Charmed New Beginning

By moc.oohay@09kcinsuoiroton

Published on Jan 30, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the rights to these characters. All factions and representations of "Charmed" belong to the WB and its writers and producers. I do not make any profit off of these stories.

This story is fiction and does not mean to imply anything about any Celebrity's sexual orientation or personal life mentioned in it.

This story will contain intimate relationships and sex between two males. If this offends you, or if you are not allowed to read this story due to age restrictions, please leave.

"Charmed: New Beginning"

"Episode Four: The Covenant"

"The fact that you have yet to send someone to the newly reinstated Charmed Ones is reckless and irresponsible."

"Watch your tongue witch."

"What're you gonna do to me bad boy? I'm already dead."

Piper, Phoebe, and Paige had made a point to catch the Elders' attention so that they could speak with them, concerning a whitelighter for the new Charmed Ones. Little did they know that their Grams would attend the party. She had been arguing with them all day, not backing down one bit. It was actually funny, in the ironic way.

"You may be dead, but there will still be consequ-"

"Shut up. You can't do anything to me without getting the deceased magical community in an uproar." Penny Halliwell said, crossing her arms, as if that finalized that conversation.

"Very well. We have been reluctant to send your grandchildren a whitelighter because they have one among them who can heal wounds already. And we've allowed all three of the previous Charmed Ones to cross between the worlds as though they weren't dead. Paige has already visited them several times to attend to their wounds."

"Well, if you'd give Twila a proper book of spells besides the smidgeons she finds in our book, she might turn out to be something! And even though Paige has been doing the job, she can't be with them 24/7. Or offer the guidance that a whitelighter with 300 years of experience can. She was only a whitelighter for 25 years." Penny argued back.

"Alright. We will assign the whitelighter Aric Masters. But honestly Penelope, the new Charmed Ones have been growing at a steady pace. They've vanquished several demons, completed one of our assignments, and visited the Underworld to take care of a tribe of demons. They've taken care of themselves so far."

"The new Charmed Ones have yet to face an immediate threat. I say there is no better time to strike." said a warlock in the deep depths of the Underworld. No one had crossed the threshold of Babylonia since the original Source had reigned there. Almost all demons were either too afraid to go there, thought it was cursed, or just felt out of place. The warlock named Viper felt it was just right for his assembled acquaintances.

"What do you propose Viper?"

"I just think that we need to test the waters. They've only had their powers for two months. And yes, they have vanquished some demons, but they haven't had to face a challenge."

"What of the Quarinus?"

"That was pure luck. Who could've known that there was one in the area that just happened to attracted to males? And that he almost killed one of them. Total coincidence." Viper said while smiling.

In Viper's opinion, The Covenant was the one of the best things he had done in his life of evil. There were five of them together. All represented power and authority. He smiled as he thought back to how it was founded...

Nervous. Very Nervous. Asmodious was walking the halls of magic school, quickly walking to the library. If either of the other Triad members found he was doing this, they would surely find a way to kill him. Asmodious had faith in which the others of the Triad had chosen to deal with the Charmed Ones, but he was still wary of the plan. And as always, he had a back-up. He had secretly been convening with a warlock by the name of Viper. He saw power in the warlock. Leadership. Control. Viper was the one who would take charge of the legacy the Triad had already set into motion, should their plan fail...

He finally reached the library. Standing in the middle was a warlock that had black hair, and even darker eyes. He was tall, easily six feet. He was dressed in a black leather jacket and jeans.

This was Viper.

"Has it been completed?" Asmodious asked.

"Yes my Lord. It is done. All we need now is you."

"Very well then. We are congregating soon, but after we are finished, I shall meet you."

"Yes my Lord." Viper said as he blinked out of Magic School.

The plan was working properly. Now all Asmodious had to do was meet Viper and the Transcriber Demon in the Underworld. There, he planned to replicate all of his knowledge and power into the stone of a ring. The stone would then be charmed to release the knowledge and power to the wearer if, and when, Asmodious died, ensuring that his legacy would live on. And so would the Triad. In a way...

