Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Nov 3, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chasing Matt

Chapter 15 - The Invitation

Matt sat there, not sure what to say or do.

Nick sat staring for a moment, his head kind of nodding a little... And then he looked up at Matt.

Matt's face was ashen; his eyes wide, his mouth hung open in horror. Nick stared at him for a second and then he started to giggle.

Matt just stared at him, still not sure what to say, watching as Nick's giggling turned into laughter and Nick collapsed back on the bed, almost rolling around.

"Wha...what?" Matt stuttered.

"You!" Nick laughed. "You look like you've seen a ghost!" and he tried to stop laughing.

"I...I..." Matt began.

"It's okay!" Nick laughed. Then he sat up and clambered forward, picking up the computer and putting it on the table and sitting down beside Matt

"Uh..uh.." Matt began again.

"Calm down!" Nick said, putting an arm around Matt's shoulders. "It's's...well it's a little weird...better than icky girls though!" and he grinned and poked Matt in the ribs.

Matt giggled a little, jerking away to try and protect himself.

"I'm really sorry," Matt said quietly.

"Don't worry," Nick said. "I've seen a lot of....where did you get these anyway?" and he pointed his finger at the desktop image on Matt's computer, a collage of images of Nick naked, jerking off and even one with cum on his chest.


"I don't think I've seen any of these, and I've seen a lot!" Nick laughed.

"Yeah?" said Matt. "Uh, I didn't think you'd..."

"Oh friends and that, they love to send them to me. For a while that was all I got in emails from Justin. The shit!"

Nick looked back at the pictures, running his finger over the screen.

"Huh," he said smirking.


"I don't look anything like that!" he joked, "and they don't have my tattoos."

"I know," Matt agreed sadly. He just wanted to delete the pictures and forget about it, but Nick seemed intent on studying them.

"So where'd you get this?"

"A friend made it," said Matt.

"Ah huh...not bad..." Nick said thoughtfully.

"I tried making some of friend likes Justin better, but it's hard to do."

"You've got some of Justin?" Nick laughed.

"Ah, they aren't any good," Matt said.

"Excellent!" said Nick gleefully. "We gotta send them to him."

"Uh...I don't know if I still have them," Matt said, hoping Nick would give up, but instead Nick looked at him expectantly. "I'll look," Matt said slowly.

"Cool," said Nick. "The worse the better!" and he laughed.

"These are pretty bad," said Matt, feeling a little better about the whole thing.

But Nick was still studying the picture. He turned back to Matt and stared at him smiling.

Matt looked at Nick, then back at the screen, then back at Nick. Nick was still staring at him. Matt smiled nervously.

"What?" Matt asked.

" think I look as good as this," he said, pointing to one of the pictures.

Matt glanced at the picture, then back at Nick. He got the feeling Nick was flirting with him, not seeking admiration or confirmation of his good looks.

"Um...well," Matt began tentatively.

Nick smiled back.

"Well I'm not really sure..." Matt finished.

"What? Why not?" Nick asked.

"Uh...well I don't really remember what you...ah...what you look like," Matt smiled.

"Really?" said Nick. then he leaned forward and kissed Matt on the forehead. "Then maybe I need to remind you, you know, so you can make an accurate comparison. That a good idea?"

"Uh...yeah," Matt nodded, grinning widely.

"Okay," Nick said, straightening up, and then he slowly reached down to the bottom of his shirt and peeled it off his body.

Matt sucked in his breath.

"How's that?" Nick asked, turning to face Matt while sucking in his breath and striking a pose with his arms.

Matt nodded. "Not bad," he said.

"So what do you think?" Nick asked.

"Well, I can't really tell..." Matt grinned.

"Oh," Nick said, and then he got off the bed and slowly walked to the door. He pushed it closed, and then he locked the door.

Nick turned and smiled at Matt, then he walked slowly back to the bed, unbuttoning the fly of his jeans as he walked.

"Uh," Matt began, but Nick held his finger to his mouth as tough to shush him, then he returned to unbuttoning his pants. In one motion he bent and slid them down to his ankles. Then he stood up and held his arms out wide with a wide smile on his face.

Matt stared at Nick, and then he snorted.

"What?" said Nick, looking a little hurt.

"No! Nothing," Matt laughed.

Nick waddled towards the bed, and then he reached out and fell down onto the bed, his feet still tied together in his jeans.

Matt couldn't stop laughing.

