Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Nov 2, 2003


Chasing Matt

This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 13 - At the movies

They were quiet on the drive to the hotel. It was a short drive, and Matt was suddenly a little nervous. Nick seemed to be lost in thought too.

At the hotel Nick pulled up and got the crutches out of the back of the car for him, and then the two of them walked in. Matt wasn't sure, but he had a feeling that Nick was walking further apart from him than he'd been when going into and out of the restaurant.

They made there way to the elevator and stood waiting. Nick was nervously glancing around. He caught Matt's eye and smiled awkwardly. It was as if he was trying to act cool, but couldn't quite pull it off.

An older couple walked up and stood near them. Nick looked worried.

The elevator opened and Nick seemed to breath a sigh of relief. He quickly stepped forward to the elevator, but stopped and put his hand against the door to make sure it would stay open. He stood waiting as the couple entered, and then Matt hobbled in.

Matt and Nick took up positions on the opposite side of the elevator, the couple standing in between them. There was a tense silence. Matt glanced towards the woman and she smiled at him.

Nick stared at the ceiling of the elevator.

The elevator stopped and the couple exited quickly, the woman smiling again at Matt as they did so, and then the door finally closed.

Matt heard Nick exhale. But Nick didn't move, and he didn't even look at Matt, still staring at the ceiling. Matt watched him silently. Wondering what Nick was thinking. Nick looked down and smiled nervously, but still didn't say anything.

The elevator door opened and Nick again put his arm against the door. Matt hobbled out into the elevator lobby but didn't know which way to go.

"It's this way," Nick said, stepping out of the elevator and walking beside him to lead him down the hall to the room. Nick pulled out a keycard and slipped it into the lock. The door clicked and Nick pushed the door open and held it while Matt went through.

"You can...there's a chair ,or the bed...whatever..." said Nick, and he paused.

Matt hobbled into the center of the room. It was larger than the room he'd had in New York, but not incredibly so. There were two huge beds, but that was about the only difference. Matt was a little surprised. He'd expected Nick to have a huge room! It was kind of a disappointment.

Matt looked at the beds, and then the chairs, and decided the bed looked comfier. He started toward one and then paused and turned to Nick.

"Is it okay?" he asked.

"Yeah! Either one," Nick nodded.

Matt inched towards the bed as Nick stepped over and awkwardly helped Matt climb on, carefully lifting the leg with the cast. Matt tried to wave him away, but Nick hung over him until Matt was sitting on the bed, pillows bunched up around him.

Nick stood back, seemingly unsure what to do next.

"You want a drink?" he suddenly asked.

"Ahh, sure," said Matt.

"I'll see what we've got," Nick smiled, and walked over to the small fridge and opened it. "Oh, lots of stuff to choose from, several beers and.."

"A coke," Matt called.

Nick looked up. "Just a coke?" he asked.

"Yeah," Matt nodded.

"Uhh...okay," he said, taking out a small bottle of Coke and unscrewing the top. He found a glass and poured it into the glass, then carried it over to Matt.

Matt took the drink and sipped it, and then put it on the table between the two beds.

"You only drink Coke?" Nick asked, partly joking.

"Ah....and other things," Matt said.

"You sure you don't want a beer or something?" Nick asked again.

"Uh..." Matt paused, "I don't drink."

"You don't?" Nick asked, visibly surprised.

"No," Matt said, blushing a little.

"Why not?"

Matt shrugged. "Just don't. Don't like it," he said.

"Oh!" said Nick, just standing there, staring.

Matt glanced up nervously at Nick and then back down at his drink. He felt a little silly. Nick must think he was some kind of weirdo.

Nick suddenly moved as though aware of the awkwardness of the moment. "Well hey!" he said, "That's cool!" and he smiled. Matt looked up and smiled back, still a little embarrassed.

"No, it is! Ahh..." he paused, "I'm just gonna...." and he pointed back at the fridge. Matt nodded.

Nick went back to the fridge and studied the contents closely. Then he pulled out a Diet Coke and opened the bottle. Matt was watching him closely and he sighed to himself when he saw Nick grab the coke.

"You don't have to!" Matt said to him.

"What?" Nick asked, looking up a little shocked.

"Drink whatever you like. I don't mind."

"Oh, I was just..." and Nick held up the Coke bottle.

Matt rolled his eyes. "You don't have to do that because of me," he said.

"Ahh..I'm not..." Nick began, then he blushed and smiled nervously. "Okay, you got me," he laughed a little.

"So drink what you want," said Matt.

Nick turned back to the fridge for a moment, then grabbed a beer and pulled it out. He twisted off the top as he closed the door with his foot. He turned and wandered over to the center of the room and stood there awkwardly.

He took a drink from the bottle.

Matt laughed almost to himself and took his glass from the table and took another sip. He had to lean over to reach the table and Nick immediately tried to run over and help him.

