Charmed: The End Is Only the Beginning: Prologue

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on May 24, 2008



All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and I have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

This is a sequel to my story 'Next Charmed Line'. If you haven't read that one, I suggest you read it before you read this one or else you'll be confused on a lot of things. 'Next Charmed Line' ended on April 28 so you can look for it there. Also this does have a heterosexual relationship in it, but don't worry. There won't be any heterosexual sex in this, and I can promise you that the relationship will be interesting.

A girl and a boy were both sitting in an empty park alone. The girl was only fourteen years of age, while the guy was at least eighteen. No one really knew about their relationship since they kept it so private. They loved each other and age was just a number to them, though they both knew if anyone found out about this the guy could get into some serious trouble because he's legal, and well she's four years from being legal.

They both just sat there in the park. The guy had his arm wrapped around her protectively. There was something that he wished he could tell her, but he couldn't because he knew that it would break her heart, and he loves her so much that he doesn't want to break her heart in any way. She's like his other half. He knows what she feels. Its like they're the same person, but different in many ways. More ways than anyone could ever understand.

That's another reason why they had to keep their relationship secret. They're too opposite people who come from two different places. In some cases people would say that their love is against the law, and its pretty risky for them to be together, but that wasn't going to stop them. They both had to realize that they couldn't help who they fall in love with. Once they were able to see that then nothing really stopped them from hooking up. Not even what their parents might think about them, even though they knew if their parents found out then it would be a never ending war, and neither of them wanted that.

The couple has been dating for two years. It was a little odd for someone as old as sixteen to be dating a girl who's only twelve, but it felt right. The guy couldn't help who he fell in love with, whether or not the girl was twelve or if she was twenty one. They met here at the park. It was his favorite place to come and it was hers also. For awhile they were both too scared to talk to each other. They had come there just about everyday to just look at each other, but really never talked until one day the guy found the courage to just go up to the girl and talk to her. After spending a little while of getting to know her he told her the real reason why he comes to the park and how he really felt about her. The girl was shocked because she felt the exact same way. From then on they decided to be together, but made sure not to tell anyone.

Everyday the girl would meet the guy at the park, and sometimes he would take her in his car and go to the movies or out to eat, but they always made sure that it was a good ways away from their area of town just in case they ran into someone they knew and word got back to their parents.

So far everything is working out fine. They've had their arguments here and there, but they've never broken up once. It was like they were made for each other, and they both wanted to tell their families about them so much, but they both decided that they were going to wait until the girl was eighteen. That way her parents couldn't decide whether or not she could date the guy anymore. She would already be grown and able to make her own choices without her parents.

They had been at the park for hours and hadn't spoken a word. The couple just sat there just enjoying each other's company. It was just so perfect and so nice to be here with each other. Neither of them could imagine anywhere else that they'd rather be than here with each other.

Finally the guy turned to the girl who was still looking forward. He grabbed her face gently and forced her to look at him in the eyes, which were a blue green color. After staring at her for a few minutes, just wanting to see her face again, the boy pressed his lips against hers softly.

The girl responded to the kiss by wrapping her arms around the guys neck pulling him into her more. She's been wanting to do this all day today, but she really never found the time to do it, but luckily he was the one who made the first move or else she would have felt embarrassed.

Feeling that the girl was enjoying this the guy wrapped his arm around her back and pulled her close to him so that their bodies were touching. For awhile they just sat there on the park bench making out like they would usually do when they come there.

Soon they found themselves in the guys bed. They had just had sex. This was the girls first time, but unfortunately it wasn't the guys, but the girl already knew that it wasn't, but she still went through with it. There was no one who she wanted to give her virginity to other than him. For two years he's been her everything and she didn't know what she would have done without him by her side. He's always been there for her when she needed it. If she ever had problems that she couldn't tell her parents she would go to him about it. Many say that you can't find love at an early age, but this girl thinks that she's already found the one and she's only fourteen.

The guy laid there smiling. He was happy that they had finally done it. It wasn't that he wanted to just get in her pants and leave her. He loved her too much to ever leave her, well at least leave her as in break up with her. He knew that there were certain circumstances that might make him leave, but its not his choice. If he could, he would stay here and wait until she's eighteen and on her eighteenth birthday he would marry her.

As the girl lied on his chest she couldn't help, but keep thinking about what his parents would do if they all of a sudden walked in. It would be creepy first of all since neither of them have met each other's parents, but if his parents knew that he just had sex with a girl who's fourteen then it would be trouble.

The guy looked down to see the worried look on his girlfriends face. He knew what would always cheer her up. "I love you," he whispered in her ear soothingly as he pulled her closer to him and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead knowing how much she loved it when he kissed her there..

"I love you too," she said back. As she kept thinking about her love for the guy her thoughts of her parents and his came back into her mind. "What are we gonna do if they find out," she asked. "I mean we'd both be in trouble. My parents would probably kill you if not have you arrested and your parents will probably kick you out of the house," she went on and on.

"Shh," the guy said putting his finger to her lips. "Everything is going to be okay," he whispered in her ear kissing it. "I can take care of you," he promised. "If anything happens, then we'll find our own place and we'll be together and we won't have to hide it," he told her. "We'll be a family and if our family denies us we won't need them okay," he said. He had this all figured out from the start. The guy knew the risk of being with her and he made sure to have a plan just in case they were found out about. He wouldn't let her go that easily. He loved her so much that he couldn't live without her. The guy couldn't go an hour without thinking about her. She was in his heart forever and that's where he wanted her to forever stay. The rest of the night, she just laid there in his arms until she managed to sneak away knowing how angry her parents would be if she wasn't home soon.

A week later the girl was sitting on the toilet. She's been feeling kind of odd lately, and she doesn't know why that is. She's managed to hide her sickness from her parents for awhile, but she knows that its not going to be too much longer before they find out about it. So far she's been having problems with vomiting, her chest has been itching, she feels that she's constantly gaining weight, and to top it off she hasn't had her cycle and it should be due any time. She talked to one of her friends about it, and her friend gave her this test to see if that was the solution to the problem, and that's what the girl is doing.

The girl sat in her room and waited awhile for the test results. She made sure to guard the bathroom so no one walked in and saw the test and found out it was hers. She'd be in deep trouble and would have some explaining to do to her parents. Right now it was hard to try to keep people from going into the bathroom since almost fifteen people live in the house. Lucky for her she was able to manage that by somehow convincing them all that she was about to throw up, which sometimes she did.

Finally coming back to the bathroom to read the test, she closed her eyes and picked it up. When she opened them she nearly fainted. The test proved to be positive, which was going to change her life forever. Never did she think that she would be in this predicament at this early age. She doesn't know what to do now. Her parents are now going to know what she's been up to and now they might not let her out of the house.

Knowing she had to tell her boyfriend what's going on, she made up some excuse to leave the house. He lived a few miles away from her, but the girl figured that she could probably use the exercise since she'll be gaining a lot of weight. It might have been a big thing to just show up at his house, but this wasn't something that she felt she could tell him over the phone. She had to tell him this in person. It was the right thing to do.

After a long walk that took her almost an hour, the girl finally found herself on the front porch of the guys house. She took in one last deep breath before knocking on the door. This was going to take a lot out of her to tell him this, but she has to be strong. She made the decision to do this now she has to be big enough to tell him this.

A woman, who looked to be about in her forties answered the door. The girl assumed that it was the guy's mother. Who else would have been there. "Hello Ms. Can I help you," she greeted politely.

The girl was shaking. She really didn't want to meet the guy's mother, and she didn't want to just barge in like this an tell him news like this, but she knew she had to. "Umm, yes, I was looking for Josh Lucas," she said. Hopefully this doesn't get him into too much trouble, but he said no matter what that they would be able to be together and he could take care of her.

"I'm sorry," the woman replied. "He's not here," she said.

The girl couldn't believe it. Where else could he be. There wasn't too many places that he would go without her. "Do you know where I can find him," she asked. This wasn't something that could wait. She had to find him soon and she had to tell him the news.

"He's been dispatched to the army and I don't know when he's coming back," she answered. "Is there a message that you want me to send him," the woman asked seeing that the girl looked desperate to find him.

"No, its okay," she said depressed. She was holding back her tears so she didn't let the woman see her cry. The girl didn't want to let the Josh's mother see her cry and then send him a letter saying that there was a girl crying on the doorstep for him. That isn't something he needs to hear while he's away at the army.

The woman nodded seeing that the girl didn't want to say anything else, so she closed the door.

The fourteen year old girl ran off crying. She couldn't believe this. Why did he leave her and not at least say goodbye. She thought he loved her. She thought he would never leave her. Why did he do this to her. It hurts so bad, and he promised her that he would never hurt her. The girl finally made her way back to the park where they would always come. Sitting on the bench, she cried some more and then looked down at her stomach. It looks like she's going to have to come clean to her parents about what she's been doing. Its not going to be easy, but the sooner she gets it over with the better. Hopefully her parents won't kill her.

3 years later....

I was in the kitchen of the manor cooking breakfast for two families. That was now the whole routine. Every morning since it was a lot easier on me, Wyatt, and the kids we would come over to the manor where Peter and Chris lived with their boys and let our kids all go to the same school that Chris and Wyatt went to. That way they would know the principle and some of the teachers just in case the kids got into any trouble, and they sure did get into lots of trouble.

Ever since the final battle things have been running smoothly. There really hasn't been any demon hunting, except for a few times, and I really don't have to worry about my kids being kidnapped at the manor. They can come around the place any time they want now, and there won't be a demon who dares to try to come and take them, which I like a lot.

Raising our kids has been very crazy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Right now Patience, Ryan, Prue and Robert are all out of the house and have their own families. It was hard to let them go, but I couldn't hold on to them any longer. They're grown now. Though there is one who I do wish would grow up. Rolland. This is his third time repeating his senior year of high school. He's spend suspended more times than anyone can count. His grades are not good even though he's been taking the same classes for three years. Then to top it off he sneaks out and does whatever he wants. Out of all eleven kids, why did he have to be the one who's out of control, but I know most of it has to do with his real mother not being in his life, which I can sore of understand since mine wasn't technically either.

Patty is doing real well. She's been an honor roll student and she's now in her senior year of high school. I never thought I'd see the day when she would catch up and be in the same grade as her half brother, but she is actually working hard. Hopefully Patty doesn't pass him up grade wise, or that would be pretty embarrassing not just for him, but for us as parents. It would make things seem like we focused all our attention on Patty and not him, which is not true. There's only one thing wrong with Patty. She has two three year old twin boys. I really can't yell at her for having them at fourteen since I had my kids at eighteen, but I really didn't like the fact that she had them with a guy who's eighteen, and then he just left her to raise both of them on her own. When Patty told me and Wyatt about this, I was lost for words, but Wyatt sure wasn't. He was pissed, and I had to calm him down. So far its been Wyatt and I who've been watching the kids for Patty while she's at school. I understand she was young and she thought she was in love, but I can't help but be a little upset with her for the choice that she made, but its too late to take it back now. All I can do is love her and help her despite the fact that she made the mistake.

What to say about Richard. Richard is just the average guy. He's growing up fast too. He's only got another year before he's Patty's age and about to graduate. I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday I was in labor with him, but I'm glad to see that he's all grown up and doing well. Only problem is he likes to tease Patty too much, but I know he's just being the typical brother.

Penny seems to be the only partly normal one in the house. I feel bad for her because she's only a freshman in high school so she's taking a lot from the seniors, including her own sister, but Patty and Rolland do look out for her to make sure she's not getting picked on too much.

Finally the triplets. They've been really forced to be good since they have to go to magic school until they're Penny's age. After raising eight kids in a normal school and seeing how bad they get with using magic, I just decided that it would be easier to just start the triplets off at magic school and when they know when and when not to use their magic then I'll let them go to a normal school, but they still got two more years.

Since I'm a teacher at magic school now, I'll be alerted when the kids are doing something they're not suppose to or Wyatt will and because of the daycare at magic school we're able to place Patty's twins in there while we work. It came time for dad and the aunts to retire from magic school so Wyatt, Chris, and I decided to take over. Wyatt is the head of it though, while Chris and I are only teachers.

Patty orbed in along with, Richard, Penny, and her two sons Warren and Ray. I don't know where she got those names from, but I let her be the person to name her sons. I was so busy cooking that I didn't even notice them orb in. Richard took a seat at the table along with Penny. Patty really couldn't sit down until she got her twins into their chairs.

"Hey mom, what's for breakfast," Patty asked as she took her seat at the table. Her twins were next to her and so was her youngest brother Richard. Penny sat on the other side of him.

"Pancakes and bacon," I said not even turning around and looking at them. I'm really the only one in the house who can cook now a days since I spent a lot of time with Piper in the kitchen. Chris and Wyatt really never wanted to learn which left me to be the new chef of the house, and I didn't like it too much since Wyatt now expected a cooked meal just about every time we'd go home from magic school.

"I miss grandma's cooking," Patty sighed. When Piper did all the cooking there would be more options since she had a lot of time on her hands, but now that she lives away from the manor in a house with Leo, Paige, Henry, Phoebe, and Coop, Patty and the others haven't really been getting that luxury anymore.

"Sorry sweetie, but you know I have to get to magic school and I only have a certain amount of time to do things," I explained. "And you know its time for Aunt Piper to take a break from all of this, I mean she basically raised your father and your Uncle Chris and she helped raise your brothers and sisters," I pointed out.

"Yeah she did," Patty remembered. "I miss them," Patty said.

I looked back at her and smile. "Patty you know you can you visit Aunt Piper whenever you want, I mean they only live about fifteen minutes away," I stated to her.

"Not them," Patty was quick to say. "I mean my brothers and sisters," Patty corrected.

I took the pancakes out of the skillet and put the on a plate and began to cook the bacon. "Patty, you know they had to move on, I mean they've got their own lives and their own families now," I pointed out.

"I know, but I still miss them," she said.

"Me too," Richard added.

"Me three," Penny said.

