Charmed New Beginning

By moc.oohay@09kcinsuoiroton

Published on Feb 6, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the rights to these characters. All factions and representations of "Charmed" belong to the WB and its writers and producers. I do not make any profit off of these stories.

This story is fiction and does not mean to imply anything about any Celebrity's sexual orientation or personal life mentioned in it.

This story will contain intimate relationships and sex between two males. If this offends you, or if you are not allowed to read this story due to age restrictions, please leave.

"Charmed: New Beginning"

"Episode 6: Nexus Nuisance"

The Covenant was meeting was again in the depths of Babylonia, discussing the ever-present threat of the Charmed Ones.

"The Charmed Ones, as well as the Elders, are now aware of our presence." A robed figure said.

"Well, it's not like I went to Earth and held a big banner over my head, saying, `Hey! Look out! Big Bad Organization is after the most powerful force of Good!' Get real!" Viper snapped.

"Well, someone is rather testy today..." another robed figure stated.

"As he should be," a clear male voice said, his voice reverberating through the halls of Babylonia. "His plan failed. Again. And because of his insolence, the Elders are now aware of our presence."

"Well, I don't see anyone coming up with any better ideas! I cannot be blamed for one of my plans going wrong, when I am the only one coming up with plans!" Viper said, accusingly.

"Perhaps he is right." Stated a pleasant female voice. The entire Covenant turned to look at her. "None of us have done anything, except provide demons for his attacks. Perhaps, it is time we step up."

"Well, thank you Madame Jinx. I am honored by your support." Viper said, bowing to her.

"Well, if you are so eager to have us involved, why don't you show us how it's done.?" Another male figure suggested.

"Very well then. I shall make my move to annihilate the Charmed Ones." With that, the evil witch known as Madame Jinx disappeared in a bright flash of green.

"Is it a little time off too much to ask for? I mean, honestly!" Twila said, sweeping up the shards of another broken window. "I was almost killed by my demonic fiancé, who is still out there somewhere, and all the Demonic world can think of is another pathetic attempt on our lives."

"Well, at least there haven't been any really bad attacks." Tanner said, helping Tristan pick the grandfather clock up from where it had been knocked over.

"Yeah, well, it's still ridiculous." Twila said.

It had been exactly one week since Twila had been kidnapped by her fiancé, who took her to the Underworld to extract her powers and kill her. Needless to say, she hadn't been in the best of moods.

"Umm, I hate to worsen the mood here, but I was getting ready to tell you guys this, before we got attacked. I found this by my bed this morning." Tristan said, holding up a piece of paper.

"'The Nexus Waits.' What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Tanner asked.

"I don't know. That's just what I found. I just found it beside my bed when I woke up." Tristan replied.

"Wait. Beside your bed? This creepy letter was delivered beside your bed, and we don't know about it? That's bad. If someone can get in the house at night and deliver a letter, someone can get in the house and attack us. When we are completely unprepared." Twila said, becoming more and more urgent with each sentence.

"Calm down Twila. Obviously this messenger as benevolent. They just left this."

"Okay, back to the whole "Nexus" thing. What is it?" Tanner said.

"Well, according to my understanding, it is the epicenter of magic. It can be swayed to either good or evil, giving whichever side that controls it a pretty big power boost." Twila said.

"Okay, well that's..umm... interesting." Tanner said.

"We live on one." Twila said suddenly. "Well, actually, the sisters destroyed it while fighting a demon. But the manor sits on a Spiritual Nexus."

"Alright, that kind of explains some things. I guess," Tristan said. "But that still doesn't explain this." Tristan held up the letter. Twila just shrugged.

"Well, you boys can work on that. I'm going to work on a spell to try and defend the house."

"Alright, we got our spell caster back!" Tanner said, high-fiving Twila as she walked past him.

"How exactly do you plan on doing that?" Tristan asked, curious.

"Well, according to the Elders, I can tap into magic, right? More so than you guys. Otherwise my powers wouldn't work the way they do. I'm going to write a spell. A kind of "No-Entry" spell." Twila said. Tristan looked at her, uncertain. "Oh, I'll think of something."

