Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Jul 27, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Thanks to mattvt for reviewing and proofing parts of this story; all errors remain my fault!

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 4 The Hotel

At the crosswalk Nick had let go of Matt's arm. Matt let out a small breath, but caught himself as Nick turned to look at him. Had Nick heard it, Matt wondered? But before he could worry, the light had changed, and they were off across the street.

Ten minutes later they arrived at the hotel. Matt had been practicing his thank you speech for the last block, and was pretty sure he could get through it. But Nick just walked in as though he was going to come up to the room with him.

He was going to come up to the room with him?!

Before even this had sunk in, they were walking through the lobby to the elevator. Matt was skip running to try and keep up with Nick.

Nick stabbed at the elevator button. Matt looked around, expecting the elevator to open immediately, but it didn't.

'Okay', he though, now would be a good time to do the thank you speech and say good night.

He opened his mouth...

'Ding' the elevator door swung open and Nick walked in, Matt trailing behind.

"What floor?" Nick asked.


"Floor. What floor is your room?"

"Ahh...seventeen," Matt mumbled, and Nick stabbed the 17 button.

A businessman entered and pushed the button for the 12th floor. The doors closed and the elevator slowly began its ascent.

The businessman turned and cast his eye over the two dripping wet young men standing in the elevator. The brunette seemed embarrassed and looked away from him, but the blond stared back at him with a large grin on his face.

"Still raining?" the businessman asked Nick.

"No," Nick, replied with a straight face.

The businessman's eyebrows arched curiously.

"We were just down in the pool," Nick added.

The elevator dinged and the door opened. The businessman looked at Nick thoughtfully. Nodded slowly and then stepped out.

The door closed and Nick looked at Matt and howled in laughter. Matt couldn't help himself. He started laughing too.

The two of them rode the rest of the way without saying a word. Just glancing at each other every few seconds. Nick grinned at Matt as Matt tried to shake some of the water out of his hair, but they didn't say another word.

The elevator stopped and they got out. Matt fished around in his pocket and pulled out his card key. They walked slowly down the hall until they came to his room.

Matt stopped and turned back to face Nick though he couldn't quite look him in the eyes......

"" he began nervously and then looked at Nick. Really looked at him. Nick was sopping wet. His shirt and pants were soaked and water was beaded in his hair. Water was running down his face. Matt looked down at his own clothes and realized he was just as wet, if not wetter.

And he was starting to feel cold too.

He looked up at Nick again and couldn't help it. He started to laugh. A small giggle really.

Nick gave him a questioning look, then he started to laugh as well.

"I guess we are kind of wet," Nick said, leaning against the wall for support as he laughed.

"Yeah," Matt laughed. "You should...I'll get you a towel."

"Okay," said Nick, stopping his laughing, but a smile still on his face.

Matt suddenly felt a wave of panic come over him. What had he just done? He swallowed, then turned quickly and nervously jammed the key card into the door. He tugged at the door, but it didn't move.

He jammed the card in again. The green light came on and he pulled at the door again. Still nothing happened. He glanced over at Nick, who was watching him closely.

"It's ahh..." Matt began, then turned back to the door and tried the card again. Still no luck.

"Can I try?" Nick asked quietly. Before Matt could reply, Nick reached out and tried to take the card out of Matt's hand as Matt went to shove it back in the door.

"No it's okay, I've..." Matt began.

And then Nick touched him.

Nick's hand touched his! It was so warm, and he felt what seemed like a small shock pass through him.

"Let me," Nick said quietly, his hand now underneath Matt's, almost wrapped around his hand. Matt opened his hand and the card dropped into Nicks hand, but Nick didn't pull his hand away. He held it there for a moment longer than seemed necessary, holding Matt's hand in his.

Matt turned back to look at Nick, and saw Nick was staring at him. Matt couldn't tell what he was thinking, but he quickly pulled his hand back, too scared to think straight.