"Come on guys," I tried to cheer them up. I don't know if they knew that it hurt me more than them to see all four of them move out, but they had families they had to take care of and I couldn't just keep them locked up here. "They'll be here tonight for a family dinner," I informed them.

"Are you serious," Richard replied getting excited.

"Sure am," I smiled at them. I knew that was going to make them happy. When I turned around for the first times I saw that part of the family was missing. Usually everyone arrives together unless there is a problem, which is probably the reason why they're all not here. "Where's your father and Rolland with the triplets," I asked.

"Him and Rolland are having a little man to man talk," Patty answered.

"Should of figured that one," I replied to myself. Wyatt is probably talking to Rolland about his behavior issue in most classes. Yesterday Wyatt had gotten four different phone calls from four different teachers about how Rolland was up to his no good ways of being the trouble maker in the class. If only he'd stop acting so out of control, Wyatt and I would be able to say our kids are perfect.

Warren and Ray started pouring milk on each other, which made Patty a little irritated since she had just finished bathing the both of them. Even though the two are trouble makers, Patty loves them more than anything in this world. They are her joy and pride and all that their father had left her. Patty still doesn't know anything about their father, and wishes that she could talk to him. At least find out why he left her without so much as a goodbye.

I looked over to see my daughter cleaning off her kids and I couldn't help but smile. It reminded me of when all of them were that age. Sometimes I would give anything just to have them as kids again.

"You know all this talk about family you know you'll be moving on soon just like your brothers and sisters," I pointed out to Patty. I wasn't kicking her out. I would never do that to her. Patty could actually stay until she's a hundred. I don't care. Its just that I think she's the type of person who wants to be on her own and I'm only preparing myself for it.

"I guess," she sighed sadly.

I could sense that she was a little sad, but she's been acting that way for three years now. "So since you're a senior you'll be going to prom this year. Have you found yourself a date," I asked changing the subject.

"No," she replied. "No one wants to date me, because I have two kids and no one wants to be with a girl who has kids already," Patty downed herself. She really hasn't had a date with anyone ever since her ex three years ago. He was the first guy she ever dated and the last and looks like he's always going to be her last since she can't find anyone to date.

I just laughed at her. "That's not true, what about that guy you brought home the other day," I pointed out. "He seemed pretty nice."

"Yeah well he's a jerk," Patty growled. "He told me he didn't have a problem with me having two kids until he met them. Then he tells me things aren't working out and that keeps happening with just about every guy I talk to. They tell me they don't have a problem with me having kids and then they meet Warren and Ray, and next thing I know they're running out the door," Patty explained. Patty just thought that she wasn't meant to be with anyone else. Maybe she was destined to be alone or with that one person.

I shook my head. "Well have you tried dating someone who's magical," I asked. "I mean this teacher who works with me at magic school has a handsome son about your age," I proposed.

"No mom, I think I prefer to do my own dating," Patty instantly said.

I poured some coffee and went and set the pancakes on the table for the kids to eat. I could see that Patty was really holding on to something that wasn't there anymore and I didn't want her to live the rest of her life waiting. She's my daughter and I want her to be happy with whatever decision she makes.

"Patty please tell me you're not hoping that Josh Lucas guy is going to come back for you," I asked. When I heard no answer I knew that I was right. "Patty you need to move on. You deserve better and so do your kids," I stated. "A guy who is worth crying over would not make you cry and that guy did so he's not worth it. Plus you guys shouldn't be together anyway."

"Oh my gosh, why is it that everyone is mad at me for dating a guy who was four years older than me, I mean Uncle Peter is nine years older than Uncle Chris so why is everyone on me," Patty asked. She had been hearing these lectures ever since she had her kids and she's said sorry about it a thousand times, but she feels as though no one has forgiven her for her mistake.

"Wow mom looks like someone over here got too old for the guy, I bet he's off scoring with some other fourteen year old," Richard laughed out loud. He always loved to tease his sister, even though secretly he was a man whore. Just like his dad use to be. He has this one month rule where he has to have dated a girl for a month before he sleeps with her and if she's good enough he stays with her, but if not he'll dump her for another within the next week.

"Shut up creep," Patty shouted as she slapped her younger brother upside his head hard enough for me to hear.

"Patty!" I crossed my arms over my chest. "Apologize to your brother right now," I demanded.

"Sorry," she said.

Richard stuck his tongue out at her thinking he has just won a victory, but he is sadly mistaken.

"Richard, apologize to your sister for that and for making fun of her," I ordered him. Richard sat there and rolled his eyes. "I mean do it now," I said even firmer this time.

Richard sighed and looked at Patty saying, "Sorry."

"That's better," I told him. "You guys need to stop fighting," I stated. "Y'all are too old to be fighting like that." I finished fixing my coffee and I went to sit down with the family. "And Patty I don't care if the guy is four years older than you, its your father that has a problem that," I reminder her. "The problem I have is that he left you pregnant and raising two kids on your own."

"I'm sure there's an explanation for it," Patty pleaded.

"I'm sorry Patty, but there is no excuse for a man walking out on his kids," I said taking a sip of my coffee. I looked at my daughter who was even more upset than ever. I know she hates hearing this from someone. Especially her own mother, but its the truth and she has to hear it one way or another.

Patty buried her hands in her face knowing that I was right. She couldn't deny it anymore no matter how much she wanted to. The man who she loved for two years had no right to walk out on her, even if he didn't know that she was going to have two kids. Not even going to the army should have been an excuse. He could have at least told her he was going and maybe they could have worked something out, but he didn't.

"I'm sorry for being so hard on you sweetie," I said grabbing my daughter's attention once again. "I know this is a lot for you to hear, especially at your age, but I just wanted you to see that this guy is a jerk for leaving you and your kids, and if it had to be said, I wanted it to be said by me so it wouldn't hurt so much more," I explained. I never really mean to hurt my daughter. I just know there are some lessons that she has to learn through tough love and this is one of them.

The seventeen year old mother was still a little upset, but she knew that I wasn't lying when I told her that I meant well. Her long face quickly turned upside down saying, "don't worry, I guess I needed that." She walked over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I need to get going if I don't want to be late for school, so bye mom, come on Penny," Patty said.

"Patty," I said firmly.

"What," she asked.

"Don't forget to take your brother with you," I reminded her.

Patty angrily sighed. She hated taking Richard with her to school. He was more of a pest than any of her brothers and sisters were to her. Some days she wanted to strangle his little neck, but she didn't want to end up on the same list as Rolland was.

"Why do I have to take Richard," she asked angrily. "Why can't Rolland take him, or why don't you let him drive himself?"

"Because he's your brother for one, I trust you more to get him to school safely and you remember what happened the last time I let him drive himself to school, so he's going to wait another six months and then we'll see about letting him drive again," I told Patty knowing that she wasn't going to be too happy about all the answers that I was giving her. "Does that answer all of your questions?"

"No," Patty was quick to answer.

"Well I'm sorry sweetie, but that's too bad," I smirked seeing as I win the whole argument whether she likes it or not. "I love you sweetie, have a good day at school," I told her.

Patty just got more angry and stomped over to the door, but she wasn't mad at me though. She just didn't want to have to ride in a car with her annoying little brother Richard. What did she do to be cursed with this? As she kept walking towards the door, she realized she almost forgot something. Patty walked back to the kitchen and gave a little kiss to both twins.

"Be good for grandma okay," she said. "Remember mommy loves you," she reminded them as she begin toward the door once more, just ready to get the whole ride over with and get Richard out of her hair till the end of the day.

"Bye mommy," both twins said together.

"Bye Ray, bye Warren," she said as she left the kitchen and went out the door.

"Bye Patty," I waved. I then looked at Richard and Penny who were also on there way out. "Hey, come over here and give your mother a hug and a kiss before you leave" I demanded. I know they might be a little too old for it, but in my eyes they'll always be my little kids that I raised as little babies, even though they're both almost taller than me. Same goes for Ryan, Patience, Robert, and Prue. Ryan and Robert are both taller than me but I still consider them my little kids.

Penny was the first to come over. It really never bothered her that she always had to hug me and tell me goodbye before she left. It at least showed her that she got some attention, since she wasn't particularly the youngest and neither was she the eldest.

When Penny came over I wrapped my arms around her back, while she wrapped her arms around my neck and placed a gentle kiss on her check. I held her for about a minute before I finally let her out of my grasp.

"Now I don't have to tell you to be good right," I asked looking into her blue eyes that were just like Wyatt's.

"No," she shook her head. She then grabbed her backpack and headed out the house and down the stairs along with her older sister.

Richard waited until Patty was out the door to come over to me. He really hated giving me hugs and kisses in the morning. The teen was really not happy with the fact that he still gets it all the time and he's now sixteen. This should have stopped with him when he was thirteen since he's a guy and all.

"What's wrong buddy," I asked my youngest son seeing as he was so reluctant to come over to me.

"Can I please just leave without the whole hug and kiss goodbye," Richard pleaded with me.

"Why," I asked.

"Come on mom, I think I'm getting a little too old for this," Richard pointed out. "I'm sixteen and I'm still getting hugs and kisses from my mom goodbye and I think that makes me look like a little baby," he complained. Though he would never do it publicly, the guy still felt embarrassed by it. It was like he was still five and no one had noticed that he's grown up.

I sat back in my chair for awhile and thought about it. Maybe he was right. He just might be getting to old for this and I need to start trying something different with him, even though Robert and Ryan still get kisses and hugs, but maybe Richard could be a special child.

"Okay," I said after thinking about it for awhile.

"What," Richard asked confused to what I said was okay.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not going to force you to come give me a hug and a kiss everyday before you leave school," I told him simply.

Richard couldn't believe what he was hearing. There was something fishy going on and he wasn't about to fall for it. This had to be some sore of trick. He could tell that it was, because there is no way that I would let him off so easy with the whole hugs and kisses thing since I haven't even let Ryan and Robert off of it, but he's not about to fall for it.

"Alright what's going on," the teen Halliwell finally asked.

"What do mean," I asked, pretending that I was confused, but I actually knew what he was talking about.

"What's the catch," he questioned.

"What makes you think there's a catch?" I shrugged.

"Because there's always a catch, so what is it mom," Richard asked as he got closer to me.

I then smirked at my son. He made a big mistake coming over to where I was. "Well there is one thing," I confessed. In one quick motion I grabbed my son and put him in a headlock and started rubbing his hair. I had to make sure to be quick, because I've learned that Richard can be just as quick as Wyatt, because of football and I know what being in football has given Wyatt so its helped me to keep control of my kids. "Since I can't hug and kiss you, I guess I'm just going to have to be a man with you and give you a little rub on your hair for good luck," I laughed.

"Stop it!" Richard kept complaining as he tried to get out of it, but it only made it more painful. Never did he think that he would be more happy to receive hugs and kisses. This was painful, and though he could take pain, he just didn't like this, because that would mean he would have to come his hair all over again and that might make him late for school. "I'm going to be late for school," he tried to tell me hoping that I would let him go, but it didn't work at all. He didn't feel me loosen up the grip I had on him. "Okay, okay I give, I'll take hugs and kisses any day," he said.

"That's what I thought," I said letting him out of the grip. I then pulled him into a tight bear hug. "Be good, Richard," I told him. "Remember, I'm counting on you and Patty to be a good example for your brothers and Penny," I reminded him. "Rolland isn't a good role model and you know Patience, Prue, Ryan, and Robert are all too old for Penny to relate to, so I'm counting on you," I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't worry," Richard said as he went and grabbed his backpack off the ground. "I'm sure Penny is probably going to be your favorite out of all twelve, I mean eleven of us," he replied.

"Richard," I said firmly as I crossed my hands over my chest. "Could you please not mention the twelfth child," I pleaded.

The boy nodded knowing how I felt about the whole thing. He waved goodbye to me and went out the door not saying another word knowing I was probably not going to be to happy for the next few minutes since he had just mentioned something about a tragedy that happened in mine and Wyatt's life a little under sixteen years ago.

After Richard was born, Wyatt and I knew that we only had Penny left. At least that's what we thought. A few days flew by after Richard was born, and it was about the time that Daughtry died, because I remember that Wyatt was always there comforting me. I found out that I was pregnant again, and I thought that it was Penny, but I was wrong. This came as a shock and I never saw the future kids mention another baby, but I figured since they changed the past, maybe they changed the whole future. Seven months later and four months before Chris' wedding I gave birth to a boy. Wyatt decided that he would call him Ricardo, since he was so close to Richard in age. He was the only kid, who I decided to have at a witch's hospital instead of the manor. After finding out it wasn't Penny, I just thought of him as a blessing.

Unfortunately that didn't last to long. The next morning when I woke up in the hospital, he was gone. At first I thought Wyatt might have taken him, but when Wyatt showed up, he told me no he didn't. I then asked the rest of the family if anyone had moved him, but they all told me no, and I was so scared. Everyone began scrying and trying to find him. After four months of nothing, they all just gave up. I went through a state of depression for a couple of months, but I managed to pull myself back together for Chris' wedding. It still troubles me to this day what happened to my son. I sometimes wonder if he's still alive, but the chances of that are slim. Very slim.

Just thinking about that made a tear run down my eye. I guess I still need to move on and I haven't. I picked up all the dishes from the table and put them in the sink and got ready to wash. I just had to find a way to take my mind off of the whole thing and what better way to do it than clean.

"Papa, what's wrong," Warren asked.

I looked back at the two twins saying, "nothing, buddy." I didn't want either of them to see me like this. "How about you and your brother go upstairs and watch some TV until its time to go to magic school," I suggested.

"Okay," the twins said not arguing. They both moved from the table and ran up the stairs, with Ray going in front and Warren not too far behind him. They were the most adorable twins that anyone could ever ask for.

I continued washing the dishes, but kept trying to keep my mind off of what happened so many years ago. Patty was really to young to remember the whole thing and Prue, Ryan, Robert, Patience, and Rolland, all just thought I had gotten fat over the months. The only one I really told about Ricardo was Richard, because he asked me if there was any child that I had, but didn't tell him about. I really didn't want to tell anyone else in the family, because it would bring back so many depressing memories. I felt though that since Richard and I were close and he wanted to know really bad I could tell him.