"Have you heard from Aric recently? I haven't seen him in a couple of days." Tanner said.

"Uhh... Nope. Haven't seen him." Tristan said, quickly walking to the kitchen. Tanner looked at him suspiciously.

"What's going on Tristan?" Tanner asked, getting up and slowly making his way towards the kitchen. Tristan stuck his head out the door and said,

"I, umm, kind of, kissed him." Tristan said, letting his voice trail off at the last words.

"Huh?" Tanner said.

"I kissed him!" Tristan said, running back into the kitchen. Tanner stood in the dining room in shock.

"You what?" Tanner practically screamed, running into the kitchen.

"Well, he kind of kissed me. Well, we kissed each other. I don't know! It was all really confusing, and, and..." Tristan said, starting a panic in himself.

"Hey, hey. Slow down. This was after I left the room, obviously. So what? What happened?"

"Well, I thanked him for his help, and we kinda just kept inching closer and closer. And then he pulled me into it. And there was no way in hell I was going to refuse those lips. Or his tongue." Tristan said.

"Wait, tongue? There was tongue? First kiss?" Tanner said.

"Well, just a little bit." Tristan said sheepishly.

"Why haven't I heard this before now?" Tanner demanded.

"Well, I've just kind of been questioning it. And well, we haven't seen him in a couple of days. I mean, you know, he usually, like, checks in on us and stuff. And he hasn't, and I'm just afraid I've gotten him in trouble. Or that I've scared him off." Tristan said.

"Wow. Well, it is strange that he hasn't come around I suppose." Tanner said. "But I'm sure everything is okay."

"Bringing forth from time not passed, I call the witch that this spell casts. Bring her forth and bring her near, settling both of their lives here."

A bright flash of green light. Where Madame Jinx had been reciting the spell, another woman appeared in the dark pentacle that she had created. The women looked the same, with the exception of the witch in the pentagram looked slightly older. Madame Jinx smiled. The spell had worked. She had brought herself from the future. It was the only way her plan could work.

"What brings you to call me?" Future Madame Jinx asked.

"The Covenant appeals us to annihilate the Charmed Ones. I have a plan, but I need your help."

"And why did I not have this plan?"

"The future is always changing. Who is to say that you came back to the past that you remember?"

"True. What is this plan?"

"It involves the Spiritual Nexus underneath the place the Charmed Ones dwell, one of the siblings, and, of course, the future." Present Madame Jinx said, smiling.

Twila was sitting in the attic, reading from her book of spells, when Aric orbed in.

"Oh, hey Aric. What's up?" Twila asked, looking up from her book.

"Oh, hey. Well nothing really. Just came to check in with you guys." Aric said, nervously.

"Well, apart from the fact that we got attacked again this morning, and a creepy letter was found on Tristan's nightstand, it's all good."

"Oh, okay. So, uh, where is Tristan?" Aric said, distractedly.

"He's downstairs, why?"

"Well, it's complicated."

"Oh, gosh, what's going on between you two?"

"We kissed."

Silence filled the room at Twila looked at Aric.

"You what?"

"I kissed him. And well, he kissed me back." Aric said, turning red.

"Well, you say it as if that's a bad thing. The tension between you two was getting pretty unbearable. So what, are you two like, a thing now?" Twila asked.

"Yes, it is a thing, bad thing. Whitelighters aren't supposed to have intimate relationships with their charges."

"Well, yeah, but what about our grandparents?" Twila asked.

"Ugh. That's what Tanner said. Look They only allowed Piper and Leo to be together, because they had put Piper through a lot, and, and, it was different."

"Who cares? If you love Tristan, you shouldn't let those guys get in the way." Twila said.

"I just don't know. " Aric said, putting his head in his hands as he sat down.

Two floors below, two flashes of green light lit up the basement. Both Madame Jinxes looked at each other, and held their hands out. They began to chant.

"Natum Adai Necral Dana Intnal Lanok! Natum Adai Necral Dana Intnal Lanok! "

There was a small noise, and the ground before them began to open up...

Tristan was looking in the Book of Shadows in the living room when Tanner walked in.

"What're you looking at?" Tanner asked.