Viper snapped back into reality, looking at his four fellow leaders. This was the closest thing to another "Triad" that there had been since the original Charmed Ones had vanquished them. Although, he knew the others of the Covenant were nervous about the rumors of a new Source rising. But Viper, personally, thought that was ridiculous. They were in control. They had the power. Viper quickly continued his discussion about his plan.

"I think we need to separate them. If we can get any one of them alone, they will be easy to deal with. Telekinesis, Temporal Stasis, and Premonition. The same powers as before. We deal with Telekinesis all the time. Temporal Stasis can be dealt with if the witch is tied up or knocked out. As for the witch with Premonition, well, that should be the easiest. The witches have defeated every demon that has attacked them so far. But that has been on their ground and on their terms. I say we turn the tables on them."

"Very well. Viper, you shall be the organizer of this attack. You shall have any reinforcements you need."

Viper the warlock smiled, as his cohorts shimmered out in quick succession. He stood there, running his fingers over a ring on his finger, with a ruby jewel in its grasp. He smiled again as he blinked away from Babylonia.

"Come on Tanner, you can do better than that." Tristan said, laughing at his irritated brother.

"Oh, come on! I've got Twila trying to kick my head off and you're throwing stuff at me willy nilly!" Tanner said from the floor of the attic.

"Well, you're the one without offensive powers. If anything were to happen, you have to be on guard, able to defend yourself." Tristan said ,concern evident in his voice.

"Yeah, yeah. I just think it's a little ridiculous."

"Alright, let's go again!"

Tanner just rolled his eyes. Ever since the stupid Quarinus had attacked, Twila and Tristan had been obsessing over his protection. He was honestly touched by their concern, but it was a little overbearing.

"Look, I have to be at Quake in 30 minutes. I've gotta go." Tanner said, quickly, walking to the door.

"Hey Tanner, heads!" Tristan said, telekinetically throwing a potion towards him. Expecting another attempt attack he quickly put his hands up, freezing the potion before it reached him. Tristan smiled.

"Keep that with you, okay?" Tristan asked. Tanner just smiled and walked out of the room.

"What about you Mr. Magic?" Twila asked, throwing a pillow at Tristan.

"What do you mean?" Tristan asked with a confused look.

"What have you got planned for today?"

"Oh, well I have an appointment at Photogenic for a job."

"Ooh! Well alrighty then." She said, getting up from the couch and walking out of the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Absolutely no where. I don't have anything to do today. Although I think I do have an appointment with men of `As the World Turns.'"

Tanner lied. He actually felt a little bad about it. Tanner didn't have to go to work that day. But he couldn't let his brother and sister know that he was going across the world with Paige. They might freak out if they knew that.

Twila's birthday was coming up. And until recently, he didn't know what to get her. But something that Piper had said got him thinking. And his thinking led to Which led to the book he needed. Which led to Andorra. He didn't even know where Andorra was, until he Googled it. Who would've known that there was a country in between France and Spain? He was actually kind of surprised that it hadn't been conquered by either of the larger countries yet.

He sighed. He was thinking too much again. He'd been over thinking things a lot recently.

"Ah. I just need to focus." He said, putting the car in park. He had gotten a spot at a local parking garage the day before, so he could park his car there while he and Paige went to Europe.

He got out of the car and looked around, making sure there wasn't anyone walking around.

"Paige!" He called. He waited for a second, and then looked up towards the ceiling of the parking garage, even though he knew he was subconsciously looking higher. Paige knew that they were supposed to be going "shopping" today. She should have come right away.

Turning around, he opened the door to his car. As he did, he heard a loud crunching noise and jumped when the side view mirror closest to him was torn off his door. Tanner quickly turned around just in enough time to drop to his knees as an energy ball flew over his head, threatening to do it for him.

Tanner looked up and saw at least seven of them. Demons. In the middle of the parking garage. In the daytime.

`God,' he thought,' this is really getting out of hand.'

He quickly stood up and reached in the console of his car, where he kept an atheme. Better safe than sorry he always thought. Although, he did often wonder what would happen if his vehicle were searched.

