Charmed New Beginning

By moc.oohay@09kcinsuoiroton

Published on Jan 28, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the rights to these characters. All factions and representations of "Charmed" belong to the WB and its writers and producers. I do not make any profit off of these stories.

This story is fiction and does not mean to imply anything about any Celebrity's sexual orientation or personal life mentioned in it.

This story will contain intimate relationships and sex between two males. If this offends you, or if you are not allowed to read this story due to age restrictions, please leave.

"Charmed: New Beginning"

"Episode 3: Hot Spell"

"Twila! Get Down!"Tristan yelled at he threw the large chair he had in his telekinetic grasp at the black clothed intruder. An intruder who happened to throw fireballs. The chair hit the demon with stunning speed knocking him down. Twila ran over to the Solarium, where Tanner was on the floor, unconscious.

"Tristan, he won't wake up!" Tristan looked over to Twila and Tanner before realizing he shouldn't have. The demon took the opportunity to throw another fireball. Before Tristan had the chance to deflect the flame, he was knocked into the wall by the flaming sphere. Twila flinched as she looked at both of her unconscious brothers. Glaring back at the demon she abruptly stood up, facing him,

"What, you wanna play sweetheart?" The demon asked provokingly.

"Yeah, we'll play," said Twila, delving into her now extensive knowledge of spells.

"Incindium Flareum!" Twila cried, thrusting her hands toward the demon. A wall of fire erupted from her palms, incinerating the demon immediately. Twila slumped. She hadn't expected that spell to take so much from her. Her head was now pounding, as a result from the overexertion. She ran over to Tristan, whose chest was bleeding, as well as his head.

"Shit. Shit, shit, shit!" She said, trying to remember a healing spell. After giving her small library of magical knowledge a thorough look-over, she gave up.

"Paige!" She called. Moments later, she saw the familiar orbs float into the manor.

"What is i- Oh my God!" Paige said, noticing the state of the manor, then Tristan.

"Uh huh. That's what I've been saying. Can you heal him please?!" Twila said, leaning back against the wall, holding her head. Paige held her hands over Tristan's chest, then his head. The now all too familiar glow of Paige's healing touch calmed Twila as she saw the wounds on Tristan's chest start to heal. When she was done he started coughing, but before Paige could speak again, Twila pointed toward the Solarium, just saying, "Tanner". Paige got up and ran over to Tanner, who also got up after a few minutes. Once they were both healed, they went to convene in the now mostly destroyed sitting room.

"What happened?" Tanner asked groggily.

"Demon. Just one. Still managed to kick our asses." Replied Twila, still holding her head. "You know, I'm starting to get sick of getting headaches and nosebleeds every time I have to use a spell."

"I thought that was getting better." Paige said sympathetically.

"It was. I mean, I use spells to do stuff, but the bigger ones wear me out. I thought that was supposed to get better over time." She said, looking at Paige.

"Well, honey, we're kind of just playing it by ear. That's what was supposed to happen, in theory. Remember, we've never encountered your kind of power before."

"Yeah, well, it's stupid I get headaches if I wanna make a demon explode!"

"That's what you did?" Asked Tristan. "No wonder your head hurts. He took out Tanner before he even had the chance to freeze him. Every time I tried to knock him back, he only scooted. I had to throw stuff at him, and that didn't seem to do much. All of that probably means he was a pretty high society demon. The fact that you blew him up without a potion is something to be proud of."

"Yeah, well next time, you can do it."

"You know, it's been almost a month since we got "Charmed" and that's the only demon attack we haven't been able to handle easily." Tanner said.

"Yeah before it's just been freeze, attack, vanquish. This one actually got two of us." Twila commented.

"Well, that just means more training." This met groans from Twila and Tanner. "I'm just saying that it'll help. Twila can whip up another illusion, but make it more difficult."

"Well not tonight. I have a date." Tanner said, almost sheepishly. Twila opened her mouth wide and hit Tanner with a pillow.

"What? You never told me you had a date. You didn't even tell me you met someone!"

"Well yeah. I was leaving Quake when I ran into him. Literally. Knocked both of us down. But as soon as I saw him, mmmmm." Tanner said, staring off into space. Twila snapped in front of his face.

"Hey! Dude! Focus! Details!" She said, shaking him from the reminiscent daydream.

