Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Aug 15, 2022


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Chastity and Service

New York Bound (Part 2)

Drew smiled and walked in front of the man and faced me. He reached back to grab the stiff shaft and pointed it towards his ass as he sat backward. I saw Drew's face contort as the head entered his hole. He gasped, and his eyes bulged as he paused to prepare himself. After a minute, he took a deep breath and then moved back into the man's lap.

"That's a boy," Randy growled as he reached around to hold Drew's waist. "Take me into you."

"Fuck!" Drew groaned as he reached Randy's balls.

"You know what I like," Randy said. "Get to it!"

Drew sighed and then braced himself on the arms of the chair as he lifted his body up and off the dick and then sat back down. The boy moved slowly at first, but Randy had a firm grip on Drew's waist and pulled him down faster after only a few minutes. I sat on the floor, looked up at them, and felt the precum flowing readily out of my nub and down my balls.

It did not take long before Drew was bouncing on Randy, and I heard the slapping sound as his ass hit the man's lap. Drew's nub was moving around, too, and streams of precum flew off and landed on the floor and the older man's legs.

"Someone is leaky today!" Randy growled.

"Yes, Sir!" Drew replied as he panted.

Randy pulled Drew down on him deeply, and I saw the air come out of Drew's lungs as he was impaled. The man held him for a moment and then pulled him off. As Drew stood, Randy's cock pointed straight up and glistened in the light from the window.

"Your turn, Matt!" Randy shouted.

I gulped and stood.

"Take it easy at first," Drew said as he caught his breath. "Otherwise, he will rip you in two."

I nodded as I turned around and grabbed the man's cock. It took me a moment to get him lined up as I sat backward. More precum emerged from the tip as it neared my hole, and the lubrication was enough for it to slip in. I felt a tinge of pain as his dick entered me, and I cried out and threw my head back at the same time.

"Take your time, boy," Randy said as he patted my back. "This is not a race."

I paused for a moment to let the feeling pass and then took a deep breath as I continued to sit back. As his shaft opened me up, I could feel my insides spread. The man was enormous, and when he passed over my prostate, I groaned loudly, and my legs shook. Drew came around and put his hands on my arms to steady me. When Randy was entirely inside me, I held up my hand and displayed a finger as I closed my eyes.

"Give me a second, Sir," I grunted.

Randy moved his hands around my lower back and then gripped my waist as I waited for my ass to adjust to what was inside it.

"You feel so good."

I opened my eyes and looked at Drew and smiled and then put my hands on the arms of the chair and began to lift.

"Oh yeah," Randy growled as he slowly pulled out of me and then went back in.

My breath was being forced out of me as he fucked me. As the pain subsided, I felt pleasure as my prostate was rubbed and poked, and my nub reacted by dripping juices. Drew smiled when he saw me, knelt, and put his lips on my cage to catch and swallow them.

"Oh fuck!" I groaned as I leaned back.

"That's a boy," Randy said as he fucked me faster.

I felt my legs lifted from the floor as Randy fell back and pushed me up and down on him. A rush of endorphins flooded my body, and I put myself into a headspace where I focused only on the pleasure I was giving him. I could hear the growls and grunts emanating from his large chest. His skin felt warm to the touch as a sheen of sweat formed.

I lost track of how long he fucked me, but when I felt him lean forward and my feet hit the floor, I knew it was a cue for me to get up. As the cock fell from my hole, I felt it remain open and gaping, and I gasped.

"As much as that hole is nice," Randy said. "I wanna breed Drew. I was getting close."

"All good, Sir!" I replied as I reached around and tried to squeeze my ass closed again.

Drew smiled at me as we exchanged places. As he felt the cock enter him again, he sighed.

"That's it, big daddy bear. Your cub is ready for your cum."

Randy's toes flexed as he lifted Drew up and back. It only took a few moments for the boy to begin to bounce again, and I watched as the man's large balls prepared to unload. Randy was grunting louder now and had his head tilted back.

"Fuck! Here it comes, boy!"

Randy's shaft undulated as he orgasmed, and I saw his balls lift and his taint pulse as the load was delivered deep in Drew. He bearhugged the boy as he pulled back and pushed deeper. Drew cried out as his nub began to shake and cum poured out of him. I smiled, got to my feet, and moved over him to collect it with my tongue and make sure nothing was wasted.

"Holy hell!" Drew gasped as I brought his cage into my mouth and licked it clean.

Randy laughed as his cock continued to pulse.

"You can say that again!"

I stepped back and watched as the man caught his breath. He let Drew lean forward and then get to his feet when he recovered. As the boy lifted off, Randy's cock slid out of his hole, and a glob of cum popped out and slid down his shaft. Drew saw it and moved to swallow it quickly. As he bobbed up and down on the man to clean him, Randy's body shuttered, and he put his hands on Drew's head.

"Oh, fuck! Ok, that is enough. You two got me sensitive."

