Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Aug 18, 2022


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Chastity and Service

City Lights (Part 1)

It was still dark when I felt an arm shaking me awake. As I opened my eyes, I saw Drew hovering over me, and I pulled off my CPAP mask and rubbed my eyes.

"Good morning!" Drew said with a smile.

"Hey," I replied as I propped myself up with my arm.

"Master Bart requested your presence," Drew said. "He's horny and needs servicing. Wes is already in the shower getting ready for work."

"Ok," I said. "I'm coming."

"Do you drink coffee?" Drew asked as he turned to move towards the kitchen.

"Yeah," I replied. "I'll take a cup."

I put my feet on the cold floor, stood up, and stretched. My back ached from the position I had slept in, but I knew not to keep Bart waiting. I walked over to the bedroom door, which was cracked, and pushed it open slowly. Bart was lying on top of the covers and had his legs spread. His dick was at full mast, and he was stroking it.

"About time, boy," Bart growled when he saw me. "Get your ass over here and on my cock, now!"

"Yes, Sir!" I responded as I quickly moved to the bed and climbed on it.

"Turn around on all fours and place your ass over my crotch," Bart said as he grabbed a bottle from the side table.

I did as he asked, and my cage touched his hard cock as he pushed his lubed finger into my hole. I grunted as he ran over my prostate, and a glob of precum fell out of my cage and over his shaft. He pulled out and then placed two fingers in me and twisted from side to side. I gripped the covers as I tried to relax, but it took a few minutes for me to open up. When I was ready, he slapped my ass, and I sat up and reached back to guide his cock in me. His shaft filled my ass as I sat back, and I put my hands on his legs to brace myself.

"Fuck yourself, boy. Pleasure me."

"Yes, Sir!" I grunted as I moved back and forth on his stiff dick.

I felt Bart's hands on my lower back. He gripped it at first and then spanked me intermittently while I rode him. I had my eyes closed and put my complete focus on what I was doing. As I came back down on him, I squeezed my ass to milk his shaft, and I heard a grunt of approval from the man each time.

"How's his ass?" Wes announced next to me.

I turned to see him walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"Fucking great," Bart replied. "Just what I needed this morning."

Wes smiled at me and rubbed my head as he walked around to grab some clothes out of his dresser. As he put them on, I continued to ride his husband, and Bart thrusted upward into me as he pulled me back. His legs moved and braced on the bed for more leverage, and before long, I was getting a hard fucking. The springs in the mattress were squeaking, and the headboard bounced on the wall with a thump. My head was bouncing in time as he pounded me furiously.

"Load him up, babe!" Wes said with a smile as he put his shirt on.

"Fuck!" Bart screamed as he yanked me backward.

He went deeper than he had been, and the air was forced out of my lungs as he orgasmed. I could feel every pulse of his shaft as his seed filled me, and I hung my head and gasped as my nub strained in my cage and hung over the bed. Bart spanked my ass hard as he pushed me off.

"Thank you, Sir!" I gasped.

Bart turned, took a deep breath, stood, and stretched without saying a word. Drew entered the room and winked at me as he brought a cup of coffee to his master. He then knelt and brought Bart's softening dick into his mouth to clean it of the remaining cum that coated and dripped from it. When he was done, he stood, placed his face in the man's armpit, and moved it around to mark his beard with Bart's scent.

"Good boy," Bart replied as he rubbed Drew's head with his other hand.

When the boy pulled away, Bart took a sip from the cup and then turned and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

"Turn your ass towards me and I will clean you, too," Drew said to me.

I smiled, rotated, and hung my butt off the bed and felt as he put his face into the crack of my ass. His tongue lapped up the cum that had leaked out before it plunged into me to get some more. It felt great, and my nub leaked. When I was cleaned up, Drew stood and rubbed my ass.

"Come into the kitchen. Breakfast is ready."

"Ok," I replied as I bowed my head for a moment to catch my breath.

Wes was eating some oatmeal and had a few pieces of raisin bread buttered on a plate in front of him. He turned to smile at me as I waddled into the room. My ass was red and worn out from the pounding I had received, and I was using my muscles to squeeze things back into shape.

