
By Jim Carter

Published on Jul 4, 1999


In the story that follows all the sexual parts are pure fiction and should read as such. It does not mean the author promotes or agrees with sexual relationships between men and teenage boys. Please understand that this story is pure fiction/fantasy, don't try to make it anything else.

If you are not of a legal age where you live to read stories of this nature or are offended by homosexual behavior, man/teenage boy, teenage boy/teenage boy, relationships etc. etc. then please do not read any further. If you do then it is not the responsibility of the writer or the posting authority of any consequences that arise.

I want to thank my very special friend Ross. I appreciate all your help.

The author retains all rights to this story. If you get a chance check out my first story "Swim Kid" and also "Tyler's Trials".



Jim Carter

Part 6

Chase and I have really enjoyed the new house. If I can't find Chase, I head for the pool or gym. He will likely be in one of them. He almost lives in the pool. He never wears a suit unless one of his friends is over. The first week we had to deal with a sunburn that had his cock and balls so sore that he couldn't touch himself. When he was horny, he would ask me to suck him. It was still painful, but I guess the pleasure was enough to outweigh the pain. He never considered wearing a suit. He said that suit hurt more and besides, the worst was over now. He was a strong swimmer before, but he is getting even better. I don't know how he does it without the use of legs, but he can really move through the water.

Chase also has a passion for basketball. He says that baseball is still his favorite sport and we do take advantage of the season passes that the guys gave us often. Basketball is his next favorite sport, and now his favorite to play. He is the type kid that if he wants to do something, he wants to be good at it and he works on his basketball skills. I am no competition for him, but he likes for me to play with him anyway. I thought it he might like to see about playing for a team, or at least, finding some guys to play with. We talked it over and he really thought it was a spectacular idea. We decided to give the YMCA a try. And yes, almost every time he said YMCA, he did his Village People impression and sang the letters. He has to giggle every time he sings the letters. I love his giggle and can't get enough of it.

I called the 'Y' and was told that they had a couple of different wheelchair teams that played there. He said one was basically older guys and didn't like to have newcomers. He said that the other team had mostly younger players, though none as young as Chase. He was not sure exactly when that team had practice, but he would have the coach give me a call. He said that even if Chase didn't get on a team that there were pick up games often.

It had not been two hours since my talk with the director at 'Y' that the coach called. He said that he had a full roster at the moment, but that two of the guy's parents were moving and he would be looking to replace them. He said that he would like to give Chase a tryout and that maybe Chase could practice with them. He said that I needed to make it clear to Chase that there was a good chance he wouldn't make the team. He was quick to point out that he was not wanting to discourage Chase, but he wanted to save him as much disappointment as possible if he didn't make the team. He really was a nice guy and over the phone I could tell that he took a very personal interest in his players. He said that if we could come to the 'Y' this afternoon say 3:00pm that he would like to see what Chase could do.

Chase was so excited that he went to see what he would wear. He has become quite a nudist these last few weeks and seeing him excited about wearing clothes was something of a change. He pretty much wore the same thing every time we went to the ballpark. I did manage to get him to let me wash his 'lucky shirt'. It was one of the official team shirts with his name on the back that the players had given him. I thought he might have put it up to keep it nice, but he is wise for his young age and said that if the team gave it to him they deserved to see him wearing it. He is still having trouble deciding what to wear to the 'Y'. He finally decided to wear his 'lucky shirt' over his favorite tee shirt and a pair of dark blue nylon shorts.

On the way to the 'Y' Chase was unusually quiet. I looked over to him and said: "What's up kiddo?"


"Now son, I have not been your dad for very long, but I know you have something on your mind."

"I was just thinking. I don't want those guys to think I am a baby or anything like that. Will it be alright if I do the talking and stuff like that to the coach. Then maybe they won't think of me as a little kid."

"Son, I think that is a marvelous idea. You know how much I love you and if I start to be too protective, just give me one of those looks of yours and I will realize what I am doing."

"Thanks dad, just for now, until these guys get to know me. I like it when you take extra special care of me, so don't make a habit of letting me take care of myself." He had that grin that splits his face from ear to ear.

