Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Nov 8, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 19 - The Work Out

He woke up early. He didn't mean to...didn't usually. Something seemed wrong.

"Hey! Get up sleepy head!" said a voice.

Matt rolled over on his back and tried to focus. Dave was standing beside the bed.

"Huh?" Matt mumbled.

"It's late!" Dave said smiling.

"Late?" Matt repeated.

"Yeah, come on! It's almost 8:30. We gotta get going. Where are your pants?" Dave asked, looking around the room.

"Uh, Dave! What are you doing here?" Matt asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Taking you to the gym, idiot!" Dave threw up his hands as though he couldn't believe Matt was this slow.

"Oh Dave, I can't..."

"Sure you can," Dave said, smiling broadly.

Matt sat there for a moment, staring back at Dave. What was he to do? He thought about telling Dave to piss off, but Dave didn't seem quite like the old Dave he remembered any more. And maybe he should get up, and maybe going to the gym was a good idea.

"Okay," Matt groaned, deciding it would be easier to go than to sit there arguing with Dave for ten minutes. He went to pull off the covers when he realized he was just wearing boxers and a t-shirt.

And he was hard.

Matt stopped, his hand still holding the covers.

"I'll be down in a minute," Matt said to Dave.

"I'll wait," said Dave, grinning.

Matt stared back at Dave. "I can get dressed on my own, thanks."

Dave stared back for a second, then he shrugged. "Okay, I'll be down stairs."

Dave turned and walked out of the room, leaving the door wide open. Matt sat there staring at the open door, silently cursing Dave for not closing the door. He could hear Dave going down the stairs.

Matt struggled out of bed, pulled on a sweatshirt and the nylon track pants, grabbed his crutches and hobbled out of the bedroom. He came to the top of the stairs and saw Dave standing at the bottom of them. Dave smiled and started up the stairs towards him.

"I'll get those," he said, reaching out for the crutches. Matt handed them to him. Than Dave went to put his arm around Matt, but Matt pulled back.

"What?" Dave asked.

"Umm, oh," Matt paused. Going down the stairs standing up, with a broken leg, was actually very difficult, even with someone helping him. His broken leg was still very awkward, so holding onto the handrail and going down was really hard. He felt better sitting down and going down on his ass a couple of steps at a time. It was undignified, but at least he didn't feel like he was going to fall.

"I'll help you," Dave said.

"Uhh..." Matt paused. Well he didn't really want to have Dave watch him go down on his ass either. 'Damn him!' Matt thought; why did he have to turn up now? Couldn't he have come after breakfast? Like around 10:30?

"OK," Matt shrugged. He put his arm around Dave's shoulder, and Dave put his hand around Matt's waist. Matt leaned against Dave, and Dave paused and then leaned the crutches against the wall before grabbing hold of Matt and they started down the stairs, going slowly one at a time. Matt was holding on to Dave with one arm and the banister with the other. It was an awkward shuffle down the stairs. Half way down Matt glanced over at Dave, who was looking down, seemingly watching every step closely. Dave looked up at Matt and smiled. Matt smiled back for a second and then felt guilty.

Was Dave interested in him?

They made it to the bottom of the stairs and Matt untangled himself from Dave.

"You okay?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, yeah," said Matt.

He looked up at Dave and Dave was staring at Matt again, a big smile on his face.

"I'll....I'll get the crutches," Dave said, pointing back up the stairs.

"Okay," Matt nodded.

"Okay," Dave said, still standing there for a moment. Then he suddenly seemed to shake himself and he turned and quickly ran back up the stairs, grabbing the crutches and quickly running back down again.

"Thanks," Matt said, taking the crutches.

"No problem!" Dave smiled.

"I'm just...I'll get something to eat," Matt said, turning and making his way back to the kitchen.

"Okay," Dave called, following behind him.

"You know, you don't have to do this," Matt said.

"No, it's cool," said Dave, following Matt into the kitchen. Matt went and looked in the fridge and grabbed the orange juice. He pulled it out and turned to find Dave standing beside him, holding an empty glass.

"You want some?" Matt asked.

"Nah, it's for you," Dave said, grinning.

"Thanks," said Matt. He undid the top and carefully poured some juice into the glass that Dave was holding. Then he turned and put the juice carton back into the fridge.

"What you going to eat?" Dave asked, putting the glass down on the table.

"Ahh, don't know," said Matt.

"Ok," Dave stood, nodding.

"Poptart?" Matt asked, almost as though seeking Dave's approval.

Dave looked thoughtful. "Okay," he finally said.

"You want one?"


"Can you get them? They're in the pantry."

"Okay," said Dave.

Matt sat down at the table while Dave grabbed the Poptarts.

