Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Nov 6, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 18 - Long Distance Love

The parking lot was mostly empty. Matt couldn't help think about the last time he'd been there.

With Nick.

It was probably not a good idea going there he thought, but Dave had driven them there without even asking Matt if it was okay.

Anyway, he thought, it wasn't like he was cheating on Nick. That wasn't what this was about.

"So when did you first realize you were gay?" Dave was saying to him.

"Ahh, I dunno," said Matt shrugging. "I was about 12 or 13 I guess."

Dave glanced over at Matt and their eye's held for a moment before Dave looked away, nodding.

"Like, how did you know?" Dave went on.

Matt pursed his lips.

"You don't mind talking about it do you?" Dave asked.

"No, it's okay," Matt lied. He felt uncomfortable. Dave was doing all the asking, and Matt wasn't sure how much he wanted to share with him.

"Eh, I started noticing boys when the other boys started noticing girls."

"I know, dumb question, sorry."

"No, it's okay," said Matt.

They sat there in silence for a moment.

"So who'd you have a crush on?" asked Dave with a big grin.


"Yeah, at school! There must have been a few? Come on, who?"

"Uhh...." Matt thought for a moment and then blushed.

"Ahh!" said Dave, laughing. "Spill it! Come on!"

"No!" Matt laughed.


"Uh...Keith," Matt said quietly.

"Keith?" said Dave. "Oh, Keith!" he laughed. "Yeah, he's cute," Dave nodded. "I jerked off a few times thinking about him running around in his soccer shorts!" Dave said laughing.

"Yeah," Matt agreed.

"You and him ever?" Dave asked seriously.

"What?!" Matt gasped.

"Ahh...okay," Dave laughed.

Matt laughed. "Well did you?" he asked.

"Nah," said Dave, serious again. "Though I wanted to."

"Yeah," said Matt, nodding.

"You wanna...get out and walk down to the beach?" Dave asked.

"Uh..." Matt glanced down at his watch. "Don't you have to get back?"

Dave looked at his own watch. "Yeah, I guess. So are you seeing anyone Matt?"

Matt almost jerked in the seat he was so surprised by the question.


"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No it's okay, it's just," Matt paused. "Yeah, I am kind of...well we just started..."

"Oh," said Dave, suddenly looking uncomfortable.

"Uh, what about you?" Matt asked. "You seeing anyone?"

"No," said Dave quietly.

"Oh," said Matt. He sat there puzzled for a moment. Though he had no idea what the arrangement was, Dave had had a friend staying at his house for some time. The friend seemed to have Dave's sister's old bedroom, but Matt suspected that there was more to it than that. They often left together, and Matt had just kind of assumed they were somehow together.

"But what about...Paul?" Matt began, and then stopped.

"Paul?" Dave asked, seeming suddenly cooler.


"No, it's okay. Yeah we were for a while, but not anymore."


"We were just fuck buddies. Not even that now," Dave said, turning towards Matt and looking sad, and then looking back out the window.


"No, it's okay," said Dave. "He moved out."

"Oh," said Matt.

Dave turned and gave Matt a weak smile.

"You okay with that?" Matt asked softly.

Dave shrugged. "Yeah and no. Not altogether my choice, but things happened and it's for the best, you know?"

"Uh, yeah," Matt nodded. "Though it's hard, I'm sorry."

"Yeah," Dave nodded. "Well better get you back."

He started up the car and they drove back in silence.

When he stopped the car at Matt's house, instead of immediately getting out Dave just sat there.

"Hey, ahh thanks for listening," he said.

"Oh, sure," said Matt, a little puzzled as he didn't think they'd really talked about that much.

"Well thanks. should come back tomorrow."


"The gym! I'll pick you up. What time?"

"Oh! No, it's okay."

"Sure, how about first thing?"

"First thing?" Matt almost gasped. He hated getting up early.

"Well, nine? I'll pick you up then," and without waiting for a reply Dave jumped out of the car and came around to the passenger side.

"I'm not sure if I'll be able to," Matt protested as he clambered out with a little help from Dave.

"Well, I'll stop by and see," said Dave. "Good luck with the boyfriend," he added in a whisper, and then helped Matt inside the house.

It was late. Matt was sitting in bed, his computer on the tray table in front of him. He was connected to the Internet, reading some porn stories and wondering if Nick would come on IM soon. It was already 11:30 and he was tired, but he didn't want to go to sleep just in case Nick turned up.

