Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Sep 13, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 9 - Lunch and other injuries

"I'm okay," Matt dismissed the question.

Nick put out his hand and they shook, Nick still eyeing Matt closely.

"But what happened to you?" Nick asked, indicating with his hand that Matt should sit.

"Fell off my bike, damn stupid of me," Matt said, sitting down. He laughed nervously.

"Oh," said Nick, sitting down across from him.

"Sorry I'm late," Matt began.

"That's okay," Nick smiled. "I hadn't called the police yet."

"What?" Matt stuttered.

"Joke!" said Nick, smiling.

"Oh are you doing here?" Matt asked, glancing around nervously.

Nick sat there for a moment, a wary smile on his face. "Well nice to see you too!" he joked.

"Sorry!" Matt apologized. "It's great to see you too...I'm sorry!"

"It's okay," Nick laughed, then added, "I didn't mean to spoil your day"

"No!" Matt gasped. "You didn't ruin my day! I just...well I wasn't expecting...."

"I guess not," Nick said, looking around.

Matt squeezed his left hand, trying to numb the ache.

"I'm sorry," he said, suddenly feeling on the verge of crying. Fuck! He'd really screwed up! Nick had obviously come to see him and he'd acted like an asshole. He felt his eyes watering a little.

Nick turned back to look at Matt and his half smile fell and he looked suddenly concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Matt nodded.

"It's okay. I'm the one who should apologize to you, coming up like this without letting you know. I just thought it would be a good surprise." He smiled a warm smile at Matt.

Matt blinked and wiped his sleeve across his eyes quickly, pulling himself together.

"Yeah," Matt smiled, "it is....sorry."

"Don't be!" said Nick. Then he took a breath. "So you gonna eat something? I'm starved!" and he picked up one of the menus and started to look at it closely.

Matt watched him for a moment. He didn't want to ask, but he had to ask.

"So you're...why are you..." Matt began, still squeezing his hand.

Nick looked up and noticed him squeezing his hand.

"Is your hand all right?" Nick asked, sitting up.

"What?" said Matt, looking down at his hand and then back up. "Yeah, it's fine."

"Let me see it," Nick demanded, reaching out his hand and trying to grab Matt's.

"No! It's fine!" said Matt, trying to pull away, but Nick had already grabbed hold of him and didn't let go.

Matt stared at Nick.

"Just let me look, okay?" said Nick calmly.

Matt saw that Nick wasn't going to let go, so he reluctantly let him pull his hand toward him. Nick cradled Matt's hand in his left hand, and pushed gently with his right so that Matt would open it.

He whistled quietly. "Shit! That's a really bad scrape!"

"It's nothing."

"Yeah?" said Nick dismissively. He grabbed a napkin and dipped it into his water glass and then dabbed at the hand.

"Ouch!" said Matt, trying to pull his hand away, but Nick held it firmly.

"Sorry. I'm trying not to hurt you, but this is all dirty. We've got to get it cleaned up," Nick paused. "Maybe I should take you home?"

"It's fine," said Matt, yanking his hand away

"Okay! Okay!" said Nick, holding up his hands in capitulation. "But let me clean it up." And he reached out for Matt's hand again. Matt reluctantly let him take it back.

Nick wet the napkin again and started to gently dab at the hand.

Matt watched, almost disinterested. As though it wasn't his hand. And then he realized that Nick was holding his hand. It was like he'd seen what was happening, but had been so confused it hadn't actually registered. The feeling of it. The way Nick's hand was holding his. He tried to concentrate on that feeling, that touch, rather than on the pain as Nick dabbed at his palm.

"So you didn't tell me why you're here," Matt said finally.

"Oh!" said Nick, continuing to work carefully at the hand. "Well I came out to New York for a couple of things, and I thought I'd stay over the weekend. But there was nothing to do there, so I tried to think of somewhere interesting to go." He paused and looked up and grinned, then went back to work "And then I remembered I'd heard about how there was a lot to see and do in the Burlington area, and I knew someone who might show me the sights."

Nick looked up again at Matt and smirked.

"Someone lied to you," said Matt, laughing a little.

Nick looked puzzled. "You wouldn't be willing to show me the sights?"

"No! There are none!" Matt laughed, and Nick laughed with him.