"I won't son, and if I ever do, you make sure you tell me about it."

"Don't worry about that."

When we got to the 'Y', just a couple of minutes early, the coach was standing under the basket near the door. I inched around and found a seat in the bleachers and let Chase take care of the introductions. He wheeled up to the coach and stuck out his hand. "Hi coach, I am Chase."

"Hi Chase glad to meet you. I hear you would like to play basketball with us."

"Yes sir, I would like that very much."

"You want to take a few shots for me then we will get the guys and have a little scrimmage. Start with the free throw line, let me see your free throw shot."

Chase took off his 'lucky shirt' and brought it to me. He made his first four free throws in a row, missed one then sunk six when the coach held the ball. "Guys, I saw you watching. That was an example in free throw shooting. That's how it should be done." The guys suddenly decided it best to turn around and play some more. "Okay, Chase, that was excellent! Now let me see you shoot from your favorite spots. I will feed you the ball, just like on the free throws."

Chase started shooting from all over the floor and was really getting into shooting. He was making about seventy-five percent of his shots. I noticed the guys at the other end watching again. The coach held the ball again. "Hey down there! Since your not practicing anyway, get you butts down here and lets play a little four on four. Kim you sit out to start with."

Once the teams were decided, the team Chase was on was skins so they could play shirts and skins. Chase's tan looked fantastic and several of the guys commented on his nice tan. There were two boys that looked to be two to four years older than Chase and a three that looked to be seventeen to nineteen. The others were in their very early twenties. At first they didn't pass the ball to Chase. The coach blew his whistle and said "Guys, we have to find replacements for Kim and Marty. If you don't pass the ball to Chase every once in awhile, we won't know how he can play. We know he shoots like a champ. Now just play ball."

He threw the ball back in. The guys started passing the ball to Chase. Chase hit an open man with a crisp pass that led to a score. Chase got as many high five's as the shooter. That did the trick and from then on you couldn't tell he had not been playing with these guys for a time.

After it was over all the guys gathered around Chase and said welcome to the team. The coach cautioned that they had others to try out before making any decision. One guy said he can take Charlie's place, another said he can take John's. Soon everyone's name was mentioned. Chase was beaming from ear to ear. The coach finally said. "Chase, I think the guys want you on the team at all costs. What do you say? Want to play with us?"

"Sure man, thanks guys!"

"Hey, man we just need a squirt on this team!" one of the older guys joked.

"Practice is Tuesday, and Thursday nights at seven and we try to get together another day most weeks, but it is not scheduled. We will see you Tuesday."

"Thanks coach. Which way is the bathroom?"

"I'll show you man, I gotta go too. I'll help you if you will help me." This was one of the guys that is in his late teens. I saw them shake hands on the way to the bathroom.

It was all I could do to sit there. I know Chase can do for himself just fine, but I also know it is easier when he has help. At least this guy that was going with him seemed to like Chase and said he would help. The coach came over and said. "I guess you heard, Chase made the team. Here is our tentative game schedule, we don't start playing for another month and it will change, it always does."

"Okay, thanks coach. I look forward to the season."

"Adam, the kid that went with Chase to the bathroom, is one of our best players. He is a good kid too. Don't worry about Chase." I guess the coach could see me watching the door they went through.

"Okay, thanks coach."

"See you Tuesday."

When Adam and Chase got to the bathroom, someone was in the handicapped stall. "Hurry man, we gotta go." Adam said.

"Keep your pants on came the reply." Soon a guy came out, no chair.

"His handicap must be a small mind." Said Adam.

"Most likely a small dick." Said Chase. The boys broke up laughing and the other guy just left.

As Adam helped Chase get his shorts and underwear down, Chase started getting a boner. Chase got red and said "Sorry" as he notice Adam looking right at his boner.

"No need to be sorry, I got one too. Cute guys like you always give me one. I am flattered that I gave you one." Adam said.

"Are you gay?" Chase asked as he started his urine flow with a great deal of difficulty.

"Yeah, but these guys don't know it. Just keep it to yourself. Okay?"

"Sure man, I won't say anything. I am gay too, so we both have the same secret."

