Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Aug 8, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Thanks to mattvt for reviewing and proofing parts of this story; all errors remain my fault!

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 6 Morning

"You okay?" asked Nick.

"Uh, yeah," said Matt, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Oh, okay. I think you were dreaming or something," said Nick smiling. "You ready for breakfast?"

"I was?" asked Matt, wondering if he'd said anything in his sleep.

"Yeah," said Nick, turning and grabbing the phone from the nightstand next to him. He turned back to Matt casually. "I'm gonna order breakfast, what do you want?"

"Um...I don't know," said Matt, still wondering whether he had said anything in his sleep, and what had happened to his pajama pants. He slowly felt around with his feet, but he couldn't seem to find them.

"Pancakes?" asked Nick.

"Uh, sure," said Matt, distracted by his inability to find his pants. He turned to face Nick and blushed. Nick was sitting cross-legged on the bed, the covers pulled down. He was naked except for the boxers, which were bunched up in his groin and tight around his legs.

'Damn!' thought Matt, and tried not to stare.

Matt looked up at Nicks face and saw Nick was watching him. He had a curious expression on his face. Their eyes met and Nick smiled a small, shy kind of grin, and Matt blushed even deeper and quickly turned away.

"Yes, hello," said Nick into the phone. "I want to order some breakfast." He listened for a moment. "Hey!," said Nick loudly to Matt. "You want coffee? Juice? Toast?"

"Ah, coffee, orange juice if they've got it...thanks," said Matt.

Nick nodded and ordered their breakfast. Then he hung up and sat there, the grin still on his face.

Matt still couldn't find the damn pants! He didn't want to get out of bed without them on. And even if he did find them, he wasn't going to get out of the bed right away anyway...

He was hard.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," Nick said, standing up and stretching as he yawned. Matt didn't look. "The clothes should be up soon," Nick added.

Matt turned to face him. "Okay," he said.

"And the food should be up in twenty or so," Nick added. "Is it okay if I put on the TV?"


Nick walked over to the table and picked up the remote, pointing it at the TV and pressing a button. The TV came on, filling the quiet room with the sound of voices.

Matt was still feeling around with his legs. The damn pants must have gone over the edge of the bed. He looked up to see Nick staring at the TV, flicking through the channels. He watched Nick. Standing there in just those ridiculous white boxers with red chili peppers on them.

He looked really sexy.

Matt took in Nick's profile. The hair, the face, the chest. Nick seemed engrossed as he flicked through channels, and Matt could stare with impunity.

As he watched, Nick reached down and absentmindedly scratched himself. Matt watched, entranced. Almost willing him to keep going. But then Nick stopped and turned to face Matt.

Nick stared at Matt. Matt stared back.

For an instance Matt thought he saw Nick redden just a little, as though he realized Matt had watched...or was it his imagination?

"I'm gonna shower," said Nick.

"Okay," said Matt.

Nick nodded his head, and then looked down and his eye caught something. He stepped toward the bed and bent down, reaching for something. He straightened up, holding the pajama pants in his hand.

"You dropped these," he laughed, and then he threw them playfully at Matt's face and turned and ran into the bathroom.

Matt caught them in his hand, just inches from his face, and snapped them down.

'Okay,' he thought, 'Nick probably thinks I'm a total loser now.'

But he didn't have long to think about it. Seconds after he heard the shower start there was a knock at the door.

Probably the food he thought.

Matt hopped out of bed and hurriedly pulled on the pajama pants, thankful that his erection had gone down.

He went to the door and opened it. It was the woman from housekeeping with Nick's clothes. For a moment he stared at her blankly, then he realized he didn't have his wallet, and had to run back to the bed to get it so he could tip the woman.

