
By Jim Carter

Published on Jun 2, 1999


In the story that follows all the sexual parts are pure fiction and should read as such. It does not mean the author promotes or agrees with sexual relationships between men and teenage boys. Please understand that this story is pure fiction/fantasy, don't try to make it anything else.

If you are not of a legal age where you live to read stories of this nature or are offended by homosexual behavior, man/teenage boy, teenage boy/teenage boy, relationships etc. etc. then please do not read any further. If you do then it is not the responsibility of the writer or the posting authority of any consequences that arise.

I want to thank my very special friend Ross. I appreciate all your help.

The author retains all rights to this story. If you get a chance check out my first story "Swim Kid" and another I am still working on "Tyler's Trials".



Jim Carter

Part 3

I woke to a very special treat. I had two of the sweetest lips softly kissing me. As I open my eyes and looked at Chase, his lips turned up into the biggest grin. "Happy morning Jim."

"Happy morning to you Chase. How long have you been awake?"

"Not very long. I looked at the clock and saw it was almost time for the alarm to go off and I knew if I kissed you awake you wouldn't have to cuss the alarm clock."

"That was so thoughtful. I knew I was keeping you around for something." We both laughed. "Are you about ready for your bath?"

"We can take one together, can't we? Baths are a lot more fun when we take them together."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"I need to use the bathroom first and since there are no rails, can you just leave me there until I finish. I don't want you to see me do that."

"Okay, I will shave and brush my teeth in the other bath room, then check on you. Is that okay?"

"Yes, that should do it."

"You know the old saying. You can tell the honeymoon is over when you're brushing your teeth and your spouse comes in and takes a dump." We both laughed

Once we had completed our morning duties and were having our bath, Chase was in a very frisky mood. We managed to wash each others hair. Then the tickling started. Chase started it not me, but I turned out to be a little less ticklish than he did. We were both laughing so hard we couldn't do anything but hold each other and laugh.

When we finally settled down enough Chase turned around so that we were face to face. He laid me back and stretched out on top of me. Without saying a word he started kissing passionately and rocking our hard cocks together. I soon learned that this was one of Chase's favorite ways to make love. I loved the smell of soap and shampoo mixed with pure Chase. Chase was sucking my tongue as he started to cum. I thought he was going to pull my tongue out by the root. I could feel his hot cum as he shot between us. The heat from this boy sent me over the edge. I added my load to the one Chase just deposited.

When we could talk again, Chase said: "I could stay here all day."

"We would be a couple of prunes, but I could too. You sure know how to start my day."

His grin went from ear to ear. "I think we are ready for our golf game now." We washed quickly in the cold water. We wore our red shirts with gray shorts. We did look sharp together.

Chase noticed that we had a different cart. "Where is your cart?"

"I am having seat belts installed." This wasn't a lie, I was having seat belts installed. It just wasn't the whole truth.

"Thank you Jim. I am glad you take me with you."

"I am glad you like to come with me. Not many guys are lucky enough to have a beautiful young man with them playing golf."

"You really think I am beautiful?"

"Yes I do, and your also the sweetest smelling and best tasting young man here too. Just don't be handing out taste test, I want that all to myself." Chase giggled.

"I won't if you won't." He reached over and gave my cock a little squeeze. "I want that to be mine, all mine."

"It is yours, and even the life support system for it."

Chase had to think about that of a second or two. "Well, it would be pretty useless without the life support system." He laughed much harder than I thought his little quip deserved, but I laughed too.

When we got back to the clubhouse, Chuck said my cart should be ready by Monday. We ate a quick lunch and went home for Chase's physical therapy. We decide to do the therapy, then take another bath.

Chase's therapy started much the same as yesterday's, but today, as I massaged and rubbed his body, Chase was responding more sexually. I was not consciously trying to arouse Chase sexually, but he was moaning and his sensuous responses were causing me to be sexually charged as well. His firm little butt cheeks were so perfect and beautiful, I couldn't resist kissing those little globes with light little scrapes with my teeth. Chase was responding with moans and groans that let me know how much pleasure he was receiving from my attentions. I couldn't resist, I had to separate those globes and lick and kiss his marvelous butt crack. After a few passes from his ball sack to the top of his butt, I had to stick my tongue into that pert little rosebud of a boyhole.

My tongue was driving both of us with wild passion. Chase's hot little hole tasted wonderful. I couldn't get enough of his boy butt. I could tell that Chase was getting close to an orgasm. I turned him over and raised his legs over my shoulders. I licked the area where his legs joined his body on both sides, then took his balls into my hot mouth.

His balls started crawling higher into his body, let me know that he was very near a climax. I licked up the underside of his cock tight against his belly. I put his cock in my mouth and just held it hoping that his passion and need for climax would subside. When I could tell his need had subsided somewhat, I kissed his beautiful cock and licked his little pubic bush until it was wet and plastered to his body. Then I lightly blew on the spit slick hairs until they were dry. This had Chase again ready to shoot his load. I licked the crown of his penis until I just had to suck him. I took his rock hard cock into my mouth and started to slowly move my head up and down on his cock. His groans where loud and persistent. In no more that three minutes I was rewarded with the first of his hot blast of boy cum. He shot five or six times before his penis eruption subsided. He had not lost any of his erection and he was not moving my head off his penis. I started sucking his cock again and was rewarded again with another Chase eruption. This time he did gently lift my head from his cock.