"So do I look like those pics?" Nick asked, trying not to laugh. He pulled himself onto the bed so that he was lying across it, then he put his elbow down and rested his head on his palm, and he bent his top leg a little. Though it might have looked sexy, with his pants still around his ankles the pose just looked silly, particularly as he slowly began to rub his other hand across his chest. "Well?" Nick asked, fluttering his eyelids at Matt.

Matt's laughing stopped and he stared at Nick, taking in his body. His chest...his bare legs...the jeans still knotted around his ankles. Matt smiled.

"What?" Nick asked. Then he paused. "Oh! Still can't tell yet?" and his hand went down to the bulge in his boxer-briefs and he slowly and deliberately squeezed himself.

Nick looked up and stared at Matt as he squeezed himself again. Matt's eyes were wide and staring at Nick's groin. Nick smiled to himself.

"So?" he said.

Matt didn't move.

"Matt," Nick called.

Matt startled. "What?" he asked, staring into Nick's eyes.

"Do I look as good as those photos?"

"Ah....yeah," Matt nodded breathlessly.

"Sure?" Nick asked, "Maybe you need to see a bit more?" And with his hand be began to push down his briefs.

The waistband was just sliding over his penis when they heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs.

"Shit!" Matt exclaimed.

Nick rolled off the bed, grabbed for his pants and pulled them up hastily, quickly buttoning himself before grabbing at his t-shirt.

There was a knock at the door.

Nick finished pulling on the shirt and scampered to the door, pulling it open breathlessly.

"Hello!" said Matt's Mom.

"Hi!" said Nick.

"Just came to get the plates. Did you boys get enough to eat?"

"Yes! Thanks!" said Nick.

"Are you okay dear?" she called to Matt.

"I'm okay Mom," Matt called from the bed.

"Alright then," his Mother said, standing there for a moment, seeming unsure what to do, and then she walked in and picked up the plates. "Oh, would you like some ice cream?"

"Yeah!" said Nick, but Matt rolled his eyes and sighed.

"No thanks," said Matt.

Nick turned back to Matt.

"You can have some," said Matt.

"You sure you don't want some?" said his Mom, "It's Heavenly Hash," then she turned to Nick. "It's his favorite."


"I'll come get it," said Nick.

"It's no trouble," said Matt's Mother.

"I want to," said Nick, "I'll carry those," he said taking the plates and following her out the door. As he went he turned back for a moment and made a silly face at Matt. Matt tried not to, but he couldn't help smiling.

With Nick gone, Matt set about changing the desktop picture, and logging onto the Internet. By the time Nick came back with two bowls, he was half way through downloading his mail; hundreds of messages, most of them junk mail.

"Here you go," said Nick, coming to sit beside Matt and handing him a bowl. "Got to keep your strength up."

"Yeah," Matt smiled, taking the bowl.

"Hey!" said Nick.


"Where did the picture go?"

"Oh, I..."

"You don't like me anymore?" Nick asked, almost sounding hurt.

"Well, it wasn't really you," Matt said.

"Yeah, but it's the closest you're getting to nude pictures of me," Nick said, and then he leaned over and gave Matt a wet and cold, ice cream kiss on the cheek.

"Hey!" said Matt, rubbing his cheek.


"Nothing," Matt said.

"Good, can I use this now?"

"Sure," said Matt, turning the computer towards Nick.

Nick used the browser to sign into his mail account. Matt did his best not to watch, staring off into space, and then deciding to watch the TV and he grabbed the remote.

"I won't be much longer," Nick said, looking up.

"I'm just gonna see what's on," said Matt.

"Okay," Nick nodded.

Ten minutes later Nick was still looking through things.

"Damn," he said almost to himself.

"What?" Matt asked without looking away from the TV.

"See, this is what I was talking about...fucking Timberlake," and he turned the computer towards Matt and Matt could see a rather bad fake nude shot of Nick.

"He just send that?" Matt asked, surprised.

"No, he sent it a week ago, but I was ignoring it. I knew it was going to be something stupid."

"You ignored an email from Justin for a week? What if it was important?"

"He would have called if it was important," Nick said, as though it was perfectly obvious.

"Oh," said Matt.

"Sorry, you're got to know Justin. He's not got a whole lot of time for email, so it's usually just dumb stuff now and again. If it's important he calls you and leaves stupid messages on your cell."

"Okay," Matt said slowly, trying to imagine what it would be like getting stupid messages from Justin Timberlake.

"Hey! You got one of those fake Justin pics?" Nick smirked.

"Ah, yeah," said Matt.

"Great, let's send him one! Where are they?"

