Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Aug 6, 2022


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Chastity and Service

The Boyfriend

My parents had three boys. My brother and I are identical twins, and technically, Steve is older by a few minutes. Not only do we look the same, but we are both gay. The similarities end there, though. While I have been a natural submissive, he has been more assertive and dominant. He had had a few girlfriends in the past, too. Still, Steve always looked after me growing up, and we have always been close. My other brother was four years behind us and straight as an arrow. Married with several kids, he took the pressure off Steve and me from my mom, who always wanted grandkids.

My twin and I moved to Atlanta in 2007, and Steve got a job in the radiology department at Emory Hospital. However, it kept him busy, and we did not get to hang out as much as we used to in the past. I still remember when I took the time to visit him and break the news I was training under Sir John as a chastity boy. He was shocked at first, but once I explained that it was my decision and something I genuinely wanted to do, he was supportive.

Introducing Bo was another story, though. I could tell that Steve thought he was good-looking the first time he laid eyes on him, but he was no threat apart from some playful teasing. We had dinner together on several occasions and attended family functions like Thanksgiving, too. However, an incident caused me to have a serious conversation with him. It was when my best friend from grade school, Jeff, came to visit.

Jeff had lived down the street from us when we were growing up, and we always went on adventures together. He was gay too, and we were always curious about our bodies. Yes, we had mutual masturbation sessions in the woods, but nothing more than that. We were never attracted to each other but having someone to talk to and feeling safe to explore made growing up in the south easier.

When Jeff visited earlier in the year, he stayed with Steve, and I visited. We planned a hike at a local national park, and Bo came along. Jeff was amused that Bo and I were locked and bombarded us with questions. I could tell they were flirting with Bo, but it was all fine. Later, when we took a lunch break, I was not surprised to find Bo bobbing up and down on Jeff's cock and then bending over to get fucked. It was a pretty hot thing to watch, and I offered to clean Jeff's cock after he dumped his load up my boyfriend's ass. I was not prepared for turning around after and seeing my brother with his dick up Bo churning Jeff's load, though.

Bo saw the opportunity to have Steve fuck him as the next best thing to having me do so. Jeff bent me over later and fucked me beside Bo, and it was a hot afternoon, no doubt. I was not mad at my brother, but I did ask him to talk to me first if such a situation ever happened again. I just did not want things to get weird.

In the five months since that event, I had only seen Steve a few times. He was single and a workaholic, so it was not unheard of. However, I was surprised when he texted me out of the blue that he was dating someone and wanted to drop by to introduce me to him.

"Do you know anything about this guy?" Bo asked me when I broke the news.

"Not a thing," I replied. "Hell, I don't even know when he first met him."

Bo laughed.

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him to stop by Saturday if he wanted to hang out," I replied. "With Sir being out of the house visiting his parents, I figured it would be a fun time."

"True," Bo said. "It will be nice to see him again, too. Is he coming for dinner or something?"

"I told him we could probably do some pool time and then cookout," I replied. "It is still warm out."

"True," Bo replied. "Who would have thought it would be near 90 °F in late September."

I laughed, but he was right. There were times when it was oppressively hot till October. It was one of the reasons our Pride event in the city had been moved to near Halloween. Avoiding the heat in the south was a never-ending battle.

"Do we need to be clothed around him?" Bo asked.

"It was the first thing I asked," I replied. "Steve said that he told his boyfriend that we were both into chastity, and apparently, it was not a big deal."

"Well, you will be the only one locked, though," Bo replied with a wink.

"Yeah, yeah," I replied. "Or should I say, yes, Sir?"

Bo chuckled and rubbed my shoulder.

"I'm not in dominant mode right now. I am just the alpha sub, but I can ask Sir to keep me locked this weekend if you want."

"Oh, I don't care, babe," I replied. "You do what makes you feel good. You know I support you either way."

"And what if I want Steve's cock again?" Bo asked with a grin.

"Uh-huh," I replied with a smirk.

"I am only half-joking," Bo replied. "I mean, I will take cues off of him, but what do I do if he makes the first move? He has a really nice dick. I can only imagine that is what you used to look like."

"I'm ok with it, babe," I replied. "I am not jealous of my brother. He is hung like a mule. I only ask that I know about it if it happens and I can watch."

"Deal," Bo replied as he groped my cage. "But, as I told you, I still want to feel this uncaged one day."

I rolled my eyes and kissed him.

"You are incorrigible."

Saturday, Bo and I spent the morning cleaning up the house and getting it spotless to make a good impression on Steve's boyfriend. It is not like we don't keep up the house daily, but this was a special visitor, so we put in the extra effort. Bo even baked some cookies to make the house smell good, and we trimmed our beards to look presentable. When I heard the front doorbell, I walked over to look through the peephole, and I saw Steve staring back at me. As I opened the door, he stepped inside, and behind him came a handsome Hispanic man about his height.

"Hey Matt," Steve said. "This is Luis. Luis, this is my brother, Matt."

"I can see that!" Luis said with a deep voice and a chuckle.

"Though your dick is a lot bigger, Steve!"