"Just got raspberry, I think?" Dave called.

"Yeah, that's okay," Matt agreed.

Dave came back in and put them into the Toaster. While they toasted, Dave grabbed a couple of plates. Matt sat, watching Dave busily attending to the toaster.

"Here you go, it's hot," said Dave, putting the plate in front of Matt. Matt looked down at the Poptart sitting on the plate in front of him. For some reason it struck him as funny, but he resisted the urge to laugh.

"Thanks," said Matt, picking up the Poptart and carefully taking a bite out of the corner.

Dave sat down across from Matt and started eating his Poptart. Matt watched him closely. Dave was like a ball of energy. He was looking around, fidgeting, his left leg bouncing up and down. Matt smiled to himself.

Dave turned to face Matt, a curious expression on his face.

"What?" Dave asked.

"What?" asked Matt, the smile vanishing from his face.

"Oh, I thought something was funny."

"No, no..." said Matt.

"Okay," said Dave, taking another bite. He glanced at his watch and looked up. "We should get going."

"Umm," Matt said, looking down at the Poptart in his hand that he'd barely started eating.

"You can finish that in the car," Dave suggested.

"Uh, okay," said Matt.

"I'll carry it for you," Dave said, reaching out and taking the Poptart.

And so Matt found himself once more in Dave's Jeep, heading to the gym, and wondering why he was going.

"Come on!" Dave said, leading Matt back towards the office.

"Where are we going?" Matt half grumbled. He was sweating hard from the workout, and now Dave was leading him back to God knows where. Just as long as it wasn't to the massage room; he'd already decided there was going to be no massage today.

"You'll see," Dave laughed. He stopped at a door and unlocked it and then opened it slowly. Then he waved Matt in. Matt struggled into a small room that seemed mostly empty.

"This is a staff changing room," Dave said. Matt heard a click and he turned to see that Dave had locked the door.

"Come on," said Dave, and he lead Matt back into the room. It turned into a corridor and Dave stopped at a door and opened it. Matt hobbled up beside him and stopped to look inside. It was a large shower.

Matt turned to Dave, who was standing there staring at him.

"It's a shower," Matt said flatly.

"Yep," said Dave, a large smile getting even larger. He reached into a pocket and pulled out a long black plastic bag.

"Uh.....nooooo" said Matt.

What?" asked Dave, innocently.

Matt stared at him for a moment, then he decided to relax and take a casual approach.

"Uh, it's okay, I'll take a shower when I get home."

Dave smirked. "You stink!"

Matt stared back at Dave. "I didn't bring any clothes! I'm gonna shower and then put these back on?" he said, pulling at his damp t- shirt for emphasis.

Dave smirked again and opened the plastic bag and reached in and pulled out some clothing. "Thought of that!" he said, "grabbed a clean t-shirt and underwear for you."

Matt looked at the clothes in Dave's hand and recognized them as his own. When did Dave get those he wondered?

"No, I'm not..." Matt said, shaking his head and starting to step back.

"Don't be such a..." Dave started, looking as though he was about to advance on Matt, and then he paused and took a breath. He smiled and shrugged. "I just thought you might want to wash in here," he said, waving towards the shower, "it has hand rails so it'd be much easier than showering at home."

Matt paused and glanced in the room again. The shower was wide and there was nothing to step over to get into it. As Dave had said there were handrails at waist level. It would be a lot easier to use.

"Come on," Dave said quietly.


"Look, I'll just leave you and lock the door and you can take your time. If you want to do it then fine. If not, just wash up, get changed, and meet me out front. Okay?"

"Umm...." Matt stood there thinking. Dave looked so friendly, had been so kind, he was having trouble figuring out what was going on. This was nothing like the Dave he thought he knew.

Dave held out the plastic bag.

Matt smiled and then made up his mind. "Okay," he said. Matt couldn't help but notice that Dave smiled when he said that.

"Can you...uhh...put the bag in there?" Matt asked.

"Sure," said Dave. "Come on, I'll show you how it works."

Dave waited for Matt to go first, so Matt slowly eased himself into the room, Dave following and pulling the door closed behind them. Matt looked up in surprise and Dave caught his expression and looked apologetic. "Just uhh...I can leave it open."

"It's okay," Matt said.

Dave walked over to a bench and pulled out the t-shirt, socks and boxers and dropped them beside him, then he turned to Matt and held up the plastic bag with a goofy smile on his face.

"Here you go," Dave said.

"Ahh, okay," said Matt.

"I brought ah...rubber bands, some tape and some string," Dave said, fishing through his pockets and pulling things out. "I figure one of these - or all of these - will get the job done!"