"Uh, okay," Matt said, taking back the computer and opening some picture files while Nick hung close to him. "They're not that great," Matt said apologetically.

"Oh man!" Nick laughed, "let me see," and he pulled the computer closer.

"I like this one!" he said pointing to a picture of Justin in a shower.

"Yeah? What about this one?" Matt said, pointing to one of Justin sitting down, his hand pulling down his jeans, showing a very large erection. "That one looks more realistic."

"Hmmm, yeah, but he's really hung in that one. That'll just get him pumped. I like the other one, the one with the tiny dick," and Nick almost dissolved in giggles.

"Uh, okay," said Matt, smiling more at Nick's happy smile than at his reasoning for picking the picture.

"Yeah! That's the one!" said Nick, and he switched back into mail and proceeded to add an attachment. "Where's that pic?" Nick asked.

"Here," said Matt, and he quickly found the file for Nick.



"It's called Timberfake!"

"Oh yeah," Matt laughed. "That's what I called them."

"Funny, but can you change it?"


"Then he'll know it's a fake!"

"It's obvious it's a fake."

"Yeah, but before he opens it."

"Oh...okay," Matt said, renaming the file.

"Great," said Nick, and he hit send. "Justin's gonna love it."

"You think?" said Matt, doubting that Justin would.

"Oh, he better!" Nick laughed, then he turned to face Matt. "So what are you watching?"

"Nothing," said Matt, reaching for the remote and turning off the TV.

"Okay, " said Nick. "What do you want to do now?"

"Uh...I don't know," Matt shrugged.

Nick glanced around quickly, and then leaned in and kissed Matt quickly on the lips.

Matt held his breath unconsciously.

Nick pulled away. "Sorry," he said.

"It's okay," Matt said hastily.

"Want me to lock the door?" Nick asked.


"Might look suspicious..." Nick said, nodding.

"Sorry," Matt apologized.

"It's okay," Nick said, nodding slowly.

Matt frowned and bit his lower lip.

"It's okay, honest," Nick smiled.

"Okay," Matt said quietly, sensing that Nick was thinking about going, wondering when, or if, he would see Nick again.

There was an uneasy silence.

"So ah..." Nick began.

"Huh?" Matt asked quietly.

"I've been thinking...."

"Uh huh," Matt said, feeling a little uneasy. He glanced over at Nick. Nick looked a little nervous.

"Well...uhh...I should get going," Nick said quickly


"In a few...."

"Okay," Matt said quietly.


"It's okay," Matt said, not looking at Nick.

"Well the thing is...I was thinking....wondering if you'd want to come too?"

Matt sat there for a second trying to digest what Nick said.

"What?" he said, turning back to face Nick.

"Uh...I thought, you know, you could come back to New York, I'm going to be there for a couple of days..." and he trailed off.

Matt sat there, speechless. He hadn't even dreamed that Nick would make such an offer, and now that he had, he didn't know what to do. Part of him felt happy and excited; another part was trying to figure out all the details.

" leg," Matt began.

"It's cool! There won't be much walking around, seem to get around okay."

"But what would I do? Where would I stay? What are you going to be doing?" Matt asked rapidly.

"Slow down!" Nick laughed. "Uh...well you can do whatever you want. I'll get you a room at the hotel and me, I've got meetings and things but I'll have some free time."

"Some time?" Matt asked, suddenly not sure that it was going to be as much fun as he'd first thought. He's imagined traveling around with Nick and doing more fun things in New York.

"Well, I'll make time, honest! But I do have things to do...uh...but I just thought it might be fun for you to come to New York rather than...well to come to New York if you want."

"Uh...I don't know," Matt said, not even sure why he was saying no.

"You don't know?!" Nick said in an exaggeratedly surprised voice.

"No! It's..."

"I'm joking, it's okay...what do you want to know?"

"Well I'm just...with my leg and with you busy...I just wonder how much time you'll really have to do things?"

Nick sat there thinking for a moment. "Well....uh...I'll have time here and there. And there's nothing scheduled for Tuesday evening."

"Tuesday evening?"

"After 8," Nick said seriously.

" you're busy Monday night then?"

"Yeah, party thing I have to go to...." Nick said, sitting there, looking thoughtful. "You could come!" he added excitedly.

"Yeah?" Matt said, thinking about going to a party in New York with Nick. On crutches.

Matt sat there for a moment digesting it all.

And then he almost couldn't believe it as he opened his mouth to speak. "Would it be okay if I don't come?" he said quietly.

