
By Jim Carter

Published on Jun 26, 1999


In the story that follows all the sexual parts are pure fiction and should read as such. It does not mean the author promotes or agrees with sexual relationships between men and teenage boys. Please understand that this story is pure fiction/fantasy, don't try to make it anything else.

If you are not of a legal age where you live to read stories of this nature or are offended by homosexual behavior, man/teenage boy, teenage boy/teenage boy, relationships etc. etc. then please do not read any further. If you do then it is not the responsibility of the writer or the posting authority of any consequences that arise.

I want to thank my very special friend Ross. I appreciate all your help.

The author retains all rights to this story. If you get a chance check out my first story "Swim Kid" and another I am still working on "Tyler's Trials"..



Jim Carter

Part 5

As we pulled into the driveway, Chase's mother's car was in the drive. She came to the door as we got out. Without so much as a hello or even a smile to Chase she said. "He must have one hot little ass, you want it so much."

I turned beet red, not with embarrassment, but with rage. "Listen BITCH, and listen good. If I ever hear you make a comment like that again about your son, I will personally see to it that not only this latest criminal act be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but anything else that I can find a way to pin on you. Your son deserves nothing but love from you and you stand there making statements that you know nothing about. You know that you are the only criminal on this porch and you are trying to lessen your guilt with your foul mouth. Chase is the finest young man I have ever known and I want to make sure he is well cared for and has a chance to live up to his full potential. I will do that one way or another. The fastest way to get Chase away from your influence was to marry you and adopt him. I was willing to do this and pay you alimony just to get Chase away from your influence. It looks now like that is not going to work so I will take other options."

"Wait, I will let you adopt Chase."

"I will find a way without you, I won't let him be subjected to the abuse you have demonstrated toward your son. YOU, bitch will go back to jail today. You were released into my custody. Get out of my face."

"I am sorry, I will never say anything like that again. Give me another chance."

"Okay, but this is the last chance. Now apologize to your son and I better believe that you mean it."

"I am sorry baby, I was just trying to cover up for my mistakes by picking on you. You forgive your mom don't you. I want what is best for you."

"No you don't, you never have given a rat's ass about me. I will forgive you, but only because that is the way I can stay with Jim the quickest."

"Is our deal still on?"

"We can go to the courthouse today and get married. The adoption papers will be filed today also. How soon will you be moving?"

"Well, I have to find someone to help me move."

"How soon if I have you moved?"

"You want me to move today?"

"What an excellent idea, I am glad you thought of it."

"I don't even know where I will be moving to yet."

"That is not my concern as long as you let me know when you get there so that I can send the divorce papers for you to sign." I wrote a check for five thousand and gave it to her. "This is a bonus month for wanting to move so quickly."

We didn't even bother to dress for the wedding in the judge's chambers. Chase and I still had on our shorts. I did remove my cap in reverence to the judge, but not to the bitch.

Gert was there to take the adoption papers and walk them through all the processes for Chase to become my legal son. Believe it or not that very day Chase became my son legally and officially. I was not expecting the adoption to go that quickly, but my attorney was and had the divorce papers ready for the bitch to sign.

It took two days to get the moving company to pack and move her. She decided that she would go on ahead and look for a place to live. She never spent another night in the house next door.

Chase and I both had grins that seemed to be plastered on our faces. We just couldn't manage to stop grinning. Gert was grinning too. "Jim, Chase tells me you jumped on his mother with both feet this morning."

"Yes, I almost blew it big time, but I guess the bitch wanted the money more than she wanted to hurt Chase and I. I am not a violent man, but this morning I was close to angry enough to want to be violent. I have a most excellent friend that is both wise and sage who says: 'Reserve that most powerful weapon, Anger, for those times when the lions are trying to eat your babies, and for NO lesser event.' (see author's note) I think I felt my babies about to be eaten this morning. If that wise friend had not given me that advice, I might have really lost my temper. It would have been so stupid to let my anger cause me to lose Chase. I owe my friend so much."

[author's note. That quote taken from "5 Rules of Life" as discerned and

compiled by Sean Dondi McDainel over a period several lifetimes!]

"I just wanted to come by and congratulate you both. I know you two will take care of each other. It is times like this that keep me going during the times when it seems almost hopeless."

"Thank you Gert for all your help. We would have been hard pressed to make this happen without out you. I am convinced that we couldn't have done it. I love you old gal, come by to see us when you get a chance."

