Charmed Once Again

By moc.loa@cniaradamo

Published on May 4, 2008


Charmed Once Again

All Rights To Charmed And Other Related Content Are Property Of Warner Brothers & Aaron Spelling Productions. All Rights Reserved.

The Following Story Contains Content Not Appropriate For Ages Under 18. It Is Also Noted That This Story Is A Work Of Fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the Cast's true sexuality or any Other personal knowledge of their private lives. Thank-You & Enjoy.

Season 1 Episode 1 -- Charming & New "Part 1"

[ Scene -- Halliwell Manor -- Attic -- 2007 ]

Piper slowly opens the Book Of Shadows. She takes a deep breath and begins to turn the pages, searching for something in particular. Leo comes into the attic with a look of concern on his face, and walks up to join her.

Leo : "Piper, your sure this what you want to do ?"

Piper stops turning pages and pauses for a moment, Thoughts rushing her mind.

Piper : "When me and my sisters became witches, we didn't fully understand the responsibility and time that was going to be needed as the Charmed Ones"

She spoke softly & calmly.

Piper : "Let alone the risk and harm" She turns to look at Leo "I just want our boys to have a normal childhood... Wyatt just started school" She looks down. Tears swelling in her eyes. "

Chris is just now coming into his powers... and Aiden is barley a year old" Her eyes divert back onto the book where it was open to a binding spell. "Grams thought it was what was best for us... and it's what I feel is best for our Children"

Leo's look of concern was no longer present, but instead a look of assurance. He smiled and nodded his head giving her - his support and ok. She takes a deep breath and releases it.

Piper : "Hear now the words of this witch. The secrets I wish to hide in the night. The oldest of Halliwells are invoked here. The great workings of magic are sought. In this night and in this hour. I bind this ancient power. Bind the power of Brothers Three. Bind The Powers. So mote it be"

As soon as Piper had finished the spell, three orbs of light came forth through the lower level of the house and into the Book Of Shadows. The book closed it's self, revealing the Triquetra on it's front cover, glow and pull apart.

Piper : "What's done is done"

( Opening Credits -- Show Theme Song -- "All About Us" -- TaTu )

[ Scene -- Halliwell Manor -- Front Door -- 2023 ]

Chris comes through the front door holding a bag of groceries. His clothes are wet from the rain pouring outside. He closes the front door and places the groceries down on the floor

Chris : "Wyatt ? You Here ?" He removes his jacket hanging it on the coat rack.

Wyatt : "In Here, working on the chandelier... what took you so long ?"

Chris enters the dinging room with the bag of groceries.

Chris : "Sorry ! I didn't realize I took so long at the market"

Wyatt Climbs down the Ladder, and wipes his hands with a damp clothe.

Wyatt : "What were you doing down at the market ? I thought you had an interview at Roots with the Jamie Oliver knock-off?" Chris laughed at the comment.

Chris : "I did but, I went to the Market after my interview to get the ingredients for my audition recipe tomorrow" Chris holds up the bag showing the groceries.

Wyatt : "That stuck up wannabe didn't hire you then ?"

Chris : "No, but this recipe just may get me the job"

Wyatt places the ladder in the corner and stares at the chandelier.

Wyatt : "I don't understand why this chandelier won't work" He shakes his head.

Chris walking into the kitchen.

Chris : "Just call an electrician to come look at it... and make sure he's cute" Chris Smiles.

Wyatt follows him into the kitchen.

Wyatt : "I would if one of us was actually free to meet the electrician... I would do it myself but you know I can't leave the Paper until seven.. I didn't even have time to change"

Chris : "Yeah well that's life" He stops to think and sighs "No wonder we're always single"

Wyatt laughs.

Wyatt : "Hey speak for yourself"

Chris : "Oh come on... we both know that since Caleb you have had no time for any guy what-so-ever... and no you and your hand don't count" Chris smirked while putting things away.

Wyatt : "Very funny..." He walks over to the kitchen table and picks up a spirit board "Do you remember this?" Wyatt takes it over the center island and shows Chris.

