Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Sep 15, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Chapter 10 - The Phone Call

"What?" asked Matt's Mother.

"No!" Matt gasped, and shook his head at Nick. What was Nick doing? Was he mad?

"Yeah...I'm just...I don't even know how it happened," said Nick, a miserable expression on his face.

"It wasn't your fault!" Matt interrupted.

"It wasn't?" asked his Mother, turning back to face him.

"No! No! was...there was a car and I went around it and....uhh...the sun was..."

"Well the sun was in my eyes," Nick agreed, "but I should of seen you, I just was lost and paying more attention to the street signs. I really am sorry and I'd like to make it up to you," and he smiled at Matt.

"'s okay," said Matt, nervously. "It wasn't your fault and you don't owe me anything."

Nick shrugged. "Well I think I do," he said quietly.

"You took me to the hospital and everything," said Matt.

There was an awkward silence.

"You should get inside and put your foot up," Matt's Mother suddenly said.

"I'll help you in," offered Nick.

"I'm okay," Matt said, and began to maneuver himself towards the house. His Mother led the way, stopping to look back and see how he was doing, while Nick followed closely behind him.

Matt came to the steps and stopped. He'd never gone up steps on crutches before, but it looked easy. He stepped to the bottom of the first step and put the crutches onto it.

"You want me to help you?" Nick asked.

"No," hissed Matt.

"Maybe you should let him help you," said his Mother.

"I'm okay," said Matt.

"All right dear."

Matt leaned awkwardly on the crutches and managed to hop up onto the second step. He tried a crutch on the top step, but it was too awkward, so he put them on the second step and then tried to half hop-half lift himself up onto the second step. He just managed to get his foot onto the second step, but he overbalanced and started falling backwards.

"Shit," he hissed, flailing his arms, but with the crutches it was useless and he was toppling backwards. He was going to fall on his ass...but suddenly Nick had his arms around him and was holding him up.

"Okay?" Nick whispered quietly into his ear as he pulled Matt back into a vertical position.

"Yeah," said Matt smiling at Nick gratefully.

Without asking, Nick moved beside Matt and put his arm around Matt's waist. He took the crutch from Matt and held it out to Matt's Mother, who took it from him.

"Put your arm around me," Nick said. Matt put his arm around Nick and his Mother took the other crutch from him.

"Let's go," said Nick, and he helped Matt hop up the last two steps and then across the porch and inside.

"Where we going?" Nick asked, breathing heavily.

"Let's put him in the living room," Matt's Mother suggested, as though he were some package being delivered.

Matt hopped as Nick half carried him into the living room and then helped him maneuver to the couch. Matt stopped at the couch and Nick turned to face him and put his arms around him in an embrace that didn't seem entirely necessary.

"I'll help you down," said Nick, and awkwardly helped Matt to sit down. Then he bent down and carefully helped Matt get his leg onto the couch.

Matt was fixated on Nick, and it was only when Nick stood up that he realized his Mother had been standing close by, watching them. She now hurried over and helped arrange some cushions.

"I'm okay, Mom," he moaned.

"Well, you need to take care of yourself," his Mother said, ignoring his plea. "I've told you about not wearing a helmet, but you won't listen."

"I didn't hurt my head Mom."

"Precisely, but what if you had?" and she stood up and fixed him with a stare.

Matt just shrugged guiltily.

"Do you want something to drink?" she asked, her tone softening again.

"I'm okay....thanks."

"Would you like something Mr...?" she turned to Nick.

Nick glanced at Matt and Matt shook his head.

"Smith...Nick Smith," said Nick.

Matt's Mother stared at Nick for a moment, as though not quite convinced, and then she smiled. "Would you like something to drink?" she asked. "Coffee?"

"He has to go," said Matt.

"Oh, I've got a bit of time. Sure. Please. Thank you."

"Just be a minute then," she said, and went out.

Nick stood there for a moment, surveying the room and smiling to himself. Matt lay on the couch, a mixture of emotions running through him. A feeling of panic had come back. He was worried his Mother might get suspicious. Worse, parts of him were aching again.

