Chastity and Service

By Locked Cub

Published on Jul 6, 2022


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Chastity and Service

They say that all good things must come to an end at some point, and with this novel, I conclude what I began in "Southern Chastity" and wrap up the story of Matt and Bo. I had always intended to make this a trilogy of books, but I was worried that I would not be able to get all the various threads that I had laid down in "Todd's Boys" and supplementary stories tied up and do them justice. I have to admit that I had to reread "Manhattan Doms" and "Atlanta Bears" to remember some of them, so I encourage you, the reader, to do the same.

It was bittersweet typing the last few sentences of this story. I spent an incredible year and a half immersed within this world I created. In many ways, these characters seem like real people to me. However, I am ready to move on to pen new adventures and tales. One can never say never, and I might return to this world one day, but I hope you will enjoy this conclusion for the time being.

A Different Kind of Training (Part 1)

Monday, August 7, 2017... How I view Bo radically changed today.

That was the first line of a journal I kept that marked a new stage in my relationship with my boyfriend, now fiancé. I guess I should provide some backstory to understand the context. Bo and I had met each other when we trained to become subordinates in chastity under a local dominant named John Dante. A well-respected man in the leather community, he trained boys for many years. Bo began with him first, and I joined a few months after. Although I was oblivious, Bo later told me he had a crush on me at first sight. As we progressed through the year-long program, we became close. It was fortunate that the man who collared Bo when he graduated from the program took me in, too.

It had been over a year since I had moved into Todd's home to become one of his boys. I was the 'beta'. A little lower than Bo on the totem pole, but nearly equal. Well, maybe not so equal now that I think about it. I had always embraced chastity and submission as a part of my personality. It was what made me who I am. For Bo, it was a piece of him, but I don't think it was ever all he was. While I never wore clothes in the house and was permanently locked in my ball trap chastity device, he was the opposite. He often lounged around in his boxers and t-shirt and was unlocked several times.

During our vacation a few months prior, Todd unlocked him for a more extended period to see how disciplined he could be. He was told not to touch himself without permission, and for the most part, he was good. Some events tried his mind, but in the end, he came through the experience stronger, and it was during our cruise at the end of the vacation that he proposed to me.

When we returned, things changed further. Bo had long conversations with Todd. Our master had been pretty strict with Bo on chastity and abstinence. As the dominant man in the house, Todd relished his control over Bo, but it was clear that Bo wanted to explore a different type of relationship. It took a while to win Todd over, and it involved many drawn-out discussions as a household, but to his credit, Todd kept an open mind and listened. We had all seen the rebellious and dominant streaks in Bo long ago, though he had never fully realized it. Over time, Bo understood he did not want to live his life as a total subordinate. Switch was the better term he preferred. Todd was hesitant to embrace this evolution, but once I made it clear that I would happily remain a total subordinate and chastity boy, Todd accepted the change. In a way, it made them even closer. They talked nearly every day, and I saw a lot of growth in Bo's confidence and character. This culminated in Todd inviting Bo to join him at John's Independence Day party.

John's parties were well known as a way for local dominants to be serviced by the subs he was training at the time. While under him, there were several that I attended, and I remember being well used by the men involved. It was not an event of total debauchery. John always had rules. We had safe words and could report any men out of bounds. I never had to do so, though. John picked his friends well, and I learned a lot from them what actual service meant. Todd had continued to attend the parties after Bo and I graduated, though, as graduated subs, we had never returned to the house for any such formal event. The invitation for Bo should have been the first indication that things were going in a new direction.

I remember that day very well. I had gone to hang out with my friends Rick and Chris at their apartment, and I had a really fun time. I drank a little too much, but they let me stay the night to sleep it off. When I returned home the following morning, Bo gave me a big hug the moment I walked through the door and could not wait to tell me everything that had happened the day before.

Bo had been allowed to attend the party uncaged. The idea of him in John's house like that was a foreign concept to me. He had initially not been allowed to touch or pleasure himself, and he shadowed the men who attended and watched as they used the subs there. He got some beginning instruction on flogging techniques and rope bondage from an older man who was a rigger in the community, and John even mentored him on how to act and behave appropriately around a sub. Todd and John had been so impressed with Bo's behavior that he was later permitted to be sucked off by one of the subordinates. He beamed with pride when he told me how completely different it felt and the rush of endorphins he experienced while it was happening. The mound in his pants that appeared while he talked about it gave me a clue about how impactful it was.