"I'm just looking up more stuff about Nexuses. A couple of things actually happened with it when the sisters lived here."

"Like what?" Tanner asked, looking over Tristan's shoulder.

"Well, Phoebe was possessed by a demon-y, monster thing. It almost killed her sisters too. Then, a couple of times, Evil was able to take over the Nexus, and the house turned on the sisters. But according to this, the sisters destroyed it when they were fighting a demon. That started the whole fake identity thing Paige was telling us about."

"Wow. It looks like the Nexus gave them a lot of trouble."

"Yeah. So, when are you going to call Alyss?" Tanner asked.

"Wow, that was completely off the wall Tanner."

"Yeah, well, I just remembered what she said the last time we saw her. She said she fought against the Covenant. And you said she was taking orders from someone. I just think that she may know something about this."

"Alright, I'll call her."

"According to my knowledge, we will be able to take their powers away with this spell. Once we have done this, we can begin the conversion of the Nexus. You have the heart?" Present Madame Jinx asked.

"Yes. Right here."

"Good, let us commence."

"Well, it's about time you called me." Alyss said. "I was wondering when you would put two and two together."

"Actually," Twila interjected, "Tanner figured it out.

"Well, no matter, it's good that you came to the right conclusion."

"Umm, yeah, we figured you had something to do with this, but we don't know what." Tristan said.

"Well, then let me explain. I work for a magical corporation. We call ourselves "The Nexus". It consists of several different forces for Good coming together to fight against the Covenant."

"How big of a corporation are we talking about here?" Tanner asked.

"Well, currently, we have thousands and thousands of Witches, Nymphs, Faeries, Whitelighters, and so much more. We like to think of ourselves as Good Magic's Number Two Operative. Right behind you guys of course."

"Huh. Well, I personally think that that is really cool." Twila said

"So what was I hearing the other day? About your assignment?"

"Well, I am one of the highest-ranking officers at The Nexus. I have a lot of authority and influence. So, I was trusted with the task of introducing The Nexus to you, the Charmed Ones. I was supposed to earn your trust, and show you that The Nexus is an ally."

"I think you've earned our trust Alyss. But I don't know if The Nexus has earned our trust yet. " Tristan declared.

"Well, I suppose that's fair enough. I apologize for hiding this from you though. I just thought I could be more fluid about it if I had known you for longer, and you guys trusted me more." Alyss said, truly sincere.

"Thank you Alyss." Tristan said, smiling.

"In this place and in this hour, take away all of their powers."

"That should do the trick."

"Yes. Shall we work on the Nexus now?"

"Yes we shall."

"Amnedrade Contepat, Conleon en Calipesk. Ventre Poron Fementose, Xedron Dalintad."

The Nexus beneath them began to glow, as an aura of white began to change into a dark cloud of black energy.

Tristan, Twila, Tanner, and Alyss were still discussing The Nexus, when Aric orbed in.

"Aric," Tristan said, rising from his chair. Aric smiled at Tristan, before looking at the others.

"Something's wrong. The Elders have reason to believe that The Covenant is about to strike. We don't know what they're planning, but we know they're close."

"What do you mean they're close?" Twila asked.

As soon as the words came from her mouth, she regretted them. Two flashes of green light appeared in the middle of the foyer, as both Madame Jinxes appeared.

"Who the hell are you?" Tristan asked, as the other siblings rose to their feet.

"We are Madame Jinx. And we are here for you." They said simultaneously. Tanner held his hands up to freeze them, but nothing happened.

"Uhh, guys, issues!" Tanner said, ducking away from a fireball thrown by one of the Jinxes. Tristan held his hand up to deflect the fireball, but Aric tackled him out of the way when the lethal attack kept coming.

"Hymenos Tactor!" Twila said, a ball of energy forming in her hand as she threw it at one of the Jinxes. It hit one of the women, pushing her backwards."What's up with you guys?" Twila asked, back flipping to avoid another fireball.

Alyss rushed to the middle of the room and erected a wall of water between the witches and the siblings.

"Go, get to the Book of Shadows and find something. I'll hold them off as long as I can." Alyss said, thrusting her hand forward as several spikes of ice projected themselves toward the Jinxes.