I moved up and gently kissed his full lips. He soon was breathing normally and returning my kisses. "Man, that was fantastic. I have never felt anything like it. Man, I can't believe how good that felt." He started kissing more passionately. "Jim, you made my butt feel so good. I need to feel you inside me. Please fuck me."

"Are you sure, you are ready for that?" I was a little concerned that I had led him into wanting anal sex, but it was too late to worry about it.

"Yes, I want you inside me. Now." I reached in the drawer in the bedside table for the lube. I put a generous amount on my index finger and rubbed it around his pretty pink pucker. I worked my finger in past the first knuckle and Chase let out a groan. "Man that feels good, hurry, I want your cock in me." I put some more lube on my fingers and had the second finger join the first. I saw no indication of pain on Chase's face, just pleasure and desire. I lubbed my cock and I think my cock was harder than it has ever been.

With Chase still on his back and his legs over my shoulders, I moved up and kissed his pouty lips. I let the head of my cock rake up and down his ass crack before stopping on his hot little hole. Chase reached between us and guided my cock to its mark. I slowly entered his tight little hole. The heat was like a blast furnace. When the crown was past his tight muscle, I rested waiting for him to relax. Like a fist opening, I could feel him relax and I slid in a little farther. "Yes! It feels fantastic, fuck me." I slid in until my balls were resting against his butt. "Fuck me!"

The heat of his ass was almost too much. I had been too aroused for too long and was afraid I was going to shoot much too soon for both of us. I slowly pulled out until just the crown was still in his ass, then I started the trip back to the bottom. I slow fucked him for five minutes before I couldn't stand it any longer. I started fucking in earnest. I shot my hot load into my beautiful lover. Chase fired another load between us that felt like it was shot from a cannon. Spent and exhausted, I rolled off Chase and pulled him over on top of me. I kissed his sweet lips softly.

"Oh, Chase that was wonderful. I love making love with you. I have never felt so satisfied in my life."

"Me too, I have never felt this good. Not even close. The best part is lying here and kissing and hugging, I know you love me and I love you."

"I do love you so much. You are a little bundle of sunshine and you warm me all over. I could lay here all day with my beautiful lover in my arms." We did lay there for several minutes. As we tried to separate, the almost dried cum between us tried to hold our skin together. We both laughed as our sticky bodies separated. "Are you ready for a bath beautiful?"

"Yes, beautiful. You are just as beautiful to me as I am to you."

"I will be right back." I went in the bathroom and started to fill the tub. As I returned to our bed, I could smell the drying cum on this little angel and I couldn't help myself, I licked at the cum in his belly button and his cock jumped like it was attached. I licked a few more times and chase was moaning almost ready to cum again. I have never seen a belly button so sensitive. I continued to kiss and lick his belly button until he started to cum again. I took is cock in my mouth to get all his fantastic juice. I thought of a friend of mine that calls his boy friend SweetJuice and I couldn't help but think that his juice couldn't possibly be any sweeter than this nectar from Chase.

"Wow, I didn't know my belly button could make me feel good like that."

"I didn't either, but I know now." It was my turn for a devilish grin. "Let's go have that bath now." I carried Chase into the bathroom and sat him in the tub. I turned off the water and slipped in behind Chase. The tub was so full it almost overflowed. I let a little out so that we could move without sloshing out the water. I kissed Chase on the neck and started to shampoo his hair.

"Turn me around so that I can wash your hair too." I turned him around so that we were facing each other. As he started washing my hair, I looked into his eyes and he had the most angelic smile on his face. "I love you Jim, you make me feel so good. I know you love me. I can never live with my mom again. She has never loved me and I don't guess I ever loved her. I know what love is now. I love you so much."

"I love you too. I am not sure I ever knew what love was either. I have never felt like this before. I think we are stuck with each other. I can't imagine my life without you. I promise you that I will do everything I possibly can to make sure we can stay together." I kissed him and we had a great hug. "We better finish our bath and get ready for dinner."

"Okay, but I could stay naked with you forever." We finished our bath and I took Chase and a couple of towels to the bed. "We are going to get the bed wet."

"Yes, but we are going to change the sheets anyway, so I thought it might be fun to dry in bed." We both took a towel and ran it lovingly over each other. It gave us both erections again. "Look at what you caused. You made me hard again."

"You did the same to me." He was grinning and starting to get frisky.

"Not now, we are going to have to save these for later. I guess we are just a couple of horndogs." I kissed my beautiful lover and started to get dressed. We got dressed and headed to the restaurant for dinner. I made a stop at the linen store at picked up a couple of covers for the mattress, I knew it would set Chase's mind a ease.