Matt laughed. "Okay."

"So want me to go?" Dave asked questioningly.

"Uh..." Matt paused. He wasn't sure what to say. They stood there awkwardly for a moment.

"I'll help you with the bag anyway," Dave said, taking the initiative and stepping forward.

Matt almost instinctively put his hands in front of himself, but it was hard to do since he had the crutches under his armpits. He nearly lost balance, but Dave grabbed him and held him.

"Okay?" he asked softly.

"Yeah," Matt said.

"Maybe you should sit down?" Dave said, leading Matt over to the bench and helping him down. Then he took the crutches and leaned them against the wall. Dave turned back to face Matt. Matt stared at him, unsure what was going to happen.

Dave crouched down beside Matt's leg. He reached down and started to unsnap the pant leg from the bottom. Each button made a loud snap in the empty room as it came undone. Matt was staring down, watching Dave's fingers as they slowly unsnapped one button and then the next. Dave went all the way up his leg, past the end of the cast, stopping with just two snaps left. Matt's boxers were clearly visible and Matt felt exposed.

Dave then held out the bag and Matt lifted up his leg a little and Dave slipped the bag up the leg. It was a big bag and easily covered the whole of the cast. Dave bunched the plastic together and tried to form it around the top of the cast. Matt tried to help, though it was a little awkward. Really, he was just trying to keep Dave from reaching around to his groin.

"Hold this!" Dave said, and Matt grabbed the bunched up bag. Then Dave took a large rubber band and slipped it over the end of the leg and up and just over the cast. The two of them fiddled with the bag and band.

"I think maybe a second one?" Dave asked.

"This one's damn tight," Matt said, laughing a little.

"That'll keep the water out, but we want to make sure. He took another band and slipped it up the leg and into position.

"Okay?" Dave asked.

"Yeah," Matt said.

"Okay," said Dave, still crouching down beside Matt. "So, want me to stay...or wait outside."


"I've seen it all before!" Dave joked.

"It's not that," Matt said hastily.

"Oh! Shy huh?"

"No! I just..."

"Come on, I'm not going to touch you, just want to make sure you don't slip and fall."

Matt sighed. He was being pushed into something he didn't want to do.

"Okay, I'll go," said Dave, getting up.

"Well..." Matt began. "Maybe you could stay here in case something happens," he said.

"Sure," said Dave. "Whatever you want," and he stood there, staring at Matt.

Matt sighed. He pulled off his shirt, unsnapped the last two buttons on the pants and pulled them off, leaving him sitting there in his boxers.

Dave stood there looking at Matt and Matt shivered a little

"I'll get the shower going," Dave said, pointing at the shower.

"Okay," Matt said. He watched as Dave went over to the shower and turned it on.

Matt reached out to grab one of the crutches.

"Hang on!" Dave called, and he ran back to Matt. "Come on, I'll get you in there."

Reluctantly Matt took Dave's hand and Dave helped him up, then Dave put his arm around him and helped him into the shower. Matt stopped and grabbed on to the handrail. The shower was on, and Matt reached out and put his hand under it. It felt warm. It felt good. It would be good to have a shower. It had been a while since he'd felt really clean.

Matt realized that Dave was still standing beside him, and that he still had on his boxers.

"I'll be...I'll wait out there," Dave said, pointing at the room, and stepping back. There was a small thin shower curtain and Dave pulled it closed, providing Matt with some privacy.

Matt stood there, looking at the shower curtain and wondering if Dave was suddenly going to come back through it. But after a few seconds he realized that Dave wasn't, and it was time to get into the shower.

First he had to get off his boxers.

With one hand he shoved them down. It was difficult to get them over the loose ends of the plastic bag, but he finally managed to get them down and they slide down to his ankles and he just had to step out of them. He moved his leg, but that didn't work and he cursed himself that something so simple was a major chore.

Not thinking he went to reach down and pull them off, but as he did so he lost his balance. He was falling. He grabbed at the handrail and just managed to catch it, but the momentum turned him toward the wall and slammed him against it.

"You okay?" Dave asked, sticking his head around the curtain.

Matt startled and turned slightly away from him. Then he turned back. "It's okay," he said weakly, but Dave was already advancing towards him.

"Here, I'll get those," he said, crouching down and grabbing the boxer shorts and then tossing them back out of the room.

"Thanks," Matt said, blushing, his back still to Dave. "Uhh,"

"You sure you're gonna be okay?" Dave asked.

"Yeah," Matt said willing Dave to get out, but Dave didn't move.

"Come on!" Dave said, and he reached out and took Matt's arm and started to pull him towards the shower.

"Look I'm okay!" Matt said, but Dave was now standing in front of him, and the shower water was starting to wet him.

