Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Aug 3, 2022


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Chastity and Service

Pool Party (Part 2)

The first hour of the party was low-key. Once Khavan was done with Ben, he joined the men in the pool and the visibly sore tall sub appeared outside to be used as needed. Bo got out and laid on his chest and had me give him a full body massage and Tim had two loads added to his ass by Hugo and John. When Bo flipped over for me to work on his front, I saw his cock had stiffened and was pointing skyward.

"The massage must feel good, Sir," I said with a smile.

Bo looked up at me, grinned, and then winked before closing his eyes and lying back again.

"You did a decent job, boy. I think I am due for a happy ending. Get your mouth on my dick."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied as I moved over him and sucked on the head.

Bo's toes curled as I pulled his cock inside my mouth and he brought his hands to his nipples to play with them as I reached up and gently squeezed his balls. I moved around between his legs to get in a better position and went down on him, feeling the tip of his dick as it entered my throat. My nose was embedded in his belly fat, and I could hear the resonance of his low groans as they reverberated through his body.

I moved one hand up to rub over his fuzzy belly and felt a spurt of precum coat my tongue. I pulled back to savor it and noticed that it formed a strand that connected his cock to my mouth and I eagerly swallowed it all before applying more spit. I moved my hand back and worked his shaft up and down as I sucked and felt his shaft become rock hard. I wanted it in my ass and didn't want to waste time. I got up and moved over him in one motion and sat down on it. Bo opened his eyes and gasped as the shaft entered me and I felt his legs shutter.

I looked down at Bo and smiled as I rode him. He reached up and grasped my waist and I felt him thrust deep inside. He began to grunt and moan and I got so lost in the moment that I forgot we had an audience.

"Yeah, fuck that boy, Bo!" Kenny shouted from the pool.

I looked over and smiled as Kenny gave me a thumbs up.

"Breed that boy deep!" Rob shouted from behind me. "Show 'em how good a dom you are!"

Bo's face changed. He had a crooked grin and I could tell he enjoyed this new role. He thrusted harder into me and made me bounce in his lap and he slapped my ass at the same time.

"That's it, boy! How does my cock feel?"

"So... good... Sir!" I replied.

Bo curled his bottom lip in and I placed my hands on his chubby belly to brace myself as he put all his energy into fucking me. He closed his eyes and grunted with each thrust and I heard the chair below us straining. He was fucking me so hard that I was forced into the air a few times and my feet left the floor.

"I need your cum, Sir," I said to him softly.

Bo opened his eyes and met mine and we shared a moment.

"Breed me, you sexy dom," I added.

Bo grinned and I saw his eyes roll back into his head. He pounded even harder and I heard the slap of skin against skin as his groin hit my ass. He grunted and I knew he was close.


Bo growled louder than I had heard him in a long time and I felt his cock pulsing in my ass.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" I heard someone from the pool say.

"Damn, that was hot!"

"Fill him up!"

Bo was panting and I felt his chest heaving as he looked up at me and spanked my ass.

"Thanks, babe."

"Thank you, Sir," I replied as I leaned down to kiss him.

As I did, his cock flopped out of my ass and I felt the cum pour out and drip over his softening member. When I broke the embrace, he rubbed my chest and looked over at the men in the pool.

"Well, this sub is lubed now! Who is next?"

At about three o'clock, John had us go inside and pick up several trays stored in the refrigerator in the kitchen. It was a selection of meats and cheeses and we set them out on a table with some crackers and chips for the men to snack on. My ass was still sore from the pounding that Hugo had given me on the fuck bench only ten minutes before and the skin of my lower back was glowing from where he had flogged me at the same time.

"How are you holding up, boy?" Rob asked as he gently rubbed my waist.

"I'm ok, Papa," I replied with a grunt. "Just sensitive at the moment."

Rob kissed my forehead and patted my ass next.

"Think you are up for giving me a blowjob at least?"

"Of course, Sir!" I replied with a smile.

Rob grabbed a few pieces of cheese and ate them as he grabbed my hand and led me over to the pool house. As we entered, he sat on the corner of the bed and played with his cock as I moved to kneel in front of him. I grabbed his shaft and brought it into my mouth as he leaned back, putting some pillows behind him for comfort. He held his hand on my head as I felt his shaft fill my mouth and reach the back.

"That's a boy," Rob said. "Take Papa's cock into you. You feel so good."

I moaned as he talked to me and closed my eyes as my mouth reached his groin. I had come to crave his scent. It had an earthen quality, and I felt my nub swell against the bars of my cage as I played with his balls and pushed forward to take his dick into me.

