Charmed Generations

By Ruben Cordova

Published on Apr 3, 2008


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional and is in no way based on actual people. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. Charmed characters are sole property of Aaron Spelling. This story depicts sexual acts between men and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else. Not every chapter has sex in it. I would love some feedback. or at

{texts appearing like this} are telepathic conversations and those [appearing like this] are computer and/or headset communications. text like this are used when the Halliwell's are called by their family.

Prue met us in the kitchen with the athame just as Wyatt orbed down with the BOS. Jean and Logan walked in from the dining room.

Warren: "Aunt Prue why don't you go see if The Elders have any useful information to help us."

Prue: "Alright I'll be back as soon as I can."

In a swirl of pink orbs aunt Prue was gone.

Jean: "We just contacted Prof. Xavier and let him know what was going on. He wanted to know if you guys wanted some more of the staff to come over for some back up."

Warren: "No, we can handle this. Besides fighting demons is our thing, we need to do this."

Jean: "Alright but Logan and I are going with you guys where ever you go." {Prof. they don't need anyone else to come but Logan and I are gonna stick with them just in case}

Prof. Xavier: {Alright Jean, please be careful and contact us if anything goes wrong}

I opened the BOS to the page I was looking for and told Chris to gather the necessary ingredients for the potion. Prue handed me Billie's athame and I was taken into a vision. Once the vision was over everything that I had dreamed about now made sense.

Warren: "I know why she did it."

Wyatt: "What? How?"

Warren: "When I touched her athame I had a vision, plus what I dreamed about last night. I put the two together and it makes sense. You see when you and Chris were little Billie and her sister Christie were being influenced by The Triad and successfully turned the entire magical community against mom and the aunts. They used The Hollow and took Wyatt's power to use against mom, what they didn't count on was mom and the aunts calling for The Hollow at the same time which split it in two. Well to make a long story short the power blew up the house and only mom and Billie survived. Mom went back and forward in time trying to figure out how to fix everything. Eventually she, Grams and Grandma Patty went to the point in time right before the explosion, they said the spell to return The Hollow to its place and then with aunts Paige and Phoebe alive again they vanquished The Triad and Billie was forced into vanquishing her sister. She was devastated and from that moment on started p

l! aning for last night."

Chris: "Wow you got that all out of a vision?"

Warren: "No, most of it was from my dream last night. My vision showed me all the demons Billie stole powers from. Basically every type of demon in the book, she has so many I think we might not be bale to vanquish her."

Chris: "Hold on, don't you guys remember something like this? Come on Wyatt don't you remember reading about someone who couldn't be vanquished cause they had too many powers?"

Wyatt: "Honestly it sounds familiar but nothing really comes to mind."

Chris: "What about you Warren?"

Warren: "Didn't it have something to do with aunt Phoebe?"

Chris: "Yeah and here's the page in the BOS."

Chris turned the BOS towards us and it was on the page for Cole.

Wyatt: "Wait I remember mom saying that Cole was an ex-demon named Belthazor. I thought Belthazor was vanquished?"

Chris: "He was, twice. It's all here on Cole's page, they added it after he was finally vanquished. Basically when they vanquished him it was when they were brought to a point in time in the past before he had all his powers, when he was still Belthazor. The first time Belthazor was vanquished it was by some lady who wanted revenge for him killing her fiancé, she used a power striping potion which vanquished Belthazor but left Cole unharmed. We don't have to worry about finding Billie in this time, we have to go back to before she stole all those powers and vanquish her then. That should get rid of her as well as fix any harm she's done since that point in time."

Warren: "I know just the place we need to go, I saw it in my vision. We need to go to the moment right after she vanquished her sister, mom and aunts Phoebe and Paige will be there too. We'll have to explain everything to them after we vanquish that bitch."

Just then Jean placed her hand on my shoulder and reminded us that they were our back up and coming with us no matter what. Chris finished handing me the potion ingredients and I made mom's strongest and most painful vanquishing potion, when it was done I took one of our own athames and all three of us added our blood to the potion, blessing it and make it ten times more powerful. We were ready to go but we just had to come up with a spell that would allow us to travel back in time to the point we needed to be at.