"Him...well maybe I was lied to..." he said, looking thoughtful, then he smirked at Matt again and went back to dabbing at the hand.

"So you couldn't find anything interesting to do in New York?" Matt asked.

"No! Can you believe it?" Nick laughed, still studying the hand

"No," said Matt.

Nick shrugged and grinned at Matt.

"Well that's the best I can do," Nick said finally. "You should put some stuff on that."


"Antiseptic or something," Nick shrugged.

"Okay, I'll do it when I get home."

"Okay," Nick nodded.

The waitress approached the table and Matt, suddenly realizing Nick was still holding his hand, pulled it back across the table. For a second Nick looked disappointed, but then he smiled again and picked up the menu.

"Are you ready to order?" the woman asked.

"Yeah uh..." began Nick, and then he looked at Matt. "Do you know what you are going to have?" he asked.

Matt, lost in his thoughts, straightened up. "Ahh....whatever you're having."

A mystified expression played over Nick's face. "Uh, how about we share?"

"Okay," said Matt, not really paying attention.

"So we could get two different things," Nick pointed out.

"Oh, okay."

"So what do you want?"

", I don't know." Matt reached out for the other menu and started to look at it.

"I think we need a minute," Nick said to the waitress.

"No! It's okay," said Matt. "How about the Chicken and....uh....cashew nuts."

"Okay, and I'll get the Seafood Delight," said Nick, looking at Matt for approval. Matt just nodded, still not paying attention, but glad he'd ordered something successfully. He rubbed his knee slowly, which had started to ache.

"Rice?" asked Nick.

"Sure," said Matt.

"Fried or steamed?"


"You want to get any appetizers?" Nick asked.

'Geez!' Matt thought, 'this was turning into a long complicated ordeal.'

" you get some if you want," Matt said.

"Nah...I'm fine," Nick said, taking the menu from Matt's hand and handing both of them to the waitress. She smiled and left.

"So ah Nick....why did you come up?" Matt asked again.

Nick sighed. "I just thought it'd be fun to hang out. I'm sorry. Was I wrong? If you're not into it I can go." He paused, looking at Matt hopefully.

"No! No! I like you," Matt gasped, and then suddenly blushed. He didn't mean it to sound quite like that.

Nick grinned at him.

"I just...I don't handle surprises very well....I'm sorry."

Nick shook his head. "It's okay. I'm sorry too. I should have told you. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing and I didn't think I'd be able to come up, but then I could, and I just thought it'd be fun to surprise you. I'm sorry."

"'s okay. Really...I just....I'm sorry..." Matt trailed off.

Nick smirked. "Well I guess we're both sorry!" he smiled at Matt and Matt smiled back shyly.

" long are you..."

"How long am I?" Nick laughed, and Matt sat there wondering what he was laughing at for half a second.

Then he blushed bright red.

"Well I assume you want to know when I'm going back," said Nick, a suggestive tone in his voice.

"Ah...yeah," said Matt.

"Have to go back tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh, okay," said Matt, and then he suddenly had a thought. "Where are you have a place to stay?" he asked nervously. God! What if he didn't? Was Nick expecting Matt to offer him a place to stay?

"I've got a room at the Radisson. It any good?"

"Ah...supposed to be. I don't know. Haven't stayed there."

"Well, guess I'm gonna find out," Nick smirked.

The waitress returned with their food.

Nick spooned some of the rice and each of the dishes onto his plate. Matt looked at the two dishes carefully.

"What's that?" he asked, pointing at one of the dishes.

"Seafood Delight," Nick said through a mouthful of food.

Matt smiled and nodded, and spooned some of the chicken onto his plate. Nick glanced up.

"You're not going to have any of it?" he asked, pointing at the dish with his fork.

" thanks," said Matt.

"I'm sorry. You should have told me you wanted something different."

"It's okay, I'm fine."

"You should try it though, it's good!" Nick said, holding out a spoon of it to Matt.

"Uh yeah, no thanks."

"Okay," said Nick. He paused. "So do you have any plans for this afternoon?"

"," said Matt.

"You want to do something?"

"Sure," said Matt. Then he thought. He'd have to call and let his Mom know he was going to be out. He had to think of some excuse.

Over the rest of lunch they talked a bit about things they might do. Nick talked about the preparations for the tour.

