Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Nov 2, 2003


Chasing Matt

This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 14 - Hot dogs and beans

Matt breathed in. He was half hard at this point. Nick was crouched down in front of him, staring at his groin. Matt watched as Nick's hand reached up with the washcloth, and wrapped it around Matt's balls.

The warmth of the cloth engulfed his balls and Matt shivered and gasped a little. He closed his eyes as Nick rubbed the cloth around, his balls sliding about in their sack, the warm cloth and Nicks fingers cupping him, gently squeezing.

Nick rubbed back and forth a little. Matt felt the cloth rubbing the shaft of his dick just behind his balls. He slid his hips forward a little, almost hoping that Nick would slide the cloth back between his legs, back to his anus. Part of him wanted Nick to slide it back up his ass.

He was hard now. He opened his eyes and saw his dick was sticking up straight. Nick was crouching there, staring at it. Nick looked up and smiled at Matt. Matt smiled back at him, and Nick turned back to face Matt's dick. Matt watched as Nick's hand slowly slid up past his balls and onto his dick.

But then Nick pulled the hand away and Matt almost groaned in frustration. Was that it? Was Nick going to step out and leave him to jerk off?

Without saying a word, Nick stood up and rinsed out the cloth again, then he turned back, crouched down and reached out and wrapped the cloth around Matt's dick.

It was hot. Matt shivered. Nick slowly moved the cloth up the shaft. At the bottom of the head he stopped and slowly screwed the cloth around, the sensation of the cloth made Matt groan, and he unconsciously humped his hips forward, trying to jerk his cock back and forth through the tight hole Nick had formed with his fingers and the wash cloth.

Nick reached out and put an arm around Matt's butt, cupping his left cheek.

"Careful!" Nick said, looking up.

Matt opened his eyes and nodded down at him.

"Don't want you falling over!" Nick laughed. Nick turned back to Matt's dick and then he looked back up at Matt and smiled.

"You're a little wet!" he said.

Matt looked down and saw a large drop of precum had formed on the head of his dick. He looked back at Nick, who was staring at Matt's cock again. Nick slide his hand down to the base of Matt's cock, and then he slowly leaned forward and Matt watched as Nick's tongue came out and then....he wasn't sure if he saw it first or he felt it first. In his mind it was like it was too different sensations that happened at different times. Somehow the feeling of Nick's tongue touching the head of his dick, and the sight of Nick doing it, were two unconnected events.

But he didn't have time to figure that out...he just swayed forward and groaned.

Nick pulled back and looked up and smiled as Matt opened his eyes.

"Like that huh?"

"Yeah," Matt groaned, nodding and smiling.

"You like it when I lick your dick huh?" Nick said, still looking up at Matt, but his hand slowly sliding up and down the shaft of Matt's cock.

Matt nodded.

Nick grinned wider. "You want me to lick it some more?"

Matt groaned and nodded, his eyes half closing as Nick continued to slowly masturbate him.

"Yeah?" said Nick. "You want me to lick that big, hot dick of yours?"

"Yeah Nick," Matt whispered.

"Yeah, what?" Nick said softly, sexily.

"Yeah, I want"

Nick was stroking him and it wasn't so much that Matt didn't want to say it, as that he couldn't because the sensations were just too much for him. He couldn't seem to form sentences.

Nick stood up, still holding Matt's dick in his hand. Matt watched him, almost unconcerned. Nicks hand was still stroking his dick slowly, and that was what his mind was focused on.

Nick kissed him. Kissed him hard on the lips, forcing his tongue in. Then he pulled away and whispered into Matt's ear.

"Tell me you want me to lick your dick Matt. Tell me you want me to suck your cock!"

Nick leaned against Matt, his head right next to him, still stroking Matt's cock.

Matt grinned and opened his mouth, trying to get the words out as Nick gave him a firm squeeze.

"Uhhh!" Matt groaned.

"Tell me!" Nick whispered urgently.

"Lick me!" Matt whispered back. "Lick my cock Nick! Ahhhh....Suck me Nick....uhhh!" Matt groaned.

Nick pulled back, smiling, then he crouched back down. Matt watched as Nick leaned forward and licked the head of his dick again, and then Nick dropped the cloth, and holding Matt's cock at the base he leaned in closer, opened his mouth, and put his lips around the head of Matt's dick...

Matt gasped and swayed a little, Nicks arms coming up around him to steady him. Matt reached out and put his hands onto the washbasin. Leaning forward a little, bending his back and starting to thrust forward into Nick's mouth.