`Damn it, there I go again with the over thinking'. Tanner thought ducking out of the way of a fireball.

He threw the atheme with extreme precision into one of the demon's chest. He quickly erupted into flames, as the atheme dropped to the ground. All the demons paused for a moment as they looked from where the vanquished demon had been standing, to Tanner.

"Yeah, that's right! You're messing with a Charmed One!" Tanner said, as he held up his hand waved to them. His motion was obvious. Tanner was saying "bring it". And the demons didn't have a problem in following the order.

Simultaneously, the demons conjured and projected their individual fire and energy balls and threw them at Tanner.

He smiled as he waved his hand at them and they froze in mid-air. He smiled as looked at the demons. But they weren't frozen.

`Damn, this must be the range thing Piper was talking about. I knew it'd come back to bite me in the ass.' He thought as he fetched the potion out of his pocket and threw it a cluster of them. Three of them vanished in an inferno of flame, leaving three more demons.

One of them ran at Tanner, a long blade in each hand. Tanner froze him as soon as he stepped into his theoretical range. He took one of the blades from his hand and sliced his head off in a fluid motion.

He turned to the other two demons. He raised the long dagger in the air and flung it one of them. To his surprise, the demon caught it.

`Crap.' Thought Tanner.

Before he had the chance to freeze them, the other demon ran at him with lightening quick speed. He tackled him into the wall, which partially cracked due to the sudden impact. Tanner felt immediate pain in his right arm as he heard a crunch. He cried out in agony. The demon was pinning him against the wall, holding him at the neck.

"Ppp..." Tanner whispered, trying to muster the strength to call for help.

The demon smiled as he held out his hand as an atheme appeared. That was enough to give Tanner motivation.

"PAIGE!" Tanner said in an urgent whisper.

White orbs filled the space beside him as Paige appeared. She looked as though she were about to start yelling at him, when she saw his predicament.

"Oh! Uhh.. Atheme!" She said, motioning for it then throwing it back at the demon holding Tanner. As Tanner dropped to the ground, she looked to the other demon and looked around frantically. A fireball appeared in his hand as he prepared to throw it.

"Ummm... Pipe!" She commanded as one of the ventilation pipes above the demon disappeared in blue and white particles and immediately appeared in Paige's grip. She threw it at the demon, the pipe lodging itself in his chest. The demon exploded, and Paige quickly ran back over to Tanner, concentrating on healing him.

Tristan finally reached Photogenic's building. He smiled at the life-sized camera sculpture in front of the building as he went in.

"Uh, hi. My name is Tristan Halliwell. I have an appointment with one of the hiring managers." He said to the receptionist at the front desk.

"Ah, yes. Ms. Alyss is expecting you" the receptionist replied, not even having to look at her appointment book. She motioned to a woman who had just walked out of a door to Tristan's left.

"This is Fiona. She will take you to Ms. Alyss' office."

"Thank you." Tristan said, smiling.

Tristan followed the woman through a door, down a hallway, finally stopping in front of the last door. She motioned at the door and left. Tristan knocked, and heard the affirmative to come in. He opened the door.

Inside, was a woman of about 25, with blonde hair and blue eyes, framed by glasses. She was tall, maybe 5'11" or taller. She had on nice clothes, obviously, since she was the CEO of one of the greatest photography agencies in the state. She smiled at him, and motioned for him to sit down.

Tristan sat down and handed her his portfolio and resume. He sat down and waited in anticipation.

"Well, Mr. Halliwell. My name is Alyss Brooks. I'm glad that you came by today. Well, before we even start I want you to know that I have already decided to hire you."

Tristan just looked at her in confusion.

"You see, I looked at your sample pictures you sent in, and I love them. We're also in short supply of photographers. But, even if we weren't I would still hire you. There's something about you that I really like."

"Umm, ok. Well thanks. Uh, when do I start?"

"Well, if it's possible, right now. We have a photo shoot in an hour, and I'd really like you to cover it."

"Okay, yeah! Absolutely! Where is it?" He asked, reaching for a pad and pencil out of his messenger bag.