"What time do you need to be at your office?" Wes asked.

"Nine," I replied as I walked around him and accepted a cup of coffee from Drew.

"Drew can tell you the best way to get there," Wes replied. "He knows this city very well."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I leaned against the counter. "Would it be possible for me to use the shower this morning? I want to make sure I am cleaned up and ready for my clients."

"Yes," Wes replied. "I understand about making a good impression. You can jump in as soon as Bart is done. Drew, please put out some towels for him."

"Right away, Sir," Drew replied as he walked into the bedroom.

"Will you be working late?" Wes asked.

"Yes, Sir," I responded. "They are taking me to dinner tonight."

"There is a spare key on a hook near the door," Wes said as he ate some of his toast. "Let yourself in when you are done."

"Thanks, Sir," I replied. "I appreciate you letting me stay here."

"You are earning your keep, boy," Wes said with a smile. "But any trained boy of John's is always welcome here. I know we can count on them to be courteous and obedient."

I talked to Wes for about fifteen minutes before Drew came behind me and rubbed my shoulders.

"Bart is done, Matt. You can go back there."

"Thanks!" I replied.

Wes spanked my ass as I walked by him to head to the bedroom, and I grinned and looked back at him before continuing. I saw Bart exiting the bathroom with a towel over his shoulders as I entered. His fur was damp, and his cock hung softly in front of him. He did not say a word as I passed. The bathroom was steamy, and I saw a fresh towel hung over the glass door that led to the shower. As I leaned in to turn the water on again, Bart stuck his head in and spoke.

"Five-minute limit for subs. No more."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I quickly moved inside to soap up and then rinse off.

My day in the city was long and exhausting. The mornings were filled with meetings, and I had to give two presentations in the afternoon. As the sun sat low on the horizon and shadows built between the buildings, my clients gave me an hour break and then took me out to an excellent place for dinner, where we continued the conversation. They told me I would need to repeat the presentation tomorrow for the senior management, but I was assured that the contract would continue next year. When everyone began to head home, I texted my boss with the good news and then returned to Bart and Wes's apartment.

Drew had given me directions on what subways to use, and it was interesting to see how different the city was in the evening versus the day. While waiting for the train, I watched two rats fight over some trash and the unmistakable smell of urine wafted by me on more than a few occasions. But it was a big city, so I was not surprised. It was nearly 10 pm by the time I got back to Bart and Wes's apartment, and when I opened the door, the lights were off, but the TV was on. Drew sat on the sofa and turned to smile at me as I entered and stripped my clothes off.

"How was your day?" Drew asked as he muted the TV and walked over to me.

"Successful, but I am exhausted," I replied as I dropped my pants and underwear.

"My masters just went to bed, but would you like to go up and relax in the hot tub?" Drew asked.

"That sounds like a fucking great idea," I replied with a sigh as I unbuttoned my shirt.

Drew smiled, reached out, squeezed my arm, and then picked out two towels and pairs of swimming trunks. He then tossed one pair to me.

"Here, put those on, and I will take you up there," Drew said as he slid his pair on. "I think you will like the view."

After borrowing a pair of flip-flops, I followed him into the hall, and we took the elevator to the top floor. The lights were dimmed, but there was an attendant that nodded at us. Drew signed us in, and we walked to the right down a hall that opened into an ample space that contained a pool and a round hot tub. Three of the walls were covered in windows, and I could see the lights from the buildings beyond.

"Come over here," Drew said as he turned to the right and walked to the opposite wall. "You can see the entire length of Central Park from here."

Even in the dark, the vista was beautiful. You could see all of Manhattan as it stretched North and South from our location, and I watched as cars went up and down the lit streets.

"It is amazing," I replied.

"I'll bring you back up here when it is daylight, and you can see more," Drew said. "This is one of my favorite places to relax."

Drew turned and walked over to the hot tub, and I put my towel down and joined him. As I stepped in, he turned on the jets, and I found a few that hit my back in the perfect position as I submerged. The warmth immediately hit my spine, and the movement of the jets over my lower back loosened the formed knots.

"Oh yeah," I groaned as I closed my eyes. "This is perfect."

Drew chuckled.