It had been a whole five minutes since I sent the twins upstairs and I still had a few tears coming down my eyes thinking about the whole situation. It was because of that incident, that I chose not to have another child in the hospital. That's the reason why both Penny and the triplets were born in the manor.

Chris decided to orb in at this point. I was so busy washing dishes that I didn't seem to notice him. Over the years, Chris' life hasn't been easy. He already had to see Peter go to work before I had even come over, and he's already got his three boys upstairs showering before they have to go catch the bus. It isn't easy waking up three rowdy boys before their bus comes, but Chris is always happy to be a parent. Like me, he too had to let his twin daughters Pyra and Pandora go away, since they had both decided to get married and have a family of their own. Chris sees them just about every weekend, though he sometimes wishes it was more often than that.

The brunette sees things have been running so smoothly since the finally battle. There had been demon attacks, but not as many. Over the past ten years there were none at all, but he knew that demons still existed. Sometimes he has to yell at his daughters not to go down to the Underworld and demon hunt for fun, even though all they're doing is the same thing he was doing when he was their age and starting a family of his own just like them.

Even though Chris was in his late thirties, he still had a little child left in him. Slowly he walked up to me and grabbed my shoulders in a weird sore of way just so he could scare me. It worked because he saw that I jumped, making him laugh a little.

"Relax bro, its just me," he smiled.

I started to frown up. "You know Chris, I've told you a thousand times not to do that," I pointed out. "You're almost forty and right now you're acting like a child."

"Geeze Evans, lighten up," Chris shrugged. "I was only trying to have a little fun and embrace my inner child," he stated. "Tell me you don't have an inner child that wants to come out and play," he asked, and when he didn't hear me say anything he knew he was right. "See, but you got to admit that was pretty funny, seeing you jump for dear life," the brunette continued to laugh. "I mean who did you think I was, a demon?"

I turned to Chris once more. "Chris how many times have I told you? We don't do that anymore," I reminded him.

"But technically we're still the Charmed Ones, and I sometimes wonder what it would be like to get back to that old life of you know, me, you, and Wyatt kicking some demon ass," he asked.

"Chris, that's all in the past now," I stated. "We're a lot older now than we were then, and its time that we grow up and start being responsible adults and raise our kids and stop focusing on the whole demon hunting thing," I told him.

"Whoa," Chris backed up. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Chris replied as he came up behind me and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket. It was then that he got a good look at my face and saw that my nose was all red and my eyes were a little puffy. "Hey bro have you been crying," he asked.

"No," I lied. "Why?"

"Because you're nose is a little red and your eyes look a little bit teary," he pointed out.

"Oh no, its just the cleaning stuff has a strong scent to it, and well I've been cleaning for awhile now, and my allergies are really acting up," I lied to my brother even more. I felt bad for lying since I really haven't lied to him in twelve years. I can't believe its really been that long. Time sure does fly by quickly.

"Okay," Chris shrugged it off. "So is that little husband of yours going to be here anytime soon," the brunette asked. He really wanted to see Wyatt right now before he went to magic school to talk to him about some stuff.

"Wyatt," I replied. "He should be here any second now," I nodded as I went back washing more dishes. "Patty told me this morning that he was having a little chat with Rolland, and you know how those things go," I reminded him.

"Oh yeah," Chris rolled his eyes knowing how out of control Rolland can be. Chris really never understood why he was so out of control. No one in the family was that bad, except for the generation before them, but not even then have they pulled some of the tricks that Rolland has pulled and none of them had to repeat the 12th grade so many times. "I'm going to go check on the kids, I'll be right back," Chris said as he rushed up the stairs.

I continued to clean the rest of the kitchen up by sweeping. Peter and Chris have really started to let the manor go down, ever since Piper and Leo moved out. I guess when you have two people in the house who work, there really isn't any time to clean up. Chris tries his best to get his sons to do the housework, and they do it, but they don't really do it too well so that would leave it to me to come over and clean every morning, even though I already had enough trouble trying to clean up the house that Wyatt and I lived in, but since I've already committed myself to it, I might as well do it.

I really couldn't believe the mess I would come to every morning. It would seem as though Chris and Peter would have a party just about everyday, but I know its just having to deal with three boys and them making the messes. I would have thought they would have learned after raising two girls, but looks like they haven't. Chris, Matthew, and Peter Jr. are really starting to get the best of Chris.

Wyatt finally decided to orb into the kitchen after sending Rolland on his way to school and putting the triplets upstairs with Chris and his boys. The blond could already tell today was going to be a long day. Nothing that happened earlier gave him that impression, but he just had a gut feeling, and usually his gut feelings are right, but he's going to see how the day goes and he's hoping that his gut feelings are wrong.

The father of eleven saw that I was cleaning the manor again. Wyatt found it kind of sexy to watch me clean. There was just something about me cleaning that Wyatt loved to watch. Maybe it was because I had something long and hard in my hand and I was moving it back and forward.

Wyatt sneaked up right behind me and grabbed my hips and pulled me back against him. When he felt my body close enough to his, he locked me on him by wrapping his arms around my waist and placed a gentle kiss on my neck, causing moan a little.

"Hey babe," Wyatt purred into my ear. "What are you doing," he asked resting his chin against my shoulder playfully.

"Well," I said breaking out of his grasp. "Before you interrupted I was trying to get this manor cleaned up so Chris and Peter wouldn't have a dirty kitchen to cook in," I explained as I got back to sweeping.

Wyatt walked over to me and took the broom out of my hands. "Maybe you should let Chris and Peter do the cleaning for a change," Wyatt suggested.

Though Chris might be his brother and he's known him longer than he's known me, he feels as him and Peter are taking advantage of me. He doesn't want me to have to worry about cleaning two houses. Its just too much. One of them should manage to do it. If he and I both work and one of us still manages to do the cleaning around the house then so can they.

"Come on Wyatt, you know they're going through some hard times, and you know they can't keep up this manor by themselves," I pointed out hoping that my husband of now twenty two years would understand.

"I still think they should be doing this themselves," Wyatt argued.

"Whatever," I said not wanting to argue with Wyatt. I'm sure he's probably in a bad mood and this is his way of acting, but I'm not going to yell at him for being in a bad mood and taking it out on me, because he was always there when I was pregnant and I don't know how many times I took out my frustrations on him. "So how's Rolland," I asked even though I see him everyday, I still wonder how his relationship with Wyatt is.

Wyatt just shook his head and gritted his teeth. "I swear that boy is going to be the death of me," he complained. "I just wish he would graduate and go to college already, and quit being so immature and grow up."

I laughed seeing how frustrated Wyatt was.

Last night Rolland had lost his temper with Richard. Him and Richard got into a little fight and next thing everyone knew, Rolland had Richard against the wall by his neck. Rolland tends to be the man who has a short temper, and it was no question that he got it from Wyatt. Wyatt might have never reached that point to put his hands on his brothers, except for that one time that we both decided to forget, but there was still Wyatt's evil side, which we're seeing a lot of in Rolland now.

Because of the whole incident that happened last night, Wyatt decided that he was going to start having more man to man conversations with Rolland in hopes that he would stop acting the way he does. Not only does be beat up on his younger brothers and sisters, but he runs away from home, does drugs, and gets into so many fights at school. This year alone he's been suspended five times.

To make matters worse Rolland is now forced to live with us until he's 24. When he turned 18 Rolland got tired of Wyatt and decided that he was grown and he could move out of the house, which technically by law he was. He then moved in with a friend who was a real bad influence on him. One day both of them decided to go to a golf club bar and they had too many drinks and then they both don't even remember what happened next. All they remember was starting a fight with all the guys in there and then breaking some clubs and causing $10,000 dollars worth of damages. Him and his friend were both arrested immediately.

The next morning, Wyatt got a knock on the door at who knows what time. Wyatt hadn't even got dressed yet, and when he opened the door he saw his son standing there with two police officers in cuffs. Wyatt was so embarrassed. The police officers said that they would release him to Wyatt's custody as a favor for his brother in law since he still works on the force. If Wyatt hadn't taken custody of Rolland then he would have been in jail for over 10 years and he couldn't live with himself as a father if he did that. He promised Sandra that Rolland was in good hands and he wanted her to be able to rest in peace knowing that. So that would mean that Rolland would have to live with him for six years if he wanted to face no record.

Wyatt thought that maybe if Rolland was forced to live with him then he could force him to change his ways, but things haven't gotten any better since then. Rolland still doesn't listen to Wyatt and he always does what he wants when he wants. He's so out of control that Wyatt is scared of what might happen to his son once he turns 24 if he doesn't change his ways.

"Hey," Chris said entering the kitchen. "Looks like all the Charmed Ones are here," he smiled.

I turned to my brother more angry. "Chris, we are not the Charmed Ones," I yelled. "At least not anymore."

Chris continued to chuckle at that. "Well, actually we still are, until your kids take over and since that hasn't happened yet that means that we make up the power of three."

"Look Chris, like I said we are not the Charmed Ones anymore," I said even firmer. "We haven't had to do any demon hunting in years and no demon has come after us, and I would like to keep it that way, got it," I looked at him with a serious look wanting him to quit all the Charmed Nonsense. I know I might sound selfish, but I'm ready to stop with all the demon hunting and settle down with my family, even though my kids will be doing most of the demon hunting, but I would still like to relax from it all, but still be there when they need me.

All of a sudden nine demons shimmered in the manor one at a time. This was a nightmare come true. All three of us looked at them astonished. I couldn't believe this was happening again. There goes the ten year streak of no demons. We didn't know what was going on and why the demons were deciding that they would attack again, but that's not important right now. All that's important is that we get rid of them one way or another.

"I got the three on the right," Chris called.

"I'll take the three on the left," Wyatt said after him.

I crossed my arms at both of them. "Oh yeah, leftovers are just fine with me," I said in a sarcastic manner.

"Lets get em," Chris said all of a sudden turning into super man and flying over to the demons and knocking them down one by one. His power has really increased a lot over the years and so has mine and Wyatt's.

Wyatt was quick to wave his hand to send all three of his demons back against the wall so hard that it made a big hole in the wall. Wyatt knew he was going to be in so much trouble if his mom saw that.

The other three demons all decided to hurl fire balls my way. I had to think fast, and I was quickly able to tap back into my quick thinking as a witch and jumped in the air and grabbed on to the chandelier for dear life. Luckily it didn't break with all of my weight on it. I waited till the fire balls went past me to let go of it and get back down to the ground. I can tell already that these are some upper level demons and they aren't going out without a fight, but this isn't going to be so hard with how much our powers have grown over the years.

Chris back kicked on demon into one corner. Picked up another one and hurl him into another corner. The third demon came charging at him and Chris was quick to levitate in the air and let that demon run into the wall. When all three of them had gotten up, they gave each other a signal. Chris knew exactly what that meant. After all, this isn't his first time taking on any upper level demons. All three of them came charging at him. Chris smirked at them. Soon his hands started turning into electricity, and then his arms, and then his upper chest, until finally his whole body was just a bolt of electric energy. Chris then flung out his arms and sent electricity all three ways, shocking all three demons turning them into ash. Once the job was done, Chris turned back into his normal for.

"That was a piece of cake," Chris shrugged to himself rather arrogant.

Wyatt was having no trouble with his demons. One by one they all tried to jump him, but Wyatt, being as strong as he is, and super strength being one of his powers, grabbed each of them by the neck and tossed them without a problem. As quickly as they kept trying to jump on top of him, the quicker then went flying right back onto the ground. This was fun, but now Wyatt is getting board. All three of them tried to attack Wyatt at the same time, but Wyatt grabbed two of them by the neck and sent one of them back against the wall. Wyatt eyes then turned to fire and soon all three of the demons were on fire, crying out in pain. This was the worst pain that they've ever felt. Within seconds they were all turned into ashes.

Wyatt then looked around to see three piles of ashes on the floors. "Demons," he shook his head. "They always leave a mess behind," he stated seeing as the house was already messy enough.

Too bad for me the demons that I had weren't that easy. All three of them had athames and were doing their best to try and cut me with them. I was doing everything I had to in order to avoid being cut with one of those things. The whole time I was getting more and more angrier that Wyatt and Chris had left me with the knife fighters while the got all the easy demon. When I got a far away distance from them, I was able to squint my eyes and knock the athames out of their hands. Now it was my turn to show them what power I had. I closed my eyes and concentrated on a power that's developed. Soon I had astro projected three of me. All three of me jumped into three separate demons and made them feel the pain of the whole world. It wasn't long before they all blew up into ashes. When I knew that all three of them were gone, I astro projected myself back into one.

"And that's the end of those creatures," I told myself as I looked around to see ashes all over the house. I haven't seen this sight in so many years I had forgotten what it looked like, and that was a good thing. Now its starting to happen all over again. I can't believe this.

Chris started clapping at the whole performance. He can't remember the last time he's had such a great demon fight. This was beginning to bring back some memories of the past.

"Wow, that was just awesome," he smiled.

I glared at Chris with angry eyes. "I can't believe you," I growled.

"What?" Chris asked seeing as how it wasn't all a big deal.

"Chris, look at this house," I said looking around.

Things had gotten really bad because of the whole demon attack that just occurred. Plants and other glassware had been broken. Some of the couches had knife marks all over them from me trying to dodge the demons with the athames. The floors were all covered with ash, and just so many things were out of place. I really hope that Piper doesn't make a surprise visit and just come over because this place looks worse than a nightmare.

"So," Chris said.

"Oh my gosh," I shook my head as I walked in the kitchen to get the broom. I have given up on Chris. I can't believe he thinks that this is all no big deal. We could have just been killed. Immediately I began to sweep up the house from all the damage that had occurred during the fight. "You see this is why we stopped demon fighting," I pointed out. "Every time a demon would attack the manor would end up in a big mess!" I shouted. Next thing I knew, I heard a strange creak noise, and all three of us looked over to see the clock falling and breaking into pieces for the millionth time. "Ahhhh!" I shouted.

