Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Aug 3, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Thanks to mattvt for reviewing and proofing parts of this story; all errors remain my fault!

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 5 - Bed Time

Matt felt panic inside him. All kinds of possibilities, probabilities and disasters played out in his head in just a few seconds. What did this mean? Was Nick coming on to him? He couldn't be, could he?

And what if he did something wrong, and Nick found out?

"Okay....ah...sure," said Matt. But he still wondered. What if something happens? He could be in such trouble.

Matt realized he was shaking. He needed to sit down. He walked over to the bed, partly in a daze, absently rubbing his shoulder, and sat down.

"Hey! Let me do that!" said Nick, and he walked over and sat down on the bed next to Matt, turning to face him and reaching out to rub his shoulder.

"It's okay," Matt began to protest.

"No man, this is my fault," Nick said, waving away the protest.

Matt winced as Nick squeezed.

"Oh! sorry! You okay?"

"Yeah," Matt nodded.

"I should take a look," said Nick. "You better take off your shirt."

"Wha...what?" asked Matt, turning to look at Nick in shock.

"Just to see it's okay," Nick said, and he reached out and put his hands on the bottom of Matt's t-shirt.

"It's okay," Matt protested loudly, grabbing at the bottom of his shirt and tugging it down as Nick was pulling it up.

"Dude, it's okay, just let me take a look," Nick said, continuing to pull.

Matt held for a second, and then reluctantly let go. What was he going to do? Have Nick tear off his shirt?

Nick pulled up the shirt as Matt put up his arms and Nick pulled the shirt up and off the arm, but didn't pull the shirt off the rest of the way so that just Matt's left shoulder was uncovered.

Nick whistled.

"What?" asked Matt.

"You need to get some ice on this. You're gonna have quit a bruise tomorrow."

"It'll be okay."

"No, there's an ice machine down the hall."

"No! It's okay," said Matt, but Nick was standing up, straightening up the robe and he walked over and picked up his wallet.

"Back in a minute," he said, but before Matt could say anything, Nick disappeared out the door.

Matt sat on the bed, wondering how he'd got into this mess.

Nick had been gone a minute or two when there was a knock at the door. Matt got up and went to the door to let Nick in, wondering why he didn't take the key card.

Matt opened the door to find a middle-aged woman wearing a gray uniform and a hair net staring at him. He stepped back in surprise.

"House keeping," she smiled at him.

Matt stared back at her, wondering what she wanted. Was she here to turn down the pillow?

"You have some wet clothes that need drying?" she prompted.

"Oh, yeah," said Matt, blushing in embarrassment. He turned to go back into the room. He figured his own clothes would dry, or he'd just take them back wet, so he'd just send down Nick's clothes.

Matt walked into the bathroom and looked down into the tub. The shower curtain and rod were lying there on top of Nicks clothes.

Damn! The shower curtain. He'd have to fix that...he hoped he could fix it. God, he hoped this wasn't going to cost money to repair.

He quickly pulled up the curtain and dropped it outside of the tub so that he could get at Nicks clothes. He grabbed the jeans, shirt, t- shirt and socks. Just the boxers lay in a heap in the tub. He paused for a moment, and then reached out and touched them...he was touching them! He had a reason to touch them and he was touching them!

For a second he felt a wave of excitement.

And then it past. They were cold and damp. A piece of wet cloth that didn't feel very sexy or intimate. Holding them in his hand he couldn't even really imagine that Nick had just been wearing them.

He was surprised. He thought it would have been much more exciting. He thought he'd get hard immediately. Instead, he regarded them with almost academic interest.

He stood there for a moment, and then smiled to himself and dropped them on top of the pile of clothes in his arm. Then he turned and went out to the woman still waiting at the door.

"Here they are," he said to her, smiling, trying to appear normal and unfazed that he'd just handed to her the wet clothes of a teen idol.

"They'll be ready by eight AM," she said smiling, and turned to go.