Chris: "OK let's see... we need a spell that will bring us back once we've vanquished Billie. Um... Wyatt, Warren you guys have anything?"

Wyatt: "How about this. Powers of the witches rise, send us back through space and time... Warren you got anything to add."

Just as I was about to add to the spell I felt a familiar energy surround me and like magic I heard the rest of the spell in my mind. I recognized the voice right away.

Warren: "Powers of the witches rise, send us back through space and time. Take us to the fateful hour, when our family fought the Ultimate Power."

Chris: "The Ultimate Power? Where did that come from? I mean it's a good spell, but will it take us to the past, will it take us to Billie?"

Warren: "Yeah Chris it will work, and you can thank aunt Phoebe for the spell."

Wyatt: "Aunt Phoebe? I don't get it."

Out of no where a voice spoke as white lights swirled from the ceiling to reveal Grandma Patty with aunt Prue.

Prue: "I brought some back up."

Chris: "Grandma Patty what are you doing here?"

Patty: "Maybe I should explain. I'm here because what Billie did was not supposed to come to pass. You see the spirits of your family haven't moved on so they can't show themselves to you as I can, they're in a state of limbo. Your aunt Phoebe was able to speak to your heart the way a normal ghost would make their presence felt by the living. The Elders want this tragedy fixed just as much as you do so you have their blessing."

Wyatt: "Yeah well we were gonna do this regardless of what The Elders thought."

Patty: "I have to go now but be safe and Blessed Be."

In a swirl of white lights she was gone.

Warren: "OK you guys ready?"

Wyatt: "Definitely. Jean, Logan you guys up for a trip to the past?"

Logan: "Let's just say this wouldn't be our first time time-traveling."

Wyatt: "Chris you got the potion?"

Chris: "Right here, Warren you ready."

Warren: "Chris, Wyatt I hope you don't mind but I'd like to be the one to vanquish Billie."

Tossing the vanquishing potion to me Chris smiles.

Chris: "Sure thing bro, now let's do this."

Wyatt: "Everybody hold onto someone."

Charmed Ones: "Powers of the witches rise, send us back through space and time. Take us to the fateful hour, when our family fought the Ultimate Power."

Immediately we were all surrounded by swirling white lights a few seconds later the lights cleared and we were standing on the scorched floor where Billie's sister was just vanquished. Mom looked up from consoling Billie and returned to stand by her sisters before beginning our interrogation.

Past Piper: "Who the hell are... Wyatt! Chris! What are you doing here and who are these three with you?"

Wyatt:"Mom we don't have much time to explain and explaining things might mess up the future."

Warren: "Not much more than it already is!"

Past Piper: "Wyatt who's he and what does he mean?"

Past Paige: "Yeah and how are you guys here and back at the manor?"

Chris: "It's time travel, if you try and make sense of it your brain starts to hurt trust me I know."

Past Paige: "Whatever you say, so who's the runt?"

Warren: "I'm your nephew, Warren, and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't call me runt. It's just as annoying here as it is in the future."

Past Piper: "Whoa, wait a minute! Which one of us is your mother?"

Warren: "It's complicated but you raised me, mom. Anyway Wyatt freeze Billie!"

With a wave Wyatt froze Billie in place to the astonishment of the past Charmed Ones.

Past Phoebe: "I thought good witches didn't freeze?"

Warren: "Normally, you'd be right but in our time, our powers are much more advanced than yours. We're the future Charmed Ones. We came here to fix something this bitch does in the future, something The Elders tell us wasn't supposed to happen."

Past Piper: "Which is?"

Warren: "I can't tell you that mom, but let's just say that once we vanquish this evil bitch we'll have our family back."

Past Paige: "But Billie's not evil, we can't let you harm her."

Chris: "Sorry but it has to happen. Hey remember the whole situation when you finally vanquished Cole?"

Past Paige: "Yeah we were in a time before he had all his powers, a time when he could be vanquished."

