Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Aug 9, 2022


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Chastity and Service

Domming the Sub

It was Saturday, September 16, 2017, and Bo and I were headed over to John's house for another dominant training session. Bo had gone on his own twice in the last month and had spent a lot of time with John discussing the psychology of roles, what it means to be a good dominant versus a bad, and how to behave appropriately. Bo had enjoyed every moment of the training, and he was excited to bring me along for another role-play session.

We noticed a Jeep there when we pulled into the driveway, and Bo was confused.

"Sir didn't tell me that someone else would be joining us."

"That is Kai's Jeep," I replied. "I remember it from the Pool Party a few weeks ago."

"Wonder what is up," Bo said.

"Only one way to find out!" I replied as we got out.

Bo went for the front door, and I continued to the side door where subs entered. As I walked into the entrance hall, I saw the door to the basement dungeon open. I quickly undressed and put my clothes in the black bin before poking my head into the next room to see what was going on. It was then that I saw Kai wiping down the equipment. When he noticed me, he smiled.


"How are you?" I replied. "I hope I am not interrupting."

"Not at all," Kai said. "Sir told me you and Sir Bo would be coming by."

I chuckled when I heard Kai refer to Bo in that manner, but he was right. He was a dominant for the evening.

"I still am not used to hearing someone call him that," I replied.

Kai smiled and came over and hugged me. When he neared, I noticed the silver tag attached to the red and black collar had been replaced with a gold one. This could only mean one thing; he had graduated from the program.

"Are you done training with Sir John now?" I asked with surprise while pointing at his tag.

Kai grinned and reached up and rubbed his new tag.

"I graduated today."

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed as I hugged him again. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks!" Kai replied. "I have to say, being strapped to the cross and having Ben suck me off and give me what might be my last uncaged orgasm was intense!"

"Oh, I know," I replied. "I still remember when my sub brother Max did that for me. But why are you still here? Did you not get collared by anyone?"

"Sir Mike is still interested, but I need more time with him before making that commitment," Kai said.

"Are you going to be self-locked then?" I asked.

"Well, no," Kai replied. "Did you hear what is happening with Sir?"

"No," I said. "What is going on?"

"Sir John informed us this week that he has to end the sub-training program," Kai replied.

"What!" I said, shocked.

"Yeah," Kai replied. "Sir has been offered to join a law firm in New York. He will be moving there at the end of March, and so Ben, Tim, and I will be the last subs that will graduate from here."

"Oh, wow," I said. "I hate to hear that."

"Yeah," Kai replied. "I agreed to stay on as a graduated sub and mentor and assist Ben and Tim till the end of the year. I plan to move back to San Francisco after Christmas, though, and Ben has someone collaring him in mid-December, leaving Tim on his own."

"Oh, that sucks," I replied. "That is horrible, in fact. One of the main plusses of this program is having brothers to rely on."

"I know," Kai said. "I feel bad about it. I even considered delaying my move."

Two sets of footsteps coming down the stairs interrupted our conversation, and we instinctively moved to kneel in our squares on the floor. When the door opened, Bo walked in first. He had taken his shirt, shoes, and socks off and was wearing the band around his arm, signifying he was a dominant. John followed behind in a tank top and shorts.

"Rise, boys," Bo said as they stood before us.

We stood at attention with our arms behind our backs as we got to our feet. John was the first to speak, and he looked at me.

"Has Kai told you the news yet, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "I hate to hear that the program will be ending, but congratulations on the job offer."

"Yes, it is bittersweet," John replied. "I plan on continuing my program in New York once I am settled, but it will mean a huge transition."

John looked over at Kai and put his arm on the boy's shoulder.

"Kai, I want to thank you for making the sacrifice to stay on and help Ben and Tim with their training. I know they are very appreciative. As a graduated sub, I will take it easier on you, but I expect you to maintain my exacting standards."

"Of course, Sir," Kai replied.

"And will you be ok with Ben being named the senior sub?" John asked. "That status is an integral part of the program. It is important subs gain responsibility and mentor others."

"Not a problem, Sir," Kai said. "I am happy to see Ben take on that role."

John looked back at me next.

"Boy, I have talked to Bo briefly about this, but I will continue to mentor and train him until I move. But, I have a big ask for you. Kai will be leaving at the end of the year, and Ben will be graduating. That will leave Tim all alone. Would you consider returning and assisting him for a few months until he completes his contract?"

John was quiet for a moment while I considered the request. It was a huge decision for sure. It would mean coming over to John's house a couple of times every week to help clean, participate in training with Tim, and assist with any parties that John threw.

"While you consider this request," John added after a minute, "know that I have talked to Todd, and he said if you want to do this, he will support your decision. Bo has stated he would, too."

"I can do it, Sir," I replied. "Tim deserves to have someone to work with, and as a sub, my first duty is service to a dominant and then to my fellow subs."

"Good boy," John said.

"Thank you," Kai replied as he turned and smiled. "I know Tim will be glad to hear this."

"Kai, why don't you head home," John said. "Inform your sub brothers what the plans are and let Ben know he will need to coordinate the party next month."

"Yes, Sir," Kai said as he stood, bowed, and then left the room.

"Master Bo?" John said as he turned.

"Yes, John?"

"What is the role of a dominant?" John asked.

"To nurture and guide a sub," Bo replied. "To provide a heavy hand where necessary, but always provide them with a safe place where they can serve my needs and feel needed, wanted, and respected."

"Boy Matt is your sub for the evening," John replied. "Enjoy yourself. I will stand by as needed for questions or guidance."

Bo nodded, and John walked to the side of the room and sat down in a chair. When Bo turned to me, he had a blank expression on his face.

"Kneel, boy."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I obeyed.