"Oh...oh.." Matt groaned. He was getting close. He was going to cum soon. He leaned forward a little more, rising up on his toes as best he could with the cast on, his body tensing, his thrusts breaking up a little as he felt himself getting to the point of no return, the point where he new his orgasm was going to come.

And then it was there. He felt that moment just before he was going to shoot, and he hung there. A second? Two? Usually it was only a couple of seconds and then his orgasm would come crashing down, but this time it went on... He was hanging on the edge, about to cum....Nick was sucking him so good, and squeezing his ass cheek and it felt so good....but he wanted to cum!

A half gasp - half laugh escaped his lips, and then his orgasm exploded through him. He thrust hard into Nick, firing hard into Nick's mouth. Nick speeded up his motions and Matt groaned again.

Matt had wanted to suck Nick off, but Nick had just kissed him and said "Next time," and then they'd finished washing up, dressed and gone down to the car.

And Matt didn't know what it all meant.

"You okay?" Nick repeated.

Matt stared out of the passenger window, trying to get his thoughts in order. He couldn't work out what he was feeling.

Then he realized Nick was talking to him.

"I'm sorry?" he asked.

"I asked if you were okay," Nick repeated.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Matt said quietly, almost sadly. He felt a little angry. Angry that this was how it was going to end. Nick was going and that was it.

Was this it?

"You sure?" Nick persisted.

"Yeah! I'm fine," Matt said, and pushed himself back into the seat, trying to get comfortable. His leg was bothering him and he reached down and tried moving it with his hands.

"Leg okay?" Nick asked.

Matt looked up at him. "You should watch the road," he said quietly. Nick blushed and turned back to the road.

The silence continued for another minute.

"I really like you Matt," Nick said quietly, not looking at Matt.

Matt turned from gazing out the window to face Nick, not sure what Nick was going to say next. Was this the beginning of the let-you- down-easy line? 'I really like you, but I can't see you again?' Was that what was coming? Matt felt his stomach churning. He sat there staring.

Nick glanced back at Matt and flashed a small smile, then turned back to the road.

Matt just sat there, waiting.

Nick glanced back.

"Uh..." Nick began, "this is where you normally say something like, 'I like you too,' or 'I'm sorry, but you're not really my type,'" and Nick smirked at Matt.

"Uh," Matt began, still not sure what to say.

"I know we hardly know each other," Nick went on, "but I'd like to....uh...get to know you better," and he smiled nervously, and then turned back to watch the road.

Matt sat there staring and Nick turned back questioningly. Nick raised one eyebrow, then turned back to the road again.

"If you're not interested..." Nick continued.

"No!" Matt finally gasped out.

"No? You're not interested?" Nick said, turning back and giving Matt a conspiratorial grin.

"Yes, I am!" Matt said, "I just..."

"I know, I know," Nick interrupted, "it's weird and you don't know what to expect..."

"No, it's not that!" Matt interrupted.

"What?" Nick said.

"No I just," Matt paused. "Well why did you want me to go home now?"

"Oh," said Nick, looking a little guilty. He smiled unevenly and then took a breath before speaking. "Well I've got to fly down to New York first thing tomorrow morning..."


"And you broke your leg yesterday, so you've got to take it easy. And besides," he smiled, "I want to be in your Mother's good books and I won't do that by keeping you out all night. She already thinks I ran you down you know," and he laughed.

"That was your idea!" Matt protested.

"Yeah well, you know," Nick paused glancing at his watch. "If you want, we could stop and have something for dinner."


"I think there's a nice Chinese restaurant around here somewhere."

" thanks," Matt laughed and Nick laughed with him. "There's a Subway if you want to get something there," Matt suggested.

Nick glanced at Matt, looking thoughtful, and then he made a face.

"No?" Matt laughed.

"Not really what I had in mind," Nick laughed.

"Okay," said Matt a little sadly.

"So you don't think your Mother would invite me to dinner then?" Nick asked.

"What?" Matt asked, surprised.

"Well, could I stay for a bit?"

"Uh, sure..." Matt said thoughtfully, "uh...yeah probably.."


"Yeah, sure.....yeah."

There was silence for a moment.

"So you haven't told your parents you're gay then?" Nick said quietly.

Matt blushed. He felt so 'small-town' and weird. Here was Nick, this worldly guy, interested in him! In Matt! And he was going to see that he was someone with all kinds on hang-ups. A small town freak.

