Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Jan 1, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

This was probably the biggest place I have ever seen. Maybe even bigger than my school and trust me, my school was pretty big. So many new faces. Most of them were friendly. I don't mean to judge but some of the people here looks kinda weird. Especially this blue looking guy with a really heavy accent.

Other than that the place was awesome. The backyard of the place was humongous. I mean there are basket ball courts, tennis courts, a pool. I didn't even get to the best part yet. I actually have my own room that's not the size of a closet. I have a bed and extra room to put all my other belongings.

Luckily I have Ororo showing me around. I wouldn't have chosen any other person to do so. If Scott showed me around, I would still be lost because I would only be staring at his tight, bubble butt. I'm sorry I really don't mean to be doing that but if you saw him, omg jaw dropper. When I was done with the grand tour, we made our way back to the lobby.

"Ah Brian. I see you have met Ororo. I take it you have seen the entirety of the school? Well, hang on because you have seen nothing yet." A man in a wheelchair sat in front of us as if he had been waiting there for a while now. "My name is Charles Xavier. I founded this institution as a safe haven for mutants to freely and openly practice their powers."

"Hi...Mr. Xavier. It's nice to meet you. This is a lovely place. One that if I am a mutant, I would be lucky to stay in."

"Ah yes. A doubter I see. So if you are not a mutant, then what are you?"

"Well I don't know."

"Ok well after you get situated here, we can that figure out. Shall we?"

I followed him as he rolled towards a long hallway. I guess he was finishing up the tour because I have never seen this side of the school before. Out of nowhere, a section of the walls opened up into what looks like an elevator. Xavier went in first, then Ororo. I was hesitant to go in because I didn't know where it led.

"Don't be afraid Brian. It'll take us to the basement of the school," Xavier said.

"It's ok Brian. Take my hand. I'll be with you the whole way," Ororo said.

I stepped into the elevator and right away, it started moving. I was scared but Ororo looked worried. Claustrophobic maybe? We finally reached our destination and Xavier is the first to exit the elevator and makes a right. This basement looks nothing like the rest of the school.

We make our way to the end of that hallway and we enter into an empty room. "Where are we?" I ask.

"This is called the Danger Room. We have our students fight in here. We plan our strategies and work together and it all takes place in this very room," Xavier says.

"But this is just an empty room."

"Right now it is but soon you will see the magic of it all. We need you to be in tomorrow morning at 10 am sharp."

"What for?"

"Well you said you didn't know whether or not you are a mutant correct? Well we are running and testing some theories."

"Ok Mr..."

"Please. Everyone here calls me Professor."

"Ok Professor it is."

THE NEXT MORNING I really don't know what to expect. Professor takes me into an empty room and tells me that they strategize and battle in there. How is he going to determine whether or not I am a mutant in an empty room?

As I'm walking around, I realize I don't know where I am going or where I am. In a panic I start walking with my hands against the wall to find that elevator when all of a sudden

"Hey Brian!"

My heart skipped a beat. Mostly because the voice scared the crap out of me. "Hey Scott how are you today?"

"I'm fine. And you?"

"I'm doing ok. Professor told me to go to this Danger Room place in the basement and I don't remember how to get there."

"I'm headed down there right now. I'll show you the easiest way to get there."

I walk and talk with him until we get to that same elevator Professor, Ororo, and I went through the day before. I'm going to remember that. The elevator is next to the cafeteria. We get into the elevator and the door shuts. Right then and there I am lost in a frenzy of feelings. I'm lost from the smell of his cologne. I feel lust. But it's not coming from me. That's odd.

The elevator opens up and I remembered that we made a right and so I did. We go all the way to the end of the hallway and somehow along the way, Scott and I split up. I go into the danger room and Professor is already there waiting for me.

"I like a person who is right on time. Let's get started."

Suddenly, the room starts to change. The walls are no longer metal. The shape of the room, the emptiness become...full. I am no longer in an empty room, but a gym. With balls flying all over the place. I am hit from behind by a volleyball. Then another ball hits me from behind. Every time I turn around, another ball comes crashing into me.

One comes flying straight at me and it wasn't a volley ball. It was a basket ball. I try to duck but it's no use. It's coming too fast. Panicking, I try to block the ball from hitting my face and I don't feel the impact. When I look up, the ball is frozen in midair.

