
By Jim Carter

Published on May 24, 1999


In the story that follows all the sexual parts are pure fiction and should read as such. It does not mean the author promotes or agrees with sexual relationships between men and teenage boys. Please understand that this story is pure fiction/fantasy, don't try to make it anything else.

If you are not of a legal age where you live to read stories of this nature or are offended by homosexual behavior, man/teenage boy, teenage boy/teenage boy, relationships etc. etc then please do not read any further. If you do then it is not the responsibility of the writer or the posting authority of any consequences that arise.

The author retains all rights to this story. If you get a chance check out my first story "Swim Kid" and another I am still working on "Tyler's Trials".



Jim Carter

Part 2

I could not go to sleep immediately. I have never felt happier in my life. This wonderful boy wrapped around me has me bouncing off the clouds. It is not a sexual high or feeling at all. It is pure love. That is what it is, I don't think I have ever felt this loved. The smell of Chase is pure boy. I can't imagine being more content. Chase seemed content too, it was true and not just the spoken words, I loved this boy and he loved me. With my nose resting in his beautiful curly hair, I smelled the sweet sent of his hair and drifted to a very sound restful sleep.

I slept very sound and had a wonderful dream. In this very erotic dream, Chase was sucking my hard cock with reckless abandon. I was about to shoot and I tried to stop him. Wait this isn't a dream. My cock was being sucked, masterfully sucked. I pulled him off my cock. "No Chase, No, we can't do this. Chase, it can't happen."

Chase was crying. "I am sorry. Please forgive me. I couldn't help myself. Please don't hate me. I'm sorry. Jim, don't hate me. I won't do it again. Please, Please don't hate me."

I couldn't take it any longer. I was sobbing too. "Chase, I could never hate you. Please quit crying. I don't hate you, I love you."

"I knew you didn't want to have sex with me, but I just couldn't help myself. I just wanted you so bad."

"Chase, I never said I didn't want to have sex with you. It just can't happen. The law is very clear about that." He stopped crying and was processing what I said.

"I know there is some stupid law about a man and a boy, but I have known I liked men, boys my age and girls and women just don't make me hard." I tried to say something. "Please let me finish." I shut up. "I will always love you. If you don't want to make me happy the same way I want to make you happy, then you don't have to. I want to make love to you and I don't think I can stop myself. If you don't want me around I won't like it, but I will respect your decision. Now fuck the law, unless you plan on calling the cops I don't see where they count for much, I don't plan on calling them."

I think Chase knew before he finished his speech that I couldn't refuse him. Who in their right mind would not want to make this beautiful boy as happy as humanly possible. I stroked his hair. "Chase, I can't refuse you anything. I don't want to refuse you anything. Your the most beautiful and loving person I know. I want you every way one man can want another man. I think you have made it pretty clear to me what you want. I think we want the same thing. Please kiss me." Chase smiled from ear to ear.

"I have waited all my life to do this." We were kissing with the passion that can only come from lovers. I lifted the jersey off his skinny body. He was pure boy perfection, no other way to explain it. I kissed his forehead, each eye, his little turned up nose, his full tender lips and then I started down his neck. "Oh Jim, this is so much better than my dreams. I'm in heaven."

I kissed both shoulders, then suckled each nipple. I licked down his chest to his little belly button. As I worked my tongue over his belly button, I expect a giggle, I got a moan that was pure pleasure. I kissed each hip, I started moving down his thigh. "Oh, I can't hold it much longer. Please. Suck me. Please." I want his first blowjob to be fantastic, but I just couln't make him wait any longer. I licked that beautiful cap and took this cock into my throat. His cock, felt perfect in my hot mouth. No more than a couple of slides on his cock and he bucked his hips and fired his sweet seed into my waiting mouth. It was like necture. I was in heaven. I moved back to his lips for a kiss, but I had to wait until he was breathing normally again.

"Chase, I have never enjoyed someone as much as I enjoyed that. I can't get enough of you."