"Hey man, great tan. No tan lines. Nice cock by the way, I wish we had more time. I would like to play with that baby. You think we could some time?"

"Sure, I guess." Adam gently squeezed Chase's cock as he helped him pull up his shorts. They maneuvered around so that Adam could go. This bathroom was nice and big so that two chairs could maneuver easily.

As Adam lifted himself up his strong arms bulged, but the big bulge in his shorts had Chase's attention. Chase almost forgot to pull down Adam's shorts he was so involved looking at the nice bulge in Adam's shorts. Adam's big cock kept working against Chase's efforts to pull down the shorts. Chase had to hold Adam's cock with one hand and the shorts with the other. "Man Chase, your hand sure does feel good on my cock."

"Man that is one big cock, how big is it?"

"It was seven and a half, but with you holding it like that it may be bigger." They both laughed. Adam sat on the toilet seat. "Give me a minute. I can't pee when it is this hard. If I am not careful I'll pop right here." After two or three minutes he was still rock hard. "Man, I am about to die and this thing keeps getting harder."

Chase didn't say anything, he just moved Adam's chair and got his closer. He leaned over and started licking Adam's cock. Adam shot his head back and groaned. Chase licked around the cap and then took him into his mouth. After about five up and down trips on that hot cock, Chase was rewarded with a very large load of hot cum. He sucked Adam's cock dry of cum and his cock started to loose some of its rigidity. Adam moved Chase's head off his cock and started to pee.

"Man, thanks Chase. That was fantastic, but more importantly it relieved a lot of pain. I want to do you." About that time they heard someone come into the bathroom. Chase pulled up Adam's shorts and moved his chair back so that Adam could get into it.

As they got back to the gym Chase whispered to Adam. "You owe me don't forget." He flashed his bright smile and Adam did the same.

They came over to where I was waiting. "Hey dad, this is Adam. Adam this is my dad, Jim."

"Hi Jim."

"Hi Adam."

"Hey dad can Adam come over for a swim?"

"Sure if he wants to."

"Yeah, that would be great, but I need to go home for my trunks."

"Not unless you're shy, with that big baby, you shouldn't be shy." Adam and I both looked shocked. "Hell its only guys there. You know I skinny-dip all the time. No tan lines remember. Even the housekeeper and cook are guys. We might stare, but it's a friendly stare."

I wasn't able to say anything. Adam finally said. "You sure its okay with you Jim?"

"Yes, its okay with me."

Adam has his own truck. I told him how to get to our house in case we got separated. I would have let Chase ride with Adam to show him the way, but I wanted to have a little talk.

As soon as we were in the truck and started. Chase said. "Don't get mad dad, Adam is gay and really nice. He is eighteen, so he is legal as far as your concerned. The only part that is not covered is me. He had a huge boner in the bathroom and it wouldn't go down, so I sucked it for him so it would go down. He wasn't worried about sex with a minor then, so I don't see him being concerned now."

After thinking it through, everything Chase had said was true. I think it is a good idea that Chase has some friends close to his own age. "Your right Chase. So Adam has a big cock?"

"Yeah, more than seven inches and its fat too. It is a real nice one. You'll see."

"No, I will leave you two boys to your fun. I better stay out of this one."

"Jim, I told you. Adam is legal. I want us both to have fun with him or I won't do anything either."

"You haven't thought about Adam in this. Adam may not want to play around with an older man."

"As much as he seems to like guys, he will not have a problem. If he does, it's his loss, but his choice. He will keep his mouth shut either way. I think you guys are going to get along just fine."

As we got home and Chase started showing Adam around. I could see that they were already acting like old friends. I was in the den reading when the boys came in. Chase came over to me and raised his butt off the seat with his arms. "Help me please Jim."

I pulled his shorts down and then off his feet. Adam soon rolled to where Chase had just left. "Me too please." He had a grin a mile wide. I could see he was already hard.

"Jim, from the looks of that tent, I think Adam likes you."

Adam was laughing. "Jim I do like you if you can't tell."

"I can tell you like something." We all laughed. I reached in his shorts and held his hot cock so that I could pull his shorts down. As I bent to pull them off his feet, his cock flexed and slapped me in the face. We all laughed.

