Chase Naked

By t s

Published on Nov 26, 2009



All the usual disclaimers apply. This is not for readers under the age of 18 or for anyone where such literature is unlawful. So please don't go further if you fit into either category. This story involves an evolving romance between two teenaged boys who become intimate physically and engage in sexual acts. If same-gender love or sexual contact offends you, you have come to the wrong website and should avoid my story and everything else you find here. If you are still here, I thank you for reading and hope you enjoy it.

I want to give a special thanks to my dear friend David,

a courageous man and my story editor, for his thoughtful

critiques and suggestions for the Chase Naked series.

Comments are welcome at And I thank those who began writing soon after Chapter 1 posted and have continued still. Your encouragement is a sweet nectar.

Chase Naked Chapter 2

My first telephone conversation with Chase in all the years I had been acquainted with him took me by surprise. I could not have asked for more. When I got back up to my room, I couldn't believe what he had said. Not only had he urged me to sleep with only a tee shirt on, he had asked me to tell him the next day what I did after I experienced the thrill of being naked from the waist down in bed.

His soft voice still almost real in my head, I went to my room, took off everything but my tee shirt and slipped under the covers. I was hard in a minute and began doing exactly what Chase knew I would do. My desire was so electrifying that I ejaculated quickly and soaked the tee before I could pull it up out of range. My god, it was fast and more cum than I would have had if I hadn't gotten off in a month. I swear I felt his hand on my penis pumping out that huge load. I had to get up and take the shirt off. I stayed completely nude for the rest of the night. It was hard to sleep, and I mean that both ways.

I was at my locker the next morning when Chase came up behind me and leaned over me and rested his chin on my left shoulder.

"You try it?" he asked.

I looked around to be sure no one was listening.

"Yeah, I did. It was...well, amazing."

Chase moved around and leaned against the locker next to mine. He smiled his usual smile. I knew what was coming.

"So, Bryan, what did you do after that?"

His voice could be so seductive. It was a side of Chase I had never been aware of since I really didn't know him beyond casual acquaintance, but I liked it, although it made me a little shaky. I was trying to open my combination lock and kept passing my numbers and forgot if I was turning the dial left or right.

"Chase, you know what I did." I said in a deliberately hushed voice. "I-I-I jacked off."

He smiled, touched my forearm and left with only one brief comment.

"I thought about you," he said.

He moved off down the hall with that same effortless, graceful gait that made him so dazzling on the soccer field.

It took me several more minutes to get my locker open.

That night, once again with some hesitation, I called Chase and got the same warm welcome. I knew he was smiling. He talked about my new sleeping attire and asked if I planned to do it again. Of course, I said yes. And he wondered if I would "do the other thing" tonight. I laughed and told him I was sure I would.

"Do you want me to be thinking about you when you are doing it?"


"Will you think about me when you do it?"

I felt like he might have figured out my secret. I couldn't answer that directly.


"What?" he asked.

"Would you really want me to think about you?"

"Yes, Bryan, I really would. I'd like that. And I'm going to ask you tomorrow if you did."

When I was nestled in my bed a few minutes later, I did what Chase asked, just as I always had, then lay awake for an hour wondering what all this meant. There were so many years of feeling that he wanted nothing to do with me and now I was hearing what seemed like an invitation to get very close to Chase Bowers.

I awoke in the morning keenly aware of how hard I was and how good the sheet felt draped over the head of my penis.

At school, just as before, Chase walked up behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder as I wedged my backpack into my locker.

"Did ya think of me?" he asked

I look around nervously before I answered.

"I did."

"Cool," he said, just before he glided off down the hallway, leaving me breathless and wishing that I could tell him that I had been thinking about him ever since I discovered masturbation. Would I ever be able to tell him?

After school he trotted up to me just off the school grounds. We exchanged greetings and the usual pleasantries. Then he presented me with a tentative invitation tinged with a dark hint that the plan might not work out.

"Bryan, do you think you could stay the night at my house Friday?"

"I think so. I'd have to ask my mom, but she's pretty cool."

Then his smile waned and this sort of cloud came over him, prompting me to ask what was wrong. All Chase could say was that there might a problem with his father.

"Doesn't he let you have overnight company?"

"Yeah, he does, but he has some weird ideas."

I just stared at Chase, totally puzzled.

"Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure, Chase."

"You're a Catholic, right?"