The bill came and Nick paid it.

"Ready to go?" Nick asked.

"Sure," said Matt.

Nick stood up and Matt slid awkwardly along the cushion to the edge of the booth. His knee was aching and his foot felt like it had fallen asleep. He grabbed hold of the table and the edge of the seat and pushed himself up, putting most of his weight on his good leg. Nick watched him closely.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, just a little sore," said Matt.

He took a step and nearly collapsed, a sharp pain in his leg. He yelped in pain and Nick grabbed him.

"You okay?"

"Just hurts," Matt gasped.

Nick looked at Matt. "I think you need to get that looked at."

"I'm okay."


"Yeah," Matt nodded and tried to put a little weight on his foot. "" he grimaced.

"Yeah," said Nick. He grabbed Matt's arm and put it around his neck, then put his own arm around Matt's waist. "Come on, lean on me and we'll get you out to the car."

With Matt leaning on Nick, they hobbled out to the street, and along the half a block to where Nick's rental car was parked.

"My bike!" said Matt as Nick helped him into the passenger seat.

"We'll get it on the way back."

"We can't just leave it," said Matt.

"We can't?" Nick persisted, but saw Matt was determined. "Damn! Where is it?"

Matt pointed to the front of the restaurant.

"Okay, wait here," said Nick, and he jogged back to get the bike. When he got there he surveyed it carefully. It had a nasty bend in the frame, as well as a broken chain and a bent wheel. Nick wheeled it awkwardly back to the car, opened the trunk and maneuvered it into the trunk. But he couldn't close the lid.

"Damn!" he cursed. He looked around in the trunk and found a short bungee chord, which he managed to use to secure the lid down.

He walked back to the drivers side and climbed in.

"Okay?" asked Nick.


Nick started the car, the radio blasted and he hastily turned it down.

"So what really happened to you?" he asked casually. Matt looked at Nick, but Nick was fiddling with the buttons of the radio, apparently uninterested in the answer.

"I just fell off," said Matt. "If you can just drop me home..."

"Home? You need to get that looked at," Nick said flatly.

Matt looked at him. He felt panic starting to rise. "I'm okay."

Nick turned to face him. "Okay? You aren't even close to okay," Nick almost shouted. "You're as white as a fucking sheet! And how'd your bike get bent up like that? You hit a wall?"

Matt sat there staring at Nick, not sure what to say.

Nick let out a breath. "I just want to help," Nick said quietly.

"I got hit by a car, okay? Can you just take me home?"

"A car! Fuck! Matt! Are you fucking stupid?!"

Matt reached for the door handle and started to open it. Nick reached across and grabbed him.

"I'm sorry Matt, I're fucking injured man! I gotta take you to the hospital and I'm not taking fucking no for an answer."

"No!" said Matt, almost crying.

"Matt!" Nick leaned over, both hands on Matts shoulders, his head close to Matts. Matt looked down and away but Nick just held him. Then he whispered. "You're hurt. I want to take care of you. Let me take care of you."

"It's nothing."

"Crap!" said Nick. "Where's the hospital?"

Matt sat there feeling Nick's hands squeezing him gently. He was worried and afraid, and yet strangely excited that Nick wanted to do this for him. He didn't know what to do.

"I'll call an ambulance if you're not gonna tell me," Nick whispered.

Matt took a deep breath.

"Go that way and turn right at the light," said Matt.

It took about ten minutes to get to the hospital. Nick carefully helped Matt in to the waiting room. They had to wait for an hour before anyone came and looked at him.

When the nurse finally came, she moved them to a room with several beds, pulling the curtain around the bed that she had Matt sit on. Nick hovered is the background as she asked a few questions about his medical history. Nick was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses and so far no one had noticed him. Nor had there been any trouble about he was 'family,' but then it wasn't a serious injury.

"Any allergies to medications or anything?" the nurse asked.

"Ah..I'm allergic to seafood," Matt said quietly. He heard Nick breath out loudly, and even the nurse seemed to notice and glanced at him.

Matt reddened a little, but didn't look at Nick.

"Ok, well you'll need to take off those pants. Do you think you can do that?"

"Yeah," said Matt, blushing.

"Okay, you do that and the Doctor will be in shortly." She handed him a hospital gown and went out.

