Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Aug 23, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 7: Messages

Matt stood there, still trying to think.

"We've gotta go in two!" Nick called from the bathroom.

Shaken from his thoughts, Matt quickly threw things into the suitcase, checking the room to make sure he had forgotten nothing. Nick came out a minute later holding Matt's toiletries. Matt took them and threw them in the suitcase. Then he closed the bag and looked around for his backpack.

"Here!" said Nick, holding up the pack.

"Thanks," said Matt, trying to remember if he'd forgotten something.

"I'll take your bag," Nick said, reaching out for the suitcase.

"It's okay," Matt protested, but Nick put one hand on his, and the other on the handle, and slowly - very slowly - lifted off Matt's hand.

Matt looked up into Nicks' face. Nick was standing right next to him. They stood staring at each other for a moment.

"Okay?" asked Nick.

"Yeah," said Matt softly.

"Cool," Nick smiled.

It didn't take long to check out. Nick paid for the laundry and breakfast, even though Matt tried to stop him, and then they went out and took a cab over to Nicks hotel.

They hardly said a word to each other in the cab. They sat in the back and watched the streets go by. It was only a ten minute trip to the hotel, but it felt like half an hour to Matt.

He sat there thinking. Wondering. And then he remembered that Nick said something about getting changed. It occurred to him that maybe he'd get a chance to watch Nick change.

Then he remembered something else. His boxers! He'd leant Nick a pair of boxers last night. What had Nick done with them? Was he still wearing them? Or was he wearing the pair that the hotel had washed and dried?

Surely, that would be the obvious thing to do. But if Nick did that, then why didn't be give back Matt's pair? And then it occurred to Matt that if Nick did give back the pair, then he'd have a pair of underpants that Nick Carter had worn.

For a second the thought thrilled him.

But Nick hadn't given them back. What had he done with them? Had he thrown them out? Matt wondered if Nick was worried that he would have tried and sold them on eBay. He could see the ad now: 'Buy Nick Carter's underwear!' and the thought made him smile. Not that he'd ever dream of selling them.

But the thought of having underwear that Nick had worn did make him smile. And he sat there grinning to himself until he noticed Nick was staring at him, a quizzical expression on his face, and Matt blushed and turned away.

Of course, he realized, it was all dependent on getting them back.

But should he ask about them? Was that a 'normal' thing to do? Or was that too gay? What would a straight guy do in this situation? Would he ask what happened to his underwear, or would he just forget about it? And if a straight guy would ask, then if he didn't, would Nick get suspicious?

But not asking might be wrong too.

It was like something he'd read about; how if you ask a straight guy if he's gay, he'll just say 'no way,' but if you ask a gay guy he'll say 'what makes you think that?' It's a test. A test he wondered how many times he'd failed before. All these damn tests and you were never sure what the answer was. Why weren't these things covered in school or in sex ed classes?

So he tried not to think about the boxers. Maybe he'd just pretend he completely forgot about them. That was a straight kind of thing to do...

Matt didn't get to see Nick undress.

Much to his disappointment, Nick grabbed some clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. A couple of minutes later he came out wearing clothes that weren't that different from the ones he'd had on. Matt wondered why he'd bothered. Was it in case someone saw him and said 'You wore those clothes yesterday!'

But before he'd had time to puzzle over that, they were in another cab on the way to the radio station. Most of the way Nick spoke about promotion; what it was like to go on radio and TV shows and travel around promoting things. The stupid questions they got asked over and over again.

Matt began to suspect he was going to be bored out of his mind, but Nick kept adding that this would be a very short visit. As if that made it okay.

It was a short visit. Nick was interviewed for about 15 minutes, maybe a bit more. But they were still at the station for over an hour and a half.

Matt was kind of disappointed. Nick was right; it was rather boring. They went past a lot of offices that looked like a regular office building as they showed Nick to the studio. The studio itself was much more interesting and exciting; like the studios you see on television shows. But Matt didn't get to go in. Instead they were shown to a visitor's room. There they waited for a few moments.

Nick was clearly a little nervous. He paced, swinging his arms back and forth, seeming to psyche himself up. Matt sat on the couch watching, trying not to get in the way.

And then someone came and took Nick down to the studio, while Matt was left in the room to listen. He could hear the show on a speaker in the room, but he couldn't see Nick or the studio.

He might as well have listened to it in the hotel room.

Still, he was actually there. He could say he'd been to a radio station. A rather dull and uninteresting one, but a radio station nonetheless!

And then Nick was back and they were in a taxi heading toward the airport. Matt's plane left at 2, and Nick was on a plane an hour later.