Another basketball hurls my way. This time, I try to see if I can actually freeze the ball again. I concentrate really hard on the ball and I focus on trying to slow it down and eventually stop it in its track. The basketball ends up slowing down but instead of stopping, it curves back around and is sent flying through the gym and hits the back wall.

"That's odd," Professor murmurs to himself.

Different emotions are running through my head. I'm shocked, scared, tired and much more. I start to feel pressure on my head and suddenly all the balls start fly crazily in all directions. The headache is back and then...nothing. It was gone and all the balls stopped moving.

The room changes again and is no longer a gym. It returned to its normal empty room once again. I thought that was cool. "Professor, what was that?"

"We have the most advance holographic technology that we placed in this room. It can alter and change in many different scenarios and battle scenes so that the X-Men can fight and practice."

"The X-Men? Sounds like a boy band or something."

"We'll get to that topic soon enough but for now, I wish to discuss my findings with you. Follow me this way."

We exit the Danger Room and make our way to the other side of the hallway. "Brian, this is the Mission Room and this is the place where we give our briefings and discuss battle plans as well."

It seemed as though we were the only ones there when Professor told me to have a seat. Then the door opened up and Scott walks in. What was he doing here?

"Ah Scott yes. The person I wanted to see. Have a seat next to Brian as we have much to discuss."

Confused and a little scared, "Professor what is it?" I stated.

"Scott would you mind playing the tape from the Danger Room exercise?"

A screen slowly descends from behind the Professor and on it was me entering the empty Danger Room. Then it slowly changes into the gym and there are balls secured on racks and in bags. Then, slowly the balls are being hurled around by themselves and one by one they start to hit me. And the first basketball that makes it way towards me. I see myself cowering and then the ball freezes in midair.

"Pause right here Scott. Brian, what was going through your mind at this moment?"

"Well Professor, I was scared because there was a ball flying towards my face."

"Ok Scott. Continue the tape."

Then I see more balls flying around and then another basketball makes it way towards me. This time, I see myself not cowering but facing the ball and looking right at it. This time, I see the ball curve and fly in the opposite direction.

"Scott pause. Brian, what was going through your mind here?"

"Well, I was concentrating on trying to freeze the ball again and double check to make sure that it was I who froze it last time."

"Professor, can you explain what this means?" Scott spoke for the first time.

"Well, I don't know how completely explain it. So far, I have classified you as a Telekinetic. You see here that you were able to change the direction of the second basketball that came towards you. What I can't explain is how you are able to freeze the ball...completely stopping it in motion, without looking at it. So Brian, you are a mutant. I just have to figure out that second part."

So it's settled. I am a mutant and this is going to be my new home. "Ok Professor, I guess this is good news." Now I don't have to go home and get in another argument with my parents.

"It sure is. Now get some rest and meet me in my office tomorrow afternoon so we can discuss your schedule for the remainder of the school year."

"You got it Professor. I'll see you later. See you later Scott."

"Actually, I think I will walk you up there. Don't want you to get lost again," Scott said with a smile.

The professor says goodbye to us both and we left. We head up the elevator and I can still smell his cologne. When we get to the top, I was feeling a little hungry. Scott must have felt the same way or somehow have known because the first thing he says when we get off the elevator was "Wanna grab a bite to eat from the kitchen?"

How could I refuse? So I went along with him and had me some lunch with Scott. Afterwards, I went to chill in my room and watched some TV for the rest of the afternoon.

MEANWHILE In the Mission Room The Professor was reviewing the tape over again but this time, didn't pause at any part. He watched the ball being frozen in mid air. He watched the ball being thrown against the wall telekinetically. He continued to watch the rest of the tape. When he got to the end, he rewound the tape a couple of minutes where he was watching Brian holding his head in pain as all the balls in the surrounding shook and projected in all directions.



Author's note: I'm having a lot of help from one of my best friends and he is doing a pretty good job at helping me make the story interesting. So I would like to thank him. This is the third installment of the Charmed X-Man series and I hope you are liking it so far. Feedback is appreciated. Let me know how you like it at I'll try to get the next chapter as soon as I can.

Next: Chapter 4

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