Drew smiled and sucked the head of Randy's cock one more time and then stood up. I could see his sloppy ass covered in cum, and it was dripping down his leg.

"Want me to clean you up now," I asked.

Drew turned and smiled at me and then leaned over Randy, letting his ass face me. I put my face in his crack and licked up and down, tasting the older man's load and swallowing what I could. I pushed my tongue into Drew's hole a few times before rubbing it and standing up to lick my lips.

"That was a big load!" I exclaimed.

Randy chuckled.

"I had been saving up since yesterday. I love this boy's ass."

Drew smiled as he stood, walked over to me, and rubbed his butt.

"Do you need anything else, Sir?"

"Oh, I think that will do it for now," Randy said with a grin. "But you come see me again before you leave, Matt. I would love to leave a load in you, too!"

"Sure thing, Sir!" I replied with a smile.

By 6 pm, Drew was in the middle of cooking dinner. He had a large pot of homemade stew on the stove, and I was helping by cutting vegetables and setting the small table for his masters. The entire apartment smelled lovely, and I was engrossed in a conversation about all the things he had learned to prepare when there was a sound of a key being inserted into the lock of the front door. Drew immediately stopped what he was doing and walked over and knelt beside the entrance, and I followed his lead. When the door opened, a well-dressed, husky man with cropped hair and a short beard that was dark in color but had streaks of gray and white walked in. He smiled when he saw us on the floor and Drew immediately spoke up.

"Welcome home, Sir Wes. I hope you had a good day today."

Wes smiled and gently put his hand on Drew's face to scratch his beard.

"Not bad."

Drew rose and shared a kiss with his master, and then Wes looked at me.

"Good to see you again, boy. How was your flight?"

"Smooth, Sir," I replied. "No issues."

"That is good," Wes replied as he walked by and threw the jacket of his suit on the bed.

He slipped his shoes off, walked over to me, put his hand on my head, and pushed my face into his crotch. I rubbed my nose around and felt his cock underneath. It began to stiffen immediately, and I closed my eyes as he ground into me. When he pulled me off, I saw him unzip his pants and drop them, and then he pushed me back. I stuck out my tongue and licked his crotch, smelled his scent, and tasted the sweat in his boxers. His cock began to peek out of the slit in front, and I brought it into my mouth to taste it.

"Good boy," Wes groaned as his shaft ran over my tongue and neared the back of my throat.

He precummed immediately, and it tasted sweet as I sucked his engorged shaft. I pushed forward till his balls rested on my chin and then pulled back until the head emerged, glistening with spit and precum. I moved my hands behind to rub his ass, and he thrusted his hips to push deeper down my throat. I felt the heat coming from his belly and heard him moaning from above me. It took about five minutes of working his dick deep into my throat before I felt his body tense. A flood of cum followed that filled my mouth, and I eagerly lapped it up like a dog in heat.

"Fuck!" Wes shouted as he pulled my head to him and forced himself deep into my neck.

I gagged twice as his orgasm ebbed, and when he pulled me off, I looked up to see him smiling down at me.

"Good boy."

"Thanks, Sir," I replied with a grin.

Cum covered part of my beard, and Wes laughed as he collected it with his fingers and fed it to me. I sucked on his thumb, and then he left to finish undressing in the bedroom. When I got to my feet, I turned to see Drew grinning at me from the stove.

"You are pretty good at that."

I chuckled and licked my lips.

"I'm a huge fan of giving blowjobs. I love to taste a dom."

"Well, come here and help me plate this food," Drew said. "It is almost ready."

Wes walked back into the kitchen in only his boxers as we got out bowls and plates for the soup, rice, fruit, and garlic bread. His chest had a thick coating of gray fur that transitioned to darker colors near his belly. He looked to have developed some more definition in his chest and arms since the last time I saw him, but he still had the look of a sexy daddy bear. As he sat down at the table, I brought him a beer, and he thanked me.

Drew and I had just finished setting out a second setting when the door opened again, and Bart walked inside. He was taller than Wes and had a built chest, muscular arms and legs, and a shaved head. His medium-length beard had gone gray like Wes's in his goatee area but still appeared dark and youthful everywhere else. Drew knelt on the floor as he had done for Wes, and I joined him.

"Something smells good in here!" Bart said as he walked over and rubbed Drew's head. "Give your big bear a kiss, cubby."

Drew grinned and stood, and Bart grabbed his head and made out with him for several seconds. He then looked at me and smiled.

"And I am glad to see you again. I'm looking forward to breeding that ass and filling up that belly of yours again."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

"You get seconds," Wes said with a laugh. "I had to bust a nut in his mouth when I came home. It was a long day."

Bart chuckled and patted my face.

"I need to change. You go finish helping our boy."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I stood.

The table in the kitchen was only big enough for three settings. When Bart returned from the bedroom in his underwear and a tank top, he took one position across from Wes, and Drew sat down between them on one side after they were served. I stood near the counter's edge in the kitchen and ate.

