Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Sep 20, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 11 - On The Beach

Matt spent a restless night. His leg and hand bothered him. He couldn't get comfortable with the cast, and he just couldn't seem to get the rest of himself comfortable either. He spent most of the night wrestling with his covers.

And thinking about Nick.

Not dreaming about Nick; which was something he did frequently. No, tonight he just thought about Nick. About what Nick wanted. Was Nick really interested in him, or was he misreading the signals? And if Nick was, then what would happen next?

And what if Nick wasn't; what then?

He'd set his alarm for 9, but he was already awake when it went off. He'd woken around six and tried to go back to sleep. He slipped in and out of consciousness, then woke a little after eight. He wanted to get up, but he still felt tired, so he just lay there, kind of hoping he might fall asleep again.

But he didn't.

The alarm rang and he shut it off.

He managed to roll out of bed and hobble to the dresser to get clothes, then he grabbed the crutches and went out to the bathroom. He realized he wasn't going to be able to shower this morning, but he pulled off his t-shirt and boxers and filled the basin with warm water and soaped up a washcloth.

Then he washed his face and chest. He carefully worked around the nipple rings, not wanting to stimulate himself too much. Then he washed his legs and backside.

Soaping up the cloth he rubbed the cloth over his pubic hair, wetting and soaping it well, before rubbing the cloth over his penis and balls. He was thickening again, but he didn't want to jerk off, so he rinsed the cloth with cool water and ran it over himself quickly; getting the soap off, but not getting himself more excited.

He struggled into the clean boxers and t-shirt and then went back to his bedroom. The doctor had told him he'd probably want to wear track pants or loose pants while he had the cast on, so he went to his closet and pulled out a pair of button up track pants. Sitting on the bed he managed to get them on with little difficulty, then he pulled on a gray and white striped sweater, and went out to go down the stairs for breakfast.

At the top of the stairs he stood for a second, wondering what the best way to get down would be.

"Morning dear!" his Mother called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning," said Matt.

His Mother slowly came up the stairs. "You feeling well enough to be up?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said.

"Maybe you should stay upstairs? I can bring you up some breakfast."

"I'm fine Mom!"

He took his crutches and held them out to her, a determined expression on his face. She stood there for a moment, and then half shrugged and took them from him. Holding onto the railing Matt carefully sat down and began to slide down the stairs. It was a lot easier then going up - or maybe his leg bothered him less - and he found it much easier to move. Either way, he quickly made it to the bottom of the stairs, his Mother trailing behind him.

He pulled himself up and, reclaiming the crutches from his Mother, made his way to the kitchen.

His Mom busied herself at the stove before bringing over a plate of scrambled eggs. He salted them and then picked up his fork and started eating.

His Mother placed a cup of coffee on the table.

"Thanks," he said.

"Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah," he nodded, noncommittally.

"You look a little tired."

"I'm fine," he said, suddenly worried that he would look bad for Nick. He'd thought he'd looked okay in the mirror when he'd brushed his hair, carefully spiking it.

He glanced at his watch. 9:30. Nick said he'd be there around 10. Would he call first? Would be get there right at 10? And what was he going to tell his Mother and Nick coming over?

"Where's Dad?" he asked his Mom casually.

"In the garage. You want some toast?"

"No thanks."

The cell phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket. He saw the look on his Mother's face. He'd had to spin a good story to explain how he'd got that, and his Mother still regarded it as a waste of money. He hadn't told her he wasn't paying for it.


"How're you feeling?" asked Nick.

"Okay," Matt said quietly, turning a little away from the table so he wasn't facing his Mom.

"Up to a bit of sightseeing?" Nick asked.

"Sure," said Matt.

"I'll be there in twenty."


"See ya!"

"Bye," said Matt, closing the phone and shoving it back in his pocket as he turned back to the table.

His Mother was busily wiping the counter top, though he couldn't help thinking she'd been listening to what he'd been saying.

"Uh Mom," he began nervously, "I'm going to go out for a bit."

"You are? When?"

"About half an hour."

"Are you driving? Where are you going?"

"I' know Nick, from the accident? I uh...I kinda offered to show him around a bit."

His Mother stood there staring at him. Her expression was one of surprise, and for once she seemed speechless. "Are you sure you're well enough?" she finally asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. We're just gonna drive around a bit, show him some places...he was really nice to me yesterday..."

"Well...he hit you dear! He's probably worried you are going to sue him!"

