Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Oct 26, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 12 - In The Bedroom

A lump rose in Matt's throat and he nodded a little, barely able to get out a sound.

"Yeah?" Nick whispered, and then he pulled back and stared into Matt's eyes.

"Uh..okay," Matt choked out quietly.

"You sure?" Nick asked playfully. He was smirking now, making it into a bit of a joke. Matt felt apprehensive, amused and frustrated at the same time.

"Yeah," said Matt a little more forcefully.

"Because I don't want to..."

Matt leaned forward and kissed Nick quickly on the lips. A quick hard, chaste kiss. He pulled back. A little surprised by his own actions. Nick looked shocked, and then the smile on his face got broader and he licked his lips.

"Not bad," he said laughing a little, "but I think we can do a lot better."

"Yeah?" said Matt.

Nick moved slightly, balancing himself better, and then put his arms around Matt and leaned into him.

Their eyes closed as Nick turned his head just slightly and leaned into Matt's mouth. Matt felt Nicks' lips against his own; hot yet soft, they seemed to cover his lips. He felt Nicks arms around him and his body against his, and Matt opened his mouth and Nick's tongue pushed in slowly.

They were chewing on each other, sucking and licking with their tongues, Nick was grinding against Matt, and Matt felt the cold surface of the car pushing against his lower back.

Nick groaned and Matt sighed softly in answer, their tongues sliding back and forth, and then slowly around inside each other. Nick started to pull away, but Matt sucked at Nicks tongue and lips, trying to make it last. A small laugh strangled out of Nick's mouth and he pulled his tongue out, but he leaned back into Matt, kissing him harder, turning the kiss into quick short kisses on Matt's lips. Nicks hands came up to cup Matt's head as Nick kept kissing him softly. Matt kissed back, trying to get Nick's tongue back into his mouth and then, finally, Nick slipped his tongue back into Matt's waiting mouth and Matt sighed.

Finally Nick pulled away and Matt let him go. Nick stood in front of Matt, a rye smile on his face.

Matt smiled nervously.

"That was..." Nick smiled and then laughed a little. "Damn! You're a good kisser!"

Matt blushed and Nick leaned back in and they started kissing again, kissing harder, pushing their mouths hard into each other, trying to suck each other into their mouths, their bodies grinding against each other.

Matt felt Nick's hand on his chest, gently rubbing up and down and then starting to slide down towards his pants, and suddenly he realized they were standing in the pouring rain.

Matt pulled back a little, and Nick straightened up, the hand leaving Matt's chest. Nick looked a little guilty.

"We's wet," said Matt, a little breathlessly.

"Yeah," Nick nodded, a look of concern and worry on his face.

They stood there for a moment, just staring at each other, and then Nick seemed to snap out of it and he reached for the passenger door handle.

"Oh," said Matt, and he hobbled a little to the side so that Nick could open the door. Nick reached out his hand to Matt's arm, holding him in case he might fall, and Matt turned to him and smiled. Nick watched as Matt eased himself into the passenger seat, and then he carefully closed the door.

Nick glanced around. There was no one about. They couldn't have been observed. For a moment he wondered what he would have done if someone had seen them. He tried to tell himself that he wouldn't have cared.

Nick shivered a little. The excitement of the moment was no longer heating him up. He was suddenly aware of how wet he was, and how cold he was starting to feel. He opened the rear door and threw the crutches into the back seat, then he dashed around and hopped into the drivers seat.

Matt watched him climb in and Nick turned and smiled, then quickly started the car, turning on the heat to try and warm them up.

Figuring they were about to get going, Matt put on his seat belt, but then he looked back at Nick and saw that Nick was watching him.

"Okay?" Nick asked.

"Uh..yeah," said Matt smiling.

"It's okay?"

Matt frowned for a moment, wondering what Nick was asking, and then smiling broadly. "It's great Nick," he said, and then he went to lean forward to kiss him, but thought better of it and stopped himself.