"Wes tells me you will be here through the weekend," Bart said as he dug into the soup.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I ate some of the bread. "I have meetings for work all day tomorrow and Friday, but I don't leave till Saturday afternoon."

"Good," Bart replied. "Maybe we can set something up with Bryce."

"That would be fun," Wes said. "We haven't had a chance to do anything with him in a long time."

"Is Bryce a friend of yours?" I asked.

"He is a local dom we have known for a long time," Wes said. "He likes to use our boy, Drew, and push his limits. Doesn't he?"

"Yes, Sir," Drew replied with a smile before looking at me. "He has a really nice dungeon setup. He helped me control my pain limits."

"How is Atlanta these days?" Bart asked me.

"About the same, Sir," I replied. "Everyone is a little bummed that Sir John is leaving."

"I can imagine," Bart said. "John has been training boys for over a decade now. But I am looking forward to having him up here."

"Me too," Wes added. "It will be nice to hang out with him regularly again."

"The only big problem is that Sir John has had to think outside of the box without new subs coming in, to ensure the program is still effective," I said. "I agreed to come back and take the place of one of the graduating subs so that the two that are left will have some help and guidance."

"Well, that was nice of you," Wes said. "That is a good act of service on your part."

"I try my best to be of use, Sir," I replied with a smile.

Wes winked at me and then continued to eat. When the dinner was finished, Drew got to his feet, cleared the table, and brought fresh beers for his masters. I helped him wash and clean the dishes while Bart and Drew retired to the living room to relax. Drew walked around to sit cross-legged on the floor in front of Wes and put his master's feet in his lap to rub them when we were done.

"May I offer the same service to you, Sir?" I asked Bart as I walked in.

"That would be nice, boy," Bart said as he shifted and stuck his legs out.

When I got on the floor, I placed one of his large, hairy feet near my crotch and rubbed it. Bart groaned immediately, and I felt his foot flex.

"One thing about New York is that you walk around a lot," Bart said. "My poor paws get a workout."

I smiled as I massaged them, and he turned on the TV as they both relaxed. After twenty minutes, we finished working out their knots, and Drew stood to put their empty bottles away. Bart looked down at me and looked to be contemplating something, but he did not speak for a few minutes.

"Is something wrong, Sir?" I asked.

Bart used his foot to play with my cage and smiled.

"I'm thinking about how I want to use you before bed."

"Oh!" I replied with a grin.

"My first thought is to bend you over and load that ass up, but I promised Wes here that we would have some intimate time tonight."

"No worries, Sir!" I replied.

"However, if I remember right, you are a good piss drinker, right?"

"Yes, Sir!" I responded.

"Good, cause this beer went right through me," Bart said as he shifted forward in his chair and groped himself.

I got to my knees and neared him as he pulled his cock out. As I pulled the soft head into my mouth, the stream began immediately, and I had to adjust quickly so as not to spill a drop. Bart's piss tasted strong and stale as it filled my mouth, and I timed my swallows. He had a full bladder. It took him over a minute to finish, and when he pulled his dick from my lips, I burped and got an aftertaste. Bart chuckled in response and rubbed my hair.

"Make sure that ass is ready in the morning, boy. You will be walking funny before I am done with you."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

Drew came behind Wes, rubbed his shoulders, and kissed him on his cheek.

"Do you two want to have your time together now? I will sit in here with Matt."

"I would like you to join us tonight, cubby," Wes said. "As long as Bart is ok with that."

"Fine with me," Bart said as he stood and scratched his balls.

"Is it ok if I watch TV in here?" I asked.

"Sure," Wes replied as he rose. "You can take my spot on the sofa, too."

"Thanks!" I replied.

The three crossed the room and went into the bedroom, closing the door behind them. I smiled and sat down to relax and soon heard grunts and groans from the wall, followed by the smacking sound of an ass being pounded and Wes moaning loudly. My nub reacted by swelling in its cage, and I played with the precum that formed. The sounds of sex continued for an hour before they quieted. When the door finally opened, Drew appeared. His hair was a mess and his body was covered in sweat.

"Fun time?" I asked as he closed the door behind him and walked into the kitchen.

"Oh yes," Drew said with a grin. "Master Bart even had enough energy to pound me after he finished with Wes and got a large load out of my very full balls."

"That is a good thing!" I replied with a chuckle.

"Do you want some water?" Drew asked as he pulled a bottle from the refrigerator.

"I'm good," I replied.

"Well, let me pull this bed out of the sofa and set it up for you tonight. My masters are about to head to bed themselves."

"OK!" I replied as I stood and helped him.

Once we moved the table out of the way and pulled out the bed, Drew put some sheets on it and helped me find a place to plug my breathing machine in. He then showed me how to turn the lights off and then closed the blinds to the room.

"Are you all set?" he asked.

"Yeah, I am good," I replied as I lay on the bed.

"Have a good night, then," Drew replied as he waved to me.

I waved back as he walked back into the bedroom and closed the door.

Next: Chapter 15

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