Tristan pulled up to the warehouse where the photo shoot was taking place. He got out, got his equipment from the back of his SUV, and walked into the warehouse. It was big and spacious, with several different sets around the room. There was a section for wardrobe and makeup in the middle.

But strangely enough, there was no one there.

The entire warehouse was empty. The silence was almost painful

He walked in and set his equipment on one of the makeup stations. All the lights were on, and it looked as though a photo shoot were about to happen any minute.

He walked past several mannequins and began to set up some of the equipment at his set.

He looked at the mannequins standing up on his set. They looked strangely out of place. He walked up to one of them and looked at its face. He walked in a circle around it. Stopping again in front it, he turned around to go back to his equipment. He felt a strong force behind him, and was pushed into a rack near the set.

Tristan quickly recovered and turned around. A demon was standing where the mannequin was. He looked at the other mannequins, who also transformed into demons. Four of them all together.

"Crap." He said. The thrust his hand at them and sent two flying. The other threw an energy ball at him, which he quickly deflected back at the demon, vanquishing him. He turned to one of the racks and lifted it telekinetically, throwing it at the other demon, who quickly disappeared under its weight.

One of the other demons conjured a fireball and threw it at him, and while deflecting it, got hit by another fireball on the shoulder. He shrunk to his knees and put pressure on his shoulder.

He flung his arm at the demon who hit him, sending him sailing through the air. He lifted his arm up and focused on one of the lights hanging from the ceiling, and brought his arm down, pulling the heavy light with it.

The last demon got up and conjured a fireball. Tristan was too tired to do anything else. The seconds that passed between the time he looked at the demon and the warehouse door opened seemed like forever. But when the door opened, it flooded natural light into the warehouse. In the doorway, stood Alyss Brooks. She looked from Tristan to the demon.

Before Tristan could shout a warning, Alyss held her hand up and in it, materialized and orb of water. It collected in her hand, as is if being poured from a pitcher. She looked back at the demon and threw the water at him. At it hit him, it froze oh his chest. The ice continued to expand, until the demon was encased in a block of ice.

Alyss grabbed a shirt from one of the wardrobe racks left standing, and ran over to Tristan, using the shirt to apply more pressure on the wound.

Twila had just finished making a sandwich in the kitchen when she heard the beginning of "As the World Turns". She grabbed her sandwich and tea and ran into the sitting room. She curled on the couch as she grabbed the remote to turn up the volume. She watched the show for a little longer, finally finishing her sandwich. At the commercial break, she took her plate and glass back to the kitchen. She quickly washed the plate and glass and ran back to the sitting room.

Just as the face of the cutest guy on the show appeared, she heard the now all too familiar sound of shimmering in the Parlor. She sighed and turned around.

There stood four demons. She slightly caught her breath. She had never handled that many by herself before. Before she could continue the thought, a lightning bolt came riveting at her. She had milliseconds to drop behind the couch, before the bolt reached the spot where she sat.

She quickly rifled through the spells in her knowledge before sticking her head up, just over the edge of the couch and said, "Carpe Travenchem!" The demon who threw the lightning bolt was thrown into the wall, and slumped to the floor. Two of the demons threw fireballs at her.

She stood up and held her hands up in front of her. "Nos Blakkos Tempero!" The fireballs froze in their place, in mid-air. Her head was already killing her. The mental strain of holding the fireballs in place was not helping her. Unlike her brother, she couldn't freeze anything just at the drop of a hat. Her magic could only hold it in place. The momentum behind the fireballs didn't decrease fast enough for Twila to handle, so she needed to do something with the fireballs, before she passed out. "Reverso!" She cried, as the two fireballs reversed their course, and with the same velocity as when they were thrown, exploded into the bodies of their creators.

The last demon shot was quick to shoot a bolt of lightning at her as well. Twila flipped behind one of the walls separating the Parlor and Foyer. "Two can play at that game," she said before sticking her hand out from behind the wall and shouted,"Tauo Fraeim!" Lightning erupted out of her hand as the demon was blasted into nothingness.