"Recite the creed," Bo said firmly.

"I am a sub in training under the supervision of Sir Bo. My goal is to serve men in the best way I can and derive pleasure from that service. My chastity cage and collar are a symbol of that service."

"Good boy," Bo replied. "Stand and move to the cross and prepare for a flogging session."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

As I moved across the room, I was taken aback by the change in Bo's behavior. Not only was he acting like a dominant, but he had the aura and appearance of one. I actually found my nub reacting by swelling in its cage. I felt as Bo attached my arms and legs to the wooden structure as I faced the cross. When he was done, I heard him slip on some leather gloves and then felt as he rubbed my back and groped my ass.

When the leather ends of the flogger hit my ass, I flinched and grunted. Bo followed the impact with an expertly delivered series of strokes that moved up and down one cheek and then the next. I was amazed at how disciplined he had become and at his skill. He was not hitting too hard, and it was not soft either. The impacts stung, but it was nothing that I could not handle.

When he paused, I felt his gloved hands move over my skin, and it felt like electricity was shooting through me. I pulled myself to the tips of my toes and twisted on the cross as the tingling sensation with some light pain pulsed through me.

"Take a breath, babe," Bo said gently. "Let me know if it is too much."

I brought myself down to my soles again and took a deep breath before continuing.

"I am ready for more, Sir."

"Good boy," Bo replied.

Over the next thirty minutes, Bo used several different floggers, crops, paddles, and whips on me. As my skin reddened, I finally felt hesitation in his movements, but John stepped in to encourage him and let him know I would tell him when I had too much. And it was the truth. He only ended the session because his arms were getting sore. As he brought me down from the cross, I turned and had tears in my eyes, and he looked concerned. However, I assured him I was ok, and he seemed calm.

"How else can I serve you tonight, Sir?" I asked after a moment to rest.

"Mount the fuck bench, boy," Bo replied with a grin. "Master Bo needs to breed that ass."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I moved over and climbed onto the bench.

Bo rubbed my sore, red ass and then pushed his finger between the crack of my cheeks to reach my hole. As he rubbed it, I groaned. I was in pain. There was no doubt in that. My ass and lower back were on fire, but I was looking forward to getting fucked by him, and I took a deep breath and then let it out to relax as he lubed his finger and pushed inside.

It did not take him long to open me up, and my nub was dripping precum when I felt his stiff cock at the entrance of my ass.

"Here it comes!" Bo said as he pushed forward.

I felt as his head, and then shaft entered me, and it was so good. My body was going overdrive with the sensations I felt, and I cried again from the overload. I quickly wiped my eyes and composed myself, though, as I felt Bo grab my waist and begin to move. He was slow and gentle with his thrusts, and I could tell he was trying to angle, so he hit my prostate and gave me some pleasure. It took him a few minutes to get it right, but I groaned loudly when he hit my g-spot.

"There we go," Bo replied. "You like feeling my cock inside you?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "I need you inside me."

Bo groaned, and I felt as he increased his thrusts. At first, he maintained his persona, but it did not take him long before things broke down.

"Oh, babe, this is so hot," Bo growled.

I half expected John to step in and correct him, but he didn't. Bo gently rubbed and caressed my sore skin as he continued to fuck me, and I heard him start to breathe heavier.

"Are you close, Sir?" I asked.

"Uh-huh," Bo replied.

"Me too," I said.

I could feel the warmth building in my groin, and I was doing everything I could to hold off my orgasm, but I could not put it off forever.

"Cum for me, baby," Bo replied. "Cum now."

Bo pushed hard into me, and I went over the edge as I felt his cock pulsing inside me. Spurts of white fluids shot through the bars of my chastity cage and fell to the floor as my ass was filled. Bo growled at the ceiling as his orgasm overtook him, and I felt as his legs shook.

Bo pulled out when he regained his composure, and I felt as he leaned down and kissed my ass gently.

"Thank you," Bo said.

"You got it, Sir," I replied.

When I got off the bench, I had to steady myself, and Bo smiled at me before moving to kiss me. He rubbed my face and smiled before he stepped back and composed himself.

"Please return to your square, boy."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I moved across the room and knelt in my yellow box.

John walked over and patted Bo's shoulders.

"Not bad, Bo. You tend to break your role a lot, but as you two are a couple, that is to be expected."

"That was a rush, but I think I am done for the evening," Bo said. "I need to get back into sub-space for a while."

John laughed.

"Little too much for you?"

"Maybe a tad," Bo replied. "But still a thrill."

"Bo, you were a good sub, and you will make a good dom," John said. "Just be yourself. I will see you in two weeks for another session here with me."

"Ok," Bo replied with a smile.

"Come on upstairs, and we can have a drink before you leave," John replied before looking at me. "Boy, be sure to clean up the mess you made on the floor and wipe down the equipment. You can wait by the car when you are done."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as the two left the room.

On the way back home, Bo was quiet. It was not until we were in bed and he was rubbing my sore back that he finally spoke more than a few words.

"Babe, did I go too far today?"

I turned over and looked at him and smiled.

"Not at all," I replied. "I found it pretty hot how dominant you seemed this evening. That was something I don't think I have seen in you before. At least not that serious."

Bo laughed.

"I wanted to really throw myself into it."

"It worked," I replied. "I got an ass full of cum and a sore back and ass to prove it."

"Thank you so much for being there for me and helping me in this journey," Bo said. "And especially for agreeing to help Tim. I know that is a big ask of you."

"Not at all," I replied. "I would not have made it through the program without you and Jay to guide me. I am happy to help him. That is what subs do. We are there to assist, help, and serve."

Bo kissed me.

"Turn out the light and let's snuggle."

"Ok, babe," I said with a grin.

Next: Chapter 13

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