Rushing back to the door he rifled through his wallet, grabbing a few dollars and hoping it was enough. He handed her the money and she smiled at him brightly and gave him the package of clothes. He smiled and thanked her and then she walked away, leaving him standing in the door way and wondering what to do with the clothes. Should he knock on the door and let Nick know they were here, or just put them on the bed? If he put them on the bed, there was a chance that Nick would actually get changed in the bedroom. But wouldn't it be odd not to just knock on the door and let Nick know his clothes were here?

He decided to knock.

"Your clothes are here!" Matt called.

He heard a muffled response, but he couldn't make it out.

"Shall I put them on your bed?" he yelled.

More muffled noises.

"What?" he shouted through the door.

The door opened and Nick's wet head appeared.

"I'll take 'em" said Nick, about to reach around for them, then he stopped, seeming to realize he was soaking wet. "Ah...can you just drop them inside for me?" said Nick, and he disappeared back into the bathroom.

"Sure," said Matt, taking a deep breath and then leaning forward, about to drop them onto the floor.

"Can you put them on the toilet?" Nick called out.

"What?" asked Matt.

"Just put them on the toilet, okay? They'll be out of the way."

Matt stuck his head inside the bathroom. Nick was back in the shower. Matt could just make out the shadow of his body.

Matt ducked in and quickly went to put down the clothes on the closed lid of the toilet.

"Hey!" called Nick.


"Food arrive yet?"

"Not yet," said Matt.

"Yeah, probably a little while yet," said Nick.

Matt started to go out.

"So what are you doing this morning?" Nick called over the sound of the running water.

Matt stopped. He felt awkward. Was Nick going to have a conversation with him while he was in the shower?

"Uh, just looking around," said Matt, slowly moving towards the door. The shower curtain was white plastic and he couldn't even see any shadow or anything...but Nick was naked behind that plastic curtain...

That thin, flimsy, plastic curtain.

"Yeah?" said Nick, his head suddenly appearing around the end of the curtain. His hair was soapy. "You want to come see a radio station? I'm doing an interview this morning."

"Um...I don't want to get in the way," said Matt.

Nick laughed. "You wouldn't be in the way! It'd be fun. You ever been to a radio station before?"

"," said Matt.

"Well," said Nick smirking, "you're in for a lot of excitement then!" and he winked and disappeared back behind the curtain.

Matt stood there, watching the space where Nick's head had been.

He was hard again.

"I'm gonna go see if the foods here yet," said Matt.

"Okay!" called Nick.

Matt stepped out of the bathroom as quickly as possible, pulling the door closed behind him. He stood there, breathing a little fast. He looked down at the prominent bulge in his pajama pants. He needed to do something about that quick before Nick came out. Maybe he should just get back in bed and wait for it to go down? He wished he could beat off right then. But he couldn't do that. Nick might come out before he was finished.

'Stop thinking about that,' he told himself. 'Think about something else. Lose the erection before Nick comes outÉ'

There was a knock at the door...

Matt stood there frozen for a second. It was probably the food. He looked down at the tent in the front of his pajama pants.

"Just a minute!" he yelled at the door, and turned and ran to his suitcase. He quickly shed the pants, grabbed his jeans and pulled them up, hastily arranging himself and zipping up the jeans.

He was relieved to see it wasn't quite as obvious...

He grabbed his wallet and went to the door and opened it. In front of him was a small cart with two covered plates, some other plates and cups and glasses, and what looked like a pot of coffee. Behind the cart stood a short balding man in black pants and a bright white jacket.

"Good morning," the man smiled at Matt, and started to push the cart into the room. Matt hastily backed up and to the side to let the man in, and then he followed him into the room. The man maneuvered the cart in front of the bed and then turned to face Matt.

"Is there anything else you need?" the man asked.

"No, thanks!" said Matt, and awkwardly handed some money to the man.

The man took the money and smiled. "Thank you," he said, and walked out of the room.

Matt stood there looking at the cart. He felt hungry, and whatever it was smelt good. And then he realized that the shower had stopped. He heard the door open and Nick came out, wearing his clothes from the night before and rubbing his hair with a towel.