"Oh, Jim. I never dreamed anything could feel this wonderful. I want to do you now."

"You turn me on so much, I am almost ready to cum now." Chase went after my cock. He licked my head like I had done his. He took me into his mouth but couldn't get but about half in. He was trying to force it all in. "Don't try to take all of it. If you want to, in time you will be able to take it all. Right now, you just stay with what you have, your doing fantastic. Watch your teeth. That's it. Oh, Chase, I am going to shoot, you better get off." He sucked harder. He wanted the reward for his labor. This boy had me so fired up I must have cum twice as much as I normally do. It felt like I was a fountain and couldn't stop cumming. He swallowed and swallowed. Some still managed to escape his lips. When I finally finished, Chase continued to clean my dick with his mouth and tongue. He cleaned all that had dribbled out of his mouth.

Chase pulled up, we started hugging and kissing tenderly. "If I had known how good we could make each other feel. I would have raped you that first day." I knew he was kidding.

"It's hard to rape the willing. You were fantastic. We better get some rest, the alarm will go off in another couple of hours."

"Okay, I love you." He was asleep before I kissed his forehead. I was right behind.

As soon as the alarm clock started its screech that always makes me wonder why I get up early enough to have to set the damn thing, I slapped the off button. I didn't want the angel in my arms to have to wake to that awful screech. I would wake him slowly and not assault his little ears. I must really like to play golf to take this abuse almost every morning.

I expected to feel a sense of guilt or misgiving for having let myself yield to the temptations of this beautiful boy. I didn't feel any guilt at all. I felt love, I felt satisfaction, I felt wonderful, but I didn't feel any thing like guilt or remorse.

I gently stroked Chase's hair and kissed his forehead, gently waking him from his sleep. He began to stir and stretch his arms. I kissed him again. "Good morning Chase."

"Good morning Jim, that was the best night of my life. Are we going to your golf game?"

"We are if you still want to."

"I want to. I need to pee."

"Me too, think we can manage to do it together?"

"I don't know." He was all grins. I was too.

I carried him to the bathroom and set on the pot with my back all the way to the tank and just my dick over the bowl. With Chase on my lap I moved our piss hards into the bowl and said "Go bud." I was a lot of fun sharing our morning pee.

Chase kissed me as we finished up. "This is so cool, you must really love me a lot. When we started to pee I was afraid I would pee on you again, but I just knew you wouldn't care. I hope I never have to go back to her." I could tell he was dreading the same thing I was, him having to leave.

I started a nice warm bath, while Chase took care of other business on the pot. When the bath was ready Chase was too. "Ready for your bath?"

"Are you going to take one with me?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes, please. I want all my baths to be with you." I just smiled and got in the tub with him. We washed each other's hair and had pretty much gotten ourselves clean. Chase pushed me down in the tub, I slid down until just my head was resting on the back rim. Chase pulled himself up trapping our erections between our bodies. We started kissing passionately and we were rocking our penises rubbing together. In less the three minutes we fired our load between our bodies. We hugged contentedly. Then we let the water wash away the evidence of our lovemaking.

"You sure do make me happy my little one."

"You make me happy too. I keep thinking this must be a dream, it is just too good to be true."

"It better not be a dream or I will have to sleep for the rest of my life." He grinned as I sat him on the stool to dry him. He took a towel and dried me at the same time. We did a lot of grinning and smiling that morning. I told him we would eat at the club. Since the only clothes he had were the ones he wore yesterday, I put them back on him. At least they were still clean. We both knew he could dress himself, but he enjoyed it so much for me to dress him that I wanted to do it as much as he wanted me to.