"I often join Randy in here after working out. It helps to loosen you up."

I opened my eyes at him and smiled.

"And get ready for his cock?"

Drew laughed.

"Well, he has dragged me to the bathroom over there more than a few times to pound me after."

"He is a hot guy," I replied. "But, for that matter, so are Sir Bart and Wes."

"I'm fortunate they collared me," Drew said as he stretched out and put his legs next to me. "I can't imagine life without them now."

"And maybe you will be able to see Sir John regularly again," I said with a smile.

"Yeah, I am sure that will happen," Drew said. "I miss servicing him. It was an intense year of training, but he made it worthwhile. Is there going to be a sendoff party for him?"

"I don't know," I replied. "I had not thought about that, but it might be a good idea."

"I am sure if you put the word out, many former subs would show up," Drew said.

"Yeah, I am sure they would," I said. "I will look into it and get back to you."

"I might could even get my masters to come," Drew said with a grin. "By the way, are you excited about getting married?"

"Oh yeah," I replied. "I mean, I consider Bo my partner anyway, but having it formalized is something special. My master Todd might be getting into a long-term relationship in the future too."

"Oh?" Drew questioned.

"He has been seeing a hot guy named Rob. We met him at the Tidal Wave party in Florida right before the summer. Bo and I have come to call him Papa. He has been visiting pretty regularly, and I would not be surprised to see him move in with us soon."

"So, there will be four of you in the house?" Drew asked. "That is a lot!"

"Yeah, but there is plenty of room," I replied. "Our house is huge. There is one master and two regular bedrooms on the main floor, another room in the basement that I use as my office, and a whole second floor that we use as a gaming room."

"That is a lot bigger than our place!" Drew replied with a chuckle.

I laughed.

"Well, you know Atlanta is much more affordable than here, and there is more space."

"Oh, I know," Drew replied. "I am lucky that Master Bart and Wes are well off and can afford this place."

"So, I assume you plan to be with them for the long haul?" I asked.

"As long as they want me," Drew replied with a smile. "We are more of a triad now. At first, I was very low on the totem pole, but over time things have changed. I still love to serve them, but Wes treats me more like a second boyfriend."

"I'm happy to hear that," I replied.

We both leaned back and relaxed, and I let my eyes close. The roar of the water jets was hypnotic, and I lost track of time until I felt Drew's foot touch my cage. I opened my eyes to look at him, and he smiled.

"So, have you stayed in chastity since you graduated from the program?"

"Oh yes," I replied as I adjusted my cage and pulled my balls down some. "It is a part of my body now. I hate to have it off. I only remove it for cleaning, and I am normally blindfolded when that happens. What about you?"

"I am in it almost all the time," Drew replied. "For Sir Wes's birthday recently, he removed it and had me lay in front of him. He sucked me off while Sir Bart fucked him, and I blew a massive load into Wes's mouth. It was such an intense orgasm that I nearly blacked out. It was the first uncaged orgasm I had since I left Atlanta."

"That is hot!" I replied.

"I was put back in the cage after," Drew said. "Apart from that one time, I am always caged."

"Have you ever regretted the decision?" I asked.

"Nope!" Drew replied as he grabbed his cage. "I have always known I was a subordinate guy, and this thing symbolizes that. I get a lot more enjoyment from servicing my masters anyway, and Wes makes sure I orgasm every day. He is really sweet and always makes sure I am well taken care of. He is more of the mamma bear in the house."

"I get that," I replied with a grin. "Bart is definitely more the alpha."

"What about your fiancé?" Drew asked. "Does he stay caged?"

I chuckled.

"Oh, that topic is much more complicated."

"How so?" Drew asked.

"Bo has recently begun to explore being a dom," I said. "He would say he sees himself more of a switch now, but I have to say, it is pretty hot when he is in his dominant mode."

"And your master is ok with that?" Drew asked.

"Oh yes," I replied. "Bo is his boy and subordinate to him, but he is ok letting him explore. Sir Todd even took Bo to one of Sir John's parties this past summer."

"Oh, that must have been weird seeing him on that side of things," Drew said.

"It was at first, but he quickly fit in as one of the men," I said. "He sometimes slipped into sub mode, but he still had a fun time."