However, things returned to normal for the next few weeks. Bo wore his cage during the week and was a normal subordinate, but Todd unlocked him on the weekends so he could have sex with me. I had gotten used to looking forward to Friday evenings so I could take him back to the room and have my way with his body. He was the perfect man in my eyes. On the larger side with a padded frame, Bo had a nice coat of fur on him and his cock, while not overly huge, had a nice girth that filled me perfectly when he fucked me.

After we made love yesterday morning, I laid my head on his chest and listened to him as he tried to catch his breath after dumping two loads in me. His heart was pounding in his chest, and I felt the warmth radiating out. I squeezed my teddy bear of a boyfriend, and he caressed my head as he relaxed.

"Thanks for that, babe," he said.

"Thank you!" I replied. "You were pretty vigorous today. I'm starting to get used to you calling me 'boy' when you fuck me."

Bo laughed.

"I hope it is not too weird."

"Of course not," I replied. "I like seeing those streaks of behavior. You are so much more confident now than you used to be. I am happy for you."

"I am glad you said that," Bo replied. "Because there is something I wanted to talk to you about."

"What's that?" I asked as I turned to look at him.

Bo smiled down at me and played with the hair over my forehead.

"I've been talking to Sir Todd and Sir John. I want to learn more about being a dominant. I want to incorporate it more in my life and master some techniques like flogging, ropework, electro play, and things like that. You know, the stuff we experienced as a sub under Sir when we were in training."

"What did they say?" I asked.

"Sir John was quite nice about it. He had a long talk with Sir Todd and then invited me over to tell me I would have permission to train with him, but this time in a new role."

"Oh really?" I asked as I propped myself up and looked at him. "And just how dominant do you want to become?"

Bo laughed at me.

"I made it clear I will always be Sir Todd's boy. But I wanted to have more control over my sex life and whether I was caged or not. I will likely be more dominant over you, too. I want to explore what being a switch means. As far as the future, I don't know. Sir is supportive of me now, but does that make you nervous at all? Please be honest. I want to make sure it does not affect our relationship."

I reached over and kissed Bo and then looked at him.

"Babe, if you want to explore these things with Sir's blessing, go for it. Whether that is subordinate, switch, or dominant, how you act around me will not change my feelings for you. You're the sweetest goober I know, and I'll love you all the same."

Bo grinned and kissed me again and then slapped my cummy ass.

"Good boy."

I laughed.

"Ok, Sir. Well, we better check on our Master. You know he needs pleasuring too."

Bo smiled and turned to get out of bed. As he stood up and stretched, I looked at his cute butt and the glow of his skin that was still blushed from the vigorous sex we had. He was so damn hot. I felt my nub swell in my cage, and I groped it. I was allowed to fuck him with a strap on, but at that moment, I considered what it would be like to use my free nub to do it. The last time I had ever seen myself out of my cage was before training with John over two years ago. Todd released me regularly to clean, shave, and inspect me, but I was always blindfolded during that time. I felt the precum flowing out of my cage, and when Bo turned around, he smirked.

"You look a little strained in that small piece of metal, babe."

"Well, I am thinking about that hot ass of yours," I replied with a smile.

"Come on, let's get up and go sneak into bed with Sir," Bo said as he leaned down to grab my hand and pull me up.

"Ok, ok," I replied.

Our bedroom was down the hall from our Master's. His spacious room included a king-sized bed and sitting area to the side. We could hear Todd snoring from under the covers when we walked into the room. He had one leg that stuck out from under them, but the rest of his body was buried. He tended to toss and turn a lot at night. As I climbed into one side of the bed, Bo went right for Todd's exposed foot and tickled it. The reaction was immediate. It curled and pulled back, and the body under the blanket undulated. Todd turned so he was on his back but seemed to be still asleep. I winked at Bo and lifted the cover enough on one side to expose the large nuts and soft cock nestled below.