"No! He wasn't...well anyway I offered to and I'm fine. The Doctor said I can do whatever I like as long as the leg isn't aching or anything and it's fine."

"What time is he coming?"


"Well, don't be out too long and tire yourself out," said his Mother, and she went up and put her arms around him. "I still worry about my baby," and she kissed him.

"I'll be good Mom," Matt said.

After he finished breakfast he wanted to brush his teeth again, but that meant going up to the bathroom, so he went over to the kitchen sink and rinsed his mouth with water. He didn't know if it would make a difference, but it was worth a try.

The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" he called, picking up his crutches and moving as quickly as he could towards the front door.

"Hello!" he heard his Mother say.

"Hello," he heard Nick's voice.

Matt came down the hallway and saw Nick. Nick looked up and smiled at Matt and Matt couldn't help it, he grinned back at him.

"How are you doing?" Nick asked.

"I'm good," Matt said quickly, moving up to the door. "I'll be back in a while," he said to his Mother.

"You ready to go then?" Nick almost laughed as he stepped back to let Matt come out onto the porch.

"Yeah, let's go," said Matt.

"Well nice to meet you again," said Nick hastily to Matt's Mother.

"Take care of him for me, will you?"


"I will," said Nick. "Hey, champ! Wait for me!" called Nick, hastily walking after Matt, who was trying to figure out the best way to get down the stairs.

"Here, I'll help ya," said Nick to Matt, taking the crutches and putting his arm around him. They successfully negotiated the four steps and then Nick handed the crutches back to Matt and Matt almost sprinted to the car.

"You in a hurry?" asked Nick as he chased after him and opened the passenger door.

"No," said Matt flatly, handing the crutches to Nick and hoisting himself into the seat.

"Bye!" Nick called to Matt's mother, and Matt looked up and waved quickly to her before pulling the door closed.

"Alright!" said Nick as he climbed into the drivers seat and belted up. "You belted?" he said to Matt.


"So where to?"

"I don't know," Matt shrugged. "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know. You're from around here. Got any ideas?"

"Uh...there's a nice park and beach not far from here."

"Okay," said Nick as he started the car. "You tell me where to go."

Following Matt's directions, Nick drove out of the driveway and turned left. They drove in silence for a few minutes.

"How's the leg?" Nick finally said.

"It's good," said Matt.

"Yeah?" said Nick.


"So what's this place? We're we going to?"

"It's a park," said Matt. "There's a beach. It's not much."

"Okay," said Nick, laughing to himself.

"Well it's not," said Matt. "There's not really a whole lot around here."

Nick shrugged. "It's cool. Interesting to see different places," Nick paused. "You know...sometimes you don't know how good something is because you look at it every day.

"I guess," said Matt quietly.

"Anyway, it's fun to be out places and do 'normal' things. You don't get noticed in places like this as much."

"Cultural backwaters you mean?" said Matt.

"No I didn't mean it like that," said Nick, turning to glance at Matt, a concerned expression on his face.

Matt smirked.

"It's just...smaller places, less people, and those that are here don't expect to see you," said Nick.

"Yeah," Matt agreed quietly, staring out the window, trying to think of Nick as just a friend he was riding in a car with. Nothing was going to happen, Nick just wanted to be a friend. He shouldn't expect anything.

"Well," said Nick. "Did you honestly expect to see me here?"

"No!" Matt laughed.

"See, that's my point!"

They pulled into the park and Nick pulled the car into a parking space.

Nick turned to Matt. "You think you can make it okay?"

"It's not far," said Matt.

Nick climbed out of the car and quickly dashed around to the passenger side. Matt already had the door open and was struggling to get his leg out. Nick reached out and helped him with his leg.

"Thanks," said Matt.

"Welcome," said Nick, and he went to the back passenger door and opened it and took out the crutches and leaned them against the door. He turned to Matt and bent down and put his arms under Matts armpits and started to pull him up.

"I can...I'm okay," Matt protested, but he went with it, and Nick held him for a second as he got his balance. Then Nick grabbed the crutches and handed them to Matt.

Matt took the crutches and smiled at Nick, looking into his eyes. Nick returned the gaze, smiling widely as they stood there face to face, just a few inches apart.

"Thanks," said Matt.

"No problem," Nick answered, stepping back from Matt. "Ready to go?" he asked.


"Okay, lead the way," said Nick.

Matt started to walk towards the path, while Nick closed the doors. Then he ran after Matt, catching up to him and walking beside him.