Nick saw the cart and smiled. "Foods here!" Nick said loudly, stating the obvious.

" just came," said Matt.

"Great!" said Nick, then he glanced at Matt's pants. "You not taking a shower?" he asked.

"No, I..." Matt paused. What to say? That he had an erection so he had to put on a pair of pants? He blushed bright red. "...just to open the door," he finally said.

"Oh, okay," said Nick, shrugging as though it were no big deal. Matt was relieved. Nick threw the towel over a chair and walked over and sat on the bed next to the cart. He looked up at Matt, still standing in the middle of the room, and held up his hand and indicated the space beside him with a wave of the arm. "Would you care to join me for breakfast?" he said in a very serious sounding voice, and then he grinned.

Matt smiled back at him and went over and sat down, still blushing and not quite able to look directly at Nick. He felt all hot and bubbly and excited inside. He couldn't really describe it, but it was a wonderful feeling. Matt sat there, feeling so stupid and out of control as he glanced at Nick who looked so calm and in control, munching on a piece of toast.

"The toast is good," said Nick. "You gonna have something?"

"Ah..yeah," said Matt, trying to regain his composure. He turned his attention to the cart and looked it over. At the same time Nick reached out and pulled the cover off one of the plates. To Matt's surprise there were pancakes, sausages, and fruit, very tastefully arranged on the plate. He thought Nick had just asked about pancakes.

Matt reached out and carefully lifted up the other cover, discovering the same meal underneath. He put the cover underneath the cart and then picked up the plate and grabbed a fork. He put the still warm plate in his lap and then with the fork stabbed a strawberry and shoveled it into his mouth.

"You want some syrup?" asked Nick.

"What?" said Matt, looking up in surprise.

"Syrup?" said Nick, holding up a small jug. Before Matt could say anything, Nick turned and started to pour syrup onto the pancakes.

"It's okay!" Matt protested, but Nick ignored him.

Matt watched as the syrup poured out and Nick waved the jug over the plate, covering the pancakes.

"Okay, that's...that's good" Matt said and Nick stopped pouring, but he held the jug over Matt's plate. Matt looked up at Nick and Nick was smiling at him.

"Enough?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," Matt almost choked out, nodding his head at the same time.

Nick nodded, still smiling, and he put the syrup jug back onto the cart and grabbed up his fork and started eating again.

Matt sat there for a moment and then turned back to his breakfast and very intently started to eat it. Occasionally he would glance at Nick. Sometimes Nick was eating and Matt would watch him as he ate. Other times he'd look up and Nick would be looking at him. Nick would grin and Matt would look away quickly, finding the pattern on the plate suddenly very interesting.

"So, still want to come down to the radio station?" Nick asked casually. Matt looked up in surprise. He'd forgotten about that.

" don't have to," Matt stammered.

"Hey, I want you to! It'd be fun, and you've never been to a radio station before. It's amazingly exciting, I have to tell you!" and Nick smirked and rolled his eyes and Matt got the impression he was joking with him.

"Well...uh, if it's no trouble"

"No trouble, come on, I'd love the company! It can be so boring."

"Okay," Matt said, smiling at Nick.

"Great! So you better take a shower. We have to get over to my hotel so I can change before we go."

"Oh, how long do we have?" Matt asked.

Nick looked at his watch. "Can you be ready in half an hour?"

Half an hour! Shit! Matt realized he had to shower, shave, and pack his bag. That didn't leave a lot of time.

"Sure," said Matt, smiling nervously and thinking quick.

Matt hastily placed the plate back onto the cart, then almost jumped up and ran into the bathroom. He pulled off his t-shirt and unbuttoned the jeans, shoving them and the boxers down so that he was naked. He went over to the toilet and urinated, shaking himself a few times before flushing.