"Fools, you cannot stop us!" they both said in unison. The siblings ran up the stairs, Aric following them.

"Why are our powers not working?" Tanner asked.

"She must have cast a spell." Aric said, pushing a table in front of the door.

"Mine work, though." Twila said.

"Your powers work differently. You harness magic in itself. Therefore, if someone wanted to take away your power, they would have to expel magic completely." Aric said.

Downstairs, they heard what sounded like water splashing to the ground. Silence followed.

All of a sudden, a bright flash of green appeared, temporarily blinding the siblings. A Madame Jinx appeared, throwing a potion at Twila, who fell to the floor unconscious. Another bright flash, and the other Madame Jinx appeared, throwing a fireball at Tristan. Tristan slumped to the floor. Aric was dispelled by the evil witches, when they threw a fireball into him.

Tanner looked around, and grabbed a potion from a nearby table. He threw it at the witches, with as much force as he could muster. The present Madame Jinx caught it, and crushed it in her fingers.

Both the witches looked at each other and smiled. They held their hands in front of them and said,

"Sopio". They chanted, as Tanner fell to the floor, asleep.

"We must take him to the Nexus beneath to complete the transformation."

An hour later, Alyss was shaking Twila.

"Twila wake up, wake up!" Alyss said. Tristan began to sit up, rubbing his chest at the place the fireball was thrown. He was, once again, thankful for Alyss' healing ability. Alyss was harnessing her water power over Twila, attempting to heal her as well.

"Any luck?" Tristan asked, as he walked over to them.

"I have no idea what they did to her. I don't know if there's anything to heal."

"What happened?" Tristan asked.

"After you ran to the attic, I tried to fend them off. But after a while, they broke through and knocked me out. When I woke up, I heard Tanner yelling from the basement. I was able to sneak down there without them noticing. Those witches are a part of The Covenant. One of them is from the future. They said that because Tanner was born here, he has a stronger connection to the Nexus. They're planning on turning him evil, so he can fight against you and Twila. But before I could do anything, one of them, I'm guessing the one from the future, blasted the one from now, the present, said a spell, and disappeared."

"Wow. That's a headache in itself." Tristan said. He was about to say something else, when white orbs filled the attic. It was Aric.

"I'm so sorry. They threw a fireball that happened to be laced with magic at me. It practically banished me from the manor. I've been trying to get back for an hour." Aric said frantically.

"It's alright Aric," Tristan said. They filled him in on the current situation.

"This isn't good." Aric said.

"What do we do?" Tristan asked.

"Well, first, we have to wake Twila up. The witches threw a potion at her. It's probably, like, an endless sleep potion." Aric said, walking over to the Book of Shadows. He began to flip through the pages. "Here, this is an antidote that we can work on. Hopefully it will work." He said, taking the Book over to the table where they brewed potions. Tristan began to gather the ingredients needed.

Tristan, Twila, Alyss, and Aric were gathered in the kitchen, contemplating their options. Twila was feeling fine, with the exception of the occasional dizziness.

"This is, by far, the worst situation we've been in." Twila said.

"You have to call the sisters. That's the only thing that I can think of." Alyss said, sitting back in her chair.

"She's right. We can only do so much. They'll know what to do, and you'll need the extra firepower they might be able to provide."

"Alright then," Tristan said nodding. "Twila, can you..." he began to ask. She nodded her head.

"I'll go upstairs and get everything ready." She said, getting up. Alyss got up to, following Twila out the door and up the stairs.

"Hear these words, hear my cry, Spirits from the other side. Come to me, I summon thee. Cross now the Great Divide. We need all of you." Twila said, silently praying they could see all three of the sisters.

The center of the circle glowed with white lights, as the previous Charmed Ones were called into existence.

"This is serious isn't it?" Piper asked, materializing.

"Very," Twila said. She began to tell them of their predicament.

"Wait, the future witch turned on the witch from the present? Wow, that's like schizophrenia or something." Phoebe said.

"So she took Tanner to the future. And Tanner is evil. Wow. That's different. I don't think that ever happened to us." Paige said.