Matt was just about to turn and go back into the room when he heard someone shout 'Hey.' He stepped forward and looked down the hall to see Nick walking back towards him, a plastic bag with some ice in it swinging in his hand. The robe was loose and open down to the belt that was tied around his waist. For a second Matt wondered what would happen if the belt came undone.

Nick seemed oblivious to the fact he was nearly naked, though he did casually pull the robe together as he drew up to Matt.

"Still sore?" Nick asked.

"A little," Matt nodded, unconsciously rubbing his shoulder again.

"This'll help then," Nick smiled, holding up the small bag of ice.

Matt turned and went back into the room, Nick following behind him. Matt suddenly realized that his shirt was still half off him, and the woman from the hotel had seen him like that. He looked down. She would have seen his nipple ring too! Oh God! He would have died of embarrassment if he had realized it at the time.

Another thought crossed his mind. Had she noticed Nick, half naked, walking back to the room?

Normally something like this would be enough to freeze him in panic or find him locked in the bathroom with a panic attack. Instead he just shook his head in amazement at the situation he now found himself in.

"So sit down, let me see that again," Nick said, and he put his hands gently on Matt's back and pushed him towards the bed.

Matt could have resisted. He thought that he should. That he should tell Nick he was okay, but instead he just sat down, barely moving, trying hard not to look at Nick.

Nick looked closely at Matt's shoulder and made a 'tut-tut' noise and then put the bag up to Matt's shoulder.

Matt blanched and sucked in his breath.

"Hurt?" Nick asked him.

"A little," Matt agreed.

"It should feel better in a moment, and it'll help tomorrow so you gotta do it," Nick said quietly.

They sat there, neither saying anything. Matt staring at the wall, trying not to look at Nick, Nick holding the bag against Matt's arm, intently studying what was happening.

Nick moved to get more comfortable and the bag slipped out of his hand and landed in Matt's lap.

Matt jumped a little and Nick laughed. "Sorry," he said, reaching down and grabbing the bag, and quickly putting it back on Matt's arm.

"That's okay," Matt said quietly, turning to look at Nick. Nick was still staring intently at what he was doing, but he glanced back at Matt, holding his eyes for a moment and flashing a rye smile.

"Felling better?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," Matt nodded, "you don't have to..." and he reached up to take the bag out of Nick's hand.

Nick playfully slapped away Matt's hand.

"It's no trouble, just sit still and stop moving!"


That sat in silence.

"So ahh...when'd you get the rings?" Nick asked.

"Rings? Oh!" Matt blushed. "Last year."

"Yeah? Cool," said Nick casually, adjusting the bag a little.

"Yeah," Matt agreed, not sure what else to say. Suddenly he wondered whether Nick thought he was weird or something.

"They hurt much?"

"Not really...a bit" Matt said. He turned to see whether Nick was regarding him with disgust or contempt, but all he saw was a big grin on Nick's face. Matt blushed and looked away.

"My Mother would kill me if I got something like that," Nick said quietly.

Matt laughed a little. "Yeah..." he agreed.

"You Mother doesn't like them?"

"About as much as she likes the tattoo," Matt grinned to himself. He'd wanted to do something to update his image. Make people think he was cool. Not just some nerd. The tattoo, earring and nipple rings had all been part of that. He'd hoped they'd make a bigger difference, but he didn't regret doing it. The nipple rings were kind of fun to play with...

He snapped out of it. He'd been dreaming. He turned back to Nick, and saw a quizzical expression on Nick's face.

"Uhh..." Matt began, unsure what to say.

"They're cool," Nick said suddenly, and he seemed to blush.

Matt felt himself blush.

"I should..." Matt began, reaching out for the bag of ice.

"No!" Nick said, resisting Matt's efforts to take the bag. "You just sit there, it's much easier this way."

"Okay," Matt nodded, and he turned to look back at the wall because he didn't know what else to do. But as his eyes traveled back they passed over Nicks lap and saw that the robe had fallen open and he thought he saw....

...but he couldn't be sure. No! He just was seeing leg, thigh and shadow. A lot of leg admittedly, but it couldn't of been...

Matt sat there very still. Not wanting to look back. If he looked back be might not be able to look away...