He glanced at the time and then back at the story. It wasn't a great story. It was more pornographic than literature or plot. He'd been thinking about jerking off, and when he'd started reading he'd gotten hard and begun squeezing himself. But it was almost absentmindedly, and though his boxers now had a large wet spot he'd kind of lost interest.

If he was going to jerk off he'd have to do something to revive his interest.

The cell phone on the table rang and he reached out and grabbed it.

"Hey," he said into the phone softly.

"Hey baby," came the familiar voice back to him.

"Hey Nick," Matt almost whispered into the phone. Even though he was along in the bedroom, with the door closed and locked, he still felt vulnerable. He moved a little in the pillows to get more comfortable, pushing the table forward and out of the way.

"How's you leg?"

"Oh, it's great!" Matt said.


"The other one in the cast aches a little and is a pain to get around in, but my left leg is great!"

Nick laughed. "Uh huh. So what have you been up to?"

"Oh, nothing much," Matt said, smiling into the phone. For a moment he thought about Dave and everything that had gone on with him. Should he tell Nick? It was odd, and awkward, and Nick might think the wrong thing if he said something.


"Eh, not much."

"Not much?" Nick persisted. "Well that sounds kind of boring."

"Uh, yeah!" Matt agreed. "Well, I did go to a gym yesterday." He should tell Nick a little about it he decided, just in case it came up.

"With your leg like that?"

"Yeah, did some upper body stuff. Might help getting around on the crutches."

"Did it?" Nick asked, suddenly interested.

"Uh...not really," Matt replied.

"Okay! How'd you get there?"

"Oh, my neighbor took me."


"Yeah, he works there," Matt said, getting the feeling that Nick was getting very interested. Maybe too interested.

"So he's a friend of yours?" Nick asked.

"No, not really, just a neighbor," said Matt. 'Okay,' he thought, 'don't tell Nick anything about Dave being gay.' "Uh, anyway he just took me 'cause he works there, but I don't think I'll go again."

"No?" said Nick, sounding even more suspicious. "Why not?"

"Oh, it was just a pain in the ass, you know, I've never been 'into' gyms," Matt laughed a little, trying to pass it off.

"Okay," said Nick.

"How was your day?" Matt interjected quickly.

"What? Oh, it was okay," said Nick.

"Tell me about it," said Matt.

"You don't want to hear about it," said Nick, pretending to sound unconcerned.

"Sure I do," Matt laughed.

"Okay, so let's see," Nick paused, and then he proceeded to launch into a long description of what he had done that day. There had been some interviews and a photo shoot and a rehearsal. It sounded like an exhausting day.

Matt lay back, listening to the sound of Nick's voice, occasionally making agreeing noises. Nick's voice sounded so warm and sexy. Matt closed his eyes and he could imagine Nick right there in front of him. Nick was standing in front of him.

Nick was naked.

Nick was in bed with him naked.

He could almost feel Nick's body against his...could still remember how it had felt to hold Nick against him. To feel him and run his hands over Nicks body.

How it had felt to suck Nick...take Nick into his mouth, his lips tightly around the shaft, rubbing his tongue across the tip of Nick's dick and then sliding up and down the shaft, feeling Nick's flesh against his lips. His flesh against his tongue and in his throat

Matt was hard now. He was listening to Nick, but he was imagining being with him.

"You still there?"

"What? Oh, sorry" Matt said, realizing he had been lost in his thoughts.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I was listening to you."

"You were?" Nick asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, I was listening to your voice."

"Uh huh..."

Busted! He thought. "Okay, I was...uh...I was listening, I was just kind of..."

"Kind of what?"


"What? You can tell me," Nick whispered conspiratorially.

", it's embarrassing."

"It's okay, tell me!" Nick laughed.

"I was kind of..." Matt paused and then whispered, "horny."

"Oh!" Nick laughed.

"I'm sorry," Matt said, blushing even though Nick wasn't there. He felt stupid for virtually admitting he was jerking off, but the alternative was to tell Nick he had been ignoring him.

"It's okay," Nick said good-naturedly.

"It's just your voice..."

"What about my voice?"

"Well just listening to you kind of turns me on," Matt whispered.

There was a pause and Matt wondered if Nick thought he was some kind of deviant. He was about to say something when Nick whispered back.

"Listening to you turns me on too."

Matt laughed. "No it doesn't," he said.

"Yeah it does!" Nick laughed.

"I sound like a doofus!"

"You don't," said Nick, "I think you sound very sexy."

"Sure," Matt laughed.