Nick smiled and leaned over and they kissed. A short, quick kiss. Then Nick straightened up.

"I don't know about you, but I'm freezing," said Nick.

They drove back to Matt's place in silence. It was still pouring when they got there. Nick parked as close to the house as possible, then he jumped out and ran round and helped Matt hobble up to the house, leaving the crutches in the car. Matt's arm was tightly around Nick's shoulder, Nicks arm around Matt's waist. They were laughing and giggling as they went, trying to avoid the largest puddles.

Matt's Mother opened the door as they stumbled in.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yes Mom!" said Matt.

"Just got a little wet!" Nick smiled at her.

"Upstairs," Matt said to Nick, meaning he wanted to go up to his room.

"You're soaked!" his Mother said.

"We'll get dry upstairs!" Matt called, as he and Nick awkwardly negotiated the stairs.

"All right," said his Mother, though they weren't listening.

Nick helped Matt into the bedroom, quickly pushing the door closed as they stumbled through it.

"God! I'm cold," Matt laughed, shivering a little.

"Here," said Nick, and he reached out and grabbed the bottom of Matt's sweater. He pulled it and the t-shirt up and over Matt's head, leaving Matt shirtless and breathing heavily. Nick looked at Matt's chest and reached out and put his finger on the nipple ring of Matt's left nipple.

"It feels cold," Nick laughed, and then he pulled his finger away and reached down and grabbed the side of Matt's pants. Nick pulled hard and the snaps came undone, the pants pulling away from one side.

Matt giggled as Nick grabbed the other side, pulling the pants clear off him, leaving Matt standing in a pair of very damp green and white striped boxers.

Nick stared at Matt's groin. The boxers were almost glued to Matt, his erection clearly evident. Nick thought about touching it.

"I brought you some towels," said Matt's Mother as she walked in.

Nick straightened up as Matt doubled over trying to cover himself. Matt stumbled and started to fall, but Nick caught him, turning him away from his Mother.

"Are you okay dear?" his Mother asked.

Matt glanced over his shoulder. "Mom!" he said, "Couldn't you knock!"

"Just dropping off towels dear," she said. "Can you lend Nick something while his clothes dry?"

"I'll be fine..." said Nick.

"Yeah Mom," said Matt, straightening up, but still turned away from his Mother.

"Okay dear," she said and walked out.

Matt let out his breath and Nick smirked at him.

"Shit!" Matt gasped.

"It's cool," said Nick, "She didn't see anything," and he lightly punched Matt's shoulder. "I'll get a towel," he said, and ran over and grabbed a couple of the towels. Then he came back to Matt and opened one and held it open and put it around Matt's shoulders.

"Thanks," said Matt.

"You're welcome," said Nick, "but I was wrong."

"Wrong?" Matt asked.

"About your Mother not seeing anything."

"What?" Matt gasped.

"Those boxers of yours are practically see-through," he smirked. "She got a great view of your ass!" and he laughed and playfully pushed Matt.

"Asshole," said Matt.

"Well I've seen yours!" Nick laughed.

Matt blushed and hastily put the towel around his waist.

"You better get out of those wet clothes," Matt countered.

Nick smiled. "Okay," he said.

Matt sat down on the bed and grinned, watching Nick. Nick stood motionless in front of him for a moment, and then he slowly reached down to his belt and started to unbuckle it.

"Wait!" said Matt. "The door!" he whispered.


"Lock the door!" hissed Matt.

"Oh!" said Nick.

Nick turned and ran over to the door and locked it, then he turned back slowly and smiled at Matt.

"Better?" he asked.

Matt nodded.

Nick walked slowly back to Matt, his eyes bright and sparkling. He stopped in front of Matt and smiled, then he slowly took a hand and put it on his chest, rubbing the wet cloth of his shirt. He looked down at his hand and slowly rubbed it down his chest to his belt. He looked up at Matt and smiled coyly, then he slowly unbuckled his belt, pulling the leather out of the buckle. He undid the top button of his jeans and very slowly unbuttoned three buttons of his fly.