When we got to the club, Chase was a big hit with my golfing buddies. His bright smile and quick wit had everyone in a great mood. This club allows us to have our own golf carts and mine has TV and radio built in. Chase found a station he liked and we headed to the first tee. My little buddy seem to have a wonderful time enjoying the sunshine and fellowship. After the game we sat in the clubhouse and tallied up all the bets. No one ever loses or wins much, it is just a way to have bragging rights for a day or so. While Chase was busy with the guys, I went to the maintenance guy and order a few changes for my cart. He said he would have to send the cart to the factory for some of the changes, but would have one for me until mine was returned. I wanted the changes to be a surprise for Chase.

I bought a couple of golf shirts and shorts for Chase. He saw an adult shirt that matched one of his. "I didn't want you to spend your money on me, but since you did, will you get that one so that we can match?"

I was so touched that he wanted us to dress the same, I found matching shirts and shorts for the other set too. "If you want us to match we will."

"You are so nice. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I really enjoy your company. Since we have matching outfits, you have to come with me again."

"Every time you will let me."

On the way home we stopped and pickup the baby monitor for the second bedroom. "Jim, do we have to get that thing?"

"Yes, we do. Even if we don't ever use it. At least you have the choice and won't be forced into my bed. Also, your mother might want to see "your" room."

"Okay, as long as you don't make me sleep there." He had the slyest grin I have ever seen.

I also got a gold box chain and put my door key on it. I put it around his neck and said. "Now you have the key to my house, as well as the key to my heart."

He hugged me tight. "I know I will have to spend time with my mother, but I don't want to. Thank you, I don't have a key to give you, but you have my whole heart."

When we got home, Chase saw his mother's car and knew she was home. He looked like he lost his best friend. "Damn it. I wish she had never come back."

"Chase, you shouldn't talk like that about your mother. I am sure we will get to see each other."

"Keep these clothes at your house. They are for us, I don't want her to ever see them."

"Okay bud." I couldn't help but be sad right along with him. He has become such a part of my life in just a day really. I guess over time with us playing catch, we had become comfortable with each other, but really other than that it has been one day. I better not hear her yelling at him, I am not sure I can stand it without making a scene. At least he has a key, I know he has a place to go if she locks him out again.

As I was pushing Chase up the ramp, his mother came out onto the porch. "I was wondering where you were."

"You said not to wake you this morning, I took Chase with me to play golf."

"Whatever, I am going out of town for a few days, if you want to take care of him, here are some clothes. If not, he can take care of himself."

"I know how bright and resourceful he is and I am sure he can take care of himself, but he is more than welcome to stay with me. You want to stay with me, Chase?"

"Yes, can we go golfing tomorrow?" I knew this was for his mother's benefit.

"Of course, we did have a good time today, didn't we?"

"The best."

"The bitch from the state called and is coming by today. I told her that Chase would be home or next door."

"Okay, we will be here. Do you have numbers where you can be reached if we need you?"

"I don't know where I will be exactly."

"Well, if something should happen and Chase needs treatment, a guardian will have to consent to treatment. Will you sign a statement so that I won't worry about not being able to get treatment for him."

"Sure, but hurry. I don't have all day." I called my lawyer and he faxed something that he said should work, but he would check with someone that knows more about such matters. The fax started in about four minutes. She signed it and left.

I put Chase's new clothes as well as the clothes his mother had put in a sack in the spare bedroom. I also set up the baby monitor. The sack had 3 shirts, 2 pairs of shorts, and 3 briefs. I put them in the dresser drawers.

Chase and I were playing Monopoly when Ms. Morgan knocked on the door. "You must be Jim that I have heard so much about. I am Ms. Morgan, Chase's case worker."

"Come in Ms. Morgan, would you like something to drink?"

"Yes, a glass of water would hit the spot."

I went to get the water. Chase rolled over. "See Ms. Morgan, didn't I tell you he was real nice?"

"Yes you did Chase and he does seem very nice."

I returned with the water. "Please have a seat, Ms. Morgan."

"Thank you. You seemed to have made a hit with young Chase here."

"He has made a hit with me too. I have never met anyone that can put a smile on my face or brighten my day like he can. He is a delight to be around."