"When I hear your voice I think of you and it turns me on man."

"Ahh....okay," Matt laughed.

There was a pause, and then Nick whispered, "So you still...horny?"

Matt smiled into the phone.

"A little."

"Yeah," Nick breathed into the phone. "Hang on a minute."

"What?! Wait, were are you going?" Matt asked.

"I was just going to strip and get into bed," Nick laughed.

"You're going to strip?" Matt giggled.

"Yeah...I was just going to..." he paused, and then in a sexy voice, "you want me to strip for you baby?"

A shiver ran up Matt's spine. This was so incredible. Was he going to have phone sex with Nick?

"You there?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, yeah, uhh...."

"Hey, if you're not in the mood."

"No, I'm in the mood, I'm just...."

"What?" Nick asked.

"It's cool, yeah....strip for me, that's cool," Matt whispered.

"You sure now?" Nick teased.

"Yes! Do it!" Matt whined a little.

"Okay, so, ahh, lets see....well I've got on blue jeans, a white t-shirt and sneakers," Nick began.

"Okay," Matt said, closing his eyes and trying to imagine Nick standing in the bedroom.

"I'm going to take off my shoes first...." there was silence and then Matt heard the sound of something thudding on the floor.

"You hear that?" Nick laughed.

"Yeah, yeah," said Matt.

There was another silence and then another soft thump as the second sneaker hit the floor.

"Okay, now I'm going to take off my socks," Nick said. "You want me to describe that?"

"'s okay," said Matt.

"You sure?" Nick teased.


"Okay! Okay," Nick laughed. "Okay, so now...uh...I know..." there was a pause, and then Matt heard the sound of a zipper, it was fairly short and quick

"Hear that?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, you unzip your pants?" Matt asked, laughing as he did so.

"Yeah," said Nick, "except I couldn't get a very loud noise so that was my jacket zipper!" Nick laughed.

"Ohhh!" Matt protested.

"Hey, my zip's undone! Here, I'll prove it to you!"

Matt heard a kind of muffled rumble and then it stopped.

"There you go!" said Nick.

"What was that?"

"I stuffed the phone down the front of my pants!"

"You what?" Matt laughed. "You're so weird!"

"Thanks. Which reminds me, what are you wearing?"

"Uh, not much now," Matt said, opening his eyes and looking down at his boxer shorts half way down his legs and the t-shirt that he'd taken off and thrown on the bed.

"Okay," Nick said. He paused, then whispered. "You hard?"

"Yeah," Matt whispered and nodded, squeezing himself as he did so.

"Very hard?"

"Yeah, I'm really hard," Matt smiled into the phone.

"Mmmmm, nice," Nick whispered in a deep sexy voice, and Matt closed his eyes and stroked himself slowly.

He was going to cum soon.

"So I'm gonna just take off my t-shirt," said Nick. There was a thump as he put the phone down, and then a couple of seconds later, "I'm back!"

"Welcome back."

"So now I'm gonna take off my pants for you," Nick whispered.


"You better believe it baby!" Nick laughed. "I just gotta see if I can rest the phone on my gonna do a little dance for you now..."

"A dance?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, the 'Drop your draws shuffle,' you seen that before?"


"You kind of shuffle about as you wiggle your butt and drop your pants."

"Uh huh..."

"What?! It's damn sexy!" Nick pretended to be annoyed.

"I bet!" Matt laughed. He imagined Nick pushing down his jeans and wiggling his butt and it did look very sexy.

"Okay!" Nick laughed.


"I'm done! I'm in bed! Well, I'm on the bed, anyway."

"You're naked?" Matt asked.

"No, still got my boxers on, but..." there was a pause, "that's taken care of now."

Matt laughed. "That wasn't very sexy!"

"Sorry, but I figured you were already too close that you couldn't handle me taking off my boxers nice and slow and then waving them in your face. The sight of my hot body would have you creaming all over yourself before I had a chance to catch up."

"Oh," said Matt, feeling guilty.

"Hey," Nick whispered. "It's cool. You're're very cool. I want you so bad."

Matt sat there listening to Nick. Hearing him say that made him feel so good that someone - that Nick - wanted him. For a moment he forgot what he was doing and almost felt like crying.

"Matt? Matt? You there?"

"Yeah, I'm here," Matt whispered.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good....thanks Nick."

"Hey, I mean it," Nick whispered and then paused. "So, you still in the mood?"

"Uh," Matt laughed a little nervously, "Yeah, very."