Nick's smile tightened just a little.

"Uhh..." he paused, "Yeah, that's.....sure, that's no problem."

"I'm sorry," Matt said, reaching out to Nick and grabbing his arm. "It's not...I'd love to spend more time with's just this damn leg! I won't be able to get around easily, and you're going to be busy...I'll just be stuck in a hotel room."

Nick smirked a little. "Well, it'll be a nice hotel room," and then he laughed. "Yeah, well maybe you're right."

Nick paused, then he glanced around quickly and leaned in and kissed Matt quickly on the lips.

"You're probably right...I mean I could hire you a nurse...." Nick paused.

"A nurse?"

"To take care of you while I'm not there."

"Uh...thanks Nick, but I don't...I don't want to do that."

"Yeah," Nick nodded slowly, "it was just a thought."

"I'm sorry. It was...if I didn't have this damn cast on, you know?"

"Yeah," Nick nodded sadly.

"I really would!" Matt said, and he leaned in and kissed Nick. Nick closed his eyes as Matt's lips touched his, and the kiss stretched out to almost a minute.

Nick pulled away, giving Matt a quick kiss again before pulling completely away.

"I'm gonna miss that," Nick whispered.

"Me to," Matt smiled.

"And this too," Nick grinned, reaching between Matt's legs and squeezing him.

"Hey," Matt half groaned, half complained.

"Just checking it's still in working order," Nick said, squeezing a couple of times through the light nylon fabric. Matt reached out a hand and put it on Nick's wrist, but he didn't stop him from squeezing. He just held onto Nick's arm and groaned softly as Nick continued groping him.

Nick smiled as he felt Matt thickening; his eyes flicking up to see Matt's face smiling in pleasure, then back down to his own hand as it continued to gently squeeze and manipulate Matt. He felt Matt slightly thrust his hips forward.

"Okay!" said Nick, suddenly letting go and standing up. "Well I really need to get going!"

"Hey!" Matt said, sitting up, and then seeing Nick's devilish expression and he couldn't help laugh a little. "That's not fair!" he whined.

"What?" Nick laughed. "What's not fair?"

"You know," Matt said, and then he put his own hand between his legs and squeezed himself.

Nick stood there watching.

Matt looked up a little pleadingly. "You got me all hot," Matt whispered.

"Yeah?" said Nick, grinning wider. "Well what you want me to do about it?"

Matt shrugged. "I liked what you were doing."

Nick stood there for a moment, then he turned and went back to the door and closed it and locked it.

"Man," he said, walking back to the bed, "You need a remote for that door!"

Nick climbed onto the bed. "Now where was I? Oh, yeah," he said, and he crawled up until he was lying beside Matt. Then he lay down on his side, facing toward Matt, his head level with Matt's. He reached out slowly and put his hand between Matt's legs.

Matt shivered as Nick's hand wrapped around him.

"That okay?" Nick whispered.

"Uh huh," Matt nodded, slightly wiggling his body under Nick's touch.

"Okay," Nick said, smiling, but then he pulled his hand slowly away and down to Matt's hip, and he grabbed at the side of the pants and pulled so that a couple of the buttons on the side came apart, separating the front from the back of the nylon track pants.

He slowly reached his hand in until it was over Matt's erection. His fingers slowly curled around Matt's penis, squeezing it. Now, that he was feeling it through the thin material of the boxers, Matt's penis felt fleshier and a little warmer. It felt much more like you were holding something made of skin and flesh. Nick could feel it jerking as blood pulsed through it. He squeezed it, and slowly ran his hand up the shaft to the top and then slowly back down.

"That feel good?" he whispered into Matt's ear. Matt turned to him and nodded.

Nick smiled, and stroked again, this time pausing when his hand reached the top of Matt's penis. He gently squeezed the head, feeling the slight dampness from the precum.

"You've got a nice dick," Nick whispered into Matt's ear.

"Uh huh," Matt half moaned.

"You get me really hot baby," Nick whispered, slowly stroking Matt off. "I like holding you," he added, reaching out and softly kissing Matt's cheek.

Matt smiled and turned slightly to Nick, unable to respond verbally, lost in the sensations.

Nick leaned over and kissed Matt hard, thrusting his tongue into Matt's mouth as he squeezed Matt's penis hard and stroked it in quick, short strokes. Matt groaned into Nick, thrusting his hips up into Nick's fingers, closing his eyes and straining.