"I was a little surprised to see his mother leave him and go out of town. Are you sure you will be able to take care of Chase?"

"I think so, he has not been much trouble to be truthful. He can take care of himself pretty much. I have asked the construction people to come back and make this side handicap friendly as soon as they can. His bright smile and cheerful company has more than made up for any slight inconvenience."

"I think I would agree with you, but his mother tells a different story. She is always complaining that she needs help to care for Chase."

"I don't know what to say about that, I just know that he has not been any trouble and I have enjoyed his company."

"Good, Chase will you show me where you sleep when you are over here?"

"Sure Ms. Morgan. Jim bought this baby monitor so that he can hear me if I need anything at night, but I am not a baby."

"No, I know you're not, but Mr. Carter is just trying to make sure you are well taken care of. I appreciate that he wants to make sure you can be heard if you need anything. Chase these clothes look really sharp." She was nosing around everywhere, I am glad I hung his clothes in here.

"Thanks Ms Morgan, Jim bought them this morning when he took me to play golf with him."

"You took him to play golf? Isn't that just a little dangerous?"

"I guess it is more dangerous that sitting at home, but Chase needs to get out. He may be in a wheelchair, but that wheelchair is not who he is. We had a ball today and he held on tight in the cart. I am having seatbelts installed to make it even safer, but I can't see a valid reason he shouldn't be allowed to get out and enjoy the warm sunshine."

"Well, Mr. Carter, I think you convinced me. You really do care about Chase. Do you have numbers where you can reach his mother in an emergency?"

"No, she said she didn't know exactly where she would be staying. I had my attorney fax a document that he said should allow me to act as his guardian." I got the document and showed it to her.

"This should work, but to be sure, I will have a judge issue a temporary guardianship. I will bring it back this afternoon."

"Thanks Ms. Morgan I will feel more comfortable knowing Chase can be taken care of if need be."

"Mr. Carter you're a nice man, I can see why Chase likes you so much. Is he getting his physical therapy?"

"I don't know, Chase?"

"Well, you know my mom isn't going to do it. I didn't tell Jim about it."

"Chase, you need the therapy to keep the blood flowing properly in your legs."

"I know, I just forgot to tell Jim."

"Chase, tell me now about this physical therapy."

"They taught my mom how to rub and massage my legs and back."

"Ms. Morgan, can you arrange for me to be taught how to do his therapy? I will be happy to pay."

"It won't be necessary for you to pay, may I use your phone?"

"Sure. You can use the office if you would like some privacy."

When she went to use the phone. I knelt down beside Chase for a little talk. "Chase, I will never get mad at you, but I want a promise."

"What promise?"

"I want you to promise you will tell me everything. I know you didn't really have a chance with this to tell me. I just want to take care of you properly. Okay?" I tickled his ribs.

"I promise, I know you will help we with anything I need."

Ms. Morgan heard part of our little talk. "I am glad you boys had a little talk."

"It wasn't Chase's fault, yesterday was the first day he stayed over here, before that, we just played catch together. I do want to do anything I can for Chase."

"I have you an appointment at four forty-five this afternoon, can you make it to the county hospital then."

"Sure, we will be there."

"Pete will be showing you what to do for Chase. I feel better just knowing you are taking care of him. I knew his mother wasn't, but I didn't want to take him away from his mother either. I talked to the judge and I will pick up the temporary guardianship papers and give them to you at the hospital."

"Thank you Ms. Morgan, it is nice to know someone cares for Chase."

"Chase, did you tell Mr. Carter you sometimes wet the bed?"

"No, I was hoping I wouldn't do it anymore."

"You know you sometimes don't wake up."

"Yes , I just didn't want to, I mean I thought I could wake up and go even if I didn't need to."

"Chase, it's okay. I won't let something like a little pee bother me. You have already pee'd on me. I would never get mad at you. I know you can't help it. We will get something to cover the mattress and if we have to change the sheets twenty times a night I promise not to get mad."