Chris : "Oh jeez... please tell me that's not our old spirit board ? We use to play with that thing all the time" Chris grabs to look at it and flips it over " To my three beautiful girls. May this give you the light to find the shadows. The power of three will set you free. Love, Grams... Hmm... we never did ask Mom what Grams meant by this" He places it down.

Wyatt : "Well, maybe we should send it Aiden. I'm sure he could use some of that light"

Chris : "You're always so hard on him"

Wyatt : "Chris, he has no sense of control... or the future"

Chris : "I don't know... I really think he's starting to come around"

Wyatt : "Well, as long as he stays in school and doesn't come around here... That would be just fine" He walks out leaving Chris to shake his head and continue to put things away.

[ Scene -- Apartment -- Police are there ]

Police Captain : "Well, it's about time Morris"

Michael Morris : "I got here as fast as I could, Captain. So what happen ?"

Police Captain : "Same scenario as two nights ago"

Michael : "Another dead female, in her mid twenties ? "

Police Captain : "You know I been paging you for over an hour, where were you Morris ?"

Michael : "Following a lead"

Police Captain : "A lead ? Look Morris... Your dad was a great and respected cop, I expect the same from you -- You understand ?"

Michael : " Yeah... Sure thing boss..." He looks at the body " I just want to solve these murders... or more witches will die"

Police Captain : "Women Morris... they're just women"

Michael : "I bet she was killed with an athame"

Police Captain : "Wrong. Double edged steel knife"

Michael : "Right. That's an athame. It's a ceremonial tool that Witch's use to direct energy"

Police Captain : "That woman didn't direct jack. She was stabbed. Plain and simple"

Michael : "Was she found on an altar ?"

The Captain doesn't answer.

Michael : "It's where they recognize and celebrate sabots"

Police Captain : "Look, that's besides the point Morris"

Michael : "Were there carvings on the altar ?"

Police Captain : "Just do me a favor. Don't ever follow a lead without checking in with me first, Ok? Now go do your job" The Captain walks away.

Michael : "Yeah... Sure thing boss... No problem" He rolls his eyes.

[ Scene -- Halliwell Manor -- Laundry Room ]

Wyatt is fiddling with the circuit breaker.

Wyatt : "I don't get it. I have checked everything, there's no reason why the chandelier should not be working"

Chris walks in.

Chris : "You know how we've been talking about what to do with the spare room? I think you're right, we do need a roommate"

Wyatt : "Yeah... We can rent the room at a reduced rate in exchange for some help around the house and what not"

Chris : "Aiden's good with cleaning... and a wrench!" They both walk into the kitchen.

Wyatt : "Aiden lives in Seattle" Chris looks around and bites his lip.

Chris : "Well umm... not anymore" Wyatt stops what he's doing and looks over at Chris.

Wyatt : "What? What do you mean not anymore"

Chris : "He dropped out of school, and is moving back in with us" he said in one breath.

Wyatt gives Chris an evil stern look and walks into the dining room. Wyatt : "You have got to be kidding me" Chris follows.

Chris : "Well, I could hardly say no. It's his house too. We all grew up here"

Wyatt : "Have you forgotten why I'm still mad at him?"

Chris : "Yes but, It was 2 years ago. He lost his job, and he's in debt right now"

Wyatt : "And this is news? How long have you known about this anyway?"

Chris : "A couple of days... maybe a week..." He Cringes "Ok maybe a month"

Wyatt : "Thanks for sharing... I can't believe this..."

Chris : "I'm sorry... I really am..."

Wyatt : "When does he get here?"

Just then the front door opens and Aiden walks in.

Aiden : "Guess who's home!"

Wyatt gives Chris a hard stare. Chris smiles innocently and goes into the foyer.

Chris : "Aiden, welcome home buddy" Aiden and Chris Hug "It's so good to see you, isn't Wyatt?" He looks back at Wyatt.

Wyatt : "I'm Speechless" Crossing his arms

Aiden places his one bag on the floor.

Wyatt : "Is that all you brought ?"

Aiden : "That's all that I own and a bike. Look, I know that you don't want me here..."

Wyatt : "We're not lending you any money"

Aiden : "Is that why you think I came back ?"