Then he stopped.

Matt, his eyes almost glued to Nick's pants, looked up at Nick and Nick smirked.

"I should get a towel," he said, and giggled.

Matt shook his head. "You should get those wet things off first," he said breathlessly.

"Yeah?" said Nick.

"Uh huh," Matt nodded.

Nick smiled at Matt. Matt was sitting on the bed, the towel around his waist was now open. His boxers were still a little damp, and they clung to his erection. Nick didn't say anything, he just smiled and started to unbutton his shirt.

Nick pulled the shirt open, revealing the t-shirt underneath. He moved his shoulders suggestively as he pulled off the shirt and tossed it on the ground, then he slowly moved his body, dancing to some beat in his head.

Matt stared, his eyes wide.

Nick smiled, enjoying teasing Matt this way. He reached down and pulled the t-shirt out of his pants, then he pulled it up and off, revealing his chest.

Matt gasped just a little. He'd seen Nick shirtless before, but now he could really look and take in Nick's chest and the tattoos on his arms.

Nick slowly turned and began to swing his hips. He was laughing a little to himself and he turned back to face Matt, still laughing as he danced.

Matt was watching him, his mouth hanging slightly open, his eyes bright.

Nick reached down and unbuttoned the last button and began to slowly push down his jeans. He pushed them down to his knees, the white boxer briefs were wet and glued to his body and Matt could see that Nick was hard too.

"Damn" Nick cursed.

"Huh?" asked Matt.

"I didn't take my shoes off!" said Nick, and he waddled over to the bed and sat down next to Matt. Nick smiled at Matt and shook his head, "Guess I'll never be any good as a striptease artist!"

"I think you'd be great," Matt said seriously.

Nick was sitting next to him, their hips and legs touching. When Matt leaned over, their shoulders touched.

Nick lifted up his right leg and started to undo the laces of his sneaker.

Matt pretended to watch, but his eyes kept traveling back to Nick's groin, and the large lump in the cloth.

He wanted to touch it.

"Got it" Nick said, the sneaker falling on the floor. Nick put down that leg and lifted up his left. The folds in his underwear changed, and now the lump in his shorts seemed even larger. Matt tried not to stare at it, but he couldn't help it.

The other sneaker fell to the ground.

Nick stood up. He was standing right beside Matt. Matt had a great view from the side. Nick's erection stood proud, his underwear seemed barely able to contain it. Matt felt his own erection throb.

Nick slowly stepped out of his jeans, then he kicked them away and sat down.

Matt tore his eyes away from Nicks erection and looked at Nick.

"That's better," said Nick. "Can I borrow that?" and he grabbed the towel around Matt's waist and pulled at it.

Matt nearly fell off the bed as Nick pulled the towel.

"Hey," he yelped.

"Don't be such a cry baby," Nick teased as he quickly ran the towel over himself. He stood up and quickly ran the towel up and down his legs, then he sat back down again. "Much better," he laughed.

"You took my towel!" Matt complained.

"Oh sorry!" said Nick, in an exaggeratedly concerned voice. "Are you still damp?" And he frowned slightly, his eyes traveling down Matt's chest to his wet boxer shorts.

He smirked.

"That looks wet. Could do with some toweling down," he said, and he took the towel and reached out to Matt's groin.

Matt watched as Nick placed the towel in his lap and started to slowly run it back and forth. Nick's fingers were feeling about and Matt shivered as he felt them take his erection and squeeze. Nick's fingers were soft and somewhat indistinct through the thick cloth of the towel.

Matt moaned.

"You okay?" Nick asked, grinning at him.

All Matt could do was nod breathlessly.

"Hmm," said Nick. "These shorts are really wet. I think you better get out of them before you catch cold."

Matt looked up from his lap and Nicks slowly rotating fingers, and stared at Nick.

"That's if you don't mind getting naked," Nick asked.

