his sentence. As I continued to breathe slowly, I felt him move his hands around my groin in several places as he continued to fuck me methodically. I was dizzy, and I felt a loss of time. His words ran together, and I had trouble paying attention. It was then that I felt a deep warmth radiating behind and then through my sore balls. It was like nothing I had ever felt before, and I groaned as it was coupled with an electric feeling that moved through my caged nub.

Wes fucked me harder, and the feeling grew. I groaned as I continued to breathe and reached up and played with my nipples. The warmth continued to spread until it covered my groin, and I felt out of my body. Then I felt it. It was an unmistakable feeling. My balls lifted, and then the rush of chemicals through my brain signaled a full-on orgasm. My eyes shot open as it hit, and I screamed. I looked up to see Wes's face contorting as he came at the same time. I clamped down on his cock and felt the pulsing as cum shot out of my cage.

"That's a good boy!" Wes replied as his voice changed and lightened. "That's what I want to see!"

"Oh, fuck!" I cried out.

It was the most intense orgasm I had ever felt in my life. It rushed across my entire body, and my legs shook involuntarily. Wes laughed as he grabbed and held them as his cock finished draining in me. He then moved his head over near my foot and rubbed his beard on my toes before taking them into his mouth to suck on them. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as the sensation ebbed and then felt as he pulled from me. When I looked back at him again, he stood back and caught his breath.

"Did that feel good, Matt?" Wes asked.

"Oh yes, Sir!" I replied. "What the fuck did you do to me?"

"Trade secret," Bart replied from beside me.

I looked over to see that he had come over to watch at some point, and he moved behind Wes to rub his shoulders.

"My hubby has been working with a fellow dom in town on hypnotism and tantric sex," Bart replied. "I think you just got a taste of it."

"Holy fuck!" I replied as I ran my hands over my body.

Wes laughed.

"I felt bad you got a ruined orgasm earlier. You deserved a nice release."

"I really appreciate it!" I replied as Wes kissed my feet and grinned.

"You gave me a hell of an orgasm too, though," Wes added. "You have an amazing ass. Your master and fiancé are incredibly lucky."

"Thanks, Sir," I replied with a laugh.

Bart moved behind me, and I felt his fingers as they moved over my ass.

"Now that is a cummy hole," the man said as he stroked his cock. "My turn."

I grunted as the man pushed inside me. His fuck was hard and fast. He had to have been stroking his cock watching his husband fuck me because he did not last long. Within a few minutes, he was growling and dumping his load into me, and I smiled as he lifted his head to the ceiling and cried out. When he pulled from me, he slapped my ass and then moved away. I looked to my left and saw Drew had been taken down from the cross, and he was on his knees sucking a load out of Bryce. Cum covered the boy's beard and face and dripped down off his chin onto the floor.

"I see you got a facial, Drew!" I responded.

Drew looked over at me and smiled as he collected the cum from his beard and licked it.

"Sir Bryce is always good for multiple loads."

"That I am," Bryce said as he grabbed a towel to wipe down. "But you two both did a wonderful job."

"Absolutely!" Wes said as he moved over near my head again.

As he leaned in to kiss me again, he whispered.

"Matt, please tell your hubby thank you from all of us. I had a great time."

"I will," I replied with a smile. "And thank you again. That was amazing."

Wes patted my chest.

"Ruined orgasms are the worst. I didn't want you to leave here with that feeling."

I smiled, and Wes kissed me again.

"Come on," Wes said. "Let's get you out of this thing."

Wes undid my wrist restraints and then moved to let my feet out of the stirrups. He reached out, and I grasped his hands as he pulled me to my feet. I nearly collapsed as the blood rushed back, and he chuckled as he held me.

"Whoa there!"

"I'll be ok," I replied with a laugh. "Just let me get feeling back in my legs."

I paused to gain my strength and, at the same time, felt cum dripping out of my ass and down my leg.

"Dear Lord, you all filled me to the brim!" I remarked.

Bryce let out a howl as he walked over to me.

"Come here and give me your arm. I'll take you to the shower to rinse off."