"Yeah, we already established that! We need to know what to do." Twila said.

"Well, it should be obvious. You have to go to the future and get him!" Piper said, stepping out of the circle and going over to the Book. "After we had to travel to the future the one time, we had to create a new time travel spell, just in case we needed it." Piper said, flipping through the pages. "Ah, here it is." Tristan walked over and looked at it.

"Alright, since we don't know whether or not you'll have the Book in the future or not, you should memorize the return spell. Anything else, Twila can write. Well, any of you could, but Twila would be your best bet."

"What about our powers?" Tristan asked. "How're we supposed to fight this woman if I don't have powers? I mean, I know Twila is awesome, but I need something too." Tristan said.

"I've already talked to the Elders about it. Apparently, the witch from the future has somehow given Tanner his powers back. I'm not sure how it works, but now, your powers should be back too. She can't bring his powers back without yours being back too." Aric said. Tristan swiped his hand at a nearby pillow, and it flew across the room.

"Excellent." Tristan said.

"Now, remember, we don't know where you're going, or what it's going to be like there. We don't know if you two will have been in recent contact or anything. I would remember this `Call a Lost Witch' spell as well." Phoebe said.

"Just as well, your powers will most likely have advanced. So, don't be too overly shocked if something doesn't happen the way you want it too at first."

Twila and Tristan nodded. They walked over to the Book, and began to read the Time Travel spell.

"Through time we seek to travel, our quest will now unravel. Take us to what will come to be, show us what we need to see."

Twila woke in a dark room. She was lying down on a bed. She sat up, allowing herself to breathe. As she looked around, taking in her surroundings.

There was a desk and a bookshelf. It looked to be like a very large office.

I need a light' Twila thought, beginning to think for a spell of light. But as soon as she thought the word, an orb of bright light appeared in front of her. Whoa, that's different.' She thought. She looked around the room again.

It was an office. There was a rather large desk in the center of the room. Bookshelves lined the walls, and there were pictures as well. Some were of Tristan and her, and some were of Twila and a man she had never seen before. Twila got up and walked over to the desk. `I guess I'm a work-a-holic in the future' she thought again. She saw a light switch and flipped it on, illuminating the whole room.

The door at the front of the room opened, and Alyss walked in, dressed in a business suit.

"Oh, thank God. Hey, Alyss." Twila said, running over and hugging her.

"Umm, hi. I brought your coffee for you." Alyss said, slightly confused.

"Where are we? What's going on?" Twila asked.

"What are you talking about?" Alyss said, stepping back from her. "What's going on Twila?"

"Look, I'm not the Twila you know. I'm from the past. 2010,actually. I came from the past to get my brother. What year is it?"

"What? It's 2020. You came from the past?" Alyss said in confusion.

"Yes. Madame Jinx kidnapped my brother, you were there. Don't you remember?"

"Yes, of course I remember. That's the day that changed the magical world forever. But I don't remember you coming to the future, or going. You, Tristan, and I went after her, but we were almost killed. So you guys have been trying to get Tanner back ever since." Alyss said.

"Well, I guess we chose a different path than the future us did.' Twila said, walking around the office. "So where are we?"

"Twila, this is The Nexus. You're the leader of the resistance now."

"Resistance? I'm the leader?" Twila asked in confusion.

"When the leader of The Nexus died, you took over. You are practically the leader of all of Good Magic. Madame Jinx really did a number on Tanner. Her magic was so strong, that he is the new leader of Evil."

"Well, what about the Elders?"

"Tanner even hunted them down. There are no more Elders. There are still quite a few whitelighters, and they joined ranks with us when the Elders were destroyed. We are the resistance in a world of Evil. Tanner practically rules the world now, under the watchful care of Madame Jinx."

"I can't believe this. Tanner would never do that." Twila said, leaning back in a chair.

"He had strong ties to the Nexus where you lived. She was able to turn him."

"Well, what about Tristan?" Twila asked.

"You two still keep in close contact. He doesn't live that far away, actually." Alyss said.

"Wow. I'm the leader? Why wouldn't Tristan do it? Or you? You were a big influence ten years ago. Why wouldn't it automatically go to you?" Twila asked.