The demon that was knocked out then started to stir. Before he could get up, Twila grabbed a potion from a nearby table and threw it at him. He exploded as well, leaving Twila with a headache and a very large mess for Twila to clean up. She looked around and walked back to the sitting room, where the T.V. was still showing "As the World Turns." Twila plopped down on the half of the couch that wasn't destroyed, losing herself, again, in the soap-opera.

"What happened?" Paige asked, helping Tanner to his feet.

"I could ask you the same question!" Tanner hissed, sitting down in the driver seat of his car. "Where were you?"

"I was trying to get you a whitelighter, so that I wouldn't have to deal with all this anymore. Well, actually, Grams was doing the talking."

"Well I'm sorry we're such an inconvenience for you. But I mean, you said you could take me to Andorra today. That was when I called you the first time. Then I tried calling you again. Strike two. Then, my head was about to be chopped off, and you finally decide to show up!"

"Hey, even if I did get here late, I still saved your ass!"

"Yeah, yeah. Can we go now?"

"You still wanna go? You were almost killed."

"Yeah, well that happens about everyday now. "

"When did you get so moody?"

"When I realized that that could've been my last breath..."


Tristan and Alyss had just walked through the door of the Manor, when they saw the damage done to the manor. "Twila?" Tristan yelled again, this time more alarmed.

They walked further into the foyer, and turned to see Twila sitting on half of their couch, watching Oprah. She was drinking a milkshake and had an ice pack on her head.

"What the hell happened here?" Tristan asked.

"Oh, hey. Well a demon-stration..." Twila said, faltering and quickly covering herself when she saw Alyss.

"It's okay. This is Alyss. She's a witch."

"Ohh, shew. I had nothing to explain the destroyed house." She said, giggling deliriously.

"What happened?" Asked Tristan again, trying to draw back her attention.

"Well, one demon threw lightning, destroying couch. Threw him into the wall. Two others threw fireballs, which I stopped and deflected. The other one threw lightning, explaining the wall. Killed him with lightning. Other demon started to wake up, so I threw a potion at him, which explains the scorch marks near the Dining Room." Twila said, pointing to each area as she described her vanquishes.

"Umm, wow. Well, good job. Although I guess you could've done better with the cleanup."

"Yeah, well with a headache like this, it would've hurt to talk."

Tristan was about to say something when they heard the sound of orbs and saw Paige and Tanner materialize. When Paige saw Alyss, she froze. Her eyes got big, and so did Tanner's.

"It's okay. She's a witch." Tristan said again.

"Oh. Thank God. Didn't know how I was gonna cover that one." Paige said, covering her heart.

"Okay, I'm guessing from the looks of things, demons attacked here too?" Tanner said, observing the damage.

"Yeah..." Twila said.

"Wait, "too"? Did you get attacked?" Tristan asked.

"Umm, yeah. Killed five of em. The other two almost killed me. Then Paige showed up and vanquished em."

"Wow. I got attacked too. I was setting up for a photo shoot and the demons transmogrified into mannequins. Killed three of them, but I got hit. The last one almost got me, then Alyss showed up and did something..." Tristan said, trailing off in confusion.

"Hydrokinesis." Alyss said, matter-of-factly.

"Wow, that's different." Paige said. "The only time we've seen that power is when the Sea Hag attacked us."

"Well, I'm not a Sea Hag. I can control and create water, in any state."

"Yeah, she threw a waterball at the demon and made him freeze. Literally. He was a block of ice before Alyss shattered him."

"Well then, looks like we all had an eventful day." Twila said, still holding the icepack to her head.

"Yeah..." Tristan said, looking around the house. It was a wreck.

"Let me give this a try," Tanner said. "Let the object of objection become but a dream, as I cause the Seen to be Unseen."

The house transformed into the clean sanctuary the siblings recognized.

"Good job buddy!" Twila said.

Tanner smiled back.

"Well, I'd better be getting back. We've almost finalized the whitelighter issue. See ya later!" Paige said, before disappearing in an array of light.

The Twila, Tristan, and Alyss were sitting in the dining room, discussing the day's events further. They talked a little more, then focused their conversation on Alyss.