"Well, he's a little taller than me. Blonde hair. Gorgeous brown eyes. And he's so muscular. Oh my God he's perfect. And he works for Buckland's. He was in a business suit when I "ran" into him. He filled it out so well. His name is Chad." Tanner said, returning to dreamland every time he listed a feature of his date. "He's taking me to Daffodil" he said, letting out a sigh.

"Ohhh yeah! I heard about that place. Well, Tanner, looks like you'll be dining in style tonight." She said, giving him a shove.

"Just don't be out late." Tristan said walking away towards the kitchen.

"Yes sir?" Tanner said, as he looked at Twila with an eyebrow raised.

"He's just getting tired of his right hand" Twila said, snickering. Tanner snickered too, and then meandered up the steps to his room.

`Well, what to do about this?' Twila thought looking at the destroyed house. "Let the object of objection become but a dream, as I cause the Seen to be Unseen." She said, smiling as the house transformed into a pristine palace.

Twila was talking on the phone to Ross, her wonderful fiancé, when Tanner walked down the stairs, dressed for his date.

"Uhh, Ross, sweetie, let me call you back in a sec. Mmm hmm. I love you too. Bye." She said as she hung up the phone. She took a second to take in her little brother.

He certainly didn't look little. Tanner was dressed into some amazingly fitting jeans that really showed off his bubble butt, and a nice bulge in the front. He wore a nice black and silver button-up shirt that really showed off his defined muscles and well rounded pecs.

"Damn Tanner. When did you grow up and get to be so sexy?" Twila said, smiling and going to hug her brother. Tanner laughed and hugged his sister back. "Just promise me you'll be careful?" Twila asked looking into Tanner's eyes. He smiled his million dollar smile.

"Of course Twila. Besides I can kick butt now. Remember?" He laughed, and so did she.

"No, Tanner, Tristan and I can kick butt. You can freeze and run." She said while laughing.

"Yeah, yeah." He said as turned the staircase. Halfway up the stairs, the doorbell rang. Twila froze, and then turned to look at Tanner and smile. She ran towards the kitchen, making sure to give Tanner privacy.

Tanner ran down the stairs, stopping by the mirror to check his clothes and his hair, then opened the door, flashing his million dollar smile to his date.

Chad was more stunning than Tanner remembered. He was wearing a black suit coat with a white button up shirt beneath it. He was simply and utterly hot.

"Hi." Said Chase, making Tanner swoon.

"Hi back." Tanner said as closed the door behind him. Chad opened the passenger door of his 2008 "Flame Red" Mustang (Just one more reason to call Chad sexy) for Tanner, and closed it behind him. As he walked in front of the car, Tanner had the chance to look at his ass. It was perfect to say the least.

How did I land a date with a guy as hot as this?' Tanner thought as Chad got in the car. Chad looked over at him and smiled. This is gonna be an interesting night,' thought Tanner.

"Gourmet French food for the table for two!" Twila said, placing a box of pizza on the table next to Tristan. He chuckled,

"First of all, I don't call Papa John's gourmet. Second, pizza is Italian."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. It's cheap, it tastes good, and I don't have to wash the dishes." Twila said grinning at Tristan. He chuckled more. They both watched the small T.V. they had in the kitchen for a while, listening to the daily weather report. 80's in September. It just recently got really hot, which was unusual since it was the end of the summer.

"Crazy weather..." Tristan mumbled.

"So, what do you think of Tanner going out?" Twila asked, trying to figure out what was bugging Tristan.

"I think it's good. He hasn't been out for a while. But I think now that we're the Charmed Ones, we need to be careful. Demons come into the house every day. Who's to say they won't try to sabotage every aspect of our lives?" he said before taking another bite of pizza.

"Well I think it's great. And I happened to catch a glimpse of his date. Total babe I must say. Looks like Tanner's clumsiness actually got him somewhere this time."

"Yeah." grumbled Tristan.

"Hey, why haven't you been out recently? I'm sure there are some great guys just waiting to eat you up. No pun intended." She said giggling.

Twila, Tristan, and Tanner had always been able to talk about relationships and sex without it being awkward. Twila just guessed that was because both of her brothers were gay. And they could always discuss whatever was on their mind without fear of being judged. It was a great feeling.

"Yeah, well, between trying to get a good enough hold on my powers and trying to protect you two, I don't really get out that much anymore I guess."

"You? Protect us? If I'm not mistaken, I was totally the one who kicked that demon's ass today."