"He sounds kind of like Sir Wes," Drew said. "He is all dom to me, but he is subordinate to Bart on occasion. He told me that he was a total sub when he was an undergrad in college."

"That is hard to believe," I replied with a smile.

Drew laughed.

"I know what you mean. But I guess people change and evolve. I don't ever see myself being anything other than a sub."

"Oh, I hear you there," I replied. "But I keep wondering if Bo continues on the path he is on if I will be serving three doms in my house before long."

Drew and I shared a laugh before moving to stand.

"Shall we head back down?" Drew asked. "It's getting late."

"Yeah, I guess we should," I replied. "I have another full day tomorrow."

Friday, I woke up just as Drew was walking into the kitchen, and I helped by preparing breakfast while he went back to service Bart and Wes. After the men had both blown their loads and were fed, I took another five-minute shower and headed into the office for another long day of meetings. By 5 pm, I was ready to end the day, but the trip had been a success, and the company's vice president was even complimentary on my reports and demeanor. When I got back to the apartment, Drew was vacuuming, and I stripped my clothes off and folded them. I had just finished adjusting my cage when the door opened, and Wes walked in.

"Well, hello there, caged cubby!"

I smiled and knelt and Drew hurried over to join me.

"Welcome home, Sir," Drew said, slightly out of breath. "I didn't expect you home so soon."

"I snuck out a little early," Wes said with a smile as he rubbed my head and then Drew's. "How was your day, Matt?"

"Good, Sir," I replied as I looked up at him.

"Well, Bart and I have arranged a fun evening for you," the man said as he slipped his shoes off and loosened his tie. "We will be going over to Bryce's place for some fun and then dinner. Go ahead and jump in the shower and clean yourself out. That ass of yours is in for a lot of action. Take as long as you need."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I got up and left the room.

It took me thirty minutes before I knew I would be ready for some hard play, and when I walked back into the living room, I saw Drew on the floor before Wes rubbing his feet. Bart arrived shortly after that, and once the two men had changed into casual wear, Drew and I threw on some jeans and a shirt, and we all headed out.

The ride on the subway down to Spring Street was crowded. Once we arrived at our stop, we headed back to the street level and then walked down to a large building. Bart pushed a call button, and once we were buzzed in, we took the elevator up. When the doors opened, I saw an attractive man waiting for us. He had gone bald but had a full gray beard that matched the color of the fur poking out from under and around his t-shirt. He had broad shoulders, thick legs, and a nice belly.

"Good to see you again, fellas!" Bryce announced as he hugged Bart and Wes.

"Hello, Sir!" Drew said with a smile as the larger man squeezed him and then groped his ass.

"That's my good boy," Bryce replied before looking at me. "And you must be Matt."

"I am Sir," I replied as I held out my hand.

Bryce shook it and then rubbed my head. He then turned and led us into his loft. The apartment was one large open room. It had exposed brick on one side and large windows that afforded a beautiful view. The living area was to one side, and on the other, an entire dungeon had been set up with a fuck bench, a Saint Andrew's cross, a sling, and a long shelf that contained various toys and BDSM implements and gear. There were metal eye hooks suspended from the ceiling, and the floor was covered in rubber matting. I was amazed and had my head on a swivel as the door closed behind me.

"Go ahead and strip, boys," Bryce said to Drew and me.

Drew pointed to the side of the door where some cubicles had been placed.

"It is similar to the setup at Sir John's," Drew said. "Just pull out a box and put your clothes in."

"Ok," I said as we both undressed.

The men, meanwhile, took their shoes off and then joined Bryce in the kitchen for a drink. They had just taken a sip of some aged whiskey when we came in and knelt on the floor.

"Bart and Wes tell me you have a nice ass, boy," Bryce said as he held his glass and looked at me.

"I like to think I have," I replied with a smile. "My master and fiancé seem to enjoy it."

Bryce laughed and pointed to the dungeon area.

"Let's find out how good it is. Go jump in the sling. Drew, you go over and stand next to the cross. Bart can flog your back to warm you up."

"Yes, Sir!" we replied as we stood and turned around to enter the play space.

Next: Chapter 16

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