Matt sat there nervously, and Nick stepped over to him and sat down.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he whispered


"That you're allergic to seafood?"

"Oh," said Matt. "I didn't realize it had seafood in it?" he said hopefully.

"Seafood Delight?" Nick said ruefully.

"Well you wanted to get it. I was okay with the chicken."

"Fuck!" Nick groaned, and Matt realized he'd done everything wrong again, but didn't know why.

"I'm sorry," said Matt.

"It's okay. It's okay. Just next time...well tell me, okay?"

"Sure," said Matt nodding.


"Well, you know now, anyway," Matt grinned.

"That's not what I mean. You know what I mean, right?"



They sat there for a moment, and then both their eyes fell on the hospital gown that Matt was holding.

"Ahh, you gonna be able to get your pants off okay?" asked Nick.

"Yeah, yeah!" said Matt.

"I'll go...I'll step outside," Nick said, pointing at the curtain that was pulled around the bed they were sitting on.

"Okay," Matt nodded.

"I'll just be outside..." said Nick, looking kind of embarrassed. "Call if you...ahh...need anything."

"Okay," Matt smiled.

Nick pulled the curtain back and stepped out, and then closed it behind him.

Matt sat there for a moment, thinking about what had happened. Had he messed up totally? Nick still seemed to like him

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, his legs hanging over the edge and his leg seemed okay when he didn't put weight on it. But how best to get off his pants? If he stood up he'd probably fall down. Better to lie down on the bed and then get his pants off.

That meant sliding back and pulling his legs up. He put his hands down and his left palm stung. He flinched, but kept pushing himself back. He managed to gingerly get himself back onto the bed and bring his legs up and onto the bed. His foot hurt a little, but it was okay.

He quickly undid his belt and fly, and started to try and get his pants down. But that was harder than he thought. He tried to lift his butt up by putting weight on his hands and feet, and a pain shot through his foot and he groaned.

"You okay?" asked Nick, his head appearing around the curtain.

"Yeah," Matt winced, hoping he'd leave, but Nick was already inside, closing the curtain again.

"Problem?" he asked.

"Just trying to get my pants down," said Matt.

"Let me help," said Nick, "I'm an expert at it!" He stepped up to Matt.

Matt sat there, not sure what to do.

Nick surveyed the situation. "Can you get your butt up?" Nick asked.

"Uh, yeah, as long as I don't put any weight on my foot I can kind of do it."

"You do it and I'll pull down your pants," Nick said, and he smirked at Matt.

Matt blushed. But what was he going to do?

"On three," said Nick. "Three!"

Matt lifted himself up as Nick put his hands at Matt's hips and started to pull down his pants. He pulled quickly and in a couple of seconds they were at his knees and Matt dropped back down onto the bed, feeling relieved.

"Okay?" asked Nick.


'Okay, so ahh...I'll try and be careful."

Matt lifted first one leg and then the other as Nick gently took them down and off. Then Nick folded the pants and put them over the chair. He turned back to Matt and looked at Matts knee. It had a bad graze and there was blood. Nick pointed at the graze.

"Need to get that cleaned up too!" he said, and he looked at Matt and smiled. Matt smiled back. Nick looked down and then he seemed to catch himself and looked straight back into Matt's eyes. He looked a little guilty.

Matt glanced down and nearly gasped aloud. The fly of his boxer shorts was partly opened and the head of his dick was visible. He hastily put his hand over it and felt himself turn bright red.

He looked up at Nick. Nick was a little red too.

"Uh..uh," said Nick, and then he stepped over and picked up the gown that was on the bed and handed it to Matt. "You might want to put that...ah...on," he said, and then he giggled.

Matt sat there for a moment, not sure what to do, and then he giggled a little too, and draped the gown over his lap.

Nick was just about to say something when the doctor came in.

The Doctor's visit was short and perfunctory. After a little prodding and feeling around, he announced that it was probably broken, but they'd have to get it x-rayed. And then he left.

Matt sat on the bed, Nick standing beside him.

"I'm sorry," Matt said quietly, shortly after the doctor had gone.

"About what?" asked Nick.

"About the seafood."

Nick sighed. "You don't have to be sorry," said Nick. "I appreciate was really thoughtful what you did....but next time let me know, okay?"

"Yeah," Matt said quietly, wondering if there ever would be a next time.