"I love you too Gert. Thank you for always being my friend. Thank you for helping me get a dad that loves and wants me. And most of all, thank you for caring about me."

"You are so precious. I will miss you as part of my case load, but I am proud you and Jim are now a family. I will be back to say hello now and then. I have become too fond of you both to just forget you."

We all hugged and Gert went back to her car. Chase looked at me and said. "Jim, may I call you dad now?"

"If you would like. I would like that very much."

"Can I still call you Jim sometimes too?"

My smile went from ear to ear. "Yes, you can call me Jim too."

"You're smiling so big cause you know when I want to call you Jim, Right?"

"Maybe, when were you thinking about calling me Jim?"

"When we are together and naked. I want you to be my Jim then."

"That sounds fantastic to me. I love you son."

"I love you too dad, now put on your Jim costume and show me you love me."

We went into the bedroom and I undressed us both. Not a word was spoken, but that doesn't mean we were not communicating. When I laid beside Chase on the bed and slowly ran my fingers across his beautiful cheek a single tear ran down his cheek. I caught it on my finger and brought it to my mouth. I knew it was a tear of joy, it was written all over his face. I felt my own lonely tear run down my cheek. Chase raised up and kissed it off my cheek. "We both must be so happy we are crying. I love you Jim. Thank you for being my dad and thank you for loving me."

"It would be impossible to not love you. You are the sweetest little boy in the world. I will always love you." I kissed his nose and this started his little boy giggles.

Chase wrapped his arms around my neck and we started to kiss passionately. I left his hungry mouth and kissed and nuzzled the nap of his neck. The sweet smell of little boy sweat filled my nose. It was driving me wild with desire. Chase was moaning so loud that if his mother had been next door she would have clearly heard. I moved to lick and kiss his skinny shoulders. Next his little nipples were licked suckled and lovingly bitten. Again Chase was loud with moans and groans from his young body.

As I kissed and licked my way down his tummy to his belly button, he was bouncing on the bed with screams of pleasure. The cute little belly button on Chase is so very sensitive that he can cum by just having his belly button stimulated. I gave his belly button a few licks and kisses and then took his lovely ball sack into my mouth. My tongue worshipped first one ball, then the other.

I licked up the underside of his erect penis. My tongue worked the head and crown as I swallowed his hot cock. I love the taste of Chase in my mouth. As I start to slide down his hard shaft and then back up, Chase bucks his hips violently and starts filling me with his hot ball honey. The taste is exquisite, the velocity fierce, and the volume monstrous. I am amazed that such a small boy could produce that much sperm. I continued to lick and clean his beautiful cock until he reached down and took my head away.

I came up to his beautiful face and started to kiss him all over. Between kisses he said. "That may be the best one so far. You really had me going. That was fantastic."

He started to nuzzle my neck that triggers several moans from deep within. As he started on my nipples, I knew I was not going to hold out much longer. Chase must have realized this too, he went directly for my nuts. He took each one gently into his mouth and gave them just enough attention to bring me to fever pitch of excitement. As he took my hot cock into his hungry mouth, I moaned. "Oh Chase." With his tongue he teased the head then he started to work my cock up and down with his sucking mouth. My first volley went directly into his throat. He came up so that just the head of my cock was in his mouth so that he could savor my juice. As my climax subsided and my head became too sensitive I brought Chase up for a long loving kiss.

We kissed and petted. He would suck one of my lips or tongue into his mouth for awhile, then I would do the same to him. We didn't speak for the longest. We would just kiss and cuddle, words were non-essential. We were both happy to hold and be held.

Without a word, Chase moved into the position he loves to fall asleep in. I could feel his breathing becoming shallow and steady. He was fast asleep. I was just watching him sleep and the next thing I know, I am asleep too.

The next morning. I felt warm moist lips nibble on my ear. I opened my eyes as he was moving down to kiss my lips. I looked into that adorable face and smiled. "Good morning sweet prince."

"Good morning dad. We really have to hurry this morning. I turned off the alarm to let you sleep a little while longer."

"Thank you son, that was very nice and thoughtful of you. I think you must love your old man."

"I don't want you to be my old man, but I love my new dad."

"You know, I love my new son too."

"Yes, he knows how much he is loved." Chase jumped out of the third person mode. "I love you so much. I never dreamed how happy I could possibly be. You made my dreams come true."

"You know you made mine come true too. We are two lucky guys to have found each other and found how happy we could be together."