"I'm Second in Command right now. I wouldn't allow myself to be above a Charmed One. Besides, you've handled it very well." Alyss said.

"It's a lot to take in." Twila said.

"I know, maybe you should contact Tristan." Alyss said, writing down his phone number.

"Wait, one more thing. What can I do now?" Twila asked, grabbing Alyss' arm before she could leave. Alyss turned to her and smiled.

"Well, your powers have grown exponentially from ten years ago. You can think things now, and they practically happen. You have a lot of power Twila. You can influence the flow of magic, by saying a spell, or even thinking something."

Twila sat back down.

"Wow." Twila said, smiling.

"Yeah," Alyss said, smiling back at her. "And you are in total control."

"Yeah, about that, I want you to take over for a while. I don't know what in the world is going on around here, so I can't run The Nexus while I'm here. Is there any way you can take over for a while?"

"If that's what you want, I can." Alyss said. Twila nodded and smiled as Alyss turned and walked out the door.

Tristan awoke in a room that was brightly lit from the sunlight coming through the window. He was lying on his side in a bed. He could feel an arm wrapped around him.

`Oh God. Who is that?' Tristan thought. He heard the person behind him breath in a deep breath, and draw closer to Tristan. He felt their breath on his neck.

"Good morning," the person whispered into his ear. Tristan closed his eyes, praying as he turned over. He gasped as he saw who the person was.

It was Aric.

Aric smiled at him, before kissing him on the lips. Even though Tristan was confused, he still melted into Aric's kiss. Tristan slipped his tongue into Aric's mouth, as Aric's arms wrapped themselves around Tristan.

Tristan separated from Aric, catching his breath.

"Umm, Aric. This is great and everything, but what are you doing here?" Tristan asked before he could get intoxicated in Aric's perfectness again.

"What are you talking about honey?" Aric asked, confused. Tristan's jaw dropped when he heard how Aric addressed him.

"Oh, wow. That's crazy." Tristan thought aloud.

"Are you okay Tristan?" Aric said, sitting up in the bed.

"Umm, Aric, this is gonna sound weird, but I'm not Tristan. Well, not the Tristan you know." He said, also sitting up. Aric looked at him, and backed out of bed.

"What do you mean?" Aric said. Tristan's jaw dropped again as Aric's body was revealed when he got out of the bed.

He was perfect. His six foot frame filled the space between the bed and the door to what Tristan guessed was the bathroom.

Tristan's eyes went from Aric's beautiful green eyes, to his perfect chest and six-pack. Just that took Tristan's breath away. Tristan looked lower, to Aric's pubic area, donned with a pair of dark blue boxer-briefs. His package was very obvious. Tristan guessed beneath his boxer-briefs was at least a 9 inch cock. Tristan felt his own nether-regions being affected from the sight.

"Tristan, what are you talking about?" Aric asked again, his voice bringing Tristan's eyes from his package to his eyes again.

"Uhh," Tristan stammered, partially forgetting why he was there. "I'm not your Tristan. I'm from the past. We had to say a spell to take the place of our future lives."

"We? As in who?"

"Twila and I."

"What year is it from where you are?" Aric asked.

"2010. What year is it here?"

"2020. It's been ten years. Why did you come to the future?" Aric asked, sitting on the bed.

"Tanner was taken by an evil witch. She took, er, brought, him to the future. We had to come and rescue him." Aric scoffed.

"If he wants to be rescued, he has one hell of a way of showing it." Aric said. Tristan looked at him in confusion.

"Aric, what's going on here?"

Twila looked around the office. The bookshelves were stocked with magic books. She recognized a few of them from what she had read, but the others were strangers. She was sure she knew every word to the books though, assuming she still retained her Empathic power.

She came upon another door. She pulled it open to reveal a large walk-in closet, with a connected bathroom.

`I guess I live here' Twila thought, walking in and finding some clothes. She stepped into the bathroom and started the water for the shower.

"Wow. I can't believe it.' Tristan said.

Aric had filled him in on everything as Aric made breakfast for the couple. Tristan was sitting at the kitchen table in what he assumed was the couple's loft.

