Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Jul 25, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Thanks to mattvt for reviewing and proofing parts of this story; all errors remain my fault!

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 2: Flying

The flight had gone well. He hated flying, but it was the logical way to get to New York, and his brain had managed to overrule the panic he felt when flying. Mostly.

He just wished the shaking would stop.

For the past few minutes, the plane had been going through some turbulence. The tray table vibrated disconcertingly, bouncing up and down, and a loud vibrating, thumping noise reverberated through the plane.

He wondered what it would mean if he died. If the plane fell out of the sky, right now, what would he do? Would he be conscious as the plane tumbled out of the sky? What would be think about? Would he try to write some hasty note? Or would he just close his eyes and wait for the end?

...waiting for the end...

He was just wondering if he should maybe pack away his computer before it flew through the air when things began to settle down again.

He took a breath.

He reached down and grabbed the black pack he'd stuffed under his legs. It had contained the laptop, along with some papers and a map of New York. He pulled out a sheet of paper and stared at it nervously. He'd read it a dozen times already, but he kept coming back to it. It had the information about where he was staying, where the interview was, and the phone number of some guy in New York that was the son of a friend of his Mothers.

He hadn't even intended to bring the number, but his Mother had said he should take it 'just in case,' and so he had.

The plane landed without incident, and he had little trouble getting his suitcase. There were a few moments of nervousness, wondering if it was going to appear, but before he really panicked it appeared and he pulled it off the carousel.

Then he had to figure out where to get a cab...wait in a line for a cab...and then the ride in.

He tried to enjoy the drive; tried to look at all the sights and take it all in; but he was too worried about what it was going to cost. Did he have enough money? Was the driver going the right way? Where would he drop him off? How much to tip?

As the cab pulled up to the hotel his mind switched to the next worry: what to tip the doorman? Would they have his reservation?

Fortunately no one opened the door, and the reservation was found without trouble. The fact that he didn't have a credit card was no problem as the room had been prepaid. He just had to show his drivers license and they gave him a room card - not a key - and he was shown up to his room.

It was tiny. Smaller than he could have imagined. Especially a room that contained a queen-sized bed.

He looked at his watch. It was past eight. He was tired. He thought about going to get something to eat, but he didn't want to. He was too nervous.

So he watched some television, jerked off, and went to sleep.

Except he couldn't sleep...


He tossed and turned. Tried to sleep. Thought he slept for a bit. Couldn't be sure.

Kept waking up.

Not sleeping...

He was close...

He stroked the shaft of his penis, his fingers slipping over the ridge of the head, his legs stretched tight...he was close.

The interview hadn't gone well. He'd been nervous. He didn't know what to say.

He tired to clear his mind. Not think about that. Focus on his cock and the feeling as he stroked himself. Feeling his balls drawing up. He had to cum.

He'd stripped off and started jerking practically minutes after getting in the door.

He was close...that moment just before orgasm. His balls pulling up... Faster! He was gonna cum...


God! He was gonna cum!...


Answer the phone or not? He was gonna cum! Damn!


Matt picked up the phone, trying to gather himself together. "Hello," he said quietly.

"! Is this...ah..Matt?" said a strange voice.

"Ahh..." Matt paused. Who was this? Why were they calling? For a moment he thought maybe it was someone from the company he had just interviewed with.

"My names Ethan Thompson, my Mother is a friend..." the voice said.

"Oh hi!" Matt replied a little more relaxed. Now he knew who it was. It was the guy that he had the number for. Probably just checking to see if he was okay. Probably his Mother had called and made him call to see how he was. He suddenly realized he'd become a burden to some stranger he'd never met.

" you're uhh...down for an interview?" the voice asked.

"Yes," Matt replied. 'Be courteous but distant,' he thought to himself, and the guy would leave him alone.

"So when is your interview?" the voice asked, sounding friendly.

"It was this morning,"

"Oh...great," said the voice, sounding surprised. "...I mean how'd it go?"

"Okay," Matt replied.

" how long are you down here for?"

"Til tomorrow."

"Oh, so you got any other interviews?" the voice asked.


"Ah...are you going to tour around New York? What are you doing this afternoon?"

"Ah...I don't know," Matt said flatly.

"Would you..." there was a pause "I could show you around a bit this afternoon if you're interested."

"Oh...thanks...but you don't have to."

"It's no trouble! It'd be fun, and I'm not doing anything," the voice continued.


"I could meet you at the hotel in half an hour and show you around for a bit," the voice persisted.


"Great, so I'll meet you in the lobby at 1? What do you look like?"


"Height? Hair color?"

"Oh, yeah," Matt laughed nervously, "uh about 6 foot, brown hair."

"Okay, I'm wearing a blue shirt and jeans."

"Okay. Uhh...thanks."

"See you in a bit."

Matt hung up the phone and lay back on the bed. He was still slowly squeezing his penis - had been doing it absentmindedly while talking on the phone - but he was only half hard now. He glanced at the clock. Half an hour.

There was plenty of time.

Half an hour later Matt nervously checked himself in the mirror before going down to the lobby. He really didn't want to do it; yet part of him felt that he'd see more of the city if someone who knew New York showed him around.