Chris took a step back knowing this was going to get heated

Wyatt : "Look, the only reason Chris and I work our butts off is to keep this house ours... it's been in our family for generations"

Aiden : "No history lesson needed. I grew up here too... So can we talk about what's really bothering you ?"

Wyatt : "No, I'm still furious with you"

Aiden : "So, you'd rather have a tense reunion filled with boring chitchat and unimportant small talk ?"

Wyatt : "No, but otherwise we won't have anything to talk about... unless you want to tell us why you were so stupid to drop out of school after mom put so much money into your education"

Aiden : "First of all I never touched Caleb. And second I dropped out of school because it was difficult being away from my family"

Wyatt : "Whoa... You did not just go there"

Aiden : "Look I know you think otherwise because that's what that Armani-wearing, dick-sucking, trust-funder told you... but nothing happen"

Chris looks from Aiden to Wyatt

Chris : "Hey ! I know! Why don't I make us a reunion dinner?" Looks Desperate "Yeah ?"

Wyatt : "I Lost My Appetite" Walks away.

Aiden : "I ate on the bus" Walks away.

Chris : "Okay then... we'll try the group hug later"

[Scene -- Aiden's Room ]

Aiden unpacks his bag placing his belongings into drawers. The news in on the Tv, but he's not really watching it. Chris knocks on the door.

Aiden : "Who is it?" Chris Answers "Come In" He comes in carrying a tray with drinks and food on it "Thank God... I was starving..."

Chris : "I figured you were" He looks at the T.v "Hey isn't that Michael ? What happened ?"

Aiden : "Some woman got whacked"

Chris : "Didn't Michael transfer to Los Angeles ?" He looks over at Aiden "Whacked ? You were clearly in Seattle way to long"

Aiden : "Yeah, I should of stayed. Now why didn't you tell Wyatt I was coming back?"

Chris : "And risk him changing the locks? I don't think so and besides, I think you should have been the one to tell him not me"

Aiden : "Good point, Chicken Little. It's just so hard for me to talk to him. He's always been more like a parent then a brother"

Chris : "That's not his fault... he's the oldest sibling. He practically had to sacrifice..."

Chris / Aiden : "...His own childhood to raise us"

Aiden : "Yeah, yeah, yeah"

Chris sets the tray down on the bed.

Chris : "And we're lucky he was responsible. You and I had it easy, all we had to do was be there... He had to of been under a lot of stress... Specially after dad disappeared"

Aiden : "Yeah, well, I don't need adult supervision anymore. I need a brother"

Wyatt knocks on the open door. He's holding a folded blanket.

Wyatt : "This was always the coldest room in the house" He walks in placing the blanket on the bed and backs away to the door.

Aiden : "Thanks" He smiles. Wyatt half smiles and leaves.

[ Scene -- Apartment -- Crime Scene ]

Michael continues to look around and notices a tattoo on the victim's neck. It's a full circle with three interlocking arcs inside. A Triquetra.

Michael : "It's the same tattoo that was on the other two victims"

Police Officer : "So, the murderer is killing occults?"

Michael : "No, the murderer's on a witch hunt"

Police Officer : "Excuse me sir?"

Michael : "She was a solitary practitioner. She practiced her craft alone"

Police Officer : "Ummm..."

Michael : " Let me ask you something... do you believe in Aliens?"

Police Officer : "Uhhh... no sir"

Michael : "Neither do I, But do you believe that there are people out there who do believe in Aliens and UFO's ?"

The Captain Steps Into The Conversation.

Captain : "Yes, but I think they're crazy."

Michael : "Well, then why can't you believe that there are people who believe they are really witches with supernatural powers"

Captain : "Look, all I know is if you don't stop talking about witches, I'm gonna start questioning you and your sanity"

The Captain Walks Away.

[ Halliwell Manor -- Second Floor Hallway ]

Aiden catches Chris coming out of the Bathroom.

Aiden : "Hey! Are there any spare candles up in the attic ? I have a feeling this weather is going to cause a black out so I don't want to take any chances"

Wyatt comes into the hall.