"Bro, chill out," Chris replied seeing as my anger was starting to get to his telepathy power, but it has grown enough to where he knows how to channel it out, but right now wasn't a time that he did. "You forget, we're witches, and cleaning up after a demon attack is just a snap," Chris said snapping his finger, and everything orbed right back into its place, and the manor looked just how it did before the demon attack.

"Chris!" I shouted.

"What now, I fixed the whole house," he replied.

"Well could we please stop using our magic for everything," I said throwing down the broom. "Why can't we just live a normal life like normal people," I questioned both of the guys standing before me.

"We're not normal people," Chris stated. "If we were then our lives would be boring so I like being a witch."

"Hello, Chris, the only reason why we're not normal is because we choose not to be," I replied. "If we would stop using our powers and doing all sorts of witch craft, our lives would be pretty normal. I mean look at us, we're married, we have a family, and we all have jobs just like normal people do," I said.

Chris chuckled a bit. "Actually none of its normal for us, you see, you're married to Wyatt who is also your brother, so that's not normal, then you have eleven kids, all of who are witches, so that's another thing that's not normal, and then you work at magic school which is definitely not normal," Chris explained.

"Can I ever count on you to not contradict everything I say," I questioned.

"Hey, I was only stating the truth," Chris replied. "I'm sorry, bro, as much as I hate to say this to you, there is no way that you're ever going to have a normal life. I know how much you want it, but its not going to happen. There are always going to be demons, and even if you don't want it, your kids are always going to be witches, whether you like it or not," Chris pointed out.

"Thanks Chris, for telling me something that I've always wanted will be out of my reach," I said stomping back into the kitchen. I was so angry. Not at Chris, but at what he said.

It was true. There was no well in hell that I was going to have a normal life no matter how much I wished for it. My kids are going to be the next generation of charmed ones, and I'm still apart of the power of three whether I like it or not. How I wished that he was wrong. I wish that Wyatt and I could raise the rest of our kids without having to worry about demons or about them using their magic in school when they're not suppose to. Some days I wondered why I was chosen to be a charmed one and a parent of the charmed ones, but then I remind myself of all the good times I've had because of it. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for that, so I really can't say that being a witch has hurt me, because its actually made my life better than it was.

Wyatt just laughed as he watched me storm off to the kitchen. He's seen this so many times that he just finds it funny now. He knows that I don't mean half the things I say so he's never bothered by it.

"What eating him," Chris asked.

"Nothing," Wyatt told his brother. "Go on to magic school with the kids, we'll be along shortly," Wyatt requested.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stick around," Chris asked.

"Nope, I think I can handle him," Wyatt told Chris.

"Alright, see you at magic school," Chris orbed out.

Wyatt walked in the kitchen to see me still washing dishes. He shook his head at what I was doing. Even though he wasn't too big of a fan on using magic for personal gain, he doesn't understand why I don't just snap my fingers like Chris and clean the dishes. It wasn't like the elders didn't owe us this one, after all the work that we've done for them.

"So," Wyatt said leaning against the doorway, letting his presence be know. "You feeling any calmer," Wyatt asked a little a worried, even though he sees this all the time, he can't help but worry if the mother of his kids is alright.

I looked back at my husband, who did seem to have a worried look on his face, but that's a look he always gives to me when I storm out of anywhere. "Umm..yeah I'm fine," I nodded. "Look I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been making a big deal out of something so small," I replied.

"You're forgiven this one time," Wyatt joked.

"Shut up," I said throwing a towel at him playfully.

Wyatt just laughed along with me. Things are like this all the time. Now that there isn't as much demon hunting, Wyatt and I are able to spend a lot more time together, not just with each other, but with the kids as a family. Wyatt and I couldn't have pictured a better life with each other and with our kids, even though four of them are grown and out the house already.

Wyatt saw a good opportunity to pull a prank seeing as I was still washing the dishes. The blond was really debating whether to do it or not. It seemed a little childish, but on the other hand sometimes we all act like kids so what's wrong with embracing his inner child. Wyatt decided that this was harmless so what was the problem with doing it. The Twice blessed squinted his eyes and turned the knob for the sprinkler to come on.

Water stopped coming out of the faucet only to come out of the sprinkler getting my shirt all wet. I had to be quick to turn it off before it got me more soaked than I already was. Once I turned it off, I looked back at my husband who was laughing his ass off while I was pissed off.

"You bastard," I yelled at him.

"Sorry," he said as he continued to laugh. "I couldn't help it, I mean it was right there and I had to take it," he said still laughing at me. This reminded him of the good old days.

"I can see that Chris isn't the only one who's still embracing their inner child," I replied as I went back to washing the dishes again. When I turned my back to Wyatt once more, I couldn't help but smile. I know I can be serious a lot, but there is still a little sense of humor left in me, but I don't want to show it due to the fact that since I'm the eldest of the three I have to be serious all the time. At least that's how my mother was.

Wyatt shook his head at the comment and walked over to where I was standing. In one quick movement he pulled me against him and placed a kiss on my cheek. "I think someone needs a break from all of this," he whispered in my ears as he tucked it into his teeth.

"," I said through moans. "I have to finish cleaning the dishes," I reminded him.

Wyatt waved his hands, and all of sudden all the dishes were clean and neatly stacked. "Done," he said as he went back to his hunger assault on my ears. It might have just been yesterday that we last had our fun, but Wyatt feels as though its time to have more fun.

"That was so personal gain," I replied brushing him off so I could turn around and look at him.

"Maybe it was, now do I look like I care," he smirked. When he saw that I didn't say anything he pressed his lips against mine harder and wrapped his arms around my back intensifying the kiss.

I pushed Wyatt off me once more saying, "Wyatt, we don't have time for this, I mean we have to get to magic school."

"Shh," he pressed his fingers against my lips. "Don't worry, this will be quick and we'll get to magic school on time," he said. "I promise we'll be there on time," he told me. It might sound selfish, but Wyatt wasn't about to let go something that he worked so hard to get Chris and the kids out of the house for. When he saw the facial expression that I was okay with it, he smiled and continued with it.

Wyatt then grabbed my sides and lifted me onto the counter, and pressed his lips right back up against mine, but this time it was even more intense, because he could feel me going along with it. Wyatt possessively wrapped his arms around the lower part of my back as he continued to kiss me. Though its been so many years since the final battle, Wyatt is still as possessive as he was when I first met him, and still as the years go by he tends to be more and more possessive.

Feeling Wyatt's arms around my back made my manhood jolt, with a combination of his intense kiss. I stuck my tongue in his mouth only to have it pushed back out by his. Then his tongue entered my mouth and I knew there was no use in fighting it, because no matter how hard I try, Wyatt will always get the upper hand when its tongue action. I intensified the kiss by placing my hand on the back of Wyatt's head and pulling him in closer to me, knowing how much he would like that. I wanted to feel more of him though, so I let my hands slide down his back and to the break between his shirt and pants. I then put my hands under his shirt and started to let them roam around his muscular back. Wyatt has really been working out over the years. I felt very lucky to be someone who got to feel his hard abs all the time.

Wyatt pulled away from my face as he felt his cock getting harder and harder by just the touch of me on his back. The blond really wanted to feel me too so he started kissing down my neck as he unbuttoned my shirt. Once he got to the last button he took no time in kissing his way down my revealed flesh. He started sucking on my collar bone, and then ran his tongue all the way down my upper body and back up. Wanting to taste more of me, Wyatt let his hands slide under the rest of my shirt and pushed it off. This turned him on even more. Wyatt then started licking around my nipple in circles before he started to lick on it.

I was bitting my lip to not moan so hard. I wanted to save it all for the end so I decided to hold it in a little. Wanting to feel a little more of my husbands upper body, I let my hand slip down to the hem of his shirt and started to pull it off and it didn't seem like I even lost contact with him as it came off.

Wyatt knew this was going to be a good one and he wanted it to last, but he knew he was going to have to do this quick because we did have somewhere to be and I was right about us not having much time. Wyatt licked all the way down to my happy trail where he undid my pants with his teeth and pulled them down quickly along with my boxers. He then saw my long rod in the air, but he knew there was no time to do what he wanted so he just took it in his hand and started to jerk my off roughly, as he undid his own pants. He waited until I was as hard as he wanted me then he stopped and pulled off his boxers. His dick was really long. The only thing that sucked was there was no lube, and even if there was there really wasn't any time for him to lube me up. He knows its going to be painful for me, but he's going to have to fuck me with out no lube.

"Ready babe," he asked.

I nodded sensing what he was going to have to do, but this isn't the first time, so it won't be all that bad.

I prepared for what Wyatt was about to do by spreading my legs and leaning back a little so he could do what he had to. I closed my eyes thinking about how painful its going to be, but I know it won't be all that bad.

Wyatt really didn't want to do this, but he sees that I'm already in the position so why not take advantage of it. Wyatt started jerking of his dick and got it ready. Slowly and carefully he began to insert it in me. As he continued he had to admit that it did feel a little bit better when he used no lube, but he knew it was more painful for me that's why he really never did it.

I couldn't take it anymore. I gave out a loud cry when he was half way in me. The pain was almost unbearable, but I remembered that I had taken worse pain that this, but it wasn't up my ass though. It was really burning like no other, but I knew it was pleasure for Wyatt.

Wyatt went a little slower seeing as it was hurting me. The blond continued to enter second by second, making sure he waited five seconds between each inch he entered. When he was finally all the way in, he could feel how tight I was. I was so tight that Wyatt could almost feel himself cuming, but he wasn't going to let that happen without him having his little fun.

I could see that Wyatt wasn't going to be gentle on this one so I wrapped my legs around his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck to hold on for support. It hurt already bad enough and I knew I was going to be sore when this was all over.

Wyatt took now time in holding onto my back and bouncing me up and down off of his manhood. He could already hear me moaning, but he wanted me to moan louder. By the end of this he wanted me to be shouting his name. Wyatt started to move in faster and harder, knowing that the pain has now turned into pleasure since he had already been fucking me for five minutes and the pain shouldn't even last that long from our experience.

It was really starting to feel great. If I could get past the whole pain in the beginning I might be able to get use to having sex without any lube. The pleasure was getting to me so could that I started let me hands dig into the back of Wyatt and let them run all the way down hard, leaving scratch marks all over his back. That was going to be a bitch while he tried to sleep.

After staying in that position for a good while, the blond wanted to try something different. He carried me over to the island bar and he then laid down, but made sure to keep me on his dick. It was a sign that he wanted me to ride him instead of him doing all the work. Wyatt pulled his arms back and let his head rest in his hands so he could watch the whole thing in a comfortable position.

When I felt comfortable enough I began bouncing up and down on Wyatt fast as I could. I knew he was enjoying it, because watching his head go up and down in the same motion as me told me he liked what he was seeing. I loved to please him, so I kept in the motion, but I started moaning loud knowing how much he liked it.

"Ahhhh, Wyatt you're the best," I shouted.

Hearing that was enough to send Wyatt over the edge. He shot about ten big loads up my ass. He was done. This took a lot out of him.

Feeling all that sticky cum up my ass was enough to make me explode all over my husbands chest. I was so tired that I just collapsed on top of him. I know we've made a bigger mess than there already was.

"Time to go to magic school," I said through panting.

"You always have a way of ruining a good moment," Wyatt smiled.

Ricardo O'Brien was sneaking down the stairs as quietly as he could. He didn't want his foster father Michael to hear him. He went into the pantry to find something to eat before he had to go off to school. All he found though was a bag of cornflakes. Michael really never had anything in the pantry. He would mostly do take out and never bring Ricardo back anything, and whenever Ricardo asked for something to each, Michael would take of his belt and beat him for questioning him before he talked to him. Ricardo bent over and picked up the back of flakes and began eating them since that's all he was going to have for breakfast. It was really hurting him to move at all right now from the beating that he had taken the night before. The young boy was covered with bruises. Looking around the house, he could see that it was still a mess from where Michael came in pissed off and trashed it. Dishes were broken all over the kitchen floor. The dining room table was turned over. The couches were all cut up from where he tried to stab poor Ricardo and missed. It was a wonder why social services hasn't taken him away, but what do they care.

Richardo then thought he heard someone coming down the stairs. He stood there motionless hoping to every God there was that it wasn't his foster father or else he'd be dead meat. Whenever the house is a mess, its always him who's to blame. Luckily it had only been the cat that stayed in the house. They young boy sighed with relief.

Ricardo O'Brien was a male who was about sixteen, almost seventeen really. All his life he's been in and out of foster homes. Never has he met his real family. The foster people told him that he was left on their doorstep when he was only two months old. Maybe he was even younger than that. They really didn't know. They knew his name was Ricardo because there was a blanket with his name engraved on it along with some weird little symbol. Ricardo didn't even know where he got his name from or even if that was short for something like, Richard or maybe even Richie. It really doesn't matter anymore. He didn't even have a middle name or a last name. It was whoever foster him gave him his last name and since he was with Michael O'Brien, that was his last name, which he hated a lot.

Living with Michael had been hell and hot water. Ricardo some days felt hell would be a better place to live than here. Maybe it would be a place to call home. For the past 9 years now, he's been living with this monster and its killing him inside and out. The man was a drunk who always took out his anger on Ricardo. The man was just a time bomb ready to explode on Ricardo all the time.

Ricardo made his way to the front room to pick up his school bag. School was another hell hole for him, but he liked being there a whole lot more than he liked being at home with his foster father. Ricardo just had to make sure that he was out of the house before Michael came downstairs. Today was another day he was going to school covered in bruises. He couldn't believe a monster would do this to him and send him to school like this. This guy must be the devil himself.

As the teen left the house he started to think about a lot of things. What would have happened if he was raised by his real parents. Would they abuse him like his foster parents did, or would they love him. Ricardo didn't know what his family might look like. He pictured a big family with two parents and a bunch of brothers and sisters, cousins, maybe even some nieces and nephews. He thought about how nice it would be to have siblings to talk to about his problems, and protect him at school. Then it would be nice to have a dad who would take him to football games since he's really never been to any and he's always wanted to go. He wanted a mother to look after him and worry about him all the time, and even be overprotective at times, but who was he kidding. That would never happen. His own parents didn't want him.