"Wait!" Nick called, and Matt stopped and turned to face him. Nick held up one finger as though to say wait one minute, and he bent down and reached out to the track pants around Matt's cast. He fiddled for a moment and snapped back one of the buttons that had come undone, then he looked up and smiled at Matt. "You were coming undone!" he grinned.

"Oh, thanks," said Matt.

Nick stood up. "Don't want that happening by accident."

"," Matt laughed.

They walked down the short path to the beach. Nick helped Matt down the few steps at the end of the path. Once on the sand, Matt moved awkwardly a little way, then stopped. Nick watched and frowned.

"Crutches and sand...probably not a great idea," said Nick.

"Yeah," said Matt. "I'll wait here. You can go down and look around."

"Naah, it's okay."

"You don't have to worry about me," said Matt. "I'll be okay."

Nick laughed a little to himself. He was looking out at the lake. "Well thanks Matt," he said, turning to face him, "but I didn't come here to see the beach." He paused for a moment; "I came here to spend some time with you."

Nick stared at Matt, a hopeful, but also slightly embarrassed expression on his face. Matt grinned nervously.


"I'm sorry," said Nick, looking suddenly worried. "I didn't mean..."

", it''s okay....I...I'd like to spend time with you too!" said Matt. He was breathing fast and he suddenly felt hot, and his throat was tight. Things were bouncing around in his stomach and he didn't know what to think, but he knew he couldn't miss this chance.

Nick smiled back, still looking a little nervous, and he glanced away and then looked back at Matt. The smile was larger, and he laughed a little.

"So are you...are you seeing anyone at the moment?" Nick asked.

"No," Matt whispered, only just managing to get the word out. He half swallowed it, his throat seemed suddenly very dry.

"That's...that's good," said Nick, glancing about, and then turning back to face Matt.

Matt pretended to frown. "My not dating is a good thing?" he asked. His voice still sounded a little odd, maybe a little higher than normal, but at least he'd been able to say it.

"Well, yeah," said Nick, and he took a step closer to Matt, "That's really good," and he stared into Matt's eyes as Matt stared back.

"Why you say that?" asked Matt, the smile larger. He was feeling giddy. Nick was standing right next to him, staring into his eyes. Everything was screaming that Nick was interested him. Why didn't he just say it? He was going to say it, surely?

"Well," Nick whispered so quietly that Matt had to lean a little closer to hear him clearly, "It gives someone a chance with you."

"Someone?" asked Matt, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," said Nick, and he just stood there staring into Matt's eyes.

Matt stood there staring back. Waiting. But Nick didn't say anything. Matt couldn't take it any longer, he glanced out towards the lake and took a breath, then he looked up and down the beach. It was deserted. He suddenly noticed that it was cool and overcast. There was a light breeze, and it felt like it might rain.

He turned back to Nick, who was still standing so close to him, staring. Nick laughed nervously and glanced out towards the lake again. It looked like he couldn't figure out what to do next either.

Matt so wanted to say something, do something, but he couldn't.

"It's nice here," Nick said, and he turned back and smiled at Matt again.

"Yeah," said Matt. One of his arms was starting to ache from leaning on the crutches. He moved his weight a little and one of the crutches moved slightly and sank an inch or two further in the sand. It wasn't much, but it was enough to cause him to lose his balance a little and he startled. He was falling backwards and he stepped back and moved his crutches to try and regain his balance. It wasn't much - he probably wouldn't have fallen over - but Nick reached out and suddenly he was in Nick arms and Nick was holding him.

They both giggled in embarrassment; or surprise.

"I'm okay," said Matt, though he didn't want Nick to let go of him.

"Sure?" asked Nick. He had his arms around Matt and their chests were touching, their faces only inches apart.

"Yeah," Matt nodded, but he didn't try and push Nick away, and Nick didn't move.

They stood there for a moment. Matt was staring into Nick's green eyes. They were only inches from his and he felt like he was falling into them. It felt like Nick's arms were actually squeezing him harder.

"You okay?" Nick whispered.

"Yeah," said Matt, staring back at Nick, holding his gaze.

"You don't mind?" he said.

Matt frowned for a moment, not sure what Nick meant.

"No," he smiled, and shook his head a little.

Nick smiled, then as Matt watched, Nick started to lean closer. He turned his head slightly and closed his eyes and Matt realized Nick was going to kiss him.

Nick fucking Carter was going to fucking kiss him.