"Thank you Jim. See Ms. Morgan, he must love me."

"Yes, I see. What was that about you peeing on him."

"Yesterday my mom was with a friend and had me locked out. When Jim heard me tell her I was going to wet myself he came out and got me. He almost got me to the bathroom in time, but I went all over both of us instead. He didn't get mad even after he slipped. He just laughed. He put me in the tub mopped the floor, and took his shower. He even gave me this cool football jersey to wear while my clothes were being washed. He even told me I could keep it."

"You two have had to get to know each other pretty fast."

"I knew he was special when he played catch with me. I didn't know anyone could be as nice as Jim is. I wish he could be my dad, but my mom only likes losers."

"You boys better get ready for your trip to the hospital."

"What do I need to do, should he wear anything special?"

"What he has on is fine. Just ask for Pete."

"I will see you boys at the hospital. I wish I had a few hundred more of you Mr. Carter."

"Please Call me Jim."

"Okay, I will be happy to. I would tell you to call me by my first name, but I dislike it so much that I won't tell you what it is. Well, you can call me Gert, you can guess what that stands for."

"Gert it is then."

"Me too? Can I call you Gert too?"

"Yes, Chase you can. If I get in trouble, who cares."

Chase put on his biggest smile. As she drove off we headed to the truck and started for the hospital.

Pete was a handsome dude in his late twenties or early thirties. He was very muscular. He explained that reason for the physical therapy was to keep good circulation to Chase's feet and legs. He showed me how to stretch and pull on Chase's limbs and joints. He showed me how to massage his back, butt, legs and feet. During this explanation he said. "While you have him like this you may as well paddle is butt. I am sure he has done something that needs a paddling." He gave Chase's cute butt and little love pat. He pointed out that he was teasing Chase, but it was important to make sure his butt was massaged properly. He said it would be best if he had his therapy twice a day. He had me practice until he was satisfied that I could do a proper job.

As we left the PT department of the hospital, Gert was coming to find us. She had the court order giving me temporary guardianship of Chase. She hugged me and said "Thank you for taking care of Chase."

"It is my pleasure, he is a wonderful boy. I like him and I will do everything I can to make sure he is safe and happy."

"You are a wonderful man."

She hugged Chase and whispered something to him. She had a little tear in her eye. I am sure she can't get this involved with all her clients, it would just be to hard emotionally.

"Gert, do you get this involved with all your clients?"

"No, I wish I could, but it's impossible. That is why when I see someone like Chase find a loving and caring person in their life I am so happy I cry."

"Thank you. I do love this little guy. He gives so much love that you can't help but return it."

"Not everyone does. It is a dying shame, but that's the way it is. As long as I have done this job, I am still surprised at how many people could care less about their children."

"I promise this one will be loved."

"I know that and Chase's case files will be very clear that you are his caregiver. It is unusual, but I know a happy child when I see one. I actually see two happy boys when I look at you two."

"Thank you Gert."

"Your welcome." She left with just a little hint of a tear in her eyes.

"Well, big boy. What do you want to do tonight?"

"How about another pizza and movie?"

"We can do that if you want, but I was thinking of something a little different tonight."


"I thought you might want to go to the ballgame tonight."

"Really? Can we?"

"I don't see why not. It should be a beautiful night for baseball."

"Every night is a beautiful night for baseball. You know how much I love it. I would have brought my glove if I had known."

"I thought you might like the idea of a ballgame. I brought your glove. It's in the truck. Do you want to eat first or eat at the ballpark?"

"Ballpark if you're sure it's okay. I am not used to anyone spending money on me."

"It is more than okay. I don't want you to worry about spending money ever again."

"Wow, I got to go to the ballpark last year with my team, but my mom didn't give me any money, so I couldn't eat anything. I didn't want to, but I felt left out while all the other kids were eating."

"Never again. As long as I am around, you will never be left out."

"I know. I am starting to get used to being loved. I like it."