"So, Tanner's evil and wants to kill us. Still. Great." Tristan said.

"Yeah, that's about it. I just don't understand why I don't remember you guys coming or going to the future. "

"Well, I guess the current us didn't choose the same thing as the past us. I guess we totally just changed the future too." Tristan said. "So, the sisters said our powers will most likely have advanced. Have mine?" Aric smiled and nodded.

"Let's see, ten years ago." Aric said, thinking back. "You were just learning how to control your telekinesis. Yeah, you've grown." Aric said, chuckling.

"What do you mean? What can I do?" Tristan asked, curious.

"Well, the Elders were right, you are the most powerful telekinetic from your family yet. The last time we trained, you could lift about twenty tons." Aric said, laughing as he saw Tristan's jaw drop again.

"Twenty? Tons? That's like forty thousand pounds!" Tristan said.

"Yeah, but that's not the only place you've grown. You've developed a few new powers as well." Aric said.

"Wow. I didn't think that would be possible if I was that powerful in telekinesis."

"Yeah, you shocked everyone. You inherited something from your Great-Aunt Prue. You can Astral Project. But, just like everything else, yours is more powerful. You can remain conscious while Astral Projecting and you can use your powers in your Astral form. They're not as powerful as when you're not Projecting, but they are still pretty powerful." Aric said, before taking a sip of coffee.

"Whoa. I've heard about Prue's power, but I didn't really think I would inherit it." Tristan said.

"Well, that's not all. You have another power as well. Turns out your Telepathic too. You can hear other people's thoughts, make them hear yours, pretty much influence people's minds how you want to."

"That's crazy. That's a lot of power." Tristan said.

"Yeah, well you handle it really well."

"You said we trained?" Tristan asked in curiosity.

"Yeah, usually it's just you and me, but sometimes others join in. We either summon a demon, or go outside, or just go to the simulator at The Nexus. "

"That's cool, I guess." Tristan said. Aric nodded as he got up and walked over to the sink. Tristan watched him as he went. "So, we're together?" Tristan asked.

Aric nodded and held up his hand. There was a silver ring on his finger. Tristan's jaw dropped again.

"We're married?" Tristan practically screamed. Aric smiled and nodded. Tristan got up and ran over to Aric, taking him into his arms. Without thinking, Tristan kissed Aric. They held the kiss for a few moments, before Tristan drew back.

"I'm sorry." Tristan said, letting go of Aric. Aric grabbed his hand before Tristan could turn away.

"Don't be. I fell in love with you Tristan. All of you. I was in love with you that day Tanner was taken. I love you now. I love you even though you're from the past. I love you." Aric said, drawing closer and pulling Tristan closer to him with each statement. After the last words escaped Aric's mouth, Tristan lips replaced them, as the two were passionately kissing again.

Aric's hand slipped into Tristan's as he led Tristan back to their bedroom. Their lips never left each other's the entire time they were walking to the bedroom.

Reaching the bed, Aric pulled Tristan on top of him, as their tongues continued to lash at each other. Tristan pulled the shirt that Aric put on before breakfast off, exposing his bare chest. Aric removed Tristan's shirt, leaving the two skin to skin as they went back to making out. Tristan's hands were roaming over Aric's chest, when he felt Aric's hand go to his cock. Tristan's didn't think he could get any more hard before Aric's hand found it. Aric broke the kiss between them as pushed Tristan off him, rolling over to where Tristan was now on the bottom and Aric was on the top. Aric traced a trail of kisses from Tristan's mouth to his neck. He nibbled on Tristan's earlobe, before kissing down his neck. He kissed down to Tristan's pecs, nibbling and licking his nipples.

Tristan moaned with pleasure at Aric's exploration of his body.

Aric licked from Tristan's pecs to his six-pack, then down the trail of dark hair that led to Aric's object of fascination.

Tristan's boxers were straining against his cock, being stretched to their capacity. Aric's hand found the waistband of the boxers and pulled them down, releasing the 9.5 inch monster from its captivity.