"You want the TV on?" Nick asked.

"No!" snapped Matt.



"No. What?"

"Why'd you do that?" Matt asked

"Stay for coffee?" Nick asked.

"No! Tell her you hit me."

"Well, it was kind of my fault, and I thought it would make things easier."

"Yeah, great! Much easier," Matt said dismissively.

Nick frowned. "Sorry, I'll go tell your Mother the truth then."

"No!" Matt hissed. "Don't do that!"

"Well I don't..."

"Here you are," Matt's Mother said as she walked in with a cup of coffee and handed it to Nick. "Would you like anything to eat?" she asked.

"No. Thanks! Thanks for this," he said, holding up the coffee.

"You're welcome. Are you sure you don't want something dear?" she said, turning to Matt.

"I'm okay," said Matt.

His Mother shrugged and walked out.

Nick sat in a chair and sipped his coffee. Matt sat on the couch wondering what to do next.

"I'm sorry," he finally said.

"It's okay," Nick said casually, not turning to face him.

Matt let out his breath. "I am sorry," he repeated.

Nick turned to face him. "I heard."

Matt wasn't sure what to say next. He didn't feel like he could talk freely. His Mother might come in at any time.

Nick put down the coffee cup.

"I better go," he said.

"No!" Matt begged.

Nick stood there, seemingly unsure what to say.

Matt's Mother walked in. "Are you going?" she asked.

"Yeah, I...I should get going."

Matt sat there frowning. He didn't say anything.

"Uh...I'm really sorry about the leg," Nick said to Matt. "If there's anything I can do, give me a call," and he took out a card and handed it to Matt.

Matt couldn't even look at him. "Yeah, sure," he said quietly. He wanted to tell him he was sorry. Tell him something, anything, but he couldn't. Was this it? Was Nick going to just walk out of his life?

"See ya'" Nick said quietly, and then he turned and walked out.

"I'll walk you out," said Matt's Mother to Nick.

Matt could hear his Mother and Nick talking as they left. He sat there thinking. Damn! He'd made a complete mess of this!

He suddenly felt very tired.

"Are you okay?"

He looked up. His Mother was standing in the doorway.

"Yeah," Matt said.

"He seemed nice," said his Mother.

"Uh huh."

"He seemed very sorry about what happened."

"Yeah," said Matt sadly. He yawned.

"Are you tired?"

"Yeah, I feel really tired suddenly."

"You could take a nap on the couch, or are we going to get you up the stairs?" his Mother said thoughtfully.

"I can do it," Matt said.

"Not on your crutches!" said his Mother.

"I'll do it on my butt" Matt said, and he slid his legs off the couch and reached for the crutches. His Mother came over and handed them to him and Matt managed to pull himself up onto them.

He then made his way over to the stairs and dropped down onto the stairs. His Mother took the crutches and he turned around and sat on third step. Then he lifted himself up one step.

'This is gonna be a pain,' he thought to himself.

He'd gone up a couple of steps when the doorbell rang. His Mother, who had been watching him closely, looked unsure of what to do.

He stopped and looked at her.

"Will you be okay?" she asked.

"Yeah Mom," he said dismissively.

He watched her hurry to the door. His Mother opened it and there was Nick.

"Hi," said Nick, "Uh..I forgot to take Matt's bicycle out of the trunk."

"Oh," said his Mom, "you can just put it in the garage."

"Okay," said Nick, but then his eye caught Matt sitting on the stairs and he grinned.

Matt's Mother stepped back a bit, "Matt's feeling a bit tired so he's going up to bed, but it's a bit hard going up the stairs."

"Mom!" Matt whined. He started to pull himself up the stairs again, but he could see Nick advancing towards him.

"Want a hand?" Nick asked.

"I'm okay," said Matt.

"Okay," said Nick, and he stopped, but stood there watching as Matt hoisted himself up a step.

Matt was breathing heavily now, partly from the exertion, partly from being the center of the attention. Nick and his Mother were both hovering over him. He stopped and looked at them.

"I can do this," he said.