"It's okay," Nick said, interrupting Matt's thoughts, "My family doesn't know either."

"No?" Matt asked.

"Nah. I can act surprisingly straight," Nick said, putting on an effeminate accent.

Matt laughed.

Nick turned the car into Matt's driveway and parked. Then he jumped out and ran around and grabbed the crutches from the back seat. The rain had long since stopped, but the ground was wet.

Nick helped Matt up the steps as his Mother came out the door.

"There you are!" said his Mother.

"Hi Mom."

"Everything okay?" his Mother asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine."

"Oh! Forgot something," Nick said, and he turned and ran back to the car, grabbing the coats from the back seat and bringing them back in.

"Is it okay if Nick stayed for dinner?" Matt asked his Mother.

"Oh...uh...well your father and I just ate, it's just hot dogs..." his Mother said.

"That's okay, we'll grab something and eat upstairs," Matt said.

Nick came inside, holding the coats, and held them up, as though wondering where they might go.

"Down there," Matt said, pointing with his hand.

"Okay," said Nick, slipping by him and going down the hall.

Matt looked at his Mother and saw that she was watching Nick. He wondered if she recognized him. Probably not, he thought.

Nick came back down the hall, smiling broadly.

"I'm sorry," Matt's Mother began, "but dinner's a bit simple tonight."

"Oh that's all right," said Nick, "I like simple things. Thank you so much for letting me stay."

"Well, you're welcome," Matt's Mother said. "Come on back and I'll..."

"It's okay Mom, we'll get it," said Matt, starting off down the hall.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Mom! Thanks!"

Nick followed Matt into the kitchen. Nick looked around as Matt surveyed the situation.

"So are you a good cook?" Nick asked him seriously.

"If you like burnt toast, I'm the best," Matt said, hobbling over to the stove.

"Ha!" Nick laughed, following him.

Matt lifted up a couple of pot lids as Nick looked on.

"Hot dogs and beans," Nick said. "Sounds very American."

"You got something against American food?" Matt asked, pretending to be offended.

"I like turkey and cranberry sauce!" Nick replied.

"Well this is very similar," Matt replied. "Can you get a couple of plates?"

"I can, if you tell me where they are."

Matt pointed.

They put hotdogs and beans on two plates, then Nick got a couple of glasses and filled them with Cherry Coke from the bottle in the fridge.

The two of them stood surveying the two plates sitting on the kitchen table.

Nick glanced at Matt.

"You want to try for toast?" Matt asked.

"I don' really like burnt toast," said Nick.

Matt laughed. "Well you could make it!" he said, reaching out and poking Nick in the chest.

Nick laughed and took a half step back, then he reached out and put his arm around Matt and went to hug him, but he saw something close to panic pass over Matt's face and he took the arm away.

Nick glanced around nervously. "Sorry," he whispered.

"It's okay!" Matt whispered hoarsely. "It's just..not down here."

"I know," Nick said, pulling away and picking up the plates and glasses.

"Sorry," Matt whispered sadly.

"It's okay, come on!" Nick smiled.

They walked back to the stairs and Nick stopped, looking around. Then he bent down and carefully arranged the plates and glasses on the floor. He straightened up and turned to Matt.

"Okay, up we go!" he said brightly.

Matt smiled and hobbled up to Nick, giving him the crutches, which Nick leaned against the wall. Then Nick put his arm around Matt's waist and Matt put his arm around Nicks shoulder.

"Okay?" Nick asked.

Matt looked into Nick's eyes and smiled. "Yeah, I'm good," he said.

He felt Nick squeeze his waist, and he squeezed Nick back, and then they started up the stairs a little awkwardly. Giggling as they went.

At the top of the stairs Nick kept going, helping Matt into his room and to his bed so that he could sit down.

"I'm okay!" Matt protested, but Nick pushed him up onto the bed, heaving his legs up onto the bed and turning him so that he was lying down. Matt still had his arm around Nicks shoulders and Nick's head was close to his. Matt wanted to pull Nick to him and kiss him.

"Here you are!" his Mother announced, walking in carrying the two plates.

Matt quickly let go of Nick and Nick straightened up.

His Mother came in and put done the plates on the bed. Nick smiled at her.

"I'll get the drinks," Nick said, and quickly went out the door and quickly ran down the stairs.