The older man led me through the room to the other side of the loft. I shuffled and tried to keep more cum from coming out, but I was unsuccessful. When we neared the bathroom, I saw he had a large glass shower with multiple heads coming out of the wall. He turned on the faucet, and the showerheads sprayed water in all directions as he led me inside. The water was warm and wonderful as Bryce moved his hands over my body and pushed his hand between my cheeks to finger me.

"There is no delicate way to put this," the man said. "Just let out what you can. I'll help you rinse."

I smiled, relaxed, and felt as he helped clean me. He then grabbed the soap, covered me from head to toe, and let me rinse down before turning me around to pin my arms above my head. He then leaned in, forced his tongue into my mouth, and made out passionately with me. I was taken by surprise but closed my eyes and let things continue.

The water turned warmer, and steam formed and filled the shower's upper part as Bryce let his hands roam over my body. I got lost in his embrace for several minutes, and then he spun me around and pulled my waist out.

"Think you can handle another load, boy?" Bryce asked as he pushed his fingers into my ass.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes.

Bryce kicked my legs apart and pushed down, so I arched my back. He grasped my waist, and I felt his cock slowly thrust into me. It was not easy at first, but he pushed deep, and I gasped and groaned once he got in.

"Still lubed in there," Bryce replied. "I figured you still had cum in you."

"You all bred me good!" I replied with a grunt as the older man fucked.

"It's a mighty fine ass to breed, too!" Bryce said.

The whole situation was hot. I felt the water falling on my body and dripping down. The steam was moving around my head. I felt Bryce's hands gripping my waist tightly and pulling me as his cock entered me, and my legs shook at the intensity of the fuck that followed. He pulled me entirely off my feet several times as he rammed into me, and I slid down the wall as I lost my grip. When he finally came, he growled loudly, and I knew that everyone in the other room could hear him. His cock pulsed deeply inside me, and the cum that leaked out was quickly washed away by the falling water. When he finally pulled out, I nearly collapsed, and he threw his arms around me and pulled me upright.

"Fuck, that was nice," Bryce said as he playfully bit my shoulder.

"Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to pleasure you," I replied.

Bryce chuckled.

"Such a well-trained sub."

We stayed in the shower for about ten minutes more, and by the time he turned it off, and we stepped out, my skin was starting to prune. Bryce grabbed a towel, dried himself off, and then used the same towel to pat me dry. I could smell his faint scent on the fabric, and I grinned as I breathed it in.

"Ok, boy," Bryce said when I was mostly dry. "Head back into the other room while I go throw on a robe."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I opened the door to leave.

When I returned to the other side of the loft, I saw Bart and Wes sitting on a sofa, and Drew was cross-legged on the floor, massaging Bart's feet.

"Someone got a fourth load, it sounded like," Wes said with a smile.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied with a blush. "Sir Bryce is a machine!"

"That he is," Drew said with a smile as he turned to look at me.

"Come down here and work on my paws," Wes said. "Bart is getting all the attention."

Bart rolled his eyes as I smiled and sat on the floor and put Wes's feet in my lap to work them over. Several minutes later, Bryce came in wearing a light blue silk robe.

"You men up for some more whiskey?"

"Absolutely!" Bart and Wes replied.

Bryce prepared three glasses and handed two to the men, and then sat down in a chair to relax as Drew and I continued our work on the floor. The rest of the evening was pretty low-key. Bryce ordered some Chinese for delivery, and Drew and I ate on the floor as the three men went to the kitchen to eat and talk. It allowed me to catch up with my fellow sub and learn more about his life in New York. It was well past 11 pm when we left, and we were all tired. Bart and Wes went right to bed after we got back to the apartment, and Drew tucked me in before retiring.

Drew rode with me to the airport in the morning, and I reflected on my first trip to the Big Apple.

"Well, I want to thank Bart and Wes for being so accommodating," I said as the car neared the terminal.

"It was great getting to know you and hanging out!" Drew replied. "And please do tell me if there is anything planned for Sir John. We would love to come down."

"For sure," I said with a smile.

"And tell my sub brother Ryan hi for me and that I miss him," Drew added.

"I will," I replied.

Drew hugged me and helped me with my bags once we arrived, and when I got home, I had a lot of stories to tell Todd and Bo.

Next: Chapter 17

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