Chris : "The door to the attic is still locked"

Wyatt : "Yeah you both should already know Mom told us to never go into the attic"

Aiden : "That's when we were kids, I think the circumstances have changed a little"

Wyatt : "Well either way we don't have the key to the door, only mom does"

Suddenly the window in the hallway blew open as a gust of air rushed in. A creaking noise was heard from the attic door as it slowly blew open. Aiden looks at Chris and then Wyatt.

Aiden : "Guess we won't be needing that key then" He smiled heading his way up the stairs to the attic. Wyatt closed the window. He and Chris followed closely behind Aiden.

The three entered the attic. A flash was seen from outside with a clap of thunder following it. All the lights in the manor went out. All three of them froze.

Aiden : "It's a good thing I mentioned candles"

Wyatt : "Lucky Guess"

Chris : "Lucky ? like the door just suddenly opening after all these years ?"

Aiden : "Yeah ok... let's just find those candles... it's kind of creepy up here"

A faint glow from a chest is emitted in the far end of the attic. Aiden sees this and looks at it closely. He calls out to Chris and Wyatt.

Aiden : "You guys see that right ?" Chris and Wyatt turn to look in his direction and see the chest softly glow, they walk up to Aiden's side.

Wyatt : "It's probably just the reflection of the moon"

Chris : "Umm... it's kind of coming from inside the chest"

Aiden slowly walks up to the chest. The glow disappears. He crouches down and unlocks the metal clamps, pulling the top open. Dust blows out and settles on the floor.

Chris : "What are you doing" He said with concern. Aiden doesn't answer.

Wyatt : "Aiden close that and lets go"

Aiden reaches inside and pulls out a book. He stands up with it and blows the dust off the front of it. He closely looks at the detail on the cover. He opens it to the front page.

Aiden : "The Book Of Shadows" He turns another page "To Call A Witches Power"

Wyatt walks to Aiden, Chris follows.

Chris : "It's probably just a fairy tail book"

Aiden : "Here now the words of the witches. The secrets which were hidden in the night. The Oldest of Halliwells are invoked here"

Chris : "Aiden what are you doing?"

Aiden : "The Great work of magic is sought. In this night and in this hour. We call upon this ancient power. Bring the power to we brothers three. Give us the power. So Mote It Be"

Wyatt grabs the book from his hands and reads it.

Wyatt : "Bring the power to we brothers three ? Great! It's a book of witchcraft"

Chris : "Let me see that"

[ We cut to outside where a man in a raincoat stands looking at the house ]

[ Scene -- Halliwell Manor -- Foyer ]

The three of them walk down the stairs.

Wyatt : "Windows blowing open... locked doors opening by them self... books of witchcraft. It figures all this freaky stuff started when you arrived"

Chris : "It doesn't matter. Because nothing happened, right Aiden, when you did that incantation thinger... or what ever it was ?"

Aiden : "Well, my head spun around and I vomited split-pea soup... How should I know ?"

Chris walks into the sunroom.

Chris : "Well everything looks the same"

Aiden : "You're right"

Wyatt :"But the house still needs work"

Chris : "Everything feels the same, so nothing's changed"

[ Cut to outside. The man that was standing there slowly walks off ]

[ Scene -- Halliwell Manor -- Kitchen -- Next Morning ]

Aiden sits at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. The book is open as he reads it. Chris comes in dressed up already.

Chris : "Your up early"

Aiden : "I never went to sleep"

Chris : "Don't tell me you put on a black conical hat and spent the night flying around the neighborhood on a broomstick ?" He sits down next to Aiden.

Aiden : "The only broom I've ever had was kept in a closet beside a mop"

Chris : "So what were you doing ?"

Aiden : "Just reading... Is Wyatt around ?"

Chris : "He went to work early. Were you reading aloud ?"

Aiden : "No. According to the Book Of Shadows, one of our ancestors was a witch, named Melinda Warren... This means mom and her sisters were witches too" Chris : " Yeah... and we have a second cousin who's a drunk, a great aunt who's a manic..."