He turned on the shower and let it run for a moment. Then be pulled open the curtain and stepped in. It was only as he pulled the curtain closed that he realized that the curtain was fixed. Nick must have fixed it this morning. He looked up at the curtain rod and it seemed to be back in place. Well that was a relief. One thing less to worry about.

Matt stood under the warm water, letting it run over his chest, then ducking his head under the water. He then turned to let it run down his back.

He looked down and saw a bar of soap and a small bottle of shampoo. He grabbed the soap and a washcloth and rubbed the bar into the washcloth. Then he put down the bar and started to wash himself. He washed his arms, taking care to really wash his underarms, then down his chest, pausing to slightly tease his nipples, gently rubbing the cloth over the nipple rings.

He felt himself thickening just a little, but he didn't continue the stimulation, instead moving his hand lower. He ran his hand over his still soft penis and around his balls, soaping them up liberally and rubbing back and forth. He felt it thickening more, slowly raising, and he paused for a moment.

Did he have time to do this? Did he want to do this? Should he do this?

He thought for a second. His brain told him just to wash and get out. That there was no time to waste. But his dick was now pointing up proudly.

And it was saying very different things.

He dropped the washcloth and turned in the shower. He reached down and wrapped his right hand around his erection and began to slowly stroke, his thumb and two fingers sliding up and down over the shaft, his eyes closing, imagining...

Nick was standing in front of him, wearing those white boxer shorts. They looked so small on him now. He could see a large bulge in them. In one motion, Nick was sliding off the boxers and now he was standing in front of Matt naked.

Nick was so fucking hot. His body was so beautiful. The muscles in the chest, the impossibly large erection. Matt was so in love with that body. It was just as he had imagined it would be. Nick was so perfect.

Matt was kneeling in front of Nick now, opening his mouth for him. Kneeling in front of Nick and Nick was slowly stepping up to him, a large smile on his face, one hand holding his steely shaft. Matt's eyes flicked from Nick's dick to his face. Nick was smiling at him, encouraging him, and now his dick was at Matt's lips and it was sliding into his mouth.

Matt stood there in the shower, his eyes closed, his mouth hanging slightly open, stroking slowly and imagining that fleshy tube sliding into his mouth.

He could almost feel it on his lips...

He stroked faster. Squeezing himself a little harder. His left hand slowly rubbed up his chest, reaching his right nipple and slowly rubbing over the nipple and the nipple ring. Electricity seemed to flow from the nipple to his cock, and Matt groaned ever so quietly.

He rubbed again.

Then his hand slid down to rub and gently bounce his balls in their fleshy sack.

He groaned. He was stroking faster now.

It was the same dream. The same dream he always had while masturbating and thinking about Nick. In his mind Nick was on his knees in front of him. Nick was taking him into his mouth.

Matt's hand slipped under his balls and his finger slowly rubbed around the rim of his asshole.

'Suck me Nick' he said in his mind.

He stroked faster, squeezing harder. The finger pushed against his opening, gently in and out, and then he pushed just a bit harder and it slipped in. He gasped silently, getting used to the sensation, the rhythm of his stroking interrupted for just a second, and then he continued.

It felt so hot, imagining his dick sliding into Nicks mouth. His right hand jerking up and down, the finger of his left hand poking in and out of his hole.

He placed a second finger next to the first, both fingers lubricated by soap, and started to push the second finger in.

Oh God! He was close! His body was taught and straining. He was breathing quickly, his right hand jerking. The two fingers of his left hand jerking in and out, the sensations from his anus joining the feelings coming from the end of his dick. He could feel his balls pulling up. He knew it would be soon.

Now! He was gonna cum now! Now! Cum! Cum now!

He was gonna cum. He started thrusting forward, groaning and moaning. And then he came. Once, twice...five spurts of liquid sprayed out of his dick, coating his chest, a couple landing on the tiles of the wall.

He groaned and thrust one last time and then, breathing fast, leaned his shoulder against the wall, trying to calm down.