Matt breathed deeply, trying to calm himself as Nick squeezed him gently through the towel. He wanted to get naked. He wanted to pull that towel away and just let Nick stroke him.

Instead he managed a nervous smile at Nick. "Only if you do," he said, almost surprised by his courage.

Nick smiled, and then slowly he pulled the towel out of Matt's lap and threw it on the ground. Smiling broadly, he stood up and turned to stand in front of Matt. He reached out his hands to Matt, who took them and managed to stand awkwardly.

Nick leaned forward and kissed Matt on his cheek and whispered into his ear. "Lets get you out of these."

Matt shivered in excitement and anticipation.

Nick leaned back, still holding onto Matt's hands.

"You okay?" he asked, making sure Matt could stand okay without support.

Matt nodded.

Nick crouched down so that his face was directly in front of the bulge in Matt's boxers. Matt's penis was sticking out, the waistband pulled out an inch or two from his stomach. Nick stared for a moment, then glanced up at Matt and smiled. He reached up and carefully opened the fly so that he could see some of the shaft and he leaned forward and blew gently.

Matt whimpered. The feelings running through him were so intense. Standing almost naked in front of the guy he had fantasized about all these years, and the fact that they might be discovered, were all combining in an erotic overload. He felt like he could shoot at any moment. If Nick took him in his fingers he knew he would.

But Nick stopped, looked up and smiled. He reached up and grabbed the waistband of Matt's boxers and carefully pulled it out and over Matt's erection, and then slowly he pulled the boxers down.

Matt stood there, naked. His erection pointing proudly. Nick kneeling before him, smiling. Nick was staring openly at his dick. Matt blushed. He felt embarrassed. He wanted to cover himself with his hands, yet he knew that would be silly. He wanted to rip off Nick's underwear, but that was impractical with his broken leg.

Nick sat there staring for a moment, and then he stood up and smiled.

"My turn!" he said brightly, and he reached down and quickly pushed his shorts down past his knees, and then let go of them and they dropped to the floor with a soft slap. He carefully stepped out of them.

Matt stared at Nick. Now he could see all of him. He looked down Nick's chest and his eyes fell on Nick's erection. It was about the same length as Matt's, maybe about 7 inches, perhaps a little less. It curved to the right, with a large head and a prominent vein running down the left side. Matt felt his own dick jerk a little.

Nick stepped up to Matt. He smiled and put his arms around him and Matt put his arms around Nick and they hugged each other close...

....they kissed...

....a strong passionate kiss that grew stronger as they started to grind against each other. Matt could feel the shaft of Nick's penis trapped between their bellies, parallel to his own. Matt moaned as he pushed back and his shaft rubbed against Nick. If he slid slightly to the right his shaft would rub against Nicks.

He was so close to cumming, but he didn't want to cum yet..not yet...not if Nick wasn't close. That would be too embarrassing. To shoot off before Nick was even close.

He heard Nick groan and he wondered if Nick was close. He slipped his right hand down between them, trying to grab Nick's dick in his hand and jerk him off. Trying to get him there faster.

But Nick suddenly pulled away from him.

Nick smiled. "Let's get comfortable," he said, pointing at the bed.

Matt nodded.

Nick quickly stepped beside Matt and helped him as Matt sat back down onto the bed and pulled his leg up onto it. Matt lay back and felt a little lost lying there in the bed. It was awfully hard to move around with his leg in a cast, and he suddenly wished he'd stayed standing. He felt even more exposed and helpless lying on his back, his broken leg hindering his movement.

He watched as Nick casually walked around to the other side of the bed and hoped on, crouching on the bed beside Matt.

"Okay?" Nick asked him.

"Yeah," Matt nodded, figuring that Nick would lie down beside him and they would resume the kissing and rubbing against each other.

"That's good," said Nick, smiling down at Matt, and then he sat up a little and stared at Matt. His eyes slowly trailed down Matt's chest and legs, then back up to Matt's face.

"You're really hot Matt," he whispered.

Matt nodded. "I'm cooling down a bit," he said.