We had a fantastic meal and we headed out to the open air concert in the park. We finally found a place to park and we had a little over a mile to the concert area. I love pushing Chase and it was a beautiful evening, the only part of such a walk is that is hard for us to talk while I am pushing Chase. He has to almost shout for me to hear him. As we passed a row of outdoor toilets, Chase said he should take a piss before the concert started. There was a handicapped toilet, but it had a line of people waiting for it, none in a chair. Chase looked at them and back up at me. "Their handicap must be little dicks, I don't see anything else wrong with them." I bust out laughing and they immediately went to the other toilets. The guy that was inside ducked his head quickly when he came out.

When we were in the toilet, (Chase didn't need my help, but I wanted to help him anyway) I gave him a big kiss. "Have I told you lately that I love you."

"Yes, but I like hearing it. I love you too."

When we finished and left the toilet, there was again a line of men waiting for the handicapped toilet. Chase again said. "Their handicap must be little dicks, I don't see anything else wrong with them." Again they left for other toilets.

We managed to find a good spot close enough to the stage to see the band easily. I set Chase's brakes and set up my lawn chair. We sat close together and held hands during the concert. This was Chase's first concert indoor or out. He loved it and was one happy little boy.

On the way out, I started to go by the handicapped toilet so that Chase could once again let those people know how rude it was to use the handicapped toilet when they didn't have a need. Chase said he just wanted to go home and be with me.

At home we snuggled on the couch and watched a little TV. I went and made up our bed with the new mattress cover and clean sheets. When I returned to the living room, Chase had all his clothes off and just the football jersey on. "I want you naked so we can snuggle and cuddle. I will take this jersey off once you get naked." I hurriedly stripped and climbed on the couch with Chase. He took is jersey off and we started to cuddle. We soon were not watching TV at all.

"Jim, don't you think we would be more comfortable in OUR bed?"

Now you don't have to drop a brick on my head. "Yes, sir, I think we would be much more comfortable in OUR bed." I stressed the 'our' as much as he did. I carried the love of my life into OUR bedroom.

"These clean sheets smell and feel nice. I bet we can get them smelling like us before long."

"I had rather smell you than clean sheets. If I could bottle it, I would make a fortune just selling 'The Smell of Chase'." We both giggled. "I do love the way you smell, it's second only to the way you taste."

He gave me his killer smile. "Come here and smell and taste me now. I want to smell and taste you too." We cuddled and started kissing.

"Chase I need you inside me. I want you to fuck me now."

"I am not sure I can do it. My legs won't let me do it like you did me."

"Let me take care of that. You just get my hole nice and slick." I handed him the lube and he started with his index finger fucking his finger in my hot hole. When he was working two fingers in and out of my hole, I kissed his hard cock, then started lubbing it. I climbed on top of Chase and eased my butt onto his hard cock. His cock felt wonderful in my ass.

"Oh Jim, it is like sticking my dick in a furnace. It is so hot. It feels great." I started to rock back and forth on his cock. I started to grab and release with my sphincter muscle. I bent to kiss my sweet lover. "I don't know if I can last much longer. You're driving me crazy. I'm cccuuummmmiiinnnggg." I kept hitting my pleasure button with his hard cock and I was soon shooting all over Chase.

When I got my breath and rolled off Chase's cock I said: "I will be right back and get you cleaned up." He was running his finger through my cum and licking it off his fingers.

"No need, I am self cleaning." We both had a laugh. I need to unload this what seemed like a gallon of Chase's seed. I headed to the bathroom. I returned with a warm washcloth and a towel. Although he was a little sticky, he had basically cleaned all the sperm off his chest and belly. I washed his beautiful body and couldn't help but spend a little extra time on his cock, balls and belly button. I soon replaced the cloth with my mouth and tongue on his belly button. In about three minutes he was starting another orgasm. I finished him off with my tongue on his cock head. "I love it when you make me cum by my belly button."

"I love watching you cum period. Now how about a snuggle and cuddle?"

"My favorite. I love you Jim."

"Have I told you lately that I love you?"

"Yes, but I won't grow tired of hearing it."

I gave Chase his massage and tenderly manipulated his body with my hands and finger with a kiss here and there just to let him know just how much I enjoyed having him with me. This was his physical therapy and I seemed to be benefitting from it. As I massaged Chase's body I felt the pleasure of having this boy to love and be loved.

When I finished, neither Chase or I were erect. We both looked contented and I know I was contented. "You make me feel so special. Nobody has ever made me feel this good giving me my physical therapy. It must be the love showing through."

"I hope so, I want to show you how much I love you ever way I can. It means a lot to me knowing how much you love me too. Let's have another hugg and cuddle and get some sleep."

I took Chase into my arms and gently kissed his forehead and each eye and his nose. We just held each other until our breathing became even and we drifted off into a blissful sleep.

****** End of Part 3 ****************

I hope you guys liked it. If you have any feedback at all, I'd be happy to hear it at

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