Aric wrapped his hand around Tristan's cock. Tristan moaned at the feeling of Aric's hand around his engorged member. Aric smiled, pleased he was pleasing Tristan. He continued to stroke it, before licking up the sides of his cock. Tristan's body jolted at the sudden warmth on his cock. Aric had placed his cock in his mouth, and was sucking, up and down. Aric swirled his tongue around the head, cleaning any trace of the pre-cum that had been covering his cock. Aric continued to do this for a while before Tristan pulled his head off of his cock, and led Aric's mouth back to his.

Tristan impaled Aric's mouth with his tongue, as he pushed Aric onto his back. Tristan removed his mouth from Aric's, as his mouth went from Aric's mouth to Aric's cock immediately. Aric moaned in pleasure. His hands went to the back of Tristan's head, gripping his dark brown locks within his fingers.

While Tristan was sucking on Aric's cock, Tristan inserted a finger into his ass, pushing in, slowly at first, but then picking up speed. Aric moaned again, telling Tristan to continue. Tristan stuck another finger in, stretching Aric's hole. He soon added a third finger, as he thrust his hand into Aric's ass.

"Stop, stop, Tristan." Aric said between moans. "Stop teasing me. I need you inside. Now"

Tristan made one more motion with his mouth before pulling off of Aric's cock. He kissed Aric again, before lining his cock up at Aric's hole. He pushed in, gently, not wanting to hurt Aric.

Aric groaned, taking a moment to get used to Tristan's cock. After waiting for a second, Tristan began to push in, faster. Soon, he was thrusting into Aric, the volume of the couple's moans increasing.

Aric was now pushing into Tristan's thrusts, wanting to receive the maximum pleasure.

Tristan thrusted into Aric, his cock pushing into the tight hole.

Aric had now begun to stroke his own cock, increasing his speed to match that of Tristan.

"I'm close..." Tristan said, not slowing his pace.

"Me too..." Aric said, jerking his cock faster.

Tristan continued to push into Aric, faster and faster, until he felt the familiar feeling in his balls, and he let go, his cum shooting inside of Aric.

Aric could feel Tristan shooting inside him, and his own cock began to pulse. Soon, Aric was shooting his own load, covering his body with ropes of thick cum.

Tristan pulled out and collapsed on top of Aric, both panting.

"I love you Tristan."

"I love you too Aric. So much"

Tristan decided that a shower was in order. He asked Aric if he wanted to join him, but Aric shook his head.

"It's really not big enough." Aric said, laughing.

"Well, I don't mind being close to you." Tristan said, chuckling.

When he got out of the shower, Aric replaced him.

Tristan wandered to the kitchen again, looking for something to eat. As he found the cereal, there was a "poof" sound, and a flash of pink, as Twila appeared.

"Whoa! How'd you get here?" Tristan asked, going over to her and hugging her.

"I said a spell. I can teleport in the future. Awesome huh?" Twila said.

"Oh, just wait till you hear what I can do!" Tristan said.

Tristan began to tell her his story, when Aric walked in the room, wrapped in a towel. Twila's eyes got big and Tristan looked at her sheepishly. He held up his hand, showing his ring.

"We have a lot to talk about." Twila said.

"But let's not forget why we're here." Tristan started. Twila nodded.

They had to save their little brother, and get back to their time.

To be continued...

So, that's it!

When I first started writing this chapter, I was a little deflated. I guess after the last chapter, I didn't really know where to start. But, a couple of chapters ago, someone suggested a "future" episode. So I complied. This episode has some elements you might recognize from "Morality Bites" and "A Witch in Time".

So, again, sorry about the beginning. When they got to the future, I started to get excited again. Haha

So, we now know what Tristan and Twila's powers are, and what they will develop.

Tanner's will be revealed in the next episode. Although, I am still on the fence about his. I'm still open for suggestions on Tanner's powers.

We now, also know, about Alyss' secret. The Nexus. You'll have to wait and see just how important they'll come to be.

On another note, I already said I like feedback. Well, that was a lie. I love feedback. I love hearing back from you guys. I like to know what's going on in your head after you read the story.

I got quite a bit of feedback the last time, but I can always go for more.

Anyway, thanks again!

Comments, Suggestions, and Questions are ALWAYS welcome!


Next: Chapter 7

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