"Well, it's kind of my job Twila. Mom and Dad died when we were real little and even though Piper took care of us, I was always the one to look after you. And now we have a supernatural threat that tries to kill us every day. And It almost succeeded today Twila. Tanner almost died. If that spell had taken any more out of you, we would have all been free game for that demon. And I know that we've been attacked before, but today really scared me. I'm scared I won't be able to protect you and Tanner. I'm scared that I'll do something that I won't be able to take back. I'm scared Twila."

As Tristan neared the end of his mini-speech he started to break down more and more, resulting in tears. Twila just held him and ran her fingers through his hair.

"Shhh. Shhh. It's alright Tristan. It's okay. Look at me." She said, pulling his head up to look at her. "It's not just your job anymore. It's OUR job Tristan. We have to look out for each other. You can't do it alone. Especially now. We need to be closer than ever before. We share the responsibility of being powerful together. We protect each other. Okay? No more going solo. You need to learn to let us in and allow us to be a part of your team. Okay?" She asked while holding his face.

Tristan smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go make you a banana split okay?"

Tristan nodded and smiled. Banana splits were his favorite. As she got up, he turned to the T.V. as the news reporter was telling her story.

"We have confirmed reports that there are five males that have been declared deceased in the city of San Francisco. From what the police have told us, all five of these men were homosexuals and in the Twenties to Thirties. We also have reports, that there are three men, of the same age, that are missing. The police have made a statement saying that it is possible there is a movement being made against the homosexual community. The police refuse to give us any other information at this time. Stay tuned for more updates."

After Tristan was finished watching the news, he got up to see how Twila was doing with the banana split. Just as he passed the phone, it rang.

"Hello?" Tristan answered.

"Tristan, this is Tanya. Look, I need some help."

Tanya was a family friend. Piper and the aunts knew her grandfather, Darryl Morris, and they actually helped them out a lot with some of his more unusual cases. Tanya just so happened to be the Lieutenant of the SFPD. Now, it looked like old family ties were coming back together again.

"Umm sure. What's up?" Tristan replied, unsure of her answer.

"Well, I don't know if you've heard, but we've got several men missing and even more dead."

"Yeah, I just got finished watching the news."

"Yeah, well the reason the police are so wary about giving information out is because the circumstances of death aren't exactly common."

"What do you mean?"

"According to the autopsies and tox scans, they are in perfect condition. They're just dead."


"They are all perfectly healthy guys. But for some reason, their hearts stopped pumping. No heart attacks, no strokes. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen. And I think this is more your department than mine."She said.

"Well, alright. I don't exactly know what we can do, but we'll see if we can find anything."

"Alright thanks. I'll call you later. Bye."

"Bye." Tristan hung up the phone as Twila entered the room with two banana splits.

"Sorry it took so long, I made tw-... What's wrong?" She asked when she saw Tristan's face.

"Exactly what I've been worrying about."

Tanner laughed at the man sitting next to him. Well, Tanner wasn't even sure he could call him a man. Maybe a god.

"I don't remember the last time I laughed this much" Tanner said, smiling at his date.

"Me neither." Chad said.

Tanner looked into Chad's eyes, as he suddenly grew serious.

"Thank you for tonight Chad."

"Oh, well we haven't finished yet." Chad said as he chuckled.

"Oh really? What else was on the agenda?" Tanner said as his eyes sparkled with anticipation of what was yet to come.

"Oh I don't know. I haven't had dessert yet."

"What were you planning on having?" Tanner asked as he inched closer to Chad. He could smell his scent. That intoxicating smell. He could see Chad's chocolate brown eyes.

"Something...sweet." Chad said as he got closer to Tanner. He looked at Tanner's full, luscious lips.

"I think I have just the thing..." Tanner said as he closed the space between them, finally pulling Chad into a kiss.

Tanner felt something in his pocket, and then recognized the tune of his ringtone. He sighed. He had maybe kissed Chad for one second before the damn thing went off and Chad drew back. He opened the phone and hissed into it.

"What is it?"

"Umm Tanner?" Twila asked from the other end of the line. She sounded confused.

"No. This is the city morgue. Yes this is Tanner!! What do you want?"

"Sorry. Listen, something's come up and we really need you home. Now."

"Twila, I'm busy."

"Yeah, well so is Evil. There's something going on and we're gonna need your help."

Tanner sighed. He looked at Chad and then rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I'm on my way."

"I just got off the phone with Tanner. He's on his way back now."

Tristan was looking through the Book of Shadows when he looked up.

"Oh, okay, good,"

"He sounded really agitated. And he said he was busy. You don't think they were..."