"It's okay," Matt protested, but Nick stood be the table and took the glass from him when he was finished and carefully placed it on the table.

"So ahhh...wanna watch a movie?" Nick asked.

"Sure," Matt nodded.

Nick walked over to the television, picked up the remote, and then walked back towards the beds. Matt saw him hesitate for a second, and then Nick climbed onto the empty bed, lying close to the edge so that he was closer to Matt.

But still on the other bed.

"Let's see what's on," Nick said, almost to himself, and turned on the TV. He flicked to the pay-per-view channels, bouncing through them. They finally settled on XMen 2.

The movie started.

"You mind if I turn out the hall lights?" Nick asked.

"," said Matt.

Nick hoped out of his bed and ran over to the light switch and shut off the hall and overhead lights, leaving just the table lamp on the table between the beds.

"Much better," Nick smiled. "You okay?" he asked, walking back to the bed.

"Ahh...well it's kind of lonely," Matt said, pretending to pout.

"Oh," said Nick, pausing. He smiled at Matt. "You want some company?"

"Yeah," Matt said quietly.

Nick grinned, and climbed up onto Matt's bed, carefully crawling across the covers to lie down next to Matt.

"Okay?" Matt asked.

"Yeah," Nick nodded. "You?"

"Uh huh."

They sat there for a few minutes. Watching the movie. Matt glanced over at Nick every minute or so to see what he was doing. Just to look at him.

The third time Matt glanced over, Nick was staring at him. When Matt caught his eye, Nick smiled broadly at him. Matt smiled back shyly and quickly turned back to the TV.

And then he felt it. Nicks hand touching his. First a couple of fingers, then Nicks whole hand was covering his own and gently squeezing.

Matt looked down at their hands on the bed, and then up at Nick. Nick was still staring at him.

"Okay?" Nick whispered.

Matt nodded. "Yeah," he said. He turned his hand over and they inter-linked their fingers, squeezing each others hand tightly.

Nick slid closer, and Matt rolled on his side to face him. Nicks hand flew to Matt's side and then slowly ran over and down Matt's back, pulling Matt to him.

Matt closed his eyes and leaned into Nick and felt Nicks lips touch his, and he put out his own arm to pull Nick to him.

They kissed long and hard, their mouths opening and closing, raining kisses down on each other, pulling each other together, running their hands over each other, feeling each other.

"Oh Matt!" Nick breathed, pushing Matt gently onto his back and moving forward so that he was over the top of him, just his chest on Matt's chest as they continued kissing.

"Oh Matt, you're so hot!" Nick whispered, kissing Matt hard as he ran a hand down to the bulge in Matt's pants and squeezed it firmly.

Matt groaned into Nick, thrusting up into him.

"Can I see you naked?" Nick whispered, pulling slightly away from Matt so that he could look into his eyes.

Matt smiled. "Only if I can see you."

Nick grinned and leaned forward and kissed Matt again, and then his fingers went to Matt's shirt and the two of them were scrambling to get each other out of their clothes. Matt was at a double disadvantage; his track pants came off with just a pull, and his leg made it difficult to move and grab at Nick. Nick had stripped Matt down to his shorts before Matt had managed to get Nicks shirt off.

Nick pulled back, laughing that he'd got Matt stripped so quickly, trying to grab at the waistband of Matt's boxers. But Matt twisted away, still trying to get Nicks clothes off. They were starting to get rougher now; it was turning into a battle.

"Hey! Hey!" called Nick.

"What?" asked Matt, stopping for a second, but still ready to pounce.

"You got to be careful man! Your leg!"

"I'm fine," Matt smirked.

"Yeah, well you go break your other leg and your Mother will never let me see you again."

Matt thought for a second, then shrugged. "Yeah," he said, laughing a little.

Nick nodded, holding up an open hand at Matt to tell him to stop, then he knelt on the bed and pulled off his shirt, followed by his pants so that he was naked.

"You turn!" he said, reaching out to Matt's shorts.

Matt shrugged and let Nick strip him.

Nick pulled off the boxers and threw them on the floor. Then he put a hand on Matt's ankle and slowly ran it up Matt's leg. Past the knee, up the thigh, until it came to his groin, and then it touched Matt's balls and Matt shivered.

"Nice," Nick said smiling, wrapping his hand around the shaft of Matt's hard dick.

Matt groaned. Nick started to stroke it gently, then he began to lean down...

"Wait!" said Matt.


Matt slid down the bed a little and pulled himself over so that he was lying more on the diagonal. Nick was still lying across the bottom of the bed. Matt reached out to Nick's leg.

Nick smiled, and slowly slide his body over toward Matt. Matt grinned at Nick and then turned his attention back to the rest of Nick's body.