Ricardo had always been having these dreams about his parents, but he can never remember them too clearly. Its every time that he sees their face, but he always manages to forget them. Every night he dreams that his parents are there holding him as a baby rocking him to sleep. He would do anything, even kill the whole world to have that dream come true.

When Ricardo turned onto Prescott street he looked at the maroon house that he always liked. He knew that a family called the Halliwells lived there. For the longest time he believed that he might be related to them, but that was impossible. From what he's seen, two guys live there with their own family, but there is no possible way that two guys could conceive a child so the children there must be adopted just like him. He knew the kids that lived there were Rolland, Patricia, Richard, Penelope, Peter Jr., Matthew, and Christopher. Those were a family of kids who he saw at school almost everyday but was always afraid to talk to them.

Finally after a few more blocks he had made it to his school. Why did he have to go here out of all places. The school seemed so happy with all the teenagers walking around and laughing with their friends. If only he had friends he could talk to then it might be more worth while to come up here, but he didn't because he would always get into fights just because of the way he looked and dressed. Ricardo really considered himself an outcast, because that's how he was made out to be by so many people at the school. Never did he consider himself normal. He was just nothing that no one wanted or even cared about. One thing though was that he always made good grades. His teachers loved him and he was ranked number one in his class. No one would be able to tell that by the way he looks or acts, plus Ricardo doesn't want anyone knowing that he's a nerd inside. That would only motivate people to pick on him even more.

Next thing Ricardo knew he was being shoved in the lockers. It was so unexpected that he had no time to react and fell to the ground. He then felt the guy grab his shirt and pull him up and then push him against the lockers and hold him there. It was one of his worst bullies. Alex Smith.

"Get the fuck off of me," Ricardo hissed at the bully as he tried to struggle out of his grip.

"Shut up O'Brien!" Alex angrily replied. "Now listen and listen good, stay away from my girl Isabelle or else trust me I will give you more bruises than you already have," he said referring to all the bruises that covered the young man's body.

"I don't know who or what the hell you're talking about," Ricardo said trying to push him off of him.

Alex slammed the boy right back into the lockers. "I think you know exactly what I'm talking about," he said.

Suddenly someone walked around the corner and saw what was going on and decided to intervene. "Hey cut it out!" the boy exclaimed.

Alex looked over at the boy and immediately recognized him. He hates it when this guy interferes with whatever he's doing. When is he ever going to mind his business.

"Mind your own business Halliwell, this has nothing to do with you," Alex shouted back.

Ricardo couldn't believe it. Someone was standing up for him and it happened to be a Halliwell. Looking over at the boy in question, Ricardo couldn't figure out which one he was though. It was obvious that it was either Rolland or Richard by his age, but he couldn't pin point which one it was. This Halliwell had blond hair and blue eyes, but his hair wasn't that long, but it wasn't short either.

"Its my business now, so let him go," the guy warned.

"Or what?" Alex challenged.

"Do you really want to find out," the blond told them as he began to walk right toward him. Alex had tried to fight him so many times, but each time he got his butt whooped just as hard, so it would be best for him not to try to challenge him like this, especially in front of his friends.

Alex remembered all the times he got his ass kicked and really didn't want to fight the guys, but neither did he want to look like a pussy in front of his friends. He figured though it would be better to walk away from this fight because he would look more like a pussy if he got his ass beat for the tenth time rather than if he chose not to fight at all. Alex let go of Ricardo and made his way to class. He knew he could get Ricardo at another time when the Halliwell wasn't around.

The teen Halliwell walked up to Ricardo and knelt down in front of him saying, "you okay?"

"I'm fine," Richardo snapped as he started to pick up his books.

"Could of fooled me," The Halliwell said. "Here let me help you," he started picking up the boy's books. As the blond helped him, he could swear he's seen this guy somewhere. "So are you new here?"

"No," Ricardo shook his head. "I've been going here ever since I was a freshman so yeah, and right now I'm a junior," Richardo explained. "Look sorry for snapping at you, but I've just been having a bad day," Ricard said.

"No problem," The blond said. "You shouldn't be afraid of those guys, I mean they're not as tough as they seem."

"I know," Ricardo said as he and the blond finished putting his books in his bag. "Thanks."

"No problem, and I'm sorry, but I don't think I got your name," he asked.

"Its Ricardo, Richardo O'Brien," he answered.

The blond held out his hand for Ricardo to shake. "Its nice to meet you," he nodded. "My names kind of similar to yours," he stated. "Its Richard Halliwell," he told him.

"So your Richard," Ricardo replied a little happy to finally meet one of the Halliwells.

"Wow, you talk as though you know me," Richard smiled.

"No, its just that I walk by your house everyday to go to school," Ricardo explained. "I remember seeing you and your brothers and sisters, Rolland, Patty, Penny, Matthew, Peter Jr., and Christopher leaving to go to school in just two cars," he told him.

"Well, Matthew, Peter Jr., and Christopher aren't my brothers, they're my cousins actually, but yeah," Richard said. "You should stop by some time and we could give you a ride to school if you want," the blond offered.

"I'll have to think about that," Ricardo said getting off the floor. "Thanks again, but I have to get to class," the boy rushed off down the hallway.

This time Richard let him go. He couldn't help though but noticed that the guy was covered with bruises. Richard knows he seen this guys somewhere before, but where. He looks so familiar. For some reason he reminds him of his father Wyatt since he looks a lot like him with dark hair. Though Richard remembers his mom and dad telling him that his brother that came before him was kidnapped not too long after he was born, Richard still believes that he might still be alive. He felt like he had some sore of connection with him since they were so close in age, and to make things even more odd the guys name was Ricardo and he seems to fit the age gap. Could this be his long lost brother that had been kidnapped. Richard would find that out the next time he saw him.

I did a last minute check on myself. I knew I was in for a rough crowd today. I just hope these kids don't try to pull too many pranks. The funny thing is, I'm suppose to be teaching them today why not to use their magic for evil and why only use it for good. That's going to be a tough thing. Wyatt even wished me luck on that today as we parted our ways since he says he'll go check on the kids in daycare. I know Patty will probably come pick them up after school since she's gets out before Wyatt and I do and that's how its been going on.

I took in one last breath before I pushed open the door to my classroom. I nearly walked back out. I haven't even started teaching and already the whole place is in chaos. There are students levitating around and then they're guys throwing papers all over the room. To make matters worse, these guys are all suppose to be teenagers ranging from ages 14-17. Its going to be one long day.

I went and set all my books on my desk. The first thing I had to figure out was how was I going to get all of these students attention. They didn't even noticed that I walked in so there's no telling where their minds are at right now. There's about thirty of them and each of them seemed to be doing their own little thing. I had to remind myself that I was a parent and what would I do to get my kid's attention.

I had almost forgot that I could control the weather. My eyes started to glow white and I started to levitate in the air as clouds appeared right above me. Right now I looked like a possessed demon, which I knew would scare the kids. I then created lightening and made it hit a kids desk.

All the children started looking at me scared. They did not know what had taken over their teacher, but it seemed to be a nightmare come true. Some of them nearly wet their pants. They knew they were taking class with a Charmed One, but they never expected me to have powers like that.

By the time I stopped, all of them were frozen and staring at me. I still had it in me. The ability to get kids quiet and paying attention within a few seconds. That was priceless.

"Thank you," I smiled. "Will you please take your seats," I asked kindly.

Without another word spoken the students immediately began to take their seats in their rightful desk. They were a little terrified of me because of what I had just done, but I knew that scare in them wouldn't last. In fact, I expect them to going back to wild mode in a few more seconds.

"Now, as you all know, I'm Mr. Christopher Evans-Halliwell, and I'll be teaching you about when you can and can't use your magic," I explained as I started to write a few things down on the chalk board. I could hear the students whispering already about how stupid the subject is and how they're not going to do their work. I knew I was in for a rough class. I turned back around and right then every student got quiet. They were so quiet that if I had closed my eyes I would have thought that I was in the room by myself. "Alright, now can anyone give me an example for when it it is appropriate to use your magic?" I asked looking around the room. I waited and waited for hands go to up, until finally the trouble maker Randy raises his hand. Since he was the only one who raised his hand I had to call on him, but I knew he was going to make a smart allec remark like he always does. I'll just have to be prepared for it. "Yes Mr. Randy," I called on him.

"I say we can use our magic, whenever we want to and the time that we can't use our magic is never," he answered rather arrogant. Randy was always the student who was full of himself. It would always be a teachers worse nightmare to have him in their class, but Randy could tell by that way I was staring back at him that I was not afraid of him at all.

I could tell I was in for a challenge, but I've faced worse kids than him, for example Rolland Patrick Halliwell. If he doesn't scare me, sure enough this Randy kid won't.

"Thank you for answering Mr. Randy, but that is not when you are aloud to use you magic and there is a time where you're not suppose to use your magic," I stated as I began to pace the room. I could tell that I barely had everyone's attention, but I knew I could gain it real quick. "You see as witches, its our job to protect the innocent, not punish the guilty," I lectured. "You can use your magic for three reasons, if you're being attacked, if your trying to protect an innocent, or whether it might be just normal self defense against another witch," I continued on. "You see its our job as witches to protect the world from demons and other harmful supernatural beings, but don't take that as an opportunity to do something selfish for yourself, because that would fit under the list of personal gain, and believe me the elders will punish you guys for using personal gain," I told them. The more and more I talked the more students started to listen, but I didn't have the whole class listening, and that was my goal to have the whole class pay attention. "Alright guys so let me write down some notes that you need to copy," I said knowing that it was going to make sure everyone stayed awake. I immediately heard groans coming from the students. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, cry me a river," I responded to the groans.

I immediately took out some chalk and began writing important things to know on the board. The irony of it all was that they were not even going to need it. It was important for them to know, but it wasn't going to be on a test or anything. I just needed to find a way for them to pay attention, and what other way to get all the kids attention then to make them take notes. I wish there was some other way that I could do this so it could be interesting, but I have to stick to the lesson plan as much as I don't want to. I know if I don't Wyatt, the head of the school, will be pissed off, and I don't feel like going home to an angry husband especially when the rest of the family is going to come over for a family visit.

While my back was turned Randy and his friend Martin were whispering to each other. Both of them were up to no good as usual, but what could anyone expect from the magic school's biggest trouble maker and his best friend.

"Got it?!" Randy asked his friend.

"Yeah," Martin nodded his head as he conjured a fireball in his hand.

"Wait till I tell you to do it," Randy said withing for the perfect opportunity. This was his first day in my class, and already he was up to trouble. He was really going to get back at me for saying he was wrong. No teacher says that he's wrong and gets away with it.

That is the reason he is in my class right now. So far no teacher would take him. Not even Chris. They all said he was to much trouble and he would never learn and that maybe Wyatt should kick him out of magic school, and Wyatt was just going to do that until I convinced him that I could handle him. I couldn't just let this teen be thrown out and not learn anything. I knew he was really going to run my blood, but I couldn't stand the thought of him not getting his magic education.

When Randy saw that I was really into writing on the board, he felt that it was safe to put his hand into action. Gosh this is going to be so great, the teen thought to himself. "Now!" he whispered loudly to his friend.

Before the energy ball could get half way towards me, I quickly turned around and squinted my eyes sending the fireball right at Randy. The fireball hit his desk setting all his papers on fire that he had on his desk. The teen was so panicked that he tried to move out of the desk and he did, but not before he tripped and fell on his face.

I could see that this was getting a little out of hand, so I focused and blew a breath of could air at the fire putting it out. The desk was okay. There wasn't a mark on it, but all his papers were burned, and I just hope that they weren't important, because what he did was very disrespectful and I really don't have much sympathy for him since he just tried to burn me.

"Nice one Mr. Randy, but you're going to have to do a lot better than that if you think you can get to me," I smirked at him. I knew he wasn't too happy about that, but why did I care. He just tried to burn me.

"How'd you know," Randy asked as he got up off the floor.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well you see its my job to know and its one of my powers," I explained. "You see class," I said turning back to the whole class. "One of my many power is empathy," I told them. "I have to power to read your minds and I can feel your emotions and I can inflict you with other emotions from someone else or the whole world."

Randy nodded. "I still don't get how you were able to react so quick though, I mean its like this isn't the first time you've done this," he pointed out.

"Yeah, that's another thing I haven't really mentioned," I stated. "Not only am I a witch and a teacher, but I am also a parent. I have eleven kids, so don't try to pull any tricks on me, because I've been there and I've done that and I know all the things that you teens try to do with magic."

"Wait a minute," Martin said shocked. "You're a parent," he asked.

"Yep," I smiled

"And you have eleven kids," Randy added.

"Yes," I answered him.

"So how do you have enough rooms for them all to live in," Randy questioned. He had never heard of a family this size before. Living at home, it was just him and his brother and they had to share a room, which was a nightmare for him.

"That's a good question, but to tell you the truth four of them are grown and on their own," I started to tell smiling. "They each have their own house and their own family so they don't live with me, and yeah that does leave seven, and yes some of them do share a room, but I couldn't have pictured a better life for my kids and I," I told them all.

A kid raised his hand. I acknowledged him so that he may ask his question. "Is it true that you and the guy who's head of magic school is having an affair," he asked.

I smiled knowing that this was going to happen. Being a teacher I knew that students were going to start spreading rumors and I was prepared for it. I can only imagine what they say about Wyatt since he is the head of magic school and does all the discipline.

"You could say that, but to tell you the truth, the guy is my husband, and his name is Wyatt," I stated causing all the students in the classroom's jaw to drop. "Yes guys, I'm married to a guy and I'm not ashamed."

It was quiet for a few more seconds before one student spoke. "So, I have a question also. Are all of your kids adopted," he asked.

I shook my head. "None of them at all," I said firmly. "They all belong to Wyatt and I, and that is what brings me to our lesson that is suppose to be taught next week. It is possible for all male witches to conceive kids, but like I said that goes with next weeks lesson, so lets get back to today's lesson shall we," I said turning back to the chalkboard.