Matt's Mother turned and went to the closet and pulled out the tray table Matt used for his laptop and brought it over to the bed.

"Mom!" Matt half whined.

"What?" she said.

"I'm okay," he said.

"Of course you are," she said, her tone suggesting otherwise. She put the table over his lap, then went and took a plate and put it on the table.

Nick came in with the glasses. "I left the crutches downstairs, I didn't think they were much use to you up here," he said.

"What if I want to go to the bathroom?" Matt asked.

"Oh," said Nick, and he turned around and went back out the door.

"It's okay!" Matt called, laughing. A minute later Nick came back with the crutches and put them on the floor by the bed.

Matt's Mom finished arranging pillows and fussing with the bed and finally left the two of them alone.

After she was gone, Matt whispered to Nick. "Lock the door!"

Nick smirked and hopped up and went and locked the door, then he came back and sat on the side of the bed, picking up the plate and resting it on his lap.

Nick looked at the hotdog on his plate, then looked up at Matt and smirked.

"Sorry," said Matt, embarrassed.

"It's fine!" Nick laughed, looking back down at the plate. He picked up the hotdog in his fingers and held it up, as though examining it closely. Then he looked at Matt and they both started laughing.

"This is just what I wanted for dinner," Nick laughed, and then he reached out and licked the end of it, while still holding Matt's stare.

Matt grinned.

Nick smiled back and ran his tongue back and forth over the top of the hot dog, then he started to run his tongue slowly down one side of it.

"Mmmm" he said softly, running his tongue back to the top.

Matt laughed. "Stop it!" he whispered, half laughing, half getting turned on by the performance.

"What?" asked Nick innocently, and then he turned slightly and brought the hot dog up to his lips and slowly slid it into his mouth while still glancing to the side to see Matt's reaction.

Matt watched, the smile still on his face, but now he was getting turned on. He felt himself starting to thicken.

"Will you stop that!" Matt protested.

Nick turned towards Matt, the hotdog still hanging out of his mouth, and then he bit down. Matt could hear Nick's teeth bite through the dog, and a shiver ran through his spine.

"What?" asked Nick, grinning widely, his mouth full of hotdog.

Matt rolled his eyes and turned back to his own dinner.

Nick sat there, staring at Matt, slowly chewing the hotdog.

Matt looked up and Nick flashed a goofy grin at him. Matt smiled. He laughed a little. Nick laughed. Matt reached out and pushed Nick's arm gently and Nick laughed louder.

"What!" Nick exclaimed innocently.

"Nothing," said Matt, turning back to his plate. He picked up his own hotdog and looked at it for a moment, then glanced at Nick. Nick was watching him with a curious expression.

Matt laughed, and Nick laughed with him.

"You going to..." Nick began, and then paused for effect, " that?"

They both dissolved in laughter.

Matt put the hotdog back on the plate.

"Oh you don't want that?" Nick asked innocently.

"Yeah," Matt laughed, "I'm just going to...going to eat the beans first."

"Okay," said Nick.

They managed to finish their meal, laughing now and again, but not saying anything.

"That was good," Nick said, standing up. "You done?" he asked Matt.

"Yeah," Matt nodded.

Nick took Matt's plate and glass and put them with his on the dresser. Then he came back and grabbed the tray table and put it on the floor.

"You can put it in the closet," Matt said.

"It's okay there," said Nick, lying down on the bed beside Matt.

Matt moved a little to let Nick get comfortable. Nick moved up until his head was inches from Matt's.

"Uh...," Matt began, "is the door locked?"

"I don't know," Nick said

"Can you?" Matt asked, pulling a little away from Nick.

Nick smiled. "Relax! I locked the door before, remember?"

"Oh, yeah," said Matt.

Nick lay there beside Matt, staring at him.

"You okay?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," said Matt.

"You sure?"

"Yeah...just a know..I don't want my Mom coming up..."

"It's cool, I'll unlock the door," said Nick.

"No! No! It's okay! I'm sorry!"

Nick leaned into Matt, his head right next to Matt's, his mouth right next to Matt's ear.

"Relax. Everything's okay," he said, and he pulled back just a bit and turned and softly kissed Matt on the cheek. Then he pulled back further until he was in front of Matt, staring into his eyes.

"Just got to get one kiss though," he whispered, and he leaned in, closing his eyes and turning his head just a little as his lips touched Matt's as they kissed...

"Mmm, you're a great kisser," Nick whispered as he pulled back again. Matt smiled embarrassedly and looked down. "You are!" Nick repeated, smiling.