"Okay," said Nick, straightening up a little as Matt stepped away from him. "Let's see if this works," and he turned and pushed the card into the lock. The green light flashed. Nick turned to Matt briefly and smiled a small smile, then he put his hand on the door ... and gently pushed the door open.

Nick turned back to Matt and smiled. Matt blushed, thoroughly embarrassed.

"Come on," Nick said, and walked into Matt's room, Matt following in behind him, suddenly wondering what the room looked like. Had he left out any underwear or anything?

Nick walked down the short passageway into the small bedroom. Matt saw Nick quickly scan the room, and he wondered what Nick thought of it. Nick probably hadn't been in such a small hotel room in his life!

Matt glanced around quickly, making sure there was nothing in plain site that shouldn't be there. Seeing nothing, he quickly backed up the passageway and stepped into the bathroom. He saw two large towels and grabbed them both. Quickly going back to the room he found Nick casually eyeing Matt's computer sitting on the small table next to the television.

Nick looked up as Matt held out one of the towels to him.

"If you want to use the bathroom it's...I'll dry off out here," Matt said to Nick.

"Thanks!" Nick said, taking the towel. "Though I don't know if a towel is gonna do much good...I'm soaked!" Nick grinned at Matt and Matt smiled back nervously, not sure what to say.

Matt's mind was traveling a mile a minute, trying to think of different possibilities. Could Nick squeeze the water out of his clothes? If they hung them up in the shower how long would they take to dry? Would Nick fit Matt's clothes? Could he lend him something and then Nick could return them later?

That possibility was exciting. It meant there was a reason to see Nick again; unless Nick just posted back the clothes.

But Matt didn't have long to think as Nick took the towel and disappeared into the bathroom. Matt wondered if he should have offered him clothes. Damn! He didn't know what he was supposed to do!

He looked at himself in the large mirror over the desk. God! He looked like a drowned cat!

He quickly dragged the towel through his hair, trying to get as much water out as possible. Then he dropped the towel and unbuttoned his shirt, carefully pulling off the sodden clothing. It felt so weird to take it off as it clung to his arms.

The white t-shirt underneath was just as wet.

"Hey" Nick called from the bathroom.

Matt walked quickly over to the passageway and looked into the open bathroom door. He nearly gasped aloud. Nick was standing in the bathroom shirtless. He was toweling down his chest and arms, and Matt managed to get a good eyeful of his upper body. Around Nicks waist, a good inch and a half of blue plaid boxers were visible above his blue jeans.

Matt felt himself getting hard.

"Is it okay if I wear this robe?" Nick asked.

"What?" Matt asked, puzzled.

Nick threw the towel casually over his right shoulder and reached out behind the door with his left hand. He pulled out a large white piece of material that Matt realized was a hotel robe.

"Oh, sure" said Matt.

"Thanks," said Nick, looking back at Matt, and then he smiled. "Hey nice tattoo, man." He said.

"What, oh...thanks," said Matt, looking down at the colorful dragon on his upper right arm, almost as though he hadn't noticed it before.

He looked back at Nick.

"You have some nice one's too," Matt said sheepishly, staring at the tattoo's on Nick's upper body.

Nick grinned and then his eyes traveled down Matt's chest. Matt looked down and realized that through the wet t-shirt you could clearly see his two nipple rings.

Matt blushed bright red.

"Uh, huh, I'm gonna get changed," Matt said, pointing back into the room, and stepping quickly back.

Nick waved a hand at Matt, "Okay, I'll be out in a minute!"

A minute?! Matt started to panic. He didn't want to still be dressing when Nick came out. He almost ran over to his suitcase and hastily opened it, grabbing at a t-shirt, boxers and pajama pants.

He pulled off the t-shirt, laughing to himself as he pulled the wet shirt off, and toweled himself down. He hastily pulled on the dry t- shirt, then dropped his pants and underwear, quickly swiping the towel up and down his legs.

