Chasing Matt

By Jason Calme

Published on Jul 17, 2003


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Thanks to the many readers who have responded to this story.

Copyright 2003 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "".

Dedicated to the real Matt

Chapter 1: The Tutor


He was hard again!

And it was less than an hour since the last time. He was already at three times today, and it wasn't much past noon.

The light from the fluorescent bulbs gave the basement room an unhealthy glow. The room was small; just enough space for two desks and a couple of chairs.

He was on his fourth game of solitaire, and he was bored.

Bored. Bored. Bored.

And when he was bored he often got hard. Or more accurately, his mind would drift to something, and then he got hard.

This time he'd been looking at the new desktop picture of fake pictures of Nick Carter. The six pictures showed Nick hard, soft and even cumming. He knew they were fake, but they still turned him on when he looked at them.

He shouldn't have looked.

"Are you the Java tutor?"

Matt looked up to see a student of about 19, just three years younger than himself, standing in the doorway. The young man was of average height, thickset, but with a muscular build, his hair light brown with blonde highlights. His face was handsome, his eyes blue, and he was wearing faded jeans and a tight orange t-shirt.

"Ah, no," said Matt.

"Oh," said the guy, reaching his hand up to scratch his head. The t-shirt rose up, revealing the top of some green plaid boxers and a little bit of skin. Matt quickly looked away. He didn't want the boy to know he was checking him out.

The boy glanced up and down the hallway and then turned back to face Matt.

"Well someone said the programming tutor was down here," he said, his face screwed up as though he were puzzled.

"Ahh...that's me," said Matt, "but..."

"Oh great," said the boy, clambering into the room and dropping his backpack on the floor beside the table. "I'm having a real problem with..."

"No, no," protested Matt. "I'm the programming tutor, not the Java tutor. I help people with C stuff."

"Hey," the boy grinned, "it's all programming, right?" and he smiled at Matt, a smile that made Matt's knees shake. For anyone else he would have refused to even try and help. He was no good at Java. Java hated him. But for this boy, this sexy god, he'd do pretty much anything just to spend some time close to him.

As dumb and risky as that was.

"I'm Eric," the boy said, extending his hand.

"Matt," said Matt, taking the hand and shaking it quickly. "But I've got to tell you I'm not good at Java."

"No worries man," Eric grinned. "I'm not either!"

Without asking, Eric pulled up the chair next to Matt and sat down. Then he leaned forward and opened his backpack and started fishing around in it.

Matt glanced over and got a good view of Eric's lower back. The t-shirt had risen up again and he could see some of his lower back, and an inch or two of the top of Eric's boxer shorts. His jeans were low.

Matt tried hard not to stare. But it was difficult to ignore. It was such an exciting view, and Eric seemed to be taking his time with whatever he was doing.

Matt thought a guy in boxer shorts was oh so sexy. And Eric was definitely sexy.

"Okay," said Eric, finally straightening up as he pulled out a notebook computer and put it on the desk in front of them. He opened the top and the screen slowly came to life.

Matt sat there, wondering what he'd got himself into. This could be really difficult. Every time he cast an eye over Eric, the boy just looked sexier. His face, his hair, his smile. the tight t-shirt, the blue jeans, the hint of boxer shorts, the bulge in the front of the jeans. Matt just wanted to reach out and run his hands all over him.

"So this is the problem," Eric began. Matt smiled and nodded as Eric began to describe the assignment and the problem he was having. He explained what he'd done while Matt nodded and made agreeing noises, even though he wasn't really concentrating on what Eric was saying. Instead, he was trying hard not to think about how sexy Eric was.

Matt was grateful he was sitting at the desk. He was sure his erection would be evident. He'd be okay as long as he didn't have to get up.

He continued to listen as Eric droned on, pointing out this and that. Every now and again Matt would cast an eye quickly over Eric. Drinking him in.

At one point Eric unconsciously put his hand between his legs and scratched himself. The cloth of the jeans waved and bulged as Eric scratched and Matt watched.

"...and then this is..." continued Eric. "Oh, wait a minute," he paused.

Eric sounded puzzled, and Matt looked back at the screen and realized he wouldn't be able to suggest anything because he didn't have the faintest idea what Eric had been saying.

"I think I've got the variable name wrong here," Eric said thoughtfully, taping the screen. Then he typed something and chose Run from the menu. The screen cleared and a little circle appeared on the screen.

"Woo hoo!" Eric exclaimed excitedly, turning to Matt with a big smile. "That was it! Awesome! Thanks so much!"

"Umm, I didn't..."

"You're the best! Thanks! If I have any more problems can I come ask you again?"


"Thanks again!" Eric said, and he slapped Matt on the back hard.

Matt watched as Eric quickly stuffed the computer back in his pack and then got up, thanking Matt once again before walking out of the office.

Matt sighed. He was sorry Eric hadn't stayed longer. In his mind he fanaticized that he might have chatted with Eric if he had stayed longer. Maybe they would have become friends. He would have asked him whether he had a girlfriend.