"Mr. Halliwell," Randy spoke. "I have one more question," he asked.

I was really getting a little frustrated but I couldn't blame anyone for that but myself. I should have never told them that I had kids and that Wyatt was my husband. I should have known it was going to be a big deal. That's what teenagers like to talk about these days.

"Last question," I said wanting to bring the conversation to an end.

"Do you ever miss your kids," he asked. "I mean the ones who moved out," he made the question more clear.

That was a hard question to answer. Not that I couldn't answer it, but it did hurt me to think that my kids have moved on. I know its a parents dream that their kids would stay with them forever but it never happens. At least with the first four it didn't, but so far Rolland might be one who stays with Wyatt and I for the rest of his life if he doesn't grow up.

I took a deep breath. "Yeah, but they come visit from time to time, and who knows maybe sometime you might see them around here, since they'll sometimes come and visit me over here," I smiled thinking about how they visit me at magic school just about every week, though its usually after class is out.

I was about to get back to the lesson when I felt a familiar presence coming from the door. I don't know what made me look over there, but I did. What I saw nearly made me cry. My grown kids, Prue, Robert, Ryan, and Patience were standing at the door smiling at me. I looked away for a moment thinking that I was imagining this, and then when I looked right back they were standing right there still smiling through the door. I was very surprised because usually they would call and say if they were coming to visit, and since they would be coming by for dinner at the manor since tonight is Wyatt and I's twenty second anniversary.

I looked back at the class saying, "and since you guys asked, I guess it wouldn't be any harm for them to come in and talk to you guys about the subject to when you use your powers," I then waved for them to come in the door. One by one and introduced them as they came through the door. "This is my daughter Patience, my son Ryan, my daughter Prue, and my son Robert, and they've each taken classes at magic school just like you guys," I stated. "So would any of you like to tell the class anything about when and where you should use your powers," I asked.

Ryan looked around, seeing that no one was going to speak, he took it upon himself. "Sure I'll say a few words," Ryan started. Ryan started out by telling the students not to use their power for personal gain because it could come back at them twice as bad than it did good. He also advised them to not try to harm anyone who isn't harming them, because that could cause a war that wasn't even started.

After he had his five minutes, Patience decided that she would speak also. She told them about her experience of being a one fourth demon, half witch, and one forth whitelighter. When the class first heard that she was a demon they had nearly freaked out because demons were said to be evil, but Patience explained that not all demons are evil. Though most of them are, some of them are just raised to be evil and they can't help what they do.

Once Patience was done Prue and Robert decided they would both speak together. It seemed as though the two do everything together since they're really close. They both spoke about why a witch's power shouldn't be used in public, unless its an emergency. The went into a little history about it, but then got back to the situation of a witch using their powers.

As I looked on while my kids were teaching I couldn't help but have a big smile on my face. I could tell that when Wyatt and I retired, the school was going to be in good hands with our kids, but Wyatt and I don't plan on retiring anytime soon, since we'll probably live to be who knows how old.

Prue and Robert had just finished their lecture when the bell rang. I couldn't believe we had spent all that time with my kids lectures, but I'm not complaining. It gave me less work.

"Alright, class dismissed and remember, don't use your powers unless its absolutely necessary," I yelled out the door as all the students ran out. When the bell would ring those students would run out the door like they were on fire. I had to always make sure that I wasn't standing in the door way or else I would get knocked over.

Once every student was out the door I looked back at my kids who were all grown up. I can't believe it had gone by so fast. It seems like just yesterday these guys were playing that little prank on Aunt Paige and now they're in their twenties and they have families of their own, who are just as bad as they were, when they were kids. I guess it just goes to show that payback hurts.

I walked over to my kids and pulled them all into a big group hug. I was so excited to see them and so happy that they came and helped me out when I needed them. I knew they could explain things better than I could since they were closer to their age and they had taken this class before, so that would make things more interesting for the students. I continued to embrace my kids never wanting them to let go.

"Its good to see you guys," I said softly as I let them out of the hug I had them in.

"Its good to see you too," Prue replied.

"So," I smirked. "What made you guys come here?"

"We thought we'd surprise you and dad for your anniversary, and since we know how dad hates it when he gets surprised visits, we thought now would be the best time," Ryan smiled. He always liked to play tricks on his old man still as an adult. Him and Wyatt were very close seeing as he followed in Wyatt steps, being on the whole football team and then being the guy who slept around with just about every girl in school, and finally settled down with a wife and kids.

"Thanks," I said. "So how are my grandkids doing," I asked.

"They're all fine," Patience answered for the whole group knowing it would take forever if they were all to tell their individual stories. She thought they might as well save those for the family dinner tonight.

"How's my little half brother doing," Robert asked worried. Rolland was the one next to him and he couldn't help but always worry about him since he's heard so many bad things. He felt sorry for him a lot since he had to grow up without his real mother. One person that Rolland would always be good for was Robert since Robert always took the time to get to the source of the problem, but now Robert can't always do that, since Autumn and the kids take up a lot of his time.

"Please don't ask," I muttered under my breath. "Wyatt and him just had a little talk this morning so you know it wasn't good."

"I understand," Patience nodded. "Do you want me to try to talk to him," she offered. It would be the best thing since her situation is so close to his. She didn't really have her father around that much. He's still alive and she talks to him just about everyday, but he's not there as much as he can be, and when she was teen she was rebellious and would always yell at Wyatt about how he can't tell her what to do, because he wasn't her real father, but never did she mean it. Wyatt was someone who she knew could be a good role model for her.

"No, its okay, I'm sure Wyatt has it under control," I lied. There was no telling what the kid was going to do next. Knowing Rolland he might just try to kill someone with how violent he is, though it does remind me a lot of how Wyatt use to be. "So have you guys already gone and saw your father," I questioned not really knowing if they had come to see me first or if they went to see Wyatt.

"Yes," Ryan nodded answering for all of them. "He seems to be busy all the time with his work," the father of five pointed out. He can relate to his father since he has to work a lot himself.

"I know," I nodded. "But don't worry, he always has time for his family," I pointed out.

"We know," Robert said not even need an explanation. They've already lived in the house and they know how hectic things can be, especially if there are demons coming around, but as far as they know there haven't been many demons. "Hey um, I got to go, I mean I can hear Autumn calling for me," he shook his head. He loved his wife, but sometimes she can be pretty annoying. "See you at dinner tonight mom," Robert said giving me one last hug before he orbed out.

"Yeah I think we all should be going," Patience pointed out. "I think we all are going to have some rowdy kids to get ready for tonight to see ya then, and be sure to call us if you need anything," Patience said firmly. "I mean even though we're not in the house, you know we're there if you need us."

"You don't have to tell me that again," I replied seeing as I heard it just about every time they came to visit. "Goodbye guys and I'll see you tonight," I said giving them each a hug.

"Bye," Patience said shimmering away.

"Bye," Ryan and Prue orbed out together.

I smiled as they all left. I couldn't believe my children are all grown up and have their own families. Its really true when they say that you kids grow up fast. I would give anything right now to have one more day with them when they were kids, but I know that can't happen. They have to move on so they can better the world, which I know they are doing.

Looking at the time, I saw that it was pretty late. I'm sure that the kids should be getting out of school pretty soon, and I want to be out of magic school by the time they get home so I can hear about their day. Hopefully it was good and I won't have to comfort Patty because she had a bad day with a guy. Patty is still looking for a guy to treat her right and so far she hasn't found one, and all the time I have to hear about guys who she likes, but won't go out with her because she has two kids.

I quickly began to pack up my things and headed straight for Wyatt's office, which was the main office. When I got there I didn't even knock. I just went straight in. At first I didn't even think Wyatt had noticed that I had walked in the room, because he was still writing some stuff down.

It wasn't but two seconds later that Wyatt looked up and smiled at me. "Hey baby, you alright," he greeted me.

I nodded back knowing he was going to ask me that question. That was always a question that Wyatt asked me when he first saw me. "Yeah I'm fine," I said walking over to his desk and sitting on top of it.

"Kids come and visit you," he asked as he continued to write some stuff down on his papers that were in front of him.

"Yes," I told him. "I just can't believe they're grown."

"Yeah, we've got some pretty good memories," Wyatt smiled thinking about all the things that they've done when they were little. Even all the little pranks they played against their aunts and uncles.

"Next year we'll be saying goodbye to another one," I sighed thinking about Patty.

Wyatt nodded. "And then it'll be Richard, and not too much longer after him will be Penny," Wyatt went on. "I guess we should enjoy our time with them now," Wyatt pointed out.

Thinking about it all made me realize how right he was. We didn't have much longer before another group leaves. I can't believe that all our kids are almost grown. The triplets have a way to go, but after all the others leave it won't be too much longer before they go too. I just have to make sure that I make the best of it while they're here, because I already know I'm going to miss them a lot seeing as I miss the first four.

"You okay," Wyatt asked seeing as how I was saying nothing.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts. "Yeah I'm fine," I replied. "I was just thinking about what you said," I told him and he nodded and went right back to writing on the paper that was in front of him. "Do you know when you're going to be done with that," I asked impatiently.

Wyatt just laughed. "Wow, someone over here is craving attention," Wyatt shook his head.

"What?! No I'm not," I quickly replied. It was a little true. Maybe it was a lot true, but what can I say. I'm an attention whore, unless it comes down to the kids. Then I do want Wyatt to pay more attention to them. "I..umm...just want to get home before the kids do," I sore of lied.

"Sure," Wyatt muttered under his breath. He then looked at his watch that was on his wrist. "We've got time, I mean Patty shouldn't be getting home with the other kids for another thirty minutes, so I think I have time to finish this up before we go home," Wyatt stated.

I sat on the desk tapping my foot impatiently hoping that Wyatt would hurry up. "Wyatt what time is it," I asked.

"Why should it matter," he questioned.

"I just want to know how long I've been here waiting for you," I asked.

"Come on now, you're here with me, so stop whining," Wyatt said as he continued to finish up his work.

"Oh yeah how could I forget," I said with my voice full of sarcasm.

Wyatt smiled and got up from where he was sitting. "Looks like someone isn't getting the attention he deserves," Wyatt said.

Wyatt came and stood right in between my legs. He looked at me intently before he pushed his lips on mine. He let his hands go behind my back and pull me into him closer to intensify the kiss. He had a hard day today and this is just what he needed to make it better.

I quickly broke away and pushed Wyatt back. I was panting, because that was very unexpected and Wyatt was going a little fast for me, but I was up for it. "Wyatt, what about your work," I pointed out, seeing as he hasn't finished it yet.

"Don't worry I can finish it in the morning," Wyatt stated. "Its not something big anyway," he said going straight back after my mouth.

I figured he was right so I let my body give into him. My husband pressed his lips against mine once more and this time I didn't do anything to stop him. I let him have his way with my mouth, and let his tongue come through. It felt so good to have his tongue wondering around in my mouth.

Wyatt was really getting into it the whole thing. He started to push me down on the desk so now that he was on top, but not before he threw a few papers that were still on his desk down to the floor. His office was going to be a mess after this whole thing was over.

The blond immediately started to undo my robe and pull it off. It might have been only this morning since we've done it, but because its been a bad day for Wyatt he needs this a lot. He continued by laying kisses all over my neck needing to taste my skin real bad.

I started to undo his robe, but Wyatt was moving so much that I couldn't completely pull it off myself, so Wyatt pulled back and took it off himself and threw it on the floor along with a lot of other things. Once his robe was on the floor he got back on top of me and continued his hunger assault all over me mouth and my neck. This was gonna be good. He could feel it in his pants.

Suddenly Wyatt's cell phone starts to ring. Wyatt just ignored it. He felt that whatever it was could wait. This right now was something important to him and he needed this more than he needed to answer his cell phone.

"Wyatt," I moaned as I felt him sucking my neck. "Wyatt stop," I said pushing off off. Wyatt looked at me a little confused and hurt like I didn't want this. "Its not you Wyatt, its just your cell phone is ringing," I pointed out.

"It can wait," Wyatt said pressing his lips against mine once again and going back at it.

I quickly pushed him off again. "No, Wyatt, it could be important," I stated. "I mean I don't want anything bad to be happening and then we're too busy making love to know what's going on."

Wyatt growled as he got off of me. As much as he wanted to continue this he knew that I was right and that he should be answering his phone. The blond reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone and saw a number that he's seen before but he doesn't recognize it.

Wyatt clicked the talk button and put the phone up to his ear. "Hello," he greeted the person on the other line. "Yes, this is he," Wyatt continued to talk. "WHAT?!" he all of a sudden shouted. "I'm on my way," he said clicking the hang up button. "That boy is in so much trouble, just wait till I get my hands on him," Wyatt gritted through his teeth.

"What going on," I asked worried since I really never see Wyatt this angry unless its something big like a demon attack.

"Rolland has gotten himself into trouble again, and now I have to go pick him up from school because he's being suspended!" Wyatt shouted. "Just wait till I see him. That boy is going to be grounded for the rest of his life." Wyatt pulled out his car keys ready to orb over to his car.

"Is there anything you want me to do," I asked.

"Just get home and make sure the others are okay," Wyatt said hanging up his robe. "And make sure to be by the phone in case I have to call you or something comes up," he told me.

"Alright," I nodded. "Just please don't go off on him right away," I asked. "Find out what he did and why he did it okay."

"Okay," Wyatt said. "I love you."

"Love you too," I replied as he gave me a quick kiss before he orbed out. I was hoping on everything that Wyatt doesn't kill Rolland this time. I deal with teenagers all the time and I have a few kids of my own who went through their teenager phase. I was able to help all of them, but I can't figure out why I just can't get through to Rolland. I try to be a second father to him, but he always rubs it in my face about how I'm not his father and I can't tell him anything. Technically I'm still his uncle, but either way he has not respect for me. I just hope that I can find out what is troubling him and fix it before its too late and something big happens to him.

Patty was sitting at the park bench watching her two boys swing. She had swung by magic school and picked them up and left a little note for me and Wyatt telling us that she got out of school a little early today so she was going to pick up the boys. She had already dropped off Richard and Penny at the house so she felt it was safe enough to go to the park with her two little boys and spend some time with them since she's been real busy with school lately.