Warren: "It's the exact same situation except nobody here loves Billie."

Wise and stubborn as ever mom stood in front of Billie wanting a more complete explanation of why Billie had to be vanquished.

Warren: "To make a long story short mom she ends up hating you guys for making her vanquish her only family. Secretly she starts gathering demonic powers and plotting revenge. Unlike other attempts she successfully kills you, dad, aunt Phoebe, Paige and everyone else in our family. We came back to the moment she decided to become evil, that moment is now!"

Finally understanding mom stepped aside as Wyatt unfroze Billie.

Past Billie: "What are you guys doing?"

Warren: "We came to make sure you never ruin our lives!"

I threw the potion at Billie, as soon as it hit her she erupted in a fire so bright we had to shield our eyes. After a few seconds she exploded in a blast so big it knocked all of us down. Getting back up mom had a smirk on her face.

Past Piper: "I'd recognize that potion anywhere, that's my strongest vanquishing potion and you blessed it with your blood."

Chris: "Yeah well we were taught by the best! We'd better be going now, hopefully everything is returned to normal."

We stepped back over to Jean and Logan and were once again surrounded by white lights. When they cleared were back in the kitchen at home only this time mom and aunt Paige were there putting the finishing touches on Henry Jr's cake. Oddly they weren't surprised by our appearance.

Piper: "So we take it you guys made a trip to the past?"

Chris: "How did you guys know"

Paige: "Oh I don't know Chris, it's time travel if you try and make sense of it your brain starts to hurt."

Smiling she winked at Chris.

Chris: "Sorry about that aunt Paige I was just worried about everything and we were wasting time."

Piper: "It's OK, so we can assume that today was when Billie killed us all."

Warren: "Yeah mom, when we left you all were dead."

Paige: "Well crisis averted so let's have this party."

We followed aunt Paige out to the backyard where we introduced Jean and Logan to all the rest of the family. We had a pretty good time, but as most things do the party came to an end and everyone went home. This left the clean up for us and mom, with the help of Jean and Logan everything was done and clean within 20 minutes. We said our goodbyes and headed back to the jet and made our way back to the school. On our way the Scott contacted Jean and Logan over the communications array.

Scott: [Jean, come in Jean.]

Jean: [Go for Jean]

Scott: [Jean, Hank finished the modifications to Cerebro that we needed to detect magical energy. We picked up a spike of magical energy near your current position, would you and Logan take the Halliwell boys and investigate.]

Jean: [Copy that Scott, Jean out.] "Well boys Hank made the upgrades to Cerebro to detect magical energy, but it's not as accurate as it is when it picks up mutants. Scott wants us to investigate a spike he picked up when they tested Cerebros new modifications. We're taking a little detour."

Wyatt: "Did Scott say if it was a big spike?"

Jean: "No, but I'm guessing once he works out the bugs Hank will have the new system working as well as it does detecting mutants. I'm taking the jet into stealth mode, I'll set it down in that field."

Logan: "Alright Wyatt, Chris you're with me. Jean you take Warren, stay together and don't wander off alone."

Jean: "Let's go."

We headed in opposite directions and began combing the area looking for anything out of the ordinary. As we walked around we tried our best not to look suspicious and blend in with the crowd. Out of the corner of my eye something caught my attention, it was a guy about Wyatt's age being pushed up against the wall by a biker looking guy in the alley behind a restaurant. I motioned for Jean to follow close behind me, I got us close enough to hear the end of what the biker looking guy was saying.

Biker: "Now that I don't have to answer to anyone, I think I'll start my rise to power by adding your power to mine."

The biker, who now I knew as being a demon, conjured an athame and was about to plunge it into the guys chest when I gave Jean the queue to throw the demon away from the guy. She waved her hand but the demon only slid back about four feet then turned to see us.

Jean: "What the hell just happened? My power barely moved him!"

Warren: "I don't know but let me give it a try."

I threw an energy blast at the demon and knocked him into trash bin at the end of the alley. He got up and was gonna shimmer when I threw another energy blast knocking him out.