"Okay, well I have to get going Matt. It's been great talking to you. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

Matt sat there for a moment trying to absorb what Nick had just said. Matt's eyes popped open.

"Wait! Nick!"


"You're going?!"

Nick giggled mischievously. "No!"

Matt sighed and leaned back into the pillow, closing his eyes again.

"Damn you," he grumbled into the phone.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a tease, I know it," Nick laughed.

"Yeah, you are," Matt agreed.


There was another long pause.

"So," whispered Nick. "Listening to my voice gets you horny huh?"

Matt smiled. "Yeah."

"You jerking off now?" Nick asked.

"Umm, not right..." his hand went down and squeezed his erection, "uh...okay, kinda."

"Okay kinda?" Nick laughed. "Yeah, you're jerking off that nice big dick of yours, aren't you?"

Matt smiled. "Yeah," he whispered.

"Oh man," Nick sighed, "I can just imagine you lying naked on that bed."

Matt opened his eyes for a second, looking down at his broken leg and the boxer shorts around his knees. He didn't look that sexy he thought, but he closed his eyes and thought about Nick.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Matt asked.

"Oh, well I'm glad you asked," Nick said calmly. "Well I'm lying naked on this bed here....can you imagine what that looks like?"

Matt closed his eyes and thought for a second. Yes, he could easily imagine Nick lying naked on the bed, holding the phone to his ear, his body stretched out naked, his...

"Are you hard?" Matt asked.

"Uh, yeah," Nick almost cooed, and Matt imagined Nick stretched out on the bed naked and squeezed himself, shivering and sighing a little.

"Getting close baby?" Nick whispered.


"Oh, you stroke that nice dick for me baby, I want you to cum for me," Nick whispered. "I so wish I could be there to suck that beautiful dick of yours....God I love sucking your dick..."

Matt was stroking faster now.

"You're so hot Matt, you're so hot, stroke that dick and cum for me, I want to hear you cum. I can hear your breathing and it's so hot and sexy. You're going to cum soon, aren't you Matt?"

"Yeah," Matt almost groaned, his eyes shut tight; listening to Nick's voice as he stroked himself closer and closer to orgasm.

"Come on Matt, come on baby! You're gonna cum so hard for me. Stroke that dick! Oh! I can hear you doing it!"

Matt laughed a little into the phone. Surely Nick couldn't hear the sound of his hand sliding up and down his cock. Nick was just saying that, but it turned him on. He was close. He could feel his balls pulling up and he knew it was going to happen any minute.

"Cum for me Matt, I want you to cum for me. I'm there with you now Matt, I'm holding your body close to mine, feeling your hot body against mine. Running my hands over your chest.

"Faster Matt! I'm running my hands all over your chest. Rubbing my fingers over your nipple rings, feeling your hard nipples.

"I want to hold you when you cum! You going to cum Matt? Cum?"

"Yeah," Matt groaned, the familiar feeling overtaking him.

"Cum for me Matt! Cum! Yeah!"

Matt sighed into the phone and thrust upwards, large spurts firing into the air, one landing on his chin the other on his chest. He groaned again as the orgasm continued and more cum spurt onto his chest.

"Ah, ah!" he groaned and sighed, still stroking. He stroked a few more times, the last dribble coming out as he stroked himself a bit more, then let go and lay back, breathing deeply.

"You okay?" Nick whispered.

"Yeah," Matt nodded, breathing heavily.

"I love you," Nick whispered.

Matt lay there for a moment and then his eyes popped open.


Matt stared at the ceiling a little dazed, and then things came into focus. Had Nick really said what he'd thought he'd said? Matt felt light headed; or was it from the orgasm?

"What?" he repeated into the phone. Nick had gone quiet.

" okay?" Nick said nervously.

"Um...yeah," said Matt, not sure what to say next. Had Nick meant it? Why hadn't he repeated it? Was he afraid of Matt's reaction, or was it something in the heat of the moment and now he had had second thoughts?

"Uh, did you say something else?" Matt asked quietly.

"Uhh..." Nick paused, then he laughed a little in embarrassment, "maybe."

"Okay," said Matt, deciding not to push it. If Nick wasn't ready he wasn't going to push. It was probably just a spur of the moment thing.

"Well I...I kind of said I love you," Nick said nervously.

Matt smiled. "Kind of?"

"Uh, yeah," Nick laughed. "It was just a...I..."