"Ahh," Matt mumbled softly, and then Nick felt Matt stretching and pushing upwards and he felt Matt's boxers suddenly wet and warm. Nick kept stroking and kissing Matt as Matt shook from his orgasm. And then Matt collapsed back into the bed and Nick followed him down, gently squeezing his dick and kissing his mouth.

"Mm mmm" Matt mumbled as the last of the orgasm ebbed from him, and then he squirmed a little and Nick let go of him.

"Okay?" he asked softly.

Matt opened his eyes, looking a little dazed, and then he focused on Nick's face and he smiled and nodded.

"I'm great!" he said, "but messy," and he tried to get up. Nick sat up too.

Matt reached down and pulled the track pants off, surveying the gooey mess in his boxers.

"Damn," he said quietly and Nick wasn't sure if Matt was angry, or that was just an exclamation.

"I'll get you a clean pair," Nick said, and he reached out and smeared his hand over the side of Matt's boxers.

"Hey!" Matt called.

"What?" said Nick, jumping up and going and getting a clean pair. "You want me to get sticky fingers over your clean shorts?" and he laughed and threw them on the bed.

"Thanks," said Matt, gingerly beginning to pull down the damp shorts.

"Here, let me help," said Nick, and he came over and grabbed the waistband of the shorts and yanked them down to Matt's ankles, and then off. He held them in his hand for a moment, and then he reached out towards Matt.

"It's okay!" Matt protested.

"You're sticky!" Nick laughed, starting to wipe Matt's thigh and pubic area. Then he slowly rubbed down onto Matt's dick and began to squeeze it again.

"Hey!" said Matt. "That's how I got sticky in the first place."

"Oh yeah," said Nick, pulling away. He dropped the soiled pants in a ball on the bed, then he reached out and grabbed the fresh pair and helped Matt into them. Matt did his best to lift his butt off the bed as Nick dragged the waistband of the shorts all the way up. As Matt dropped his butt back onto the bed Nick gently patted the bulge in Matt's shorts.

"Down boy!" he said.

"Thanks," said Matt, laughing a little at Nick's joke.

"You want to put the track pants back on?" Nick asked.

"I think I'll just get under the covers," Matt said.

"Okay," said Nick, and he straightened up. "I should get going then."

"Going? Now?" Matt asked.


"You don't want to stay for a bit longer?" Matt asked, glancing down at Nick's crotch and then back at Nick.

Nick grinned. "Ah, I think we've pushed our luck enough as it is! And I gotta get going. I gotta be up early and all you want to do is wear me out!"

"Sorry," Matt apologized.

"Hey!" said Nick, sitting down on the bed beside Matt. "It's not your fault. I wanna rain check, okay?"

"Sure," said Matt.

They sat there staring at each other.

Nick leaned forward and Matt leaned into him, both closing their eyes as their lips touched.

"I gotta go," Nick whispered, ending the fifth or sixth kiss.

"Okay," said Matt, leaning in to kiss Nick again.

"Really," said Nick, pulling away for a moment and then leaning in and kissing Matt again.

"You better go," Matt whispered, his lips just a fraction of an inch from Nicks.

"Yeah," said Nick, leaning in and kissing Matt again.

Matt laughed.

"Okay! I'm going!" Nick said. Matt leaned in and kissed him again.

"Then go!" said Matt.

"I will!" said Nick, pulling away and standing up. He stood standing, staring at Matt. "So I'll call you," he said.

"You better," said Matt.

"I will," Nick said, and he leaned down and kissed Matt once more.

"Okay," said Matt.

Nick stood up, gave Matt a small wave of his hand, and walked to the door. He unlocked it and then turned back to Matt.

"Need anything?" Nick asked.

Matt shrugged. "I'm okay," he said. "Thanks."

"Okay. See ya!"

"See ya!"

Nick stepped out the door, then his head appeared back around the corner. "Bye!"

"Bye!" Matt laughed.

And then Nick was gone.

Matt could hear Nick walking down the stairs and then there was a pause. He wondered if Nick would go and say goodbye to his Mother. He probably would. He seemed to want to be 'in good' with his parents.

He heard the front door close.

He lay there thinking. Had he done the right thing? Should he have gone to New York? What would be have done there? Wouldn't it have been a disaster? Or was he letting his own shyness come up with an excuse when he should really have gone?

What if he never saw Nick again?

Was it too soon to call Nick?

No that would be silly. He looked at the cell phone sitting on the nightstand. He'd give him enough time to get back to the hotel.

Well, five minutes, anyway....

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 16

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