Warren: "My powers are working just fine."

Just then the guy ran over to us and thanked us for saving his life.

Guy: "Thanks so much, I thought that damn demon was gonna kill me for sure! He caught me by surprise and my powers weren't strong enough to vanquish him. I was able to toss him around but not like you did, my name's Matt. Matt Buchanan, so I take it your both witches like me."

Warren: "Actually Matt, I'm Warren one of the Charmed Ones and she's Jean a mutant."

Matt: "I thought the Charmed Ones were girls?"

Warren: "They are, I mean they were. My mom was one of the original Charmed Ones, my brothers and I just took over the position. So what exactly did that demon want beside the normal power stealing?"

Matt: "Well he said something about his boss disappearing and now he could rule the underworld by gathering power."

Warren: "Sorry we got rid of his boss and I guess now there are so few demons that someone's eventually gonna rule again, but I think that won't be for a while yet. So Matt where exactly are we?"

Matt: "This is Albuquerque, New Mexico. Didn't you know where you were?"

Jean: "Actually we got a call saying there was trouble in the area, so we stopped to help. I should contact Logan and let them know we took care of the situation."

Warren: "Well while she's doing that, tell me a little about yourself Matt."

Matt: "There's not much to tell, my parents died when I was six and I'm living with my aunt and uncle but I really don't like living there. My uncle's such an asshole, and my aunt caters to her twins and forgets I'm there."

Warren: "I don't mean to be funny but you sound like your Harry Potter."

Matt: "I could only wish! I think my parents were killed by demons, but my aunt and uncle don't have a clue about magic, my aunt was mom's half-sister. Same dad but different mom, my mom's mom was a witch. I can't practice my powers or do spells cause they would freak-out and probably kick me out."

Warren: "Well I think if we talked to them we might be able to convince them your a mutant and with a few well placed words they might just let you come to our school. Technically it's a school for mutants but I don't think the Prof. would mind. What do you think Jean?"

Jean: "Sounds like a plan, I'll run by Scott." [Scott, come in Scott.]

Scott: [Go for Scott.]

Jean: [We have someone here who would be interested in enrolling in our school, what do you think.]

Scott: [We'll see you when you get back, Scott out]

Jean: "I got the green light now we just gotta talk to your family. Logan is gonna meet us back at the jet."

Warren: "Great, if you don't mind me asking just what are your powers Matt?"

Matt: "I have complete control of air and can shoot electricity from my hands."

We met back up with the others and introduced Matt to Logan, Chris and Wyatt. Matt showed us to where he stayed with his aunt and uncle, we met with them and with a bit of help from Jean convinced them that attending our school was in all of their best interests. Needless to say Matt's 'room' was a dusty bookshelf short of a once damp and dark basement. I was shocked to see that all he had was a bed and a desk, he pulled his clothes out from under his bed and they were already in a plastic garbage bag.

Matt: "I... keep my clothes in this bag. Well actually I used to put them in that box over there but I put them in here last night. I was planning on running away tonight, I was gonna go to my grandma's but she lives in a retirement community. It wouldn't have been long before they'd find me."

Warren: "Don't worry at the school you'll have a good bed and a dresser to put your stuff. As far as room mates go, I'm not sure who you'll be paired up with but everyone's pretty cool. Hey your shoe is untied."

As he bent down to tie his shoe I noticed a small part of a black mark on his upper arm. It looked like a tattoo, what a turn on, I wonder if he has anymore. He picked up his bag and we headed back upstairs and boarded the jet to continue on our way to the school. On the flight back I remembered that in all the time we were at home, we had forgotten to tell mom and dad about the school knowing about our powers.

Warren: "Hey guys, we forgot to tell mom and dad about the school knowing about our magic. I'm gonna warp back real quick to let them know."

With out waiting for them to answer I warped out and back home, mom and dad were sitting down at the kitchen table having some coffee.

Piper: "Warren honey, what are you doing here? Is something wrong?"