So he sat there. Very still. Looking straight ahead. His eyes straight ahead.

Oh how they wanted to look back. For a moment they drifted back, but he stopped himself.

Face forward! he told himself. Don't be a pervert! he told himself.

"You okay?" Nick asked.

"What?" Matt mumbled, turning back to Nick.

"You okay?" Nick repeated. "You seem really tense or something."

"Nah, I'm fine, just the....shoulder is a bit sore," he half smiled at Nick.

"Oh, okay, well this is almost melted...I think I should get some more."

"No, it's okay, it feels much better," said Matt.

"Huh! You gotta ice this for a lot longer," said Nick, adjusting the bag on Matt's shoulder.

Matt turned forward again.

And as he turned, he cast his eye over Nicks lap...

...and didn't see a thing. Nick had pulled the robe together.


"I'm gonna get more ice," said Nick, and he hopped up again and walked towards the door. "Back in a minute," he called.

"Okay," said Matt.

Matt got up and walked around. His heart was beating fast. He felt like he was breathing a bit too fast. Was he going to hyperventilate?

And what was going to happen next? Was Nick really going to stay?

"Back!" called Nick, holding up the bag with more ice in it.

Matt smiled, "Thanks Nick," he said, reaching out for the bag. For a second Nick almost looked disappointed, but then he handed Matt the bag.

Matt took the bag and held it up to his shoulder. Nick stood staring at him, seemingly unsure of what to say.

"So....ahh," Nick began, looking a bit unsure. "It is okay if I stay right? I didn't mean to just impose..."

"Yeah, no it's fine!"

"Thanks," Nick nodded. "Uh, so we could probably call down and get them to bring up a fold-away."

"Oh," said Matt, feeling the excitement drain out of him.

"They're not very comfortable..." Nick added casually.

"Oh, well I'll sleep on it," Matt interrupted.

"No! I couldn't do that," Nick smiled, and he went to playfully punch Matt on the other shoulder, but his fist stopped just short and it opened and he patted Matt gently a couple of times. "It's your room," Nick went on.

"Uh, well..." said Matt, not sure what to say next.

"We could always just share," said Nick.


"Whatever you want," Nick said casually, looking around the room as though looking for somewhere else to sleep.

"Well...uh...I don't mind...," Matt began.

"Okay," said Nick casually, and then he yawned. A huge yawn, and then looked at Matt and blushed. "It's only just after 12 and I'm exhausted! I'm a fucking whimp!"

Matt smiled back at him. "I'm tired too!"

"Yeah," Nick nodded.

"Hey," Matt said. "I've got extra boxers if you want something to sleep in."

Nick looked at Matt, a thoughtful expression on his face. Without waiting for an answer Matt went over to his suitcase and opened it. He quickly sorted through the clothes and found a pair of white boxers and hastily pulled them out, holding them out to Nick.

Nick reached out and took the underwear from Matt. It was only as Nick took them that Matt realized the pair had large red chili peppers all over them. He was about to tell Nick he'd find another pair, but then he felt ridiculous.

Nick took the boxers, holding them up by the waistband and smirking at Matt. Then he turned away and bent over, stepping into the boxers and pulling them up under the robe.

Matt turned away as Nick pulled up the boxers. He didn't want to be caught looking.

"How's that?" Nick asked.

Matt turned back to Nick and his eyes almost popped out of his head. Nick had discarded the robe and was standing in the middle of the room, wearing just the boxers, striking a body-builder pose; both arms flexed. He was smiling at Matt and Matt couldn't help laughing. Nick turned to the side and pretended to make another pose and Matt laughed harder.

"Thanks, Matt," Nick said, laughing too and straightening up.

"You know, uh, if you want you could have these pajama pants," said Matt.

Nick's brow furrowed for a moment. "You got another pair?" Nick asked.

"No," said Matt. "But I don't usually wear these, so you could have them."

"That's okay," Nick said, waving Matt off, "these are fine. I usually sleep naked anyway," and with those words ringing in Matt's ears, Nick turned and walked over to the bed, pulled back the covers and climbed in bed.