"No,'ve really hot."

Matt blushed. "Thanks," he whispered shyly. "You too," he added quietly.

Nick smiled. Then he reached out his left hand and gently placed it on Matt's chest.

The hand lazily traveled up to Matt's let nipple, and rubbed over it, sliding over the ring and the erect nipple, feeling it become even harder as he rubbed. Then he ran his hand over to the other nipple.

Matt moaned as Nick rubbed, and Matt unconsciously thrust his hips upward.

Nick smiled and slowly ran his hand back down Matt's chest, lightly squeezing his stomach and toying with his bellybutton before moving down to the nest of pubic hair. Nick's fingers lazily rubbed in circles in the hair, twisting and gently pulling at it, then he slid his hand down and poked a finger at Matt's penis.

Matt groaned.

Nicks fingers wrapped around the shaft and slowly slid upwards.

Matt gasped and tried to thrust. Nick's fingers reached the top and rubbed over the large dribble of precum that had formed at the piss slit. The fingers ran lazily around the head.

"Oh God!" Matt mumbled.

Nick smiled. "Okay?" he asked.

Through the fog of sexual excitement, all Matt could do was nod and sigh.

Nick smiled, and then slowly, ever so slowly, he leaned forward until his mouth was directly over Matt's penis.

Matt craned his head forward, trying to watch. Nick was hovering over his dick, smiling up at Matt. And then he blew gently on the head of Matt's dick and Matt nearly came. His head fell back on the pillows, his eyes closed, his hands clenched in the sheets, his hips thrusting upward, unconsciously trying to get more stimulation.

He couldn't cum yet! He had to hold on! It had to go further! He lifted up his head again, straining to watch.

Nick was lightly holding and stroking his dick, still smiling at him, his mouth so close...

And then Nick smiled at him and opened his mouth and leaned slowly forward, and Matt watched as Nick's mouth covered the head of his dick and went lower. And yet he felt nothing, just a slight breath as Nick held his penis by the base.

And then he felt it...felt Nick's mouth slowly close and his lips make contact with his shaft and Nick's tongue touched the underside of Matt's dick.

Matt collapsed back against the pillows.

Not yet!

But the lips were traveling up his shaft. Warm, firm lips traveling up the shaft and over the sensitive rim of the head.

Matt bucked upwards, but Nick's hand on his pelvis kept him from thrusting far.

Nick kissed the top of Matt's dick, and then he slid down the shaft again, his lips rubbing once more against the sensitive head and shaft.

Matt groaned and grunted, trying to be quiet, knowing that his Mother was just down stairs.

He was so close.

Nick slid up and down one more time, his tongue now rubbing back and forth against the shaft, the lips tighter and closely sealed around the shaft.

Matt whimpered and tried to hump against him, Nicks hand preventing the motion. He had to hold off a little longer!

But then Nick's hand slipped down to Matt's balls and tickled them gently, and he couldn't stop it. His whole body went rigid, and he groaned and felt it rise up within him. His pelvis thrust a couple of quick, broken thrusts, and he groaned, his head leaning backwards as the familiar feeling enveloped him. His brain seemed to explode, expanding out of his head, as he shot large bolts of cum.

Oh God! It felt so good. He was still thrusting, trying to get stimulation from Nick's fingers and mouth, not sure what he was rubbing against, but getting enough stimulation to keep shooting.

And then he was falling. Falling back into consciousness. The last of the cum oozing from the head of his dick. Gasping for breath. Looking around and trying to figure out what had happened.

He looked up at Nick and Nick smiled.

"You okay?" Nick asked.

"Uh huh," Matt nodded, still trying to recover.

"Cool," said Nick, sliding up to lie beside Matt. He lay his head on the pillow, watching Matt.

Matt slowly recovered his breathing and turned and smiled at Nick.

"Phew" said Matt, rolling his eyes, and blowing his breath up and over his forehead.

"Good?" Nick asked.

"That was...awesome. Thanks!" Matt smiled and then laughed.