"Sure," said Nick, "I just want to make sure you get there okay."

Matt rolled his eyes and then looked at his Mother.

His Mother stepped back. "Well, ahh Nick, maybe if you could just make sure he gets up there okay, and I'll go check on dinner."

"Sure," said Nick, holding his gaze on Matt. Matt stared back for a moment and then quickly looked away and tried to hoist himself up another step. His hand was really starting to hurt again and he grunted.

"You okay?" Nick repeated. Matt looked up and Nick was leaning close to him.

"My hand," he said quietly.

"Come on," said Nick, and he crouched down and put an arm around Matt. "You grab the railing and pull up, and I'll lift," said Nick.

Matt managed to stand and then Nick helped him turn around. With Nick holding firmly onto him Matt managed to half hop - half lightly step up the steps until they got to the top. Then Nick helped him into his bedroom and to the bed.

Matt sat on the bed, and Nick stood watching him.

"Thanks," said Matt.

"You're welcome," Nick smiled. He sat down next to Matt. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, tired," said Matt. "I'm sorry."


"For acting...I'm sorry, I don't know why I was so worried about my parents meeting you."

Nick laughed. "It's okay. You'd be surprised at the reactions I get from people. I understand. It's cool."

"It is?"

"Yeah," said Nick.

"Okay," said Matt quietly.

"But we should get you into bed," said Nick.

"I can do that," Matt laughed.

"Sure you can," said Nick, and he stood up next to Matt. "Come on" he said.


"Get the shirt off!"

"I can do it," Matt laughed, but Nick just stood there. Nick smirked at him and Matt grinned a little and then reached up and started to unbutton his shirt. His hands shook a little and he fumbled with the first button.

"Let me," said Nick, and despite Matt's protests, Nick reached out and started unbuttoning the same button. Their fingers touched for a moment and Matt almost gasped. He pulled his hands away.

Nick continued to unbutton Matt's shirt, watching what he was doing as Matt watched Nick. Matt could feel Nick's fingers brush against his chest, the cloth of the t-shirt the only thing preventing them from touching his bare skin. After the last button Nick began to gently pull the shirt out of Matt's pants, then he slipped the shirt off Matt's left, and then right, arm.

Nick reached down and grasped the bottom of the t-shirt, and as Matt put up his arms, pulled the shirt off in one fluid motion. Nick stared at Matt for a second, then took the t-shirt and tossed it onto the bed. Then he turned back to Matt and looked to be about to undo the belt of his pants.

"It's okay!" said Matt hastily. He looked down at the pants. They were ruined. They'd been ripped at the knee when he'd fallen, and then most of the leg had been cut at the seam so he could get them on over the cast. Three clips kept the pants leg wrapped around the cast, but Nick was now undoing those.

Matt froze. He knew that one of the folds in his lap wasn't just the cloth. He had started to thicken when Nick helped him up the stairs, and when Nick unbuttoned his shirt he had gotten hard. If he took off his pants Nick was bound to know that Matt was hard.

He blushed.

Nick had finished undoing the clips and now seemed intent on helping him undo his belt.

"I can do it!" Matt said.

"Okay," Nick laughed, and he stood there watching.

"Um...can you ahh....could you just step out for a minute?"

Nick rolled his eyes. "Oh please!" said Nick. "I've been touring with four guys for years and I've got a brother. You ain't got nothing I haven't seen before." And he grabbed at Matt's belt.

"No!" Matt gasped, and struggled to get away.

"Okay! Stop!" said Nick, holding up his hands. "Just undo your pants and I'll help you get them off. Come on."

Matt sat there for a moment, thinking. Nick seemed determined to stay. Maybe if he were lucky he could hide things and Nick wouldn't notice.

Matt quickly undid the belt and button, and then unzipped the fly. Then he turned on the bed, pulling his legs up onto it. Nick reached down and helped him. Then Nick put his hands on Matt's waist and grabbed hold of his pants.

"Okay," said Nick. "On three, you lift your butt up."

"Okay," Matt nodded.

"Two..three!" said Nick.