He was still hard, and the feeling of the towel over his penis and around his balls did nothing to lesson the erection. He grabbed the boxers, a black pair with silver stars, and pulled them on, then pulled on the pajama pants. The pants matched the boxers; black with moons and stars.

For a moment he thought how ridiculous it was wearing matching underwear and pajama pants, and he thought about changing boxers, but it was too late. The bathroom door opened and he heard Nick coming out of the bathroom.

Matt quickly jumped on the bed and pulled up his legs, trying to conceal his erection.

Nick walked in, wearing the white robe, with a towel draped around his neck. His hair was all spiky and messed up, but he still looked very cute.

Nick stopped suddenly, as though surprised to see Matt sitting on the bed in pajamas, his knees almost up to his chin.

"Uh, hey," said Nick.

"Okay?" Matt asked him.

"Yeah, I left my clothes in the bathroom. I don't know if they'll dry there."

Matt shrugged his shoulders. He's been wondering about that himself, and had no idea.

"You want to use the bathroom?" Nick asked Matt.

Matt started to move, he was about to get up, but then he remembered his erection. "I'll go later," he said.

"Okay," said Nick, taking off the towel and dropping it over the back of the only chair in the room. Nick looked at Matt for a moment, as though expecting him to say something, but Matt just stared back at him, and then looked out the window.

" it okay if I sit down?" Nick asked, pointing at the other side of the bed.

Matt glanced over at the empty space, then turned back to Nick nervously. "Sure, yeah..." said Matt, nodding, and wishing that his erection would go down so he could go to the bathroom.

"Thanks," said Nick, sitting down on the edge of the bed and then pulling himself onto it and sliding backwards so that he was sitting with his back against the headboard.

They sat there in silence. Matt, his knees up to his chin, wishing his erection would wilt. Nick, glancing around, seemingly intently curious about the decorations in the room.

Matt looked over at Nick and saw he was staring at him. Nick grinned and then he lazily waved a hand at Matt's chest.

"So does that work?" Nick smirked.

Matt looked down at his t-shirt. On the front of it was a large red stop sign.

He looked up at Nick and blushed.

"What?" asked Matt.

"Does it keep all your admirers from pawing you?" Nick asked, and he half laughed and then snickered.

"I don't know," said Matt, then a little bravely he added, "maybe you need one like this."

Matt watched Nick to see his reaction. Worried he might have said the wrong thing, but Nick laughed some more.

"Yeah, maybe I do need something like that so the women will keep there hands off me," and then he looked back at Matt for a second and looked serious.

But before Matt could figure out what that meant, Nick laughed again and slid a little down against the pillows. Matt noticed the bottom of the robe was riding up, exposing more of Nicks thighs. Matt realized that his erection had actually gone down, but was starting up again.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom," he stuttered, and scrambled up, trying to face away from Nick and quickly walking to the bathroom.

"Okay," called Nick, smiling to himself.

Matt walked into the bathroom and pulled the door quickly closed and locked it. He let out a long breath. He shook a little from the excitement, but then the moment passed and he felt okay.

He felt okay, except his dick was as hard as rock again. He needed to piss and his dick was solid.

He looked around and saw Nicks' clothes thrown over the bath.

His shirt, t-shirt, soxs, jeans, boxers. Shit! That didn't help! He was torn; he wanted to reach out and touch them, but he was worried that if he disturbed them in any way Nick might notice.

He looked away. He had to get Nick's clothes out of his mind. Had to stop thinking about that...had to do something.

He looked down at the large tent in his pants and pulled them down. The front of his boxers were already marked by a large wet spot about an inch across.

He pulled them down over his erection and looked down at his swollen cock. A large bead of precum formed almost immediately on the piss slit and started to dribble down.

He reached out his right hand and gently placed it around the swollen shaft, almost gasping at the pleasure of flesh against flesh. He stroked a couple of times and another large bubble of precum formed in the piss slit.

Shit! What did he do now? Should he jerk off?