I blushed and hid my cage and Luis laughed.

"Don't be shy. I have friends in all sorts of kinks. It is remarkable how much you two look alike, though. It is like looking in the mirror!"

I smiled and ran my hand through my hair nervously.

"Thanks. We used to get confused as each other all the time."

Luis leaned over and hugged me. I felt his belly as he squeezed. He had large arms, and I felt sure he could break me in two if he wanted.

"Aww, you look so nervous! Don't be! I have been looking forward to meeting you!"

I smiled and asked them to remove their shoes as I walked into the living room. Bo was coming out of the kitchen and Luis smiled when he saw him.

"So, are you Bo?"

"I am," Bo replied as he walked over and shook Luis's hand.

"Where is your cage?" Luis asked.

"I'm more a switch these days, so I don't wear it all the time," Bo replied.

"I got ya," Luis said. "Steve, do you mind if we strip down? I feel awkward being the only ones clothed, and you know I am a nudist."

Steve rolled his eyes.

"I know. That is fine."

Luis immediately pulled off his shirt, and I saw his nice chubby belly and fur. He had a large cross tattooed on his upper right arm and a pride flag on his upper left chest. As he dropped his pants, I saw he had a nice set of balls and a decent, dark, uncut cock nestled in trimmed black pubes. Steve was slower to undress, but they tossed their clothes near their shoes and joined us in the kitchen when they were done.

"Something smells good in here!" Luis said.

"I baked cookies for you both," Bo replied. "They are almost done."

"You never have done that for me, baby!" Luis said to Steve.

Steve laughed and sat next to me at the counter.

"That is cause we eat out all the time."

Luis chuckled as he rubbed Bo's shoulders and then squeezed his butt.

"You are a cute one, too. Steve said you had a hot ass."

Bo blushed and shook his tail at the man.

"Ok, you two!" Steve said. "Cool it for now."

Luis laughed loudly.

"Anything to drink?"

"There is beer in the fridge," I replied.

"Do you want one, hun?" Luis asked.

"Yeah, get me one," Steve replied.

"Grab me one too," I added.

Luis walked over and drank next to me as Bo pulled the cookies out to cool. Once he was done, we retreated to the living room to chat for a while. Steve told us that he had met Luis at work. The man was a nurse in another department, and they had hit it off pretty quickly. Luis was from California, originally, but had been in Atlanta for about five years.

"How do you like the city?" I asked.

"It's nice," Luis replied. "A lot less expensive than Los Angeles, but I miss home."

"I can understand that," I replied.

"I am taking Steve home to see my parents next month," Luis added.

"Oh really?" I replied with raised eyebrows. "So, this is serious!"

Steve turned a deep shade of red as Luis grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"I really like him. Though I do wish he would bottom more."

"Luis!" Steve shouted.

Bo and I nearly spat out our beer as we laughed.

"What?" Luis asked.

"He has no filter," Steve replied with a grin.

"I suspect that is why you like him," I said. "I have never known you to beat around the bush about anything."

"Well, I do have some manners," Steve replied.

Luis put his arm around my brother, pulled him over, and gave him a deep, passionate kiss. When they broke their embrace, he rubbed Steve's face with his hand and then turned and got up.

"More beer?"

"Yes, please!" Bo and I replied.

"Interested in moving out to the pool?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, that would be fun," I replied.

The water was a little cool, but it felt refreshing with the day's heat. Steve was in Luis's lap, and I was in Bo's as we waded around and talked. I was amazed at how comfortable the two were around each other. They teased each other a lot, but I had never seen my brother act that way around anyone. Luis was a charmer, too. He wanted to get to know me more, and by the late afternoon, he almost felt like part of the family.

"Does the hot tub work?" Luis asked as the sun was going behind the house.

"Yeah," I replied. "We can get in if you want. I just have to pull the cover off."

"I'll help you, babe," Bo said as we walked out.

Luis sat next to me, and Bo and Steve sat opposite us when we all got in. Luis put his arm around my back, rubbed my shoulder, and looked at me.

"So, how long have you known you have been a sub?"

"For as long as I can remember," I replied. "But I didn't start chastity till a few years ago."

"Yeah, Steve told me about your training program with a local dominant," Luis said. "That sounds pretty wild."

"It was a valuable experience," I said. "I met my fiancé there and the man that collared me, too. I was happy he took us both in. Up till recently, Bo was the alpha sub in the house, and I was the beta. Of course, I may be the only sub after a while."

"Why was that?" Luis asked.

"I was collared first, but Sir found out early on that I had some rebellious streaks," Bo replied. "I later learned that I am more switch than true sub. Matt here is the one true boy into chastity and service. But I enjoy serving our master with him."

"It is an interesting dynamic," Luis replied. "I could never lock up my chub, but I do think a cage looks good on a boy."

Luis reached down into my lap, felt my cage, and looked at me.

"I like yours. It looks good on you."

"Thanks," I replied with a smile.