Patty sometimes hated coming to this park. It just would always remind her of the boys father and how he just left her. For years she thought he would come back, and everyday she would come to the park and sit here waiting for him. She stopped after the twins were born. There was no way he was coming back. He obviously didn't care or else he would have told her he was leaving before he left.

The mother of the twins look up to see one of them had fallen off and was crying. "Warren be careful sweetie," she said as she began to walk over to where he was. She can't believe how hard being a mother is. If only she had the father around to help her out, but she doesn't. She knows she's going to have to raise them without him. As Patty continued to walk over to her sons, she felt she was being watched. The woman has senses like a wolf. Patty looked around the park and saw a man staring straight at her. At first she was a little freaked out, but as she got a better glimpse of him she could identify the figure. It couldn't be him. This was just an imagination. He can't be there. Only a few feet from her. He was in the army. This was impossible. After staring at him for what seemed like forever, she knew that he was really there. "You," she gritted through her teeth at her ex-boyfriend and father of her sons. She couldn't believe that Josh Lucas was standing right there in front of her. Even though he was older he still looked the same. The only thing that changed about him was that he had a haircut from being in the army.

"I knew I'd find you here," were the first words out of the man's mouth as he started to walk towards the girl he left behind three years ago. He's really missed her and wanted to write to her so badly, but there were certain circumstances that prevented him from doing it.

Patty quickly noticed that the man was coming towards her and quickly reacted by moving away from him and towards her kids. "Warren, Ray come on we're leaving," she shouted.

"We don't wanna go," Ray cried.

Patty really didn't have time for this. Her ex-boyfriend was here and she didn't want to be anywhere near him right now. "Don't argue with me, now lets go," Patty said grabbing both their hands and quickly started making her way over to the manor which was about three blocks away and Patty knew it was going to take some time getting there, but she was prepared to use her magic to protect her boys if she had to.

"Wait, Patricia wait," Josh called after her as he walked behind her. This was a girl he's been thinking about for a long time, ever since he went to the army and he can't just let her go like this.

"Mommy who's that," little Warren asked.

"No one sweetie, just ignore him," Patty said as she continued to walk holding both kids hands.

"Mom?" Josh said confused. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Had Patty found someone else and had kids with them. The boys were old enough to walk and talk, so that would mean if she did, it must have not been to long after he left her, but Josh didn't think that she would have gone with someone else. That's why he felt it was safe to leave and know that he would have someone to return to when he got back. "Patty wait!" Josh kept calling.

Patty stopped and turned back at Josh who was following her. "Its Patricia to you," she gritted through her teeth. Words couldn't express how angry she was at the guy right now.

"Patricia," Josh corrected himself. "Well how have you been," he asked.

"Without you? I've been just fine," she snapped.

Josh had expected this very much. He wanted to tell her that he was leaving, but he knew that it would break her heart and he couldn't bear the thought to see her cry so he felt that it would be best for the both of them if she had found out on her own.

"So you're a mother now," he pointed out. "How old are they," he asked.

Patty was really ticked off right now. She had no desire to talk to the guy and he was asking how old their kids were. "That's none of your business, but if you must know they're three," she answered.

Josh started to find that kind of peculiar. Three years ago is when he left and as far as he knew she wasn't cheating on him. She was with him all the time, which would mean....

"Who's the father," he asked.

Patty frowned up. Not only did this guy just show up in her life after three years, but now he's playing like he's dumber than a door knob. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out who the father of these twins were.

"Do you really need to ask that," Patty said as she began to walk away once more getting more and more irritated. She just wanted him to leave her alone, and he can't even do that.

Josh stood there thinking for a second. What did she mean did he really need to ask that? Of course he needed to. That would tell him if she was cheating on him or not and if the kids were really his. Still thinking about what she said about them being three years old, and knowing that Patty wouldn't cheat on him, that would mean that the father of the twins was..quickly Josh looked up to see a demon following Patty. He freaked.

"Patty look out," he shouted.

Patty turned around and saw a demon conjuring up a fire ball right behind her. Quickly the mother of two got to the ground and pulled her kids down with her, as she saw the demon hurling the fireball right at her. This was very odd. Demons don't attack in the open, especially in front of a mortal. Josh is right there and the demon is exposing himself.

Josh knew he had to do something. He couldn't sit there and watch as a demon tried to kill his family. The man quickly conjured his darklighter crossbow, and before the demon could conjure up another fireball Josh quickly shot him in the chest causing the demon to blow up.

Patty nearly had a heart attack. She couldn't believe what her eyes had just witnessed. The man she loved and would have done anything for was a darklighter. She couldn't believe he didn't tell her that out of all the years they had been together.

The mother of two had heard bad things about darklighters. She knows that they impregnate other mortals to repopulate and then they kill them. That must be the only reason that Josh wanted her. He didn't love her. He just wanted to repopulate before he left for the army or supposedly left for the army. For all she knew this could have been a big set up from the beginning.

Patty quickly got up from the ground and pulled her boys up along with her as the man stood there watching. "You're a darklighter," she asked angrily.

"Yes, but-," he tried to explain but was cut off.

"Why didn't you tell me!" she shouted at the father of her boys. Patty was more angry at the fact that he was a darklighter than she was that he left to go away to the army without telling her. This wasn't anything small like she has to vanquish him now. It was big. Big as in her sons are one fourth whitelighter, one fourth witch, and half darklighter. She knew if she told her parents this, bombs will be flying everywhere. Good and evil can not co exist. That was something that she was always told, and now looks like the rules have been broken, and she doesn't know what do do.

Josh felt ashamed. Patty had every right to be angry with him right now, and part of him wouldn't be surprised if she never spoke to him again. "Look, Patty, I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid I would lose you," he pointed out. "But wait," he said as something was popping into his head. "How do you know about darklighters?"

Patty looked at him in the eyes very intently saying, "because I'm a witch and a whitelighter," she replied. She saw the shocked look on his face and then continued her walk home.

"Patty stop," Josh said going after her.

Patty quickly turned back to Josh once more saying, "Josh, if you follow me, I swear I will send your ass to the demon wasteland where it belongs," she threatened, but deep down she didn't have the heart to do it. She only told him that to get him to leave her alone. As much as she hated to say she still loved him after all this time. When she saw that he wasn't going to follower her, she began to walk off with her kids as fast as she could.

Josh watched as the woman he loved disappeared from his sight along with his two sons that he never knew he had. The darklighter now regrets leaving. If only he knew that Patty was pregnant he would have stayed and took care of her and the boys and they'd be one big happy family. That's what he was hoping for when he got out of the army. Not that Patty would already have had the boys, but he was hoping to start a family with her when he got back, because she would almost be legal by now so she could do what she wanted. Josh still wants to be with her more than anything. He actually wants it more now than he did before, because now he sees that she has two of his kids and he wants to raise them both with her instead of separately. Even though he hasn't been there he still has rights to those boys since he never knew that she had them and he didn't even know that she was pregnant. He knew he couldn't just let her go like that. The girl he loves and the girl he came back for. He knows he has to do something.

With that thought, Josh shimmered out trying to think of what to do to win the love of his life back.

The Blond walked through the hallways of Hyde High School. Not much has changed since he and his whole family had gone there. It was still old and could use a lot of improvement. There were still students in the hallway just standing on the walls talking and everything. Some of them looked like really bad influences and some of them he was able to recognize as Rolland's friends, the ones who he shouldn't be hanging out with.

Wyatt finally made his way to the principle's office and shook his head thinking about how many times he's had to come up here for Rolland. Wyatt could probably win the perfect attendance award since he's there so much.

'Why did this have to happen to me', Wyatt questioned himself. He wasn't the best kid in school, but he wasn't as bad as Rolland was.

He finally got up to the principle's office and made his way to the school secretary. "Hello, I'm Mr. Wyatt Halliwell," he greeted her. "And I'm here to pick up my son Rolland Summers-Halliwell." He decided not to take away Rolland's mother's name, because he wanted his son to feel like he had a tie to his mother.

"Well hello Mr. Halliwell," she smiled. "He's in the office with the Principle, you can just go right on in," she told him. She had expected a visit from the Halliwell pretty soon since she knows that his son Rolland can't go one week without getting in trouble. She's basically been seeing Rolland more than she's seen any other students.

"Thank you," Wyatt said as he went into the principle's office. When he walked in he saw his 19 year old sitting in the chair opposite of the principle with his feet on the desk. The principle was sitting behind his desk with a frown on his face. Wyatt could tell that the two had not been having a nice little conference.

"Ah, Mr. Halliwell," the principle said acknowledging his presence. "Thank you for taking your time to come down here," he said holding out his hand for the man to shake.

"What has he done this time," Wyatt asked as he shook the man's hand and then took a seat next to his son.

"Today we decided to bring in the drug sniffing dogs and well we found somethings not just on him, but in his locker," the principle explained. "Mostly cigarettes and alcohol," he stated.

Wyatt turned to his son who shrugged like he always did. Apparently this wasn't a big deal to him and right now Wyatt wanted to whack him, but he knew he'd probably get in trouble for doing that. He was so embarrassed right now from Rolland's actions. Rolland must insist on making him look like a bad parent, but the principle knows he's not since he's already had four kids who graduated from this high school with honors, and another one who seems to be doing pretty well.

The blond then remembered that his son's feet were on the desk. That was something he saw as very disrespectful. "Rolland get your feet of his desk," Wyatt demanded.

"Why," he asked.

"Because I said so," Wyatt said firmly.

"Whatever," Rolland said taking his feet off the desk and placing them on the ground.

Wyatt shook his head knowing that Rolland was going to be the reason why he might end up in jail for child abuse.

"Mr. Halliwell, I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to suspend him for a few weeks," he told the father of eleven. "Don't worry, your son is not being singled out. We are taking the same policy with him as we are taking with any other student that has had anything illegal in their locker."

"I understand, and thank you," he said knowing that Rolland could have gotten an even bigger punishment since this isn't the first time he's been caught with stuff in his locker. Wyatt stood up from his chair and turned to his eldest. "You're going home, and you are so grounded young man."

"Do I get my truck back," he asked.

"No you don't," Wyatt was quick to reply. "Now get on to the car," he ordered.

Rolland just stormed off muttering 'asshole' under his breath.

Wyatt was able to hear him quite well though. "What did you just say Rolland Philip Summers-Halliwell," Wyatt asked.

"Nothing," he said as he made his way out of the principle's office.

Wyatt looked back at the principle who was looking back at him stunned the way his son talked to him. "Look, I'm very sorry about his," Wyatt was then cut off by the principle.

"Don't be," he was quick to reply. "I'm sorry to say this Mr. Halliwell, but I have to be honest with you. I really can't say that I've seen kids worse than your son Rolland, so my advise to you is to get to the source of the problem and find out who's influencing him and who's he hanging out with," the principle suggested.

Wyatt nodded agreeing with what the principle said and made his way out of the office. When he went to sign his son out he saw that he was talking to two guys that seemed to be the same age as him, and to make it worse they were two guys Wyatt considered bad influences. He quickly signed Rolland out and made his way over to his son.

"Car, now," the blond said.

"In a minute dad, I'm just talking to my friends," he said being a real smart allec.

"I'm not telling you again," Wyatt gritted through his teeth. "Car."

"You just told me again," Rolland slightly chuckled at his dad, but he quickly stopped laughing when he saw the frown that was on his father's face. He knew he'd better start obeying or else it would be trouble. "Hey guys, I'll talk to you later," he said as he began walking off down the hallway. He could feel his dad on his tail and he knew he better not stop and talk to no one if he didn't want to be embarrassed.

Both of them got into Wyatt's car and the whole ride to the manor was pretty quiet. Neither of them said a word to each other knowing that it would bring about an argument before they had even got to their destination.

I was sitting on the couch telling Chris about the situation waiting for Wyatt to get there. Sure enough he entered the house with his son Rolland in front of him.

"Someone finally made it here," I smiled trying to lighten up the situation. "So what did he do this time?" I asked as I got up from the couch along with Chris.

"Oh nothing big," Wyatt said sarcastically. "He was just caught with cigarettes and alcohol on him and in his locker."

Chris and I both looked at each other and shook our heads. What were we going to do with Rolland. He might be old enough to smoke, but that doesn't mean he should be doing it, and he definitely shouldn't be bringing it on campus. I just can't believe he's acting this way, and I wish I knew what was going on. I watched as my stepson/nephew tried to make his way up the stairs.

"Hold it right there," Wyatt yelled at his third son. "Where the hell do you think you going?!"

Rolland just sighed angrily. "Upstairs to my room in the manors," he replied. "Since that's where you were going to send me anyway," he pointed out. Chris had finally decided to stop unenchanting the house after Christmas, and made the decision to let everyone in the family have a room in the Halliwell manor, and when a new Halliwell is born, he creates another room.

"Not so fast son," Wyatt shook his head. "On the couch now, we're having a little man to man talk," he demanded and his son just stood there and shrugged his shoulders at him like he wasn't going to do it. "Couch now Rolland, before I drag you there myself," he warned.

"Wyatt maybe you should calm down," I suggested. I really didn't want him to kill Rolland and that looked like what he was about to do.

"I am calm," he said back to me. "As calm as I'm going to be with him," he turned back to Rolland. "This is my final warning Rolland, get on the couch or else I will drag you there myself. Don't try me son."

Rolland rolled his eyes as he made his way over to the couch. Gosh he couldn't stand his dad.

"Maybe you should calm down before you talk to him," Chris advised his brother. Chris deals with kids a lot too, but not just from magic school. He's also a social worker just like his Aunt Paige.

"Don't try and use you social service on me," Wyatt said to his brother. "I don't need anyone telling me how to raise my son. He has been pushing me too far lately and its time for all of that to come to a halt."

Chris knew there was no reasoning with his brother. He already knew that this wasn't the best way to deal with the whole situation, but Wyatt has put his foot down and that was it. The whole world could come tumbling down on Wyatt and the blond wouldn't cave.