He considered the possibilities. A quick jerk wouldn't take that long; he was already majorly hard. And then the pressure would be off for a while....but would Nick get suspicious? It would be way longer than just using the bathroom....

No! Jerking off was a bad idea.

He wracked his brain. He turned on the cold-water tap and filled the sink, then he grabbed a wash cloth and dumped it into the cold water. Quickly squeezing out the excess water, he took the cold cloth and wrapped it around his penis. The shock of the cold cloth caused him to shiver, though it wasn't quite as cold as a cold shower, and it didn't seem to be having much effect. In fact, the stimulation of the cloth was neutralizing the effect of the cold water.

He put the washcloth back into the water, trying to get it cold again. Wondering if maybe he should take a quick cold shower. He pulled the washcloth out of the water and was about to squeeze it when there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Matt!" Nick called through the door.

Matt jumped, dropping the washcloth and nearly tripping and falling into the bathtub. He stumbled, grabbing at the shower curtain to catch himself. For a second it held his weight, and then there was a clicking sound and the curtain and rod came down on top of him and he crashed down onto the floor, hitting the floor hard with his right knee.

"Shit!" Matt yelled.

Nick knocked on the door more urgently.

"Matt! Are you okay?" he was calling, the doorknob was rattling

Matt groaned and felt his knee. It was a little sore, but not too bad. The shower curtain was draped over him and he tried to shove it off. Nick seemed to be trying to break down the door. Matt hastily pulled up his pants before reaching up to the lock on the doorknob.

"Matt!" Nick yelled, as he shoved the door open.

Matt screamed as the door smashed into his left shoulder and sent him flying against the side of the bathtub.

"Fuck!" Matt gasped, reaching up to his shoulder while trying to push the door away.

"Are you okay?" Nick asked, now in the room and crouching down beside Matt, his face a picture of concern.

"Aww...shit!" Matt groaned, rubbing his shoulder.

"I heard you fall! Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" Nick asked breathlessly. He was surveying Matt, seemingly looking for any sign of damage, his hands were held out, but he didn't seem to know what to do with them.

"Yes. No! I'm okay," Matt groaned. "I just hurt my knee a little."

"Oh! Is it okay? Does it hurt?"

"It's okay, the pain in my shoulder is taking my mind off it," Matt said half seriously, half jokingly, still rubbing his shoulder.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry," Nick said, and he reached out to Matt's shoulder. "Here, let me," he said, pulling away Matt's hand and putting his own onto Matt's shoulder.

"It's okay," Matt protested.

"No, let me," Nick began, then be looked down at the shower curtain that was half draped over Matt's legs and he smiled. "Let's get you out of here," he said, and he picked up the shower curtain and threw it into the bathtub, then he stood up and leaned forward and put out his hands to Matt.

Matt realized that Nick meant for him to take his hands so that he could pull him up. He also noticed that the toweling robe was mostly open in the front, and much of Nick's chest was visible.

A little reluctantly, Matt reached out to Nick and Nick pulled him up towards him. Matt stood up. His knee still hurting. He half stumbled and nearly fell into Nick, but Nick put out his hands and grabbed Matt around the waist, steadying him.

Matt looked down at Nick's hands, and back up into Nick's eyes.

"Thanks," he mumbled.

"You're welcome," Nick smiled. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Matt nodded.

"Okay," said Nick, smiling. "Come on, let me take a look at that," and he motioned for Matt to go out to the room.

"Oh, anyway," Nick continued, as he followed Matt out, "I called down and they said it'd take about an hour to get the clothes dried. Or they can have them ready by morning.." and he paused.

Matt stopped and turned back to face Nick.

"So I was wondering," Nick began. "It's late and all, and I wondered...would it be okay if I crash here tonight? I'll pay any extra charge and I'll pay for breakfast too?"

Matt stared back open-mouthed as Nick smiled at him, his expression hopeful.

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 5

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