"Fuck yeah, boy," Rob groaned as he breathed in and let it out.

I looked up at him as I backed away and sucked on it and he played with the hair on my head and grinned.

"I'm so glad we hooked up earlier this year," Rob said. "You, Todd, and Bo are special to me."

I pulled off his cock and stroked it as I looked at him.

"We all love you too, Papa. And I love to pleasure you!"

Rob smiled and then I went down on him again. I heard him gasp and listened as his toes cracked as he clenched them. His shaft pulsed in my mouth and I tasted the sweetness of his fluids as I worked it. His balls hung low in his sack and I rolled them around in my hands. He spread his legs apart and I moved forward to get even deeper. Rob then reached down and pushed and I felt him enter my throat.

"That's my good boy," Rob said softly.

I could hear his breath quicken, and his chest heaved.

"Papa needs to unload," he said. "You ready, boy?"

I grunted in agreement and then heard a low, guttural growl escape from his chest. A thick glob of cum shot out and hit the back of my mouth, followed by two more and I savored them as his shaft continued to pulse. His legs lifted and I had to move forward to avoid letting his cock slip out of my mouth.

"Fuck!" Rob groaned as another load shot out and I slurped it down.

The bear of a man collapsed on the bed as I felt his shaft soften and I pulled the last bits of his cum away. As I looked up, I saw his head had fallen backward and I lifted my body and ran my tongue up his chest, tasting his sweat. I ran it over his fur and licked his nipples before moving so my face was over him. He grabbed my head, forced his tongue into my mouth, and tasted his load as we made out. My body flushed from the rush of endorphins I was receiving and I felt precum spurting out of my cage and covering his leg. When we broke our embrace, he kissed me again and then smiled.

"Thank you."

"Thank you, Sir!" I replied.

I moved back and stood up and Rob laughed when he saw the mess my nub had made on his thigh.

"It will never cease to amaze me how much your nub dribbles."

"Having hot men like you around helps," I replied.

Rob grinned and then got up and stretched.

"Well, I am going to go back and swim some more. Go check on the rest of the men."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

As I got to my feet, I decided to head into the house to use the bathroom. The subs were only allowed to use the one in the dungeon and it had been a while since I had pissed. When I entered the basement, I saw that Ben was strapped to the cross with his back to the room and Khavan and Bo were flogging him.

"Having fun, Master Bo?" I asked.

Bo looked over at me and grinned.

"Getting in some more practice. Might need to work you over later."

"I'm here to serve!" I replied with a wave.

As I crossed the room, I saw Kenny appear out of the bathroom and he smiled at me.

"I've decided instead of your mouth, I want your butt. Think I can fuck that ass now?"

"Absolutely, Sir!" I replied, completely forgetting about my full bladder.

Kenny pointed towards the sling and I jumped in and adjusted my body as he put my feet in the stirrups. He pulled my ass forward slightly before spreading my ass and fingering me. Hugo's cum was still inside me and although I was still sore, I didn't let on. I felt Kenny's uncut cock slap against my hole a few times before he slid in and gave me a ride for almost ten minutes.

While I was being fucked, I watched the cute ginger as his body heaved and moved. His chest glistened and he had the most serious look on his face. He wasted no time unloading his first load inside me, but when he kept going, my eyes widened.

"More, Sir?" I asked.

Kenny laughed.

"I may have popped a pill earlier. I really wanted to fuck you good. It has been way too long."

"I agree, Sir!" I replied. "I am not complaining!"

Kenny smiled at me as he continued to fuck. His cock never went down after the first load and I could hear the sound of the fluids being churned inside me. Dusty came behind him and rubbed his shoulders and I listened to his southern twang as he spoke.

"Give it to 'em, bubba!"

Kenny laughed and then pounded harder.

I felt a weird sensation inside me as I was being pounded. It was only then that I remembered my bladder. Before long, dribbles of urine came out of my cock and I could not stop it.

"You are fucking the piss out of him!" Dusty said with a laugh before leaning over next to Kenny's neck.

Dusty began to nibble on Kenny's skin, and I heard the man moan in a way I had never witnessed before.

"Fuck, yeah!"

Kenny closed his eyes and let his head fall back as Dusty playfully bit his ear next. At the same time, I felt his cock swell inside me and when the man grunted and growled, his second load exploded out. Dusty caught him as he arched his back and pushed deep into me, nearly losing his balance.

"That's a man. Fill that sub up!"

Kenny opened his eyes and I saw his body shake as he tried to compose himself. When he finally pulled back, he staggered and held on to one of the sling supports.