"God, Twila, no. Tanner's smarter than that."

"Yeah I guess. Have you found anything?"

"Well I don't really know. I mean from what Tanya gave us, we don't really have much to go on."

"Do you think it would help if we went to "inspect" the bodies?"

"Yeah maybe."

"We'll just have to wait until Tanner gets here."

"Yup." Tristan sighed.

"I had a really great time tonight Chad." Tanner said as they walked to the door.

They had taken no particular hurry in driving home, but now that they were on the front porch, Tanner couldn't delay it any longer. His family was waiting for him.

"I did too Tanner." Chad said as he looked at Tanner and smiled.

"Well, Good Night." Tanner said.

"Wait!" Chad practically screamed at Tanner before he turned the door knob.

"What?" asked Tanner, slightly startled.

Chad walked up to Tanner, quickly closing the space between them and whispered in his ear

"I never got dessert."

Tanner leaned his head back so he could look Chad in the eyes.

Tanner practically leapt onto Chad, assaulting the other man's mouth with his own. Tanner's fingers were running through Chad's hair as Chad's hands went to Tanner's ass.

Not long into the kiss, he felt Chad's tongue sweep against his lips and he was quick to reciprocate to gesture. Tanner was now grinding into Chad as their tongues battled for dominance.

Never before had Tanner felt such urgency to be with someone. It felt like they had been kissing forever, but it was only a few minutes.

Tanner didn't want to stop. Ever. He felt like he couldn't even if he wanted to. But he figured just how wrong he was when the door swung open to reveal Twila and Tristan standing in the doorway, looking at the couple in awe.

Tanner stepped away from Chad almost as fast as he had jumped onto him. Tanner bit his lip in embarrassment.

"I'll call you." Said Chad as he quickly smoothed his hair and swiftly walked back to his car, wasting no time in starting the car and speeding away.

"Well. Okay then."Twila said, fanning herself. Half of the reason she did this was to tease Tanner, but the other half was because it had to be 90 degrees outside the Manor. She walked past Tanner and ruffled his hair on the way to the car.

Tristan took time to adjust his jeans in the front, a little turned on from the scene they had just witnessed, then walked past Tanner, taking a hold of his arm on the way.

"We're going to the hospital. Twila will fill you in on the way."

"They show no signs of physical injury, internal injury, or any kind of toxins in their systems. They are simply dead."

The doctor was showing the siblings and Tanya Morris the bodies of the men that had died.

"Well, that doesn't exactly help us doctor." Tristan said, taking his time in viewing the bodies.

Tanner just kept walking around the room, looking at the bodies, sometimes stopping look at one's report.

Twila was looking over the medical records.

"Well, from what I can tell, the doctor is being completely truthful. Their medical reports show absolutely nothing." Twila confirmed.

"Who are you people again?" asked the doctor.

"These are the consulting psychics I was telling you about doctor." Tanya said, pointing to Tristan and Tanner. "This is Dr. Halliwell. She has extensive knowledge in medicine." Tanya said, pointing to Twila. Twila just raised her eyebrow and smiled.

"Right. Well. If you've seen all you need..." the doctor hinted.

"Of course doctor. Thanks for your time." Tanya said.

They all left, and agreed to convene back at the Halliwell Manor.

"Well, I'm not really sure yet Tanya. The doctor didn't really give us any more information than we already had." Twila said, looking a little disappointed.

"But we'll keep looking." Tristan assured.

"Well, call me if you find anything. Thanks guys."Tanya said as she opened the door and left.

Tanner was sitting on the couch, gazing off into space.

"Hello? Earth to Tanner." Said Tristan as he waved from across the room.

"Oh, sorry," said Tanner, coming back into existence. "I guess I'm just really tired. I'm gonna go on up to bed."

Twila looked at the clock. It was only 10:00. But she didn't say anything as Tanner passed her, dragging his feet up the stairs.

"Something seems off with him."Tristan said.

"Yeah, but maybe, like he said, he was tired. We've had a busy day."

Tristan nodded, but didn't look so sure.

Tanner closed the door to his room behind him and locked it. He slowly peeled his shirt off, revealing his nice pecs and almost quarter-sized nipples. His hands trailed down his torso to his perfectly defined six-pack. He admired himself in the mirror for a while, and then went to the bed to take off his shoes and socks.

After he had thrown the socks into the hamper across the room, Tanner got up again and began to slowly unbutton his nicely fitted jeans.