"You do?" Matt interrupted. He was lying naked on the bed, his cum getting cold on his chest. He should wipe it up, but he felt so warm and happy he just lay there holding the phone to his ear, a large smile on his face.

"Is that okay?" Nick asked.

Matt laughed a little. "Yeah! Of course it is," he smiled even wider, lying on his bed and stretching out. "It's great, I'm just surprised..."

"I know! It's soon and we hardly know each other but I just...when we met, I don't know, there was something about you..."

"About me?"

"Yeah," Nick laughed. "I'm sorry."

"No! It's okay, I...," Matt paused and took a breath. 'Okay, I can do this,' he thought to himself. "I kind of feel the same way," he said quietly.

"Yeah?" said Nick, sounding happy.

"Yeah," Matt laughed.

"That'" whispered Nick.

Matt lay there for a moment, loving the feeling, but he was getting cold. He reached out for some tissues and started dabbing at his chest.

He wiped his chest slowly.

"What you doing?" Nick asked.

" up. That was great, thanks!" Matt said, and then a thought occurred to him. "Hey," he almost whispered.

"What?" Nick said.

"Are you...did you?"

"Did I what?" Nick asked, laughing a little.

Matt sighed. "Did you cum?"

"No," said Nick.

"Okay," said Matt. He lay back down, thinking for a moment, chewing on his lower lip for a second. "Uh, you know, you were great, that was great."

"Thanks," said Nick.

"I'm not really very..."

"Very what?" asked Nick.

"Uh...good at that kind of thing."

"Oh, I thought you said you came?" Nick joked.

"No! Uhh..I mean I'd like to help know..."

"Get off?" Nick said helpfully.

"Yeah, I just..."

"It's okay Matt," Nick said, "just talk to me and that'll be good."

"Uhh, okay," said Matt.

There was a silence. Matt dabbed at his chest again, cleaning up the last of the cum, thinking about what Nick had said.

"So tell me what happened," said Nick, snapping Matt back to the present.


"When you came!"

"Oh, well I came, you know....uh white stuff came out. Isn't that what happens to you?"

"Sure!" Nick laughed. "Come on, tell me!"

"Tell you what?" Matt asked defensively.

"What you did...what happened."


Nick laughed. "If you're uncomfortable it's okay. You can tell me about your day."

Matt lay there, his mind blank.

"Okay I was stroking my dick," Matt began.

Nick laughed.

"What?" Matt laughed.

"It's okay, whatever you want....go on..go on," said Nick.

" I was stroking my dick and it was feeling really good."

"Yeah," Nick whispered.

"It was leaking a lot too," Matt continued.

"What was?" Nick asked, his voice thick.

"My cock, it was dripping precum," Matt said, suddenly feeling hot and flushed.

"You're 'cock' huh?" Nick whispered.

"Yeah, my dick was really hard. I was stroking it thinking about you."

"Thinking about me?"


"What was I doing?"

" were jerking off, I was thinking of you doing that....then thinking about you being here with me."

"Doing what?" Nick almost sighed.

"You were naked and you lay down on top of me."

"Were you naked?"

"I'm naked, yeah," said Matt.

"No, in your imagination."

"Oh, yeah, we were both naked and you lay on top of me and you felt so cold, your body on top of mine. It was so warm and soft and I was running my hands over your body"

"Yeah," Nick sighed.

"And I ran my hands down to your ass, and that was when I came."


"Um...I was thrusting and I came like six times. I hit my chest and chin."

"You're chin?" Nick sighed.

"Yeah, a bit hit my chin and..."

"Uhh...." Nick sighed.

"You cumming? Nick?"

"Oh God!" Nick groaned.

"Oh, cum Nick, cum!" Matt whispered.

"Ahh...ahhh" Nick grunted, and then Matt heard him breathing heavily. "Oh...okay, okay," Nick said, coming back on the phone.

"You okay?" Matt smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, that was great!"

"I'm glad," Matt smiled, and he thought for a moment, then added quietly. "I love you Nick."

"Yeah?" Nick whispered back.

"Yeah," Matt nodded and smiled.

"That's freaking fantastic!" Nick said, and then he laughed, "But I'm a mess man! I love you too, but can you hang on a minute?"

"Yeah, sure," said Matt. He heard the phone being put down, and he lay there thinking. Nick loved him. He was in love with Nick. At least he thought he was. He smiled to himself. It was a great day.

"I'm back!" Nick yelled into the phone.

Matt pulled the phone away form his ear, then giggled. "Welcome back," he laughed.

"Thanks! You still there? You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm great."