He moaned and shuddered, turning back into the spray, almost stumbling a little, slowly sliding back to reality. He stuck his face into the water and it revived him a little.

"Hey! Matt!" came Nicks voice, though the door.

Matt turned quickly.

"What?" he yelled.

"Got about ten minutes!" Nick called.

"Okay!" Matt yelled back. He quickly grabbed the shampoo and washed his hair and rinsed. Then he turned off the water and started to climb out.

As he pulled the shower curtain open, it came crashing down on top of him again.

Matt stood there staring at the shower curtain lying on the floor, and he couldn't help it. He started laughing.

He heard Nick at the door again "Matt? What was that?"

"It's okay!" Matt giggled, "The shower curtain fell down again."

"Okay!" said Nick. "You've got to hurry Matt, okay?"


Matt stepped over the curtain and out of the tub. He picked up the curtain rod and tried to put it back up, but it wouldn't go and he was starting to get cold, standing there naked and wet. He dropped the curtain back in the tub and grabbed a towel and quickly dried himself down.

Then he filled the basin and shaved.

After shaving he combed his hair quickly into place, and looked around the bathroom. He suddenly realized that in his hurry he hadn't brought any clothes in with him. Damn! He could either put on the old clothes and go out and get clothes, or he could go out in a towel and get the clothes. Either choice posed problems. Why would anyone wear their clothes from yesterday to get clean clothes? That didn't make sense.

But going out with just a towel wrapped around his middle was a little disconcerting too.

But it was the obvious thing to do...

Matt checked that the towel was securely around his waist, then he slowly opened the door, trying to figure out where Nick was. He could hear the TV. He leaned out a bit and could see that Nick was sitting on the bed.

'Okay,' he thought, 'I can do this.' He took a breath and walked into the room. Nick looked up and smiled, and Matt blushed. He was about to say that he forgot his clothes, but then decided that was so obvious and it would just make him look like an idiot.

Matt walked over to his suitcase and quickly pulled out jeans, boxers, and a shirt, then he turned to go back into the bathroom. Nick had stood up and was standing between the bed and the TV, seemingly intently watching what was on, with the remote in his hand. To get back to the bathroom he was going to have to go right past him.

Nick looked up. "You almost done?" he asked, smiling.

"Just got to...." Matt began, and held up the clothes.

"Oh! I'll turn around, don't worry," said Nick, and he turned away from Matt.

Matt stood there for a moment. Now he couldn't go into the bathroom. Nick had effectively forced him to get dressed in the room. What was he supposed to do now? He felt himself shaking a little, and he turned away from Nick and looked at the clothes in his hands. He dropped the boxers and jeans on the suitcase, and put on the shirt, hastily buttoning it up. He looked down and saw that the shirt hung fairly low. He could risk just dropping the towel, or he could try pulling his boxers up under the towel.

Matt quickly cast a glance back to see that Nick was still facing away from him.

Matt picked up the boxers, dropped the towel and carefully stepped into the boxers, pulling them up quickly. Then he grabbed his jeans and stepped into them. As he was pulling them up he cast a quick glance back at Nick and got the shock of his life. He noticed something he hadn't seen before. There was a mirror on the opposite wall. A full-length mirror. He could clearly see Nick in the mirror.

Nick was smirking at him! Nick had been watching him!

Matt stepped backwards and nearly tripped on his pants. He tugged at them and hastily pulled them up, stumbling a little as he tried to keep his balance. At last the jeans were up and he zipped them and buttoned the top button and fastened the belt.

And then he stood there, trying to figure out what to do next.

"Matt, you've got to hurry," Nick called softly.

Matt turned to face Nick, blushing a little, but Nick said nothing. Instead he just smiled back and then quickly turned and surveyed the room.

"I'll go try and fix the shower curtain again," Nick suddenly said, and he walked into the bathroom.

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 7

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