"Well, I only learned that I was a witch two years ago. As soon as my powers manifested, my whitelighter appeared. I knew who he was, because he had assimilated himself into my life as my car driver. We actually got to know each other pretty well. Anyway, he explained the whole thing to me. It definitely took me a while to adjust though. I actually had to take a couple of weeks off work."

"Wow," said Twila. "We couldn't exactly do that. We kinda got thrown into it."

"Well, I would expect it to be a little different. I mean, you guys are the Charmed Ones."

"Yeah, well sometimes, it would be nice to just be a regular person." Twila said.

"But, you can't just sit back and watch your destiny go by. This is part of you. You have to embrace it."

"You really seem to have a handle on this, Alyss." Tristan said.

"Well, I guess I've taken my own advice. I've embraced my destiny." Alyss said.

"So, tell us more about your powers." Twila said, interested.

"Well, like I said, I have Hydrokinesis. I can control and create water in any state. At first, I had to have water on hand for me to be able to use it. But now, I can draw it from the air. I can create ice weapons, spikes, anything like that. Also, as an extension of my power, I can heal minor wounds. I actually just found out about that aspect of my power."

"Wow, that's really cool." Twila said.

"Yeah, well, not as cool as you guys' powers."

"So do demons attack you too?" Tristan asked.

"Not at first. But then, my whiteligher said that some demons in the Underworld saw me as a threat. He also told me, that after I die, I'll most likely be a whitelighter. Which is another reason that I get attacked."

"Wow. You've been through a lot."

"Well, maybe you guys will let me help you? I mean I really only have a little experience, but maybe I could help you out."

"Definitely," Tristan said. "We could use your expertise, and you can heal. And your powers rock."

They all laughed. The door to the kitchen opened and Tanner walked in carrying four plates on his arms.

"Dinner is served!" He said. Tanner placed the four plates in their respective spots at the table. Tristan looked at the fish put down in front of him and smiled.

"Looks good, Tanner."

"Thanks. Catfish, rice, and green beans. Eat up."

They all began to eat. They discussed several topics over dinner. They discussed Tristan's new job, Tanner's old job, and several different things. When everyone was finished, Tristan gathered the plates and headed toward the kitchen. He had been gone for a while, when orbs filled the doorway of the dining room. Twila, Tanner, and Alyss looked, as Paige appeared.

"Hey. I just came down quickly to let you know that your new whitelighter will be visiting you shortly."

"So, what? We won't see you anymore?" Tanner asked, with a twinge of melancholy in his voice.

"No, honey. You'll still be able to summon us. The Elders won't let me orb between the worlds anymore, so you'll have to summon me. But, I won't guarantee it'll be you summon."

"Well, it's still kind of sad." Twila said.

Tristan walked out of the kitchen, and sat down. They quickly filled him in on the situation.

"So, who is it?" Tristan asked in anticipation.

"His name is Aric Masters. He's had several hundred years of experience. He was actually a whitelighter for someone in our family before."

"Wow, that's cool," Tanner said. "When do we get to meet him?"

Paige looked up into the sky, hearing the call of the Elders. She smiled.

"Actually, right now. I've got to go. But I will you again. Don't worry." She gave them all a quick hug. "Well, Blessed Be, and all that jazz." Paige said with a laugh. They all laughed, too, as Paige disintegrated in a flurry of orbs.

"Well, I guess I better get going." Alyss said getting up. She went over to the Foyer and picked up her jacket.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Tristan asked.

"No, it's okay. I'll meet him at another time. This should be a moment just between you guys. Thanks for the invite though." Alyss walked through the door, leaving the siblings in silence and anticipation.

A few moments later, the doorway filled with white light again, and Aric Masters appeared.

Tristan's jaw dropped in awe.

Aric was at least 6 feet tall, with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. When Aric saw the siblings, he smiled. Tristan thought he might pass out. His smile was gorgeous.

Aric was dressed in a blue polo and blue jeans. "Adonis" was the only word that Tristan could think of.

"Hi, I'm Aric. I'm your new whitelighter."