Matt sat in the cab, trying to think of what to say or do. The morning had seemed to flash by. He and Nick hadn't really spoken much. Nick had been too wrapped up in getting himself together for the radio show, and then he was still a little buzzed from the adrenalin afterwards.

Matt had the feeling that the moment was going to pass. He'd had a short, magical time with Nick, and now it was drawing to a close.

And Matt still didn't know what had happened to his underwear.

"So you ever get down to Florida?" Nick asked suddenly.

"What?" said Matt, turning to face him.

"Florida? Ever been?"

"No," said Matt, shaking his head.

"No! Never?!" exclaimed Nick. "You're kidding! Not even to DisneyWorld?"


"So you've been to Disneyland?" Nick persisted.

"No," said Matt, almost laughing, "I haven't been to that either."

"Oh man, you have been deprived!" Nick smirked. "You have to go! It's...well it's America! You can't not go to DisneyWorld!"

"I'll go one day," Matt laughed.

"Why don't you come down and visit? I can show you around."

"Uh..." Matt gulped. Did Nick just invite him to visit him? It was more than he could of imagined. "Thanks...I don't know, maybe...uh...I'm not sure."

Nick stared at Matt for a second, his face serious, then it broke into a grin. "Is that a no?" he asked.

"No! It's a...I don't know...I'm not saying no, I just..."

"Oh come on! It's DisneyWorld! It's fun, and you can stay at my place for free!"

Matt blushed. He was thrilled, excited and panicked all at once.

"I don't know, okay! I just don't..."

"It's okay," said Nick, realizing that Matt was getting upset. "It's cool. Think about it, and if you want to come down, let me know, okay? No pressure."

"Okay," said Matt, letting out a breath. "Sorry, I'm just...I don't mean to..."

"It's cool. Here," said Nick, and he handed Matt a card.

Matt looked at the card. On it were hand written two phone numbers and an email address.

"That's the cell phone," Nick said, pointing at the top number. "Best you use that. The other one's the home number," he paused, "but I'm never there."

Matt looked up at Nick and Nick smirked. Matt watched as Nick pulled out a pen and a card.

"So what's yours?" he asked, then he paused. "Well here, you can write it down here," and Nick handed the card and the pen to Matt.

Matt looked at the card and then he carefully wrote his email address and instant messenger address on the card and handed it back to Nick. Nick took the card and looked at it, turning it over and then looking up at Matt, a puzzled look on his face.

"What?" Matt asked him.

"No phone number?" he asked.

"Uh...I don't like the phone," Matt answered.

Nick looked at him, his expression changing to curious. He cocked an eyebrow.

"You don't like talking on the phone?"

"Email or chatting's good," Matt said quietly, and blushed, feeling like a fool.

"Well, can't you give me your phone number in case...oh..I don't know, you know, just in case?" Nick paused, "Do you have a phone?"

Matt blushed even redder. "I...I live at home...I don't have my own phone's just..." and he trailed off.

"You don't have a cell phone?" Nick asked, almost shocked.

Matt shrugged. "Never needed one," he said, feeling even more embarrassed.

Nick sat there, still a questioning look on his face. Matt nervously twisted in the seat and turned to look out the window. Nick had finally seen through him for the pathetic idiot he was. He wished he could jump out of the cab.

"That's cool," said Nick.

Matt turned back to see if Nick was making fun of him, but Nick was smiling at him, his expression friendly.

"I sometimes wish I didn't have the damn thing," he joked, and then he leaned over and lightly punched Matt's shoulder.

"Well...I'm sorry...I just..." Matt began.

"It's okay! I've got your email, I'll drop you a line...maybe we can chat online sometime."

"I'd like that!" Matt said, then wondered if he was gushing too much.

The taxi arrived at the airport and they got out at Matt's terminal. After grabbing their bags, Nick walked with him over to the security entrance. A short line was waiting to pass through.

"Well," said Nick, "it was great meeting you and hanging out."

"Yeah...thanks very much," Matt smiled. They were standing there staring at each other. It felt a little awkward and Matt wondered what to do. Then he stuck out his hand.

Nick grinned and put out his hand and they shook...and before Matt knew what was happening Nick wrapped his arms around him and hugged him quickly.

"See ya," Nick whispered in his ear, and then he released him and stepped back and turned and started to walk away, looking back over his shoulder to smile and wave at Matt.

Matt stood there for a moment, watching Nick walk down the concourse. A couple of times Nick glanced back over his shoulder, and then he disappeared into the crowd.

Had it been a dream? Had Nick really hugged him? Had he invited him down to Florida to stay with him? Did he really have Nick's number in his pocket?