"Yeah." Matt said, smiling.

"Me too, I'm great too!" and they both laughed.

"So what you doing tomorrow then?" Nick asked.

"I don't know. Not much I can do with this damn leg."

"You going to the gym?" Nick asked.

"No, don't think so."

There was a pause.

"So tell me about your neighbor. Is he...what? Some fat balding guy in his sixties?"

"No!" Matt laughed.

"Okay, so tell me about him," Nick said, suddenly sounding more than casually interested.

"Why you want to know?" Matt asked, trying to thing of what to say. He didn't want Nick getting the wrong idea.

"Just want to find out who the competition is," Nick said.

Matt laughed. "He's not competition."

"No? Okay! Just curious, that's all!" Nick laughed, but Matt wasn't sure how Nick was taking this.

"He's just a neighbor. We hardly ever talk now, you know?"



"You said now. You used to talk?"

"We used to be friends, but that was years ago. We don't even talk now."

There was a long pause and Matt got even more nervous.

"So why'd he take you to the gym?" Nick asked.

Matt sighed inside. 'Damn!' he thought, Nick wasn't giving up on this.

"He just...I think he feels sorry cause I broke my leg. He works at a gym! He's probably just trying to drum up business!"

"Okay," said Nick.

"It's nothing, he's a real jerk," Matt said without even thinking.

"Oh, well then I'm not worried," Nick laughed.

"Yeah, you don't have to worry. I'm not interested in him at all."

"Oh," said Nick. "So who are you interested in?"

"Someone," Matt whispered coyly.

"Yeah? Who? Justin?" Nick asked.

"Justin?" Matt said, his mind blank. Who was Nick talking about now?

"Timberlake! I thought all gay guys had it for him," Nick said.

"Huh! Timberfake! He's such a loser!" Matt laughed.

"Yeah? Tell me how you really feel!" Nick laughed. "Oh, he called me."

"He called you?"

"Yeah, got the fake pic I sent. He hated it!" Nick said, hooting loudly.

"Ah, I'm glad," Matt said, laughing a little, though not sure he wasn't being drawn into some kind of tit-for-tat game that Nick and Justin were involved in.

"Wish I had his boyfriends email, I'd send him the pics," Nick laughed.


"Just kidding," Nick said, suddenly serious. "I love jerking Justin's chain, but he gets upset easily about this stuff."


"But it's so much fun!" Nick laughed again, and Matt couldn't help but smile too.

"Oh God!," Nick said, regaining his composure. "So I should probably get to sleep man, it's getting late."


There was a pause and Matt wasn't sure if he should say something.

"This was cool," Nick whispered. "I miss you babe."

"I miss you too."

"Love you," Nick said quickly.

"Love you," Matt replied.



There was a pause.

"You going to hang up?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," Matt laughed.


There was another pause.

"So?" Nick asked.


"You going to hang up now?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Yes! Night Matt!"

"Night Nick," Matt laughed, lying there, holding the phone, and in no hurry to hang up.

There was another few seconds of silence.

"Hang up!" Nick laughed.

"You hang up!" Matt joked back.

"I will! After you do!"

Matt sighed.

"Okay, let's hang up on three," Nick suggested.

"Do we really have to do this?"

"Yeah! On three, okay?"


"One, two, three..." Nick said.

Matt hung up.

He closed up the phone, rolled over and put it on the night table. Then he rolled back and reached down to pull up his boxer shorts.

The phone rang.

He reached over and grabbed it up.


"You hung up!" Nick laughed.

"I thought that was the idea!"

"Oh, okay!"

"What?! Was I supposed to not hang up when you said to hang up?"

"No! No! I just..."

"I'm sorry," Matt sighed. Had he played the game wrong?

"I'm just playing. Just wanted to say good night to you one more time."

"Okay," Matt said.

There was silence.

"Goodnight Matt."

"Goodnight Nick."

"Sleep well, okay?"

"You too," Matt laughed.

There was silence.

"Bye," Nick said finally.


Another pause.

"You're not going to hang up, are you," Nick asked warily.

"No way! Not until you do!" said Matt.

"I guess that's my fault!" Nick joked. "Okay, I'm gonna hang up this time. So goodnight Matt. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah Nick."

"Love you Matt."

"Love you Nick."

"Night," said Nick, and then there was a click and Matt lay there for a second, just making sure he'd gone.

Then he closed up the phone, tossed it onto the night table, turned out the light, pulled up the covers, and fell asleep.

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 19

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