Charmed Generations

By Ruben Cordova

Published on May 31, 2008


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. Charmed characters are sole property of Aaron Spelling. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. You can send feedback one of three ways:

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{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations and those [appearing like this] are computer and/or headset communications. text like this are used when the Halliwell's are called by their family.

Seeing as how it pretty late when we finally got in the Prof. assigned Matt a room but told him to just crash in my room tonight. He didn't want Bobby to be in a bad mood tomorrow because someone woke him up. So we headed up to my room and Brett and Drew were already a sleep. We whispered so as not to wake them up.

Matt: "They look so cute together, dude your room mates are hotties."

Warren: "Shut up or I'll magically castrate you."

Matt: "Ouch, I get the hint. But I can at least look if I can't touch, right?"

Warren: "I guess, as long as you don't get mad if I do the same."

Matt: "Deal!"

Warren: "Shh! You're gonna wake them up. Come on, I'm tired. Do you wanna sleep in Drew's empty bed or here with me?"

Matt: "As if you even have to ask me that."

We got undressed and climbed into my bed and, despite what Matt might have thought, we were a sleep in minutes.

I was sitting at my desk going through some files from parolees that hadn't checked in with me yet. I happened to look up and Coop, of all people, walked into my office. Henry: "Coop, what brings you here?" Coop: "Business." Henry: "Oh, is somebody here in need of help from Cupid." Coop: "No this is business from The Elders, it has nothing to do with my Cupid duties." Henry: "OK, now I'm confused. What are you talking about?" Coop: "Come with me, I'll explain when we get there." I stood up and walked from behind my desk and Coop placed his hand on my shoulder. We were surrounded by a whitish-pink glow and when it faded we were standing before a small group of figures dressed in white and gold robes. Henry: "I don't understand, what do The Elders want with me? I'm not a witch! They should be talking to Paige not me." Coop: "Well, here's the thing. The Elders are rewarding the sisters for all their years of work by giving their spouses a way of protecting themselves from evil. They boosted my Cupid powers with Light Orbs, which are orbs of light that incinerate demons on contact. Now that just leaves you and Leo. I was used as a sort of messenger, because The Elders don't want Paige and Piper to know whats been done, at first. Once you and Leo get a hang of your new powers, you'll be able to let Paige and Piper know and I can tell Phoebe. Speaking of which I need to go grab Leo, I'll be back in a few minutes. Long enough for them to imbue you with your powers. Oh yeah, once all three of them know Phoebe and Piper will be given the ability to Orb. So they don't have to rely on Paige all the time." Henry: "Why now? Why after so long." Coop: "Trust me, I asked those same questions and you don't want to know what sparked this little turn of events." Henry: "Coop! I'm not agreeing to anything unless I know the whole deal." Coop: "Fine, apparently something happened with Billie and she succeeded in killing the entire Halliwell family. You, me and our kids included, Wyatt and the boys were able to go back in time and reverse what Billie had done. If they hadn't Wyatt, Chris and Warren would be the only ones left alive." Henry: "So what powers are they gonna give me?" Coop: "From what they told me they'll give you the whitelighter abilities of Orbing and Healing but with out the responsibilities of actually being a whitelighter. They'll also give you an offensive power, Flame Throwing. Basically you'll shoot streams of fire from your hands." Henry: "And Leo?" Coop: "Well, they'll also give him Orbing and healing. He can teach you how to use those, he's had them before. His offensive power will be Electric Bolts, he will be able to shoot electricity from his hands. Now I've got to go get Leo, just step into the circle in front of them." With that Coop vanished and I was left alone with The Elders. I stepped into the circle and it began to glow, I felt a tingling sensation cover my body and I began to glow a yellow color. The glow faded and as I stepped out of the circle Coop appeared with Leo, this startled me and I orbed out in a flash of yellow orbs then reappeared. Leo wasn't surprised, Coop must have had to explain to him what was going on before he would agree to go with him. Leo stepped into the circle and began to glow a white color, when he was done he walked towards me and just shrugged. Henry: "Leo, how did you come to a decision and agree to do this." Leo: "I guess I was tired of not being able to protect my family, and with what Coop told me I figured I had to." Henry: "Well until we can tell the girls, at least we have each other and Coop to talk to." Coop: "Well we'd better be getting back to where we belong, before anyone notices we're missing." We stood near Coop and he sent us back to where we were before