He undid the button. Then slowly, almost painfully, pulled down the zipper.

Tanner looked at himself, almost naked, in front of the mirror.

He could see the outline of his cock in his underwear. Of course, since his cock was 6" soft, it wasn't that hard to spot.

Tanner slowly pulled down his underwear to reveal his cock. The purple mushroom head was large and bulky. He slowly pulled his shaft with his hand, moaning in ecstasy of his own touch.

Looking in the mirror, Tanner snapped out of it. He looked at himself, and suddenly wondered what he was doing.

He put his underwear back on and slowly walked over to the bed. He turned off his bedside lamp and lay in bed for a few confused moments before sleep captured him.

He felt a breeze. He opened his eyes. It was dark. He looked over at the alarm clock, which revealed the time to be 3 A.M.

He looked over to his window, where a breeze was rustling the curtains.

Tanner got up out of bed and went over to the window. He looked outside for a moment, and then closed it. The breeze did feel good since it was so hot outside, but it was still weird since he didn't know how the window got open.

When Tanner turned back to his bed, he jumped at what he saw.

There sat Chad in his bed. Dangerously Naked.

Tanner took in his breath. He looked from Chad's feet to his cock, to his eyes. And as soon as their eyes made contact, Tanner's will was gone.

Tanner walked over to the bed, as they began when they left off earlier that evening. Since Chad was sitting up, leaning against the headboard, Tanner straddled him as they began to kiss.

Tanner knew it was a dream. But he didn't care.

Tanner kissed Chad with fervor like no other. They kissed for several minutes, tongues thrashing inside each other's mouths, until Chad withdrew and began to kiss Tanner's jaw line and then his neck. Chad made it all the way down to one of Tanner's nipples, slowly taking it into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it, making Tanner moan. Tanner pushed him off and began to kiss Chad's neck. Tanner crawled backwards on the bed so he could get in a lower position. He made his way down Chad's chest, licking and nibbling on his nipples. Chad threw his head back in ecstasy.

Tanner continued this for a minute then, licked down to his stomach. He licked Chad's six-pack, until he found the trail of dark hair leading from Chad's belly button to his cock.

Tanner had found his prize.

Chad's cock was about 9.5" hard, surrounded by a neatly trimmed bush that made his cock so much more desirable.Tanner was dying to devour it.

Tanner took Chad's cock into his hand and stroked it once or twice before plunging it into his mouth.

Chad moaned and groaned.

Tanner licked Chad's cock up and down. He took it in his mouth and swirled it around. He could use his tongue skillfully.

As Tanner continued sucking on Chad's cock, he began to feel a little strange. He felt a little dizzy. He supposed it was because he'd never felt this way before. But he ignored it, to go back to sucking this god's cock into his moist mouth.

But by then, Chad had decided he wanted something else. He pulled Tanner off of his cock and pushed him back so he was able to see his face, but also getting a view of his nice ass. This was what Chad wanted.

Chad leaned down to kiss Tanner one more time before lining his cock up with Tanner's asshole and pushing it in.

Tanner knew it would be rough, since Chad was so big and they didn't have any lube. But at the moment he didn't care.

Chad forcefully pushed in as Tanner's face contorted with pain.

Tanner was in bliss though. He wanted this. He loved the way Chad fucked him into ecstasy. He moaned louder and louder.

But Chad was being really rough. He had started at a pretty quick pace, but now he was going in really deep. And instead of feeling better, it was starting to feel worse.

"Chad, slow down." Tanner said, hoping to bring his pain to Chad's attention.

Chad didn't stop though. He continued to push in, faster and faster, fucking Tanner senseless. Tanner knew it hurt. It hurt so bad. He had to stop it.

But it felt so good. He couldn't stop it.

Yes he could. He had to, Chad was hurting him.

But it was Chad. And he loved him.

`What is going on?' Tanner wondered before being impaled by Chad again.

"A what?"

"They're called Quarina. I'm surprised we didn't notice it before." Tristan answered Twila's question.

"Okay, that's great. What are they?" She asked.

"They're the offspring of an Incubus and a Siren. They can seduce men or women, making them into their slave. Once they've had their fun, they drain the life force out of their victims."

"Well I guess it fits." Twila answered.

"Like a glove. Hey, it also says that whatever area they hunt experiences extremely hot weather. This has to be it...

"Oh my God!" Tristan suddenly said.

"What is it?" Twila asked, walking over to Tristan. Twila gasped. They both saw the same thing.