His hand went to the pocket and he could feel the card. He almost took it out just to check it still had writing on it, but he knew it would.

Matt turned towards the line of people waiting to go through security. They didn't look very happy. They looked impatient, nervous, bored. Anything but happy. Not like him. He realized he was grinning like a fool, and he didn't care. He didn't care who saw him or what they thought! He was happy! Really happy!

He picked up his bags and joined the end of the line.

It was only as the bags went through the security scanner that he wondered once more what had happened to his boxer shorts.

The flight back was uneventful. Matt hardly even noticed it; or remembered it. It was almost like he was asleep and only woke up as he was carrying his bags to the car. He almost stopped and shook himself. He couldn't remember the flight much at all. He hadn't even been nervous on the plane.

He opened the back passenger door of the Durango and threw his bag onto the seat and then he climbed into the drivers seat, placing his pack on the passenger seat.

On the drive home he was still thinking about Nick. Playing the last day through his head and wondering what it had all meant. Nick had seemed so nice, and warm, and friendly. Unbelievably so.

In all the years he'd had a crush on Nick he'd imagined what Nick would be like. Imagined meeting him one day. But none of his dreams and fantasies had been like the real Nick. The real Nick had been do much better, so much more...real!

It took just half an hour to drive from Burlington airport to his parents house. He parked the car in the garage and grabbed his bags and carried them inside. For a moment it seemed like the house was silent. Empty. He dropped his bags inside the front door.

"Hello?" he called.

"Hello dear!" his Mother called from the kitchen.

Coming down the hall to greet him, she put her arms around him and hugged him. "How'd it go?" she asked.

"I had a great time," Matt said, smiling and nodding. His Mother was looking at him expectantly and then he realized....the interview. She was asking about the interview. "Ah...I think it went well..." he added. He was trying to remember; it all seemed so long ago now.

"Well tell me everything that happened," his Mother smiled. "I'm just making dinner," she added, and he followed her down into the kitchen.

"Uh...well I got down there okay..." he began, then he realized they knew that; he'd called the night he'd arrived. "Ah and the interview went...well I think it went okay..."

"What kind of things did they ask you?"

"Uh.." Matt went and grabbed a glass and pulled out a bottle of cherry Coke from the refrigerator. "Lot's of stuff really. It's hard to remember it all. I met with one person first, then with another two people, and then with the HR person at the end. That wasn't really an interview though, more information about the company benefits." Matt paused and took a long drink, then topped up the glass and put the bottle back in the refrigerator.

"So who were the people you met with?"

"They were, well one of them was the manager of the department, and the other two were two people who worked in the department. I guess it was kind of to see if I'd fit in or something. I'm not really sure."

"So it went well?"

Matt shrugged. "It was hard to tell, they said they were interviewing a lot of people. I don't know, I mean I don't think it went badly..." he trailed off.

"Well that's wonderful! So did they say what would happen next?"

"I guess I hear from them sometime next week, maybe. They were kind of vague."

His Mother nodded. "So what else did you do?"

Matt smiled. He wanted to tell her about meeting Nick and about what happened, but he couldn't. He didn't know how to talk about it without revealing things...feelings he didn't want revealed.

"Ethan Thompson called me," he began.

"He did, oh I'm glad he did. Did you meet up with him?"

"Yeah, he showed me around. We went to of the Museums." He couldn't remember which one. God! It was only yesterday but it seemed like a couple of months ago. "Anyway, then we went to this record industry party..."

"A party?"

"Kind of a promotional thing. Ethan knows Justin Timberlake..."

"Oh," his Mother nodded.

"So he took me along." Matt wondered if he should say something about Ethan and Justin being a couple and decided not to. "Uh anyway..." Matt thought about everything that had happened after the party, "it was fun."

"Good! Just so long as Ethan didn't abandon you there. I wonder what goes on at those kind of things."

"It was harmless Mom," Matt smiled, "nothing happened," he lied.

"So did you look around the city much? Find out anything about housing?"

"Mmm....uh a little....I've got a couple of local papers in my bag. I'm kind of tired, I think I might go lie down for a bit before dinner."

"Okay dear."

Matt went back down the hallway, grabbed his bags and climbed up the stairs to the second floor. At the top of the stairs he opened the door to his bedroom and dropped the bags just inside the door.

He stripped off his shirt and pants and climbed into bed and a few moments later was fast asleep.

In his dreams Nick was dancing in front of him. He was wearing the white boxers again. They were way too tight for him and he was dancing around and thrusting his pelvis back and forth. He was dripping wet. His hair was wet and the water was running down his forehead and over his body in large beads...