Then he felt a shove. Nick had playfully shoved his shoulder.

Matt pretended like it hurt, putting his hand on his shoulder and frowning. They grinned at each other.

And they waited, not saying much. Each lost in his own thoughts.

Finally they were taken down for an x-ray, then they had to wait again for the film to come back. Then they had to wait for the doctor to come back. When he arrived, the doctor put the x-ray up on a screen and looked at it, then he turned to Matt.

"Well," he said. "As I expected, you broke a bone in your leg." He turned back to the x-ray and tapped at the bottom near the ankle. "Right here. Fortunately it's not serious. We'll put a cast on it, and you're going to be in the cast for six weeks.

"Okay," said Matt, nodding quietly.

The doctor briefly described the break, then he said he was going to arrange the cast and went out, leaving Matt still sitting on the bed and Nick leaning against the wall.

Matt glanced at Nick, who was regarding him with a curious expression. A minute later he glanced back and Nick was still staring at him, but he had a smile on his face. Matt smiled a little and looked away, not sure what Nick was thinking.

Nick stood there watching Matt, and then he reached out and gently pushed Matt's shoulder. Matt glanced back at Nick and saw him smiling at him, and he grinned shyly back and then turned away. But Nick pushed him again and Matt looked back at Nick and grinned again. They were both grinning and laughing a little.

"What?" said Matt, finally.

"It's nothing, huh?" said Nick, laughing.

"Well I...," Matt began, blushing.

"You are a piece of work!" said Nick, and he laughed and playfully shoved Matt again.

The doctor came back with an orderly to take Matt away again. This time to get the cast.

It was another hour before they left the hospital.

With the cast finished, Nick insisted on driving Matt home. Matt tried to tell Nick he'd get a taxi, or have his parents pick him up, but Nick ignored everything that Matt said. So Matt just gave up and accepted that Nick was going to do it.

But then he fretted about what he was going to tell his parents.

"You okay?" Nick asked. They were in the car and Matt had been quiet since they left the hospital.

"I'm okay," Matt said quietly. "I'm sorry I was such an asshole."

"It's okay," said Nick. "You can't help being an asshole!" Nick turned and grinned at Matt.

"Thanks," Matt laughed.

"You're welcome."

As they pulled into the driveway Matt groaned. "Shit!" he whispered. "What am I going to tell my folks?"

"Ah...that you got hit by a car?"

"No! About you!"

"About me? Well can't you just tell them I'm a friend that came visiting?"

"No! They don't know I know you!"

Nick stopped the car in the driveway, turned off the ignition and turned to Matt.

"Well, now's a great time to tell them then, isn't it?" and he smirked, but before Matt could say anything Nick opened the door and climbed out.

Matt sat in the car, wondering what he was going to say. Nick meanwhile came around and opened the rear passenger door and grabbed the crutches. Matt heard the front door of the house open and he looked up to see his Mother coming out. She looked curious, and then she saw Matt and the expression changed to puzzled.

"Oh shit!" Matt muttered under his breath.

Maybe if he just sat in the car, he thought...but the door opened and Nick was standing there with the crutches.

"Here you go!" Nick said in a rather loud and friendly voice.

"Matt?" he heard his Mother call, and he saw her coming towards him. "What happened?" she asked.

Nick helped Matt stand up and put the crutches under him. Matt stood by the car door, the crutches under his arms, trying to gather his thoughts.

"" Matt began.

"What happened to your leg?" his Mother asked.

"Uh...Hi Mom!"

"He's fine," Nick said, and Matt's Mother turned to Nick, obviously wondering who he was. "Hi!" said Nick, smiling large, and holding out his hand, "My name is Nick, your son, ah...Matt, right?" he asked looking at Matt as though for confirmation, "well he got into a little bit of an accident. He was hit by a car and broke his leg."

"Oh my!" said his Mother, and she moved close to Matt and put her arms around him. "You're okay?"

"I'm okay Mom," Matt said, trying to get away. He just wanted to get inside and sit down.

"The doctor said it should heal just fine, and not to put any weight on it for three weeks," said Nick.

"Oh," said Matt's Mother, turning back to Nick, now obviously wondering who Nick was.

"The thing is," Nick began, "I feel just terrible about this because...uh...I hit him."

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 10

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