"Yeah we know," Twila said. "I'm Twi-"

"Twila. Yeah, I know. I know all about you guys. It's part of the job description. You're Tanner. And you're Tristan." He said, pointing at them in succession.

Aric shook each of their hands. Tristan had trouble letting go.

"So, how does this thing work exactly? I mean, we've only had Paige as a whitelighter."

"Well, almost exactly like it was with her. Whenever you need me, just call me. I'll probably be around a lot more though. And I'll probably be hanging with you guys a lot more."

`Hanging out is good' Tristan thought.

A few hours later, Twila was in bed and Tristan and Tanner were in the kitchen for a midnight snack. Tanner was slurping the ice cream off of his spoon.

"Isn't he just gorgeous?" Tristan blurted out suddenly.

"Umm, who?" Tanner said, slightly confused by the outburst.

"Aric." Tristan said, as though the one word completed him.

"Well, I mean, he's cute. But I'm not like jumping to get into bed with him. I'm trying to be a little more careful with spontaneous sex since the last time." Tanner said.

Even though both Tristan and Tanner were gay, they still had differences between them. Tanner was always the one who had the "spontaneous sex". Tristan never had sex unless he trusted the person. Which usually meant a relationship.

Tristan hadn't had a relationship in a couple of years actually.

And, Tanner happened to be a bottom. Tristan was a definite top.

"I don't know. He just seems...perfect."

"Well, he is an angel." Tanner said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess so." Tristan said, chuckling too. "I'm gonna go to bed." Tristan said finally, putting his bowl in the sink. "Good night." Tristan said to Tanner, ruffling his hair.

"Good night, Tristan." Tanner said, leaning away from Tristan's hand that was rifling through his hair.

Tristan quickly climbed the steps, finally reaching his room. He stepped in and walked over to his bed. He stripped off his shirt, throwing into the hamper. He unbuttoned his jeans, and pulled them down. He walked over to the mirror, admiring his figure. He ran his hands over his chest, and down to his stomach, where his six-pack shone beautifully.

Tristan walked away from the mirror, and walked over to his dresser. He pulled out a tee-shirt and sweat pants. He quickly pulled them on, and walked over to his bed.

"Oh, God. Fuck me Tristan."

Tristan's 9.5" cock was pounding in and out. It felt so good. Tristan continued fucking him.

Tristan flipped him over, to where Tristan was fucking him missionary style. Tristan pulled the man into a deep kiss. Their tongues slid over each other. The passion between them was almost too much.

Tristan continued to fuck him, as they kissed more and more. The man assimilated Tristan's movements, moving his hips into Tristan's cock.

They fucked for several more moments, the passion continuing to build. It was almost too much for Tristan. He swung his hips back and forth, his cock going in and out, getting closer and closer to his climax.

Moans and moans came from the pair, until finally, Tristan felt extreme tension in his balls. Tristan pulled out and shot his load on the man's chest.

Ropes of cum came from Tristan's cock. He shot, load after load, until finally he was spent. He collapsed on the man, chest heaving.

"I love you Tristan."

"I love you too, Aric."

In the middle of the night, Tristan sat up in bed, chest heaving back and forth, waking up from his shocking dream.

"You call this a success Viper?"

"No, of course not. I didn't say we were going to kill them. I said that we were going to test the waters. We didn't know that the witch with freezing was being trained to protect himself. We could've killed the telekinetic witch, but there was another one there. Alyss Brooks. She's been a thorn in our side for a while as well. Then, we didn't know that the witch who was supposed to have the power of Premonition, actually had Dialect Magic! The only other witch who has had that power, also happening to be in the Charmed line, singlehandedly killed a Source. It wasn't my job to know that! You should blame our intel department for that." He said, pointing to one of the five Covenant members.

"Now that we know what they can do, we can monitor them more closely, and then, organize a tactful attack."

"The Charmed Ones will not be a threat for much longer."

Alright! There's the next installment! Many of you have been asking about the siblings' parents. Tey will be revealed shortly.

Another installment will be up before Friday hopefully!

Comments, suggestions, and questions always welcome!


Next: Chapter 5

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