Matt lifted and Nick pulled, and the pants slid down. Freed from the confines of the pants, Matt could feel his penis almost pop up. Matt glanced down and saw the bulge and - much worse - a wet patch from the pre-cum that had oozed out of the head of his dick.

Nick was still pulling his pants off Matt, but Matt desperately rolled sideways and grabbed at the covers to pull them over him.

"Hey!" said Nick, his job made more difficult by Matt's flailing legs. He finally managed to pull the pants off, and he stood there, the remains of Matt's pants in one hand, and a large smile on his face.

"Sorry!" said Matt, not even looking at Nick. God! What must Nick think? He was so embarrassed. Would Nick figure out his secret? Was he going to ridicule him, or just leave and never talk to him again?

Matt lay on his side, looking at the wall, waiting for Nick to do something. Either say something, or just leave in disgust.

He felt the bed move, and he looked over his shoulder nervously. Nick was sitting on the bed beside him, the smile still on his face.

"Okay?" Nick asked quietly.


"It's cool," said Nick, and he put out his hand and patted Matt on the shoulder. "I told you I'd seen it all before," and he smiled and gently shoved Matt's shoulder.

"I'm sorry," said Matt.

"Don't worry about it," said Nick.

They sat there in silence for a moment. Matt didn't know what to say.

"Well, I should get going."

"Oh, okay," said Matt sadly.

"Uh...I thought maybe I'd come see how you were doing tomorrow...I know you aren't up to tour guiding but maybe we could hang out for a bit?"

Matt looked at Nick. Nick actually looked a little nervous, and he only glanced at Matt.

"Yeah, sure, I'd love that," said Matt, then he felt embarrassed he'd said it. But he didn't want to take it back either.

"Great!" said Nick, smiling. "I'll call you in the morning and we'll figure it out, okay?"


They smiled at each other. Nick seemed as though he was about to say something a couple of times. Matt sat watching him, waiting.

"Well, I should go," said Nick finally.

"Okay," said Matt softly.

"You know," said Nick. "You didn't need to apologize about before."

"Huh?" said Matt, unsure what Nick was saying.

Nick leaned forward and whispered, "I get hard all the time too."

Matt gasped and blushed, but then he realized that Nick was blushing a little too.

"Uhh.." Matt began

"Especially around people I like," Nick added, and then he grinned at Matt and reached out and tousled his hair. And before Matt could say anything, or even think of what to say, Nick stood up and walked towards the door.

"I'll call you later, okay?" said Nick.

"Yeah," said Matt.

"See ya."

Matt woke a couple of hours later. He almost startled awake, not sure where he was, or how he got there. Then he remembered the accident, and the hospital, and the broken leg.

And Nick.

God! He must have been tired. He'd fallen asleep almost as soon as Nick had left. He hadn't even thought much about what had happened...or had he?

He couldn't remember. He just remembered what had happened, and what Nick had said.

But what had Nick said? What had he meant? Was he just being friendly? Just trying to put him at ease? Or had be meant something else...something more?

"How are you feeling?"

He looked up. His Mother was standing in the doorway with a tray.

"Okay," he said.

"I brought you some dinner," she said, walking into the room.

"Thanks Mom," he said.

He surveyed the chicken pie, and then looked up at his Mother, who was watching him closely.

"What?" he asked.

"So you're okay?" she asked him.

"Yeah. I'm fine Mom."

"That's good," she smiled.

"Is Dad home?"

"He's having dinner. He'll come up and see you in a bit."

Matt nodded.

"You need anything?"

"I'm fine Mom."

After dinner, and his Mother took the tray away, Matt felt like he'd go to sleep early. But first he had to go to the bathroom.

He managed to get out of bed with little trouble, and with the aid of the crutches, make his way to the bathroom. He nearly tried to piss standing up, but balancing was too difficult.

After using the toilet, he brushed his teeth, then made his way back to his bedroom. As he went through the door he pushed it closed with the bottom of a crutch. He usually locked the door for privacy, but he was too tired to do anything tonight. He took a couple of steps towards the bed and then he changed his mind and turned around, hobbled back to the door, and locked it.