"Now that is a well-used hole," Dusty said as he fingered me.

Kenny chuckled and moved around to kiss me. As he did so, I felt Dusty push inside me and I moaned as more piss came out and covered my belly. Kenny pulled back to watch and I held on to the straps above me as my ass was pounded yet again.

"Feel good, boy?" Kenny asked as he looked down at me.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "May I smell your pits?"

"Of course!" Kenny replied as he lifted his arm and squatted to push my face into it.

Kenny's musk always put me on cloud nine. I felt my nub spurt again as his pheromones penetrated my nasal passages and I lost track of where I was. My head was bobbing back and forth as my ass was pummeled, but Kenny reached over to hold me still so I could take several deep breaths in. When he pulled back, I smiled and my eyes rolled back into my head. I felt a warmth building in my groin, and soon my piss was replaced by ropes of cum shooting out of my cage.

"Fuck yeah!" Dusty groaned. "That's a boy!"

Kenny reached down and rubbed the piss and cum into the fur on my chest and kissed me again as I felt the southern man below me add to my creamed hole. When Kenny broke the embrace, he moved to my ear and whispered to me.

"Always thought you were hot as hell, sexy."

I grinned back as he gently slapped my face and moved away. I then looked up to see Dusty pulling out and grabbing my feet.

"I don't think that ass can take much more. You are cream-filled!"

I laughed and Dusty snickered as he moved to grab a towel to wipe his forehead. I sat in the sling for several minutes, catching my breath before feeling a tongue slide over my cage and swallow some of my load. I looked down to see Bo licking his lips.

"Hey, babe," I replied.

"Feeling well-used?" Bo asked as he felt my wet stomach.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "I made quite a mess."

Bo laughed and leaned over to kiss me.

"I love you."

"Love you too, babe," I replied.

"Master Bo?"

Bo turned and looked behind him in the direction the voice came from. When he did, he saw Tim kneeling on the floor.

"Yes, boy?"

I looked over and saw that Tim looked nervous. He adjusted his cage and paused before speaking.

"Master Bo, I wondered if I might be given the honor to pleasure you. I hope it is not too forward to say so, but you are an attractive man, and I've been waiting for my chance."

Bo chuckled and turned to wink at me before walking over to Tim. He groped his cock, and I watched as it swelled in his hands.

"Of course, boy. I have to admit that I have been watching that furry butt of yours get pounded all day and wondered if that mouth was equally as talented."

"Yes, Sir!" Tim replied. "If you would give me the honor of sucking you, I can show you just how talented."

Bo smiled and reached out to rub Tim's head. His shaft had filled with blood and was pointing towards the boy.

"Well, get on it, boy," Bo replied.

Tim quickly moved forward and pulled Bo's cock into his mouth in one motion. I saw the surprise in Bo's face and heard him grunt in response. Tim had one hand around Bo's shaft, and the other was cradling the balls hanging underneath. Bo had to spread his legs and adjust his stance to get at the right height for the boy, but it did not take long for Tim to get into a rhythm. I could not see everything from my position in the sling, but I heard the slurping sounds as Bo's cock head went down Tim's throat and heard the deep, guttural growls that my fiancé was letting out. It was pretty apparent that the boy was doing an excellent job.

While Tim was servicing Bo, I managed to pull myself out of the sling and grabbed a towel to catch the cum that poured out of my ass as I stood up. There was no doubt that I had been fucked good. My ass still felt gaping as I stretched and tried to recover. However, my bladder was still full, and I took the opportunity to cross the room and empty it while Bo was occupied.

When I came out of the bathroom after cleaning up, I saw that Tim was moving up and down on Bo's shaft and had moved to put his hand under Bo's balls and back towards his butt. As I moved around to get a better view, I saw that the boy's middle finger was buried between Bo's ass cheeks and playing with his hole.

"Fuck, boy!" Bo groaned as his legs shook. "That's it. Play with my ass."

Bo had thrown his head back and was lost in pleasure. I smiled and moved behind him and put my arms around his belly. He leaned back on me as he turned and opened his eyes. Our lips met, and I felt his tongue as it moved into my mouth. He grunted and groaned as we made out, and his cock was being serviced. I had to brace myself as I supported his weight, and Tim pushed his finger deeper inside Bo's ass. Bo's eyes shot open when Tim reached his prostate, and I felt his body shake.

"Oh fuck!"