"Wha...what?" he rolled over.

"Dinner!" he heard his Mother call.

He lay there for a moment, collecting his thoughts, thinking of Nick. He was hard, and he reached down and squeezed himself a couple of times through his boxers. But there wasn't time to take care of that now. It would have to wait for later.

Reluctantly he climbed out of bed and pulled his pants back on, willing his erection to go down.

Matt stumbled down stairs and into the dining room. His Mom and Dad were already sitting. His Dad looked up when he came in.

"How was the trip?" his Father asked. Just like that. No preamble or nice to see you. Straight down to business.

"It was good," Matt said, nodding as he sat down. He didn't really want to go through this again. His Dad was going to ask him all kinds of question about the interview and whether he was finally going to get a job. He'd been through this countless times before and didn't want to do it again, not today, but he knew his Father would want to know all the details. Want to know if he'd finally got a job.

"Good," said his Father, and proceeded to eat his dinner without saying another word.

Matt looked up at his Mom, but she just smiled at him.

After dinner, and a bit of television, he went up stairs and got ready for bed. He brushed his teeth, then took off his shirt and pants and threw them into the hamper. He set up his portable computer on the small bed table he had, plugged it into the phone jack, then climbed into bed and pulled the table up in front of him.

He started up the computer, then connected to the net and launched his mail program. It took almost 15 minutes to download the mail, most of it spam. He sighed.

"God I hate spam," he mumbled to himself.

He set about deleting the junk mail and sorting out anything of interest. Click, click, delete. Click, click, delete. He went through quickly discarding the obvious junk email. He saw one titled 'Hey!' but didn't recognize the address, so he deleted it.

Then he stopped. There was something about it that had looked a little familiar. He just wasn't sure what.

He opened the trash and tried to find it. Of course it wasn't at the top of the list, so he had to scroll through a hundred other emails to find it. He found the email and opened it.

Hey Matt!

Hope you got back okay! You be on AIM tonight? About 10? I'm gonna try and be on.


He moved the email out of the trash and back into the InBox.

Then he reread it very slowly. Nick sent him an email! He sat there smiling to himself. He almost laughed! He giggled to himself. He'd gotten an email from Nick Carter!

Why was he so happy? God! He'd just spent half a day and a night with him, and here he was all excited about a two-line email. How dumb was that?

And yet the showed promise. Nick must have liked him! Wanted to chat with him!

He felt like jumping out of bed and shouting! He checked the time. It was 9:30. Nick wasn't going to be on for a while yet.

Matt switched into AIM. Then he looked back at Nick's email. Nick hadn't mentioned his screen name. But Matt had that on the card Nick had given him.

Where was the card?

He scrambled out of bed and scampered over to the dresser and opened his wallet. The card wasn't there. Damn!

He remembered looking at the card earlier. He was holding it on the plane, turning it over in his hands.

He went over to his backpack. It wasn't there.

Then the hamper.

He pulled out the pants and started going through the pockets. He found the card in one of the pockets. Why had he put it there, he wondered?

He went back to the bed and climbed in, getting himself comfortable. He added Nicks screen name to his buddy list and set an alert so he'd know when Nick came on.

And then he waited.

He checked the time. It was 9:40. Twenty minutes at least until Nick would be on line.

He went back to the email, deleting the last of the spam, reading the few interesting emails, replying to a couple. When that was done it was five to ten, and he had no idea when Nick would actually come on.

Or if he would.

He went back and reread the email. 'About 10pm' it said. Which could mean...well it could mean now, or it could mean anytime until 10:30. If it were any later than that, then it would be 'About' 11, surely.

He looked at the AIM list, almost willing it to change.

A minute went by. He decided to do some web surfing.

He opened up Amazon and started looking at the new books section. He was just about to click on a book when AIM beeped at him.

He nearly jumped out of bed.

The window opened.

Hey Matt, what's up

It was his friend Eric. Damn!

mattv80: not much ashtrayman: hows the computer workin? mattv80: keeps crashing, doesnt like me ashtrayman: time to get a new one. this one sucks The crappy thing locked up twice today. Was about ready to throw it through the window. mattv80: lol ashtrayman: damn things out to get me mattv80: your paranoid ashtrayman: doesn't mean it's not out to get me though :) mattv80: lol

the computer beeped and another window opened

SN123467: Hi!

Matt looked over at the window. It was Nicks screen name. He felt his heart beating faster.

mattv80: Hi!

ashtrayman: I'm thinking of upgrading the system but I don't think it makes sense since it's so old mattv80: why not?