He got himself comfortable in bed and thought about going on line to check his email and maybe do a bit of web surfing, but he really was tired.

He thought again about jerking off.

But he really was tired.

He reached out and turned off the light and lay there on his back, wondering how he was going to sleep. Normally he slept on his stomach. But with the cast that was going to be weird. It would probably kill his toes.

Sometimes he could sleep on his side. If he slept with the cast 'down' maybe that would work.

He could never sleep on his back.

He rolled onto his side.

It felt weird. He tried to arrange his other leg. On top of the cast didn't work, and he had to bend it quite a way forward so that it wasn't touching the cast.

He lay there for a couple of minutes.

Then he tried his stomach.

He rolled onto his back again.


A soft metallic ringing sound caused him to jump.

Matt leaned over and grabbed the cell phone from the nightstand.


"Did I wake you?

"No, I'm awake."

"You are?"

"Yeah....I was trying to get to sleep, but I can't seem to."

"Oh!" Nick laughed.

"Yeah," Matt smiled, and lay back on his pillow, carefully holding the phone to his ear.

"Well I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I would have called earlier but I was trying to find somewhere to have dinner and I got lost and it was a mess."

"A mess?" Matt laughed. He loved to listen to Nick talk. It didn't matter what he talked about, just hearing his voice made him feel so good. He never wanted to hang up.

He wondered if Nick knew how much he lusted after him.

"Yeah, well I thought I'd go somewhere other than the hotel restaurant, you know?"

"Okay," said Matt, stretching as he smiled to himself. His left hand had slid under the covers to his groin and he was unconsciously squeezing himself through his boxer shorts.

"So the guy at the hotel told me of this place to go that was really good..."

"Uh...huh" said Matt, squeezing himself a little more consciously now, feeling himself thickening.

"Called Windjammer. You been there?"


"Well he gave me directions, and they were like the weirdest, most half assed directions I've ever been given! He even wrote them down for me and, well, I couldn't read his fucking writing."

Matt laughed and reached up and quickly switched hands, putting the phone in his left hand and holding it to his left ear as he slipped his right hand under the covers and down to the fly of his boxers. He undid the single button and reached in, pulling his dick out and giving it a long slow stroke to the top.

"But jerk that I am, I thought I could find the damn place so I set out and got completely lost!"


"I drive around for about a half hour thinking I'm gonna figure it out, but in the end I stopped and asked at a gas station. The guy there was no fucking help whatsoever, so I had go down the street and ask at a convenience store."

"Uh huh."

"The woman spends like ten minutes telling me all about how she'd been to the Windjammer for her fucking anniversary and how much her niece loved the dessert, and I'm standing there wanting to scream 'Just tell me where the place is!'"

Matt laughed, "Sounds like you weren't meant to eat there."

He was firmly stroking now, the head of his dick wet and slippery from the abundant precum oozing from the tip, the shaft fully hard. As he slipped his fingers over the head he knew he could cum soon. He'd have to slow down. He didn't want to cum while talking to Nick.

"I think I was being tortured for some reason," Nick agreed. "She finally tells me how to get there and I still don't find it and have to stop a third time and ask again! I finally get there and damn if I don't feel hungry anymore."

"Huh!" Matt laughed.

"So I sat in the bar for a while just to cool down and get my hunger back."

"Yeah?" said Matt.

"Yeah," said Nick.

"The bar, huh?"

"Just had a drink," said Nick.

"Just a drink?"


"...Meet anyone interesting?" Matt asked.

Nick laughed softly. "No. There was no one cute that caught my interest."

"No?" asked Matt, reaching up and pulling the covers down, shoving them down to his knees.

"No...anyway. I'm not looking right now," said Nick.

"No?" asked Matt, as he awkwardly tried to work his boxers down with one hand while lifting his hips up. He grunted.

"You okay?" Nick asked.

"Yeah!" said Matt, relaxing back onto the bed. "Hang on," he said, and he quickly put down the phone and pulled up the t-shirt so that the front was over and behind his head. Then he picked up the phone and lay back.