"I think he says he really likes you." Adam said with a huge grin. "Do you like him?"

I bent over and kissed his cock head. "Nope, I just can't stand a big beautiful hard cock trying to get my attention." We all laughed. All thoughts of leaving Chase and Adam to their own devices were quickly out the door. I bent over and took his hot cock into my mouth.

Adam tasted as good as he looked. I looked over just in time to see Chase shooting his cum onto his belly and chest. Adam saw it too and this was enough to send him into orbit. He shot five or six strong blasts into my mouth. When he was completely clean. I pulled off and gave the head a couple of kisses. "Man that was fantastic. Now I owe you both one."

"Let's go swimming first." Chase said. "You coming Jim?"

"No, but I almost did." I teased. We all laughed.

"Get naked Jim. I have not even seen you yet and you have tasted me." I dropped my shorts and we all headed to the pool. "I think this may be one fantastic evening."

"Yep, now come on let's swim." Chase said.

We swam for a couple of hours before all the naked flesh around us got the better of us. We soon started letting our lust take control. We would swim close to one another then our hands would start to play with a cock, ball or butt. Hot hungry kisses soon started to get us all excited. Chase being the social director again said. "Let's go to the bedroom. I want what you owe me Adam."

"Cool, let's go." Adam said. I got out and Adam used the lift. I reached down and caught Chase under the arms and lifted him out and held him in my arms. His arms went around my neck. "You guys wait on me. You guys sure are hot."

"Thanks Adam, we are always hot for each other. Jim is the best."

"I can tell." Adam said. I put Chase in his chair as Adam was lowering himself into his.

"Boys, lets get this chlorine off. Adam would you rather take a bath or shower?"

"What are you guys going to do?"

"We like to take a bath most of the time. You want to join us, Jim we can all get in can't we?"

"Sure, you want to take a bath with us Adam?"

"Yeah, sounds cool to me."

We had a very quick bath, dried and hit the bed. I helped the boys onto the bed and we fell into a tangle of hugging and kissing flesh. chase reminded Adam that he was falling behind in sucking his friends. Adam said he had an idea to help him catch up. He had Chase and I lay side by side and he pulled himself up so that he could suck one and then suck the other buy moving his head only a foot or so. Adam may not have the use of his legs, but he managed to move around the bed pretty well.

Adam found a rhythm that was working. He would take my cock into his hot mouth and make four or five up and down slides, then move to Chase and do that same before coming back to me. Chase and I managed to twist around enough to kiss despite the difference in our upper body length. We were both close to Cumming and starting to moan in pleasure. Then Chase grabs my tongue in his mouth and begins his orgasm, Adam was going like crazy on Chase's cock. I could tell Chase was spent. Adam immediately moved to my cock and started to suck in earnest. He had me right on the edge, then I shot my load into his loving mouth. I could tell Adam was having an orgasm of his own from the friction of the sheets on his cock.

I helped Adam to the top of the bed where he could cuddle with Chase and I. "I'm sorry for the mess, but I just had to pop. I was just too hot."

"It's not a problem. I do hate wasting that good juice though."

"Adam, why don't you spend the night?"

"I can't do that."

"Why not, can't you call your mom and get permission?"

"It's not that. I just can't"

"Well if you can't, I guess you can't, but we could have a lot of fun."

"Yeah, I know, I would like to."

"Cool, then you will. By the way, I sometimes don't wake up and pee the bed. That won't gross you out will it?"

Adam started laughing. You could see the disappointment flood over Chase's face. I guess Adam noticed too. "Sorry man, I am not laughing at YOU. I am laughing because that is the reason I didn't want to sleep over. I wet the bed sometimes too." The expression on Chase's face morphed into a fantastic grin.

"Jim is cool about it. He never gets mad. He usually turns it into something fun. Call your mom and tell her your staying over."

Adam called his mom and told her he was spending the night. What a lucky man I am to have these two in my bed. All three of us began to snuggle.

****** End of Part 6 ****************

I hope you guys liked it. If you have any feedback at all, I'd be happy to hear it at

Next: Chapter 7

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