Chaste In College

By ua.moc.oohay@68suamorfiob

Published on Sep 11, 2014


Chaste in College

This story is a work of fiction. All characters, places etc... are fictional and any similarities with the real world are entirely coincidental.

This story contains sexual content, including BDSM and other alternative sexual content between males over the age of 18. The behavior in this story is not condoned (or even legal), and this story is purely erotic fiction.

This content may be not legal for you to read in your jurisdiction. if this is the case, do not continue reading this document. By continuing, you indemnify the author and the publisher from any responsibility for you reading this.

Copyright TheHaydster, 2013. This story may be reproduced provided access to it is without charge, and that the story and copyright notices are not modified

For non-Australian readers:

For all the readers that aren't familiar with the Australian system, HECS is the Higher Education Contribution Scheme. It is the equivalent of tuition fees and you can either pay it upfront or get a very low interest loan from the government, who add repayments to your tax bill once you start earning a certain amount. College is where you can live while on campus, a bit like what they call dorms in the US. A lot of people don't live at college and rent a share-house with people they know. College is more expensive, but cleaning and meals are provided. The meals are usually pretty awesome too.

From Chapter 2:

"Oh god!" My eyes shot open as the plug vibrated against my prostate. "Aaah! Aaah! Aaah!" I screamed with every shot as cum spewed from my cock like a fountain. I had never shot so hard! A spurt even landed on my face!

I couldn't think coherently for about a minute or two afterwards. Blake turned the plug off and pulled it out of me during the afterglow. Once I calmed down, I realised what I had done, and that Blake was grinning vindictively down at me. Oh f**k!

Chapter 3

"C'mon, Blake, please" I whined. "Anything else, just don't lock me up"

"Cody, don't whine" Blake replied, tritely. "You agreed" he continued seriously. "Your only option is to live at home until you graduate, and Mum and Dad may make you pay the deposit on your room."

"I'm 18! I don't have to do what they say, or what you say!" I shouted.

"You are right" he replied, unruffled. "However, I don't have to say that I have a way to make sure you won't become a daddy before graduating, and they don't have to pay for your HECS fees, let alone your college fees."

I visibly slumped. "Ok, Blake, you win. How often will I get to cum, though?"

"As often as we can meet, bro. I told you that before. I don't live that far away. Maybe once, twice a week?"

I felt a little bit better. "Make it twice a week, bro, please!"

"We'll see. I've got a lot of job seeking to do, Cody. Ok, time to put it on"

I waited for him to untie me, but he picked up the base ring of the device and started to slip it over my cock!

"Hey!" I bucked against the straps holding me down. "Release me first!"

"Baby bro, this is a delicate thing to do, as I don't want to get your skin pinched. If I let you go, you will resist, and it could end up being painful if it goes on wrong."

I honestly hadn't thought of resisting until he mentioned it. Living at home for the next 4 years would be torture. I could cope with cumming only twice a week. I'm not so sure about once a week, but if necessary, I'll live with it. Hey, once I get a boyfriend Mum and Dad won't be worried any more, and I can be fully free of this bloody cage.

"Just do the bloody thing then!" I snapped.

"Cody, this is your ticket to living at college instead of at home. If you keep angry about it, it will only make it worse" Blake replied, matter-of-factly. I got marginally less angry about it, then. I know Blake said only when he was there, but he wouldn't be so cruel to keep me locked when I get a boyfriend. Would he?

As Blake was putting vaseline all over my cock and balls (I couldn't get hard any time soon after that orgasm), I asked him "Blake, what about when I get a boyfriend?"

"Bro, don't worry. I won't keep you from sex with your boyfriend."

"That doesn't answer my question. Will you unlock me when I get a steady boyfriend?"

"Bro, I am sure as hell not going to supervise your sex with your boyfriend, so I will give you the key once you are going steady, on the condition that you will let me lock you again if you break up. I know you wouldn't cheat on someone you were dating." He was right. I would NEVER cheat on someone I was dating. That is one of my basic principles that I will NEVER break.

"Ok, I can cope with that" Now I need to get a boyfriend to get out of this. Um, how is this going to work without me coming out?

"Going on now, hold still Cody." Blake pulled my balls through a ring, then pushed the head of my cock through (the rest of my cock followed). He then put the cage part over my flaccid cock and a pin on the ring slotted into a hole on the top of the cage. He then pulled out a screw and a weird kind of "screwdriver" which he used to put the screw in and tighten it. There was no way I was cumming with this on.

"Ok, it's on now bro. I need to test that it is secure, this could hurt a bit." He started pulling on the cage, trying to work my cock out of it! It hurt my balls!

"Ow! Ow! Stop!" I yelled. He ignored me and I kept telling him to stop, while bucking madly. He stopped after about a minute.

"Sorry, baby bro, but I had to make sure it was secure"

"Did you have to pull my nuts off in the process!"

"Well, I kinda did, to make sure that your scrotum wouldn't stretch enough to allow you to get out. On the other hand, I did measure it carefully."

What the fuck?! "What do you mean, measure it?!" I shouted at him.

"Bro, you know you sleep like the dead" he replied, unruffled. "I measured you for this device while you slept, to make sure I could get one that fit well. I know you kind of feel violated, but trust me, you don't want a bad fitting one."

What do you say to that? I didn't know what to say, so I just kept my mouth shut.

The pain was subsiding, but it's not that important. He did it up with a screw, so I can just undo it once I get alone. I hid my smile.

Blake must have seen the twinkle in my eye. "Oh, by the way, the screw is a special type. Don't try unscrewing it with a normal screwdriver. Actually, don't mess with it at all, or you may damage it and I won't be able to unscrew it. The shaft of the screw is tungsten carbide. If you damage the screw head, the only way out is with a hacksaw on the cage, and you don't want a hacksaw that close to your joy department." My face fell. "Hey, the people who made these things make them for a living. They wouldn't sell many if they were escapable. Oh, and if you wake up during the night, try peeing or running cold water over the cage. Sleep well!" He walked out of the room. leaving me tied up!

About 2 minutes later, after me yelling at him to let me loose he came back. "Just kidding! I had to put the key in a safe place, and couldn't resist seeing your reaction to me leaving you strapped down." He then undid all the straps and released me. Blake made us both some popcorn, and we stayed up for a bit. He also wanted to keep me company for an hour in case I had problems with the cage. After that I got ready for bed.

I was going to sleep naked like I normally do, but Blake told me to wear briefs. Apparently when I get hard in my sleep, the briefs will keep the cage from pushing out too much and pulling on my balls. It felt a bit weird wearing clothes to bed, but not nearly as weird as the cock cage! I soon learnt that lying on my side with my legs together with my knees bent is a nutcracking experience! I eventually got into a comfortable position and drifted off to sleep.

I'm looking for a proofreader for this story, and for more ideas. Please drop me an email if you like. Are any Aussies reading this?

Next: Chapter 4

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