As the elevator stopped at the ground floor and the door slowly opened, he took a quick breath, then stepped out and glanced around.

He saw a tall, good-looking guy with brown hair standing in the lobby. He was wearing a blue shirt and jeans. The guy looked up and saw Matt and smiled and started to walk towards him.

"Matt?" he asked haltingly, stopping in front of Matt.

"Yeah," Matt nodded.

"I'm Ethan," the man said, extending his hand and smiling. Matt nervously reached out and they shook hands.

They stood there for an awkward moment.

"Well, you ready to go?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah," Matt nodded.

"Okay," Ethan said, turning and heading towards the entrance, Matt trailing behind him.

"So what have you seen? What do you want to see?" Ethan asked.

"Uh...nothing really," said Matt.

They were now out on the street and Ethan stopped and turned to face Matt.


"I don't know," Matt shrugged.

"Well, what would you like to see? Empire State Building? Central Park? Statue of Liberty?"

"I don't mind."

"You want to go to the Met?" Ethan asked Matt, then quickly added, "The Metropolitan Museum of Art."

"Ah," Matt shrugged again.

"No?" Ethan asked.

"I don't mind. If you want to..."

"Well the idea was to do something you would like to do," said Ethan, starting to sound a little irritated.

"That'd be great," Matt said hastily.

"Ahh, okay, come on then," said Ethan, and he turned and set out up the street, Matt trying to keep up with him.

As they went Ethan tried to make conversation, Matt answering in one or two words.

"So what are your plans for tonight?" Ethan asked casually. They'd been wandering around Central Park for the past half hour.

After the initial awkwardness, they'd become more comfortable with one another. Matt was interested in most everything Ethan showed him, and though they didn't talk a whole lot, it had been a pleasant afternoon touring around for both of them.

"I don't know," Matt said.

"Okay," said Ethan, pausing for a moment. Then he took out his cell phone, opened it up and pushed a couple of buttons.

"Hey," Ethan said quietly, turning a little away from Matt.

Matt took the cue and stared off at something in the distance, trying to appear disinterested in what Ethan was saying.

"This thing tonight, would it be okay if I brought someone?" Ethan said into the phone. "I've been showing Matt around and he's not got plans for tonight yet." There was a pause. "Okay, I'll see you later, okay."

Ethan closed the phone and turned back to Matt with a smile on his face.

"So, you want to come to a party tonight?" he asked.

"What kind of party?" Matt asked suspiciously.

"It's a recording industry thing. I don't really know too much about it, but I'm sure it will be fun, and pretty interesting, and you'll meet some interesting people."

"Oh," Matt said. "Who?"

"Um...well I don't really know," Ethan said, "but I happen to know that Justin Timberlake will be there."

"Really?" Matt said, his eyes widening a little. "Anyone else?" he asked, his voice a little high and excited.

"I don't know. You'll have to come to find out," Ethan teased.

Matt stood there for a moment, his eyes wide, and then his smile fell a little.

"'s okay, you don't have to," Matt said.

"Come on! It'll be fun," Ethan said. "How about you go back and get changed. I'm gonna go home and change, and then I'll pick you up at 7."

"UhhhÉ" Matt began to protest.

They arrived at the party a little after 7:30, Matt nervously trailing behind Ethan.

As they entered someone that looked like Justin Timberlake appeared out of the crowd and reached out his hand and shook Ethan's, and then put his arm around Ethan's shoulder and literally dragged him into the room. Matt stood there wide-eyed, and then slowly followed them across the room.

Ethan and Justin stood talking in a corner, Matt standing a little way away from them, trying not to appear to stare at Justin, even though that's what he was doing.

He watched them closely. At first it was out of amazement, then curiosity. He noticed that they seemed very close.

Almost too close.

Matt watched them and wondered.

Eventually Justin disappeared off into the crowd, but not before saying a very brief hello to Matt. Matt got the impression that Justin was going to be back.

As Justin walked away Ethan turned to Matt smiled a small nervous smile. He even looked a little guilty.

"Want a drink?" Ethan asked.

"Sure," said Matt.

They got some drinks and hung out for a while. Matt tried to stay out of the way. As he'd suspected, Justin kept returning to talk to Ethan, sometimes dragging someone along to introduce them. Matt tried to stay out of the way, standing very closely to a large potted plant.

Eventually Matt slipped down the hall and found an empty conference room with a spectacular view of the city. He walked over to the window and discovered a balcony was on the other side and there was a door. He tried the door and it opened and he stepped out onto the balcony.

The balcony was huge, running the length of the building, and yet it was deserted. How could people miss this he wondered? This was incredible.

He walked to the edge and looked out over the city. It was about twenty floors up. The view probably wasn't like that from the Empire State Building, but it was still spectacular. Buildings and streets stretched out before him and it was such a feeling of power to be up above the swirling metropolis. The sounds of the city; car horns and vehicle noises floated up through the air. The lights of the city were dazzling. For a second he wanted to scream out 'I'm the King of the World!'

He leaned out and looked down to see just a bit of the street below.

"Some view huh?" said a voice out of the dark.

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 3

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