leaving, just in time too. As soon as I returned on of my parolees knocked on my door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leo's Perspective: I appeared in the living room just as Piper called my name from the kitchen, I walked in and Piper asked for the spices I was supposed to bring from the attic. Leo: "Sorry babe, I stopped at the bathroom first and I guess it slipped my mind. I just came back down here and went to take a nap on the couch, that's when you called me in here." Piper: "Well, you get one senior moment a month. Now will you please go get the spices I asked for, this potion is almost ready." Leo: "You never told me what you're cooking up." Piper: "I really tired of being attacked by demons at inopportune times so... I'm finally making a potion that will keep anything even remotely evil from entering The Manor." Leo: "I didn't think that was possible." Piper: "Well if it really isn't possible, you can't blame a girl for trying." Leo: "You know that's why I fell in love with you, you don't let anything stop you from getting what you want." I went to the attic and got the spices Piper had asked for and returned to the kitchen. I watched as she added them to the mix and the pot smoked, signaling the potion was ready. I followed her outside and into the front yard. Leo: "So how is it supposed to work?" Piper: "I dunno." Leo: "What do you mean you don't know?" Piper: "Hey I'm making it up as I go along! I think it should work if I throw it on the house." Piper tossed the potion at the wall of the house. As soon as it hit the house, the house began to glow a bright white and then it was gone. Leo: "So how are we supposed to know if it worked?" Piper: "I guess I could make up a spell to summon some random demon and see if he can enter the house." Leo: "I don't know Piper. It sounds kind of..." Piper: "Oh don't worry, if it doesn't work I'll blow him up." Leo: "What happens if you can't?" Piper: "Then I'll... call for Wyatt. It's still early, I doubt they're in class yet." Leo: "I hope your plan works." Piper: "OK go hide on the side of the house, I don't want you getting hurt if my plan backfires." Reluctantly I walked to the side of the house, out of view but still able to keep an eye on Piper. I listened as she summoned a demon. Piper: "Um... I summon evil to where it's beckoned, I hope a demon comes any second!?" Piper stood on the porch, unsure if the poor attempt at a spell would actually work. After a few seconds a vortex appeared and a demon fell out of it. Piper ran inside the house and provoked him. Piper: "Hey dumb ass! In here." Demon: "You'll pay for summoning me witch!" The demon ran to get to Piper, just as he was about to run through the doorway a glowing white barrier formed. He hit the barrier and was tossed back on his ass. Piper: "Awesome it actually worked!" With a flick of her hands the demon exploded, I walked from the side of the house and stepped onto the porch. Leo: "I can't believe that actually worked!" Piper: "I know!" I went to walk inside when all of a sudden the barrier formed and prevented me from entering. Piper: "Leo what's going on? Why won't the house let you in?" Leo: "I don't know, it's only supposed to keep evil out right?" Piper stepped back from the door readied her hands for action. Piper: "I know this is gonna sound cheesy, but who are you and what have you done with my husband?!" Leo: "Piper it's me!" Piper: "If it was really you then why is the protection barrier keeping you out?" Leo: "I don't know Piper!" Piper: "OK listen up. The potion was designed to keep evil from entering The Manor, since it won't let you in that means you're evil. Bye, bye!" With a flick of her hands Piper blew up what she thought was an impostor. My body exploded into a bunch of white orbs, after a few second the white orbs formed back into me. Leo: "Piper! You know it hurts when you... Oh Shit!" Piper: "What the hell is going on! Leo?" Leo: "Well since you found out before you were supposed to I guess I better tell you. As a reward for fighting evil as long as you did The Elders decided to give me powers to protect myself. So nothing like what happened with Billie could happen again. They gave me the ability to Orb and Heal as well as shoot electricity from my hands. You weren't supposed to find out yet, they wanted me to wait until I got a full grasp on my new powers before I told you." Piper: "Why would you accept this?" Leo: "Because even though I told you I was over it, I couldn't stand not being able to help protect our family when demons attacked. I was tired of feeling weak." Piper: "Leo, you've never been weak. Even when you first lost your powers you were brave enough to protect our boys as a mortal, but if this is what you want. Then I'm behind you one hundred percent." Suddenly the barrier fell and I walked into the house. Leo: "I don't get it, why can I enter the house now?" Piper: "I think this is the backfire part that I was worried about. The potion took the meaning of evil to the extreme, you keeping something from me fell into the house's wisted definition of evil. Well until I figure a way to reverse it, it's just gonna have to stay." I was worried because that meant that if Henry were to come over, he'd be forced into telling Paige. Same goes for Coop, I just hope they're not coming over for a while. Then Piper yelled from the kitchen. Piper: "Oh I forgot to tell you, Paige and Phoebe got a babysitter. They're bringing Henry and Coop over tonight for a couples dinner." Leo: "Oh shit." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coop's Perspective I had a couple of charges I had to take care of after I sent Leo and Henry back to where they were when I took them. By the time I got home Phoebe already had a babysitter on the way over, Piper had invited us to dinner along with Paige and Henry. Something in the back of my mind told me this was a bad idea but, I couldn't get out of it without raising any suspicions. When the babysitter arrived Phoebe and I walked out the front door and then I shifted us to The Manor. Somehow in the middle of shifting Phoebe and I became separated and I ended up on the front porch, a few seconds later I was joined by Henry. Henry: "Either Paige is losing her touch or something we're not gonna like is going on here." Coop: "Tell me about it, I was shifting with Phoebe when all of a sudden I'm out here." I could hear Phoebe and Paige calling for us but whenever I tried to touch the door, a barrier would form and keep me from entering the house. Finally Piper opened the front door and yelled that she had found us. She had a devilish smirk on her face and said something before Phoebe and Paige showed up. Piper: "I know why the house won't let you in, Leo had to tell me everything before he could get inside." Phoebe and Paige then walked up. Paige: "What are you guys doing out here? Come inside." Paige grabbed Henry's hand and when she tried to pull him inside the barrier kept him from entering. Piper: "Maybe I should explain the barrier. You see I made a potion to keep evil from entering The Manor, well with the whole personal gain thing the potion backfired. The house won't let the guys in because they're keeping something from us, and since lying falls under the house's definition of evil it won't let them in." Phoebe: "What could you guys possibly be keeping from us and Piper, I thought you knew better than to mess with personal gain?" Piper: "Yeah, I know. But right now focus on your husbands, I've already had this talk with mine." Coop: "OK you guys weren't supposed to find out yet but The Elders decided that since you guys had done so much work for the side of Good that they would reward you." Paige: "Reward us with what?" Henry: "They wanted to prevent something, like with what happened with Billie, from ever happening again. So..." Coop: "They gave Leo, Henry and I a way of helping to protect our families." Phoebe: "What do you mean 'a way to help protect your family'? You mean they gave you powers?" Henry: "Yeah, they gave Leo and I Orbing and Healing. They also gave me Flame Throwing and Leo Electric Bolts." Coop: "And since I'm already magical, they boosted my powers with Light Orbs." Phoebe: "I need to lay down this is making me lightheaded, Piper I'm gonna go take a quick nap upstairs." No sooner had Phoebe said the words, she disappeared in a flash of purple orbs. Piper: "How the hell can Phoebe Orb and where the hell is she?" Piper's burst of emotion caused her to Orb out in a flash of green orbs. Paige: "What the hell is going on? Piper, Phoebe where are you guys?" Phoebe: "We're upstairs... be right down!" Piper and Phoebe came racing down the stairs and Phoebe came marching right up to me. Phoebe: "All right spill it mister!" Coop: "OK... well... The Elders thought, since you guys relied so much on Paige Orbing you everywhere, that they'd give you the ability to Orb so you wouldn't have to rely on her so much." Piper: "Well, if that extra piece of info was left out. How come Leo could enter after he only told me about his powers?" Coop: "Because when I explained things to Leo I kinda left that part out, but Henry knew." As soon as I finished talking the barrier dropped and we were able to finally enter the house. Dinner was a rather quiet event, the girls were not so much mad that we were given powers but more mad that The Elders wanted to keep it from them. By the time dessert rolled around the girls were pretty much back to normal, they even joked that now they wouldn't have to worry about keeping us out of harms way. It was great to see that they were very accepting of the whole situation, I guess with Piper's boys away at school our help was a welcomed blessing. Just then Wyatt and the boys Orbed in along with three others I didn't recognize. Wyatt: "Mom! Dad! Something happened at the school!" ***************************************************************** Sorry for ending the chapter like that but after this the Halliwell Boys won't be at Xavier's school anymore. Want to find out what happened? Read the new chapter of "X-Men -- Becoming Whole"! While you're at it check out my new story titled "X-Men -- Manipulation" and my new story in the college section titled "Healing Old Wounds". Let me know what you think of all my stories. Enjoy!

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