Aiden : "I'm serious. She practiced powers. Three powers. She could move objects with her mind, see the future and stop time. Before Melinda was burned at the stake, she vowed that each generation of Warren witches would become stronger and stronger, culminating in the arrival of three sisters. Now, these sisters would be the most powerful witches the world has ever known, and I think it means Mom, Aunt Phoebe & Aunt Paige"

Chris : "Yeah but you forgot one thing... it's four sisters... don't forget aunt Prue"

Aiden slumps in his chair.

Chris : "Look, I know what happened last night was weird and unexplainable, but we're not witches and we don't have special powers... besides, Great Grams wasn't a witch and as far as we know, neither was Grandma"

Chris gets up from the table and grabs his car keys.

Aiden : "We're the protectors of the innocent. We're known as the charmed ones... or at least the second generation..."

Chris smiles and kisses Aiden's forehead.

Chris : "Got to go little bro. We will talk about this later" Chris exits the back door.

[ Scene -- Bay Mirror ]

Wyatt is sitting at his desk typing away franticly. He slumps back in his chair and sighs.

Wyatt : "I still can't put my finger on it... where have I seen that book before"

His Secretary Comes In Carrying A Pile Of Letters

Female Secretary : "Hey Wyatt, Here are some more letters you need to get too" The Secretary places the pile onto the corner of his desk. "Have Fun" She leaves his office closing the door behind her.

Wyatt : "Thanks! ... Great... Just Great..." As soon as the Secretary closed the door the pile of papers slanted and were about to tip and fall over. In reaction Wyatt Waved his hands "No!" the pile froze mid air from falling off the desk. Wyatt just stared at the letters not understanding what was going on "Oh no... this can't be good..." after a few seconds they fell and hit the floor.

[ Scene -- Root's Restaurant ]

Chris was in the middle of stirring liquid in a pot. He putt the wooden spoon down and leaned against the counter crossing his arms.

Chris : "Poor Aiden... Witches? They don't even exist... let alone me being one"

A Waiter Comes Into The Kitchen Carrying An Empty Tray.

Male Waiter : "Mr.Howard Is Ready to taste your Soup" The Waiter Held Out the Tray.

Chris : "Already? Oh... ah ok then..." Chris grabbed a bowl and filled it up with soup making sure not to dirty the edges. He placed the soup down on the tray "Now hurry before it gets cold"

The waiter turned around quickly making his way around the counter. Chris noticed that he was about to trip over a pile of raw potatoes "No Wait!"

In reaction He waved his hand and the pile of potatoes suddenly went flying across the floor in the other direction. The waiter stopped and looked back at Chris "Oh... Heh... Never mind..."

The waiter left, leaving Chris alone and confused with what just happen "Did I do that..." He said unsure to himself.

[ Scene -- Downtown Farmers Market ]

Aiden walked around through the crowds of people who were also shopping and looking about at fresh produce and flowers. He walked up to a flower booth that had the most beautiful purple hydrangeas. The Man at the booth welcomed Aiden.

Aiden : "These are very beautiful" Referring to the flowers

Male Florist : "Thank you, they came from my personal garden" The Man Smiled <"I Wouldn't Mind Showing You Something Else">

Aiden : "Excuse me?" Aiden looked up at him.

Male Florist : "I didn't say anything" <"Dam he's hot, I Wouldn't Mind Fucking Him">

Aiden : "What did you just say" Aiden feeling a bit offended

Male Florist : "Uhhh... sorry, but I didn't say anything"

Aiden : "Yeah you did! I heard you, you pervert" Aiden said this a bit loud, attracting others to look over in his direction "You Nasty Ass"

Aiden walked away into the crowd of people. The conversations going on among the crowds seem to get louder and louder... closer as if they were in his head. He stopped walking to grab his head. "Stop yelling dammit"

The people around him started to stare at him <"Why is he yelling"> <"What's wrong with him"> He falls to his knees "Stop it! Stop talking!"

He yelled out to crowd. Suddenly he falls to the ground, and everything goes pitch black.

[End Of Part 1] [ By Joey ]

I Hope You All Enjoyed The Story! Be Sure To Send In Your Thoughts & Comments

[Note : Emails Will Determine Whether Or Not I Continue The Story] -- Subject : Charmed

Next: Chapter 2

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