We had a couple more kisses and I needed a wicked pee. "Come on it is bath time." I carried Chase to the bathroom and we had our now standard morning pee together. I started the bath water and shaved while Chase was taking his morning dump.

I moved Chase to the tub and climbed in behind him. I washed him and then he turned and washed me. We quickly dried and dressed and headed for the golf course. On the way back home, we stopped and got a couple of cheeseburgers and fries for lunch.

After lunch we were out front play catch, just laughing and having a good time. Chase said "I gotta go." and took off for the ramp and up to the porch. We made it to the bathroom, but still not in time. I saw the front of his shorts start to darken and soon his pee was dripping from his shorts. "Damn it! I hate to do that. I was so close."

"It is no big deal son." I started a bath for him and started to take his wet clothes off. I sat Chase over into the tub. After he was clean, dried and changed, we went back outside and continued throwing the ball.

"Dad, now that my mother is gone, can we move to that side where the hand rail and stuff are?"

"Well, we could, but in about a week we can move into our new house."

"What do you mean our new house?"

"I was building a new house before I met you. Now it is almost finished. Want to go have a look?"

"Yeah, sure. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I really wanted it to be a surprise."

As we pulled up the long drive a man was waiting for us. "You must be Chase, I have heard a lot about you."

"Yes, I am Chase, who are you?"

"My name is Bill, your dad brought me in to work with his regular architect a couple of months ago."

"When you met me dad?"

"Yes exactly. Tell him why you were hired Bill."

"I am a very specialized architect. I have a son in a wheelchair myself. I make buildings handicap friendly. Your dad said he wanted more than that, he wanted the whole house to be built specifically for you. Since the structure was already started, we tried to save as much of the existing design as we could. Jim said it was not necessary, just build this house for Chase. Would you like for me to show you some of the features of the house?"

We went in the house effortlessly for Chase. The walks were all built such that there were no steps, only gradual slops. Inside all the bathrooms and there were 9 of them were spacious and all with handicap facilities. All the showers were made so that Chase could enjoy a shower, big tubs if a bath was wanted. Every bathroom had two sinks, one low for a chair and one for someone standing. Chase had tears in his eyes. "Thanks dad. You must really love me. You had to start this before we knew I could live with you."

"I didn't know if I would be able to adopt you or not, but I knew I loved you and I wanted you to have a special house that you could enjoy. If I had to, I would have given it to your mother."

The kitchen even had been built to accommodate someone in a chair working in the kitchen as well as full facilities for a standing adult. When we went out to the deck and Chase saw the pool, his eyes were filled with tears. Without being told how to operate the special lift, Chase transferred himself into the lift and lowered himself into the water. As he started to swim he called to me. "Come on in dad. I am normal in here."

I dropped my pants and jumped in with my boxers. I went to Chase. "Bud, you are normal, in here you don't have a handicap. Please don't think of yourself as anything but normal. Legs that don't work do not make you abnormal."

"I know dad, chill. I wasn't putting myself down. let's have some fun. Don't be an old man." With that he sprayed me with a handful of water. I got him back.

"Jim, Chase, the pool is not exactly ready yet. The pool people have not gotten the filters set up exactly like they want them and the chemicals are still being adjusted."

As much as we were enjoying the pool, we decided it best to keep Bill happy and Chase went to the lift and got himself back into his chair. "Dad, this is so cool. When can we move?"

"Yeah, Bill, when can we move?"

"Give us another week and it should be completely finished."

Chase had given the elevators a work out when we were inside before. "Can I ride the elevators again?"

"Sure, but there is something else I want to show you first." We went to opposite side of the house from the garage and opened the door. Inside was a complete full sized gym. Chase saw the special chairs for basketball and his eyes lit up.

"Dad, why do we have so many of these?

"If you want to have a game, I want you to be able to have the equipment. If you don't want to play basketball, we can still play catch in here."

"We can play anything in here. Man dad, this is fantastic."

Just seeing his face light up made my day.

After a few minutes Chase had the chair mastered and was ready for a game. He and I played for about fifteen minutes before I came close to being coordinated enough to shoot the ball from a chair. Chase was kicking my butt up one side and down the other. His giggles echoed off the walls and was like music to my ears.

We actually started moving into our new home four days later. Bill may have wanted a week, but relented when Chase asked every day if we could start moving in. Chase is just so cute and lovable it is impossible to refuse him.

****** End of Part 5 ****************

I hope you guys liked it. If you have any feedback at all, I'd be happy to hear it at

Next: Chapter 6

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