The picture of the Quarinus was beautiful. And it perfectly resembled Chad, Tanner's date.

Tanner's head had begun to spin. He couldn't stop Chad. He loved Chad. He wanted to please him. Tanner's vision became blurrier and blurrier, until Chad was only a figure. But looking at Chad closer, he had fangs. His eyes, they'd begun to take on a red glow.

And even though Tanner realized something was wrong, he couldn't stop Chad from fucking him. Chad slipped his cock in and out of Tanner's hole. And there was nothing Tanner could do to stop him.

Twila and Tristan ran downstairs immediately. They knocked on Tanner's door, but there was no response.

"Step back." Twila said as she began to kick open the door, but Tristan pushed his hand in front of the door and it blasted open.

They ran in the room and saw Chad on top of Tanner, fucking him. Tanner's eyes weren't open. He didn't even seem to be responsive.

Twila took action immediately.

"Dislovar!" she cried, knocking Chad, or the Quarinus, off Tanner with a concussive force of light.

Chad immediately recovered and stood up. He looked from Twila and Tristan and Tanner, and smiled.

Chad threw his hand in the direction of Tanner, and suddenly, Tanner was awake. But something wasn't right. Chad smiled again.

Tanner's eyes flew open and sat up in bed. He looked from Tristan and Twila to Chad.

"Tanner?" Tristan inquired.

Tanner looked back at Chad and their eyes locked. Chad nodded and pointed to Tristan and Twila.

Suddenly, without warning, Tanner leapt out of bed and grabbed one of the potions on the bedside table. As soon as it was in his hand, he threw it at Tristan and Twila.

Tristan thrust his hand forward and stopped the potion, which he and Twila both knew would have burned their flesh had he not.

"The Quarinus is making him attack us." Twila said. "We need to destroy it!"

Tanner was suddenly punching Twila. He got three good punches in; one to her stomach, and two to her face.

"Go, I got this!" Twila told Tristan, as she quickly recovered to block Tanner's punches. "I really don't want to hurt you Tanner."

Whatever she said, it made no difference. He kept coming at her. But her skills kept her aware, and she kept blocking, finally landing one good chop to a nerve in his neck, knocking Tanner out.

Tristan jumped over the bed and attempted to throw the Quarinus across the room, but "Chad" blocked it.

Its eyes started to glow a darker shade of red as it conjured a ball of shadow and threw it towards Tristan.

Twila, preparing a spell, quickly uttered, "Vorus Exemente!" and the shadow ball dissipated into a barrier erected in front of Tristan. He looked back at the Quarinus and threw the potion at it.

The Quarinus screamed and slowly started to twitch, before exploding outward in fire.

Tristan looked over at Twila, who looked from Tristan to Tanner.

Twila smiled an exhausted smile, and collapsed on top of Tanner.

The next morning, Tanner awoke to the smell of pancakes and bacon. He opened his eyes to see Twila standing in his doorway, with a tray of breakfast.

"Good Morning." She said.

"Morning", replied Tanner.

She walked over and sat on the edge of Tanner's bed.

"You okay?"

"Sure. I just got fucked senseless by a demon, almost killed, and then I tried to kill both of my siblings. Dandy."

"Tanner it wasn't your fault. You couldn't control yourself."

"I know. I just hated the feeling of being able to see and feel what was going on, but not having any control over it."

"I'm sorry Tanner."

"I'm sorry too, Twila. "

"Tanner you have nothing to apologize for. You didn't know that your incredibly hot date was a demon."

"Yeah, but I still feel bad."

"Well, I have breakfast," holding her tray up again. "It's probably not anywhere near as good as yours, but I try." She smiled.

There was a knock at the door. They both turned to see that it was Tristan. He smiled at them both.

"You okay?" he asked Tanner.

Tanner looked from his sister to his brother to his tray of breakfast. He smiled.


Tristan came over to the bed and the three siblings shared a hug. `This was how siblings were supposed to be.' thought Tanner.

Alright! Well there's the third episode for ya! If you're wondering why I'm not including a song, it's because music and I don't really click. So yeah. Sorry if you feel that's necessary, but I won't be including it.

I included sex in this one. Obviously. And it's probably not what you were expecting, but I thought it was hot.

Anyway, more to come. I've decided that I'm going to try to send in one episode halfway through the week, then one of the weekends. That would be good. Anyway, just my thinking.

As usual, comments and suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for reading!


Next: Chapter 4

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