A shiver ran up his spine and he closed his eyes and melted into him.

Matt sat on the beach staring out at the lake. He felt so alive. His heart was racing and he was breathing hard. Nick was pacing back and forth in front of him, swinging his arms and glancing back at Matt nervously.

"You okay?" Nick said for about the fifth time.

"I'm fine Nick," Matt nodded, rubbing his good leg and smiling at him.

Nick walked over quickly and sat down next to Matt, turning to face him. Matt looked into his eyes and smiled.

"I didn't mean to shock you," Nick said.

"You didn't shock me," Matt said, "I just got a cramp in my leg."

"Oh, okay," said Nick nodding. Nick turned and looked out at the lake, then turned back to Matt. "So your leg's okay?"

"Yeah," Matt laughed.

Nick looked puzzled. "What?" he asked.

"It's okay! I'm okay. I just got a cramp, that's all it was!"

"Okay," said Nick, nodding quietly. "I just..I wasn't sure if...I just..."

Matt reached out his hand and put it on Nick's arm and Nick stopped talking.

"I liked it," Matt said quietly, "Well, until I got the cramp."

Nick smiled. "Okay," he said and nodded. He still seemed nervous, and kept looking out at the lake as though he couldn't face Matt.

"I'm sorry," said Matt. "I've been wanting you to do that."

Nick turned back and smiled. "Yeah?"

Matt nodded.

"Maybe we could...we could try again?" Nick said quietly, leaning in a little closer.

"Yeah," Matt whispered.

Nick leaned closer, but then he quickly glanced around and suddenly stiffened and sat back up. Matt looked up and saw a middle-aged couple wandering up the beach. He turned back to Nick, who flashed him a sad little smile.

The two of them sat together. Nick picked up a stick and began to draw in the sand with it. The couple walked past, briefly smiling at the two young men sitting together on the beach.

"It's getting colder," said Nick.

Matt looked up. The sky was getting darker, and it was definitely getting colder. He hadn't been paying attention.

"Yeah," he agreed, and put his hand out and squeezed Nick's arm. He was worried that the moment had passed, and Nick was going to just run off now.

"We should get back to the car," said Nick.

"Ummm..." Matt was sad, but Nick jumped up and put out his hands to help him up. Matt took Nick's hands and stood up a little awkwardly.

"Hang on," said Nick, and he bent down and picked up Matt's crutches and handed them to him.

The breeze had picked up, and it started to spit here and there.

"Come on!" Nick called, and Matt started to walk toward the path with Nick walking beside him. Matt hopped up the steps, clutching to Nick, and they set out for the car.

The light spitting had turned into rain and they moved as quickly as they could, laughing as they went. Other people were already leaving.

They were getting soaked.

"Careful," said Nick, trying to slow Matt down.

"I'm getting wet," Matt laughed.

"I know, but you'll slip if you're not careful!"

"I'm being careful!" Matt laughed.

It was pouring down and they were soaked through when they got to the car. Matt stopped at the passenger door while Nick struggled in his pockets for the keys.

"Fucking keys!" Nick grumbled.

Matt laughed and Nick looked up at him. Nick's hair was wet and matted, and water was running down his face. Nick smiled and then glanced around quickly. The parking lot was empty and the few people that had been in the park had disappeared. The falling rain was like a blanket around them. Nick stepped up to Matt and Matt shivered.

"You cold?" Nick asked him, putting his hands on Matt's arms.

"No," Matt shook his head, shivering from the excitement.

Nick slowly reached out and took hold of Matt's crutches.

"Let me," said Nick. Nick took the crutches and leaned them against the car, then he turned back to face Matt and put his arms back under Matt's, stepping closer and wrapping his arms around him.

"You okay?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," Matt nodded.

"Okay," Nick smiled. He stood there staring into Matt's eyes and Matt stared back. The water was streaming down on them and running over their faces. A large droplet was on the end of Matt's nose and he couldn't get it off. He unconsciously twitched his nose and shook his head a little, but it just hung there. He suddenly realized Nick was watching him, and then Nick reached up and lightly rubbed Matt's nose with the side of his forefinger. Matt blushed.

Nick leaned forward and Matt thought he was going to kiss him again, but instead Nick leaned up against him until his forehead was against Matt's, their noses side be side, the end of Nick's nose touching Matt's cheek.

Matt put his arms up around Nick and he felt Nick pulling him to him.

"You okay?" Nick whispered.


"Can I kiss you?" he whispered.

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 12

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