Matt watched as Nick got himself comfortable, adjusting the pillows and pulling up the covers. Then Nick turned to face Matt and Matt suddenly realized that he was staring.

"Uh..uh...I'm just gonna brush my teeth," said Matt.

"Okay," said Nick casually.

"Ah, you want to brush yours?" Matt asked.

"You got another toothbrush?"

"No, but you can use mine," said Matt.

"Oh, it's okay," said Nick.

"I don't mind...I don't have any diseases," Matt added.

Nick stared back at him, and then he smiled. "Okay," he said, and climbed out of bed.

Matt had thought that Nick would either want to go first, or wait for him to finish, but Nick followed Matt into the bathroom, declining Matt's half-hearted attempt to wave him in first.

So there he was. Standing in the small bathroom, trying to brush his teeth, aware that Nick Carter, wearing just a pair of boxers - his boxers - was standing about a couple of inches from him.

Waiting for him...watching him...

It might have been easier if he could just stare straight ahead and not see or think about Nick. The problem was that when he looked forward he saw Nick in the mirror, standing right beside him.

His naked chest, right there, right beside him.

And if he looked away; well what did he look at? And wasn't it kind of odd to be in the bathroom and not look in the mirror?

So he just concentrated on brushing as quickly as possible.

When he was done he rinsed the toothbrush thoroughly and then turned to hand the brush to Nick, almost barging into Nick he was standing so close.

"Thanks," said Nick, taking the brush out of Matt's hand.

Matt quickly exited the bathroom and climbed into bed, aware that he was thickening, and had only just got out of the bathroom in time.

He sat in the bed, nervously waiting. Wondering. It seemed that Nick was taking forever. But then he heard the toilet flush, and the door opened and Nick came out and walked over to the other side of the bed and climbed in.

Matt watched as Nick made himself comfortable, conscious of how close Nick was. That he was sharing a bed with him.

He wondered if Nick might touch him accidentally. He thought about moving his leg, but quickly dismissed the idea.

And then Nick turned to Matt and smiled, and Matt realized he was in bed with Nick Carter.

'Fuck!' he thought to himself.

Nick grinned even wider. "So I'll buy you breakfast in the morning."

'You don't have to," Matt protested.

"No problem....oh probably should set the alarm."

"Oh sure," said Matt. "What time do you want to get up?"

"Ah seven-thirty okay? I gotta be somewhere by nine."

"Okay," said Matt, leaning over and starting to adjust the radio alarm clock that was on the night table beside him. Matt had used the alarm the previous night, though it had taken him some time to figure out how to set the thing.

He fiddled with the clock, aware that Nick was watching him, and conscious that it was taking longer than it should.

He looked over his shoulder at Nick and blushed. "This thing hates me," he said, by way of apology.

Nick laughed. "I could call the front desk and have them call us," he offered.

"No, I'll get it," said Matt, turning back to the clock and fiddling with it.

For the third time the button seemed to stick, causing the hour setting to change rapidly past the time he wanted. Then it stopped moving altogether, no matter how hard he pushed the button. He cursed the damn thing.

"Hey Matt! It's okay...this is easier," Nick said.

Matt looked back and Nick had picked up the phone and was dialing the front desk. Matt watched and listened as Nick asked for a wake-up call. Matt decided to give up. He wanted to throw the damn clock on the floor, but it wasn't his, so he couldn't.

Instead he sat back in the bed, embarrassed that he couldn't even set the time on the damn clock.

"You okay?" Nick asked.

"Huh?" said Matt, lost in his thoughts.

"Those cheap shitty radios never work properly," said Nick. "I never bother with them."

"Oh, okay," said Matt, feeling even stupider that he hadn't known he had been wasting his time. He felt like a fool.

" want to go to sleep?" Nick asked Matt.

Matt turned to Nick. "Yeah, sure," he said.

Nick nodded slowly in agreement and Matt reached out and turned off the light next to the bed. The room plunged into semi- darkness.....the light in the hallway was still on.