"Glad you enjoyed it," he said.

Matt started to pull himself up to a sitting position.

"No," said Nick, "Take a moment. Just lie here. It's okay."

Matt settled back into the bed. "Thanks Nick" he whispered.

They lay there for a few moments, and then there was a knock at the door.

"Matt?" called his Mother.

"Yeah Mom," Matt called back.

"Does Nick want to stay for lunch?"

"Ahh, I don't know Mom, I'll ask him. I'll let you know in a bit, okay?"

"Okay dear."

Matt heard Nick laugh and he turned to face Nick and laughed a little too.

"Uh..uh...thanks," said Matt shyly.

Nick smiled and leaned forward and kissed him quickly on the lips.

"It was my pleasure," he said.

"Um...huh," Matt stumbled, not sure quite what to do next. He'd just had the most amazing, satisfying sexual experience of his life, but now he felt that he needed to return it. The only problem was, he was lying there with a cast on his foot, and the thought of his Mother interrupting was suddenly very present in his mind.

Nick seemed to sense Matt's discomfort.

"So, how about lunch?" Nick asked.

"Um...uhh.." Matt tried to think of what to do. "No, why don't" he paused and blushed.

Nick smiled. "Maybe we should cool it for a bit?"

"No! I..."

"Let's get dressed," said Nick.


"I thought maybe I could take you to lunch and then we could maybe go to a movie?"

"A movie?" Matt asked. "You sure?"

"Yeah," Nick nodded, "and then..." and he shrugged and smiled.

"Ahh..okay," Matt grinned. Nick leaned back towards Matt and they put their arms around one another and kissed. At first it was a chaste kiss, but then it grew more intense, and they started to lick and suck at each other. Matt started to get into it and began to grind against Nick.

"Hey! Wait!" Nick laughed, pulling away from him. "I thought we were having lunch!"

"I want you for lunch," Matt whispered, again surprised by his own words. It seemed to come out before he had a chance to think.

Nick laughed and kissed Matt quickly and then sat up. "You're working from the wrong menu," he laughed. "That's the dinner menu."

Matt smiled back at him.

Operating under Matt's direction, Nick found clothes for them both. He also carefully helped Matt get dressed, taking several minutes just to help him into a clean pair of boxers.

They weren't clean by the time Matt's track pants were up. Matt was hard, and leaking in his boxers, and he had to pull the sweatshirt down to try and cover it.

"Problem?" Nick asked, grinning devilishly.

"Yeah," Matt nodded, then looked away from Nick, trying to think of something that would calm things down.

Nick stepped closer. "Need some help?" he said, and reached out towards the lump in Matt's pants.

"No!" Matt laughed, turning slightly away from Nick. It was awkward to move as he was standing with the back of his legs against the edge of the bed to provide support. Nick hadn't brought up his crutches.

Nick laughed and pulled away. He put on a pair of khaki shorts and a sleeveless brown Nike shirt of Matt's. Matt thought Nick looked really hot in them.

"So, lunch?" Nick asked.

"Ah, what you want to do?" Matt asked nervously. He didn't really wanted to stay here for lunch. To have lunch with Nick and his parents...that would be too difficult.

"How about I take you somewhere nice?" Nick suggested. "I actually found a nice place last night....eventually," and he laughed.

"Oh, we don't have to go there," Matt said, not wanting to go somewhere expensive. If they went somewhere that wasn't too expensive he figured he could offer to pay for at least his half of the meal.

"I want to," Nick said flatly, still smiling.

Matt's heart fell. What was he supposed to say now?

"My treat," Nick added, "and I insist. Come on," and before Matt could protest, Nick was beside him, putting his arm around him, and they were hobbling out the door and down the stairs.

Matt's Mother heard them coming and came out to greet them.

"Mom, we're going to go out to lunch and then to a movie," Matt said breathlessly, trying to get Nick to just keep going. He didn't want to get involved in any long conversation with his Mother.