He rolled his eyes and sighed. He knew he never would have done something so forward. He could barely get up the nerve to have a conversation with him.

Matt checked the time. Things had been quiet for a while. He was still thinking about Eric. He wasn't hard, but he knew it wouldn't take long.

He put his computer in his backpack, got up, and walked out, locking the door as he went. The men's room was just a short way down the hall. The excitement was bubbling inside him as he walked down the hall, and by the time he opened the door he was already starting to thicken.

The men's room was empty. He went down to the end stall and walked in, quickly checking that the toilet wasn't clogged up or anything. He closed the door and undid his belt and fly, shoving down his jeans and boxer shorts. His penis was almost completely erect, and he gently took it in his hand and stroked it once, the feelings causing him to shiver a little as a bubble of precum appeared at the end of the piss slit.

He let go of his organ for a moment and sat down on the seat, pulling up the bottom of his polo shirt so that it went over and behind the back of his head.

He was now sitting there, his chest bare, his pants and shorts at his ankles.

Reaching down with his right hand he took the head of his dick between his thumb and two forefingers and slowly stroked up and down over the head. The drop of precum grew larger, and he slipped his fingers up and wiped it around the head of his dick to lubricate the end as he continued stroking.

With his left hand he placed a finger on his right nipple, slowly and gently rubbing it over the nipple and the nipple ring, the sensations causing the nipple to harden.

His penis was rock hard now, and he closed his eyes as he continued stroking.

In his mind he could imagine it. He was on his knees in front of Nick, licking and sucking Nick's large, hard dick. Tasting the precum as it oozed out of his piss slit. He shivered and squeezed the end of his dick harder as he slid his hand over to the left nipple and began to rub that.


The outer door opened.

Matt's eye's flew open and he checked himself. He drew his legs closer together to avoid suspicion, but he kept slowly sliding his hand up and down the end of his dick.

Knowing that someone was there, that they might discover him, made it all the more exciting.

He could hear the person pissing in the urinal, and he wondered how big he was. Whether he was cut. Was he a student or a professor? Was he gay?

He continued stroking as he heard the person wash their hands and then leave.

As the door slammed shut he increased the pace of his stroking, closing his eyes and rubbing his nipple a little harder. In his mind he was now standing, and Nick was sucking him. The movement of his fingers on the end of his dick was Nick's mouth sliding up and down and giving him pleasure.

'Suck me Nick' he thought to himself.

He moved his left hand down to the base of his dick and reached under and jiggled his balls a little. He stroked harder and faster as he fingered his balls. He shook a little. It was close. He knew the feeling was close. He could feel his balls drawing up, and it was close.

He kept stroking. It was close. It was so close. It was gonna happen.

Now! He was gonna cum now! Now! Cum! Cum now!

Ahhhh, he groaned inside, not daring to make an audible noise. His balls drawn tight, he screwed his eyes tight and felt the first spurt of cum flying out of the head of his dick. He felt the warm liquid splash onto his chest and he jerked himself harder and faster, his legs shaking a little. Five more squirts covered his chest and thighs, and then he was done.

Breathing fast.

He sat there for a moment. Taking it all in.

And then he reached out and pulled off some toilet paper and started to wipe up the rapidly cooling cum.

It was mid afternoon when he got home. He was tired. Climbing out of the car he thought about going for a swim, but his Mother appeared at the door and stopped him.

"Do you think you could clean up the trash by the fence?" she asked him.

"What?" he asked, puzzled and turning to look where she was pointing. He saw some trash along the fence line with the neighbors. Nothing to worry about, he thought.

"Your Dad would appreciate it," his Mother said, turning to smile at him.

He stared back for a moment and sighed inside. His Dad seemed to think he enjoyed being virtually unemployed and living at home. If he didn't do it now his Dad would just complain about it later. Maybe if he cleaned up the yard his Dad would be grateful.

He shrugged, dropped his bag inside, and went out to find a bag to put the trash in.

He'd been working for a few minutes when he saw him. Six foot tall, muscular build, short blond hair. Blue eyes. God! He still looked cute.

He'd been a friend a long time ago. Now he was just someone that lived next door. He went back to work, ignoring the neighbor who was just a year older than himself. The neighbor who had once been his best friend.

"Hello," said a voice.

Matt looked up.

"Hello," said Matt.

"I didn't know you were the new trash man," said Dave, grinning.

Matt straightened up.

"I wouldn't have to be if you knew what a trash can was," Matt said acidly. Dave was an asshole most of the time, and he wasn't going to take any shit from him over anything.

Dave smirked back and nodded slightly.

"Well, keep up the good work."

"Yeah," said Matt.

"Nice talking to ya," said Dave, and he turned and walked back to his Jeep, climbed in and drove off.

Matt watched him leave.

'What a jerk,' he thought to himself.

------------------------------- To be continued...

My other stories:

High School: Do What You Can

Celebrity: Boy Bands: Birthday Blues

Celebrity: Boy Bands: All The Ways I Love You

Next: Chapter 2

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