For the first time he had Nick lying naked in front of him. His dick was pointing up, hard. Matt reached out, the excitement making his hand shake just a little, and he placed his fingers around the shaft and squeezed gently.

It felt good...It felt a little different to his.

Nick was cut. He was about the same length as Matt, but a little thinner and there was a bit of a curl to it. Matt stroked it slowly, feeling it in his hand, watching it as his hand slide over it. Nicks balls were different too. The sack was smaller; Nicks balls were closer to the shaft in a tight little sack. Matt reached out his other hand and felt Nick balls....and as he curled his hands around the fleshy sack that contained Nicks balls he felt something hot and wet on his dick and he shook and nearly spasmed.

Nick was sucking him off.

Matt put his right hand up and touched Nicks ass, lightly rubbing it. God! There was so much to explore! He just wanted to rub his hands all over everything!

But Nick was sucking him off, and it felt so good and he knew he wouldn't last long...and he wanted to get Nick off...No! He needed to get Nick off. He HAD to get Nick off! He had to suck him...he had to suck him now!

Keeping one hand on Nicks ass, and the other holding the base of the shaft while feeling up Nick's ball sack, he leaned down and carefully studied the end of Nicks cock.

It was a cock...just like any other cock...

Matt had only sucked two other cocks. This one kind of looked like the others. But it was different too...very different.

He tried to take it all in. Study it. There was a bubble of cum at the end of it...

But he could feel Nicks mouth on his cock....he could feel his own excitement rising.

He leaned down, opening his mouth and flicking out his tongue to run it over the tip.

"Mmmmm" he heard Nick groan.

He drew his lips around the shaft and brought them in firmly and then slowly slid down...over the head and down the shaft. He stopped, his mouth full of Nicks cock, and rubbed his tongue against the shaft.

Matt could feel Nicks body trying to pump his cock down his throat. Matt moved his hand from Nick's ass to his thigh, using it to try and keep Nick from impaling his throat.

Nick was moaning and groaning as Matt slowly slid back up the shaft and then down again, starting to go a little faster, his lips tight against the shaft, trying to get into a rhythm.

But even as he did this he could feel his own orgasm rising. It was coming quickly and he wasn't going to be able to stop it. He wanted to stop, to take a moment so that he could get Nick to the same point. He pulled off Nicks cock to try and tell him.

"Nick!" he called, but Nick just plunged down Matt's cock again, faster and harder, and it was too late! He was cumming!

"Ahhhhh" Matt groaned as his body tensed and his dick fired ropes of cum down Nicks throat.

Oh God! His head felt like it was going to explode, even as he sucked Nicks cock back into his mouth; even as his orgasm continued. He tried to suck harder and faster...he could hear Nick groaning and moaning.

"Oh! Matt!" Nick was saying. "Ahh.....Suck me Matt!"

Nick was chattering away, telling Matt how much he wanted to cum....

...and then it happened. Matt had thrust down on Nicks cock and he felt Nick shudder and try to thrust forward, and then Nick's dick spasmed and warm liquid was squirting into his mouth like it had been fired from a water gun.

Matt continued to slide his lips up and down the shaft as four or five more spurts filled his mouth, the cum leaking out of the side of his mouth.

And then it was over. Nick pulled away; obviously sensitive and not wanting any more stimulation. Matt spat the cum onto Nick's penis and wiped off his mouth with the back of his hand and looked up.

Nick was lying there breathing heavily, smiling at him.

"Okay?" Matt asked nervously.

Nick nodded and waved his hand for him to come to him.

"Kiss me!" Nick said, and Matt pulled himself over to him and fell into his arms.

"You okay?" Nick whispered, snuggling against him.

They were in the car, about half way to Matt's house. They hadn't talked much since they'd got in the car. Matt was lost in thought. He was feeling a little odd.

Worried. Confused. He wasn't sure what it was. He and Nick had made out, blown each other, then hugged each other for a while. And then Nick had suggested he drive Matt home, and Matt had been surprised. He'd thought that maybe they'd have dinner or something.

But Nick had just said "You wanna wash up? I should get you home."

Matt hadn't known what to say. Should he ask if that was it? Or did he just accept that was it and go with it?

So he just said he did want to wash up.

Nick had hoped up, still naked, and helped Matt off the bed, and then he'd helped him into the bathroom.

When they got there, Matt assumed that Nick would just leave him, but instead Nick grabbed a wash cloth and started to run the hot water into the sink.

"I can..." Matt interrupted, but Nick just turned and smiled.

"You're sick!" Nick said.

"Yeah but...." Matt began, and then stopped.


"Gotta use the bathroom," Matt said, blushing a little.

"Oh! Okay!" said Nick, smirking. He turned off the water and dropped the washcloth into the sink, and then he hurried over to Matt and lifted up the lid.