We had a wonderful time at the game. We ate too much junk food, but not enough to make us sick. Chase didn't catch a foul ball, but he came close. He jumped out of his chair trying to catch one. I managed to catch him before he hit the concrete. I wanted to chew him out, but I just couldn't. He was just so happy I couldn't scold him for almost hurting himself.

On the way home Chase still had a smile from ear to ear. "Jim, that was fantastic. I have never had that much fun before. I thought you were going to get mad at me when I jumped out of my chair, but you just caught me and hugged me. I love being loved by you."

"You almost got a little tongue lashing for that little stunt. I don't want to see you do that again. You were so happy, I just couldn't scold you. You little rascal, you scared me to death."

"I will try to not do that again. I didn't know I was doing it. I was just trying to catch the ball."

By the time we got home it was late and we still have needed to do Chase's physical therapy. "In case you fall asleep, do you want your massage in your room or mine."

"Silly question. You know where I want to sleep. I may fall asleep, but I will have a hardon with you massaging me."

"Okay, it's your room then."

"No, don't tease me like that. errr. Jim, I am worried I might wet the bed. I know we didn't get anything for the mattress yet."

"If you pee, you pee. It's my fault we didn't get something for the mattress, so it will be my fault if it happens."

"Still, I don't want to mess up the mattress."

"It's no big deal if it happens, but we will have some towels by the bed so that we can soak it up quickly. I don't want you to worry your pretty little head over some stupid old mattress."

"You are so nice to me. Now what are you waiting on. I want your hands all over me, especially my butt."

"This is for your physical therapy, it is not meant to be foreplay."

"Well, if I am naked and you're naked, and we will be naked, I don't see how either one of us can keep from being hard as a rock."

"I am afraid you're right, but I want to make sure this is for your physical health, not some prelude to sex."

"Jim, you have shown me nothing but love asking nothing in return. I started everything sexual between us. I don't want to have this discussion every day and night. I love you and I want you. I am sure you love me and I am pretty sure you want me too. So please shut up and massage me so that we can either go to sleep of make love to each other depending on how we feel after my massage."

"Yes sir, I do love you so."

I put the massage oil in my palms and started warming it before starting Chase's massage. I was amazed with all the scars on his back, Chase's skin still felt baby soft. I expected the scars to feel rough. It was such a pleasure to massage Chase, we might have to do this more than twice a day.

When the massage was over, to my surprise, neither one of us had an erection. Chase rolled over and smiled. "You have magic hands, that felt better than it ever has. It must be cause you love me, none of the others have ever come close to making me feel that good."

"Thank you, I promise to do my best every time. I love touching your beautiful body. Can you feel it when I massage your legs and feet?"

"Sometimes I think I can feel it, but I think it is just that I can tell from the pressure on my upper body. Jim, I need to pee."

I cradled Chase like a baby and carried him to the bathroom. "You are so beautiful Chase."

"I bet you say that to all the boys. Jim, can we pee together like we did this morning."

"How did you know I needed to pee? Of course we can pee together."

We performed the same procedure we did this morning. Chase was showering me with kisses. "This is fantastic, kissing and pissing at the same time." When we finished, I cradled Chase in my arms and gently put him on the bed. I went to get the towels I promised him we would have handy. I crawled on the bed and covered us up with the top sheet.

We got in a good cuddle position and I kissed Chase lightly on the lips. "Thank you Chase for wanting to play catch with me."

"You're welcome, but why do you say that?"

"If you had not wanted to play catch, I might have missed out on the love of my life."

"I knew that first day we were meant to be together. I just didn't know how I was going to convince you that we were. You are the love of my life too. More than I ever dreamed and I dreamed a lot."

"Go to sleep sweet prince. Dream sweet dreams."

We both let our heavy eyelids pull us into a contented sleep.

****** End of Part 2 ****************

I hope you guys liked it. If you have any feedback at all, I'd be happy to hear it at

****** Part 3 should follow soon ******

Next: Chapter 3

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