"You sure dear? Is your leg okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine Mom! I'll be careful."

"I'll make sure he stays off it Mrs...uh...Matt's Mother," said Nick.

"All right, what time are you going to be back?"

"I'll call, Mom! I'll let you know, maybe after dinner."

"Well just be careful!" his Mother said to them. "Coats!" she suddenly added.

His Mother disappeared down the hallway and came back with a couple of coats, handing one to Nick, and one to Matt.

"Thanks Mom," said Matt as they pulled them on.

Outside the rain wasn't falling so heavily, but it was still coming down steadily. Nick helped Matt to the car, then jumped into the drivers side.

Matt smirked at Nick.

"What?" said Nick.

Matt paused for a moment for dramatic effect. Then he spoke slowly. "Mrs. Matt's Mother?" Matt said seriously, staring hard at Nick. And then he couldn't keep it in any longer and he started laughing.

Nick sat there looking a little flustered. "I'm sorry!" he almost whined, "I just blanked for a moment and it just came out." Then he looked concerned. "I really am sorry, I remembered your last name like two seconds after I said it, but then I thought it would just be obvious I forgot if I said it."

"Oh yeah! It wasn't obvious," Matt snickered.

"I'm really sorry Matt," Nick said, looking very sorry.

Matt almost laughed harder. "It's okay!" said Matt. "Hey, at least you remember my first name!" and he giggled some more.

Nick groaned. "Yeah, huh!"

"And next time, you can call her Joan," said Matt, smiling.

"Okay!" said Nick, putting a big fake smile on his face. Matt reached out and rubbed Nicks arm and the smile relaxed and became more natural.

"Sorry," Nick said quietly.

"It's cool!" said Matt. "I thought it was funny."

It took them about half an hour to get to the restaurant. There was no waiting, and the meal came quickly. Nick fussed over whether Matt's allergy to seafood was a problem, but Matt waved him off and told him not to worry.

The eventually ordered a light lunch that came quickly as they chatted.

After the meal they were sitting at the table still talking when Nick suddenly leapt up.

"What?" asked Matt.

"Wait here a second," said Nick, and he disappeared towards the front of the restaurant.

Matt watched him go, wondering what was up. He felt suddenly nervous. Nick was coming back, he kept telling himself...he must be coming back. He couldn't just have walked out, leaving him there like some weird or crazy joke. He wouldn't do that; would he?

Surely not.

In his head, Matt tried to figure out how much the meal cost, and whether he had enough money to pay for it if Nick didn't come back...

"Miss me?"

Matt looked up. Nick sat down across from him, a big smile on his face. He had a newspaper in his hand.

"Got this," Nick lifted up the paper, and then he opened it. "Thought we could find out what's playing..."

Matt let out the breath he'd been holding in, and though Nick noticed, he didn't say anything.

They looked through the movie listings, but nothing of interest seemed to be playing. Or at least nothing of interest to Nick. Matt was willing to go to anything, but Nick didn't like any of the choices. He'd actually seen a few of them, and wasn't interested in the rest. Matt was surprised. Surprised that Nick had the time to see movies.

Nick finally folded up the paper.

"Hmmm," he said.

"Uh..." said Matt.

"We could..." Nick began, and then he hesitated.


"Well, if you wanted to..." he paused, "we could go to my hotel and watch a movie there...." he trailed off, looking a little unsure if it was the right thing to do to make the invitation. Nick glanced down at the paper trying to appear unconcerned.

"Okay," Matt said quietly.

Nick looked up. "You sure?" he asked.

"Yeah," Matt nodded, feeling braver. "I don't mind watching a movie in your hotel room."


"That's all we're gonna do, right?" Matt teased, and Nick's mouth fell open for a second, and then he smirked.

"We can do anything you want to," he said, then he smiled warmly, "anything that will make you happy."

Matt smiled back at Nick and they held each other's gaze for a second.

"Well...uh..." said Nick. "Uh...wanna get going?"

"Okay," said Matt.

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 13

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