Dave looked down and Matt quickly moved his hand to cover himself, but Dave looked up and smiled.

"I'd say you're more than okay!"

"Dave!" Matt groaned, but Dave wasn't listening.

Matt watched in horror as Dave reached out his hand toward Matt's chest.

Matt half stepped back and then grabbed on to the railing and pulled himself forward, past Dave and under the water.

"Is there any soap?" he asked, the water cascading over his head. He turned back to glance at Dave, who was standing there staring at him. "Soap?" he repeated, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Uh, sure," said Dave, seeming to shake himself. He stood there for a second like a deer caught in headlights and then he turned and quickly walked out of the shower, returning a second later with a bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo.

Dave held out the bar of soap and Matt reached out and took it and then turned around to face away from Dave. He started soaping himself. He worked quickly, hoping that Dave would leave him along.

"Okay?" Dave asked. He was standing just beside Matt, some of the water bouncing off his chest.

"You're getting wet!" Matt joked, trying to make it light as he continued to quickly soap himself with one hand while hanging on with the other.

"It's okay," Dave said, still standing there.

Matt paused for a second to look at Dave, but Dave didn't say anything. He just stood there.

Matt sighed. He was standing naked with Dave right next to him and he didn't know what to do. He didn't want to be here, and yet here he was. If he wasn't so desperate to get out of there as quickly as possible he might have been embarrassed. But he was too busy trying to figure out what to do next.

Matt paused for a second and transferred the soap to his other hand so that he could finish washing himself. He carefully balanced himself on his good leg, but it was difficult and as he went to soap his underarm he nearly slipped. He made a grab for the handrail but Dave grabbed hold of him before he had reached it.

"I've got you!" Dave said huskily, one arm wrapped around Matt's waist, the other on his arm.

"I'm okay," Matt said, trying to move away from him.

"Matt," Dave whispered.

Matt stopped moving. He stood there, the water pouring down, Dave holding him. It felt so odd being there, naked while Dave was in his clothes and soaking wet. He couldn't look at Dave. He just stood there staring forward.

"Matt," Dave repeated.

Matt slowly turned to face Dave. Dave was staring at him, his eyes large.

Matt stared back for a moment.

"Wh...what?" Matt managed to choke out.

"I...I..." Dave began.

"I should finish up and get home...." Matt began, trying to turn away.

"Please..." Dave pleaded.

"What?" Matt asked, turning back to him.

Dave stood there.

"I just...I...You know I'm sorry about...."


"The last few years...I don't know why we...."

"It's okay," Matt said dismissively. "Don't worry about it. We're cool now, right? Let's just..."

"No, No!," Dave pleased, "I just...I...I..."

"What Dave?"

"I like you. I've always liked you."

Matt stood there for a moment, unwilling to listen, unwilling to accept what Dave was saying.

"Sure," he said dismissively.

"I do! I have!" Dave pleaded, and then he leaned forward as though he was going to kiss Matt.

"No, no, no!" Matt shook his head, pulling away from Dave. "No, you can't just do this."

"Matt!" Dave pleaded. The hand that was on Matt's arm slipped onto Matt's chest and started to move downwards.

Matt flinched. He shoved Dave away and lurched back to hold onto the hand railing.

"Don't touch me!" Matt yelled.

Dave stepped back. "I'm sorry!" he almost whimpered.

"I've got to get out of here!"

Matt turned awkwardly and started to walk out of the shower, still holding onto the handrail. He came to the end of the shower and considered his options. His crutches were on the opposite wall and it would be difficult to reach them directly. Maybe he could work his way around the walls.

"Wait," said Dave quietly.

Matt paused. He heard Dave move up beside him and he braced himself, wondering what Dave would do now. But Dave just walked out to the bench, picked up a towel and walked back, holding it out to Matt.

"I'll get your crutches," Dave said.

Matt nodded and started to dry himself. Dave brought the crutches back to Matt and Matt put the towel around his waist and made his way over to the bench. Dave hung back as Matt took off the plastic bag and dressed himself.

"I'll drive you home," Dave said quietly.

"I'll call my Mother," Matt replied.

"No, please, let me drive you."

Matt stood there silently for a moment.

"Okay," he said.

The ride back was silent. They didn't say a word until they were a block from Matt's house.

"Matt," Dave started quietly, "I'm really, really sorry."

"Yeah," Matt said dismissively. He didn't care what Dave was thinking or feeling, he just wanted to get home and get away from him. He could see his house now. There was a bright red car in the driveway that he didn't recognize. Only as Dave turned into the driveway did Matt see the person standing on the front porch.

It was Nick.

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 20

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