Bo gasped as the orgasm hit him immediately. His entire body convulsed as the cum erupted from his balls, and Tim greedily sucked it down. I pushed my mouth back on his, and we shared another kiss as he rode the wave of pleasure, and I felt his breathing intensify. It took over a minute for the sensation to ebb and I was amazed at how intense his orgasm had been. When his eyes opened again, he let out an audible gasp and steadied himself before looking down. Tim was rubbing his balls gently and had the head of his cock in his mouth as he nursed the last bits of cum away.

Bo pulled himself from Tim and then crouched down to look at him at eye level.

"That was fucking amazing. Thank you."

"No, thank you, Sir!" Tim replied as he licked his lips. "That was a huge, tasty load!"

Bo grinned and put his hands behind Tim and pulled him forward to kiss him. When they broke their embrace, Bo stood and shook one more time before turning to look at me.

"Ok, I need a drink now."

"Right away, Sir!" I replied with a smile.

By 6 pm, the men were getting tired. It had been a long day in the sun and they all had unloaded their balls more than once in one sub or another. Poor Tim had churned cum froth over his fuzzy ass and more dripping down his leg when everyone got out of the water and dried off. Hugo took Tim to the sling for one more ride and we could hear the squeals from the sub as we did some cleaning.

"Thanks for another great party," Greg said to John as he hugged the man.

"Thanks for coming," John replied. "Thanks to all of you. It was a great afternoon. Love catching up."

"Likewise," Dusty replied. "Poor Alex might be going to bed without being used. My balls are nearly dry."

The man laughed and hugged each other before leaving. When Todd and Rob entered the basement, Bo walked over and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks for being supportive of me, babe. I really enjoyed this party."

"Of course, Sir," I replied with a wink. "I'll see you at home later."

"We will have dinner ready for you when you get back," Bo said as he squeezed my arm and left.

"Hey, Matt?" Kai shouted from across the pool. "Can you help me with these chairs?"

"Sure thing, bro!" I replied.

After Hugo had deposited his load and left, Tim joined us to pick up the trash and clean up. It took about an hour and when we were done, the sun was getting low on the horizon. We all were sore, worn out, and full of cum, but still on a high from doing what we loved.

"Another successful event, boys," Kai said. "I think we can all head home and rest. Ben and Tim, I will see you two for cleaning day."

"Yup!" the two replied.

"And this is where we part ways," I added. "Thanks for letting me be part of your group. I felt at home with you all."

"That's cause you are a brother!" Tim said as he put his arm around me and hugged me, pressing his sweaty belly against mine. "And don't be a stranger. I would love to see you and Master Bo again sometime."

Tim leaned in close for a moment after and then whispered.

"You both are so cute."

I laughed and looked down at him.

"Thanks, bubba."

"Maybe we all can get a beer soon," Ben added as Tim stepped back.

"I'd like that," I said.

After exchanging hugs with Kai and Ben, I returned to the entrance to retrieve my clothes and dress. As I got to my car, I took a deep breath. It was a fun time and reminded me of how much I enjoyed serving under Sir John, but I was ready for some food and a nap. The protein from cum can only satisfy you for so long.

When I got home, I walked in the front door and stripped as usual. I saw the TV was on and Todd and Rob were sitting in their chairs with a beer in hand.

"That you, boy?" Todd asked.

"It's me, Sir," I replied.

When I was stripped, I walked in, kissed them both, and then moved around to the kitchen. I saw Bo naked with an apron on, putting the final touches on a massive pot of spaghetti with some garlic bread fresh out of the oven.

"Smells good!" I said as I hugged and kissed him.

I moved my hand down to grope him playfully and felt his cage.

"What is going on here?" I asked.

"This weekend and today, for sure, was an absolute blast," Bo said as he licked a spoon. "But I was ready to be a sub again for a while and asked Sir to lock me up. I want to have some time serving Papa and him tonight."

"Fair enough," I replied. "But I did enjoy feeling all that raw, primal, dominant energy you had when you fucked me today."

"Well, I'm sure you will experience it again really soon," Bo said as he pulled off his apron and adjusted his cage. "But, for now, my nub is put away."

I smiled and kissed him and Bo turned to the living room.

"Supper's ready, Sirs!"

We all had a wonderful dinner and Bo was taken back to Rob and Todd's room to be fucked silly for several hours. I was too exhausted to participate and asked to head to my room to nap. When Bo finally wandered in late in the night, I was woken up as he crawled into bed with me. He scooted his ass up to my nub and I felt the wetness of his hole and the cum that was leaking out.

"Well, you had a good night," I whispered in his ear.

Bo wiggled his ass and I put my arms around him as we snuggled.

"Night babe," Bo said.

"Night," I replied.

Next: Chapter 11

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