Warren: "No mom, dad I have something I need to let you know. The staff and some of the students at the school know about magic, something happened and well... we had to tell them everything."

Leo: "Well when did this take place?"

Warren: "Just a couple days ago, we were gonna tell you but then we got kinda side tracked with the whole Billie thing and I just remembered now as we were flying back to the school."

Leo: "It's good to see you guys are starting to make decisions on your own and not running home to ask for our advice."

Warren: "Well dad, Wyatt wanted to come home as soon as it happened but I told him basically the same thing you just said. He wasn't too happy but I convinced him that we were gonna have to make decisions with out yours and moms help."

Piper: "For being the youngest you sure are more mature than the other boys, you're very much like Prue."

Warren: "Well I had better be getting back they're probably already back at the school by now."

Leo: "Why did it take so long to go back when you got here rather quickly?"

Warren: "Oh well, we had to stop and help someone out and then they wanted to join the school so we had to talk to his family and get his things before heading to the school."

I must have blushed when I was thinking about Matt because dad gave me a funny look and mom just smiled.

Warren: "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Leo: "No reason, you just blushed when you were talking about him."

Warren: "I did? I didn't realize, I mean I didn't notice."

Piper: "So what's his name and what does he look like?"

Warren: "His name is Matt and he... he's... OH mom he's perfect! He's about Wyatt's age and just as tall, he's got short black hair and the most mesmerizing green eyes! They're not the normal emerald green you would think, they're light green like that potion you made that one time. You know the one that duplicates your freezing power and scalds the flesh, like that but prettier."

Leo: "Sounds like you have quite a crush, do you think he might feel the same?"

Warren: "I don't think so dad, I don't even think he's gay. That's just my luck though, I always fall for somebody I can't have. Oh well I'll get over it eventually, like I always do."

Leo: "Don't worry so much about it son, there's someone out there for everyone. If you don't believe me just ask uncle Coop, he is a cupid after all. Who better to ask for advice on your love life than him."

Warren: "Thanks, I never thought of asking uncle Coop. Anyways I've gotta get back, see you later. Hey you guys should come next weekend and visit the school."

Piper: "We will, we'll call you guys to let you know."

In a flash I warped back to the jet as it landed inside the hangar.

Wyatt: "So what did they say?"

Warren: "Dad said that it was about time for us to make decisions with out running home for advice."

Chris: "And mom?"

Warren: "She pretty much agreed with dad besides it's like I said we can't always stop and ask for advice, we'd never get anything done."

Wyatt: "Well, I guess it doesn't hurt if we make our own decisions but if we really need help we get mom and the aunts."

Warren: "I guess I can live with that, Chris?"

Chris: "I'm cool."

Warren: "So Matt, what do you think of the school so far?"

Matt: "I think I'm gonna lover it here, plus I have you Warren."

Warren: "Um... what do you mean?"

Matt: "Come on who are you fooling? I saw you checking me out when I tied my shoe down in my basement. Didn't you ask your self why it took me so long to tie my shoe?"

Warren: "I... I didn't notice, now that you mention it it did take you about a minute too long. I guess you caught me."

Matt: "Don't worry Warren, I like you. Maybe if we get to know each other a little better something might happen. Besides if you didn't notice, you're super hot."

Warren: "Thanks, come on let's get inside so we can get you set up with a place to put your stuff. Once that's done I can take you on a tour of the school."

Matt: "Sound good to me, let's go."

Wyatt: "Come on Chris let's leave the love birds to drool over each other, I'm staring."

Chris: "Right behind ya bro!"

My brothers headed off and I walked with Matt to Prof. Xavier's office to get him settled. Man, this was one dreadful weekend but it had a happy ending.


Well that's the new chapter, I hope you guys enjoy it. Please give me some feedback cause lately I haven't got very many emails, but I'm not one of those people to threaten to stop writing if I don't get feedback. I just like to hear what you guys think of my story. For those who are fans of my X-Men story, don't worry I'm still writing the next chapter. I haven't stopped writing that story. Enjoy!

Next: Chapter 8

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