Luis leaned over, and I was surprised as he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I hesitated for a moment, but he pulled me close, and I closed my eyes and got lost in his arms. He moved his hand down to cup and then squeezed my balls, and I felt my nub start to swell from the stimulation. Luis broke the embrace and smiled and then moved in front of me and put his legs on either side of mine. I saw his cock had engorged, and his large cock head appeared out of his foreskin.

"Are you ok with this?" Luis asked as he got close and put his chest near my face, staring down at me.

"Sure," I replied.

Luis moved down, and I bent my head back as he grabbed it with both hands and made out with me more. I reached out and felt the girth of his cock and stroked it as we kissed. Luis groaned and then moved back.

"Turn around and lean over the edge."

I smiled and complied, and he bent down and put his face in my crack. His hands spread my cheeks, and his tongue flicked over my hole and then pushed inside. I grunted in response and let out a sigh as he rimmed me. His beard was soft, and I felt it as he went deeper and spat and licked at my ass. When he pulled away, I felt his finger as it moved around and then pushed inside me.

"Oh fuck!" I groaned as he opened me up.

I spread my legs more to give him access and heard the slosh of water behind me. When he had managed to get two fingers into me, he leaned over and talked to me in a deep, low voice.

"You interested in riding me, boy?"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

I turned and watched Luis move to sit back down. I saw Bo slowly grinding in my brother's lap as he did. Steve had his dick deep in him, and Bo was moaning as he rode him.

"Come here, boy," Luis said as he stroked his cock.

I looked down and was amazed at how big the man was. He was just as hung as my brother, and I took a deep breath as I turned and moved to put my legs on either side of him. Luis pointed his cock at my hole, and as it entered, I felt a sharp pain and pulled out.

"Fuck, you are huge!" I replied. "Give me a second."

I looked over at Bo and he smiled at me and nodded.

"Ride him!"

I looked below me and then backed down on Luis's cock again. As it penetrated me, I closed my eyes and tried to relax. It was bigger than Todd's in girth and took some adjustment to get fully into me. When I reached his lap, though, Luis put his arms around me and played with my nipples as I squeezed and moved my ass.

"Fuck, yeah!" Luis said as I felt him move in and out.

The water was sloshing now that Bo and I were both being fucked. Steve had his head back and eyes closed and enjoyed my fiancé's ass. Bo was jacking his cock simultaneously, and I felt my nub painfully trapped by the bars of my cage, desperately trying to escape and harden.

Luis moved to hold my waist and forced me up and down on him. As his cock went deep, my eyes widened, and I gasped.

"Holy fuck, Sir!"

"That's a boy," Luis said. "Take that cock. I know you like it."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied. "You feel so good, Sir!"

"Oh, fuck!" Bo shouted as his face contorted.

I saw a cloud of cum shoot into the water as his dick unloaded, and he threw his head back in ecstasy. Steve must have felt the squeeze of Bo's ass because I saw my brother's legs raise as he orgasmed at the same time. As they were cumming, Luis pulled me off him, and I turned to look back.

"Get out and lean over the side," Luis said.

"Ok," I replied as the big man followed and stood behind me.

As I watched my brother finish filling Bo, Luis entered me and put his hands on my shoulders. He pulled back, and I felt his cock slide deep into me. He held it there for just a moment before pounding me hard. My head was bouncing around from the intensity of the fuck, and I grunted with each thrust.

"Tell me how much you like it, boy!" Luis shouted.

"Oh, fuck, Sir!" I replied. "Fuck your cock feels so good. This sub needs cock like yours."

"I know you do, boy," Luis replied. "With that small thing locked away, you crave a real man's cock. Don't you?"

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I was lost in the moment.

Luis fucked even harder. My body was being forced into the side of the hot tub, and my feet left the ground a few times from the force. My ass was on fire as his dick split me wide, and his huge balls swung under me. I heard him start to grunt louder and louder as his breathing intensified.

"You ready, boy?" he shouted.

"Breed me, Sir!" I replied.

Luis growled so loud I was worried he would alert the entire neighborhood to what was going on. His shaft was pulsing so forcefully that I felt it rhythmically moving deep inside me.

"Oh fuck!" I shouted as I let my head hang down just above the water's surface.

I felt hands on my face and looked up to see Bo. He lifted my head, and we made out as Luis finished inside me. I gasped when the man pulled out, and Bo moved away and smiled.

"That was so fucking hot," Bo said.

"Oh fuck!" I groaned as I let my head fall back down.

Luis laughed as he moved away. I turned and saw his limp cock, still half-hard and dripping with cum. I took a breath and then turned and bent down, pulled it into my mouth, and cleaned it, letting my tongue run under his foreskin. I saw his legs shutter in response.

"Fuck yeah," Luis said as he continued to breathe hard. "See, honey? That is what you are missing, not bending over for me more."

Steve laughed and I looked over at him.

"I'm not the power bottom that Matt is."

Luis came behind me and hugged me as I stood up again.

"Thank you for that," he said as he turned me around and kissed me again.

"No, thank you!" I replied as we broke our embrace.

"Ok, who is ready for pizza?" Bo said with a smile.

Next: Chapter 12

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