"Sorry," he said.

"That's okay," said Nick. "What were you doing?"

"Just rearranging the pillows," said Matt. He lay back and closed his eyes. He was concentrating on the phone at his ear and the feeling coming from his penis as he slowly stroked it. He should slow down, maybe even stop...

"Okay," Nick laughed.

"Okay," said Matt.

There was silence for a moment and then Nick laughed.

"What?" asked Matt.

"Nothing," said Nick. "So, yeah, didn't see anyone interesting."

"I thought you said you weren't looking," Matt queried.

"Yeah, I'm not," Nick agreed.

"So you're dating?" Matt asked nervously.

"Not yet," said Nick.

"Not yet?" Matt asked, squeezing himself a little harder, and stroking just a little faster.

"Haven't asked them yet," said Nick.

"Oh," said Matt.

Matt waited for Nick to say something, but he was quiet.

"Still there?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," said Matt. He was slowly stroking, up and down, just floating in the comfort of the phone call. Having someone to talk to. When he closed his eyes he could see Nick. See his face. And when he heard his voice he felt special...

"Okay," said Nick quietly, and there was more silence.

" gonna tell me who it is?" Matt almost whispered.

Nick laughed. "No," he said softly, "I want it to be a surprise."

"Oh...okay" said Matt, almost moaning out the answer as he screwed his eyes tight for a second. He was oh, so close.

"Don't worry," whispered Nick, "you'll be the first to know."

"Yeah?" said Matt. He could cum if he stroked a little faster.

"Yeah," Nick replied softly, and there was a long pause as Matt lay there listening and stroking.

"So," said Nick, his voice normal, "Are you gonna be up to doing something tomorrow? I'd like to come see you. Make sure you're okay."

"I'm okay," Matt protested.

"Well, I just want to see you again," said Nick.

"Okay," said Matt.

"So you'd be up for that?"

"Sure!" Matt almost giggled at what Nick had said. He was really close now. He either was going to go for it, or he needed to stop stroking.

"Well I'll just stop by to say hi," Nick said.

"No!" said Matt, almost gasping, "I can..I can do things...what do you want to see?"

"Ah, I don't know," said Nick, "Hang on, I've got a thing here..."

There was a pause and Matt stroked faster. He was gonna do it.

"I've got this thing here," Nick began reading. "In April 1997, Burlington received the "Great American Main Street Award" from the National Trust for Historic Preservation...."

Matt was close now, stroking faster, trying not to gasp.

"The award honors efforts to revitalize downtowns. Burlington has also been ranked as one of the "hippest arts towns in America"..."

...he was so close....

"by John Villani in his book The 100 Best Small Art Towns, 1997."

...gonna cum...

"In addition to its historical and artistic attractions...

....oh God!....

"...the Lake Champlain Valley is home to a number of festivals, craft fairs, tours..."

...oh fuck!....

"...antique shops, sporting events, outdoor recreation...


He shoved the phone face down in the covers as he squeezed hard and his body tensed. He jerked his hips a couple of times and then he exploded. A long spurt of cum left the head of his penis and flew through the air, landing on his left check in a large puddle. He clenched his muscles again, his legs forced together and another spurt splashed onto his chest, followed by three smaller ones.

He moaned softly and twisted a little, then collapsed back against the bed, breathing hard.

God! that was good!


He grabbed at the phone and picked it up.

"Matt?" he heard Nick calling.

"I'm here, sorry, dropped the phone, " said Matt. Well, it was mostly true.

"Oh!" said Nick, "Your hands slippery?" he laughed.

"Ahh just uh..."

"You should be more careful!" Nick laughed.

"Yeah," said Matt.

"So...ah...I should probably let you go," said Nick.

"Uh, it's okay," said Matt, not wanting Nick to go, but wondering how to clean up the cum that was now cooling rapidly.

"No, I should go. But I'll be over in the morning. Say about ten?"

"Yeah, that'd be great," said Matt.

"Okay Matt, I'll see you then."

"Okay Nick."

"Sleep well Matt."

"You too Nick."



------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 11

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