"Explain yourself," Wyatt demanded as he folded his arms over his chest.

Rolland just sat back. "I don't have to explain myself to you," he said rather disrespectfully to his father. "I'm nineteen so I'm grown and I don't have to tell you anything."

"I beg to differ," Wyatt said. "Right now you live under my house and you will abide by my rules and you will start respecting me, understand," the blond went on at his son.

"Whatever," Rolland shrugged his shoulders.

"Rolland what were you doing with the cigarettes and the alcohol," Wyatt asked angrily. "Tell me the truth."

"What do you want me to tell you, dad," Rolland snapped back. "Yes I smoke and yes I do drink, but so does every other teenager in that school," Rolland explained. "I can't believe you're always on my ass and you never get on anyone else in the house for the shit that they do," Rolland gritted through his teeth.

"First of all, watch your language around me," he warned. "Second, yes I do get on to everyone in the house about what they do, but you're the one who's clocking up more than everyone in the house put together, so that means I have to be on you more than anyone in the house, and if you would stop getting yourself into so much trouble then maybe I wouldn't have to be," Wyatt lectured.

"So what do you want me to do? Stop drinking and smoking?" Rolland asked with a frown on his face. "Well to bad because I'm going to do whatever the hell I feel like doing and there is nothing you can do to stop me."

"You keep talking to me like that Rolland and trust me you'll regret it," Wyatt warned him. "You think you've seen a mean dad, but you haven't seen nothing yet," Wyatt told him. He saw that he wasn't making much progress with Rolland and he really didn't know what to do anymore, but he wasn't giving up. That wasn't an option. "Rolland you're nineteen, and you're smoking on school grounds, there's no telling what you're doing outside of school with those guys you hang out with. I mean if you're smoking and drinking are you doing drugs? Or what about having sex?"

"Wouldn't you just love to know," he replied back to his father. "Look, I'm sorry I'm not your perfect son, and I'm sorry that I was even born. You happy now?!"

"Rolland I'm not asking you to be perfect," Wyatt was quick to reply. How could his son even think that. It hurt Wyatt to hear his son even say those words about how he was sorry that he was born. "I'm trying to figure out what's going through that little head of yours. I mean you were okay until you went into middle school and then that's when you started acting up. I'm starting to wonder if it has something to do with those friends of yours that you're hanging out with, but it all can't be them. I know some of it has to be you so would you like to tell me what's going on with you?"

"Look, its none of your business alright," Rolland snapped at his father. "Now can I please go to my room."

"You can add a month to how long you're grounded for," Wyatt said. "The two weeks that you're at home you can spend cleaning the whole house and then you can study your books. You're not to leave the house without mine or Evans' permission unless it is to go to school, understand? Not TV, no computer, no phone, and definitely no demon hunting, got it?" The blond said looking at his son who all of it was going in one ear and out the other. "I said got it?"

"Please, I'll do whatever the hell I want," Rolland said as he made he way upstairs to his room.

Wyatt just sighed. This boy was giving him more grays than all of his children combined. Wyatt looked over to see me staring at him in an angry way. "What?" he asked not knowing why I was looking at him that way.

I just shook my head and went up the stairs after Rolland.

That was just great for Wyatt. Not only was his son made at him, but his husband. Things just can't get any worse.

Patty then came running in the door with Warren and Ray. She looked a little panicked, but she tried to keep herself calm, not wanting to show any sign of anything to her father who was standing right there. "Hey dad, can you watch Warren and Ray, while I try to go find something to put on," Patty said handing them both to Wyatt. "Thank you," she said running up the stairs before Wyatt could even give an answer.

Wyatt couldn't believe this. First he gets attacked by demons, second he gets stopped from having sex in his office, third he has to go pick up his son because he got into trouble, and now he's stuck looking after his two grandsons, while there mother is upstairs trying to get dressed. The joys of parenthood and grandparent hood. Things couldn't get any better than this.

Rolland was laying on his bed listening to his CD player, but made sure it was down enough so he could hear if anyone was coming. He then heard a knock on the door and quickly pulled it off and hid it under his sheets.

"What do you want?" he yelled at the door thinking it was his father.

"Its me," I said opening the door. I gently closed the door behind me wanting this to be a private conversation between me and Rolland. I didn't want Wyatt to even know what was going on.

I wasn't the one to shout though, and sometimes Rolland wondered how I could be a teacher and not shout at people, but he knew it wasn't in my nature to shout. He knew that I wasn't as short tempered as his father was, and he knew that I was more relaxed about things, even though he would tell me all the time about how I wasn't his real father or mother. He didn't hate me at all though. In fact he wishes that I was his father instead of Wyatt.

"I just want to talk," I said sitting at the end of his bed.

"What do you want to talk about," Rolland asked. He wasn't as much of a smart allec with me as he was with Wyatt.

"I just want to know what's going on with you," I asked.

"Did daddy dearest put you up to this," he questioned.

"No, he didn't," I replied. "As a matter of fact, I don't think he knows I'm up here, but I'm trying to be a second father to you, and Rolland I know I'm not your dad, but.."

"Stop," Rolland said. "You know I really don't mean any of that. I only say it to hurt you," he replied. "I mean I actually do think of you as a second father, and I guess that's just how I can get my way with you."

"I know," I nodded my head. "And look I know that you're acting out because you miss your mother," I reminded him knowing how he lost his mother at a young age. "I know how it feels Rolland believe me I do. I lost my mother when I was just a baby," I told him for the hundredth time. He and his siblings had always heard the stories about my mom and how she had to give me up and when she died. I had a tear come down my eye thinking about it.

Rolland quickly wrapped his arms around my neck saying, "please don't cry."

"I won't," I said. "But will you please just give me a chance and tell me what's going on with you, and don't worry, because I'm not going to yell at you for it. That's you dad's job." I laughed making the nineteen year old in front of me laugh also.

"I know its hard to explain, but its fun," he said simply. "I mean I just have fun doing it, and I don't know what other explanation to give."

"Alright fair enough," I said understanding the teenagers point of view. "Can you please tell me why you have been getting into so many fights with your brothers and sisters lately. I mean all of them are worried about you. Patience even asked about you this morning."

"She did," Rolland asked not really believing it. "Well I don't know, I just sometimes feel a lot of anger in me."

I nodded fully understanding. Wyatt sometimes had a lot of anger in him so I couldn't blame Rolland for inheriting it. I mean it was bound to come to one of the kids some time. "Have you ever thought about doing something else to let all that anger out," I asked.

"Like how?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Have you ever thought about stopping and counting to ten or maybe even getting an anger ball and squeezing all the anger out," I suggested.

"You know I never thought of that," Rolland said. "Thanks Uncle Evans."

"Anytime," I said getting up from the bed. "I'll call you when dinner is ready, and please be on your best behavior for your nieces and nephews," I pleaded.

"I will."

Rolland waited till he saw me leave the room completely. Then he waited and made sure he heard my footsteps walking away from the room, and that's when he pulled out his cell phone from his pocket that he was suppose to give to his father, but never did. He searched for one of his friends in his phone book.

"Hey Allen, what's up," he asked. Allen was one of his friend who was twenty three. "Yeah, I got suspended again for the same old stuff and I'm supposedly grounded for a month," Rolland explained to the guy who would always hear these stories since him and Rolland were best friends. "He thinks he can stop me from sneaking out. Is there a party anywhere tonight or are we going to just go to a club," he asked. "Alright so where is the party at?" he asked and waited for his friend to tell him. He got a pen and paper and wrote down the address. "Alright see you there," he said as he hung up the phone.

If Wyatt thought he could keep this teen locked up in his room, he had another thing coming.

Patty went through the closet upstairs trying to find something suitable to where. She had sweated out her out her other clothes running from Josh. Though the man only followed her two blocks down the street, she made sure she ran as fast as she could to get to the manor. Right now she hated him so much that she couldn't stand to even look at him. He's nothing but a dead beat father who abandons the people he claims that he loves, and Patty isn't going to let him hurt her sons the way he hurt her.

The mother was so deep in looking for some clothes that she did not her the man shimmer in behind her. It wasn't until she turned around and saw the form of Josh that she even knew he was there. She was so angry right now that she could just kill him for shimmering in without permission. This wasn't his house and he had no right to stalk her.

"What the hell?! I'm getting dressed, what do you want," she asked as she threw her clothes on the bed.

"We need to talk," Josh said. "Why else do you think I've been chasing after you and trying to get your attention?"

Patty shook her head. "Why Josh?" she asked.

"What do you mean why," he asked.

"Why did you just get up and leave like that, and leave me here pregnant with twins to raise by myself," she asked.

"Look I didn't even know you were pregnant or else I wouldn't have left, alright, but I thought by going to the army I could make a living for us," Josh explained to his ex-girlfriend.

"And you never thought to once tell me that you were going to the army or you never even wrote to me saying that you missed me, and then all of a sudden you just show up. You know I went over to your house the day after we had sex to tell you about the kids, but I find out that you have been dispatched to the army and you didn't even have the decency to tell me yourself. Your own mother had to tell me that," Patty said getting a lot out that she's been holding in for quite sometime.

"I'm sorry okay! I never really meant to hurt you. I feel bad enough to know that I've already missed three years of my son's lives. I feel even worse that I missed their first steps, first words, first tears, their first everything," Josh went on.

"Josh just get out!" Patty yelled. "I don't want to even look at you right now or know that you even exist. The boys and I couldn't be that important to you, because if we were then you would have never left, so just leave," Patty said. "I'm sick of looking at you."

"Well you know what, that's just too bad because I'm not going anywhere," Josh said standing his ground. "At least not until we can work something out."

"Are you kidding me, work what out," I asked.

"The boys," Josh answered. "I want to be apart of their lives," he said crossing his arms over his chest.

"No way," Patty shook her head. "The twins have been perfectly fine without you and theres no way in hell that you're going to be in their lives now," she said firmly. Josh had a lot of nerve coming up here. First he bust into her room, without so much as a knock. She could have been getting dressed for crying out loud and he would have just seen her naked, and now he's asking to be in her son's lives. How dare he even think that he can be apart of their lives.

Josh was staring at Patty the whole time she was talking. He almost forgot how beautiful she was. Right now he wanted to kiss her more than anything. Soon, he found himself being overtaken by his emotion that he just pressed his lips against Patty's when she was about to say something else.

Patty at first tried to push him off of her, but when the darklighter shoved his tongue in her mouth she couldn't resist. The teenage Halliwell embraced the kiss by putting her hands on the man's back and letting them wonder all around. This guy has grown so many muscles from being in the army.

Josh then pushed Patty down on the bed and quickly got on top of her.

Wanting to do something about Rolland's attitude, I thought I could find something in the Book of Shadows that might help him out. I know it was kind of personal gain, but the elders owe us big time. We might have not been vanquishing demons a lot lately, but we've been protecting innocents and then making sure that all soon to be whitelighters live to do the good that they were meant to do so they could earn their wings.

I made it up the attic and opened up the Book, hoping to find a spell that would help deal with teenagers. I was really having a hard time finding anything, even though the book was like twice as big as it was before when we first became charmed ones. I can't believe how many spells Wyatt, Chris, and I added to the Book of Shadows.

I heard orbs come in right behind me. My first instinct was that they must be from Wyatt. "I'm fine Wyatt, I'm just trying to find a spell that might help me figure out what's wrong with Rolland," I said not even looking up.

"That's nice to know," a familiar voice said from behind me.

I knew that voice and it definitely wasn't Wyatt's. I turned around to see a face that I hadn't seen in so many years. I could hardly believe this person was standing right here in front of me. Was this a dream? It had to be, because he couldn't be standing here.

"Daughtry," I muttered.

"Its me," Daughtry said opening his arms. "How about coming and giving your best friend a hug," he asked.

I quickly ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him tightly. Part of me wanted to cry, but I didn't want him to make fun of me. "I can't believe you're here," I said pulling away. "Look at you, you're a whitelighter," I pointed out.

"Yeah, you thought you could get rid of me that easily didn't you?" He joked. "Oh and by the way, I'm yours, Chris, and Wyatt's whitelighter to be exact," he stated to me.

"What do you mean," I asked. "Wyatt is suppose to be our whitelighter," I reminded him.

"Well the elders thought that Wyatt might be a little busy seeing as he has magic school and a big family to handle," Daughtry pointed out.

I was about to say more when I heard the door bell ring. I knew Wyatt wasn't going to get it, because I could see that he was occupied with the twins. It had to be our kids at the door, though I'm wondering why they don't just walk in since this house is partly theirs too.

"I'll be right back," I said and Daughtry nodded. I made my way down the stairs to the door and opened it, but the face I saw wasn't my kids. He looked familiar, but I know I haven't seen him anywhere. "Can I help you," I asked.

"Yes, I'm looking for this woman," he said handing me a picture. "Have you seen her," he asked.

I took a look at the picture and was a little scared. The man looked like a detective and I was hoping he wasn't coming to take her away. "Yes," I replied. "She's my daughter, Prue," I replied handing him back the picture and crossing my arms.

"That's impossible," the man replied. "You're far too young to be her father," the man stated.

I was going to have a hard time explaining this one to him, about how whitelighters don't age, but why was it any of his business. "Look I know this looks a little odd, but yes that is my daughter now what do you need from her," I asked.

"No, she can't be your daughter," he said. "She should be old enough to be your mother, I mean this picture was taken so many years ago," he said. "I mean I looked up the file and unless your Victor then you can't be her father."

"Wait a minute," I said. "You mean to tell me that you're looking for Prue Halliwell, sister of Piper, Phoebe, and Paige Halliwell," I asked now understanding it wasn't my daughter he was looking for.

"Yes," he asked.

"What do you want with her," I questioned.

"She's my mother," he stated.

If you don't know Josh Lucas, he's the guy who plays Jake in Sweet Home Alambama or the coach in that basketball movie Glory Road.

Hey guys, so welcome back to charmed. I'm sorry it took me so long, but I've been busy with finals. This probably won't be counted as a chapter since it was only to draw the problems out. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please tell me what you think of it so far by emailing me at or

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