"Yeah, but what's that got to do with a night at your house?"

"My dad hates Catholics. I'm so sorry to have to tell that. It's embarrassing. I need a way around this because I want you to be there."

"I'm kind of nervous about it, Chase, but I want to be there...with you."

"I like you a lot, Bryan."

His eyes moistened, and he hurried away, awkwardly, without his usual grace.

That night I had a surprise for Chase. My mother was spending the night at the hospital with her sister. I had the house to myself. I spread a towel over her bed and made my now-nightly Chase call from her room. I had my tee shirt on and nothing else.

I knew when Chase answered that he was upset and suspected that it was because his dad had thwarted his plans for a night with me. That wasn't quite it. His mother, a reasonable person, had cautioned Chase against having me over, although she would be fine with it. Neither of them ever stood up to the father. Chase was crying. Though he didn't say he was, I knew. He sniffed several times as tears flooded his nose and his voice cracked. I could almost hear the warm tears. He told me more about the Reverend Mr. Shadrack Bowers.

Mr. Bowers was the pastor of a large non-denominational church that drew huge crowds to a vast building along our biggest freeway. He ruled the congregation with an iron hand. He was outspoken on all types of political and social issues, had a long laundry list of groups and individuals he derided in his sermons and even had a body guard.

"Chase, don't get yourself in trouble. It's okay. You know I want to be with you, but we can just find another way."

"I'll be okay," he said, "promise. Don't go yet. I need you."

Chase was in my perception from a distance always kind but also exquisitely self-confident. Now he was pulling the veil back and revealing this vulnerable side, not pitiful or helpless, just needy for a while. And he wanted me, the geek from afar, to linger for a while.

I tried to hide my disappointment about Friday night by changing the subject.

"Chase, I am alone tonight and calling from my mother's bedroom," I said cheerily. "I got my tee shirt on."

"And nothing else?" he asked, perking up a little.

"What do you think?"

He laughed softly and lowered his voice.

"I think you are almost naked."

He put the phone even closer to his lips. I could hear each breath.

I felt my penis swelling with great force. We were silent for a moment, both sensing that we were approaching a milestone in our budding relationship. I could almost feel the sensation of his breath on me.

"Bryan, I am thinking of you like you were here in my bed."

I wrapped my hand around my penis.


I was shaking and sputtered a reply.


"Is it okay for me to think that? I can't help it."

I broke through my anxiety.

"Oh, my god, yes! I love you thinking about me. And I'm pretending you are here with me."

We both cried with a mixture of joy, relief and expectation. We muttered sweet things about how much we liked each other. Finally, when we got quiet again, Chase asked in that soft, moist, cuddly voice that I knew meant he was completely aroused, "Bryan, will you do it with me now?"

I didn't have to ask what "it" was.

Both of us began slowly moving our hands on our penises as we moaned softly.

"I've never seen you naked, Bryan. I wish I could."

"I don't look as good as you. What if you don't like my body or what if you don't like my dick because it's not as big as yours?"

"Stop that. I like it already even without seeing it. I've liked it longer than you know."

He was convincing. We lapsed into our fantasy feeding on the sounds two boys can make masturbating together. We shared soft moans and audible breathing. And as the pace quickened, he blurted out:

"Bryan, cum with me. I'm gonna cum, gonna cum."

His sudden climax pushed me to mine. I shouted that I was going to cum and five long ropes of semen pulsed out of me, the first making a faint squirting sound and seeming to stretch my slit with a slight pain as it burst from my penis. I had never had so much. This pearly, sticky goo that I loved was all over me. The last one went to the side past the edge of the beach towel.

We were both left panting, recovering our breath. We didn't talk for about a minute.

"That was like nothing I ever did or felt," Chase said.

"I know. I shot everywhere. I got some cum on mom's sheet. Damn, I gotta do something about that. Chase, I think I shot five times, just big blobs of it. I'm going to sleep so good."

We talked a while longer as we both got closer and closer to sleep. In those moments, in that afterglow of sexual release, we were at peace, not worrying about a thing, refusing to think of the looming presence of Shadrack Bowers on the horizon..

"Good night, Chase. I really like you."

"I like you. I really.."

Chase faded before he finished that sentence.

I worked on mom's sheet and slipped off to my bed, where I slept totally nude and dreamt of my lover, Chase Bowers.

If you want to comment, write me at

Next: Chapter 3

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