SN123467: You get back okay? mattv80: yes

ashtrayman: I don't think the damn think will run ME. I'll spend all fucking day installing the damn thing and it won't work and I'll have to go back to the old system. I hate this! mattv80: lol

SN123467: So what are you doing now? mattv80: just surfing. You?

ashtrayman: do you think I should do it? cause I'm damned if I can make up my mind if it's worth it.

SN123467: Just got back to the hotel room mattv80: where are you? SN123467: LA! Just arrived! The flight was exhausting! mattv80: wow. how long? SN123467: about average mattv80: what? SN123467: how long what?

ashtrayman: you there?

Matt clicked back on the first window

mattv80: sorry mattv80: I'm not sure ashtrayman: yeah, me neither

SN123467: How long what? :)

mattv80: Sorry but i've got to go! Can we talk later? ashtrayman: sure! bye mattv80: bye Eric!

Matt closed the window and went back to the second one.

mattv80: sorry! SN123467: no problem mattv80: just saying good bye to someone. I'm here now SN123467: cool. so what you doing? mattv80: just checking email mattv80: chatting with you mattv80: lol SN123467: Me too! SN123467: Hey, before I forget, what's your addy? mattv80: what? SN123467: your address mattv80: SN123467: no! street address mattv80: what do you want that for? SN123467: i want to send you something? mattv80: why? SN123467: it's a present, for letting me stay with you. mattv80: you don't have to do that. SN123467: sure I do, I want to. mattv80: it's okay. thanks SN123467: come on, give me your address mattv80: um SN123467: I'm not a stalker or nothing! mattv80: lol mattv80: I know! SN123467: so?

Matt sat staring at the screen. He didn't like to give out his address to people. Even Nick, someone he'd obsessed about for so long. But that was stupid surely?

He put his fingers on the keyboard, about to type the address. He took a breath.

mattv80: what you sending? SN123467: it's a secret mattv80: I don't like surprises SN123467: awwwwwww! mattv80: yu dont owe me anything, honest SN123467: come on!

Matt took another breath and typed his address.

SN123467: Cool! So I'm gonna FedEx it to you so you should get it tomorrow afternoon. When you get it, don't open it until you chat with me okay? mattv80: why? SN123467: cause it's a surprise! and I want to be there when you open it! mattv80: okay SN123467: :) mattv80: lol SN123467: so tell me about the trip back

They chatted for a while about different things. But all too quickly, it seemed, Nick said he had to go to dinner and he signed off.

Matt quickly saved the chat log. God! he'd just been chatting with Nick Carter. Nick was sending him something and was going to chat with him again tomorrow. His heart was pounding and he felt hot.


He flipped to the directory of Nick pics and opened some up. He had a collection of photos. All kinds. He also had some fake nude pics of Nick. He opened a couple of them. They looked all wrong now. He hadn't seen Nicks penis, but he'd seen the rest of his body up close, and these bodies looked nothing like Nick. Even when he tried to pretend.

So he closed those and just looked at the real pics he had. Of Nick's face, and his whole body. A few of him without a shirt.

He was getting hard.

Matt slipped his hand under the covers, under the waistband of his boxers and gently squeezed himself. He shivered. He pushed the bed table back a little and scrambled up and out of the covers so that he was lying on top of them. He pulled off his t-shirt and shoved the blue plaid boxers down to his knees.

He arranged the pictures of Nick on the screen and then lay back, making himself comfortable.

He took his erect penis in his right hand, forming an O around the head with his thumb and two forefingers. Then he slowly stroked up and down, closing his eyes for a moment and imagining Nick.

A large bead of precum formed on the tip of the head and he used it to lubricate himself.

He squeezed a little harder and stroked some more.

AIM beeped at him.

He stroked on. He was thinking of Nicky. Should he see who that was? It might be Eric.

Using his left hand he flipped back to AIM.

SN123467: Hey!

It was Nick again.

He let go of himself, sat up and wiped his hand on his leg.

mattv80: hey! SN123467: I forgot, what's your shirt size? mattv80: lol SN123467: what? mattv80: yuo don't have to send me a t-shirt! SN123467: who said anything about a t-shirt? :) mattv80: well don't Fed Ex it! i'm not worth it SN123467: lol! you mean the t-shirt's not worht it? What? you don't like our t-shirts? mattv80: lol SN123467: so what's your size? mattv80: lg SN123467: okay! thanks mattv80: yr welcome SN123467: bye Matt mattv80: bye Nick

Matt sat there for a moment, smiling to himself, then he shut down AIM. He looked down at his dick, now lying flaccid between his legs.

It was late, he should probably go to sleep......

...after he looked at the Nick pics for a little while longer.

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 8

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