"Damn!" Matt groaned. He'd forgotten to turn the damn thing off and he'd have to get up to do it.

"I'll get it," said Nick, and he leapt out of bed before Matt could move, and ran over to the hallway and flicked the switch.

The room went completely black.

There seemed to be no light at all.

Matt reached out for the table, feeling around for the lamp. He found it and flicked on the light. The bright light caught Nick a bit by surprise, as he'd been trying to feel his way back to the bed in the pitch dark, his hands out, feeling his way carefully with his feet.

Nick giggled and straightened up and ran over to the bed and jumped in.

"Okay, I'm ready," he said, and Matt turned off the light again.

It was pitch black.

Matt sat there. Trying to see, trying to think. Ever so slowly the darkness started to lighten and he could just make out some shapes. The television, the desk, the folds in the bed that were Nick lying in the bed next to him.

Matt shivered. He was sleeping in the same room as Nick Carter! The same bed! Would anyone believe him? Would he believe it himself tomorrow?

He slid down under the covers, making himself comfortable. He could hear, and feel, Nick moving about.

Matt lay there quietly.

"Night Matt," came Nicks voice quietly through the dark.

Matt swallowed.

"Goodnight Nick," he said back softly.

Matt lay there. Lay there thinking. Thinking about what had happened that day. About the job interview...

Fuck! The job interview! Was that really this morning? He'd completely forgotten about it! He lay there and smiled to himself. What a day he must of had if he could completely forget that!

He closed his eyes, but it didn't help. He knew it was going to be difficult getting to sleep. But he didn't care. This was too good to be true. He wanted it to last as long as possible. He knew nothing would happen, but he wanted to lie there and savor it. So he just lay there, thoughts bouncing around in his head. Most of them were thoughts of Nick. Nick soaking wet, the water beading in his hair and running down his face. Nick wearing his boxers and striking those ridiculous poses. Nick helping him up in the bathroom....Nick taking the hotel room card out of his hand...Nick sitting next to him, holding the bag of ice against his arm...Nick

A noise came from the other side of the bed and Matt's eyes popped open. He heard Nick moving about. Was he awake, or moving in his sleep? Matt lay still, trying to hear something; even the sound of Nick's breathing. If it was slow and regular then it might mean that Nick was sleeping.

But after a few minutes of lying there, holding his own breath to try and hear something, he realized he couldn't hear a thing.

Matt rolled over and tried his other side. Maybe he could sleep that way.

But now he was facing Nick, and he felt this incredible desire to roll towards reach out and touch him. He felt like he was being pulled towards Nick. Like he was on the edge of a cliff and slipping down...

He rolled back to face the other way.

It helped. He could manage his desire now.

But he wasn't going to get to sleep soon. He knew that. Everything felt wrong.

There was a strange and unfamiliar feeling from this room. Or was it the knowledge that Nick was lying in the bed next to him? That his body was so close he could touch it if he just moved?

But then another thought came to him and he cursed himself. Did he really need to go to the bathroom again? Fuck! Didn't he go just before?

Maybe he didn't need to go. It'd be okay. Just a feeling that would pass if he ignored it. He'd just gone before, so he clearly didn't need to go again. Just put it out of his mind.

Ignore it.

Think about something else....

Think about Nick....mmmmmmm.....

God! He really did need to go!

Okay, it wouldn't be that difficult. It was dark, but he could make out shapes of the obstacles in the room.

He didn't want to turn on a light and wake Nick.

He slowly and carefully pulled back the covers.

Very slowly he put out his legs and swiveled around so that he was sitting up.

Very slowly, he pushed with his hands and stood up, holding his breath as he did it.

Then very slowly he edged his way towards the bedroom.

He was about half way there when he heard a little rustling, and a click, and the light turned on, almost causing him to jump in surprise.

Matt turned back and saw Nick sitting up in the bed, looking a bit sleepy.

"You okay?" Nick asked.

"Just...bathroom...sorry," said Matt.

"It's okay," said Nick, yawning.