Bo leaned over and gently caressed Todd's orbs as he licked the shaft and brought it into his mouth. The blood rushed in as he sucked on it, and it engorged. Todd's frame shifted again, and I pulled the cover back to reveal his face. He cracked his eye open and smiled.

"Morning, boy."

"Good morning, Sir," I replied as I moved to nuzzle my head on his chest.

Todd closed his eyes and stretched and moved his hand down to rub Bo's head as it bobbed up and down.

"That feels so good," Todd groaned as he opened one eye and moved to kiss me.

As we made out, his cock filled to full staff, and I heard Bo doing his best to deep throat it. We had about suppressed our gag reflexes since we became his collared boys, but his girth and length still caused us to choke on occasion. When I heard the unmistakable sound from Bo, I broke my embrace with Todd and laughed.

"How's that meat down there?"

I heard some more slurping sounds before a reply.

"Sir's precumming a ton today!"

Todd smiled at me, and we went back to making out as he received his morning blowjob. I rubbed our master's hairy belly at the same time. The top of his chest had turned white, but it blended to a salt and pepper color below his nipples before transitioning to the original brown color he had in his youth. His eyes were one of his most attractive features, I thought, though. They were wells of deep blue, and I could get lost staring at them. He brought his thick arms up to hug me, and Bo pushed the covers away to get more room to work.

"My balls are full today, boys!" Todd groaned as he looked at me.

"You need an ass to drain them in?" I asked.

"Mmmhmm," Todd replied.

"Mount up, Bo!" I said.

Bo came off Todd's shaft, smiled, and then grabbed the lube on the side table. He rubbed it in his ass and then climbed on the bed and spun around to point Todd's dick at his hole. As he slid backward, I watched as Todd's thick head popped inside. Our master groaned as he felt Bo envelop him, and I rubbed his belly.

Todd went to reach for Bo's sides, and I backed away so he could get leverage. When Bo had him completely inside, Todd reached up and rubbed his lower back and then grasped his waist. At that point, Bo moved forward and back slowly, letting Todd's shaft nearly come out before being pushed back in again. I watched as Todd's eyes rolled back into his head, and he curled his bottom lip in and bit it. The moans he was making let me know that he was enjoying himself.

I moved around to the bottom of the bed, faced Bo, and watched as he sat back and rode our master. He looked at me and smiled as he felt Todd's dick spread his ass. When he licked his lips, I moved in, grabbed his head, and stuck my tongue in his mouth. He grunted as we passionately made out. Todd took the opportunity to thrust harder, and I steadied Bo from my end.

Bo panted, and I looked down to see that his nub was hard and dripping. He backed away from me to grab Todd's legs to angle his ass better. I moved forward and pulled his nub into my mouth when he did.

"Oh, fuck!" Bo growled.

"What's up, boy?" Todd replied between grunts.

"Matt is sucking me, Sir!"

"Good boy, Matt!" Todd replied as he fucked harder. "Service him well!"

I felt the impact as Bo's nub forced itself into my mouth as Todd pounded him. His body moved around, and I could tell Bo was getting a workout. He reached down and held my head as I pulled him deep, and I tasted his precum mixed with a remnant of cum from earlier in the morning. I massaged his balls to increase the production, and Todd hit the right spot to aid me.

"Oh fuck, Sir!" Bo shouted. "I'm going to cum soon!"

"I'm getting close, too, boy!" Todd groaned. "Keep at it, Matt!"

I felt Bo's balls move and knew what was coming next, so I backed off and stroked him until I saw his face contort.

"Oh my!" Bo groaned as his nub began to shoot.

Simultaneously, I saw Todd's legs tense and his feet curl. The deep guttural growl told me he was dumping his load deep into Bo. I leaned down, pulled Bo's pulsing nub into my mouth again, and tasted his load as it drained. He reached down, out of breath, and grabbed my head as I did so.

"Fucking hell," Bo groaned.

"I can feel your ass squeezing my cock, boy!" Todd replied as he continued to cum.

Bo chuckled as he breathed deeply and finished unloading. When he was done, I pulled off him and licked the remnant of his load. Todd's body had gone limp, and Bo lifted off him. I saw the cum dripping down our master's shaft, and I leaned over to clean it off as Bo collapsed next to him. When I was sure I got it all, I moved over to Todd's other side, and he wrapped arms around each of us.