"Sit or stand?" Nick asked.


"Piss or...?"

"Oh!" said Matt, feeling himself blush some more. "Just stand."

"Okay," said Nick, lifting the seat, and then moving to stand beside Matt.

"It's okay," Matt said.

"You sure?" Nick asked teasingly. "Don't need help holding it?"

"No!" said Matt, laughing, though feeling suddenly nervous.

"I'll give you some privacy," said Nick, and he stepped back.

But he stayed in the room. He didn't go out.

Matt stood there, waiting for Nick to leave. But he didn't. Matt glanced over his shoulder at Nick and Nick smirked at him.

"Ahh..." Matt began, "Can you..."

"What? Oh sure!" said Nick, and he stepped outside the door.

But he didn't close the door, and Matt knew he was right there. He wanted to lean over and close the door, but then he felt a little silly doing that.

He reached down and took himself in his fingers and aimed....

and waited....

....and waited.

Nothing would happen.

"Okay?" Nick called from the hallway.

"Yeah! Just a minute," Matt called.

"Okay," Nick said.

Matt breathed in. 'Okay,' he told himself, 'relax, just relax.' He relaxed.

Nothing happened.

He breathed in. Relax. He's not going to come in.

A little trickle started. It got a little stronger. He wasn't doing a very good a job of aiming; a post cum piss could sometimes be a messy affair, and it wasn't all going where you expected it to.

But he didn't care. He let out a little sigh of relief.

It slowed to a trickle.

He squeezed himself a couple of times.

"All done?" Nick asked.

Matt nearly fell over. Nick was standing right beside him. If Nick's arms hadn't grabbed him at that instant he would have fallen.

"Hey!" Matt half exclaimed, half protested.

"I didn't see anything!" Nick laughed. "You were just giving yourself a little squeeze. Hmm," he said, looking at the toilet thoughtfully. "Someone needs some target practice."

"What?" Matt gasped, blushing bright red.

"It's okay man!" Nick punched Matt's shoulder, "sometimes...afterwards, I take a piss and it shoots out in two different directions at the same time!" Nick laughed some more as he reached out and flushed the toilet.

Matt went to get some toilet paper to wipe the top of the toilet bowl.

"I'll get it, and I gotta go too," Nick said.

"Ah, okay," said Matt, and he turned around, but Nick was already standing in front of the bowl and Matt heard the sound of Nick' piss hitting the water. Matt thought about stepping out of the room, but Nick didn't seem to care, and it was awkward to move with his cast, so he started to fill the basin.

He heard Nick slow to a trickle, pull off some toilet paper, and then there was a flush.

"All done!" said Nick, moving beside Matt.

"Okay," Matt said, smiling a little nervously.

"Let me," said Nick, reaching out for the washcloth.

"No it's..." Matt protested, but Nick put his hands around Matt's and gently took the washcloth out of his fingers.

Matt just shrugged his shoulders.

Nick rinsed out the washcloth, put a little soap on it, then he turned to face Matt and carefully reached out to Matt's face.

Matt watched the washcloth coming towards him. He glanced at Nick. Nick was smiling at him. He closed his eyes as the washcloth touched his face and Nick gently wiped it over and around his face.

It felt nice. Really nice.


The washcloth traveled down to his neck.

Matt opened his eyes as the washcloth gently slid down his chest. It gently washed Matt's nipples before continuing down his stomach. Nick was pushing more firmly now, and Matt's nervousness had passed. He was starting to get into it.

He glanced up at Nick, who was smiling back at him. Then he looked down at the washcloth and Nick's hand as it rubbed around his abs.

Matt was breathing a little faster now. He felt his penis starting to thicken. He saw it sway a little as blood started to flow into it.

Nick moved the washcloth across Matt's belly button, then down to the top of his pubic hair...but then he slid it down onto Matt's left leg. Matt glanced back at Nick, who smiled and then pulled the cloth away and put it back into the water.

Nick pulled it out and squeezed it a couple of times, before immersing it once more...rinsing it out again...then out once more...squeezing the excess water...putting on a little more soap. Matt watched closely, unconsciously holding his breath.

Matt looked up at Nick, who rolled his eyes before crouching down and starting to run the cloth over Matt's left leg.

Matt shivered.

Nick rubbed the cloth all the way down, then took it across and quickly wiped it across the toes of Matt's right leg, which stuck out from the end of the cast.

It tickled a tiny bit, and Matt giggled a little. Nick looked up and smiled at him.

Then he reached up and started to rub the cloth around the top of the cast, before slowly moving it back up the leg.

He stopped just below Matt's groin, and stood up and rinsed out the cloth again.

"Ah...thanks," said Matt, reaching out for the cloth, but Nick gently elbowed him in the stomach.

"I'm not done yet silly!" he said, and then he turned and crouched down again.

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 14

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