Matt stood there for a moment, not sure what to do or say, but he realized there really wasn't anything to do at that point except use the bathroom as quickly as he could. He quickly disappeared into the bathroom, cursing himself for waking Nick.

Nick smiled a sleepy smile at Matt as he came back into the room. Matt blushed and walked to the bed climbing in and pulling up the covers in one motion, trying to get comfortable as quickly as possible.

"Okay?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," said Matt. "Sorry."

"No problem," said Nick.

The light clicked off.

"Night," said Nick.

"Night," said Matt.

It was quiet....dark....just lying there....thinking about nothing....why was it so hard to get to sleep?

...go to should be so easy....why wasn't it?

He was hot. That was it! Matt decided he was hot. Usually he slept in just boxers and a t-shirt. He was used to sleeping in a cold and rather drafty room too. This hotel room was almost uncomfortably warm, and here he was in these damn pajama pants. Why did he put those on?

Nick! He'd put them on because Nick was there. But now he was hot! What to do? He could take off a cover....but that would mean getting out of bed and disturbing Nick. Or, he could just take off the pajama pants. Maybe that would do.

Matt slowly slipped his hands down to the pajama pants, and slowly pushed them down, bringing his knees up to make it easier. Working slowly and as quietly as possible. The last thing he wanted was Nick asking him what he was doing.

God! What would he say then?

They were off! Now what to do with them? Drop them on the floor?

He decided to just push them down to the end of the bed.

Now just close his eyes...


...go to sleep......


"What?" said Matt, opening his eyes. Nick was standing beside the bed. It must be morning. The room was light, yet no lights were on. Something was different, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Matt," whispered Nick, are you awake?

"Yeah," said, Matt, sitting up. Nick sat down on the side of the bed just a couple of feet away from him.

"Sorry if I woke you," said Nick.

"It's okay Nick," said Matt. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," said Nick, nodding, and then he pursed his lips, "I mean no."

"What?" said Matt, "I don't understand. Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm just..." Nick looked into Matt's eyes and smiled, "I's nothing."

"No, what's the problem? You can tell me?" said Matt. He looked at Nick. Nick was such a beautiful color. His skin was so vibrant, he was like the most perfect example of a body he'd ever seen and he couldn't stop looking at his chest and at the tight boxers he was wearing. Matt's boxers seemed way too tight for Nick, and the bulge between his legs seemed very large. Matt felt himself filling with desire for Nick. If Nick made a move he wasn't going to refuse him.

But would he?

"It's just...I really like you Matt. I really enjoyed our evening together," said Nick.

Matt smiled. "I really enjoyed it too Nick, I had a great time. Thanks so much for taking me around..."

Nick nodded. He was closer now. When did he move closer? He was staring into Matt's eyes. Matt was staring back. Normally he's have blushed and turned away by now, but he didn't. It was like he was falling into Nick's eyes. He was trapped inside them and couldn't break away.

And Nick was leaning closer, and then Nick whispered.

"Would it be okay if I kissed you Matt?"

Matt felt the air rush out of his chest. His heart was beating fast and he felt like his insides wanted to jump out of his skin.

He nodded and smiled. "I'd like that Nick," he said quietly.

And Nick leaned closer....closer....and then Nicks lips touched Matt's, a soft, slightly wet touch that sent chills through his spine, and made his whole body tingle. Matt threw his arms around Nick as Nick's body lurched towards him, Nicks arms around Matt, rubbing up and down his back and pulling their bodies together.

They were entwined together, running there hands up and down each others backs, there tongues wrestling in their mouths, their chests touching....pulling each other closer.

"Nick, Nick," Matt whispered as their lips parted and Nick started to cover the side of his face with kisses.

"I want you Matt," Nick whispered back. "I want you Matt! Matt!" Matt!"

"Nick!" Matt moaned.

"Matt!" Nick called. "Matt?"

"Huh?" Matt grumbled, opening his eyes. The room was different again. It was morning and some light was coming through the curtains. The table lamp was on and Nick was sitting up in bed beside him.

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 6

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