"Thanks, boys."

"Happy to serve, Sir!" I replied as I turned to rub his chest again. "Needed to make sure Bo was well-drained before he went back into his cage."

Todd smiled and squeezed us.

"I guess you didn't tell him, Bo," Todd replied.

"Oh yeah," Bo replied as he looked at me. "I forgot! So that conversation I had about training under Sir John."

"Yes?" I replied.

"He wants me to come over after work tomorrow, and he asked that you come along, too," Bo said. "He wants me to practice some things on you."

"And I told Bo he could stay out of his cage till he is done," Todd said as he rubbed Bo's back.

"Ok," I replied.

"Are you ok with that?" Bo asked.

"Sure," I replied. "I can head over there after work. Are we going together?"

"No," Bo replied. "I'll meet you there. I may need to finish up a few things late in the afternoon. Sir John knows you will be coming over. He said just be there by 6 pm."

"Ok, I can handle that," I replied.

"In the meantime, I need to remove your cage to clean it and trim your groin, Matt," Todd said.

"Can I help, Sir?" Bo asked.

"What do you think, Matt?" Todd asked me.

It was the first time Bo had ever asked to observe the procedure. It would also be the first time to see me out of my cage since I began training under John.

"I am ok with it," I replied.

"Well, you know how to clean your cage," Todd replied to Bo. "So, you don't need me there. Just do the same thing to Matt. Blindfold him and be gentle. And remember, this is a clean, disinfect, and trim procedure. Do not fondle him and try to get him hard. You know how he feels about being chaste."

"I understand, Sir," Bo replied. "I can control myself."

"Very well," Todd said with a grin. "You can go to the hall bathroom and take care of it while I shower."

Todd opened the drawer to the table, grabbed my key, and handed it to Bo. I exchanged a smile with Bo before we got off the bed and headed into the bathroom between our two bedrooms. As we entered, I closed the lid to the toilet and sat on it as Bo pulled out the blindfold from a drawer. As he moved to put it on me, I chuckled.

"I see you getting hard again."

Bo laughed as he placed the fabric around my head and blocked my eyes.

"Hey, this is exciting for me," Bo replied. "And a lot of responsibility!"

I sat there for a moment and then felt Bo begin to remove the cage from my device and then slide the base ring over my balls. He rubbed my testicles and turned them from side to side when it was free. I felt him move the skin around to check for any issues, and then he moved away. I could not help it. My shaft chubbed up at the thought of him touching me in my free state. I heard him groan in response.

"So that is what your nub looks like getting hard."

"Bo!" I replied.

"I know, I know," Bo said as he turned the water on to clean my cage. "I am not touching you. I'm just observing."

"Uh-huh," I replied. "You know I have to get completely soft for that to go back on."

"Oh, I know," Bo replied.

I sat there listening to the water run and trying to will my nub to deflate. I could feel it stop filling with blood, but it was still semi-engorged. When I felt Bo's cold hands touch me next, though, it quickly shrunk.

"Fuck!" I groaned.

"Oh hush," Bo said as he turned a trimmer on and ran it over my groin. "The water wasn't that cold."

"So, you say!" I replied as I felt him pull my retreating scrotum out to shave it.

He rubbed lotion over my balls and shaft when the trimming was done.

"It's a shame to put it away again," Bo said. "You have a nice-looking package!"

"Bo!" I replied.

He laughed, and then I felt him slide the base ring over my balls and shaft. The cage came next. I had begun to swell again, but he managed to push it all in before securing everything. When he pulled the blindfold off, I looked down and saw he did a decent job.

"Thanks, babe," I replied.

Bo smiled and leaned down to kiss me.

"That was fun."

"Well, now you know what I look like," I replied.

"I seem to remember you were bigger when you first went into the cage, but that was a long time ago," Bo replied as he turned to clean the counter off.

"Long-term chastity will do that to you," I replied. "I'm not a switch like you."

Bo smiled as he groped himself.

"Ok, Boy. Let's get into the shower."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied with a smile.

Next: Chapter 2

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