Matt looked up and smiled back. "Thanks. You too."

Nick lay there for a moment, staring into Matt's eyes, and then, reluctantly, he went over and unlocked the door and opened it a little.

He turned back and held his arm out towards the door, as though seeking Matt's approval. Matt smiled and nodded his head, and Nick ran back and jumped onto the bed, being careful to avoid Matt's leg.

"So!" said Nick.


"What you want to do now?"

"Ahh...I dunno, what do you want to do?"

Nick shrugged. He glanced around the room and then he jumped up, as though noticing something for the first time.

"Hey, these are cool! Are these real?" he asked, walking over to the swords hanging on the wall.

"Ahh...kind of...depends what you mean by real?" Matt asked.

"Man these are so cool," Nick said, reaching out to run his finger along one.

"Oh! Where'd you get this one?" he asked, pointing to a Japanese sword.

"My Grandfather got that."

"Yeah? Where?"

"World War II," Matt said, trying not to laugh.

Nick turned back to Matt, his surprise evident. "Really?"


"That's so cool!" Nick said, running his hands over it carefully.

"You can take it down if you want."

"Nah, it's okay," said Nick, and he stepped back and turned around and walked back to the bed.

"So you like collecting those huh?"

"No," said Matt, "I just have them up to hide the holes in the wall."

Nick punched him lightly on the shoulder.

"Huh!" Nick laughed. "So wanna watch some TV?"

"Ah, sure," said Matt, and he reached for the remote.

"That your computer?" Nick asked.

"Uh, what?" Matt asked, still reaching for the remote.

Nick was up again and picking up Matt's portable.

"What you got on this?" Nick asked.

Matt dropped the remote.

"Uh...nothing much," he said, trying to sound calm.

"Can you hook up to the net?" Nick asked.


"Great, I can check my email!"

Matt reached out for the computer. "Yeah, here, I'll set it up for you."

Nick handed Matt the portable.

"Can you get the phone cable?" Matt asked, pointing at the floor.

Nick reached down and grabbed the cable and handed it to Matt.

"Ah, thanks," Matt smiled nervously, taking the cable and plugging it into the computer. He opened the screen and pressed the power button, carefully turning the computer so that the screen faced away from Nick.

Nick stood watching, then he walked around to the other side of the bed and climbed on to sit next to Matt. As Nick walked, Matt slowly turned the computer so that it's front was still facing Nick.

Nick sat on the bed and stared at the computer, then he stared at Matt.

Nick laughed a little.

"What?" asked Matt nervously.

"What don't you want me to see?" Nick asked.

"What? Oh, nothing, nothing," said Matt, blushing a brighter red, opening the screen a little and peaking in to see how far along the start-up had progressed.

"Yeah sure!" Nick snorted. "You got porn on there?" and he laughed.

Matt smiled nervously. "Uh.....maybe," he said.

"It's cool. Dude! I've seen it all."

"Ah...well this is kind of embarrassing," Matt said.

"It is?" Nick went suddenly serious. "What is it? Man, I can't believe you'd leave something really deviant on your desktop!"

"It's not deviant!" Matt said a little angrily.

"No?" Nick asked. "It's not like dogs fucking or something?" and he snorted.

"No," Matt said, pulling the computer towards himself.

"So what is it?" Nick persisted.

"It's embarrassing," Matt protested.

"Those are the best kind!" Nick smirked mischievously. "Come on!"

"No!" Matt said, pulling the computer away from Nick.

"Oh, then just tell me, you don't have to show me."

"It'''re not going to believe's icky girls" Matt said, laughing nervously.

"Girls?" Nick said, the smile frozen a little. "You're bi?"

"Ahh, a little," Matt said, wondering how big a hole he was getting into.

Nick sat there for a second, then he nodded. "That's cool. Whatever, you know."

"It was just...they don't turn me on," said Matt, "it's just...makes people think..."

"Yeah, I get it," Nick nodded.

Matt sat there feeling bad. Did Nick now think he wasn't gay enough for him? He cursed the lie he'd told.

Matt glanced down and saw that the computer had finished starting up. He straightened up the screen and was just about to turn off the Active Desktop when suddenly Nick reached out and dragged the computer away from him.

"No!" Matt almost screamed as Nick laughed and turned the computer towards himself. Nick laughed and looked down at the screen and his smile froze and then he let out a little breath.

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 15

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